MICRO InQuizitive chapter 9, and 10, 11

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- is a filamentous fungus of the -group. Filaments of this species usually grow in soil or as mold in damp, indoor places like basements and air-conditioner coils. This fungus is a common source of -infections.

- Aspergillus -ascomycetes -nosocomial

There are two major groups of amebas: the - amebas, with large, bulky pseudopods, and the - amebas, with thin, needlelike pseudopods. Some needlelike amebas, such as the -, form inorganic shells made of calcium carbonate.

- lobed -filamentous -foraminiferans

bacillus, heating to 80 degrees, vegetative, endospores

- species can be isolated from soil by suspending a sample in water and - for 30 minutes. This will kill - cells but the - will remain.

litchens, fungi

- may include cyanobacteria in mutualism with -.

-Actinobacteria -Firmicutes

Gram-positive bacteria include these two major subgroups of organisms with thick, tough cell walls


All human pathogens fall into the same major group of bacteria.


Yersinia pestis has a complex lifestyle with more than one host

Helminths are multicelled invertebrates. They are not strictly microbes, but at times, they require a microscope to be seen. Helminths fall into three categories. Please match the categories with the correct descriptions.

trematode-flatworms with suckers and no anus cestode- segmented flatworms nematode-round worms with a complete digestive tube


Both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms can be pathogenic

obligate, parasites, elementary body

Chlamydias are obligate intracellular parasites. They undergo a complex developmental progression. It ends in a spore-like form called an elementary body that can be transmitted outside the host cell

1- elementary body attaches to host cell 2- elementary body taken up by endocytosis 3- elememtary body becomes reticulate body 4- reticulate body replicates and persists in cell 5- reticulate body develops into elementary body 6- cell lyses, releasing elementary bodies

Chlamydias have a complicated life cycle that ends in the formation of a spore-like part that can survive outside the host. Please place the events in the life cycle of Chlamydias in order from first to last

specialized transduction: -requires a prophage -viral capsid carries both viral and host DNA both: -can result in a new trait for the second host cell -uses bacteriophages generalized transduction: -viral capsid carries only host DNA

Identify the characteristics that belong to generalized transduction, specialized transduction, or both.

facultative anaerobes, negative, rod, fermentation pathway

In regard to oxygen needs, all enterobacteria are -. They Gram-stain -, and many are - shaped and look similar under a microscope. - can be used to distinguish between closely related species

Gram-negative organism found in the digestive tracts of animals Correct label: E. coli Gram-positive Actinobacteria sometimes used to produce antibiotics Correct label: Streptomyces Gram-positive spore former Correct label: Clostridium pathogenic spirochete Correct label: Borrelia burgdorferi

Match the bacteria listed with the correct descriptions

obligate intracellular parasites with a complex life cycle that can cause pneumonia and a common sexually transmitted disease Correct label: Chlamydias three-layered cell envelope, including Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes as well as the common Enterobacteria, E. coli Correct label: Gram-negative bacteria important producers of oxygen and fixers of carbon dioxide and nitrogen Correct label: cyanobacteria thick peptidoglycan, two-layered cell envelope, including the staph and strep species Correct label: Gram-positive bacteria have unique motility and include pathogens such as Treponema pallidum and Borrelia burgdorferi Correct label: spirochetes

Match the type of bacteria with the correct description

gram- negative

Members of this bacterial group have an outer membrane in their cell envelope. The group includes a diverse range of cell shapes and metabolic types

These are diplococci Proteobacteria. They are the causative agents of gonorrhea and meningitis. Correct label: Neisseria This Gram-positive subgroup can be identified using the acid-fast stain. Correct label: Actinobacteria These are Gram-negative Proteobacteria. One particular strain causes typhoid fever. Correct label: Salmonella These organisms are best known as Enterobacteria. Some strains live symbiotically in the gut of vertebrates and produce vitamin K. Other strains cause severe intestinal illness. Correct label: E. coli

Please match the bacteria species or group with the correct description


Researchers are testing soil samples looking for new antibiotic-producing bacteria. They find one that is Gram positive and tends to form coiled filaments. What species or group does it likely belong to?

1- Bacillus thuringiensis 2- Clostridium difficile

Some Firmicutes are able to form endospores that can resist high temperatures, radiation, dessication, and chemicals. They can lie dormant for thousands of years. Examples of endospore formers include 1-, which is used as an insecticide, and 2-, which causes diarrheal diseases.

outer membrane, flagella, periplasmic space

The spirochete sheath is similar to the proteobacterial -. At the end of the cell, the - extend and double back around the cell body within the -.


The twisting, corkscrew-like movement of spirochetes gives them an advantage in this type of environment.

probabilistic indicator

There are several different ways to identify a particular microorganism. Which way is depicted in this image?


These Firmicutes are intracellular pathogens that get engulfed by macrophages but avoid digestion. They can also survive at refrigerator temperatures


These organisms are the only bacteria that can produce oxygen. They are also able to fix nitrogen and carbon dioxide.

gram positive

This large bacterial group includes the subgroups Firmicutes and Actinobacteria. Most members have thick layers of peptidoglycan in their cell walls.


What do we call organisms that primarily infect animals but can occasionally infect humans?

a composite transposon

What does this image depict


Which group of microbes represents obligate intracellular pathogens that cause the eye disease trachoma?

-have a cell envelope with three layers -have an outer membrane -have porin proteins

Which of the following are descriptive of Gram-negative bacteria?

-They produce oxygen. -They fix nitrogen and carbon dioxide. -They include diverse forms such as single-celled Synechococcus and long, filamented Oscillatoria.

Which of the following are true of cyanobacteria?

They are the causative agent of Lyme disease. They are the causative agent of syphilis. Some live symbiotically in animal digestive tracts. Some are free-living fermenters found in water and soil.

Which of the following are true of spirochetes?

Which of the following are protists?

algae amebas trypanosomes

These organisms, like plants, are autotrophs and have the ability to photosynthesize.

both red and green algae

Select the five major groups of bacteria

chlamydias, gram-negative, spirochetes, gram-positive, cynobacteria

The event that gave rise to algae was the uptake of cyanobacteria that became chloroplasts. This process of engulfing microbes that then become parts of the eukaryotic cell is known as


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