MGT 3120 final

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Autonomy describes the extent to which a job allows an employee to make choices about scheduling different tasks and deciding how to perform them.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why control is needed?

Control allows one to maintain authority over employees....Control is needed to adapt to change and uncertainty; to discover irregularities and errors; to reduce costs, increase productivity, or add value; to detect opportunities and increase innovation; to provide performance feedback; and to decentralize decision-making and facilitate teamwork.

Workers who face discrimination in their jobs in the United States are best protected by ______ legislation.

Equal Employment opportunity commission (EEOC)

innovation and learning perspective

In the innovation and learning perspective, the focus is on learning and growth of employees, which is the foundation for all other goals in the balanced scorecard. The idea here is that capable and motivated employees, who possess the resources and culture needed to get the job done, will provide higher quality products and services in a more efficient manner. Making this happen requires a commitment to invest in progressive human resource practices and technology. Typical metrics in this perspective are employee satisfaction/engagement, employee retention, employee productivity, training budget per employee, technology utilization, and organizational climate and culture. Many are tracked with employee surveys to gauge attitudes and opinions.

Which of the following is NOT a supertrend affecting the future of business?

Managers are thinking in terms of mass markets—mass communication, mass behavior, and mass values.


Noise is any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message. It can occur in the encoding or decoding, as when a pharmacist can't read a prescription because of a doctor's poor handwriting.

Which of the following is NOT a current trend in the contemporary world?

Spending on health and wellness is decreasing.

Which of the following is FALSE about the leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership?

The LMX focuses only on the behaviors or traits of leaders.


The leader-member exchange (LMX) model of leadership emphasizes that leaders have different sorts of relationships with different subordinates. Unlike other models, which focus on the behaviors or traits of leaders or followers, the LMX model looks at the quality of relationships between managers and subordinates. Also, unlike other models, which presuppose stable relationships between leaders and followers, the LMX model assumes each manager-subordinate relationship is unique. The quality of the relationship between managers and subordinates is related to job satisfaction, employee happiness, and turnover.

_______ is the arrangement of having discrete parts of a task done by different people.

a division of labor

organizational structure

a formal system of task and reporting relationships that coordinate and motivates an organization's members so that they can work together to achieve the organization's goals.

Which of the following is an example of downward communication?

a manager's feedback about a subordinate's performance

For a manager, building an effective team requires work, but the payoff is

a stronger, better-performing work unit.....As a manager, building a high-performance team requires some work, but the payoff will be a stronger, better-performing work unit.

_______ is the final stage of group and team development.

adjourning......In the final stage of group and team development, adjourning, members prepare for disbandment. Having worked so hard to get along and get something done, many members feel a compelling sense of loss. For the individual, the question now is "What's next?" For the team, the issue is "Can we help members transition out?"

Because Fiona is not influenced by merit pay or sales commissions and she performs better in a highly structured job, Fiona has

an external locus of control

"I'm going to buy a Ford to support the U.S. auto industry" is an example of which component of attitude?


The communication advantages of social media use by businesses can best be summarized as

connectivity....The essence of social media is connectivity. If deployed effectively, social media enable businesses to connect with key stakeholders, with various sources of expertise within the organization, and with experts outside the organization.

______ occurs when people perceive they are being attacked or threatened.


According to equity theory, which type of justice reflects the perceived fairness of how resources and rewards are distributed or allocated?


Employees resist change for all the following reasons EXCEPT

faith in change agent's intentions.

A product innovation is a change in the way a product or service is conceived, manufactured, or disseminated.


Arbitration is the process in which a neutral third party, a mediator, listens to both sides in a dispute, makes suggestions, and encourages them to agree on a solution.


Before applying for a job as a contracts analyst, Diego read the job analysis for the available position. This document indicated that the responsible employee reviews contracts for technical accuracy and completeness, and tracks invoices against the executed contracts.


Darla is quiet and shy and does not enjoy interacting with others unless it is strictly for a work project. Her supervisor, Ted, is sending her to a networking event where he hopes Darla will make connections with new clients. Based on Darla's attitude, Ted is making the correct choice by sending her.


Improvement innovations refer to the invention of breakthrough products or services that don't exist yet and that are aimed at creating brand-new markets and customers.


In an organic organization, tasks and rules are clearly specified.


Max, an employee for a government shipping contractor, likes the strict culture that he finds with Trask Industries, which supplies equipment parts to several naval bases. There is very little focus on the external environment and little company flexibility due to the type of customers that Trask serves. Because the product it sells needs little improvement and there is virtually no competition, Trask Industries takes few risks. Trask Industries is an example of an adhocracy culture.


OD intervention strategies that are successful in one country are highly likely to be successfully applied in other countries


Research reveals that emotional people tend to be more satisfied with their jobs, committed to their employer, and produce more work than conscientious individuals.


The IT network that allows for the movement of organizational information within that company is known as the organizational structure.


Thought is the process of interpreting and understanding one's environment


Collaboration and teamwork are the same thing.

false.....Collaboration is essential for teamwork, but it isn't the same thing as teamwork.

Productivity is monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action.

false.....Controlling is monitoring performance, comparing it with goals, and taking corrective action. Productivity is defined by the formula of outputs divided by inputs for a specified period of time

The primary purpose of relationship-oriented leadership behavior is to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization.

false.....The primary purpose of task-oriented leadership behavior is to ensure that people, equipment, and other resources are used in an efficient way to accomplish the mission of a group or organization.

A rich medium is more effective with routine situations.

false....A rich medium is more effective with nonroutine situations. A lean medium is more effective with routine situations.

In adjourning, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge.

false....In norming, conflicts are resolved, close relationships develop, and unity and harmony emerge. In adjourning, members prepare for disbandment.

Reinforcement theory attempts to explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with negative consequences tends to be repeated, whereas behavior with positive consequences tends not to be repeated.

false....Reinforcement theory attempts to explain behavior change by suggesting that behavior with positive consequences tends to be repeated, whereas behavior with negative consequences tends not to be repeated. The use of reinforcement theory to change human behavior is called behavior modification.

As part of their strategic control of the organization, the CEO and senior managers at Ford review the daily performance of the company's suppliers to determine which should be kept.

false....Strategic control is monitoring performance to ensure that strategic plans are being implemented and taking corrective action as needed. Strategic control is mainly performed by top managers, such as those at the CEO and VP levels, who have an organization-wide perspective. Looking at the performance of individual suppliers is usually not a strategic control function; rather, it is operational.

When you grandstand and boast about your greatness, you are promoting yourself.

false....The goal of self-promotion is to inform others about your value and potential impact on organizational goals.

The unofficial communication system of the informal organization, a system of gossip and rumor, is known as jargon.

false....The grapevine is the unofficial communication system of the informal organization, a network of gossip and rumor. Jargon is the specialized language of a profession.

Most workers rate monetary benefits higher than they rate having a caring boss.

false....The opposite is true: Most workers rate having a caring boss higher than they value monetary benefits.

Cynthia is a manager who has poor leader-member relations with her employees who perform unambiguous, easily understood tasks. She should use a task-oriented leadership style.

false....The optimal leadership style for poor leader-member relations and high task structure is relationship-oriented leadership.

Job enlargement enables workers to focus on doing more of the same task to increase productivity.

false...When a job is stripped down to its simplest elements, it enables a worker to focus on doing more of the same task, thus increasing employee efficiency and productivity. The opposite of job simplification, job enlargement, consists of increasing the number of tasks in a job to increase variety and motivation.

______ is NOT one of the three types of formal communication

grapevine....The grapevine is the unofficial communication system of the informal organization, a network of in-person and online gossip and rumor.

When physically attractive people are also assumed to be smarter and nicer, which perception distortion has occurred?

halo effect

A company that works to create a culture that encourages rank-and-file employees to make suggestions, question the status quo, and also measure employee growth, is developing which perspective of the balanced scorecard?

innovation and learning perspective

When a grocery store chain adopts a new practice of its competitors by staying open 24 hours a day, requiring employees to work flexible schedules, it is implementing a(n) ______ change.


Margot enjoys reading to the Kindergarten class at the local elementary school and tutoring math in the third-grade class. She is also a Girl Scout leader with a small group from the same school. How would you describe the feeling she receives from these activities?


________ is NOT included in the four major perspectives on motivation.

job satisfaction

______ focuses on problem-solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.

lean six sigma....Lean Six Sigma focuses on problem-solving and performance improvement, or speed with excellence, of a well-defined project.

Which of the following is NOT a key quality displayed by humble leaders?

low self-awareness

When a pharmacist can't read a prescription because of a doctor's poor handwriting, the message is disrupted by ________, which is defined as any disturbance that interferes with the transmission of a message.


A company dress code and award ceremonies would be part of

observable artifacts

A(n) ______ is a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more people.


Salaried executive, administrative, and professional employees are exempt from ______ rules.


In the ______ leadership model, a leader makes desirable rewards available in the workplace and clarifies how followers can obtain them.

path-goal...The path-goal leadership model holds that the effective leader makes available to followers desirable rewards in the workplace and increases their motivation by clarifying the paths, or behavior, that will help them achieve those goals and provide them with support.

_____ is the set of processes and managerial behaviors that involve defining, monitoring, measuring, evaluating, and providing consequences for performance expectations.

performance management

_______ is NOT a relationship-oriented behavior.

political maneuvering.....There are four kinds of relationship-oriented behaviors: consideration, empowering leadership, ethical leadership, and servant leadership.

Which of the following is NOT a recommended way to manage innovation and change?

prevent failure at all costs

Applications, résumés, interviews, and employment tests are all ______ tools.


Kylie has been practicing repeating phrases such as, "I know I don't wear the latest fashions, but I am comfortable. Surely others feel like I do." Her boss has also told her to consider meditation as it can help her practice these


According to ______ theory, competence, autonomy, and relatedness are the primary motivations for behavior.


_____ leaders focus on providing increased service to others—meeting the goals of both followers and the organization—rather than to themselves.

servant...Servant leaders focus on providing increased service to others—meeting the goals of both followers and the organization—rather than to themselves.

Empathy and organizational intuition are a part of which emotional intelligence (EI) trait?

social awareness

A hierarchy culture has an internal focus; it values ____ over flexibility.

stability and control

According to Tuckman's five-stage model of group and team development, what is the second stage in the process?

storming......The five stages of Tuckman's model are, in order, forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning.

_________ is the last step in the control process.

take corrective action if necessary.......The four control process steps are (1) establish standards, (2) measure performance, (3) compare performance to standards, and (4) take corrective action, if necessary.

Which of the following communication styles do women NOT use as much as men?

talk over others

A ________ could be a collection of five employees who are studying industry pay scales, with the goal of making recommendations for adjusting pay grades within their company.

team.....A team is defined as a small group of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable.

The chain of command is also known as the

the vertical hierarchy

Which of the following is a motivating factor according to Herzberg's two-factor theory?

the work itself...Motivating factors include the work itself, as well as achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, and growth.

______ focuses on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance.

transactional leadership...As a manager, your power stems from your ability to provide rewards (and threaten reprimands) in exchange for your subordinates' doing the work. When you do this, you are performing transactional leadership, focusing on clarifying employees' roles and task requirements and providing rewards and punishments contingent on performance.

______ leadership helps employees pursue organizational goals over self-interests.


Autonomy describes the extent to which a job allows an employee to make choices about scheduling different tasks and deciding how to perform them


Benefits account for about one-third of compensation costs.


Gestures such as constructive statements about the department, expression of personal interest in the work of others, suggestions for improvement, training of new people, the caring for organizational property, and punctuality and attendance well beyond standard or enforceable levels are examples of organizational citizenship behaviors.


In general, job satisfaction today is at an impressively high 89 percent.


LinkedIn is the most popular and effective social media for recruiting.


Low self-efficacy is associated with learned helplessness, the debilitating lack of faith in one's ability to control one's environment.


Mutual-benefit organizations are voluntary collectives whose purpose is to advance members' interests, while nonprofit organizations are formed to offer services to some clients, not to make a profit.


Onboarding programs help employees to integrate and transition to new jobs by making them familiar with corporate policies, procedures, cultures, and politics by clarifying work-role expectations and responsibilities


Personality conflict is defined as interpersonal opposition based on personal dislike or disagreement.


The best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles


Today, teamwork is considered the cornerstone of future management.


When managers and employees within the same department are brought together in cross-functional teams to solve particular problems, their company is using a team-based design.


Conflict is a perfectly normal state of affairs.

true.......Conflict is a process in which one party perceives that its interests are being opposed or negatively affected by another party. Conflict is simply disagreement, a perfectly normal state of affairs.

Bureaucratic control attempts to elicit employee compliance using strict rules, a rigid hierarchy, well-defined job descriptions, and administrative mechanisms such as budgets, performance appraisals, and compensation schemes

true......Bureaucratic control is an approach to organizational control that is characterized by use of rules, regulations, and formal authority to guide performance. This form of control attempts to elicit employee compliance using strict rules, a rigid hierarchy, well-defined job descriptions, and administrative mechanisms such as budgets, performance appraisals, and compensation schemes (external rewards to get results).

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, taking a sabbatical leave to further personal growth is an example of the self-actualization need.

true.....According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, taking a sabbatical leave to further personal growth is an example of the self-actualization need. This is the highest-level need and is a need for self-fulfillment: increasing competence and using abilities to the fullest.

The best leaders display both transactional and transformational leadership styles.

true.....Full-range leadership suggests that leadership behavior varies along a full range of leadership styles, from take-no-responsibility (laissez-faire) "leadership" at one extreme, through transactional leadership, to transformational leadership at the other extreme. It's important to note that transactional leadership is an essential prerequisite to effective leadership, and the best leaders learn to display both transactional and transformational styles of leadership to some degree.

One violation of privacy is identity theft, a downside of the digital age.

true....Privacy is the right of people not to reveal information about themselves. A particularly aggravating violation of privacy is identity theft, in which thieves hijack your name and identity and use your good credit rating to get cash or buy things.

The simplest definition of productivity is outputs divided by inputs.

true....The simplest definition of productivity is outputs divided by inputs.

Team composition reflects the collection of jobs, personalities, values, knowledge, experience, and skills of team members.

true...Team composition reflects the collection of jobs, personalities, values, knowledge, experience, and skills of team members.

In the ______ stage of Kurt Lewin's change model, managers try to instill in employees the motivation to change, encouraging them to let go of behaviors that are resistant to innovation.


The two core principles of TQM are

uniform focus on delivering customer value and continuous improvement of work processes......The two core principles of TQM are (1) people orientation: everyone involved with the organization should focus on delivering value to customers; and (2) improvement orientation: everyone should work on continuously improving the work processes.

Employers must consider an employment test's ______, meaning whether or not it measures what it purports to measure and is free of bias.


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