MGT 110- CH 2

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An RJP should include:

(1) the essential responsibilities or duties of the job; (2) the expectations regarding hours worked, travel, and working conditions; and (3) the most common (perhaps five to seven) positive and negative aspects of performing the job.

job analysis

- A process that involves collecting information about the tasks (actual work) and the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) that are required for the job. - The result of a job analysis is a job description that helps organizations recruit, select, train, and manage employees' performance, because it specifies the most critical tasks to be accomplished.

counterproductive work behaviors (CWB)

- Any intentional behaviors on the part of organization members that the organization views as contrary to its legitimate interests. - Examples range from serious crimes such as sexual harassment, theft, physical abuse, use of illegal drugs, and fraud to more subtle misbehavior such as the personal use of resources, lying, spreading of rumors, bullying, work sabotage, and hostility or incivility toward others. - can range from minor to serious and from organizational to interpersonal

Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB)

- Is employee behavior that contributes to the overall effectiveness of the individual and organization but is not considered part of an employee's core tasks. - OCB helps support overall task performance Examples: - volunteering to work on a part of a project that is not your job - helping a co-worker learn a new task - following organizational rules and procedures

Task performance

- Represents effective completion of the core substantive or technical tasks that are essential to any job. - All jobs have a set of critical job tasks. Task performance, thus, involves employees' behavior in accomplishing these tasks. - Typically, organizations are concerned with how effective and efficient employees are in accomplishing their critical job tasks.

So what makes someone satisfied with a job and committed to an organization?

- characteristics of the job - how they are led - the relationships they form with colleagues - the levels of stress the job entails

OCBs are strongly related to ?

- increased individual task performance - unit or department performance levels - organizational productivity or profitability

Individual effectiveness factors:

- individual differences awareness - stress management - decision making - ethical behavior - communication - motivation

Interpersonal effectiveness factors

- managing conflict and negotiations - power, politics, and influence - leading others

Team and Organizational effectiveness factors

- teamwork - organizational culture and diversity - organization design - organizational change

What are the 5 key process factors that are critical to team's sucess?

1. Confidence 2. Cooperation 3. Coordination 4. Cohesion 5. Conflict

Scholars believe that high-performance work practices improve organizational performance in at least three ways...

1. Engaging in these practices is thought to provide employees with the critical knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to perform their job 2. Such practices heighten employees' motivation and opportunities to get the job done 3. These practices are believed to improve the social dynamics in organizations, thereby promoting increased cooperation and communication

How to retain high performers?

1. Recognize that pay level matters a lot less than pay equity 2. Promote strong boss-employee relationships 3. Engage high performers with new challenges and skill development


1. researchers note that shocks will spur some people to examine the unsatisfying nature of the job 2. shocks have a way of encouraging people to pursue a more attractive job 3. shocks reinforce people's plans to improve (or to continue to improve) their skills or marketability, such as finishing school or obtaining a certification. 4. events can be so powerful that they induce an impulsive response whereby people quit even without a plan for what's next


Actions such as touching base with those parties whose work would be affected by one's decisions or commitments. Providing advanced notice, reminders, and passing along information are all examples of courtesy


Behavior indicating the willingness to tolerate less-than-ideal situations by not filing petty grievances or complaining about minor issues

Civic virtue

Behaviors regarding responsible participation in the political life of the organization. Civic virtue implies a sense of involvement in what policies are adopted and what candidates are supported.

Organizations want employees to be both?

Both highly effect (meet or exceed their goals) and highly efficient ( they expend as few resources as possible)

work attitude

Consists of evaluations or appraisals of one's job that express one's feelings toward, beliefs about, and attachment to the job.

Applicants receiving RJP's are less likely to?

Drop out of the selection process


Employee behavior that goes well beyond the organizations role requirements, - in the areas of attendance, taking breaks, and obeying organizational policies

Fortune's 100 best companies generally?

Generally spend more money on employee benefits and services than their counterparts- it is often expensive to be a best place to work, the expense is worthwhile because people ultimately: engage more fully, work productively, and lift company performance.

What is the second component of job performance?

Is that of contextual performance, also known as organizational citizenship behavior (OCB).

When employees have unmet expectations about their job they are likely to?

Likely to look for a NEW job, it is an organizations best interest to describe jobs accurately and realistically to job applicants

Involuntary turnover

Occurs when the separation is initiated by the organization due to poor performance, downsizing, and so forth

OB scholars are most interested in 3 categories of critical people-related outcome factors which are?

Performance, engagement, and healthy workplace. - In research contexts these are known as dependent variables

workplace incivility

Rude behavior that offends other employees: low in intensity and ambiguous in its intent to harm - rude towards other, shaming and teasing, blaming others for problems, telling off color jokes

Resource-based view (RBV)

Suggests that organizations differ in the types and uses of resources available to them. RBV, proposes that firms compete and sustain their competitive advantage when their human capital is rare and CAN NOT be easily imitated and when substitutes do not readily exist.


The Occupational Information Network (O*Net) is a comprehensive, interactive database of worker attributes and job characteristics

What is a great aid in conducting job analysis?

The U.S. Department of Labor's online resource known as O*Net - useful for those analyzing jobs, can be helpful for employees who are seeking clarity about their role - or job seekers who are attempting to best position their credentials as fitting with the requirements of specific jobs.

What is the most effective way of providing a RJP?

The most effective way to provide an RJP is verbally. generally more effective than providing a brochure with a job description or a taped presentation

unfolding model (of turnover)

This model suggests that people quit for multiple reasons, but all reasons involve organizational events, or "shocks," that lead employees to reconsider their employment relationship. - These events unfold over time and can be expected or unexpected (e.g., finishing a degree program versus being removed from a favorite account), job-related (e.g., not receiving a bonus), or completely unrelated to the job (e.g., the death of a family member).

What happens when organizations promote people practices that are rare?

Those organizations succeed by showing customers and investors that they are doing something unique in the way that they deploy their workforce

With the RBV in mind, do firms that possess higher levels of human capital outperform firms that have less human capital?

Yes! People practices drive a significant portion of organizations' competitive advantage.

Behaviorally, civic virtues take mundane forms such as:

attending meetings, reading email, discussing issues on personal time, voting and "speaking up"


behaviors that have the effect of helping a specific person with an organizationally relevant task or problem


belief that the team has the capability to perform successfully

examples of psychological withdrawal:

daydream, socialize with co-workers for an extended period of time

RJPs increase the job acceptance rate among applicants with no prior exposure to the job and..

decrease the job acceptance rate among those with prior exposure...


disagreement and friction among team members

cyber loafing

employees use internet access to avoid work or disguise in engaging in actual work


helping, courtesy, sportsmanship, helping a co-workers with tasks


high-quality,reciprocal exchange of information among team members

An RJP provided after an applicant is hired is associated with?

higher performance

psychological withdrawal

individuals DO NOT physically withdrawal but cognitively from the job


integration of individual efforts towards team goals

job attitudes include:

job satisfaction, organizational commitment, job engagement and organizational cynicism

RJPs presented to applicants prior to the hiring process are associated with?

low turnover after they have been hired on

Voluntary turnover

occurs when the separation is based upon an employee's choice to leave for any number of reasons spanning personal and professional issues

high-performance work practices

people related practices include but limited to: - the use of incentives - selectivity in hiring - succession planning - extensive training - decentralized decision making


realistic job previews


refers to the amount of resources dedicated to attain the results


refers to the results an employee achieves

What is the most fundamental theory of how organizations compete?

resource-based view (RBV) of the firm


shared commitment and affinity toward the team

An individuals job performance consists of two major components which are?

task performance and contextual performance (also known as organizational citizenship behavior).


volunteering to represent a company at a recruiting event

withdrawal behaviors

whereby individuals are more likely to avoid (psychological withdrawal) or leave the work situation altogether (physical withdrawal). Physical withdrawal behaviors, such as turnover and absenteeism, not only are expensive but also can be highly disruptive.

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BUS101 - Module 7 - Week 2 Part 1 - Market Function Outcomes

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