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True or false: the Calvin cycle generates a great deal of energy and reducing power


True or false; each individual prokaryote within a species will have an electron transport chain made up of the same components




How do cells produce adenosine triphosphate (APT)

They use free enery to add an inorganic phosphate group (P) to ADP, forming ATP

Which nuclease is found in DNA but not found in RNA -Guanine -Uracil -Adenine -Thymine Cytosine


Select the enzymes that function in DNA replication -primase -DNA polymerases -ligase -helicase -reverse transcriptase

all except reverse transcription

Select the enzymes that function in DNA replication -primase -DNA polymerases -ligase -reverse transcription -helicase

all except reverse transcription

Nucleotide is to nucleic acid as_____ _____ is to protein

amino acid

________ ________are the building blocks for proteins

amino acids

The process that links the electron transport chain to ATP synthesis, now known as the chemiosmotic theory, was first proposed in 1961 by _____ ______.

Peter Mitchell

Kinetic Energy

Photons of sunlight

____organisms harvest the energy of sunlight, using it to power the synthesis of organic compounds from CO2


In the central dogma, DNA is used to make_______, which is used to make protein.


The ATP generated by fermentation comes from...?

Substrate-level phosphorylation during glycolysis

Propionibacterium species use a multistep fermentation pathway that adds CO2 to pyruvate to generate a compound that serves as a terminal electron acceptor. After reduction by NADH, it is further modified to form propionate. Humans take advantage of this process to make what product? -Swiss cheese -Biofuels -Beer -Yogurt -Wine -Pickles

Swiss cheese

GCCCAAAG is a molecule of -RNA -DNA cannot tell as written -protein

cannot tell as written

Consider a cell converting glucose into CO2 and water with the release of energy. This is an example of what type of metabolism, and the reactions themselves are considers to be what? - anabolism;exergonic -catabolism;endergonic -anabolism;endergonic -catabolism;exergonic


A group of membrane-embedded electron carriers that pass electrons sequentially from one to another, ejecting protons in the process, is called the_______ ________ _______.

electron transport chain

Electrons moving through the electron transport chain supply_____in order to establish a proton gradient across the membrane (the proton motive force)


The primary pathway used by many organisms to convert glucose to pyruvate is


The central metabolic pathway that breaks down glucose but whose primary role is the production of compounds used in biosynthesis, including reducing power in the form of NADPH as well as two precursor metabolites, is called the ______ _____ pathway

pentose phosphate

Energy can exist as_____energy (stored energy) and_____ energy (energy of motion)

potential; kinetic

In addition to yielding energy, catabolic pathways generate carbon intermediates that can be used in anabolic pathways for the biosynthesis of macromolecules. These carbon skeletons are called_________ ________.

precursor metabolites

Proteins are hydrolyzed by_____, enzymes that break______bonds between amino acid subunits.

proteases; peptide

Respiration uses the _______ ______ generated in glycolysis, the transition step, and the TCA cycle to synthesize ATP.

reducing power

Microorganisms must adapt rapidly to changes in their environment in order to -communicate -infect -die -survive


The parent strands in a DNA molecule are used as a _____to synthesize complementary strands of DNA


The pyrimidine nucleases found in DNA are cytosine and______


34 ATP

total maximum yield

In general, a strand of RNA made from DNA is called an RNA______.


The step that links glycolysis to the TCA is called the_____step


What microorganisms use a fermentation pathway that results in CO2 and ethanol production -The group of Gram-positive microbes called the lactic acid bacteria -Clostridium species -Propionibacterium species -Saccharomyces species (yeast) and Zymomonas species (bacteria)

-Saccharomyces species (yeast) and Zymomonas species (bacteria)

The breakdown of ATP

1.ATP 2. Energy released drives anabolic reactions 3. ADP 4. Energy used comes form catabolic reactions

A codon contains how many nucleotides -1 -20 -Depends on the size of the gene -3


How many turns of the Calvin cycle does it take to generate one molecule of the 6-carbon sugar fructose -6 -4 -12 -1 -3


The main energy currency of cells is...?


You are growing E. coli in a medium that includes nitrate and an abundance of O2. You would expect these bacteria to grow using______ respiration.


Order of energy-generating processes from greatest energy yield to least energy yield

Aerobic respiration, anaerobic respiration, fermentation

Metabolic pathways can be linear____ or ____.

Branched, cyclical

In aerobic respiration______serves as the terminal electron acceptor.



Proteins that are synthesized from the vitamin riboflavin.


Proteins that contain meme, a molecule that holds an iron atom in its center

The Voges-Proskaueh test detects acetoin, the terminal electron acceptor of 2,3-butanediol fermentation. Similar to how the methyl-red test can test for mixed acids fermentation, the Voges-Proskaueh test is important in helping differentiate between members of the family_________


During transcription, RNA polymerase synthesizes______from a(n) ______template -protein; RNA -RNA;RNA -DNA;RNA -RNA; DNA


Consider the representation of an electron transport chain. O2 is serving as the terminal electron acceptor. Is it being oxidized or reduced?


RNA is characterized by which one of the following features? -Deoxyribose -Thymine -double stranded -Ribose


Enzymes function as biological catalysts, accelerating the conversion of one substance, the _____, into another, the____.

Substrate; product

What are the 2 fundamental tasks that all cells must accomplish to grow

Synthesize new parts and harvest energy to power reactions

22 ATP

TCA cycle

_______of transcription results in the release of a completed RNA transcript


During what process is the information in mRNA used to synthesize a protein? -Replication -Transduction -Transcription -Translation


______is the process of decoding the information carried by mRNA to synthesize a protein.


True or false: the change in free energy for a given reaction is the same regardless of the number of steps involved


The process that links the electron transport chain to ATP synthesis is called the ______theory.


mRNA______ encode for particular amino acids, which are bonded together during translation ro form a protein


Match each enzyme with its type of regulation -constitutive -inducible -repressible -synthesized when needed -always present -synthesis is turned off when not needed

constitutive- always present inducible- synthesized when needed repressible- synthesis is turned off when not needed

A _______ bond links the phosphate group of one nucleotide and the sugar of another nucleotide


In prokaryotes, the transport chain is located in the____ membrane, whereas in eukaryotic cells it is in the______membrane of_______.

cytoplasmic; inner; mitochondria

The pyrimidine nucleobases found in RNA are uracil and_______


In electron transport chains, quinones, cytochromes, and flavoproteins are all_________ ________.

electron carriers

When a single molecule of glucose is processed of glucose is processed by glycolysis in an E. coli cell, which of the following make up the net gain of this process -2 molecules of ATP -6 precursor metabolites -4 molecules of NADH -2 molecules of NADH 4 molecules of ATP -zero precursor metabolites

-2 molecules of ATP -6 precursor metabolites -2 molecules of NADH

The series of sequential chemical reactions that converts a starting compound to an end product is called...

metabolic pathway

The ability of organisms such as E. coli to ferment via the mixed acids pathway can be tested by the____ _____ test, which detects the low pH resulting from the acidic end products.

methyl red

In oxidation-reduction reactions, or redox reactions, the substance that loses electrons is ________by the reaction, and the substance that gains those electrons is_____.

oxidized; reduced

DNA______ are enzymes responsible for the replication of DNA.


During____the DNA is duplicated prior to binary fission


All DNA nucleotides contain -the same nitrogen base and phosphate, but different sugars -the same nitrogen base, but different phosphate and sugars -the same sugar and phosphate, but different nitrogen bases -the same sugar, but different phosphate and nitrogen bases

-The same sugar and phosphate, but different nitrogen bases

Which is a nucleases found in DNA? -Thiamine -Thiol -Thymine


The three major types of RNA found in the cell include -deoxyribose -transfer -polymerase -rib0somal -messenger

-Transfer -ribosomal -Messenger

Repressors -bind or do not bind to the operator depending on their shape (conformation) -are involved in positive control -are involved in negative control -always bind to the promoter -are include in negative control and bind or do not bind to the operator depending on their shape

-are include in negative control and bind or do not bind to the operator depending on their shape

Consider the three key central metabolic pathways (glycolysis, pentose phosphate pathway, and the TCA cycle). If you had to summarize what these pathways accomplish as they oxidize glucose, what three important items for the cell would you say they produce? -ATP -Large carbon polymers -Oxidized electron carriers -Water -CO2 -Reducing power -Precursor metabolites

-ATP -Reducing power -Precursor metabolites

For each molecule of glucose that enters glycolysis, the intermediate step generates 2 molecules of acetyl-CoA. If these both feed into the TCA cycle, the resulting two turns of the TCA cycle will generate with of the following? -2 ATP -2 precursor metabolites -2 FADH2 -NADPH -6 NADH -2 molecules of pyruvate

-2 ATP -2 precursor metabolites -2 FADH2 -6 NADH

The proton motive force results from a gradient: more protons on one side of the membrane relative to the other side. This means that, if protons are allowed to follow back down the gradient,_______is released that can be harvested to drive ATP synthase.


Which of the following are true regarding an exergonic reaction? -Energy is released in the reaction -The products have more free energy than the starting compounds -The starting compounds have more free energy than the products

Energy is released in the reaction -the starting compounds have more free energy than the products

A nitrogen-containing molecule found in DNA and RNA that provides the sequence for the genetic code and forms hudrogen bonds to make double-stranded DNA is a_______.


All DNA_______ contain the same sugar and phosphate, but different nucleobases


_______are linked by phosphodiester bonds and link the phosphate of one nucleotide and the sugar of another nucleotide


Aerobic respiration in the ATP-generating process of prokaryotic chemoorganoheterotrophs


The pentose phosphate pathway generates which of the following from each molecule of glucose -4 ATP -2 precursor metabolites -2 molecules of pyruvate -A veritable amount of NADPH -2 NADH

-2 precursor metabolites -A variable amount of NADH

Consider the theoretical maximum ATP yield from the complete oxidation of glucose via aerobic respiration in prokaryotes. Match the relative contribution in terms of ATP (substrate-level phosphorylation plus oxidative phosphorylation) with the correct metabolic component. -8ATP -6ATP -24ATP -38ATP -TCA cycle -Glycolysis -Total yield of aerobic respiration -transition step

-8ATP- Glycolysis -6ATP- Transition step -24 ATP- TCA cycle -38- Total yield of aerobic respiration

Lactic acid is a common fermentation product of which of the following types of cells? -Clostridium species -O2-depleted muscle cells -Saccharomyces species -Propionibacterium species -Gram-Positive lactic acid bacteria

O2- depleted muscle cells -Gram-positive lactic acid bacteria

Chemical energy

Organic compounds

Fermentation in the ATP-generating process of prokaryotic chemoorganoheterotrophs

Organic molecule (pyruvate or a derivative

To initiate replication of a DNA molecule, specific proteins must bund to a specific DNA sequence called the______

Origin of replication

The TCA cycle completes the_____ of glucose


Proteins that function as biological catalysts are called


The three major types of RNA found in the cell includes: -polymerase -transfers -ribosomal -messenger -deoxyribose

transfer ribosomal messenger

Anaerobic respiration

uses an electron transport chain; does not yield either the most or least amount of ATP relative to the other 2 processes

Oxidative phosphorylation is the mechanism by which cellular______uses the reducing power generated in glycolysis, the transition step, and the TCA cycle to synthesize ATP


Two subunits of the ______ compose the site of protein synthesis.


The group of obligate anaerobes that use sulfate as a terminal electron acceptor and produce hydrogen sulfide as an end product are called the_____

sulfate reducers

The origin replication is a site that specific proteins bind to initiate_______of a DNA molecule.


Which of the following describes the elongation phase of translation -mRNA binds to the ribosome -Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds -RNA polymerase adds RNA nucleotides to a growing mRNA strand

Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds

Which of the following are true statements regarding energy? -Energy can exist as potential energy -Energy is lost each time it is changed from one form to another -energy can not be created -energy in the capacity to do work -energy can exist as kinetic energy

-Energy can exist as potential energy -energy can not be created -energy is the capacity to do work -energy can exist as kinetic energy

Match the organisms with the correct fermentation pathway -Lactic acid fermentation -Ethanol fermentation -Butyric acid fermentation -Propionic acid fermentation -mixed acids fermentation -2,3-Butanediol fermentation Propionibacterium E. coli Enterobacter Clostridium Saccharomyces Steptococcus, Lactobacillus

-Lactic acid fermentation-Steptococcus, Lactobacillus -Ethanol fermentation-Saccharomyces -Butyric acid fermentation-Clostridium -Propionic acid fermentation- Propionibacterium -Mixed acids fermentation-E. coli 2,3-Butanediol fermentation-enterobacter

Which of the following help explain why it is difficult, especially in prokaryotes, to calculate an exact ATP yield from oxidative phosphorylation -Prokaryotes use proton motive force to drive processes other than ATP synthesis -No experimental studies have been conducted to determine the yield of ATP from oxidative phosphorylation -Depending on the cell, different carriers are used in the electron transport chain that eject a variable number of protons per pair of electrons

-Prokaryotes use proton motive force to drive processes other than ATP synthesis -Depending on the cell, different carriers are used in the electron transport chain that eject a variable number of protons per pair of electrons

Lactic acid production by fermenting microorganisms has many benefits for humans, but also can cause some problems. Which of the following are examples of these advantages and disadvantages -Commonly used in wine making -Giving flavor to and making holes in Swiss cheese -Results in food spoilage -Production of pickles and cured sausages -Contributes to tooth decay -Creating flavor and texture of yogurt and certain cheeses

-Results in food spoilage -Production of pickles and cured sausage -Contributes to tooth decay -Creating flavor and texture of yogurt and certain cheeses

Which of the following are true statements about what happens to glucose inside a cell? -Some glucose might enter glycolysis, only to be be siphoned off as a precursor metabolite for biosynthesis -Some glucose might be oxidized to CO2 generating the maximum amount of ATP. All the glucose molecules are oxidized to CO2 generating ATP and reducing power in the process -Glucose can be used in catabolism to yield energy, or the precursor metabolites generated from its breakdown can be used in anabolism

-Some glucose might enter glycolysis, only to be be siphoned off as a precursor metabolite for biosynthesis -Some glucose might be oxidized to CO2 generating the maximum amount of ATP. -Glucose can be used in catabolism to yield energy, or the precursor metabolites generated from its breakdown can be used in anabolism

Three phosphorylation process for ATP production -Substrate-level phosphorylation -Oxidative phosphorylation -Photophosphorylation -Energy from exergonic reaction is used to create a proton motive force that drives the addition of P to ADP -The suns radiant energy and an electron transport chain create a proton motive force that drives the addition of P to ADP -Energy released in an exergonic reaction is used to power the addition of P to ADP

-Substrate-level phosphorylation- Energy released in an exergonic reaction is used to power the addition of P to ADP -Oxidative phosphorylation-Energy from exergonic reaction is used to create a proton motive force that drives the addition of P to ADP -Photophosphorylation-The suns radiant energy and an electron transport chain creat a proton motive force that drives the addition of P to ADP

Oxidative phosphorylation, the mechanism by which respiration uses the NADH and FADH2 generated in glycolysis, the transition stop, and the TCA cycle to synthesize ATP, involves what 2 steps? -The electron transport chain generates a proton motive force -ATP synthase uses the energy of the proton motive force to drive the synthesis of ATP -Electrons flow through ATP synthase to drive the synthesis of ATP -The electron transport chain uses the energy in protons to transfer electrons across the membrane -A phosphate group is removed from each NADH and FADH2 -The electron transport chain is oxidized bt the donation of electrons form NADH and FADH2

-The electron transport chain generates a proton motive force -ATP synthase uses the energy of the proton motive force to drive the synthesis of ATP

Consider the 3 central metabolic pathways that gradually oxidize glucose to CO2. Why are these amphibole pathways? -The term "amphibole" reflects that these are metabolic pathways that take place in an aqueous environment -"Amphibolic" is another word for "catabolic" which refers to the set of processes that breaks down molecules and releases energy -Although they are catabolic, the precursor metabolites and reducing power they generate can be diverted for biosynthesis (anabolism) -"Amphi" means "both kinds" which reflects the dual role of these central metabolic pathways

-Although they are catabolic, the precursor metabolites and reducing power they generate can be diverted for biosynthesis (anabolism) -"Amphi" means "both kinds" which reflects the dual role of these central metabolic pathways

Which of the following describes the elongation phase of translation -mRNA binds to the ribosome -RNA polymerase adds RNA nucleotides to a growing mRNA strand -Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds

-Amino acids are joined by peptide bonds

What components are necessary for an electron transport chain?

-Electron carriers such as quinones, cytochromes, and flavoproteins -a membrane -Protein complexes that serve as proton pumps

Which of the following correctly describes respiration? -it is only present in aerobic organisms. -Electrons extracted from glucose are transferred to the electron transport chain -All organisms that grow in the presence of O2 must use respiration for their energy needs. -The electron transport chain uses the electrons to generate a proton motive force that can be used to generate ATP

-Electrons extracted from glucose are transferred to the electron transport chain -The electron transport chain uses the electrons to generate a proton motive force that can be used to generate ATP

Which organic molecule is formed from chains of amino acids -Nucleic acid -Protein -Carbohydrates -Lipids


Recall the E. coli can grow in glucose-salts medium that contains a few inorganic salts plus glucose as the sole source of carbon. This means the glucose is serving what 2 purposes in the cell? -A monosaccharide which the cell can assemble into polysaccharides such as cellulose for its cell wall -energy source -starting point from which all cell components are made -source of phosphate source of nitrogen

-energy source -Starting point from which all cell components are made

Which is the correct order of events in transcription -Termination -Elongation -Initiation

Initiation Elongation Termination

The ______ ______ is the energy it takes to start a reaction

activation energy

The purine nucleases found in RNA are guanine and_______


The functional unit of a genome is a_______.


Glucose catabolism encompasses 2 key processes: 1. oxidizing glucose molecules to generate ATP, reducing power, and precursor metabolites; and 2. transferring the electrons carried by NADH and FADH2 to the terminal electron acceptor. The second process, transfer of electrons, is accomplished by which of the following? -the TCA cycle -fermentation -respiration -the pentose phosphate pathway -glycolysis

-fermentation -respiration

Examples of the role natural selection plays in gene expression include -phase variation -quorum sensing -antigenic variation -signal transduction

-phase variation -antigenic variation

Examples of the role natural selection plays in gene expression include -quorum sensing -antigenic variation -phase variation -signal transduction

-phase variation -antigenic variation

Information is passed from the environment into the cell by the process known as -quorum sensing -environment function -natural selection -signal transduction

-quorum sensing -signal transduction

2 parts of a regulatory mechanism that organisms use to monitor their environment are____ and_____ -response regulator -nucleus -sensor

-response regulator -sensor

The spatial arrangement of electron carriers in a bacterial electron transport chain helps explain how protons are shuttled from one side of the membrane to the other

1. An electron carrier donates electrons to a hydrogen carrier 2. The hydrogen carrier must pick up protons from inside the cell 3. The hydrogen carrier passes electrons to carrier that only accepts electrons 4. Because the electron carrier only accepts electrons, the protons are released to the outside of the cell 5. A proton motive force is set up as protons are moved from the inside of the cell to the outside

Electron transport chain and proton motive force in the mitochondria in the picture

1. Complex I 2. Complex II 3. Complex III 4. Complex IV 5. ATP synthase

How many nucleotides are in a codon -4 -3 -5 -1 -2


order of DNA replication in the correct order -2 molecules of DNA polymerase (one at each replication fork) build DNA by adding nucleotides onto the primers, extending them -Primase synthesizes RNA primers DNA ligase joins the Okazaki fragments -A different DNA polymerase removes the RNA primers and replaces them with DNA -Specific proteins bind the origin of replication and separate the two strands of DNA, forming two replication forks -The leading strand is synthesized continuously while the lagging strand is synthesized in fragments


All of the followig are essential for an electron transport chain to function EXCEPT -electron carriers such as quinones, cytochromes, and flavoproteins -electrons -protein complexes that function as proton pumps - a membrane -ATP -a terminal electron acceptor


Which statement correctly describes how catabolism and anabolism are intimately linked

ATP made during catabolism is used in anabolism

The membrane-bound enzyme that uses energy from a proton-motive force to add a phosphate group to ADP is called______ _______.

ATP synthase

Identify the three different types of RNA used in gene expression -mRNA -tRNA -rRNA -cRNA

All except cRNA

Select the enzymes that function in DNA replication -helicase ligase primase DAN polymerases reverse transctioptase

All except reverse transcription

The process by which chemolithoautotrophs and photoautotrophes use CO2 to synthesize organic compounds is called?

Carbon Fixation

In respiring bacteria, how does ATP synthase generate ATP? -It takes energy from NADH and FADH2 and uses it to add a phosphate group to ADP -It accomplishes a substrate-level phosphorylation using energy provided by NADPH -It uses high energy phosphate bonds to transfer a phosphate group to ADP -It uses the energy released from allowing protons to flow back into the cell to add a phosphate group to ADP - It uses reducing power generated by the central metabolic pathways to add a phosphate group to ADP

It uses the energy released from allowing protons to flow back into the cell to add a phosphate group to ADP


Lipid-soluble organic molecules that move freely in the membrane; includes one that serves as a source of vitamin K for Humans and other mammals.

The sum total of all chemical reactions in a cell is called


Anaerobic respiration in the ATP-generating process of prokaryotic chemoorganoheterotrophs

Molecule other than O2 such as nitrate, nitrite, or sulfate

which of the following accurately describes fermentation? -NAD+ is regenerated from NADH by the transfer of electrons to pyruvate or a derivative -it generates more ATP than either glycolysis or respiration -glucose is broken down via glycolysis

NAD+ is generated from NADH by the transfer of electrons to pyruvate or derivative -glucose is broken down via glycolysis

Which of the following are electron carriers? -glucose/fructose -NADP+/NADPH -FAD/FADH2 -ATP/ADP -NAD+/NADH


Which is the largest in terms of molecular size? -Ribose -Nucleotide -Amino acid -Nucleic acid

Nucleic acid

A nitrogen-containing molecule found in DNA and RNA that provides the basis for the genetic code is a (n) -Protein -Amino acid -Nucleobase


An RNA codon codes for_____ amino acids


Why might a cell go under fermentation

The cell has a limited number of electron carrier molecules that must be regenerated for glycolysis to continue -THe cell might not have the appropriate terminal electron acceptor available for respiration -The cell might lack the pathways for respiration, so fermentation might be the only option

Free energy is best defined as -energy of motion -stored energy present in chemical bonds -the leftover energy that is not used by the cell -the energy available to do work

The energy available to do work

Which is an example of activation energy -The energy present in the battery of your cell phone -the energy of a small flame used to light the natural gas of a Bunsen burner -The energy present in the carbon bonds of glucose -The energy present in the water stored behind a dam -The energy in photons of sunlight

The energy of a small flame used to light the natural gas of a Bunsen burner

In order for cells to obtain energy, they remove electrons from an energy source and ultimately donate them to the terminal electron acceptor. What does this tell us about the electron affinity of the energy source and the terminal electron acceptor? -THe energy source has a higher affinity for electrons, and the terminal electron acceptor has a lower affinity for electrons. -The energy source and the terminal electron acceptor have equal but opposite electron affinities -This information doesn't tell us anything about the electron affinities of these molecules. -The energy source has a lower affinity for electrons, and the terminal electron acceptor has a higher affinity for electrons

The energy source has a lower affinity for electrons, and the terminal electron acceptor has a higher affinity for electrons.

Which of the following best describes the conversion of energy from one form to another of a dam

The potential energy of water stored behind the dam is converted to kinetic energy of moving water, which is converted to electrical current

All DNA nucleotides contain -the same sugar and phosphate, but different nitrogen bases -the same nitrogen base and phosphate, but different sugars -the same nitrogen base, but different phosphates and sugars -the same sugar, but different phosphates and nitrogen bases

The same sugar and phosphate, but different nitrogen bases

what is the definition of catabolism?

The set of processes that degrade compounds, releasing their energy

Metabolism is best defined as...?

The sum total of all chemical reactions in a cell

Why does anaerobic respiration yield less energy than aerobic respiration?

The terminal electron acceptors used in anaerobic respiration have lower electron affinities than O2

Microorganisms can grow on a variety of organic compounds other than glucose, including polysaccharides, proteins, and lipids. How do they accomplish this?

They break these macromolecules down into appropriate precursor metabolites that are then introduces into central metabolism or used in biosynthesis

Other than generating some ATP via the substrate-level phospholation steps of glycolysis, what critical role do the addition steps of fermentation accomplish? -They use up extra ATP so that glycolysis can continue producing additional reducing power. -They consume excess reducing power in order to regenerate NAD+ so that it can accept electrons to keep glycolysis going - They generate end products such as ethanol, which the cell can then use as an energy source. -They produce end products, such as ethanol or lactic acid, which are used to inhibit the growth of competitors.

They consume excess reducing power in order to regenerate NAD+ so that it can accept electrons to keep glycolysis going.

The purine nucleases found in RNA are adenine and______.


The purine nucleobases found in RNA are adenine and _______


The three events of translation in the correct order are______ _______ ______, followed by protein folding and processing

initiation, elongation, termination

The A-site -is found on the 30s ribosome -is the amino acid site -is found on the 70S ribosome -is found on the RNA polymerase enzyme - is found on the 70S ribosome AND is the amino acid site

is found on the 70S ribosome

How does the oxidase test help in bacterial identification

it detects the activity of cytochrome c oxidase, a component of the electron transport chain of some but not all bacterial

Photosynthetic organisms convert_______energy of photons to the _______energy of chemical bonds


The 3 major types of RNA found in a cell include tRND, rRNA and_____


Which the of RNA is translated during protein synthesis?


A(n)_______ is a sequence of nucleotides that usually codes for one functional protein. -Chromosome -Triplet -Codon -Gene -Genome -Protein


______ of transcription results in the release of a completed RNA transcript.


The metabolic pathway that oxidizes a 2-carbon acetyl group to release two molecules of CO2 and generates the most reducing power of all the central metabolic pathways is called the _______cycle

Tricarboxylic acid

For each six-carbon molecule of glucose that enters glycolysis, how many molecules of pyruvate are made, and how many carbon atoms does each pyruvate have?

Two molecules of pyruvate, each with three carbon atoms.

A general group of electron carriers found in electron transport chains is quinones. These: -are lipid-soluble organic molecules that move freely in the membrane, transferring electrons between different protein complexes -are found bound to the protein complexes that function to pump protons across the membrane -exist as several types, including ubiquinone and menaquinone

-are lipid-soluble organic molecules that move freely in the membrane, transferring electrons between different protein complexes -exist as several types, including ubiquinone and menaquinone

The transition step occurs twice for every molecule of glucose that enters glycolysis, oxidizing pyruvate to form acetyl-CoA. Together these generate -2 NADH and 1 precursor metabolite (2 molecules of acetyl-CoA) -NADPH and precursor metabolites -2 NADH, 2 ATP, and 6 precursor metabolites -2 NADH and 2 ATP -2 ATP and 1 precursor metabolite (2 molecules of acetyl-CoA)

2 NADH and 1 precursor metabolite (2 molecules of acetyl-Co A)

The metabolic pathways of -glycolysis -Pentose phosphate pathway -Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) -Oxidizes an acetyl group to release two molecules of CO2; generates some ATP and precursor molecules and the most reducing power of all the central metabolic pathways -Breaks down glucose, although primary role is production of NADPH and two precursor metabolites for use in biosynthesis -Splits glucose and gradually oxidizes it to two molecules of pyruvate; generates some ATP and reducing power plus six precursor metabolites

Glycolysis-Splits glucose and gradually oxidizes it to two molecules of pyruvate; generates some ATP and reducing power plus six precursor metabolites -Pentose phosphate pathway-Breaks down glucose, although primary role is production of NADPH and two precursor metabolites for use in biosynthesis - Tricaboxzlic acidcycle (TCA cycle)-Oxidizes an acetyl group to release two molecules of CO2; generates some ATP and precursor molecules and the most reducing power of all the central metabolic pathways

Which nucleobase is found in RNA but not found in DNA -Guanine -uracil -Adenine -Cytosine -Thymine


Which nucleobase is unique to RNA molecules -Uracil -Adenine -Thymine -Guanine


During translation elongation,peptide bonds form between -DNA nucleotides -RNA nucleotides -DNA and RNA nucleotides -amino acids

amino acids

Although the pentose phosphate pathway is used by cells to break down glucose, it is particularly important because of its contribution to -Cellular regulation -biosynthesis -The TCA cycle -Control of phosphate levels -Control of pH


Which of the following is NOT part of the structure of a nucleic acid? -Hydrogen bond -Sugar -Phosphate -Amino Acid

-Amino acid

Glycolysis can be viewed as having two phases. Why is the initial phase referred to as the investment has or preparatory phase? -Energy is spent to adding 2 high-energy phosphate groups to glucose, which is then split to yield two 3 carbon-molecules -The cell must first synthesize enzymes in glycolysis; this corresponds to the lag phase of growth following the introduction of glucose -The cell prepares for glycolysis by shutting down other pathways, so that it can ramp up production of glycolysis -THe skeletal structure of the 6-carbon glucose is rearranged from its linear to circular form.

-Energy is spent to adding 2 high-energy phosphate groups to glucose, which is then split to yield two 3 carbon-molecules

Which of the three central metabolic pathways generate a modest amount of ATP via substrate-level phosphorylation -Glycolysis -Pentose phosphate pathway -Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle

-Glycolysis -Tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle

How does RNA differ from DNA -In RNA, uracil replaces thymine -Ribose in RNA contains one less carbon that deoxyribose in DNA -RNA is usually single-stranded -In RNA, thymine is replaced with adenine

-In RNA, uracil replaces thymine -RNA is usually single-stranded

How does RNA differ from DNA -InRNA, thymine is replaced with adenine -In RNA, uracil replaces thymine -RNA is usually single-stranded -Ribose in RNA contains one less carbon than deoxyribose in DNA

-In RNA, uracil replaces thymine -RNA is usually single-stranded

When discussing electron carriers in the context of biological reactions, why do we often ignore the location of protons? -Electron carriers only carry electrons, not protons, so the protons do not matter -In aqueous solutions, electrons do not require carriers. -In aqueous solutions, protons do not require carriers. -Protons, because of their positive charge, are repelled by electron carriers, whose charge distribution only allows them to carry electrons.

-In aqueous solutions, protons do not require carriers.

Which is the correct order of events in translation -Termination, elongation, initiation -Initiation, termination, elongation -Initiation, elongation,termination -Elongation, termination, initiation

-Initiation, elongation, termination

Which is the main event of transcription termination? -RNA polymerase release from the ribosome -A stop codon is reached

-RNA polymerase reaches a terminator

What occurs during the transition step of central metabolism -The 2-carbon acetyl group is joined to coenzyme A to form acetyl-CoA -CO2 is removed from pyruvate -Electrons are transferred to NAD+, reducing it to NADH + H+ -Two 3-carbon pyruvate molecules are joined to form a 6-carbon citrate -CO2 is combined with pyruvate to form the 4-carbon molecule succinate -2 ATP are generated

-The 2-carbon acetyl group is joined to coenzyme A to form acetyl-CoA -CO2 is removed from pyruvate -Electrons are transferred to NAD+, reducing it to NADH + H+

Fats are hydrolyzed by lipase. The glycerol component is then converted to a precursor metabolite, and the fatty acids are degraded using a series of reactions called B-oxidation that remove successive 2-carbon units. Where do these components enter the central metabolic pathways for further oxidation? -Glycerol is converted to glucose; the fatty acids enter directly into the TCA cycle. -The precursor metabolites from glycerol enter the pentose phosphate pathway; the fatty acids are converted to glucose and enter glycolysis -The precursor metabolites from glycerol enter glycolysis; the 2-carbon units from fatty acids are added to coenzyme A and enter the TCA cycle - The precursor metabolites from glycerol are joined together to form pyruvate; the 2-carbon units from fatty acids are combined to form glucose.

-The precursor metabolites from glycerol enter glycolysis; the 2-carbon units from fatty acids are added to coenzyme A and enter the TCA cycle

The two most common mechanisms that a microbe uses to control transcription are -RNA interference(RNAI) -alternative sigma factors -DNA-binding proteins

-alternative sigma factors -DNA-nimding proteins

Order of the Calvin cycle

1. CO2 is added to ribulose 1,5 disphosphate 2. ATP and NADPH are used to reduce 3-phosphoglycerate to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate 3. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate is generated

The microbial process -Biofuels -Cheese -Identifying markers -Model for eukaryotic cells -Targets of antimicrobial drugs -Metabolic pathways of organisms such as E. coli -Products characteristic of specific microbes -Metabolic wastes of Lactococcus and Lactobacillus species contributing to flavor and texture -Metabolic processes unique to prokaryotes -Microbial breakdown of corn stocks, sugar cane, or wood into ethanol

Biofules-Microbial breakdown of corn stalks, sugar cane, or wood into ethanol -Cheese- Metabolic wastes of Lactococcus and Lactobacillus species contributing to flavor and texture -Identifying markers- Products characteristic of specific microbes -Model for eukaryotic cells- Metabolic pathways of organisms such as E. coli -Targets of antimicrobial drugs- Metabolic processes unique to prokaryotes

The set of processes that degrade compounds to release energy is____


A genus that includes obligate anaerobes that can produce butyric acid and a number of other end products via fermentation is________?


The pyrimidine nucleases found in RNA are uracil and______.


What is the central dogma of molecular biology DNA is used to make RNA, which is used to make protein -Protein is used to make RNA, which is used to make DNA -RNA is used to make DNA, which is used to make protein

DNA is used to make RNA, which is used to make protein

two essential cellular processes that directly involve DNA are -DNA replication -Translation -Transcription

DNA replication -Transcription

In addition to glucose, which of the following organic compounds can serve as energy sources for microbes?

Disaccharides, polysaccharides, lipids, fatty acids, monosaccharides, proteins

In terms of energy, the series of catabolic reactions by which a cell breaks down glucose are______. The energy released is then used to drive anabolic reactions in the cell that are____.


The 3 key metabolic pathways that gradually oxidize____to CO2 are collectively referred to as the central metabolic pathways.


Starch and cellulose are not polymers of______, which means that, following hydrolysis, the component monosaccharides can enter directly into the central metabolic pathway of_______ to be oxidized


Order of the metabolic pathway

1. Starting compounds 2. Enzyme A 3. Intermediate a 4. Enzyme b 5. Intermediate b 6. Enzyme c 7. End product

Aerobic respiration

uses an electron transport chain;yields more ATP than the other 2 processes

The TCA cycle turns twice for each molecule of glucose that enters glycolysis. Together, these 2 turns generate -6 NADH, 2 FADH2 and 2 NADPH -2 ATP, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2 and 2 precursor metabolites -6 NADH and 12 precursor metabolites -2 ATP and multiple precursor metabolites -34 ATP and 11 precursor metabolites2

2 ATP, 6 NADH, 2 FADH2, and 2 precursor metabolites

The chemiosmotic theory explains -How the electron transport chain is linked to ATP synthesis -How reducing power is used to synthesize carbon compounds -How cells control the diffusion of molecules by using a selective permeable membrane -How ATP is generated via substrate-level phosphorylation -how water moves across a semipermeable membrane but other chemicals do not

How the electron transport chain is linked to ATP synthesis

When a reduced electron carrier (reducing power) transfers its electrons to another molecule, what occurs? -The electron carrier is degraded, and the cell must generate a replacement carrier. -The energy level of recipient molecules is lowered -The energy level of the recipient molecule is raised -The recipient molecule is reduced -The electron carrier is oxidized

-The energy level of the recipient molecule is raised -The recipient molecule is reduced -The electron carrier is oxidized

Which of the following are true about glycolysis? - The pathway provides the cell with a large amount of ATP, reducing power, and a number of precursor metabolites -the pathway splits glucose and reduces it to form 2 molecules of pyruvate -the pathway splits glucose and oxidizes it to form 2 molecules of pyruvate -the pathway provides the cell with a small amount of ATP, some reducing power, and 6 precursor metabolites

-The pathway splits glucose and oxidizes it to form 2 molecules of pyruvate - the pathway provides the cell with a small amount of ATP, some reducing power, and six precursor metabolites

The Calvin cycle can be viewed as having three essential stages. Place them in the correct order. -ATP and NADPH are used to reduce 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG) to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) -Ribulose 1,5-bsphosphate (RuBP) is generated -CO2 is added to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP)

1. CO2 is added to ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate 2. ATP and NADPH are used to reduce 3-phosphoglycerate (3PG) to glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P) 3. Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) is generated.

The order of electrons flowing through an electron transport chain

1. Electrons from the energy source 2. Energy released is used to generate a proton motive force 3. electrons donated to the terminal electron acceptor 4. High energy 5. Low energy

The spatial arrangement of electron carriers in a bacterial electron transport chain

1. an electron carrier donated electrons to a hydrogen carrier 2. The hydrogen carrier must pick up protons from inside the cell 3. the hydrogen carrier passes electrons to a carrier that only accepts electrons 4. Because the electron carrier only accepts electrons, the protons are released to the outside of the cell 5. A proton motive force is set up as protons are moved from the inside of the cell to the outside.

What components are necessary for an electron transport chain -Glucose -Protein complexes that serve as proton pumps -ATP -A membrane -Electron carriers such as quinones, cytochromes, and flavoproteins -A series of high-energy phosphate bonds

-Protein complexes that serve as proton pumps - A membrane -Electron carriers such as quinones, cytochromes, and flavoproteins

Which of the following accurately describes an endergonic reaction? -The reaction requires an input of energy in order to proceed. -The starting compounds have more free energy than the products. -The products have more free energy than the starting compounds. -The reaction releases energy as it proceeds.

-The reaction requires an input of energy in order to proceed -The products have more free energy than the starting compounds.

Central metabolic pathways -Glycolysis -Pentose phosphate pathway -Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle -Splits glucose and gradually oxidizes it to two molecules of pyruvate; generates some ATP and reducing power plus 6 precursor metabolites -Oxidizes an acetyl group to release 2 molecules of CO2; generates some ATP and precursor molecules and the most reducing power of all the central metabolic pathways -Breaks down glucose although primary role is production of NADPH and 2 precursor metabolites for use in biosynthesis.

-Glycolysis--Splits glucose and gradually oxidizes it to two molecules of pyruvate; generates some ATP and reducing power plus 6 precursor metabolites -Pentose phosphate pathway-Breaks down glucose although primary role is production of NADPH and 2 precursor metabolites for use in biosynthesis. -Tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle-Oxidizes an acetyl group to release 2 molecules of CO2; generates some ATP and precursor molecules and the most reducing power of all the central metabolic pathways

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