MGT Quizzes

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____ integrity tests indirectly estimate employee honesty by measuring psychological traits.


____ strengthen behavior (i.e., increase its frequency).

Positive and negative reinforcement

____ generates awareness and acceptance of a group's purpose and mission and gets employees to see beyond their own needs and self-interest for the good of the group.

Transformational leadership

The ____ determined that companies can be prosecuted and punished for the illegal or unethical actions of employees even if management didn't know about the unethical behavior.

U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines

Which of the following is an example of an extrinsic reward?

a salary increase

Companies whose executives do not try to motivate employees to create long-term solutions to the problems facing the companies are most likely ________

are more than likely managers rather than leaders

Why is it often difficult for an employee to assume the role of whistleblower?

because employees fear that they will be punished

For some time now, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has been making anti-AIDS drugs like Retrovir and Epivir available in hard-hit areas of Africa at up to 75 percent off the global price. By providing the drugs at a fraction of their usual costs, GSK was acting at which level of social responsibility?


Ford Motor Company has always attracted and nurtured capable managers, but it has failed to do the same for leaders. Ford is embarking on a sweeping attempt to mass-manufacture leaders. It wants to build an army of "warrior-entrepreneurs." Ford's "warrior-entrepreneurs" will be expected to ____.

do all of these things

Titleist has been manufacturing golf balls for several years, but each year it comes out with new golf ball designs. Titleist's development of the new Pro VI golf ball with a solid core designed to benefit players with high swing speeds is one example of how the manufacturer survives through ____.

incremental change

Organizational development ____.

is accurately described by all of these

Which of the following statements describes an advantage of the results-driven change approach to managing change?

All of these were cited as advantages of the results-driven change approach.

____ is strong when decisions have large, certain, immediate consequences and when we are physically or psychologically close to those affected by the decision.

Ethical intensity

____ is the extent to which people consciously understand and agree to goals.

Goal acceptance

Which of the following statements about leaders and managers is true?

Organizations need both leaders and managers.

____ forces support the status quo.


Which of the following statements about resistance to change is true?

Resistance to change will always occur; it is inevitable.

Which of the following statements about social responsibility and economic performance is true?

Social responsibility can sometimes create significant costs for a company.

Because workplace injuries cost U.S. businesses $1 billion every week, increased safety compliance needs to become a practice, not just a theory. The goal of developing safety consciousness within the workforce requires continuous reinforcement at every organizational level. This means ____.

a consequence must be delivered following every instance of behavior

The Rainforest Action Network, a national advocacy group, launched a bruising PR campaign to stop Home Deport from selling old-growth lumber. After two years of bad publicity and resistance to new store locations, Home Depot surrendered. Today, its suppliers are working with environmental and forestry groups to certify that their wood products are not from endangered areas. Home Depot used a(n) ____ strategy to respond to demands that it be socially responsible.


Which of the following approaches to implementing Fiedler's contingency theory in the workplace has proven effective?

accurately measuring and matching leaders to situations

Which of the following is an objective of ethics training?

achieve all of these

According to the path-goal theory of leadership, ____ means setting challenging goals, having high expectations of employees, and displaying confidence that employees will assume responsibility and put forth extraordinary effort.

achievement-oriented leadership

Due to ____ , the intentional pollution of a metropolitan water supply would have greater ethical intensity than insider trading in which a few participants netted less than $10,000.

all of these

Which of the following is an example of a stakeholder group that an organization must satisfy to assure long-term survival?

all of these

In the typical S-curve pattern of innovation, small amounts of effort will result in significant increases in performance ____.

at the midpoint of the cycle

Video Arts Inc., a Chicago-based business training company, is currently marketing The Grapevine, a 30-minute training video designed to teach companies how to deal with and prevent damaging gossip. Which of the following is an example of a secondary stakeholder group for Video Arts?

business magazines that run ads for the training video

David Koresh was the leader of a religious sect called the Branch Davidians. In 1993 a stand-off between federal agents and the Branch Davidian;s insider their compound resulted in the deaths of approximately 80, including their leader, David Koresh, who had declared himself the "new messiah". David Koresh used what type of leadership to create the strong relationships between him and his followers?

charismatic leadership

ARI is a leading provider of sales and profit-building technology services for equipment dealers. When Unverferth Manufacturing, a supplier of agricultural equipment, wanted to change the way it supplied information it contacted ARI. ARI presented the manufacturer with a solution that allowed it to replace its paper catalogs with online catalogs. As a result, Unverferth was able to eliminate costly paper catalogs and gain the ability to provide up-to-the-minute information to its dealers. This incremental change that was aided by supplier involvement was an example of the ____ approach to innovation.


The ____ approach to managing innovation assumes that innovation is a predictable process made up of a series of steps and that compressing the time it takes to complete those steps can speed up innovation.


Hot Topic is a fast-growing clothing chain targeted to the alternative teen demographic. Hot Topic's CEO Betsy McLaughlin relies on her employees to locate new trends. McLaughlin almost daily consults with her employees for suggestions on what the stores should carry. She relies on their input before making inventory decisions and treats her employees as equals. McLaughlin is demonstrating ____.


For punishment to work (i.e., to weaken the frequency of undesirable behaviors without creating a backlash), the punishment must be strong enough to stop the undesired behavior and must be administered ____.

consistently, contingently, and quickly

Refer to Levi Strauss. Prior to the reinvention of the company, which began in 1982, the company most likely did not have a(n) ____.

creative work environment

What is the first step for managing innovation during discontinuous change?

design iteration

When a U.S. automaker learned that it took longer than any other U.S. car manufacturer to assemble a vehicle, it purchased newer, more flexible manufacturing systems to replace its older ones. Which stage of the technology cycle did it enter?

discontinuous change

Which of the following traits refers to the tendency of leaders to remain even-tempered and consistent in their outlook and the way they treat others even when things go wrong?

emotional stability

Which of the following is another term for considerate leadership behavior?

employee-centered leadership

There are eight general steps for organizational development intervention. The first step is ____.


According to the U.S. Sentencing Commission Guidelines, what is one method used to determine the level of the offense (i.e., the seriousness of the problem)?

examining the loss incurred by the victims

The ____ approach to innovation assumes that innovation is occurring within a highly uncertain environment and that the key to fast product innovation is to use intuition, flexible options, and hands-on experience to reduce uncertainty and accelerate learning and understanding.


Refer to Wegmans. Part-time workers at Wegmans such as cashiers and baggers, most of whom are high-school students, can earn a scholarship bonus (for good grades) of $6,000 over their four years of high school. These bonuses are examples of ____ rewards.


France has 14 million smokers. More importantly, smokers in France are closely associated with the French culture. So when the French government waged a war against smoking, it set as its ____ to reduce smoking by 30 percent by the end of the decade.


Goal acceptance is most similar to the idea of ____.

goal commitment

According to Don Vlcek, a former Domino's Pizza vice president, "To achieve results, you've got to properly define the goal—and that's not always easy. Vague goals are worthless. But 'increase productivity by 12 percent within three weeks'—that is a clear, useful goal." Vlcek is discussing ____.

goal specificity

Refer to Oakland Athletics. Beane's subordinates respect the general manager's abilities, trust him to do what his best for the team, and like him as a person. In terms of situational favorableness, Beane's leadership ability is influenced by ____.

good leader-member relations

Which of the following is NOT one of the components of creative work environments?

group compensation

A manager who wants to use reinforcement theory to motivate workers should first ____.

identify critical performance-related behavior

During the ____ phase of a technology cycle, companies innovate by lowering the cost and improving the functioning and performance of the dominant design.

incremental change

College football coaching requires that coaches design every facet of practices, set goals for their players, determine schedules, and even direct all of the plays during the games. College football coaching uses ____ type of managing.

initiating structure

Refer to Gore. The list of Gore's products clearly indicates that the company's core competency is innovation. As a company, Gore is capable of developing ____, that is, patterns of innovation over time that can create sustainable competitive advantage, in a number of different products and industries.

innovation streams

In expectancy theory, ____ is the perceived relationship between performance and rewards.


Organizational development ____.

is a philosophy and collection of planned change interventions

A technology cycle occurs whenever there are major advances or changes in the ____ in a field or discipline.

knowledge, tools, and techniques

Ramin wood, which is used to make pool cues and picture frames, was declared an endangered species and its export is regulated by the government of Indonesia. In spite of attempts to control the sale of the wood, it is still being carried across Indonesia's national borders and sold in Malaysia where government officials pretend the wood was legally acquired. Companies that buy the illegally-acquired wood in Malaysia are ignoring their ____ responsibility to society.


Refer to Anglo American. The wave of relief, optimism, and hope throughout South Africa is a reflection of the ____ caused by Anglo's decision.

magnitude of consequences

Shell Oil Company's plan to sink an abandoned offshore oil-storage buoy had a massive effect on employee motivation and recruitment. The number of qualified people applying for jobs at Shell plummeted, and many employees looked for positions in other companies. The plan caused much greater harm than Shell's managers had ever imagined it would. In other words, the plan had a much greater ____ than predicted.

magnitude of consequences

The three components of ____ are initiation of effort, direction of effort, and persistence of effort.


A sales manager has carefully selected the members of two sales teams so that they have, as nearly as possible, identical skills and abilities. Both are assigned potential customers in the same industry. Both groups are offered the same rewards. One team makes the sale, and the other does not. This information tells you that ____.

one of the components that leads to job performance was weak

The goal of the Apollo 11 moon flight was to put a man on the moon. According to Charles Garfield, who worked at NASA on the Apollo mission, Apollo 11 was off-course 90 percent of the time between here and the moon. But the crew of Apollo 11 used ____ that allowed it to make rapid course corrections.

performance feedback

In Fiedler's contingency theory, the term ____ refers to the degree to which leaders are able to hire, fire, reward, and punish workers.

position power

Larry Tobin is now president of Fairwinds Credit Union in Florida where he started as a part-time teller. He's learned to ignore one bit of advice he's frequently heard, "Work with what you have." Tobin doesn't buy that view. He subscribes to the philosophy that calls for "having the right people on the bus and the right people in the right seats on the bus." After Tobin assumed the helm at Fairwinds, he made several personnel changes. This ability to make these personnel changes defines Tobin's ____.

position power

Refer to Hewlett-Packard. According to the contingency theory, when Mark Hurd decided to lay off 14,500 employees, he was showing high ____.

position power

Refer to Pay TV. According to the reinforcement theory, DirectTV's practice of giving free satellite television after three months of work would be an example of ____.

positive reinforcement

Users of credit and debit cards that earn the owners money or rewards towards future purchases, is an example of _______.

positive reinforcement

Doug has a low-paying job for a telecommunications company. Every day when he goes home from work, Doug puts a headset, a stapler, or something similar in his lunch box and takes it home with him. Doug sees nothing wrong with his behavior since he feels he is being paid less than he should. In terms of Kohlberg's stages of moral development, Doug is operating at which level?


When media in India informed the public that Coca-Cola products bottled in India contained a high level of certain cancer-causing pesticides, the Indian government immediately ordered Coke to stop production. The Indian government served as a(n) ____.

primary stakeholder

Refer to Anglo American. To meet its obligation for social responsibility, Anglo American used a progressive approach to doing what it could to solve the problems caused by the AIDS epidemic in South Africa. The mining conglomerate used a(n) ____ strategy.


A manufacturer of modular housing gives each employee a monthly $300 bonus if he or she is neither absent nor late to work for the entire month. There are no excused absences. The loss of a bonus by a parent with an emergency hospitalization of a child is an example of the use of ____.


When media in India informed the public that Coca-Cola products bottled in India contained a high level of certain cancer-causing pesticides, Coke responded by saying that all of India's water was contaminated and that it was not doing anything wrong by using the local water supply. What kind of a strategy did Coke use to respond to its social responsibility problems?

reactive strategy

The primary ways to create reinforcement contingencies in organizations are ____.

reinforcement contingencies and the schedules of reinforcement

A(n) ____ is the set of rules regarding reinforcement contingencies such as which behaviors will be reinforced, which consequences will follow those behaviors, and the schedule by which those consequences will be delivered.

schedule of reinforcement

The ____ model holds that the only social responsibility that businesses have is to maximize profit.


Recently, a newly appointed CEO of a major corporation began by firing the entire management committee. A few months later, this same executive, fired two of his hand-picked senior executives. From this information, it is obvious that this executive was more concerned about his employees' ____ than their job satisfaction. In terms of Fiedler's contingency theory, this executive was most concerned with establishing ____.

situational favorableness

Which of the following is NOT a component of transformational leadership?

supportive influence

When Leon was hired to manage the distribution center, his supervisor advised him to "Do things that satisfy followers today or will lead to future rewards or satisfaction" and "Offer employees something unique and valuable beyond what they're experiencing or can already do for themselves". Leon's supervisor's advice was designed to help Leon become a successful leader. Which leadership theory does Leon's supervisor apparently believe to be most effective in making a good leader?

the path-goal theory

One of the criticisms of the television industry is the networks' desire to maintain ratings by thinking in terms of next week's programming. The networks are also more concerned with how to get high program ratings quickly. This criticism assumes ____.

the television industry has a shortage of effective leadership

People with Machiavellian personalities believe that virtually any type of behavior is acceptable if it helps satisfy needs or accomplish goals. Add that skill to someone with the ability to create strong bonds with followers and you have described a leader who is a(n) ____.

unethical charismatic leader

When a merger of South Carolina-based Springs Industries with the Brazilian textile producer Coteminas was announced, the CEO of Springs was quoted as saying, "It is unclear what effect this move will have on our employees though no immediate layoffs are planned. There may be some in the future." In this stage of the organizational change, ____ the CEO should use empathy and communicate specific details of the merger.


The three steps in the basic process of managing organizational change outlined by Kurt Lewin are ____.

unfreezing, change intervention, and refreezing

The number of people who play high-stakes poker is increasing as a result of a number of cable television shows featuring professional poker players vying for $100,000 pots. In terms of reinforcement theory, what kind of a reinforcement schedule motivates the behavior of these card players?

variable ratio

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