MGT 3376 Exam #1

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Engage and Distill (CLTS)

-Rhetorical Questions -Three Part Lists

Political Skill

Ability to effectively understand others at work, and to use such knowledge to influence others to act in ways that enhances ones personal and/or organizational objectives

Referent Power

Ability to influence based on other's identification with the individual and follower's desire to emulate them

Expert Power

Ability to influence others due to knowledge or a special skill set

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Ability to monitor ones own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide ones thinking and actions

Deep Acting

Actually trying to change your emotions

Servant Leadership

Create value for the community, behave ethically, Put subordinates first and help them grow and succeed, etc.

Deep level diversity

Differences among member's attitudes, beliefs, and values

Surface level diversity

Differences visible to observers

Broaden and Build Model

Emotions serve to both broaden employee experiences and then allow then to build better functioning organizations

Turnover Intentions

Employees' thoughts about quitting their job

Team Decision Making Strengths

Generate more complete information and knowledge, increased diversity of views, increased acceptance of a solution

LofA: Dyad

High-quality relationships with bosses lead to higher employee performance

Team Norms

Informal and interpersonal rules that team members are expected to follow. May be explicit or implicit.

Golem Effect

Lower expectations lead to lower performance

Reactions to Influence: Resistance

Opposed to the request and refuses to do it. May come up with excuses

Levels of Analysis in OB: Individual

The personality characteristic of conscientiousness is positively related to employee performance

Punctuated Equilibrium

Transition between an earlier phase of inactivity of a team followed by a second phase of significant acceleration toward task completion


Uncertainty about purpose, structure, and leadership

Reactions to Influence: Compliance

Willing to complete the request but gives minimal effort


adding up individual responses to create a group level measure.

4 Dimensions of Authentic Leadership

self-awareness relational transparency Internalized moral perspective Balanced processing

Employee Engagement

A relatively enduring state of mind referring to the simultaneous investment of personal energies in the experience or performance of work

LofA: Organizational

A strong, positive organizational culture is positively related to employee performance

Resiliency (PsyCap)

Ability to bounce back

Legitimate power

Authority to make a request and get a response due to the nature of roles between two people (Example, boss and subordinate)

Reward power

Authority to provide incentives or other things valued

Coercive Power

Authority to punish

Extrinsic Motivation

Based on rewards from the organization such as pay and bonuses

Optimism (PsyCap)

Being positive

Contrast Effects

Comparisons based on what has happened just before we make a decision or judgment Ex) interviewing job applicants


Intragroup conflict as members restrict constraints


Roles become predictable; leader and follower both know what to expect

Team Purpose

Shared purpose Specific goal feedback process team charter


Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely

Reactions to Influence: Commitment

Strong effort made and enthusiastically carries out the request

Team Decision Making Weaknesses

Takes longer, conformity pressures, discussions can be dominated by one or a few members


The rate at which employees leave a workforce and are replaced

Identification based trust (IBT)

Third level. Characterized by the leader and follower sharing the same goals and objectives.Follower will step i n and perform without being asked.

Intellectual Stimulation

Transformational leaders encourage innovation and new ideas. They openly listen to followers and don't criticize novel solutions to problems.

Psychological Capital (PsyCap)

Value of individual differences, including efficacy, optimism, hope, and resiliency

Social Identity

Way to explain how people view their own place in society through membership in various groups.

Surface Acting

We hide our emotions and feelings


for temporary groups; breaking up

Nonleadership/laissez-faire leadership

"Near-avoidance of leadership" least effective of all styles

Halo Error

(or horns) Occurs when a rater's overall positive (or negative) impression strongly influences ratings of specific attributes Ex) performance appraisals

Show Integrity, Authority, and Passion (CLTS)

-Expressions of moral conviction -Statements that reflect the sentiments of the group -Setting high goals -Convey confidence that the goals can be achieved -Expressions of voice (animated), body (gestures), and face (expressions)

Connect, Compare, and Contrast (CLTS)

-Metaphors, similies, and analogies -Stories and anecdotes -Contrasts

TMMs 3 Functions

1. Allow team members to interpret information similarly 2. Shared expectations concerning the future 3. Develop similar reasoning as to why something happens

Charismatic Leadership Tactics (CLTS)

1. Connect, compare, contrast 2. Engage and distill 3. Show integrity, authority, and passion

Goals of Science

1. Description: What does the process look like? 2. Prediction: Will this process occur again? And when? 3. Explanation: Why is this happening? 4. Control: Can we change whether or not this happens?

OB Scientific Method

1. Problem Statement 2. Review Scientific Evidence 3. Hypothesis 4. Observation (Collect Data) 5. Evaluate and Draw Conclusions

9 Steps to Guide Ethical Dealings Pt 1

1. Recognize that theres a moral issue 2. Determine the actor (and the players) in the issue 3. Gather the facts

9 Steps to Guide Ethical Dealings Pt 2

4. Test for right vs. wrong Is it legal? Does it feel right at the gut level? Would you want to see this on the front page of the news? What would your mother think? 5. Test for right vs. right (when both options seem moral) 6. Apply appropriate ethical principles (utilitarian, rights, justice, etc)

9 Steps to Guide Ethical Dealings Pt 3

7. Is there a 3rd way through the dilemma? 8. Make the decision 9. Revisit and reflect

Team Creativity

A collective process that encompasses what team members do behaviorally, cognitively, and emotionally as they define problems, generate ideas, and attempt new ways of doing their work


A person's attempt to assign a cause a behavior or event they observe

Organizational Level

An entire entity structured and managed to pursue collective goals with a structure that determines relationships between the different activities and their members


An intense developmental relationship whereby advice, counseling, and developmental opportunities are provided to a protege by a mentor, in turn, shapes the protege's career experiences

Repairing Broken Trust ? #1

Are you innocent or guilty of committing the transgression?

John Antonakis TedX Talk

Asked children which politician won solely based on their headshot; majority were correct. Talked about Charisma

Organizational Neuroscience

Attempts to understand what happens in the brain when attitudes such as job satisfaction are experienced by people in organizations. Ethical concerns

Position Power

Authority and influence bestowed by a position or office on whoever is occupying it

Impression Management

Behaviors people use to protect their self image and/or change the way they are seen by others. Affects interviewing, performance appraisal, and career success. Body Language is important.

Transformational Leadership

Behaviors that mobilize extra effort from followers through emphasis on change through articulating a new vision for the organization

Transactional Leadership

Behaviors that motivate followers through rewards and corrective actions

Emotion Regulation (EI)

Being able to recover from experienced emotions rapidly

Idealized Influence

Being admired and respected by followers is the core of this leadership component. They are seen as change agents in the organization

Other-awareness (EI)`

Being aware of emotions experienced by others

Efficacy (PsyCap)

Belief in oneself

Why are teams popular?

Better utilize employee talents Be more flexible and responsive to change Increase Motivation


Born between 1900-1945. Build a legacy with one company. Security and fair rewards, part time schedule. Support me in maintaining balance

Baby Boomers

Born between 1946-1964. Build a stellar career. Monetary gains and career progression, flexibility. Help me balance everyone else and find myself

Generation X

Born between 1965-1980. Build a portable career, A repertoire of skill and experience. Immediate rewards and career portability. Give me balance now, not when I'm 65


Born between 1981-1999. Build parallel careers, several jobs simultaneously. Parallel careers and choice. Work isn't everything, I need flexibility to balance all my activities.


Boss tests commitment of followers by offering extra work in exchange for benefits

Productivity (Job Performance)

Can be rated by actual statistics or by supervisors and/or peers

Mentors provide:

Career support Social support Are role models for mentees

Perception of Organizational Politics

Decreased job satisfaction Increased anxiety and stress Increased turnover Reduced Performance

Responses to Broken Trust

Denial Apology Explanation/Excuses Promises

Type D Personality

Doesn't like to take charge, is supportive of others, punctual and consistent, doesn't mind doing repetitive tasks, loves and is content with themselves

Joachim De Posada

Don't eat the marshmallow video. Told 4 year olds not to eat the marshmallow and many of them did.

LofA: Industry

Employee performance is higher in the financial services industry compared with governmental organizations

Introversion vs. Extraversion

Extraverts tend to be outgoing; Introverts tend to be shy

How Do We Learn About OB?

Field Studies Lab Studies Case Studies Survey Studies Meta Analyses (Statistics)

Calculus Based Trust (CBT)

First level. Based upon keeping records of what another person does for you and what you do for them. "Arms length" form of trust. Ex) "Do it or you're fired!"

Stages of Team Development

Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning

Scientific MGMT

Founded by Frederick Winslow Taylor. Always trying to find the most efficient way to do a job

Work Team

Generates coordinated effort; individual effort results in a level of performance greater than the sum of individual inputs. Members depend on one another. Synergy


Group fully functional and working towards goals


Group is cohesive with strong group identity

Positive and Negative affect

Happier people perform better and have higher incomes, and vice versa

Examples of Personalized Charismatic Leaders

Hitler, Josef Stalin, Charles Manson, Saddam Hussein

Job Satisfaction

How satisfied an individual is with their job.

4 I's (Transformational)

Idealized Influence Inspirational Motivation Intellectual Stimulation Individualized Consideration

Repairing Broken Trust ? #2

If guilty of the transgression, is this due to the situation or to you?

Repairing Broken Trust ? #3

If the transgression is attributed at least in part to you, is it a personal shortcoming you can fix or is it an enduring characteristic that you seem to repeat?


Includes individual attributes like gender, race/ethnicity, age, and disability status

Elaborative Interrogation

Increases the willingness let go of preconceived notions and learn material that changes beliefs.

Distinctiveness Information

Info about how the individual behaves the same way in different situations. Low= same. High= particular way towards particular situation

Work Group

Interacts primarily to share information and make decisions to help one another perform within each member's area of responsibility. No real joint effort is required

Judging vs. Perceiving

Judging types tend to make quick decisions; perceiving types tend to be more flexible

Authentic Leadership

Know themselves and behave in a way that is consistent with what is intuitively right

Type B personality

Laid back, loves being the center of attention and having a good time, talkative and outgoing, needs to be liked by others

Management by Exception - Passive (MBE-P)

Leader does not actively look for errors, but take action when they are noticed

Management by Exception - Active (MBE-A)

Leader looks for followers to make errors and then corrects them

Inspirational Motivation

Leaders inspire others to work hard toward organizational goals by providing challenge. They are positive, upbeat, and get others to feel optimistic.

Leadership vs. Management

Leadership: inspiring a vision Management: controlling the operations Managerial leader: leaders who adapt to situational demands

Limitations of MBTI

Limited support for validity and reliability

Examples of Socialized Charismatic Leaders

MLK jr., FDR, JFK, Gandhi

Evidence-Based MGMT (EBM)

Making decisions about the MGMT of employees, teams, or organizations through conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of 4 kinds of info: Best available scientific, organizational, and experimental evidence, and Org. values and stakeholder concerns.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Most often administered personality test


Mutual expectations are established and the follower's role is clarified

Just World hypothesis

Need to believe that the world is fair and that people get what they deserve

Prosocial Motivation

New concept of motivation that assesses the degree to which employees behave in a way that benefits society as a whole

Recency Effect

Not only do people remember what they experience first, they also remember the most recently presented items or experiences. example: reading misspelled words

External Attribution

Occurs when people infer that a persons behavior is due to situational factors Ex) Kid is late to class. Prof assumes it is because there were no parking spots

Internal Attribution

Occurs when people infer that an event or a person's behavior is due to character traits or abilities Ex) Kid is late to class. Prof assumes it is because of lack of motivation

Primary Effect

Once a person has formed an initial impression, they maintain it even when presented with concrete evidence that it is false example: first impressions

Big 5 Personality Characteristics O.C.E.A.N

Openness Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism

Pygmalion Effect

Perceptions sometimes result in a self-fulfilling prophecy in which high expectations of performance by leaders actually create conditions in which followers succeed. Boosts performance by leaders raising their expectations of followers

Career mentoring from a boss contributes to:

Performance Promotions and salary increases above and beyond a high-quality LMX relationship Higher Potential Higher organizational commitment

Type A personality

Persistent in getting what they want, impatient and not a good listener, competitive, enjoys taking risk and is driven to succeed

Hawthorne Effect

Positive responses in attitudes and performance when researchers pay attention to a specific group of workers. Elton Mayo


Potential of one person or group to influence another person or group

Critical Thinking

Process of learning by questioning everything


Process through which people organize and interpret sensory information to give meaning to their world. Can change

Contingent reward

Promising or delivering rewards to followers contingent on their performance


Psychological state comprising the intention to accept vulnerability based upon positive expectations of the intentions or behavior of another

Leader - Member Exchange (LMX)

Quality of the working relationship that is developed with each follower

Most Effective Influence Strategies

Rational Persuasion Consultation Inspirational Appeals Apprising, Collaboration, and Exchange (Effective w/ peers, not boss)

Critical Thinking Skills

Rationality SelfAwareness Honesty Open-mindedness Discipline Judgement


Regularities in feeling, thought, and action that are characteristic of an individual


Regularly staying away from work or school without good reason

Intrinsic Motivation

Related to the value of the work itself

Knowledge Based Trust (KBT)

Second level. Grounded in how predictable the other person is. Ex) a boss asking the same employee to constantly make the powerpoints because they do it the best and in a timely fashion

Hope (PsyCap)

Seeing the pathways to the future

Sensing vs. Intuition

Sensing types tend to be practical; Intuitive people tend to be "idea people"


Small # of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and an approach for with they hold themselves mutually accountable.

Applied Social Psychology

Study of how people interact in groups, addresses challenges that leaders face

Type C personality

Takes everything seriously, thrives on details and accuracy, likes facts, is loyal and patient, predictable and dependable

Importance of Trust

Taking risks Information sharing effective groups Enhanced productivity

LofA: Group and Team

Team conflict is negatively related to employee performance

Team Mental Models (TMMs)

Team members' shared, organized understanding and mental representation of knowledge about key elements of the teams relevant environment


Team spirit experienced in high performing teams.

Fundamental Attribution Error

Tendency to attribute other people's behavior to internal factors, but to attribute the cause to the situation when explaining one's own behavior.

Task Metrics

The "What" of teamwork

Industry Level

The aggregate of productive enterprises in a particular field, often named after its principal product or service (Ex, the Health Care Industry)


The degree to which someone is perceived as employable. May determine whether or not someone gets hired.


The process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives

Organizational Behavior

The study of individuals and their behaviors at work; an applied science

Romance of Leadership

The theory that leaders are often the most favored explanation for both positive and negative outcomes in organizations.

Thinking vs. Feeling

Thinking types tend to use logic; Feeling types tend to use emotion

Uses of MBTI

Training and classroom settings, conflict resolution, team building

Implicit Leadership Schemas

Traits and characteristics that a person thinks are being linked to a leader.

Individualized Consideration

Transformational leaders treat every follower as a unique person. They get to know people one-on-one and mentor them.

Self Serving Bias

When a person attributes successes to internal factors and failures to situational factors.

Availability Bias

When a person's judgments are based on what most readily comes into a persons mind.

Galatea Effect

When an individual sets high expectations for himself and then performs to these expectations

Consistency Information

info about how the individual behaves towards a certain stimuli across time and circumstances. High= same way almost every time they are in a particular situation

Consensus Information

information about how other people would behave if they were in the same situation. High=same way. Low=different

Emotional contagion

negative mood of one employee spreads to others in their group. This can go for positive moods as well


power in use

Self-awareness (EI)

recognizing your emotions when you experience them


refers to both emotions and moods

Team Learning

team members acquire, combine, and apply knowledge

Process Metrics

the "how" of teamwork

Individual development metrics

the "learning" in teamwork (how much people are learning new skills from being on the team)

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