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is the accomplishment of tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives.


managements functions was used by...


The Gap used ______ to allow its employees to gain a feeling of intrinsic motivation.


Team Leader's Responsibilities

Facilitation Internal relationships External relationships

Interpersonal sub-roles

Figurehead Leader Liaison

Interpersonal Roles

Figurehead, Leader, Liaison

Managers who train and supervise the performance of nonmanagerial employees and who are directly responsible for producing the company's products or services are categorized as:

First-line managers

Which management theorist would most likely have said, "The greatest waste in the world comes from needless, ill-directed, and ineffective motions"?

Frank Gilbreth.

father of scientific management

Frederick Taylor

Father of Scientific Management -employee rest breaks

Frederick W. Taylor

job enrichment was used by...


The Hawthorne Studies

Increased attention from management and cohesiveness within the work group led to higher levels of job satisfaction and productivity

According to Weber, a bureaucracy ____.

Is the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge, expertise, or experience.

Which of the following statements is true about planning?

It helps improve performance.

Which of the following would be a part of an organization's specific environment?

Its competitors.

How did the Industrial Revolution change jobs and organizations?

Low-paid, unskilled workers running machines began to replace high-paid, skilled artisans.

Mary Parker Follett: On Authority

"Authority should go with knowledge and experience, that is where obedience is due, no matter whether it is up the line or down."

What team size usually provides the best performance?

6 to 9

Sustainable Competitive Advantage

A long-term competitive advantage that is not easily duplicable or surpassable by the competitors.

________is/are primary source of organizational culture. A)the company's founder B)the organizations competitive strategy C)customers D)the industry in which organization operates E)employees

A) the company's founder

The ___ approach to management focuses on the psychological and social aspects of work. A)human relations B)operations C)employee D)reinforcement theory E)systems

A)human relations

Which of the following is NOT an example of a stakeholder group that an organization must satisfy to assure long-term survival? A)the media B)customers C)employees D)governments E)investors

A)the media

Success =

Ability X Motivation X Opportunity

Zone of indifference

Acceptance of managerial authority is automatic

As defined by Weber, the goal of bureaucracy is to ____.

Achieve an organization's goal in the most efficient way possible.

focuses on how and what managers should do in their jobs.

Administrative management

Management Practices

Are the means to achieving the ends of efficiency and effectiveness

Chaos theory;

Article: When Management Become a Science

is the degree to which a job gives workers the discretion, freedom, and independence to decide how and when to accomplish their jobs.


_____involves managing the daily production of goods and services. A)bureaucratic management B)operations management C)resource management D)systems management E)systems management

B)operations management


Being Trained

At about the same time as management theorists were developing scientific management principles in the United States, Max Weber was in Europe developing ____.

Bureaucratic management.

The____determined that companies can be prosecuted and punished for the illegal or unethical actions of employees, even if management didn't know about the unethical behavior. A)U.S. Department of Labor B)U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission C)U.S. Supreme Court D)U.S. Sentencing Commission guidlines E)Federal Trade Commision


__________is used to refer to a company's practice of identifying and addressing customer trends and problems after they occur A)Competitive analysis B)Continuous data mining C)Reactive customer monitoring D)Proactive customer monitoring E)Consumer confidence forecasts

C)Reactive customer monitoring

According to Mary Parker Follett, if managers use____ to settle or reduce conflict, each of the parties involved give up some of what they want. A)arbitration B)negotiation C)compromise D)reallocation E)mediation


The goal of scientific management was to: A)find different ways to motivate workers B)eliminate conflict between workers and management C)find the one best way to perform each task D)decreased wages for individual workers E)make sure workers did not consider their work boring or repetitive

C)find the one best way to perform each task

What type of skills tends to be equally important to all levels of management? A)motivation to manage B)conceptual skills C)human skills D)technical skills E)decisional skills

C)human skills

Which of the following management theorists believed that workers ultimately grant managers their authority?

Chester Barnard.

All ____ function without interacting with their environment.

Closed systems.

Management theorist___is best known for his role in the Hawthorne Studies. A)Henry Gantt B)Mary Parker Follett C)Frank Gilbreth D)Elton Mayo E)Chester Barnard

D)Elton Mayo

In the decisional role of_____, managers adapt themselves, their subordinates, and their units to incremental change A)disseminator B)disturbance handler C)resource allocator D)entrepreneur E)liaison


The____consist of the economy and the technological,socio-cultural, and political/legal trends that indirectly affect all organizations A)direct enviorment B)indirect enviorment C)economic enviroment D)general enviroment E)specific environment

D)general enviroment

According to Mintzberg, which role would a manager assume if she was trying to convince union members to accept a 25-cent-per-hour reduction in pay in order to keep the manufacturing plant open? A)entrepreneur B)resource allocator C)liaison D)negotiator E)disturbance handler


According to Henri Fayol's fourteen principles of management,____requires that each employee should report to and receive orders from just one boss A)centralization B)vertical authority C)unity of direction D)unity of command E)span of management

D)unity of command


Demonstrate: Leadership, oral, presentation, writing, plan, organize, gather information, decision making, self awareness, willingness, delegation, and control

As a consequence of the Industrial Revolution and its emphasis on specialization, Institutions providing higher education have traditionally used ________________.


The__________is the set of key values,beliefs,and attitudes shared by organizational members A)organizational vision B)industry code of ethics C)internal enviorment D)organizational strategy E)organizational culture

E)organizational culture

According to Kohlberg's model of moral development, people at the ____make decisions that conform to societal expectations A)preconcentional level B)unconventional level C)postconventional level D)conventional level E)amoral level


__ is a tactic in which an advocacy group actively tries to convince consumers not to purchase a company's product or service: A)media advocacy B)public comminications C)product boycott D)lobbying E)market denigration

C)product boycott

According to the ___theory, companies go through long,simple periods of environmental stability, followed by short,complex periods of dynamic, fundamental environmental change, finishing with a return to environmental stability A)enviormental change theory B)theory of environmental dynamics C)punctuated equilibrium theory D)enviormental cycle E)theory of resource scarcity

C)punctuated equilibrium theory

____is used to refer to a company's practice of identifying and addressing customer trends and problems after they occur. A)consumer confidence forecasts B)continuous data mining C)reactive customer monitoring D)proactive customer monitoring E)competitive analysis

C)reactive customer monitoring

Eastman Kodak owns a company that manufactures dental radiation equipment. The company, which is a run as an independent unit, has experienced excessive financial losses the last three years. The ______ for the company would be expected to develop a long-term plans needed to make the company profitable A)middle-level manager B)first-line manager C)top manager D)department manager E)supervising manager

C)top manager

Synergy occurs when_____ A)productivity increases as a result of workers belief that management really cares about them B)a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces is created by an organization C)two or more subsystems working together can produce more than they can working apart D)workers deliberately slow down their pace or restrict their work outputs E)a system deteriorates

C)two or more subsystems working together can produce more than they can working apart

According to Henri Fayol's 14 principles of management,_____ requires that each employee should report and receive orders from just one boss A)vertical authority B)span of management C)unity of command D)centralization E)unity of direction

C)unity of command

After their first year of managerial experience, managers tend to: A)do less listening and more telling B)view themselves as the boss C)use more positive reinforcement D)exercise more formal authority E) do all of these

C)use more positive reinforcement

Changes in any sector of the general environment: A)inhibit the innovation process B)influence customers first and then suppliers C)will eventually affect most organizations D)tend to slow down how quickly an organization moves through the environmental cycle E)will typically not impact most organizations

C)will eventually affect most organizations

Mary Parker Follett

Casts power as "with" rather than "over"

Cooperation and Acceptance of Authority

Chester Barnard

Which of the following management theorists believed that workers ultimately grant managers their authority?

Chester Barnard

believed that workers ultimately grant managers their authority

Chester Barnard

which of the following management theorists believed that workers ultimately grant managers their authority?

Chester Barnard

Compare and contrast the relative importance of the four characteristics that companies look for in managers as they rise through the management hierarchy. That is, describe the similarities and differences in these characteristics among lower, middle, and upper-level managers and explain the reasons for the differences.

Companies look for four sets of characteristics in individuals to be promoted into the managerial ranks at any level. These characteristics are technical skills, human skills, conceptual skills, and motivation to manage. In terms of similarities, all four of these skills are required in anyone who wants to be a manager. Companies do not want one-dimensional managers. They want managers with a balance of skills. They want managers who know their stuff (technical skills), are equally comfortable working with blue-collar and white-collar employees (human skills), are able to assess the complexities of today's competitive marketplace and position their companies for success (conceptual skills), and want to assume positions of leadership and power (motivation to manage). However, there are differences in the relative importance of each of these characteristics to managerial success at different levels of the management hierarchy. Technical skills are most important for lower-level managers, because these managers supervise the line workers who produce products or serve customers. Team leaders and first-line managers need technical knowledge and skills to train new employees and help them solve problems as well as to solve the problems that their employees cannot handle. Although technical skills become less important as managers rise through the managerial ranks, they do retain importance at all levels. Human skill (the ability to work well with others) is equally important at all levels of management. However, since lower-level managers spend much of their time solving technical problems, upper-level managers may actually spend more time dealing directly with people. Both conceptual skills and motivation to manage increase in importance as managers rise through the managerial ranks. Conceptual skill is the ability to see the organization as a whole, how the different parts of the company affect each other, and how the company fits into or is affected by elements of its external environment such as the local community, social and economic forces, customers, and competition. Good managers have to be able to recognize, understand, and reconcile multiple complex problems and perspectives. Motivation to manage is an assessment of how motivated employees are to interact with superiors, participate in competitive situations, behave assertively toward others, tell others what to do, reward good behavior and punish poor behavior, perform actions that are highly visible to others, and handle and organize administrative tasks. Managers typically have a stronger motivation to manage than their subordinates, and managers at higher levels usually have stronger motivation to manage than managers at lower levels. Furthermore, managers with stronger motivation to manage are promoted faster, are rated by their employees as better managers, and earn more money than managers with a weak motivation to manage. Thus, both conceptual skills and motivation to manage are particularly important to upper-level managers.

Competitive Advantage Through People: Training and Skill Development

Companies need to invest in resources in the training of employees to ensure skill development

Which of the following was recommended by Gantt and Taylor?

Companies should train and develop their workers.

According to Mary Parker Follett, if managers use ____ to settle or reduce conflict, each of the parties involved give up some of what they want.


Which skills increase in their importance to success as managers' rise through the managerial ranks?

Conceptual skills and the motivation to manage

In a departure from mainstream management thinking, Mary Parker Follett believed ____.

Conflict could be beneficial.

_____ culture refers to a company culture in which the company actively defines and teaches organizational values, beliefs, and attitudes.

Consistent organizational

3 ways of dealing with conflict: domination, compromise, integration

Constructive Conflict and Coordination

the most effective management theory or idea depends on the kinds of problems or situations that managers are facing at a particular time and place.

Contingency Approach

holds that there is not one best way to manage an organization

Contingency Approach to Management

Saturday, the manager of Tony's Pizza had to deal with an employee with a hangover, a missing server, and an unusually large number of customers. Monday was a slow day, and another employee fell asleep behind the prep table. Both employees came to work not ready to work their hardest. According to the ____, the manager should not be expected to have treated these two workers identically.

Contingency approach to management.

A manager engaged in the management function of _______ is monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed.


Chester Barnard

Cooperation and Acceptance of Authority

People will be indifferent to directives if they... -are understood -are consistent with the purpose of the organization -are compatible with the people's personal interests -can actually be carried out by those people

Cooperation and Acceptance of Authority

Middle Managers Responsiblities

Coordination Resources Objectives Subunit performance Strategy implementation

Frederick Taylor is famous for____.

Creating the principles of scientific management.

Top Managers Responsibilities

Culture Change Commitment Environment

The first step managers use to make sense of their changing environment is: A)modifying budgets B)benchmarking C)downsizing D)enviormental scanning E)perceptual re-engagement

D) enviromental scanning

Which of the following statements about ethics is true? A)ethics can be specifically defined, like other laws B)if an act is legal,it must by definition be ethical C)acting ethically is always easier than any other form of action D)Ethics is a set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for a person or group. E)employees assume no risk when they conduct themselves ethically

D)Ethics is a set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for a person or group.

What is social responsibility? A)a business's responsibility to its shareholders B)what companies are obliged legally to do to protect their external enviroments C)the fact businesses are responsible for monitoring their social environments so they can satisfy the needs of their customers D)a business's obligations to pursue policies,make decisions,and take actions that benefit society E)a business tactic used to create relationship bonds with customers

D)a business's obligations to pursue policies,make decisions,and take actions that benefit society

___ involves deciding who your competitors are, anticipating competitors moves, and determining competitors strengths and weaknesses A)a SWOT analysis B)a proactive strategy C)competitive mapping D)a competitive analysis E)a market audit

D)a competitive analysis

In which of the following situations would be a Gantt chart be appropriate to use? A)planning a mardi grad parade B)rebuilding communities destroyed by hurricane C)installing a local area network for a computer system D)all of these E)building a bridge

D)all of these

What integrative conflict resolution____ A)both parties in the conflict are coerced into accepting a less-then-optional solution B)peer pressure determines the settlement of the conflict C)both parties involved agree to give up something D)both parties work together to create an alternative solution that includes shared preferences and integrates interests E)a third party's decision settles the conflict

D)both parties work together to create an alternative solution that includes shared preferences and integrates interests

A key factor influencing the relationship between companies and their suppliers is: A)how compatible their organizational cultures are B)how much they know about each other C)the type of product being manufactured D)how dependent they are on each other E)all of these

D)how dependent they are on each other

In general, people will be indifferent to managerial directives or orders if they____ A)can actually be carried out by those people B)are understood C)are compatible with people's personal interests D)meet all of the above qualifications E)are consistent with the purpose of the organization

D)meet all of the above qualifications

Nearly all organizations should be viewed as_____ that interact with their environment and depend on them for survival A)covert systems B)closed systems C)synergistic subsystems D)open systems E)entropic subsystems

D)open systems

The three stages of moral development identified by Kohlberg are _____ A)amoral level, moral level,post-moral B)unconventional level,pre conventional level, and post conventional C)introductory stage,growth stage, and maturity stage D)preconvential level, conventional level, and post conventional level E)individual stage,organizational stage, and industry-wide stage

D)preconvential level, conventional level, and post conventional level

A systems view of management allows managers to ____.

Deal with the complex environment in which their companies operate.

both parties giving up some of what they want in order to reach agreement.

Dealing with Conflict: Compromise

victory of one side over the other.

Dealing with Conflict: Domination

both parties indicating their preferences and then working together to find an alternative that meets the needs of both

Dealing with Conflict: Integration

There have been several studies of managers who fail (derailers) and managers who succeed in climbing the organizational hierarchy (arrivers). Which of the following statements describes a significant fact learned from these studies?

Derailers are insensitive.

Follett's approach for dealing with conflict in which one party satisfies its desires and objectives at the expense of the other party's desires and objectives.; easiest in the moment but not usually successful in the long run


Identify the three ways in which Mary Parker Follett believed managers typically deal with conflict

Domination, compromise, and integration

Identify the three ways in which Mary Parker Follett believed managers typically deal with conflict.

Domination, compromise, and integration

Mary Parker Follett believed managers typically deal with conflict in one of three ways:____.

Domination, compromise, and integration.

According to Mary Parker Follett, ____ is an approach for dealing with conflict in which one party satisfies its desires and objectives at the expense of the other party's desires and objectives.


According to Mary Parker Follett, ____ is the easiest way to deal with conflict for the moment, but it is not usually successful in the long run.


Which skills increase their important to success as managers rise through the managerial ranks? A)conceptual skills,technical skills, and human skills B)informational skills and the motivation to manage C)human skills and decisional skills D)human skills and informational skills E)conceptual skills and the motivation to manage

E) Conceptual skills and the motivation to manage

Which of the following management theorist helped develop human relations management? A)Max Weber B)Henri Fayol C)Fredrik Taylor D)Henry Gantt E)Mary Parker Follett

E) Mary Parker Follett

Which of the following is characteristic of successful organizational cultures? A)involvement B)adaptability C)consistency D)a clear vision E)all of these

E)all of these

In order to change the organizational culture, top management can persuade other managers and employees to perform new behavior in place of an older one. This technique is called____ A)behavioral subtraction B)behavioral iteration C)replacement behavior D)organizational acculturation E)behavioral substitution

E)behavioral substitution

When using ___ techniques to change organizational culture, they key to success is to choose behaviors that are central to and symbolic of the old culture that is changing and the new culture you want to create. A)conditioned and classical learning B)negative and positive reinforcements C)attitudinal motivation and conditioned learning D)organizational stories and heroes E)behavioral substitution and behavioral addition

E)behavioral substitution and behavioral addition

Which of the following is NOT a dimension of political/legal component of a general environment that governs and regulates business behabior? A)legilisation B)court decisions C)regulation D)customer-initiated lawsuits E)competitive products

E)competitive products

One of the primary reasons for the slow response to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina was antiquated government system that was bogged down in bureaucratic red tape. In other words, the failure of assistance to arrive in a timely fashion was due to the lack of: A)effectiveness B)instrumentality C)the absence of entropy D)apathy E)efficiency


Employees tend to feel a greater sense of ownership and responsibility in companies with organizational cultures characterized by: A)adaptability B)delegation C)managerial empathy D)consistency E)employee involvement

E)employee involvement

An organization engaged in ____________ is searching the environment for important events or issues that might affect an organization A)a competitive assesment B)a market audit C)enviromental advocacy D)an internal situational analysis E)enviromental scanning

E)enviromental scanning

What are the two types of external organizational environments? A)organizational and the interpersonal B)market-specific and the product-specific C)public and private D)global and the national E)general and the specific

E)general and the specific

The Hawthorne Studies showed how___can influence work group performance, for better or worse. A)realistic work quotas B)organizational codes of ethics C)merit-based promotion D)important work E)group cohesiveness

E)group cohesiveness

Technology is the _____used to transform inputs(raw materials,information etc) into outputs(goods or services) A)knowledge and machinery B)tools and techniques C)plans and machinery D)strategy and tactics E)knowledge,tools,and techniques

E)knowledge,tools, and techniques

A U.S. Marine drill instructor motivating new recruits to challenge themselves is engaged in which management function? A)organizing B)motivating C)planning D)controlling E)leading


The marketing manager of Interstate Bakeries was asked to meet with the organization's research and development department to explain why the company needed to change its 25 year old package design for Twinkies. The marketing manager took on an interpersonal role as: A)disturbance handler B)figurehead C)resouce allocator D)disseminator E)liaison


In general, this management theory uses a quantitative approach to find ways to increase productivity,improve quality, and manage or reduce costly inventories A)information management B)administrative management C)communication management D)management science E)operations management

E)operations management

After an organizations founders are gone, the organization can use __ to sustain its organizational culture A)organizational structure B)organizational maps C)industry associations D)reciprocal formalization E)organizational heroes

E)organizational heroes

In terms of environmental complexity______ environment have environmental factors, whereas __________ environments have many environmental factors A)stable;dynamic B)market-oriented;product-oriented C)non-competitive;competitive D)scarce;abundant E)simple;complex


Ethical intensity depends on all of the following EXCEPT______ A)concentration of effect B)probability of effect C)proximity of effect D)temporal immediacy E)social commitment

E)social commitment

A manager striving to improve organizational ________ is accomplishing tasks that help achieve organizational objectives.


is responsible for the fact that most products are manufactured using standardized, interchangeable parts.

Eli Whitney

____ is responsible for the fact that most products are manufactured using standardized, interchangeable parts.

Eli Whitney.

Hawthorne Studies proved relevant as managers looked for ways to increase productivity and to improve worker satisfaction and working conditions

Elton Mayo

Management theorist _____ is best know for his role in the Hawthorne studies.

Elton Mayo

Which of the following management theorists provided managers with a better understanding of the effect group social interactions and employee satisfaction have on individual and group performance?

Elton Mayo

was one of the first researchers to focus on studying human relations management; best known for his role in the Hawthorne Studies; provided managers with a better understanding of the effect group social interactions and employee satisfaction have on individual and group performance

Elton Mayo

Management theorist ____ is best known for his role in the Hawthorne Studies.

Elton Mayo.

Which management theorist provided managers with a better understanding of the effect group social interactions and employee satisfaction have on individual and group performance?

Elton Mayo.

The Hawthorne Studies

Elton Mayo; Western Electric Company

Competitive Advantage Through People: Sharing Information

Employees need to share info about costs, finances, productivity, development times, and strategies that was previously known only by company managers

Competitive Advantage Through People: Employment Security

Employment security is the form of commitment companies can make to their worker. Employees can innovate and increase company productivity without fearing the loss of their jobs.

Decisional sub-roles

Entrepreneur Disturbance handler Resource allocator Negotiator

Decisional Roles

Entrepreneur, Disturbance Handler, Resource Allocator, Negotiator

part of Fayol's 14 principles of management that encourages coordination efforts among wokers

Esprit De Corps

Kinds of Managers: Top Managers

Executives responsible for the overall direction of the organization Responsibilities: Change, Commitment, Culture, Environment Jobs: CEO, CFO, CIO, COO, VP, Corporate Heads

According to bureaucratic management, which of the following is a criterion on which employees should be promoted?

Experience or achievements

All events outside a company that have the potential to influence or affect it occur in the ____________ environment.


The four classical functions of management are (1) making things happen, (2) meeting the competition, (3) organizing people, projects, and processes, and (4) leading.

False The four classical functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Which of the following is an example of an interpersonal role?


The goal of scientific management was to____.

Find the one best way to perform each task.

train and supervise non managerial employees who are responsible for producing the company's products or services

First Line Managers

Identify three of the five most significant mistakes made by managers.

Five of the most important mistakes made by managers are (1) being abrasive and intimidating; (2) being cold, aloof, or arrogant; (3) betraying trust; (4) being overly ambitious; and (5) failing to build a team and then delegate to that team.

During World War I, battlefield surgery was crude. Which of the following management theorists would most likely have used their understanding of how work is done to help surgeons eliminate unnecessary motions, operate more efficiently, and save more lives by closely studying how surgeries were performed?

Frank Gilbreth.

Motion studies -employment of handicapped workers/industrial psychology -enact laws regarding workplace safety, ergonomics, and child labor

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

Motion study

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

the couple who is known for their time and motion studies

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

-using systematic analysis to identify the best methods -scientifically selecting, training, and developing workers -promoting cooperation between management and labor -developing standardized approaches and tools -setting specific tasks or goals and then rewarding workers with financial incentives -giving workers shorter work hours and frequent breaks

Frederick W. Taylor's key ideas

shows which tasks must be completed at which times in order to complete a project or task.

Gantt Chart

Today thanks to ____, Unverferth, a farm equipment manufacturer, was able to use computer-assisted design in the development of its new 12-row subsoiler for cotton production.

Gaspard Mones.

an example of this would be the economy in which an organization operates

General Environment

Organizations operate in two kinds of complex environments. They are ____.

General and specific environments.

The ___________ consists of the economy and the technological, socio-cultural, and political/legal trends that indirectly affect all organizations.

General environment


Getting work done with minimum of effort, expense, or waste. -Minimizing the use of resources -doing things right (Drucker, 1966)

The Hawthorne Studies showed how ____ can influence work group performance, for better or worse. a. organizational codes of ethics The Hawthorne Studies showed how ____ can influence work group performance, for better or worse.

Group Cohesiveness.

-Workers' feelings and attitudes affected their work -Financial incentives weren't the most important motivator for workers -Group norms and behavior play a critical role in behavior at

Hawthorne Studies

What lessons did we learn from the Hawthorne studies? Summarize Bernard's contributions on cooperation and acceptance of authority.

Hawthorne- it's the human condition (group effort and happier environments) were more effective on increasing productivity than physical Bernard-Importance of clearly establishing an organization's purpose and objectives so that personal ones don't get in the way 2. need system of communications's more effective to induce their willing cooperation through incentives, clearly formulated organizational objectives, and effective communication throughout the organization

When Millard Fuller, who founded the world-renowned Christian housing ministry Habitat for Humanity International with his wife, ended his service as president his role was limited to that of a figurehead. After this change, what functions did Fuller most likely do until he retired?

He performed ceremonial duties like greeting company visitors.

Which management theorist would most likely have said, "The success of an enterprise generally depends much more on the administrative ability of its leaders than on their technical ability"?

Henri Favol.

Which of the following management theorists used his own personal experiences as a CEO to create his theory of management?

Henri Favol.

____ is best known for developing the five functions of managers and the fourteen principles of management.

Henri Favol.

Administrative Management

Henri Fayol

responsible for the 14 principles of management and 5 functions of managers; used his own personal experiences as a CEO to create his theory of management; created administrative management

Henri Fayol

Gantt chart pay-for-performance plans and the training and development of workers

Henry Gantt

Competitive Advantage Through People: High Wages Contingent on Organizational Performance

High wages needed to attract and retain talented workers and to indicate that the organization values its workers

an approach to management that focuses on the psychological and social aspects of work

Human Relations

focuses on the psychological and social aspects of work. People are valuable organizational resources whose needs are important

Human Relations approach to management

The ____ approach to management focuses on the psychological and social aspects of work.

Human Relations.

_____ focuses on the psychological and social aspects of work.

Human relations management

Competitive Advantage Through People: Selective Hiring

If employees are the basis for a company's competitive advantage and those employees have employment security, then the company needs to aggressively recruit and selectively screen applicants in order to hire the most talented employees available

Which of the following is a trend in the general environment of a fast food chain?

Increasing popularity of weight-management programs

this changed jobs and organizations by replacing low paid, unskilled workers running machines with high paid skilled artisans; hundreds of people began working under one roof instead of at homes and fields

Industrial Revolution

has existed since before writing was invented (in fact, it led to the development of writing). Organizations have quickly adopted new information technologies. Speedy information technologies are essential for business success.

Information Management

the point of _____ is to have both parties indicate their preferences and then work together to find an alternative that meets the needs of both.

Integrative conflict resolution

Managers major roles

Interpersonal Informational Decisional

According to Mintzberg, which of the following are the three major roles managers fulfill while performing their jobs?

Interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles

Mintzberg's Managerial Roles

Interpersonal, Informational, Decisonal

What is the term used for the amount and number of raw materials, parts, and finished products that a company has in its possession?


The Gantt Chart___.

Is a chart that shows when and where tasks need to be completed so that a job can be completed in a timely fashion.


Is getting work done through others

Which of the following statements is true about environmental uncertainty?

It is most likely to be high when environmental change is extensive.

Which of the following statements about environmental uncertainty is true?

It is most likely to be low when environmental complexity is at a low level

An organization that has increased the number of different tasks that individual workers perform in their jobs.

Job Specialization

determines the number, kind, variety of tasks that individual workers perform their jobs.

Job design

Technology is the ____ used to transform inputs (raw materials, information, etc.) into outputs (products or services).

Knowledge, tools, and techniques

Top managers are responsible for (1) creating a context for change, (2) developing attitudes of commitment and ownership, (3) creating a positive organizational culture through words and actions, and (4) monitoring their company's business environment. Of these four dimensions, which ones do you think can also be significantly impacted by the day-to-day actions of middle managers, first-line managers, and team leaders? Explain the rationale for your answer.

Lower-level managers in their day-to-day activities probably could not impact two of the four dimensions significantly. These are (1) creating a context for change and (4) monitoring their company's business environment. Regarding both of these dimensions, lower-level managers have neither the time available to collect the necessary information for analysis, synthesis, and decision-making nor the authority to develop and put in place overall strategies, visions, or mission statements. On the other hand, the day-to-day treatment of peers, subordinates and other employees will often have an impact on the attitudes and commitment of those employees and their personal acceptance of responsibility for their share of the company's performance (i.e., dimension 2, developing attitudes of commitment and ownership). Similarly, by their actions, lower-level managers can demonstrate the importance of, and their commitment to, company values and strategies (i.e., dimension 3, creating a positive organizational culture through words and actions). Thus, they can support and enhance a positive organizational culture through their words and action by demonstrating those values and commitments to all employees through their personal behavior. Employees will be more likely to accept and support the organization's culture if they see managers at all levels "living the culture" in their day-to-day work.

______ is defined as getting work done through others A)Strategizing B)Management C)Controlling D)Organizing E)Planning


getting work done through others


is defined as getting work done through others.


Which of the following statements about the origins of management is true?

Management as a field of study is only about 125 years old.

List and briefly describe the three basic managerial roles identified by Mintzberg. Include a list of the basic sub- roles that characterize each of these roles in your definition.

Managers fulfill three major roles while performing their jobs: (1) interpersonal roles (i.e., talking to people), which include the subroles of figurehead, leader, and liaison; (2) informational roles (i.e., gathering and giving information), which include the subroles of monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson; and (3) decisional roles (i.e., making decisions), including the subroles of entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator.

Define efficiency and effectiveness and explain their relationship to the process of management.

Managers need to be concerned with both efficiency and effectiveness in the work process. Efficiency is getting work done with a minimum of effort, expense, or waste. By itself, efficiency is not enough to ensure managerial success. Managers must also strive for effectiveness, which is accomplishing tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives.

Describe the transition to management during the first year. Explain how this illustrates the chapter's emphasis on human skills as being more important than technical skills for success or failure in management.

Managers often begin their jobs by using more formal authority and emphasizing their role as boss in the management of tasks. New managers typically do not believe that their job is to manage people, other than handling the tasks of hiring and firing. However, most managers find that being a manager has little to do with "bossing" their subordinates. After six months on the job, many managers are surprised at the fast pace, the heavy workload, and that "helping" their subordinates was viewed as interference. In short, they come to realize that their initial expectations about managerial work were wrong. After a year on the job, most managers no longer think of themselves as doers, but as managers who get things done through others. In making the transition, they finally realize that people management is the most important part of their job. By the end of one year, most managers abandon their authoritarian approach for one based on communication, listening, and positive reinforcement. In completing this classic transition from "doer" to "manager," they stop trying to do everything themselves and emphasize getting work done through others. In this way, their previous satisfaction (as individual contributors) with the direct production of goods or services is replaced with the "thrill" of coaching and developing the people who work for them. As the basic activities occupying their time change, their need for technical skills lessens, while their need for human skills remains crucial to their success. In fact, five of the most important mistakes that managers make revolve around people skills rather than technical skills. These are: being abrasive and intimidating; being cold, aloof, or arrogant; betraying trust; being overly ambitious; and failing to build a team and then delegate to that team. Thus, human skills clearly are more important than technical skills for success or failure in management.

Kinds of Managers: Team Leaders

Managers responsible for facilitating team activities toward goal accomplishment Responsibilities: Facilitation, External Relationships, Internal Relationships Jobs: Team Leader, Team Contact, Group Facilitator

First-Line Managers

Managers who train and supervise the performance of nonmanagerial employees who are directly responsible for producing the company's products or services

Constructive Conflict and Coordination 3 ways of dealing with conflict

Mary Parker Follett

Mother of Management

Mary Parker Follett

Which of the following management theorists helped develop human relations management?

Mary Parker Follett

believed that managers could best deal with conflict through integration; help develop human relations management; managers deal with conflict with domination, compromise or integration

Mary Parker Follett

Which of the following management theorists helped develop human relations management?

Mary Parker Follett.

____ was the management theorist who said, "As conflict is here in this world, as we cannot avoid it, we should, I think, use it to work for us. Instead of condemning it, we should set it to work for us."

Mary Parker Follett.

Bureaucratic Management

Max Weber

an organization characterized by specialized jobs and responsibilities; precisely defined, unchanging roles; and a rigid chain of command based on centralized authority and vertical communication.


In general, people will be indifferent to managerial directives or orders if they ____.

Meet all of the above qualifications.

electric shock

Milgram Experiment

Informational sub-roles

Monitor Disseminator Spokesperson

Informational Roles

Monitor, Disseminator, Spokesperson


Monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth Breaking each task into its separate motions and then eliminating those that are unnecessary or repetitive.

Motion Study

allows each task or job to be broken down into separate motions. Once this is done, then unnecessary or repetitive motions can be eliminated.

Motion Study

Creating a competitive advantage through people relies heavily on the use of which skill to reward people for providing exceptional customer service?

Motivation to manage

Open Systems

Nearly all organizations that interact with their environments and depend on them for survival are viewed as ____ . a. closed systems b. entropic subsystems c. open systems d. contingent systems e. convert systems

According to Mintzberg, which role would a manager assume if she were trying to convince union members to accept a 25-cent-per-hour reduction in pay in order to keep the manufacturing plant open?


Which of the following is an example of a closed system?

None of the above.

informally agreed-on standards that regulate team behavior


Frederick W. Taylor

One of the best ways to align management and employees was to use incentives to motivate workers; believed in piece-rate incentives that tied workers' pay directly to how much workers produced.

Nearly all rganizations that interact with their environments and depend on them for survival should be viewed as ____.

Open Systems.

The Atlanta Hawks basketball team, Stanford University, the American Red Cross, and IBM are all examples of ____.

Open systems.

involves managing the daily production of goods and services; ex: capacity planning, linear planning, scheduling systems, and Gantt Charts; this management theory uses a quantitative approach to find ways to increase productivity, improve quality, and manage or reduce costly inventories.

Operations Management

In general, ____ uses a quantitative approach to find ways to increase productivity, improve quality, and manage or reduce costly inventories.

Operations Management.

Which of the following management theories uses a quantitative approach to find ways to increase productivity, improve quality, and manage or reduce costly inventories?

Operations management

_____ involves managing the daily production of goods and services.

Operations management

____ involves managing the daily production of goods and services.

Operations management.

Chester Barnard defined this as "a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons."


Chester Barnard defined a(n) ____ as "a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons."


A business school administrator who is determining what classes will be offered in which rooms and who will teach each specific class is involved in which classical management function?


After a year as a manager, new managers typically realize their job is

People management

which of the following is a component of Coca-Cola's specific environment and will directly influence how it does business?


8 Functions of MGMT

Planning, Organizing, Leading, Controlling, Decision Making, Staffing, Communicating & Motivating

Four Functions of Management

Planning, Organizing, Leading, and Controlling

was to scientifically select, train, teach, and develop workers to help them reach their full potential; work and responsibility for the work, should be divided equally between workers and management; thoroughly studying and testing different work methods to identify the best, most efficient way to complete a job.

Principles of Scientific Management

Procter&Gamble has divisions for personal and beauty, house, baby, family etc. These divisions indicate that the company uses ____________ departmentalization.


According to the __________ companies go through long, simple periods of environmental stability, followed by short, complex periods of dynamic, fundamental environmental change, finishing with a return to environmental stability.

Punctuated equilibrium theory

Prior to the development of scientific management principles, workers whose work pace was significantly faster than the normal pace in their work group and were often unpopular with their fellow workers.

Rate Busters

Prior to the development of scientific management principles, workers whose work pace was significantly faster than the normal pace in their work group were known as ____ and were often unpopular with their fellow workers.

Rate busters.

Gamma LLC. sells printers and scanners. Recently, some of its products were returned by the customers who were unhappy with the product quality. Gamma is now closely reviewing the complaints to understand the quality issues and come up with solutions. Which of the following concepts is illustrated in the scenario?

Reactive customer monitoring

____ is used to refer to a company's practice of identifying and addressing customer trends and problems after they occur.

Reactive customer monitoring

______________ is used to refer to a company's practice of identifying and addressing customer trends and problems after they occur.

Reactive customer monitoring

Kinds of Managers: Middle Managers

Responsible for setting objectives consistent with top management's goals and for planning and implementing subunit strategies for achieving these objectives Responsibilities: Resources, Objectives, Coordination, Subunit Performance, Strategy Implementation Jobs: General Manager, Plant Manager, Regional Manager, Divisional Manager

Competitive Advantage Through People: Self Managed Teams

Responsible for their own hiring, purchasing, job assignments, and production. Can often produce enormous increases in productivity through increase in employee commitment and creativity

Wainscott Finch, a Fortune 500 management consulting firm, conducts Project Management Preparatory Academies for its clients in which participants spend 70 hours learning how to create a differential competitive advantage through their employees. Why?

Satisfied employees yield satisfied customers.

thoroughly studied and tested different work methods to identify the best, most efficient ways to complete a job

Scientific Management

Prior to the introduction of ____, five workers each given an identical task could use five different methods to perform the task with some methods being significantly more efficient than others.

Scientific management.

Which of the following is typically is NOT performed by top managers?

Setting objectives consistent with organizational goals or planning and implementing sub-unit strategies for achieving these objectives.

in terms of environmental complexity, _____ environments have few environmental factors, whereas _____ environments have many environmental factors

Simple; Complex

In terms of environmental complexity, ___________ environments have few environmental factors, whereas ______________ environments have many environmental factors.

Simple; complex

occurs when workers withhold their efforts and fail to perform their share of the work.

Social loafing

one of the disadvantages associated with the use of work teams.

Social loafing

occurs when workers deliberately slow down their pace or restrict their work outputs; Elton Mayo witnesses this during the Bank Wiring Room phase of the Hawthorne Studies; Frederick Taylor observed this


During the Bank Wiring Room phase of his Hawthorne Studies, Elton Mayo witnessed behavior reminiscent of the ____ Frederick Taylor observed.


____ occurs when workers deliberately slow down their pace or restrict their work outputs.


Which of the following is NOT associated with Max Weber's bureaucratic management?

Span of management.

an example of this would be an organizations competitor's

Specific Environment

Kraft Foods has created five global product divisions (beverages, snacks, cheese and dairy, convenience meals, and grocery) and two marketing divisions (one for North America and the other for everything else). According to the systems approach to management, these seven divisions are examples of ____.


According to human relations management ____.

Success depends on treating workers well.

occurs when 1+1=3; occurs when two or more subsystems working together can produce more than they can working apart


____ occurs when 1 + 1 = 3.


is a set of interrelated elements or parts that function as a whole.


A(n) ____ is a set of interrelated elements or parts that function as a whole.


encourages managers to complicate their thinking by looking for connections between the different parts of the organization; states that a closed system can function without interacting with its environment; forces managers to be aware of how the environment affects specific parts of the organization

Systems Approach to Management

Which of the following is NOT an example of a commonly used operations management tool?

Target marketing.

the degree to which a job has a substantial impact on the lives or work of other people

Task significance

1) Develop science for each element of a man's work. 2) Scientifically select then train/teach/develop the workman. 3) Coop to insure all work is done in accordance with the principles of science. 4) Equal division of work/responsibility between mgmt/workmen

Taylor's Four Management Principles

Which of the following typically is NOT performed by top managers?

Teaching and training employees to do their jobs

What companies look for in managers

Technical Skills- the specialized procedures, techniques, and knowledge required to get the job done. Human Skills- The ability to work well with others. Conceptual Skills- The ability to see the organization as a whole, understand how the different parts affect each other, and recognize how the company fits into or is affected by its environment. Motivation to Manage- An assessment of how enthusiastic employees are about managing the work of others.

The Gantt chart is a chart that shows when and where tasks are need to be completed so that a job can be completed in a timely fashion

The Gantt chart is a chart that shows when and where tasks are need to be completed so that a job can be completed in a timely fashion

showed how group cohesiveness can influence work group performance, for better or worse; proved that financial incentives were not necessarily the most important motivator for workers.

The Hawthorne Studies

Over the past 20 years, which of the following is an industry that has experienced both the stable and dynamic environments predicted by punctuated equilibrium theory?

The airline industry

According to ____, the most effective management theory or idea depends on the kinds of problems or situations that managers are facing at a particular time and place.

The contingency approach.

Entrepreneur Role

The decisional role that managers play when they adapt themselves, their subordinates, and their units to change

Resource Allocator Role

The decisional role that managers play when they decide who gets what resources and in what amounts


The decisional role that managers play when they negotiate schedules, projects, goals, outcomes, resources, and employee raises

Disturbance Handler Role

The decisional role that managers play when they respond to serve pressures and problems that demand immediate action

What are the four major responsibilities for the typical middle manager?

The four major responsibilities of middle managers are (1) setting objectives consistent with top management's goals and planning and implementing subunit strategies for achieving these objectives; (2) coordinating and linking groups, departments, and divisions within a company; (3) monitoring and managing the performance of subunits and individual managers who report to them; and (4) implementing the changes or strategies generated by top managers.


The informational role managers play when they share information with people outside their departments or companies

Figurehead Role

The interpersonal role managers play when they perform ceremonial duties


The right people, doing the right thing, at the right place, at the right time, the right way.

Compare and contrast the managerial roles of liaison, spokesperson, and negotiator. Explain both the similarities that link these roles behaviorally and the differences Mintzberg draws between them.

The roles of liaison, spokesperson, and negotiator are all subroles within Mintzberg's larger framework of three major roles fulfilled by managers while performing their jobs. The liaison is an interpersonal subrole, the spokesperson is an informational subrole, and the negotiator is a decisional subrole. From the behavioral point of view, each of these subroles is characterized by direct communication between the manager and other people. Specifically, in the liaison role, managers deal with people outside their units. For example, a production manager might meet with an engineering manager to develop solutions to problems. In the spokesperson role, managers share information with people outside their departments and companies. For example, a CEO might explain company performance to the board of directors. In the negotiator role, managers negotiate schedules, projects, goals, outcomes, resources, and employee raises, as, for example, in negotiating a union contract. Thus, there is considerable similarity and overlap in these roles from the perspective of the behavior of the manager. Mintzberg differentiates them in terms of their primary focus. In the case of behavior associated with the liaison role, the primary focus is on dealing with people outside of the managers' unit (as opposed to their own subordinates or bosses), thus the role is interpersonal in nature. In the case of the spokesperson, the primary focus is on the sharing of information with people outside their units or companies, thus the role is informational in nature. Finally, in the case of the negotiator, the primary focus is on making or influencing decisions in a manner that will benefit the company, thus the role is decisional in nature.

Identify the four different kinds of managers and list one of the basic responsibilities for each of these different types of manager.

There are four different kinds of managers. TOP MANAGERS are responsible for creating a context for change, developing attitudes of commitment and ownership, creating a positive organizational culture through words and actions, and monitoring their company's business environments. MIDDLE MANAGERS are responsible for planning and allocating resources, coordinating and linking groups and departments, monitoring and managing the performance of subunits and managers, and implementing the changes or strategies generated by top managers. FIRST-LINE MANAGERS are responsible for managing the performance of nonmanagerial employees, teaching direct reports how to do their jobs, and making detailed schedules and operating plans based on middle management's intermediate-range plans. TEAM LEADERS are responsible for facilitating team performance, managing external relationships, and facilitating internal team relationships.

Contingency Management

There are no universal management theories; the most effective management theory or idea depends on the kinds of problems or situations that managers or organizations are facing at a particular time.

A contractor was feeling defeated because the job he was working on was so far behind schedule. As he looked at the job site, he saw one worker moving bricks by carrying two at a time from where they were unloaded to where they were needed. He saw another climbing up a ladder with a few shingles, climbing back down to get more, and then repeating the process. Which management process could be used to determine how the workers could perform their tasks more efficiently?

Time and motion studies

A contractor was feeling defeated because the job he was working on was so far behind schedule. As he looked at the job site, he saw one worker moving bricks by carrying two at a time from where they were unloaded to where they were needed. He saw another climbing up a ladder with a few shingles, climbing back down to get more, and then repeating the process. ____ could be used to determine how the workers could perform their tasks more efficiently.

Time and motion studies.

include quality control, forecasting techniques, capacity planning, productivity measurement and improvement, linear programming, scheduling systems, inventory systems, work measurement techniques, project management, and cost-benefit analysis.

Tools for Operations Management

Different kinds of managers

Top Managers Middle Managers First Line Managers Team Leaders

are responsible for creating a positive organizational culture through language and action.

Top managers

Specify the differences in the timeframes involved in planning done by top, middle, and first-line managers.

Top managers typically create long-term plans, designed to produce results three to five years out. Middle managers are responsible for intermediate plans (six to eighteen months out). First-line supervisors engage in plans and actions that typically produce results within two weeks.

Kinds of Managers: First-line Managers

Train and supervise the performance of non-managerial employees who are directly responsible for producing the company's products or services Responsibilities: Non-Managerial worker supervision, Teaching and Training, Scheduling, Facilitation Jobs: Office Manager, Shift Supervisor, Department Manager

Companies look for a total of four sets of skills in individuals to identify potential managers. These desired skills are technical skills, human skills, conceptual skills, and motivation to manage.


Synergy occurs when ____.

Two or more subsystems working together can produce more than they can working apart.

Which of the following statements about information management is true?

Two types of information technology are the cash register and the typewriter.

the _____ determined that companies can be prosecuted and punished for the illegal or unethical actions of employees even if management didn't know about the behavior.

U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines

Environmental ___________ is affected by environmental complexity, change, and resources.


part of Fayol's 14 principle of management and says that each employee should report to and receive orders from just one boss

Unity of Command

Which of the following is NOT part of the principles of scientific management?

Use group dynamics to ensure organizational goals are met.

After their first year of managerial experience, managers tend to:

Use more positive reinforcement

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth are important to management because they ____.

Used motion studies to eliminate unnecessary or repetitive motions from the work process.

supported qualification-based hiring and merit-based promotion; people should lead by virtue of their rational-legal authority; those higher in the chain of command do have the right to give commands, take action, and make decisions concerning activities occurring anywhere below them in the chain; limitations: resistance of bureaucracies to change; also identified with the impartial application of rules and procedures that are recorded in writing and the use of professional managers.

Weber's Bureaucratic Management

Briefly explain how and why companies can create competitive advantage through people.

Well-managed companies are competitive because their work forces are smarter, better trained, more motivated, and more committed. Furthermore, companies that practice good management consistently have greater revenues and profits than companies that don't. Finally, good management matters because good management leads to satisfied employees who, in turn, provide better service to customers. Because employees tend to treat customers the same way that their managers treat them, good management can improve customer satisfaction.

Within the four sets of skills that companies look for in managers, specify those that tend to be more important or more prevalent in higher-level than lower-level managers.

When companies look for employees who would be good managers, they look for individuals who have TECHNICAL SKILLS (the ability to apply the specialized procedures, techniques, and knowledge required to get the job done), HUMAN SKILLS (the ability to work well with others), and CONCEPTUAL SKILLS (the ability to see the organization as whole, how the different parts of the company affect each other, and how the company fits into or is affected by its external environment), and are MOTIVATED TO MANAGE (an assessment of how enthusiastic employees are about managing the work of others). It is the latter two characteristics that tend to be stronger in higher-level managers. Conceptual skills increase in importance as managers rise through the management hierarchy. In addition, managers at higher levels usually have stronger motivation to manage than managers at lower levels.

List and briefly describe the four kinds of skills that companies look for in managers.

When companies look for employees who would be good managers, they look for individuals who have technical skills, human skills, and conceptual skills, and are motivated to manage. Technical skills refer to the ability to apply the specialized procedures, techniques, and knowledge required to get the job done. Human skills are the ability to work well with others. Conceptual skills are the ability to see the organization as a whole, how the different parts of the company affect each other, and how the company fits into or is affected by its external environment. Motivation to manage is an assessment of how enthusiastic employees are about managing the work of others.


When workers deliberately slow their pace or restrict their work outputs

Sociological and psychological factors effect the productivity of workers

Which of the following did the Hawthorne experiments prove? a. the interaction of the subsystems effects productivity b. sociological and psychological factors effect the productivity of workers c. the appropriate choice of management techniques will affect productivity d. lighting will effect the amount of productivity when dealing with small parts

Mary Parker Follett

Which of the following management theorists helped develop human relations management? a. Henri Fayol b. Henry Gantt c. Max Weber d. Frederick Taylor e. Mary Parker Follett

It allows people to lead by virtue of their experience

Which of the following statements are true about bureaucracy? a. it relies on scheduled, periodic corrective actions to operate at its most efficient b. it allows people to lead by virtue of their experience c. it is the exercise of control by virtue of family connections d. it allows political connections to determine an individuals's power base within organizations e. it is based on the theory of behavioral reinforcement

It is a table that shows what tasks must be completed at which times in order to complete a project

Which of the following statements is true about the Gantt chart? a. it is a precursor to the organizational chart b. it was a major tool of early scientific managers and is not widely used today c. it is a table that shows what tasks must be completed at which times in order to complete a project d. it was an early method for breaking jobs down into their smallest common denominator e. it is used for continuous training of front-line employees

Discuss the contributions of Whitney and Monge to operations management.

Whitney- interchangeable parts (with guns) Monge- used geometry to make accurate maps and 3-D figures as prototypes for production Fire- caused just-in time inventory to be invented

The Hawthorne Studies

Workers feelings and attitudes affected their work

Which of the following was demonstrated by the Hawthorne Studies?

Workers were not just extension of machines

Chester Barnard said that this appears when the acceptance of managerial authority is automatic

Zone of Indifference


a barrier to good decision making caused by pressure within a group for members to agree with each other

Social Responsibility

a business's obligation to pursue policies, make decisions, and take actions that benefit society

Action Plan

a plan that lists the specific steps, people, resources, and time period needed to attain a goal


a set of interrelated elements or parts that function as a whole

Chester Barnard defines organization as

a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two more persons

Rational Decision Making

a systematic process of defining problems, evaluating alternatives, and choosing optimal solutions

Punctuated Equilibrium Theory

a theory according to which companies go through long, simple periods of stability, followed by short periods of dynamic, fundamental change, and ending with a return to stability

Shareholder Model

a view of social responsibility that holds that an organization's overriding goal should be to maximize profit for the benefit of shareholders

Refer to Krispy Kreme. As the CEO of Krispy Kreme, Rudolph would have been responsible for:

a. developing employees' commitment to the company b. creating a positive organizational culture c. monitoring the business' environment d. creating a context for change e. doing all of these things

Refer to As CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos:

a. is responsible for developing employees' commitment to the company's performance

Middle managers typically:

a. plan and allocate resources b. coordinate and link groups and departments c. implement changes and strategies generated by top managers d. monitor the activities of first-line managers who report to them e. do all of these

Which of the following management practices can be used by an organization that wants to create a competitive advantage through its employees?

a. self-managed teams b. employment security c. high wages contingent on organizational performance d. sharing information e. all of these


accomplishing tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives


accomplishing tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives.

Which of the following management practices can be used by an organization that wants to create a competitive advantage through its employees?

all of these : Self managed teams, employment security, high wages contingent on organizational performance, sharing information

Which of the following is a viable strategy for changing organizational culture?

all of these : allow employees to personalize their offices, uses behavioral substitution and behavioral addition, select job applicants with appropriate values and beliefs, eliminate the company dress code.

Milsand Corp. used office cubicles for its employees. Employees were not allowed to personalize their cubicles. If Milsand wanted to change its organizational culture, it could begin by ____.

allowing employees to personalize their cubicles

Gantt and Taylor

among the first to strongly recommend that companies train and develop their workers; found that workers achieved their best performance levels if they were trained first

Motivation to manage

an assessment of how enthusiastic employees are about managing the work of others. Desires to be successful

Principle of Distributive Justice

an ethical principle that holds that you should never take any action that harms the least fortunate among us: the poor, the uneducated, the unemployed

_____ is the process of having managers and employees perform new behaviors that are central to and symbolic of the new organizational culture a company wants to creat

behavioral addition

in order to change an organizational culture, top management can persuade other managers and employees to perform a new behavior in place of an older one. This technique is called_____ .

behavioral substitution

When using ___________ techniques to change organizational culture, the key to success is to choose behaviors that are central to and symbolic of the old culture that is changing and the new culture you want to create.

behavioral substitution and behavioral addition

Top 5 mistakes managers make

being abrasive and intimidating being cold, aloof, or arrogant betraying trust being overly ambitious being unable to delegate, build a team and staff effectively

With integrative conflict resolution, _____.

both parties work together to create an alternative solution that includes shared preferences

Motion Study

breaking each task or job into separate motions and then eliminating those that are unnecessary or repetitive

At about the same time as management theorists were developing scientific management principles in the United States, Max Weber was in Europe developing

bureaucratic management

what is social responsibility?

business' obligation to pursue policies, make decisions, and take actions that benefit society

_____ is the degree to which a supplier relies on a client because of the importance of that client to the supplier and the difficulty of finding other clients for its products.

buyer dependence

Wal-Mart can be described as

buyer dependent

Where standardization is important, it is important to _______________.

centralize authority

Transition through management (focus)

communication listening positive reinforcement

_____ is defined as a firm's purpose or reason for existing.

company mission

Which of the following is NOT a dimension of the political/legal component of the general environment that governs and regulates business behavior?

competitive products

_____ skills are the ability to see the organization as a whole, to understand how the different parts of the company affect each other, and to recognize how the company fits into or is affected by its external environment such as the local community, social and economic forces, customers, and the competition.


conceptual skill is the ability to see the organization as a whole, how the different parts affect each other and how the company fits into or is affected by its environment.

conceptual skill

The ability to perform ____ increases in its importance to success as managers' rise through the managerial ranks.

conceptual skills

Which skills increase in their importance to success as managers rise through the managerial ranks?

conceptual skills and the motivation to manage

Which skills increase in their importance to success as managers' rise through the managerial ranks?

conceptual skills and the motivation to manage

Advocacy Groups

concerned citizens who band together to try to influence the business practices of specific industries, businesses, and professions

In a departure from mainstream management thinking, Mary Parker Follett believed

conflict could be beneficial

A manager at Westworld Inc. is keeping a close eye on the progress of each of his employees toward the completion of a project. He often intervenes and makes corrections when needed. In this context, which of the following managerial functions is he performing?


A manager engaged in the management function of ____ is monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed.


A manager engaged in the management function of ___is monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed.


According to Henri Fayol, _____ is monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed.


Hormel Foods had to recall 104,000 pounds of Stagg canned chili—labeled "hearty beef with a kick of green chilies"—after the kick turned out to come from the groundup parts of a plastic handheld calculator. The recall was the application of which management function?


Refer to Which traditional management function will be key to make sure Amazon is never again burdened with thousands of dollars worth of unsold inventory?


Southern Living magazine was forced to pull an issue off newsstands and mail warnings to 2.5 million subscribers after it became clear that a recipe for dinner rolls described as "little pillows from heaven" was considered controversial. The management function of was used when the warnings were mailed to subscribers.


Stay Live!, a celebrity magazine, realized that there was a factual error in one of its issue. The magazines were swiftly retracted before it becoming a big problem. Which management function was used here?


_____ refers to monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed.


Chester Barnard proposed a comprehensive theory of

cooperation in formal organizations

Frederick Taylor is famous for

creating the principles of scientific management

E-Lab uses _______ to make its project teams more efficient.


Operational Plans

day-to-day plans, developed and implemented by lower-level managers, for producing or delivering the organization's products and services over a 30-day to six-month period

A systems view of management allows managers to ____.

deal with the complex environment in which their companies operate


deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom


deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom.

the social responsiveness strategy that could be considered essentially a public relations approach is the _____ strategy.


a ____ is a manager who was successful early in their careers, but were knocked off the fast track by the time they reached the middle to upper levels of management.



determining organizational goals and a means for achieving them


determining organizational goals and a means of achieving them.

Refer to Volkswagen. In late September, Pischetsrieder flew to Brussels to meet with employees at a VW plant and explain his plans for improving the company's profitability. In this example, the CEO assumed the role of:


The informational role managers' play when they share information they have collected with their subordinates and others in the company is called the ____ role.


the informational role managers play when they share information with other in their departments or companies

disseminator role

the decisional role managers play when they respond to severe problems that demand immediate action

disturbance handler role

In Great Britain, Nestlé introduced a candy bar called Yorkie with the slogan "It's not for girls!" The resulting furor over this sexist campaign required its British managers to spend a great deal of time in the role of:

disturbance handlers

mary parker follett believed managers typically deal with conflict in one of three ways: _____

doimation, compromise, and integration

In the context of corporate culture, which of the following is an example of visual artifacts?

dress code

According to bureaucratic management, employees should be hired on the basis of _____.

educational background of an applicant

A manager striving to improve organizational ___ is accomplishing tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives


A manager striving to improve organizational _____ is accomplishing tasks that help achieve organizational objectives


A manager striving to improve organizational _______________ is accomplishing tasks that help achieve organizational objectives.


Bernd Pischetsrieder, chief executive of Volkswagen, announced restructuring plans for the company. VW is Europe's largest carmaker and needed to make itself profitable once again. To do so, VW cut thousands of jobs in the ensuing years through natural attrition, early retirement, and buying workers out of their contracts. The carmaker also considered whether its component parts factories in Brunswick, Kassel, and Wolfsburg were helping VW accomplish its organizational goal. Pischetsrieder blamed much of the company's problems on restructuring that was done in 1993. He insisted that the company is missing a whole generation of managers because its former CEO eliminated a whole layer of management. Now, 45 percent of managers were expected to go into retirement in the following three or four years. -Refer to Volkswagen. VW is examining the of its component parts factories.


Managers must strive for _____, which is accomplishing tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives such as customer service and satisfaction.


accomplishing tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives


A manager who gets work done with a minimum of effort is increasing the ___of the organization


Coca-Cola and PepsiCo spent a total of $75 million to launch two sodas, banking on the low-carb trend. Carb- conscious consumers rejected the drinks en masse. The new brands grabbed a combined market share of less than 1 percent. Given that the objective of both soft drink manufacturers was to increase their market share, the introductions failed to achieve:


Fruitlicious is a fruit juice manufacturing company. The company ensures that all the raw materials are used well and minimal waste is produced. The juice extraction and packaging units are designed in such way that quality is maintained with minimal costs. It can be said that Fruitlicious demonstrates _____.


Krispy Kreme is a relatively small doughnut seller. It has only 292 stores in the United States, while Dunkin Donuts has 3,600 outlets. The company originated in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where it still operates a plant that fills a 50-pound bag with doughnut mix every seven seconds. It recently opened a new plant in Effingham, Illinois, that fills a bag every three seconds. This second plant allows the company to reduce costs while increasing its output. The company began in the mid-1930s when Vernon Rudolph bought a secret recipe for yeast doughnuts from a French pastry cook. Rudolph ran the company until his death in 1973. 94. Refer to Krispy Kreme. The building of the Effingham plant increased the ___of the Krispy Kreme operation.


One of the primary reasons for the slow response to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina was an antiquated government system that was bogged down in bureaucratic red tape. In other words, the failure of assistance to arrive in a timely fashion was due to a lack of:


getting work done with a minimum of effort, expense, or waste.


Refer to CEO Jeff Bezos must wrestle with basic management issues such as how to get more done at Amazon with a minimum of effort, expense, or waste. In other words, Bezos must make Amazon more:


who is responsible for the fact that most products are manufactured using standardized, interchangeable parts?

eli whitney

Job specialization can result in ___________.

employee bordedom

Employee Shrinkage

employee theft of company merchandise

A systems approach

encourage managers to look for different connections between different parts of an organization

First-line managers will most likely have to:

encourage, monitor, and reward the performances of their employees

At the death of her husband, Miriam McAllister became the CEO of a company that is the world's leading manufacturer of kidney dialysis machines. Even though she was not expected to, she quickly asked company employees to develop ideas for new products that would lead to organizational growth in a changing environment. The decisional role she took on was that of a(n):


The first step managers use to make sense of their changing environments is ___________.

environmental scanning

the first step managers use to make sense of their changing environments is _____ .

environmental scanning

According to Henri Fayol's fourteen principles of management, _____ requires managers to develop a strong sense of morale and unity among workers that encourages coordination of efforts.

esprit de corps

A top manager for a management consulting firm would:

establish a positive organizational culture that encourages employees to be passionate about their clients

Only type of responsibility given to traditional work groups.

execute the task

Top Managers

executives responsible for the overall direction of the organization

Top Managers

executives responsible for the overall direction of the organization.

Team leaders typically:

facilitate team activities towards goals

Buyer dependence is the degree to which a company relies on a supplier because of the importance of the supplier's product to the company and the difficulty of finding other sources of that product.


Frank and Lillian Gilbreth studied the psychology of groups.


Mary Parker Follett believed that managers could best deal with conflict through compromise.


Proactive customer monitoring is defined as identifying and addressing customer trends and problems after they occur.


The job of a team leader would not be considered a management position.


The three interpersonal sub-roles are monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson.


Time study allows each task or job to be broken down into separate motions. Once this is done, unnecessary or repetitive motions can be eliminated.


1. While good management is basic to starting and growing a business, once some measures of success has been achieved, good management becomes less important.

false -Good management is basic to starting a business, growing a business, and maintaining a business once it has achieved some measure of success.

Managers are responsible for doing the basic work in the company.

false -The manager's job is not to do the basic work in the company but to help others do their work.

First-line managers are responsible for setting objectives consistent with organizational goals and planning and implementing strategies for achieving these objectives.

false -This is one of the responsibilities of middle managers.

Middle managers engage in plans and actions that typically produce results within a short time period.

false First-line managers engage in such plans and actions. Middle managers plan 6 to 18 months out.

Technical skill refers to the ability to see the organization as a whole, how the different parts affect each other, and how the company fits into or is affected by its environment.

false Technical skill refers to the ability to apply the specialized procedures, techniques, and knowledge required to get the job done. The question defines conceptual skill.

Conceptual skills are most important for lower-level managers to possess.

false Technical skills are most important for lower-level managers and team leaders.

There are four decisional roles. They are entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and spokesperson.

false The four decisional roles are entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. Spokesperson is an informational role.

The job of team leader would NOT be considered a management position.

false The job of team leader is indeed one of the four kinds of management jobs, which are top managers, middle managers, first-line managers, and team leaders.

The number one mistake made by managers who were derailed from their fast track up the managerial ranks was that they didn't develop or possess the necessary technical skills.

false The number one mistake made by managers who were derailed from their fast track up the managerial ranks was that they were insensitive to others by virtue of their abrasive, intimidating, and bullying management style.

Typical titles used for top managers are general manager, plant manager, regional manager, and divisional manager.

false These are typical titles for middle managers, not top managers.

While strong interpersonal conflict management skills are important for first-line managers, it is not a very important skill for team leaders.

false This is a critical skill for team leaders. Team leaders are responsible for internal team relations. Since the entire team suffers when a conflict arises between members, it is critical for team leaders to know how to help team members resolve conflicts.

Top managers are the managers responsible for facilitating team activities toward goal accomplishment.

false -Top managers are executives responsible for the overall direction of the organization. Team leaders are the managers responsible for facilitating team activities toward goal accomplishment.

Novo Nordisk is a European manufacturer of pharmaceuticals. An employee , Rikke NedergaardBischoff, who is a clinical-development scientist, contends that Novo upholds the standards expected of public institutions without the stifling bureaucracy. She says, "There's a great deal of empowerment at Novo Nordisk." Novo Nordisk provides NedergaardBischoff with ____.

feelings of intrinsic motivation

According to Mintzberg, managers in the _____ role perform ceremonial duties like greeting company visitors, speaking at the opening of a new facility, or representing the company at a community luncheon to support local charities.


At the death of her husband, Miriam McAllister became the CEO of a company that is the world's leading manufacturer of kidney dialysis machines. It was believed when she took the position that she would perform only ceremonial duties and would not want to be actively involved in the running of the company. In other words, it was assumed she would be a:


the interpersonal role managers play when they perform ceremonial duties

figurehead role

the goal of scientific management is to _____

find the one best way to perform each task

Mike Walker supervises operations on the chassis assembly line for a large vehicle manufacturer. Most of his time is spent in quality control maintenance, scheduling workers, and training new employees. Walker would be categorized as a:

first-line manager

a ____ for a McDonald's fast-food restaurant would be responsible for placing orders for food and paper supplies and for setting up weekly work schedules.

first-line manager

Managers who train and supervise the performance of nonmanagerial employees and who are directly responsible for producing the company's products or services are categorized as _____

first-line managers

Managers who train and supervise the performance of nonmanagerial employees and who are directly responsible for producing the company's products or services are categorized as:

first-line managers

Managers who train and supervise the performance of nonmanagerial employees, and who are directly responsible for producing the company's products or services, are categorized as:

first-line managers

The chairs of the accounting, marketing, and communications departments at a typical university are assuming the roles of because they supervise nonmanagerial employees.

first-line managers

Integrative conflict resolution:

focuses on finding an alternative that meets the needs of both parties.

in external organizations environments, the ____ environment affects all organizations while the _____ environment is unique to each company.

general; specific


getting work done with a minimum of effort, expense or waste


getting work done with a minimum of effort, expense, or waste

The creation of Ingram Distribution allows booksellers to streamline the ordering and return procedures of their books. Ingram made all the books bookstore owners wanted available in one centralized warehouse. Many new bookstore owners would be unwilling and/or unable to return to the method of ordering books from the individual publishers. This is an example of the creation of ____.

high buyer dependence on a supplier

According to Barnard, the extent to which people willingly cooperate in an organization depends on

how workers perceive executive authority and whether they're willing to accept it.

Robert is a manager at Beta Corp. Many of his colleagues mention that they find it very easy to work and communicate with Robert. They say that Robert is a very good listener and also communicates his thoughts effectively. He is sensitive to others' feelings and encourages them to express their opinions. It can be said from the scenario that Robert has good _____ skills.


the ability to work well with others

human skill

What type of skills are equally important at all levels of management?

human skills

What type of skills tends to be equally important at all levels of management?

human skills

Competitive analysis refers to:

identifying companies that sell similar products.

Middle managers will most likely have to:

implement the changes generated by top managers

Middle managers will most likely have to:

implement the changes generated by top managers.

In essence, reengineering changes organizations by ____.

increasing reciprocal interdependence

A military expert describes how the military forces were organized for Operation Desert Storm as pooled interdependence. This means that each branch of the military that took part in the operation ____________________.

independently contributed to the success of the campaign

Potential disadvantage associated with the use of work teams

initially high employee turnover


inspiring and motivating workers to work hard to achieve organizational goals


inspiring and motivating workers to work hard to achieve organizational goals.

Open Systems

interact with their environments and depend on them for survival

the events and trends inside an organization that affect management, employees, and organizational culture

internal environment

According to Mintzberg, which of the following are the three major roles managers fulfill while performing their jobs?

interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles

According to Mintzberg, which of the following lists the three major roles managers fulfill while performing their jobs?

interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decisional roles

After six months as a manager, new managers typically believe their job is:

is a derailer

As the shift supervisor at a car wash, Jacob is bossy, arrogant, and insensitive to the needs of his subordinates. He is unable to delegate any tasks to the other employees. He will more than likely never be a middle or top manager because he:

is a derailer

The organizational process _____________.

is the collection of activities that transform inputs into outputs that customers value

according to Weber, a bureaucracy _____ .

is the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge, expertise, or experience

During the Industrial Revolution

jobs were carried out in large, formal organizations rather than fields, homes, or small shops

In the context of Mintzberg's interpersonal roles, managers who take the _____ role motivate and encourage workers to accomplish organizational objectives.


the interpersonal role managers play when they motivate and encourage workers to accomplish organizational objectives

leader role

A U.S. Marine drill instructor motivating new recruits to challenge themselves is engaged in which management function?


As the human resources manager at Hayden Engineering and Manufacturing Corp, Kim had to find effective ways to reward high performing employees and boost their morale during an economic downturn. Which management function did Kim have to engage in?


As the human resources manager for Spring Engineering and Manufacturing Corp. in Canton, Michigan, Kim Radeback had to find inexpensive ways to reward high performing employees and bolster morale during a sales- flattening economic downturn. Radeback had to engage in which management function?


Mark, a manager at a food processing company, notices that the productivity of the workers has gone down. He determines the reason as lack of motivation to perform their tasks. He gives a pep talk to the employees hoping to inspire them to perform their tasks more efficiently. In this context, Mark is performing the _____ function of management.


Refer to Volkswagen. Bernd Pischetsrieder exercised the organizing function when he made decisions about how to replace retiring managers. His decisions will, in turn, affect which management function as new managers come on board?


Robert Rothschild Farm boosted morale and showed its gratitude to its 75 employees at its retail store by hosting its first employee appreciation week. It used the management function of ____ to boost morale.


inspiring and motivating workers to work hard and achieve organizational goals


The marketing manager of Interstate Bakeries was asked to meet with the organization's research and development department to explain why the company needed to change its 25-year-old package design for Twinkies. The marketing manager took on an interpersonal role as:


the interpersonal role managers play when they deal with people outside their units

liaison role

Team leaders typically:

manage external and internal relationships

A first-line manager for a large electric generator manufacturer would:

manage the performance of employees who actually build the generators

A first-line manager for a large electric generator manufacturer would:

manage the performance of employees who actually build the generators.

which of the following statements about the beginnings of management is true"?

management as a field of study is only about 125 years old.

management is getting work done through others.

management is _____

According to bureaucratic management, _____ should supervise the organization.


Team Leaders

managers responsible for facilitating team activities toward goal accomplishment

Team Leader

managers responsible for facilitating team activities toward goal accomplishment.

The CEO of Camper Brand Shoes expects its designers to operate like a team when they create new shoe designs. Most of its designers do not have a background in fashion so it is important that each person shares his or her expertise. Each team has a leader who is responsible for:

managing external and internal team relationships

Operations management

managing the daily production of goods and services; uses a quantitative or mathematical approach to find ways to increase productivity, improve quality, and manage or reduce costly inventories.

a study of studies, a statistical approach that provides the best scientific estimate of how well management theories and practices work


As the human resources manager for Spring Engineering and Manufacturing Corp. in Canton, Michigan, Kim Radeback had to find inexpensive ways to reward performing employees and bolster morale during a sales- flattening economic downturn. Radeback is an example of a:

middle manager

Robert Rothschild Farm boosted morale and showed its gratitude to its 75 employees at its retail store by hosting its first employee appreciation week. "It was a good mix of fun and learning," said Robin Coffey, marketing manager. Coffey is an example of a:

middle manager

It is the responsibility of ____ to develop intermediate plans, or plans designed to produce results within six to eighteen months

middle managers

Typical responsibilities for ____ include setting objectives consistent with organizational goals and then planning and implementing the subunit strategies for achieving these goals.

middle managers

Typical responsibilities for _____ include setting objectives consistent with organizational goals and then planning and implementing the subunit strategies for achieving these goals.

middle managers

Typical responsibilities for ___include coordinating and linking groups, departments, and divisions within a company

middle managers

are responsible for setting objectives consistent with top management's goals, and planning and implementing subunit strategies for achieving these goals

middle managers

Connie O'Day is a middlelevel manager for the publishers of Free Spirit magazine, a publication targeted to women who are not focused on finding a husband or maintaining a house and garden. She spends much of her day conducting interviews with groups of women to determine what they consider most important in their lives. She also keeps an eye on the sales and content of other women's magazines. Which informational role does O'Day perform?


During a meeting of the Ambulatory Care Nursing Association (ACNA) board of directors, a commitment was made to ask members for their feedback about their experiences with and perceptions of ACNA. The head of the organization said, "The essence of being a leader is to make sure the organization knows itself." Then she volunteered to conduct the environmental scanning and share what she learned with the others. What informational roles is she assuming?

monitor and disseminator

the informational role managers play when they scan their environment for information

monitor role


monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed.

Lorenzo Fluza is the owner and CEO of the company that makes Camper shoes. Mintzberg would describe Lorenzo Fluza as fulfilling the leader role within the organization. This means he spends much of his time:

motivating and encouraging its employees to meet their organizational objectives

Creating a competitive advantage through people relies heavily on the use of which skill to reward people for providing exceptional customer service?

motivation to manage

an assessment of how enthusiastic employees are about managing the work of others

motivation to manage

creating a competitive advantage through people relies heavily on the use of which skill to reward people for providing exceptional customer service?

motivation to manage

One of the objectives of the motion study conducted by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth was to:

mprove productivity of workers

According to Mintzberg, which role would a manager assume if she were trying to convince union members to accept a 25-cent-per-hour reduction in pay in order to keep the manufacturing plant open?


In the _____ managerial role, managers discuss and handle schedules, projects, goals, outcomes, resources, and employee raises.


the decisional role managers play when they negotiate schedules, projects, goals, outcomes, resources, and employee raises

negotiator role


occurs when employees discount or don't ring up merchandise their family or friends bring up to the cash register


occurs when two or more subsystems working together can produce more than they can working apart

Nearly all organizations that interact with their environments and depend on them for survival are viewed as ____.

open systems

In general, this management theory uses a quantitative approach to find ways to increase productivity, improve quality, and manage or reduce costly inventories.

operations management

_____ involves managing the daily production of goods and services.

operations management

involves managing by daily production of goods and services

operations management

The employees in Henderson Inc. have the freedom to plan their own schedules and are empowered to make decisions. The employees also believe in sharing common goals and striving for improving product quality. The managers have high levels of trust in their employees and foster team work. These beliefs and attitudes constitute Henderson's _____.

organizational culture

the _____ is the set of key values, beliefs, and attitudes shared by members of an organization.

organizational culture

A high school football team develops a sense of history for its current players by raising banners showing its success - five championships - and the great players from the past who went on to play in international games in its stadium and locker room. What tactics for maintaining organizational culture is the high school football team using?

organizational stories and organizational heroes

A business school administrator who is determining what classes will be offered in which rooms and who will teach each specific class is involved in which classical management function?


According to Henri Fayol, _____ is deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom.


Jane is in charge of her Rotary Club's annual fundraising auction. She will decide who will ask local businesses for prizes, she will determine the site of the event, she will decide who will sell tickets to customers, and who will work the night of the auction. She is engaged in the management function of:


Refer to Volkswagen. The restructuring efforts mainly involved which of the management functions?


The function of _____ typically involves deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom in the company.


deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom


Modular organizations _______________ .

outsource all but the core business activities that they can perform best.

after a year as a manager, new managers typically realize their job is: _____ .

people development

After a year as a manager, new managers typically realize their job is:

people management

A manager engaged in the management function of ___is determining organizational goals and the means for achieving them.


After the makers of Wonder Bread declared bankruptcy, their objectives were to increase revenues by at least 5 percent and reduce net losses by at least 80 percent. Which management function is used to set these goals and help the company meet them?


Nestlé was unsuccessful in early attempts to sell its chocolate in India. It discovered its chocolate bars were not suitable for the Indian markets because the candy had to sit in direct sunlight without benefit of air conditioning and became messy. Nestlé adopted an innovation strategy and developed Chocostick, a liquid chocolate, which is very popular. Solving this problem involved what management function?


Refer to Krispy Kreme. Which management function had Rudolph not performed at the time of his death?


To achieve its goal of increased market share, Krispy Kreme launched a program in Palm Beach County, Florida, that awards grade-school students a free doughnut for every A on their report cards. Which management function was used to create this program?


_____ involves determining organizational goals and the means for achieving them.


Fayol argued that managers need to perform five managerial functions if they are to be successful:

planning, organizing, coordinating, commanding(leading), and controlling.

what are the four functions of management?

planning, organizing, leading, controlling

groups, such as shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers, governments, and local communities, on which the organization depends for long-term survival

primary stakeholders

a company implementing a(n) _____ strategy would demonstrate the greatest willingness on the part of the company to meet or exceed society's expectations.


_____ is a tactic in which an advocacy group actively tries to convince consumers not to purchase a company's product or service

product boycott

a tactic in which an advocacy group actively tries to persuade consumers not to purchase a company's product or service

product boycott

A temporary team

project team

According to the ____, companies go through long, simple periods of environmental stability, followed by short, complex periods of dynamic, fundamental environmental change, finishing with a return to environmental stability.

punctuated equilibrium theory

Prior to the development of scientific management principles, workers whose work pace was significantly faster than the normal pace in their work group were known as _____ and were often unpopular with their fellow workers.

rate busters

Integrative conflict resolution

rather than one side dominating the other or both sides compromising, the point of integrative conflict resolution is to have both parties indicate their preferences and then work together to find an alternative that meets the needs of both.

_____ is used to refer to a company's practice of identifying and addressing customer trends and problems after they occur.

reactive customer monitoring

The three types of task interdependence are

reciprocal, pooled, and sequential

The sales manager is in charge of monitoring the expense accounts of her sales force. In this decisional role, she acts as a(n):

resource allocator

the decisional role managers play when they decide who gets what resources

resource allocator role

_____ is the degree to which an organization's external environment has an abundance or scarcity of critical organizational resources

resource scarcity

Middle Managers

responsible for setting objectives consistent with top management's goals and for planning and implementing subunit strategies for achieving these objectives

Henry Gant

rewarded his supervisors with bonuses for properly training all of their workers

Prior to the introduction of _____, five workers each given an identical task could use five different methods to perform the task with some methods being significantly more efficient than others.

scientific management

Environmental Scanning

searching the environment for important events or issues that might affect an organization

Which of the following typically is NOT performed by top managers?

setting objectives consistent with organizational goals or planning and implementing subunit strategies for achieving these objectives

model that holds the only social responsibility that businesses have is to maximize profit


Gantt Chart

shows which tasks must be completed at which times in order to complete a project/task


smaller systems within a larger system

Which of the following companies is most likely operating in a dynamic environment?

smartphone manufacturer

_____ occurs when workers deliberately slow down their pace or restrict their work output.


Which of the following is NOT associated with Max Weber's bureaucratic management?

span of management

According to a speech to a forum for retail leaders made by Dr. Hans-Joachim Koerber, "Sustained growth is essential. Sustaining growth is a challenge for virtually every company." Koerber is the CEO of Metro Group, Germany's largest retailer, which has more than 2,400 stores in 30 countries. What informational role did Koerber assume?


As described by Mintzberg, a marketing manager who was hired by a manufacturer of plumbing fixtures to operate information booths would have the informational role of:


In the context of Mintzberg's information roles, managers in the _____ role share information with people outside their departments or companies.


Refer to Volkswagen. In making his announcement about restructuring, Pischetsrieder assumed the____ role.


Spiegel announced to the media that it was nearing the completion of its corporate restructuring and was one step closer to emerging from Chapter 11 status after filing its proposed joint plan of reorganization. According to Mintzberg, which managerial role would have been adopted in order to make this announcement to the media?


the informational role managers play when they share information with people outside their departments or companies

spokesperson role

according to the _____ model, managements most important responsibility is long-term survival.


Various persons or groups with a legitimate interest in a company's actions are called _____ .


Eli Whitney

standardized, interchangeable parts

According to human relations management _____.

success depends on treating workers well

Teams are typically required when ____.

tasks require multiple perspectives.

managers responsible for facilitating team activities toward goal accomplishment

team leaders

Refer to Krispy Kreme. To be successful, managers need four skills. The fact that Rudolph was a skilled baker when he purchased the secret doughnut recipe indicates he had skills.


An accountant with has the ability to create a budget, compare the budget to the actual income statement, and determine unnecessary expenses.

technical skill

An accountant with ____ has the ability to create a budget, compare the budget to the actual income statement, and determine unnecessary expenses.

technical skill

An accountant with_______ has the ability to create a budget, compare the budget to the actual income statement, and determine unnecessary expenses.

technical skill

an accountant with _____ has the ability to create a budget, compare the budget to the actual income statement, and determine unnecessary expense

technical skill

Which type of skills tends to be most important to the success of lower-level managers?

technical skills

the ability to apply the specialized procedures, techniques, and edge required to get the job done

technical skills

Garspard Monge

techniques for drawing 3-D objects on paper

_____ refers to the knowledge, tools, and methods used to transform inputs (raw materials, information, and so on) into outputs (products and services).


Which of the following is a part of the general environment of an organization?

technology trends

Conceptual Skills

the ability to see the organization as a whole, understand how the different parts affect each other, and recognize how the company fits into or is affected by its environment

Conceptual Skills

the ability to see the organization as a whole, understand how the different parts affect each other, and recognize how the company fits into or is affected by its environment.

Human Skills

the ability to work well with others


the assets, capabilities, processes, information, and knowledge that an organization uses to improve its effectiveness and efficiency, create and sustain competitive advantage, and fulfill a need or solve a problem

_____ is a primary source of organizational culture

the company's founder

According to ____, the most effective management theory or idea depends on the kinds of problems or situations that managers are facing at a particular time and place.

the contingency approach

According to _____ , the most effective management theory or idea depends on the kinds of problems or situations that mangers are facing at a particular time and place

the contingency approach


the decisional role managers play when they adapt themselves, their subordinates, and their units to change

Resource allocator

the decisional role managers play when they decide who gets what resources and what amounts


the decisional role managers play when they negotiate schedules, projects, goals, outcomes, resources, and employee raises.

Disturbance handler

the decisional role managers play when they respond to severe problems that demand immediate action

Ethical Intensity

the degree of concern people have about an ethical issue


the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge

Discretionary Responsibility

the expectation that a company will voluntarily serve a social role beyond its economic, legal, and ethical responsibilities


the extent to which managers can understand or predict which environmental changes and trends will affect their businesses

Secondary Firms

the firms in a strategic group that follow strategies related to but somewhat different from those of the core firms

Monitor Role

the informational role managers play when they scan their environment for information


the informational role managers play when they scan their environment for information.


the informational role managers play when they share information with others in their departments or companies


the informational role managers play when they share information with people outside their departments or companies


the interpersonal role managers play when they deal with people outside their units

Liaison Role

the interpersonal role managers play when they deal with people outside their units

Leader Role

the interpersonal role managers play when they motivate and encourage workers to accomplish organizational objectives


the interpersonal role managers play when they motivate and encourage workers to accomplish organizational objectives.


the interpersonal role managers play when they perform ceremonial duties

Figurehead Role

the interpersonal role managers play when they perform ceremonial duties

Environmental Complexity

the number and the intensity of external factors in the environment that affect organizations


the set of morals principles or values that defines right and wrong for a person or group

Technical Skills

the specialized procedures, techniques, and knowledge required to get the job done.

Henri Fayol

the success of an enterprise generally depends much more on the administrative ability of its leaders than on their technical ability

Magnitude of Consequences

the total harm or benefit derived from an ethical decision

Kodak makes digital cameras and paper for prints


Honeywell Inc. recognized its European operations along customer lines to prepare for a unified European union. Abandoning matrix departmentalization. Why would Honeywell engage in such restructuring?

to end conflict between product managers in different parts of its matrix.

After six months as a manager, new managers typically believe their job is:

to solve problems for subordinates

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo spent a total of $75 million to launch mid-calorie sodas. The new brands grabbed a combined market share of less than 1 percent. Coke's and PepsiCo's ___ would be responsible for determining that the product should be deleted from each of their product lines.

top management

Eastman Kodak owns a company that manufactures dental radiation equipment. The company, which is run as an independent unit, has experienced excessive financial losses the last three years. The ___ for the company would be expected to develop the long-term plans needed to make the company profitable.

top manager

Eastman Kodak owns a company that manufactures dental radiation equipment. the _____ for the company would be expected to develop the long-term plans needed to make the company profitable.

top manager

Refer to Volkswagen. Bernd Pischetsrieder is an example of a:

top manager

executives responsible for the overall direction of the organization

top managers

First Line Manager

train and supervise the performance of nonmanagerial employees who are directly responsible for producing the company's products or services.

A management study discovered that companies that invest in their people will create long-term competitive advantages difficult for other companies to duplicate.


After the Industrial Revolution, jobs mostly occurred in large, formal organizations where hundreds of people worked under one roof.


Business confidence indices are a viable alternative to economic statistics for management decision making.


Companies look for a total of four sets of skills in individuals to identify potential managers. These desired skills are technical skills, human skills, conceptual skills, and motivation to manage.


Companies that plan have larger profits and faster growth than companies that don't.


First-line managers are the only managers who do not supervise other managers.


Management is getting work done through others


Middle managers are typically responsible for coordinating and linking groups, departments, and divisions within a company.


One of Taylor's scientific management principles concerned how workers should be selected.


Resource scarcity is the degree to which an organization's external environment has an abundance or lack of critical organizational resources.


Team leaders are responsible for managing both internal team relationships and external relationships with other teams, departments, and divisions in a company.


The Hawthorne Studies proved that financial incentives were not necessarily the most important motivator for workers.


The contingency approach to management holds that there is not one best way to manage an organization.


The general environment consists of the economy and the technological, socio-cultural, and political/legal trends that indirectly affect all organizations.


The motivation to manage tends to be higher among managers at higher levels in the organization than it is among managers at lower levels in the organization.


Top managers are responsible for creating a climate for change in an organization.


Upper-level managers may actually spend more time dealing with people than lower-level managers.


Environmental _____ is affected by environmental complexity, change, and resources.


According to Henri Fayol's fourteen principles of management, _____ means that each employee should report to and receive orders from just one boss.

unity of command

After their first year of managerial experience, managers tend to:

use more positive reinforcement

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth are important to management because they _____ .

used motion studies to eliminate unnecessary or repetitive motions from the workplace

Leon Dodd is a member of a selfmanaged team at Standard Aero Alliance, Inc. (SAAI). His team's top priorities are understanding customer requirements and expectations. It would appear that SAAI is:

using its employees to create a competitive advantage

How do companies use systems management to make sense of organizational and environmental complexity?

view an organization a system of subsystems: set of interrelated parts that function as a whole 1. closed systems= function without interacting with their environments but all organizations should be viewed as open systems 2. successful interaction with organizational environments is critical because open systems tend toward entropy ( which is the inevitable and steady deterioration of a system)

This group of tunnel experts will compromise a ______________.

virtual team

When Samsonite purchased American Tourister, one of the first things the new management did was eliminate the American Tourister Gorilla mascot. The gorilla had been a symbol of quality and commitment.

visible artifacts

Visible Artifacts

visible signs of an organization's culture, such as the office design and layout, company dress code, and company benefits and perks, like stock options, personal parking spaces, or the private company dining room


when two or more subsystems working together can produce more than they can working apart

Changes in any sector of the general environment ___________________.

will eventually affect most organizations.

a small number of people with complementary skills who hold themselves mutually accountable for pursuing a common purpose, achieving performance goals, and improving interdependent work processes

work team

a hybrid organizational structure in which two or more forms of departmentalization, most often product and functional, are used together

Matrix Departmentalization

First Line Manager Responsibilities

Non Managerial worker supervision Teaching and training Facilitation Scheduling

fundamental rethinking and radial redesign of business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in critical measures of performance such as cost, quality, service, and speed.


are smaller systems that operate within the context of a larger system.


an early form of information management was used by...


Management Skills (what companies look for)

Technical Skills Human Skills Conceptual Skills Motivation to Manage

____ is a primary source of organizational culture.

The company's founder

Which of the following is a part of an organization's general environment?

The economy in which it operates

Which of the following would be a part of an organization's general environment?

The economy in which it operates.

Cooperation and Acceptance of Authority

The extent to which people willingly cooperate in an organization depends on how workers perceive executive authority and whether they're willing to accept it

Which of the following statements about information management is true?

The first technologies to truly revolutionize the business use of information were paper and the printing press.

List and briefly define the four functions of management.

The four functions of management are planning (determining organizational goals and the means for achieving them), organizing (deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom), leading (inspiring and motivating workers to work hard to achieve organizational goals), and controlling (monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed).

Among the four kinds of management jobs, list the one that is the most recent addition to organizations and describe the basic responsibilities of that management job.

The fourth kind of manager is a team leader. This is a relatively new kind of management job that developed as companies shifted to self-managing teams, which, by definition, have no formal supervisor. Team leaders are responsible for facilitating team performance (but the team itself is responsible for actual performance), managing external relationships, and facilitating internal team relationships.

Monitor Role

The informational role managers play when they scan their environment for information

Disseminator Role

The informational role managers play when they share information with others in their departments or companies

Liaison Role

The interpersonal role managers play when they deal with people outside their units

Leader Role

The interpersonal role managers play when they motivate and encourage workers to accomplish organizational objectives

What indicates that a team is too small?

The team finds it difficult to come up with ideas or generate solutions to problems

Scientific Management

The thorough study and testing of different work methods to identify the best, most efficient ways to complete a job.

Which of the following does a Gantt chart visually indicate?

The time in which each task should be completed for a project

Information Management

Throughout history, organizations have pushed for and quickly adopted new information technologies to reduce the cost or increase the speed with which they can acquire, retrieve, or communicate information

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth Timing how long it takes good workers to complete each part of their jobs.

Time Study

Time Study

Timing how long it takes good workers to complete each part of their jobs

Which of the following is the goal of scientific management?

To find the one best way to perform each task

Cohesive groups have lower turnover.


According to Henri Fayol's fourteen principles of management, ____ requires that each employee should report to and receive orders from just one boss.

Unity of direction.

Environment is:

Whatever can, has, or will affect you.

Human Relations Movement

Which of the following is NOT part of the Classical School of Management thought? a. Administrative b. Scientific Management c. Human Relations Movement d. Bureaucracy

Henri Fayol is responsible for developing

administrative management

According to Mary Parker Follett

all of these are true

Closed systems

can function without interacting with their environments

A manager engaged in the management function of ___ is monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed.


monitoring progress towards goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed


In the _____ role, managers adapt themselves, their subordinates, and their units to change.


In the decisional role of ____, managers adapt themselves, their subordinates, and their units to incremental change


the decisional role managers play when they adapt themselves, their subordinates and their units to incremental change

entrepreneur role

_____ is the rate at which a company's general and specific environments alter.

environmental change

_____ refers to the number and the intensity of external factors in the environment that affect organizations.

environmental complexity

Environmental uncertainty is most likely to be lowest when

environmental resource scarcity is low.

The three interpersonal roles are monitor, disseminator, and spokesperson.

false The three interpersonal roles are figurehead, leader, and liaison

Which of the following is an example of an interpersonal role?



getting work done through others.

When Ruth was hired to be the second-in-command at Graham Mailing Services, she was told that her job was to deal with the employees to make sure they got the mailing done to the customers' specifications. She was not instructed on how to run machines or in any other technical area because her position was a job in:


the three stages or moral development identified by Kohlber are _____ .

preconventional level, cont3entional level, and postconventional level

managers can use integrity tests to

select and hire ethical employees

A PROS cooperative is an example of _____________ organization.


Mary Parker Follett: On the giving of orders

"An advantage of not exacting blind obedience, of discussing your instructions with your subordinates, is that if there is any resentment, any come-back, you get it out into the open, and when it is in the open you can deal with it."

Mary Parker Follett: On Power

"It seems to me that whereas power usually means power-over, the power of some person or group over some other person or group, it is possible to develop the conception of power-with, a jointly developed power, a co-active, not a coercive power."

Decisions were made haphazardly with no standardization of procedures, systematic study, or collection of information

"Seat-of-the-Pants" Management

Oldsmobile Motor Works

"hand-to-mouth inventory" - each production station had only enough parts on hand to do a short production run


(4 functions of MGMT) Deciding where decisions will be made, who will do what jobs and tasks, and who will work for whom


(4 functions of MGMT) Determining organizational goals and a means for achieving them


(4 functions of MGMT) Inspiring and motivating workers to work hard to achieve organizational goals


(4 functions of MGMT) Monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed

Explain the contributions of the Gilbreths to the theory of scientific management.

* Motion study - breaking each task or job into its separate motions and then eliminating those that are unnecessary or repetitive ( Bricklaying or Surgery) 1. work place safety + for handicapped people (because after WWI)

Motivation to Manage Traits

-Favorable attitude -desire to take charge/assert -exercise power and authority -behavior distinctive from the group -take responsibility

4 key realities of management

-Must be able to adapt to Change -Must be flexible; speed of change -Staying close to the customers -Without continuous improvement will be NO economic progress

Skills to be Manager

-Technical -HR skills -Conceptualize -Motivational

Effective Management

-achieve organizational objectives -succeed in changing environment -be effective/efficient -social progress -complete goals within a time frame -overcome challenging objectives -organizational objectives with limited resources

Manager Mistakes

-being cold -being arrogant -insensitive -staffing incorrectly

Good Management =

-higher revenue -satisfied employees -satisfied customers

Facts of life as a manager

-lose your right to lose temper -lose you right to be one of the gang -lose your right to discuss/bring personal problems at work -lose your right to vent your own frustrations -resist change -pass on to other tough assignments -play favorites -ask others to do, what you would not do -business comes first, then you

Career Stages

1) Exploration 2) Established 3) Maintenance 4) Decline

Mistakes Managers Make

1. Insensitive to others 2. Cold, aloof, arrogant 3. Betray trust 4. Overly ambitious: thinking of next job, playing politics 5. Specific performance problems with business 6. Over managing: unable to delegate or build a team 7. Unable to staff effectively 8. Unable to think strategically 9. Unable to adapt to boss with different style 10. Overdependent on advocate or mentor

Identify the major milestones in the history of managing information.

1. paper and printing press 2. file cabinets telegraph cash registers telephone time clocks personal computers internet

Motion study typically yielded production increases of

25 to 300 percent.

Competitive Advantage Through People: Reduction of Status Differences

A company should treat everyone, no matter what the job, as equal.

involves deciding who your competitors are, anticipating competitors' moves, and determining competitors' strengths and weaknesses

A competitive analysis

Competitive Advantage

A superiority gained by an organization when it can provide the same value as its competitors but at a lower price, or can charge higher prices by providing greater value through differentiation. Competitive advantage results from matching core competencies to the opportunities. Example: Price Match

First-line managers will most likely have to: A)encourage,monitor, and reward the performances of their employees B)periodically monitor company's organizational culture C)monitor the performance of corporate investments D)determine how to deal with long-term enviormental changes E)do none of these

A) encourage,monitor, and reward the performances of their employees

A manager engaged in the management function of______ is monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed A)controlling B)leading C)organizing D)planning


____is best known for developing the five functions of managers and the fourteen principles of management A)Henri Fayol B)Mary Parker Follett C)Elton Mayo D)Max Weber E)Frank Gilbreth

A)Henri Fayol

Which of the following statements about information management is true? A)Two types of information technology are the cash register and the typewriter B)It is a form of management that appeared with the introduction of computers C)Businesses are not typically interested in information technologies that offer speed D)All of these statement about information management are true E)Throughout history,organizations have been reticent to adopt new information technologies

A)Two types of information technology are the cash register and the typewriter

One of the difficulties encountered in recent mergers has been the inability of employees in the two existing organizational cultures to operate harmoniously. In other words, merging organizations cultures often lack the ____ that would increase the likelihood of a merger's success A)adaptability B)consistency C)involvement D)responsiveness E)validity


Which of the following management practices can be used by an organization that wants to create a competitive advantage through its employees? A)all of these B)self-managed teams C)sharing information D)high wages contingent on organizational performance E) employment security

A)all of these

At about the same time as management theorist were developing scientific management principals in the United States, Max Weber was in Europe developing: A)bureaucratic management B)human relations management C)group dynamics theory D)systems management E)contingency management

A)bureaucratic management

In a departure from mainstream management thinking Mary Follett believed: A)conflict could be beneficial B)rules and procedures should be applied without favoritism C)group dynamics produces positive peer preassure D)work specialization was the key to efficiency E)pay should be performance based

A)conflict could be beneficial

According to Kohlberg's model of moral development,people at the ____make decisions that conform to societal expectations. A)conventional level B)preconventional level C)postconventional level D)amoral level E)unconventional level

A)conventional level

A systems view of management allows managers to: A)deal with the complex enviroment in which their companies operate B)eliminate production bottlenecks C)store and retrieve all types on information D)communicate efficiently E)manage

A)deal with the complex enviroment in which their companies operate

When addressing issues of high___,managers are more aware of the impact their decisions have on others they are more likely to view the decisions as an ethical decision, and they are more likely to worry about doing the right thing. A)ethical intensity B)temporal immediacy C)proximity of effect D)social consensus E)ethical temporarily

A)ethical intensity

___is the strong when decisions have large,certain,immediate consequences and when we are physically or psychologically close to those affected by the decision A)ethical intensity B)the level of ethical involvement C)situational morality D)norm compliance E)ethical variance

A)ethical intensity

__ is the degree to which an organization's external environment has an abundance or scarcity of critical organizational resources A)resource scarcity B)differentiations opportunity C)enviormental dysamism D)enviormental capacity E)enviormental complexity

A)resource scarcity

____occurs when workers deliberately slow down their pace or restrict their work outputs. A)soldiering B)chugging C)lagging D)roadblocking E)job loitering


According to human relations management___ A)success depends on treating workers well B)effective managers must be able to perform all four managerial functions simutaneously C)success follows from strict adherence to the chain of command principle D)efficiency equals organizational success E)people are simply extensions of the machines they operate

A)success depends on treating workers well

Which type of skills tends to be most important to the success of lower-level managers? A)technical skills B)motivation to manage C)decisional skills D)conceptual skills E)human skills

A)technical skills

Secondary stakeholders are important to a company because: A)they can affect public perceptions and opinions B)they create an awareness of overt organizational integrity C)they have the direct power to control management decisions D)it depends on them for long-term survival E)the company is endangered by a termination of their relationship

A)they can affect public perceptions and opinions

Enviormental____ is affected by the environmental complexity,change, and resources A)uncertainty B)differentiation C)difficulty D)entrepreneurship E)essence


Changes in any sector of the general environment___ A)will eventually affect most organizations B)inhibit the innovation process C)tend to slow down how quickly an organizations moves through environmental cycle D)will typically not impact most organizations E)influence customers first and then suppliers

A)will eventually affect most organizations


Accomplishing tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives, such as customer service and satisfaction. -Doing the right things -Choosing the right goals and successfully achieving them -Concerned with the appropriateness of the goals of an organization and the degree to which the the organization achieves them

One of the difficulties encountered in recent mergers has been the inability of employees in the two existing organizational cultures to operate harmoniously. In other words, merging organizational cultures often lack the ___________ that would increase the likelihood of a merger's success.


Henri Fayol is responsible for developing ____.

Administrative management.

Which of the following statements about division of labor is true?

All of the above statements about division are true.

According to Chester Barnard, which of the following is an example of an organization?

All of the above.

According to Mary Parker Follett ____.

All of these are true.

Which of the following statements describes an advantage of the systems approach to management?

All of these describe advantages of the systems approach to management.

Competitive Advantage Through People: Decentralization

Allows employees who are closest to problems, production, and customers to make timely decisions. Increases employee satisfaction

According to Chester Barnard, for many managerial requests or directives, there is a zone of indifference. A zone of indifference ____.

Appears when the acceptance of managerial authority is automatic.

There have been several studies of managers who fail (derailers) and managers who succeed in climbing the organizational hierarchy (arrivers). Which of the following statements describes one of the facts learned from these studies?

Arrivers are sensitive to the feelings of others.

During the Industrial Revolution

Availability of power enabled low-paid, unskilled labor to replace high-paid skilled artisans

Frederick Taylor is famous for: A)developing time and motion studies B)creating the principles of scientific management C)developing the 14 principles of management D)first defining the functions of managers E)doing all of these

B)creating the principles of scientific management

What term describes the degree of concern people have about an ethical issue? A)social consensus B)ethical intensity C)temporal immediacy D)magnitude of consequence E)ethical valence

B)ethical intensity

All events outside a company that have the potential to influence or affect it occur in the ____enviorment A)specific B)external C)formal D)national E)potential


Creating a competitive advantage through people relies heavily on the use of which skill to reward people for providing exceptional customer service? A)technical B)motivation to manage C)decisional D)interpersonal E)conceptual

B)motivation to manage

_____involved managing the daily production of goods and services. A)systems management B)operations management C)resource management D)contingency management E)bureaucratic management

B)operations management

Chester Bernard defined a(n)____ as "a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons." A)bureaucracy B)organization C)administration D)work unit E)department


According to Kohlber's model of moral development,people at the____use internalized ethical principles to solve ethical dilemmas A)preconventional level B)postconventional level C)conventional level D)amoral level E)unconventional level

B)postconventional level

In a very strong economy,where demand for qualified job applicants exceeds the supply, the environmental characteristics of ___ is likely to be particularly salient for many companies A)enviormental change B)resource scarcity C)enviormental complexity D)enviormental uncertainty E)enviormental risks

B)resource scarcity

According to Weber, a bureaucracy_____ A)should be based on the theory of behavioral reinforcement B)is the exercise of control on basis of knowledge expertise or experience C)is the exercise of control by virtue of family connections D)allows political connections to determine an individuals power base within organizations E)relies on schedules, periodic corrective actions to operate as its most efficient

B)s the exercise of control on basis of knowledge expertise or experience

Which of the following typically is NOT performed by the top managers? A)monitoring the business enviornment B)setting objectives consistent with organization....... C)creating a positive organizational culture through language and action D)creating a context for change E) developing in employees the attitudes of commitment to and ownership of the company's performance

B)setting objectives consistent with organization.......

Workplace deviance can be categorized by how deviant the behavior is and: A)organizational norms B)the target of the deviant behavior C)the intent of the violator D)where the motivation occured E)how the behavior was motivated

B)the target of the deviant behavior

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth are important to management because they: A)view the organization as a system that influences its environment and that was influenced by its environment B)used motion studied to eliminate unnecessary or repetitive motions from work process C)identified the four functions managers perform D)proved the effectiveness of non financial motivators in convincing workers to strive for organizations E)realized how the principles of sociology applied to worker performance

B)used motion studied to eliminate unnecessary or repetitive motions from work process

With integrative conflict resolution ____.

Both parties work together to create an alternative solution that includes shared preferences and integrates interests.

In which of the following situations would a Gantt chart be appropriate to use?

Building a bridge. Installing a local area network for a computer system. Rebuilding communities destroyed by hurricane. Planning a Mardi Gras parade. All of these.

according to Max Weber this is the exercise of control on the basis of knowledge, expertise, or experience


management focuses on using knowledge, fairness, and logical rules to increase the organization's efficiency

Bureaucratic management

Which of the following is one of the steps in the process that managers use to make sense of their changing environments? A)behavioristic relations B)perceptual re-engagement C)acting on threats and opportunities D)creating strategic windows E)enviormental laddering

C)acting on threats and opportunities

The informational role managers play when they share information they have collected with their subordinated and others in the company is called the ___ roles A)figurehead B)entrepreneur C)disseminator D)resource allocator E)monitor


Historically, ______responsibility means making a profit by producing valued by society. It has been business's most basic social responsibility A)legal B)discretionary C)economic D)ethical E)fiscal


What is the term used to describe the degree of concern people have about an ethical issue? A)social consensus B)temporal immediacy C)ethical intensity D)ethical valence E)magnitude of consequence

C)ethical intensity

The chairs of the accounting marketing, and communications departments at a typical university are assuming the roles of_____ because they supervised non managerial employees. A)middle-level managers B)supervising managers C)first-line managers D)department managers E)top managers

C)first-line managers

A company facing a simple environment would_____ A)be influenced by only factors in it specific environment B)exhibit proof of the punctuated equilibrium theory C)have few external factors in the environment that affect it D)most likely be in the first stage of the environmental cycle E)be unable to succeed due to lack on innovation

C)have few external factors in the environment that affect it

How did the Industrial Revolution change jobs and organizations? A)Managers realized the importance of customer relations B)Managers realized the importance of synergistic tasks. C)low paid, unskilled workers running machines began to replace high-paid, skilled artisians D)skilled jobs were performed in homes rather than factories E)managers learned to use delegation

C)low paid, unskilled workers running machines began to replace high-paid, skilled artisians

After a year as a manager, new managers typically realize their job is: A) to manage tasks B)just as they expected C)people management D)to be a problem-solver E) to be a troubleshooter

C)people management

Explain the principles of Mary Parker Follett's human resource management.

* constructive conflict 1. domination 2. compromise 3. integrative conflict resolution- where neither has to sacrifice anything but find an alternative that meets the needs of both Four fundamental principles: (of working together) 1. coordination affects all factors related in the business 2. coordination by direct contact of the responsible people concerned 3. coordination in the early stages 4. coordination as a continuing process

Explain the contributions of Taylor to the theory of scientific management.

*Time study- how long is a fair day's work and setting a standard work day (pay would + or - if more or less than standard; payment completely dependent on production) 1. 75% science and 25% common sense 2. breaks increase productivity 3. use systematic study to the find the best way of doing each task 4. scientifically select, train, teach, and develop workers to help them reach their full potential 5. cooperate with employees to ensure implementation of the scientific principles 6. divide the work and responsibility equally between management and workers 7 developing standardized approaches and tools

Explain the contributions of the Gantt to the theory of scientific management.

*carrot and stick for work but only carrot-bonuses 1.also recommended to train and develop workers 2. reward for both teacher and pupil for teaching the best method in the shortest time

Which skills increase in their importance to success as managers rise through the managerial ranks? A)conceptual skills and the motivation to manage B) informational skills and the motivation to manage C)human skills and informational skills D)human skills and decisional skills E)conceptual skills, technical skills, and human skills

A)conceptual skills and the motivation to manage

Are compatible with people's personal interests

According to Chester Bernard, people will be likely to follow managerial directives or orders if they ____ . a. come from a peer rather than a senior b. are inconsistent with the purpose of the organization c. are broad in nature d. are compatible with people's personal interests e. cannot be carried out by the people


According to Mary Parker Follett, ____ is an approach for dealing with conflict in which one party satisfies its desires and objectives at the expense of the other party's desires and objectives. a. domination b. resolution c. negotiation d. coercion e. integration

The Contingency Approach

According to _____ , the most effective management theory or idea depends on the kinds of problems or situations that managers are facing at a particular time and place. a. the human relations approach b. bureaucratic management c. scientific management d. the contingency approach e. administrative management

Educational background of an applicant

According to bureaucratic management, employees should be hired on the basis of ____ . a. personal appearance of an applicant b. the political influence of an applicant c. relation of an applicant with an employer d. the budget of a company e. educational background of an applicant

A manager engaged in the management function of____ is monitoring progress toward goal achievement and taking corrective action when needed. A)motivating B)controlling C)leading D)planning E)organizing


A manager striving to improve organizational _____is accomplishing tasks to help achieve organizational objectives. A)functionality B)effectiveness C)productivity D)efficiency E)synergy


Why do modern companies need managers?

Because so many workers work under one roof today

Max Weber

Bureaucratic Management

Compare bureaucratic and administrative management.

Bureaucratic- to prevent favoritism, it's about following the rules for efficiency, fairness, and effectiveness BUT: it's too resistant to change and slow to respond to customers and competitors Administrative-the five management functions of leading, planning, organizing, commanding, and coordinating, and controlling


Chester Barnard defined a(n) ____ as a "system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two of more people. a. department b. bureaucracy c. administration d. organization e. work unit

Mary Parker Follett

Constructive Conflict

A manager engages in the management function of______ is determining organizational goals and the means for achieving them. A)organizing B)controlling C)human resources management D)planning E)leading

D) Planning

____ is the accomplishment of tasks that help fulfill organizational objectives A)Efficiency B)Benchmarking C)Satisfying D)Effectiveness E)Optimizing


After the makers of Wonder Bread declared bankruptcy, their objectives were to increase revenues by at least 5 percent and reduce net losses by at least 80 percent. Which management function is used to set these goals and help the company meet them? A)motivating B)controlling C)organizing D)planning E)leading


Managers who train and supervise the performance of non managerial employees, and who are directly responsible for producing the company's products or services, are categorized as: A)middle managers B)team leaders C)top managers D)first-line managers E)general managers

D)first-line managers

According to Mintzberg, which of the following lists the three major roles managers fulfill while performing their jobs? A)decisional roles, informational roles, and organizational roles B) informational roles,ethical roles, and action roles C) corporate roles,coordination roles, and informational roles D)interpersonal roles,informational roles, decisional roles E) interpersonal roles, intrapersonal roles, and departmental roles

D)interpersonal roles,informational roles, decisional roles

Typical responsibilities for _____ include setting objectives consistent with organizational goals and then planning and implementing the subunit strategies for achieving these goals: A)shift supervisors B)top managers C)first-line managers D)middle managers E)team leaders

D.Middle managers

A manager who gets work done with a minimum of effort is increasing the _____ of the organization A)Synergy B)Functionality C)Effectiveness D)Productivity E) Efficiency

E) Efficiency

Managers who train and supervise the performance of non managerial employees, and who are directly responsible for producing the company's products or services, are categorizes as: A)middle managers B)team leaders C)general managers D)top managers E) first-line managers

E) First-line managers

developed a long-term interest in using motion study to simplify work, improve productivity, and reduce the level of effort required to safely perform a job

Frank and Lillian Gilbreth

Father of Scientific Management

Frederick W. Taylor

Unskilled workers running machines began to replace high-paid, skilled artisans

How did the Industrial Revolution change jobs and organizations? a. productivity fell at companies as workers focused on their singular tasks b. managers realized the importance of customer relations c. cottage workers worked with each other out of small homes that were often built in a semicircle d. unskilled workers running machines began to replace high-paid, skilled artisans e. managers realized the importance of synergistic tasks

The Hawthorne Studies

Human factors related to work were found to be more important than physical conditions or design of work.

Henry Gant

One of the first to recommend that companies train and develop workers; Pay for performance plans

People will be indifferent to managerial directives if they

are understood, consistent with organization's purpose, compatible with people's personal interests, and can actually be carried out by those people

A systems view of management allows managers to

deal with the complex environment in which their companies operate


lead by virtue of their rational-legal authority—in other words, their knowledge, expertise, or experience

Thanks to Mayo and the Hawthorne Studies,

managers better understood the effect that group social interactions, employee satisfaction, and attitudes had on individual and group performance

The Hawthorne Studies demonstrated that

the workplace was more complex than previously thought, that workers were not just extensions of machines, and that financial incentives weren't necessarily the most important motivator for workers.

Explain contingency management.

there are no universal management theories

Time study

timing how long it takes good workers to complete each part of their jobs

Integrative conflict resolution

when two desires are integrated, that means that a solution has been found in which both desires have found a place that neither side has had to sacrifice anything

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FON: Chapter 22 Types of Role Conflict

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Fundamentals of Software Engineering MIDTERM

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Gizmo Simulation: Human Karyotyping

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