MGMT 478 - Test 2 Chap 4, 7, 8

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The democratic type of management focuses on

common values that regulate members' behavior

According to management author Robert Greenleaf, the secret to being a great leader is that he or she should ____

be a servant first

Identify a sample instrumental value

being helpful and responsible

According to Forum Corporation's report on the characteristics of successful leaders, leaders can make a difference by ________.

being personally involved and committed

Identify a true sample terminal value:

being professionally successful

Identify the best method of increasing psychological size

being sincerely interested in people

Identify the features of the vision and strategy of organization.

comprehensive, supported by followers, and inspiring to others

According to Lynn Sharp Paine, one of the reasons that links leaders and work ethics is that ______

conflict with the law can be avoided if ethics are followed

When an organization lacks vision but has skills, incentives, resources, and action plan, it results in:


It is known by great leaders that in order to accomplish their vision, they require integrity thought alignment and ______


In the context of the values that are commonly referred to in an American workplace, respect refers to the ______

consideration shown to the beliefs and needs of others

The superordinate quality of _____ is necessary for a person who wishes to have a character and lead by values


Identify the motives, suggested by Lynn Sharp Paine, for relations between leaders and work ethics

customers trust is built on the foundation of ethical commitment, and success in business is directly attributed to high ethical standards

Which of the following factors that cause psychological bigness should not be changed?

decision-making power

Kant believed that all people must be responsible for their actions because people:

determine ethical beliefs independently

According to the study of leadership effectiveness by the Forum Corporation, which of the following statements is true of leadership in an organization?

during times of change, organizations falter without leadership

Axiology, a branch of philosophy, shows its application in _____


In James O'Toole's opinion, what is viewed as a critical foundation of business success in an organization?

employee growth and development

leaders should avoid demeaning or intimating behaviors by

equalizing psychological size

identify an important step to organizational success that concerns with the action steps to be taken


Leaders are said to have ____ power when they influence people through the skills and knowledge that they possess


According to Machiavelli, what is necessary for a person to win and retain power in a world where the lust for domination is high?

flattery and murder

What is the status of frontline workers in the upside-down pyramid approach to leadership used by a servant leader?

frontline workers contribute to satisfying the customer, and frontline workers are placed close to the top near the customers

When an organization has a vision, the skills required, incentives, and an action plan but no resources, it results in _______


_____ values is a concept used in ethics to determine the strength of an individual's values


In the context of increasing psychological size, a leader makes others feel important by

genuinely listening to them

A leaders can help create true dialogue by

getting rid of any distractions

Which of the following areas are included in a comprehensive code of ethics for an organization?

government relations, employee relations, business relations

in the context of the leadership message learned by Gandhi, leaders are considered great when they:

guide and inspire others

According to the study of leadership effectiveness by the Forum Corporation, leadership performance in an organization _____

has little to no relationship with positions and titles

In the context of values that are commonly referred to in an American workplace, _____ is considered to be the basis for all other values


According to Forum Corporation's report on the characteristics of successful leaders, the first condition of successful leadership it to _______

identify absolutely with one's cause

Match the type of leaders based on their basic motives to their areas of focus.

- Affiliation-oriented leaders: they aim to create a spirit of teamwork and focus on human relations - Achievement-oriented leaders: the focus on completing the task on time - Power-oriented leaders: they focus on being in charge and enjoy being recognized as a powerful figure

Match the instrumental values to their respective descriptions

- Honesty: being truthful to oneself and to others - Persistence: trying something over and over again till one succeeds at it - Responsibility: knowing that life is what an individual makes it to be and deciding to make a difference

In the context of military leadership, the American military focuses on the

well-being and development of members

match the acts of the three-act process described by Noel Tichy and Mary DeVanna to their respective descriptions.

Act 1: to acknowledge the need for change Act 2: to create a vision for the future that is clear and positive Act 3: to establish empowering processes and structures to accomplish the vision

Match the leadership types based on the personal qualities of a leader with their appropriate features:

- Referent Power: the ability of leaders to influence others because of their eagerness to identify with them - Rational Power: the ability of leaders to influence others with their well-developed problem solving skills - Charisma Power: the ability of leaders to influence others using their optimism and sense of commitment

Match the groups of people that a caring leader has to serve with what they can do to serve them

- customers: providing them with up-to-date products and foreseeing their needs - shareholders: maintaining return on investment and a strong growth rate - community: demonstrating ethical behavior of the highest standards

What are the shortcomings faced by one-way communications?

- the perception of a leader as autocratic will lead to resentment by people - people will be cautious not to offend leaders - leaders maybe overburdened with decision making

Identify the characteristic features of authentic leaders:

-authentic leaders are courageous and disciplined - serving others is a genuine desire or authentic leaders

List the correct order of steps involved in the transfer of authority in a classical top-down hierarchy after owners of property are guaranteed the right to manage their affairs in their own way. Place the first step of the hierarchy at the top.

1. power is transferred to a board of directors by the owner of an organization 2. Executives are appointed by the board of directors to manage the organization 3. Authority is delegated to managers and supervisors by the executives 4. Frontline employees are empowered to act in the interest of the organization

Which of the following formal standards help leaders of an organization to make decisions in more dilemma's

Code of Ethics

T or F: The concept and the factors of psychological size have no relevance for people in authority positions


T or F: The views and interest of the employees alone matter when making decisions in a participative leadership


T or F: frontline executives are the ultimate beneficiaries of an organization's efforts, and they support all other members.


When an organization has a vision, the skills required, incentives, and resources but no action plan, it results in ____

False Starts

When an organization has a vision, the skills required, an action plan, resources but has no incentives, it results in _______

Gradual Change

Identify the questions which a leader must as to test their vision:

Is this the correct time? Am I following the right goals? Am I in the right direction?

Micheal, the chairman of Bubble Beverages Corporation, often visits his company's shop floor and talks with his employees. He also makes efforts to understand the challenges and problems faces by his employees on the field. Which of the following styles best describes Micheal's leadership style?

Managing by walking around

The process of analyzing an organization and its environment, which includes its internal strengths and weaknesses as well as external opportunities and threats, is know as a(n)

SWOT analysis

which of the following approached to leadership recognizes both the bottom-up and the top-down views of authority and focuses on the interdependence of a leader and a follower?

Servant Leadership

Leader's display incredible vigor when faces with repeated challenges and failures, and they also posses substantial vitality and manage to transfer this to their team members. This exemplifies a leader's _____


Which of the following processes gives definition to the vision of an organization and targets resources and people on specific goals that can be measured?

Strategic Planning

Identify the characteristics of strategic initiatives of an organization's vision

Strategic, Action-Oriented, Realistic, Timely (SMART)

The vision statements of an organization describes ______

what is could and should be

What should a leader do to develop two-way communication?

The should have an open style of communication, should not constantly evaluate other's remarks, and should be honest with their communication

T or F: A leader can develop a vision for a specific project.


T or F: Pragmatists believe that all aspects of life, including social, political, economic, and religious factors are influences by life's practical aspects


____ is a difference a leaders strives to make and a thing like never before that the leader wants to create


The top-down view of leadership authority suggests that it is based on:

a social hierarchical position

Nietzsche believe that they highest good it the _____

ability of humans to persevere by independent judgement

The use of power is mastered by a successful leader to:

affect others' behavior in the workplace

According to the bottom-up view of leadership authority, power flows from below because

an individual can always reject a command

Which of the following aspects of a person's character are agreed upon by the Bible, Shakespeare, Kelleher, and Thomas Jefferson?

an individual possesses true character inside him and her, truth initiates an individual's character, and an individual is defined by his or her character

The term ____ is used to describe a leader who brings life to their organization due to the energy and passion they possesses for the goal


When an organization has a vision, incentives, and an action plan, resources but has no skills, it results in _______


Passion and authority come to leaders who ______

are dedicates to achieve success

Which of the following persons influence the psychological size and the communication process in an organization?

individuals who decide wages individuals who determine careers

Employees with the need for power want eh satisfaction of:

influencing other people

The quality of carrying out an action with the right intentions is called _____


Identify the importance of a SWOT analysis for an organization

it analyzes the external opportunities that an organization can utilize, and identifies the core competencies of an organization

Which of the following statements is true of servant leadership in an organization?

it is about a true motivation to serve employees' interests

Identify the requirements of an effective vision

it should be thorough and comprehensive, it should be communicate to the followers and it should be developed by leaders

What are the bases of influence in a democratic type of managment?

knowledge and technical competence

In an organization, a message or a set standard of behavior is communicated through a(n) ____

leader's actions

According to mgmt author Stephen Covey, which of the following statements are true of the application principles, content, and certain processes that are effective in vision creation?

leaders should initiate and provide unvarying vigilance, leaders should formulate challenging yet realistic visions

What is the essence of leadership?

leaders' sphere of influence

Character formation in Christianity based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth teaches the ethic of ____

loving God and humanity

According to Jack Welch, an organization's corporate identify's primary source is ____

management values

According to Peter Drucker, when an organization crosses the 1,000-employee mark, it should

maximize efficiency by developing work rules

The context of leaders who value principled leadership the most, one of the building blocks of a successful organization is _____

moral reasoning of high standards

When an organization has a vision, the skills required, incentives, and an action plan, it results in _______

organizational success

A humanistic and productive workplace where the constructive power of employees is tapped is achieved through a(n) ____ leadership


An effective leader achieves cooperation among group members through ____

personal example

According to Aristippus, the highest state of goodness is ____


The desire to have influence over others, to give orders, and to ensure they are carried out is known as the need for:


Jim's boss has overloaded him with work for an entire week. Jim takes a blank piece of paper and writes his tasks down and numbers them in order of their importance. Jim starts by completing the task with highest importance before moving on to the next one. This scenario exemplifies:


A leader's role is to:

provide a direction to motivate people

According to Henry Ford, the goal of an organization's vision should be to ______

provide a needed product of service

The vision of Collis Huntington, founder of Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company focuses on ______

providing quality products to his customers

Most classical organizational structures are based on the

pyramid of authority

Identify the 3 types of ethic climates that organizations use to deal with moral dilemmas regarding people, products, prices, and profits

quality-of-life management, trusteeship, and profit-maximizing

According to Chester Barnard's view of bottom-up authority, the formal authority of a leader depends on the ____

readiness of employees to accept that power

According to Peter Drucker, identify the criteria that are met by the best work rules

rules are periodically reviewed for the required revision, and ownership's ethical ideals are reflected

What are the social and economic costs that occur due to ethical misconduct?

sales of production decreases, managers and workers become cynical, and ownerships equality is lost

The vision and strategy or an organization should be _______

shared by followers

Which of the following factors are the core competencies of an organization?

special product expertise or knowledge, efficient manufacturing technologies, or unique distribution systems

To be successful, a vision requires a(n) _____ to follow it


According to Vauvenargue's opinion of natural simplicity, naturalness is important because _______

the language of feeling is better than that of logic

What is common to all levels of leadership in military leadership?

the needs of subordinates are put before the needs of leaders

Reward power is the capacity of leaders to influence people through

the provision of valuable benefits

The most important aspect of the definition of character by people is _____

the reason for their sacrifice

Identify the characteristics of employees wit the need for power:

they like to direct and have control over events, they are not distressed by arguments and debates, and they gain satisfaction in leading and persuading people

Identify the characteristics of employees with the need for affiliation.

they take active part in supporting others and smoother over conflicts, they are motivated by opportunities such as team projects and group meetings, they enjoy social interactions in the workplace

Identify the characteristics of employees with the need of achievement:

they want to attain success by exercising their talents, and they want unambiguous feedback on their performance

Which of the following are responsibilities of an ethics ombudsman in an organization?

to communicate ethical standards to all employees, to design systems that monitor employees' adherence to ethical standards, and to teach managers and employees how to respond appropriately to ethical dilemmas

According to a servant leader's commitment to people, what is the purpose of conducting regular meetings between members and leaders?

to reinforce mutual support and cooperative spirit, and to share information and anticipate problems

According to _____, the best interests of everyone involves decides the consequences of moral behavior

utilitarian ideals

Which of the following signs show that an organization may permit unethical behavior?

when it lacks clear procedures to deal with ethical problems, when it fails to set up written code of ethics, and when it fails to include ethical conduct as part of performance appraisal

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