MGT3000 Ch. 1 part two

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This individual was a practicing psychologist who observed that his patients' problems usually stemmed from an inability to satisfy their needs.

abraham maslow

"W.B., are you sure that everyone in the organization reports directly to someone else? Having a scalar chain is important—employees need to know exactly where they fit in the organizational hierarchy."


____ focus on the total organization and on identifying management guidelines that will help the company operate more effectively.

admin approach

henri fayol is major contributor to what two things

admin principles approach, five functions mngment

the ___ is a subfield of classical pesp that focuses on total org rather than individ worker and delineates the mgnment functions of planning, organizaing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling

admin princs approach

Starting in the late 1800s, the __ perspective encouraged efficiency through standardization of work.


You notice that when customers have too many choices, they are less likely to make a decision about what to buy, so you tell all of your employees to bring out only three things at one time. In addition, you start to pay your employees a commission for every item that they sell.- which mngmt perscp and why

classical bc price incentives and found way to do thing and implement it

___ was based on idea that truly effective control comes w in individual worker rather than from strict, authoritarian control

human rels movment

the ___ perspective maitained an interest in worker partiic. and considerate leadership but shifted emphasis to consider daily tassk that ppl perform

human res

abraham maslow and mcgregor are both assoc w

human res approach

the ___ on mgnemnt emphasized imp of understanding human behaviors, needs, and attitudes in workplace as well as social interactions and group processes

humanistic persp

mary parket follett is assoc w ___ and she stressed ___ or faciilitating rather thn controlling employees and ___ or allwoing employees to act depending on authority of situation

humanistic persp, empowerment, informal organization

Employees do a better job of selling when they are happy at work. You make sure that you check in with employees frequently, addressing any of their concerns as soon as they arise. -which mgnmt perspe and why

humanistic perspect bc

chester banard is assoc w ____ and stressed ____ or ppl hav efree will and can chose whether to follow mngment orders

humanistic perspect., acceptance theory of authroity

aspects of a culture that guide and influence relationships among people

social force

Increasingly, CEOs are building their companies' brands through personal online participation, including through wide distribution of blog posts, and in this way they are allowing consumers to gain trust in the person running the business rather than an impersonal brand.

social media

part of mngment history is understanding how _, __, and __ forces have influenced orgs and practice of mngmt

social, political, economic

managers in small bus often see most imp roles as being a ___ for hte bus and acting as an ___

spokesperson, entrpeneur

The roles of ___, ___, and ___ are critical for managers in nonprofit organizations.

spokesperson, leader, resource allocator

are parts of the system that are all interconnected


managing supplier and purchaser relationships to get goods to consumers

supply chain mgnment

To improve speed to market and eliminate waste, Kimberly Clark Australia (KCA) built highly automated central distribution systems in Sydney and Millicent, Australia, and high-velocity regional distribution centers in Sydney and Adelaide. It also renovated existing facilities.

supply chain mngmtn

the whole is greater than the sum of its parts


set of interrelated parts that function as a whole to achieve a common purpose


___ is the ability to see both distinct elements of a system and its complexities and changin interactions among those elements

systems thinking

The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible.

theory x

mcgregor came up w __ which fit early human rels ideas and__ which was more realistic view of workers for guiing mngmt thinking

theory x, theory y

External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means for bringing about effort toward organizational objectives. A person will exercise self-direction and self-control in the service of objectives to which he or she is committed.

theory y

w edward deming is assoc w


the ___ says that every situation is unique and managers must detemrine wht metheod will work by identifying key contingencies for current situation

contingiency view

Oracle states that its software breaks down internal organizational silos to "deliver a seamless customer experience across marketing, sales, commerce, service, social, and configure, price, and quote (CPQ)."


managers ins small bus tend to emphasize roles __ from those of managers in large corps


4 elements of tqm

employee involvement, focus on cusomter, benchmarking, continous improvement

Management in a small business is __ important as management in a large organization.

equally as

abraham maslow invented a _ starting w physiological needs and progrssed to safety, belonging, etc.

hierarchy of needs

hawthorne studies were key contributors to ____ and stressed that human relations played key variables in incr. performance as ____

human rels approach, employees perofmed better when treated positively

3 subfields of classical persp

sc mngmnet, bureacratic orgs, admin principles

Serena notices that changes in one __ of the organization affect other aspects of the business, and she needs to take these effects into account when she makes decisions.


the __ appraoch uses sci methods and deaws from socialoy, anthropology, pyschology, econ, and other disciplines to dev theories ab human behavior and interaction in an org setting

behavioral sciences

In total quality management, a company that is checking to see how the best companies in the industry do things is engaged in ___


3 ways history of mngment matters

broadens way of thinking, dsicoer patterns taht recur over time, learn from others mistakes and successes

___ emphasizes improving the efficiency of the entire organization rather than that of the individual worker. Standard procedures, written rules, and specific management hierarchies create companies that are not disrupted when an individual employee leaves. ensures fairness, since the same rules apply to all, but it has been criticized for slowing decision-making and stifling creativity.


"W.B., you've owned the company for a long time, but have you ever considered hiring a professional manager to oversee day-to-day operations? Professional managers can help make sure that your company follows rational, impersonal rules, which will help you to increase efficiency."


Put forward by Max Weber, the ____ approach to management focuses on designing organizations with formal lines of authority and standard operating procedures to promote efficiency.


max weber is assoc w


Medifast, a company that makes weight-loss products, recently transitioned from owning weight-loss centers to operating them as franchises, a new business model for the firm. What benefit could CEO Michael C. MacDonald gain from an awareness of the history of management? By studying patterns that recur in different eras, he can see what management tools will work best in his company's environment. Through understanding how organizations have worked in the past, he can ensure that Medifast does not repeat past practices, instead adopting an entirely innovative approach. He can document other companies' successes, especially as they have recovered from adversity, and show his managers there is no excuse for failure.

by studying pattersn that recur he can learn what works best w his companys environment

chronological order of 5 mngment persepctives

classical, mngment science, contigency view, TQM, tech-driven workplace

Studying management history helps your __ skills


A guest lecturer in a management class holds the __ when she says that no management technique works in all situations but similar responses can be applied to common problems.

contingeincy view

the availability, production, and distribution of resources

econ force

Today's business environment features rapid changes in demand for products and services, often driven by technology. In response to this ___ change, businesses have a need for a more flexible workforce and to bring innovative perspectives into the organization. Thus, some firms are using more freelance or contract workers, as well as availing themselves of a more dispersed, global workforce.


sci mngment focused on improving __ and __ through ___

efficiency, labor productivity, scientific mehtods

_ is prt of mngmnt science focuses on technology and software to aid managers

info technology

tqm approach emphasizes to :

integrate high quality values in every activity

management in all orgs- large small and nonprofit- carefully __ and ___ the mgnemnt functions and roles to meet challenges w in their own circumstances and keep orgs healthy

integrate, adjust

human res perspective focused on combining design of job tasks with theories of motivation or in other words:

jobs should be designed so tasks are not seen as dehumanizing or demaning but allow workers to use thr full potential

indian word and american word for it that refers to creating somthing of benefit from lim res/ strives to meet custs immediate needs quickly and inexpensively

jugaad, frugal engineering

innovative mngment thinking focuses on creating bens from limited resources- 2 ex of this include

jugaad, frugal engineering

In total quality management, __ is another term for continuous improvement .


managers in nonprofit orgs need to ____ and also have trouble with what ____ bc they have to measure ___ like "improving public health"

keep costs low, constitutes effectiveness, intangibles

classical persp focues on finding solutions to organize, coordinate, and controll ___ and ___

large numebrs of ppl, increasing worker productivity

managers in nonprofit organizations dir efforts/ apply four functs of mngment to __

make social impact (not towards gen profit)

systems thinking says that

managmers must understand substyems interdpedence and synergy

Her background as a social worker informed her writings on reducing conflict in organizations—she stressed the idea that leaders must work with people rather than implementing a set of techniques.

mary forkett

the ___ also referred to as quantative perspective focuses on use of mathematics, stats, and other quant techniques to mngmt decision making and prob solving

mngment science

Looking at sales reports, you realize merchandise purchased at estate sales brings in a 200% profit and sells in 2 weeks while merchandise purchased from brokers yields only a 20% profit and takes 2 months to sell. As a result, you decide to buy all of your merchandise from estate sales from now on. - which mngmt persp and why

mngmtn science perspc

Although important productivity gains come from this foundation, bureaucracy has taken on

neg tone

__ is part of mngmt science and focuses on the physical production of goods and services

operations mngment

burearcratic approach looked at the ___, said manage orgs on ____, and that orgs depend on ____, and managers use ___ instead of personality to delegate

org as a whole, impersonal rational basis, rules and records, power

behavioral sc paproach came up w _____ which field that uses behvaioral sciences to improve org

organizational dev

influence of political and legal institutions on people and organizations

pol force

_ is part of mngmt science financial managers who base their decisions on complex quantitative analysis


the CLASSICAL persp. faced issues bc the ____ posed three probs of ____ that earlier orgs had never epxerienced before

rise of factories, structure, training, employee satisfaction

"Have you looked carefully at your workers' movements? If you break each worker's job down into the smallest possible task, you can redesign the job to use fewer motions and make it more efficient."

sci mngment

___ emphasizes the scientific study of work, with the idea that managers can find the most efficient way to work and then train all employees to work that way. Since many of the proponents of scientific management were engineers, they were as interested in the equipment workers used as they were in the work itself.

sci mngment

henry gantt is assoc w __ and he dev the ___ to measure and plan work

sci mngment, gantt chart

the gilbreths are assoc w ___ and pioneered ___ to promote effic

sci mngment, time and motion studies

__ emphasizes scientifically detmerined jobs and mngment practices as a way to improve __ and ___

scienftic mngment, efificiency, labor productivity

frederick taylor is asosc w

scientifc mngment

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