MGT 101 Study guide

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Goal commitment

-Determination to achieve the goal

Relative comparisons

-Each criterion is compared directly to every other criterion

Matrix Departmentalization

-Top of organization structure product structure-Manager responsible for the global branded products

Matrix Departmentalization Advan.

-allows companies to efficiently manage large, complex tasks.-gives much more diverse set of expertise and experience

Core firms

-central companies in a strategic group

Virtual organization Disadvantage

-difficult to control quality of work done by partners-requires tremendous managerial skills

Option based planning

-keep options open by making, small simultaneous investments in many alternative plans, when one or more plan emerge as likely winners, invest more in those plans

Virtual organization Advantage

-shared costs. -fast and flexible

o Constitutional Law o Statutory Law o Administrative Law

3 ·basis sources of law

§ Checks and balances. § Each branch can limit the power of the other branches. · Legislative, Judicial and executive branches

Separation of powers

Incremental Change

The phase of a technology cycle in which companies innovate by lowering costs and improving function and performance of the dominate design

The federal From of Government

The states form a union in which the sovereign power is divide between the central government and the states

Situation analysis

a process planners use, within time and resource constraints, to gather, interpret, and summarize all information relevant to the planning issue under consideration

Multifunction teams

are work teams composed of people from different departments


assets, capabilities, processes, information, knowledge, that an organization use to sustain a competitive advantage over its competition

Ethical behavior:

behavior that conforms to society's accepted principles of right and wrong

Bill of Rights

creates a series of protection for the individual against the conduct of the federal government

Operation plans

day-to-day plans,for producing or delivering the organization's products and services.

Constitutional law

derived from the U. S. Constitution and individual state constitutions, laws that violates, U. S. or States constitutions when challenge will be declared unconstitutional

companies and individuals.

Finally, perhaps the most compelling benefit of planning is that it has been proven to work for both

· Design iteration · Product prototype · Testing · Milestones · Multifunction teams

Five Aspect of Experiential approach

· Planning · Supplier involvement · Shortening the time of individual steps · Overlapping steps · Multifunction team

Five aspect of the Compression Approach

-Valuable resources -Rare resources -Imperfectly imitable resources. -Nonsubstitutable resources

Four conditions to achieve a competitive advantage

Administrative law

Laws create by administrative agencies in order to carry out their duties on the federal state and local levels of government.

Team leaders

facilitating team activities to achieve organization goals, help team plan and schedule work


failure to use due care who sustain an injury

Political deviance

favoritism, gossiping about co-workers, blaming co-workers, competing nonbeneficial

Secondary firms

firms that use strategies related to but somewhat different from those of core firms


getting work done with a minimum of effort, waste, or expense

Job enlargement

increases the number of different tasks that a worker performs within one particular job. Instead of being assigned just one task, workers with enlarged jobs are given several tasks to perform


monitoring progress toward goals and taking corrective action when needed

Sustainable Competitive Advantage

o : a competitive advantage that other companies have tried unsuccessfully tried to duplicate and have stop trying

§ Boston Consulting Group Matrix

o A portfolio strategy that categorize a corporation business growth by rate and relative market share and helps managers decide how to invest corporate funds

· U. S. Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations

o Amended in 2004, with Stricker requirement for ethical training and creating a legal and ethical company culture. All businesses are covered by the sentencing guidelines

Private party sue another private party

o Civil law Definition and enforcement of all private, public rights

Common law & Case Laws

o Common law base on the English legal system o Case law based on court decisions, interrupt statutes, regulation and constitutional provisions o Common and case law based on Precedents involving identical or similar facts (Stare Decisis obligation to follow precedents)

Act define by state federal and local government statutes

o Criminal law defines and punishment wrongful act committed against the public


o Determine organization goals and how to achieve them.

The Commerce Clause

o Gives congress the power to regulate interstate trade o Prevent state from making laws that will interfere with commerce between the states

Administrative law

o OSHA o DHEC o EPA o Rule making adopts a new or amend an old regulation

Equitable Remedies and Court Equity

o Remedy the relief given to a party to enforce a right or compensation for the violation of a right. § Plaintiff. § Defendant

· U. S. Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations

o Since 1991 companies can b e prosecuted and punish even if management is not aware of unethical behavior of management

· The principles of Ethical Decision Making

o The particular ethical principle that managers use will effect how they solve ethical dilemmas

Substantive law

o laws thar define, describe, regulates create rights and obligation

Stakeholder model

o long term model of survival by satisfying multiple stakeholders . Primary stake holders and Secondary stakeholders

Competitive advantage

o providing customers a greater value for customer than competitors can

Ethical dilemmas

o situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two courses of action, either of which entails transgressing a moral principle.

Market commonality

o the degree to which two firms have overlapping products


o the set of moral principles or values that defines right and wrong for a person or group

S-Curve pattern of innovation

pattern of technological innovation, characterized by slow initial process, the rapid process, and then slow progress as technology matures and reaches it limits

Innovation streams

pattern on innovation over time that can create sustainable competitive advantage

Property deviance

sabotaging equipment, accepting kickbacks, lying about hours worked, stealing form company.

Organization development

set of techniques for implementing planned change to make people and organizations more effective.

Personal aggression

sexual harassment, verbal abuse, stealing for co-workers, endangering co-workers

Ethical intensity

the degree of concerns people have about an ethical issue

Economic social responsibility

the expectation that a company will make a profit by producing a product or service valued by society, has been a business' most basic social responsibility.

Resource similarities

the extent to which a competitor has similar amount and kind of resources

Direct competition

§ two companies offer similar product and services, acknowledge each as rivals, and react to each other strategic actions

Compression Approach

· Assume that innovation can be planned using a series of steps that compress the steps to speed innovation

Experiential Approach to innovation

· Assume that innovation is occurring within a highly uncertain environment · The use of intuition, flexibility, and hands on experiences

Probate court and Bankruptcy courts

· Jurisdiction over subject matter, limited types of case a court can hear both federal and states

Punitive Damages

· Monetary damages that may be awarded to the plaintiff to punish the defendant to deter similar conduct in the future

o Interpret and apply the law through judicial review. o Determining the constitutionality of the law. o Act as checks and balance on the executive branch

· The role of the Judiciary branch

Personality-based integrity test

· measure psychological traits,Codes of ethics, Ethical training and Ethical climate

Compensation damages

· monetary award equivalent to actual value or injuries or damages sustain by the aggrieved party

Long arm statutes

· state have jurisdiction over nonresidents

Matrix Departmentalization

•A hybrid structure in which two or more form of departmentalization are used together, the most common combines Product and Functional forms

Situation analysis

•SWOT. •Strengths. •Weaknesses. •Opportunities. •Threats

Integrity test

•tests are meant to measure honesty, dependability and work ethic.


managers perform ceremonial duties

Shareholder model

maximize profit


§ Best way to improve performance § Encourage employee to work harder § Company that plan have larger profit and faster growth

Market commonality:

§ the degree to which two companies have overlapping, products, services or customer in multiple markets

Top managers

(CEO CFO COO) responsible for change, commitments, Culture, environment

Middle Managers

(GM Plant MGR, Regional MGR) resources, strategy implementation

Matrix Departmentalization Disadvan

- requires a high level of duplication.- confusion and conflict between project bosses.- requires much more management skill

Organizational Innovation

§ the successful implementation of creative ideas in an organization

Technology discontinuity

A scientific advance or a unique combination of existing technologies create a significate breakthrough in performance


A wrongful act that result in harm or injury to another and leads to civil liability


Is a method of subdividing worker and work into separate organizational units that take responsibility for completing a task


Choosing a goal and developing a method or strategy to achieve that goal

- Substantive Law & Procedural Law. -Substantive law. - Procedural law describes the method of enforcing the right established by Substantive laws

Classification of law

Devil advocacy

Critical analysis of a preferred alternative, made in response to challenges raised by a group member who, playing the role of devil's advocate, defends unpopular or opposing alternatives for the sake of argument.Dialectical

Functional departmentalization

Departmentalization that is based on the primary functions performed within an organizational unit

Discontinuous change

Discontinuous change

and survive technological changes that can transform an industry leaders into losers

During discontinuous change, companies must find a way to anticipate


Encourage managers and employees to report ethical violations

Technology cycles

§ a cycle that begins with the birth of new technology and ends when the technology reaches its limits and is replace by newer and better technology


Inspiring and motivating worker to work hard to achieve organizational goals

Direct competition

Instead of competing with an entire industry, most firms directly compete with a few firms with in the industry

figurehead, leader, and liaison


Organization development

Plan process of change in an organization wide process utilizing a systematic approach to problem-solving with the goal of improving the effectiveness of the organization.

there may be little chance of short-term success

Planning leads to persistence, that is, working hard for long periods. In fact, planning encourages persistence even when


The ability to hear and decide a case

Organizational Change

The difference in the form, quality or condition of an organization over time

people to work hard for extended periods and to engage in behaviors directly related to goal accomplishment, it also encourages them to think of better ways to do their jobs

The fourth benefit of planning is that it encourages the development of task strategies. In other words, planning not only encourages .

accomplish their goals and away from activities that don't.

The third benefit of planning is direction. Plans encourage managers and employees to direct their persistent efforts toward activities that help

Organization Structure

The vertical and horizontal configuration of departments, authority and job within a company

Temporal immediacy

Time between the act and the consequences the act produce, lay off in 3 weeks as oppose to 3 months). is stronger if a manager has to lay off workers next week as opposed to 3 months from now.


Where decision will be made, who will do what, job tasks, and who will work for whom

Social responsibility

a business obligation to pursue policies, make decisions, and take actions that benefits society

Rational decision making

is a systematic process in which managers define problems

Virtual organization

is part of a network in which many companies share skills, costs, capabilities, markets, and customers with each other


is the location of a significant amount of authority in the lower levels of the organization

Decision making

is the process of choosing a solution from available alternatives.

Grand strategies

is to increase profits, revenues, market share, or the number of places (stores, offices, locations) in which the company does business.

Statutory Law

law enacted by legislated body bodies at any level of government and will be included in the federal codes of law.

Production deviance

leaving early, excessive breaks, working slowly, and wasting resources

Chain of command

the vertical line of authority that clarifies who reports to whom throughout the organization

Purpose of tort laws

to provide remedies for the invasion of various protective interest

Workplace deviance

unethical behavior that violates organizational norms about right and wrongs

Overt integrity test

written test that estimate applicant honesty

Firstline Mgr.

§ (office manager, Shift supervisor) teaching training and scheduling

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