Micro Ch 10 HW

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Place the following steps of viral replication in their correct order: 1. release 2. adsorption 3. assembly 4. uncoating 5. synthesis

2, 4, 5, 3, 1

Which of the drugs mentioned is used to treat patients with HIV?


Which step in the viral replication cycle would probably be the most efficient way to prevent viral infections?


Based on Kirby-Bauer testing, a microbe is determined to be susceptible to both antibiotic X and antibiotic Y. Further testing indicates that antibiotic X has a therapeutic index of 10 whereas antibiotic Y has a therapeutic index of 3. Which antibiotic would be the best choice based on the information given?

Antibiotic X

Choose the five main targets of antimicrobial drugs.

Cell wall synthesis Cell membrane structure/function Protein Synthesis DNA and RNA synthesis Folic Acid Synthesis

Viruses are able to multiply inside a nonliving cell.


What is the function of the reverse transcriptase enzyme?

Synthesizes DNA from RNA

Cells that lack compatible virus receptors are resistant to infection by that virus.


Individual viral particles have only one type of nucleic acid.


What other way do we have to fight viral diseases?


Pick the true statement about antibiotics.

antibiotics are natural products of microorganisms

Which microbial group is the easiest to selectively target with antimicrobials?


Many novel approaches are being investigated as an alternative to antimicrobial drugs. For example, researchers are testing the effectiveness and safety of using ______________ to specifically target one bacterial species.


Your microbiome is most susceptible to changes when taking a ______-spectrum antimicrobial.


Of these cellular targets of antimicrobials, drugs designed against which target are likely to have the least selective toxicity?

cell membrane

Another technique, _______________, has been used to treat recurrent infections with ________________ by replacing organisms of the gut microbiome.

fecal transplants Clostridium difficile

Because of our understanding of the importance of the normal ____________, other strategies for controlling infection aim at replacing or supplementing those organisms.


The use of ______________, preparations of live microorganisms that are ingested to improve intestinal biota, and ____________, nutrients that encourage the growth of beneficial intestinal microbes, are being pursued as an alternative to the use of traditional antibiotics that are more problematic.

probiotics prebiotics

The feature of an antimicrobial that makes it kill or inhibit microbes yet be harmless to the host is referred to as _________.

selective toxicity

Which of these antimicrobials has the broadest spectrum of activity?


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