MICROBIOLOGY 230 Chapter 12 questions @@@@@@@@@@

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are animals with segmented bodies, hard external skeletons, and jointed legs Vectors are arthropods that carry pathogenic microorganisms

Define arthropod vector

Malaria is a parasitic infection in which the vector (mosquito) is the definitive host and the human is the intermediate host.

Describe a parasitic infection in which humans serve as a as an definitive host and intermediate host.

(Cestodes) Echinococcus granulosus Eggs are ingested and hatch in the intestine Larvae migrate to the liver or lungs and develop a hydatid cyst

Describe a parasitic infection in which humans serve as a as an intermediate host.

(Cestodes) pork tapeworm, which is known as Taenia solium Eggs from proglottids are ingested, hatch into larvae, and bore into the intestinal wall and produce cysticerci also beef tapeworm, and cattle are

Describe a parasitic infection in which humans serve as a definitive host


Mycorrhizae are symbiotic fungi that help plant roots absorb water and minerals from the soil. True False


Nuclei morphologically similar or dissimilar fuse in a saclike ascus

Adult helminths may also be monoecious, or hermaphroditic—one animal has both male and female reproductive organs. Two hermaphrodites may copulate and simultaneously fertilize each other. A few types of hermaphrodites fertilize themselves.

Of what value is the complicated life cycle of parasitic helminths?

Adult helminths may be dioecious; male reproductive organs are in one individual, and female reproductive organs are in another. In those species, reproduction occurs only when two adults of the opposite sex are in the same host.

Of what value is the complicated life cycle of parasitic helminths?

Toxoplasma gondii (trophozoites)

reproduce sexually and asexually in infected cats and oocytes are excreted with feces

Cestodes Humans as definitive hosts Eggs from proglottids are ingested, hatch into larvae, and bore into the intestinal wall Produce cysticerci Taenia solium—pork tapeworm

Describe a parasitic infection in which humans serve as a definitive host, as an intermediate host, and as both.

Lichens Mutualistic combination of a green alga (or cyanobacterium) and fungus

Describe the roles of the fungus and the alga in a lichen

Most lichen fungi are ascomycetes and a few that are basidiomycetes

Describe the roles of the fungus and the alga in a lichen

The alga photosynthesizes, providing carbohydrates for the lichen; the fungus provides a holdfast Lichens colonize habitats that are unsuitable for either the alga or the fungus alone

Describe the roles of the fungus and the alga in a lichen

in lichens Fungal cells offer protection against drying for algae symbionts

Describe the roles of the fungus and the alga in a lichen

in lichens Special hyphae penetrate algae and get carbohydrates Fungi provide nutrients to algae in return

Describe the roles of the fungus and the alga in a lichen

Pectin & Silica. Neurological disease, domoic acid --> domoic acid intoxication

Diatoms. What is the cell wall made of and what diseases do they cause?

Paragonimus- Lung Fluke Taenia (also called Taenia saginata) -Cysticerci in beef muscle

Differentiate Paragonimus and Taenia


Forms when nuclei of two similar cells fuse


Four days after playing in the wading pool at a neighborhood park, several 3- and 4-year-old children experienced abdominal cramping and watery diarrhea. Upon microscopically examining the children's stools with an acid-fast stain, doctors found red, cyst-like structures about 10 microns in diameter. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. infection with E. coli O157:H7 b. infection with Giardia lamblia c. infection with Ascaris lumbricoides d. infection with Mycobacterium spp. e. infection with Cryptosporidium spp.


Fungal spores __________. include only sexual a. include only sexual spores b. require moisture for survival c. are released from the "parent" only after the parent dies d. are considered "reproductive" spores e. are identical to bacterial endospores


Fungi are __________. a. photoautotrophs b. photoheterotrophs c. chemoautotrophs d. chemoheterotrophs e. lithotrophs

Anatomy and life cycle modified for parasitism Adult stage in definitive host. Each larval stage in specific intermediate host.

Provide a rationale for the elaborate life cycle of parasitic worms.

The anatomy and life cycles of parasitic helminthes are modified for parasitism.

Provide a rationale for the elaborate life cycle of parasitic worms.


Recently, a new parasitic helminth was described in a 3-year-old boy. The only unusual part of his history was that he played in a shed frequented by raccoons. To diagnose the child's behavioral changes and loss of speech and motor skills, doctors did MRIs and CT scans. The data collected from these scans suggested the presence of larval helminths in his brain. Which of the following is the most likely scenario? a. Raccoons are the intermediate hosts, and the definitive host is unknown. b. Raccoons are both the intermediate hosts and the definitive hosts. c. Raccoons are the definitive hosts, and humans are accidental intermediate hosts. d. Raccoons are the intermediate hosts, and humans are the definitive hosts. e. Humans are both the intermediate and definitive hosts.


Tapeworms obtain nutrients from a host's A. Blood B. Intestine C. Liver D. Muscle tissue

Egg → larva(e) → adult

The anatomy and life cycles of parasitic helminthes are modified for parasitism.


Unicellular, nonfilamentous fungi are known as __________. a. algae b. yeasts c. fleshy fungi d. mushrooms e. molds

conidiospore formation

asexual reproduction through mitosis & subsequent cell division


asexual spores made by ascomycetes


asexual spores made by zygomycetesa


Which of the following is NOT involved in the production of sexual spores in fungi? a. conjugation b. nuclear fusion c. meiosis d. nuclear migration e. contact between two fungi


Which of the following is NOT true of the fungi? a. They are capable of metabolizing complex carbohydrates found in newspaper and wood. b. They are strict aerobes. c. Identification of fungi usually involves examination of spore types. d. Diseases caused by fungi are called mycoses. e.They can grow in high concentrations of sugars and salt


Which of the following is a fungal infection that spreads throughout the body? a. superficial mycosis b. athlete's foot c. cutaneous mycosis d. systemic mycosis


Which of the following is an INCORRECT match regarding motility? a. Euglenozoa; nonmotile b. Ciliophora; cilia c. Rhizopoda; pseudopods d. Archaezoa; flagella e. Apicomplexa; nonmotile


Which of the following is the vector of Lyme disease? A. tick B. head louse C. mite D. mosquito


Which of the following parasites involves domestic cats as part of its life cycle? A. Trypanosoma brucei B. Plasmodium vivax C. Entamoeba histolytica D. Toxoplasma gondi


Which of the following phyla does NOT contain members that cause disease in humans? a. Apicomplexa b. Ciliophora c. Euglenozoa d. All of these phyla contain human pathogens.


Which of the following statements about helminths is FALSE? A. All are parasites B. They are heterotrophic C. They have eukaryotic cells D. They are multicellular


Which of these answers is true for trematodes? a. They may have more than one intermediate host. b. They often lack reproductive systems. c. They have long, flat, segmented bodies. d. They are classified in Phylum Nematoda. e. They live exclusively in the host's intestinal tract.


Which of these answers is true of the Apicomplexa? a. They are free-living. b. Each organism typically has a single host. c. Enzyme-containing organelles are present at one end. d. The mature forms are motile by way of cilia. e. The mature forms are motile by way of flagella.


Which of these microorganisms does NOT belong with the others? a. Babesia b. Cryptosporidium c. Plasmodium d. Giardia


Which of these microorganisms does NOT belong with the others? a. Candida albicans b. Aspergillus niger c. Pneumocystis jirovecii d. Cryptosporidium parvum


Which of these organisms does NOT belong with the others? a. Enterobius vermicularis b. Ascaris lumbricoides c. Trichuris trichiura d. Taenia saginata


Which of these organisms does NOT belong with the others? a. Trypanosoma b. Trichomonas c. Toxoplasma d. Trichophyton


Which structure is NOT found in cestodes? a. a scolex b. proglottids c. suckers d. testes e. endospores


Which type of algae can live at greater ocean depths than other algae? A. blue algae B. red algae C. brown algae D. green algae

Their plasma membrane is just like ours

Why are drugs for parasitic helminths often toxic to host?

same DNA, no nervous system, have many of the same parts

Why are drugs for parasitic helminths often toxic to host?

they are similar in cellular functions

Why are drugs for parasitic helminths often toxic to host?

they are similar in cellular functions same DNA, no nervous system, have many of the same parts Their plasma membrane is just like ours

Why are drugs for parasitic helminths often toxic to host?

are classified as fungi due to the genome sequencing being similar

Why are microsporidia classified as fungi?

because it constitutes a phylum of spore-forming unicellular parasites that were originally thought to be protozoal in nature but now are classified as fungi. They are obligate intracellular parasites capable of infecting a wide range of hosts.. A polar filament is coiled inside the spore.

Why are microsporidia classified as fungi?

recent genome sequencing revealed the microsporidia are fungi

Why are microsporidia classified as fungi?

because they: Resemble ameba Ingest fungi and bacteria by phagocytosis Cells aggregate to form stalks and spore caps that differentiate into spores

Why are slime molds classified with amebae and not fungi?

the most characteristic structure of a slime mold is a plasmodium -- a giant amoeba with thousands of nuclei in a single mass of protoplasm. This plasmodium moves around slowly in decaying organic matter or the soil, eating - swallowing up or ingesting -- bacteria and other tiny particles of organic matter.

Why are slime molds classified with amebae and not fungi?


Yeasts are ___ fungi and molds are ___ fungi A. macroscopic, Microscopic B. unicellular, filamentous C. motile, non motile D. water, terrestrial


Yeasts, such as Saccharomyces, reproduce by an uneven cell division called: A. Fission B. Dimorphism C. Budding D. Meiosis


Yeasts, such as Saccharomyces, reproduce by an uneven cell division called: a. Fission. b. Dimorphism. c. Budding. d. Meiosis.


You are an epidemiologist studying an emerging disease reported over the past three years in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan. You have noticed a seasonal pattern of disease, with new cases appearing in late April through September and peaking in July. No new cases appear during late fall or the winter months. This pattern is suggestive of __________. a. disease caused by a pathogenic algae b. disease caused by a temperature-sensitive virus c. disease caused by a parasitic protozoa d. gaurdia disease transmission by an arthropod vector, such as a mosquito or tick e. disease caused by a temperature-sensitive bacterium

ascospore formation

sexual reproduction. fusion of nuclei of 2 cells that can be morphologically similar or dissimila. are generally found in clusters of four or eight spores within a single mother cell, the ascus. These spores are formed as a means of packaging .


sexual spores made by ascomycetes


sexual spores made by zygomycetesa


are considered both symbiotic and parasitic in nature, where they thrive on other living objects. Fungi most commonly survive on other carbon based life-forms, such as plants, animals, insects and humans. They are also able to decompose organic matter, and take needed nutrients from the organic substance.


are the vector for Lyme disease.


are the vector for several pathogens to humans, including Zika virus, malaria, and dengue virus.


Lung Fluke

Scolex—head that has suckers for attachment Absorb food through cuticle Proglottids—body segments; contain male and female reproductive organs

class of parasitic platyhelminths, called Cestodes (tapeworms) characteristics.

Flat, leaf-shaped Ventral and oral sucker Absorb food through cuticle covering Paragonimus spp.—lung fluke Schistosoma—blood fluke

class of parasitic platyhelminths, called Trematode, or fluke's characteristics.

agar and carrageenan

common food additive that is extracted from a red seaweed has no nutritional value, has been used as a thickener and emulsifier to improve the texture of ice cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, soy milk, and other processed foods.

The rhizoids, black mold on stale bread. Mucor The tiny dots on the mold are sporangia

from the two types of conjugation fungi, , which are Rhizopus and Mucor, What type of spores do they produce?

Protazoa, which is the animalia kingdom

what kingdom are parasitic helminths?


Multicellular members of a fungal phylum are characterized by a specific type of sexual spore. True False


"Red tide" is caused by a proliferation of __________. a. red algae b. diatoms c. dinoflagellates d. green algae

infects human intestines

(ineffective egg of parasitic nematodes for humans) Ascaris lumbricoides

raccoon roundworm

(ineffective egg of parasitic nematodes for humans) Baylisascaris procyonis


(ineffective egg of parasitic nematodes for humans) Enterobius vermicularis


(ineffective egg of parasitic nematodes for humans) Trichuris trichiura

spread by mosquitoes; causes heartworm

(ineffective larvae of parasitic nematodes for humans) Dirofilaria immitis

hookworms; enter the skin and are carried to the intestines

(ineffective larvae of parasitic nematodes for humans) Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale

reemerging infection

(ineffective larvae of parasitic nematodes for humans) Strongyloides


A cercaria is a larva of a __________. a. trematode b. protozoan c. cestode d. nematode

conidiospore formation

A conidium (plural conidia), sometimes termed an asexual chlamydospore or chlamydoconidium (plural chlamydoconidia), is an asexual, non-motile spore of a fungus. ... Asexual reproduction in ascomycetes (the phylum Ascomycota) is by the formation of conidia, which are borne on specialized stalks called conidiophores.


A fungus that produces sporangiospores and zygospores and has hyphae without cross-walls would be classified in the category __________. a. Basidiomycota b. Deuteromycota c. Ascomycota d. Anamorph e. Zygomycota


A lichen consists of __________. a. algae in a symbiotic relationship with a slime mold b. fungi in a symbiotic relationship with either algae or cyanobacteria c. algae in a symbiotic relationship with protozoa d. protozoa in a symbiotic relationship with fungi


A new soil microorganism has been described. On some growth media, it forms colonies of unicellular organisms, but under certain conditions it forms long, multicellular filaments and spores. The cells have nuclei, and their cell walls are composed of chitin. To which of the following groups does this new organism belong? a. archaea b. algae c. fungi d. bacteria e. protozoa


A protective structure formed by certain protozoa under adverse conditions is called a/an _____


A unicellular alga with cell walls containing pectin and silica is isolated from coastal waters. It is capable of photosynthesis and stores oil for energy. This alga is most likely a __________. a. diatom b. green alga c. dinoflagellate d. red alga e. brown alga


Algae with complex cell walls made of pectin and a layer of silica are A. Dinoflagellates B. Red algae C. Green algae D. Diatoms


Algae with complex cell walls made of pectin and a layer of silica are A. diatoms. B. green algae. C. red algae. D. dinoflagellates.


All fungi produce both asexual spores and sexual spores. True False


All of the following statements are true of the fungi EXCEPT that ________. a. they are strict aerobes b. they can grow in high concentrations of sugars and salts c. they are capable of metabolizing complex carbohydrates found in newspaper and wood d. identification of fungi usually involves examination of spore types e. diseases caused by fungi are called mycoses


All of the following statements are true of yeasts EXCEPT that __________. a. they are unicellular and do not contain filaments b. some reproduce by budding c. they are capable of facultative anaerobic growth d. some are used to produce ethanol in wine- and beer- making e. they always cause disease


All of these are types of fungal asexual spores EXCEPT: A. Ascospore B. Arthrospore C. Chlamydospore D. Conidiospore


All of these are types of fungal asexual spores EXCEPT: a. Ascospore. b. Arthrospore. c. Chlamydospore. d. Conidiospore.

Characteristics of Algae

All reproduce asexually Multicellular algae can fragment or reproduce sexually via alternation of generations

Yeasts are both beneficial and harmful. Some are used to make bread and wine while others cause infections

Are yeasts beneficial or harmful?

ineffective eggs of parasitic nematodes for humans

Ascaris lumbricoides Baylisascaris procyonis Trichuris trichiura Trichuris trichiura

The four major phyla

Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Zygomycota, and Chytridiomycota


Asexual spores formed within a sac: A. Chlamydospores B. Conidiospores C. Sporagiospores D. None of the above

f the cell wall contains peptidoglycan then it is a bacterium and if it does not contain peptidoglycan then it's a fungus. It could contain glucans; mannans; chitin

Assume you isolated a single-celled organism that has a cell wall. How would you determine that it is a fungus and not a bacterium?


Because of their role as producers in the aquatic environment, algae are beneficial to all of the other organisms in the aquatic ecosystem without ever casuing harm to any other organisms. True False


Cellular slime molds differ from plasmodial slime molds because cellular slime molds ___________. A unicellular alga with cell walls containing pectin and silica is isolated from coastal waters. It is capable of photosynthesis and stores oil for energy. This alga is most likely a __________. a. have uninucleate cells; diatom b. form spores; brown alga c. are prokaryotic; green alga resemble protozoa; green alga d.are eukaryotic; red alga.

Brown algae (kelp)

Cellulose and alginic acid cell walls Multicellular and macroscopic Produce algin—thickener used in foods

Oomycota (water molds)

Cellulose cell walls Chemoheterotrophic Produce zoospores Decomposers and plant parasites

Green algae

Cellulose cell walls Unicellular or multicellular Chlorophyll a and b Store starch Gave rise to terrestrial plants


Cellulose in plasma membrane Unicellular Neurotoxins (saxitoxins) cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) Concentrated when dinoflagellates are eaten by clams Human transmission is via consumption contaminated clams Associated with disease -ciguatera

five phyla of algae

Chlorophyta (green algae) Phaeophyta (brown algae) Rhodophyta (red algae) Bacillariophyta (diatoms) Dinoflagellata Euglenophyta (euglenoids

plasmodial - diploid, sexual reproduce, spores from meiosis cellular - haploid, asexual and possible sexual repro , solitary feeding stage

Compare and contrast cellular slime molds and plasmodial slime molds.

are two invertebrate animal phyla. Platyhelminthes consists of flatworms whereas Nematoda consists of roundworms. The main difference between Platyhelminthes and Nematoda is the anatomical structure of the body of each invertebrate

Compare and contrast platyhelminths and nematodes.

conidiospore formation

Conidium. Conidium, a type of asexual reproductive spore of fungi (kingdom Fungi) usually produced at the tip or side of hyphae (filaments that make up the body of a typical fungus) or on special spore-producing structures called conidiophores.

Taenia (also called Taenia saginata)

Cysticerci in beef muscle

Asexual reproduction involves only one nuclei through mitosis, cell division, or binary fission. Two asexual spores, conidiospore and sporangiospores. Sexual reproduction involves the fusion of two nuclei in three phases. Three phases: Plasmogamy: haploid donor cell nucleus (+) penetrates cytoplasm of recipient cell (−) Karyogamy: + and − nuclei fuse Meiosis: diploid nucleus produces haploid nuclei (sexual spores)

Differentiate asexual from sexual reproduction, and describe each of these processes in fungi.

Cellulose Neurotoxins "saxitoxins" --> paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), ciguatera - fish deaths (red tide)

Dinoflagelletes. What is the cell wall made of and what diseases do they cause?


Diseases caused by fungi are called mycoses. True False


Do protozoa have mitochondria?

Red algae

Have branched thalli Most are multicellular Harvested for agar and carrageenan Some produce a lethal toxin


Heartworm is caused by which organism? a) Dirofilaria immitis b) Trichinella spiralis c) Necator americanus d) Taenia solium

Bacteria and algae are both microorganisms. Many of them are single-celled creatures that feed themselves through photosynthesis. Both algae and bacteria are essential parts of the food chain. Algae makes up the basis of most marine food chains, fueling the ecosystem. Bacteria helps to break down dead organic matter so that it can become part of the soil. Algae is eaten in many Eastern countries as seaweed.

How do algae differ from bacteria?

Some are anamorphic

Lost ability to sexually reproduce

Algae are eukaryotes, while fungi are prokaryotes. Algae are photoautotrophs, while fungi are chemoheterotrophs. Algae are made of cellulose, while fungi are made of chitin. Algae are differentiated by pigment, while fungi are differentiated by sexual/asexual.

How do algae differ from bacteria? From fungi?

Algae are photoautotrophs, while fungi are chemoheterotrophs. Algae are made of cellulose, while fungi are made of chitin. Algae are differentiated by pigment, while fungi are differentiated by sexual/asexual.

How do algae differ from fungi?


How do algae differ from fungi? a. Algae are autotrophs. b. Algae are eukaryotic. c. Algae reproduce sexually. d. Algae are unicellular.


How do cellular slime molds differ from plasmodial slime molds? a. Cellular slime molds resemble amebae. b. Cellular slime molds form spores. c. Cellular slime molds have uninucleate cells. d. Cellular slime molds are eukaryotic.


Humans can serve as either a definitive host or an intermediate host for which of the following? a. Taenia solium b. Echinococcus granulosus c. Ascaris lumbricoides d. Taenia saginata

protozoa -unicellular -motility; some form cysts -no embryo formation Animalia -multicellular -elaborate life cycles -embryo formation

Identify three differences between protozoa and animals.

store energy in form of oil produce an estimated 80% of earths oxygen eliminate o2 sometimes diatoms, dinoflagellates and oomycotes cause disease

Identify two beneficial and two harmful effects of algae.

Manufacture of foods and beverages Production of antibiotics veggies spreading chestnut tree and the American elm population have almost been wiped out because of fungus A number of moulds and yeasts cause human and animal diseases A number of other moulds are well recognized causes of allergic reactions.

Identify two beneficial and two harmful effects of fungi


In the life cycle of Toxoplasma gondii, humans can serve as the __________. a. definitive host b. intermediate host c. reservoir d. definitive host and the intermediate host


In which phylum has sexual reproduction NOT been observed? A. Zygomycota B. Ascomycota C. Microsporidia D. Basidiomycota


Insects that transmit diseases from one host to another are called __________. a. vectors b. definitive hosts c. intermediate hosts d. complete hosts

HELMINTHS (Parasitic Worm)

Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Platyhelminthes


Lichens __________. a. are organisms made of two different fungi b. are organisms made of two different prokaryotes c. always contain a green alga d. are organisms made of a fungus and a photosynthetic partner e. are organisms made of yeast cells and anaerobic bacteria

zygomycota- saprophytic mold with coencytic hyphae(black bread mold) Microsporidia- lack mitochondria and microtubules (obligate intracellular parasites) Ascomycota- sac fungi, septate hyphae, yeasts Basidiomycota- club fungi, septate hyphae, produce mushrooms

List defining characteristics of the four phyla of fungi.

Trematode, or fluke = Oral and ventral sucker attaches to host tissue Cestode, or tapeworm= Scolex (head), proglottids

List the characteristics of the two classes of parasitic platyhelminths, and give an example of each.

Not a taxonomic group Unicellular or filamentous photoautotrophs Lack roots, stems, and leaves Mostly aquatic Water is necessary for growth and reproduction

List the defining characteristics of algae.

include yeast, molds and fleshy fungi (mushrooms) Cell wall composed of a compound called chitin Lack chlorophyll hence no photosynthesis Differ from animals because they have cell wall Chemoheterotrophs Aerobic or facultative anaerobic Genetic sequencing shows that fungi and animals are related

List the defining characteristics of fungi

Mutualistic combination of a green alga (or cyanobacterium) and fungus Foliose lichens=leaflike Fruticose lichens= fingerlike projections Medulla, rhizines, cortex Fungi providethe body (structure); algae provide nutrition Alga provide food for fungus through photosynthesis and provide nutrients in the form of carbons

List the distinguishing characteristics of lichens, and describe their nutritional needs.

Parasitic flatworms belong to the Phylum Platyhelminthes, and parasitic roundworms belong to the Phylum Nematoda. -Animilia Kingdom -Chemoheterotrohpic -multicellular -have eukaryotic cells -many are parasitic -they are heterotrophic -Some have male and female reproductive organs in one animal.

List the distinguishing characteristics of parasitic helminths.

may lack a digestive system because they can absorb food from their host. Nervous system is reduced b/c they do not have to search for food or respond much to their environment. Locomotion is sometimes reduced or completely lacking b/c they are transferred from hosts to host, reproductive system is often complex.

List the distinguishing characteristics of parasitic helminths.

species often have limited digestive tracts, nervous systems, and locomotor abilities. Forms may have complex reproductive cycles with several different life stages and more than one type of host. Some are monoecious, having both male and female reproductive organs in a single individual, while others are dioecious, each having either male or female reproductive organs.

List the distinguishing characteristics of parasitic helminths.

Trematodes (flukes); Cestodes (tapeworms)

List the two classes of parasitic platyhelminths,


Most plants benefit from symbiotic fungal partners. True False

Cellulose Cause crop diseases --> great potato famine in Ireland plant parasites zoospores

Oomyctes. What is the cell wall made of and what diseases do they cause

Trematode, or fluke

Oral and ventral sucker attaches to host tissue


Pathogenic fungi are ___ at 37°C and ___ at 25°C A. Multicellular, Unicellular B. Yeast like, Mold like C. Mold like, yeast like D. All of the above


Pectin and silica cell walls Unicellular or filamentous Store oil Produce domoic acid—a naturally occurring toxin produced by certain types of algae


Phylum: Arthropoda (exoskeleton, jointed legs) Class: Arachnida (8 legs) Mites and ticks


Phylum: Arthropoda (exoskeleton, jointed legs) Class: Insecta (6 legs) Lice, fleas, mosquitoes

plant parasites

Phytophthora infestans was responsible for Irish potato blight P. cinnamoni infects Eucalyptus P. ramorum causes "sudden oak death"


Plasmodium, the cause of malaria, belongs to the phylum a. Apicomplexa. b. Parabasalids. c. Diplomonads. d. Amoebazoa.

Teleomorphic fungi

Produce sexual and asexual spores

Cestode, or tapeworm

Scolex (head), proglottids


Slime molds are members of the kingdom Fungi True False


Slime molds are members of the kingdom Fungi. True False


The body of a multicellular algae is called a A. Mycelium B. Thallus C. Hypha D. Pseudopod


The feeding or growing stage of a protozoan is called the A. Merozoite B. Trophozoite C. Sporozoite D. Hypnozoite


The filaments of molds and fleshy fungi are referred to as _____


The following stages occur during the life cycle of a helminth. Which hatches from the egg? a. cercaria b. metacercaria c. redia d. miracidium


The host at which the parasite spends its final developmental stage, and reaches its mature form


The host harbouring a parasite that primarily grows but not to the point of reaching (sexual) maturity

Platyhelminthes; Nematoda

The main difference between _____ and _____ is the anatomical structure of the body of each invertebrate


The parasite that causes African sleeping sickness is a) Amoeba proteus. b) Trypanosoma brucei. c) Plasmodium vivax. d) Toxoplasma gondii.


Trematodes are also known as _____

Rhizopus and Mucor

What are two examples of conjugation fungi?


What is the definitive host for Enterobius?


What is the etiological agent of ciguatera? A. Alexandrium B. Laminaria C. Gambierdiscus D. Phytophthora


What is the etiological agent of ciguatera? a) Alexandrium b) Laminaria c) Phytophthora d) Gambierdiscus

Lichens can grow in very inhospitable areas On bare rock Tree bark Hanging on branches

What is the role of lichens in nature?

They are responsible for chemical weathering of large inorganic particles The consequent accumulation of soil

What is the role of lichens in nature?

enable algae to live all over the world in many different climates, they also provide a means to convert carbon dioxide in the atmosphere through photosynthesis into oxygen, which we all need to survive.

What is the role of lichens in nature?

Special case of symbiotic relationship between algae and this Most are ascomycetes and a few that are basidiomycetes cells offer protection against drying for algae symbionts Special hyphae penetrate algae and get carbohydrates Fungi provide nutrients to algae in return

What is the role of the fungus in a lichen?

this benefits from the carbohydrates produced by the algae (or cyanobacteria) via photosynthesis. The symbiotic relationship between an algae and this is known as lichens Phycobiont : It refers to the algal component of the lichen. Algae prepare food for this due to presence of chlorophyll.

What is the role of the fungus in a lichen?

the adult stage is often in the animal host's heart, where it can kill its host through congestive heart failure

What stage of Dirofilaria immitis is infectious for dogs and cats?


What term refers to fungal infections deep within the body? A. Cutaneous mycosis B. Systemic mycosis C. Subcutaneous mycoses D. Superficial mycoses

In the Anopheles mosquito

Where does Plasmodium undergo sexual reproduction?


Which group of fungi are known as the conjugation fungi? a. Zygomycota b. Ascomycota c. Basidiomycota d. Deuteromycota


Which is the correct order of events for production of sexual spores? A. meiosis, plasmogamy, karyogamy B. plasmogamy, karyogamy, meiosis C. karyogamy, plasmogamy, meiosis D. karyogamy, meiosis, plasmogamy


Which of the following appropriately describes the symbiotic relationship within lichens? a. parasitism b. mutualism c. repulsion d. commensalism


Which of the following best describes a definitive host? a. the host in which an organism undergoes asexual reproduction b. the host in which an organism spends most of its life c. the host in which eggs hatch d. the host in which an organism undergoes sexual reproduction


Which of the following contains an INCORRECT match? a. tapeworm; no digestive system b. hookworm; incomplete digestive system c. fluke; incomplete digestive system d. roundworm; complete digestive system e. pinworm; complete digestive system


Which of the following diseases is NOT transmitted to humans by an arachnid vector? a. lime disease b. malaria c. rocky mountain spotted fever d. babesiosis


Which of the following eukaryotic microorganisms are always unicellular? a. lichens b. algae c. protozoa d. fungie

The scolex of this species of Taenia is characterized by having 4 suckers and a row of hooklets that are used to attach to the intestine. Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale— hookworms; enter the skin and are carried to the intestines

You find a parasitic worm in a baby's diapers. How would you know whether it's a Taenia or a Necator?


You observe large ( >10 micrometer) oval cells in a sputum sample from a patient. Your culture of the sample reveals fuzzy filamentous colonies. You conclude that __________. a. you contaminated the sample b. the patient has a protozoan infection c. the patient has an infection with unusual algae d. the patient has a yeast infection e. the patient has an infection caused by a dimorphic fungus


Your roommate tells you that the maple syrup has bacterial growth. Without looking, you suspect the growth is actually a fungus. Why? a. maple syrup has a high osmotic pressure b. bacteria do not grow on sugar c. fungi are usually aerobes d. fungi can metabolize wood

Platyhelminthes; Nematoda

_____ and _____ are two invertebrate animal phyla.

Platyhelminthes; Nematoda

_____ consists of flatworms whereas _____ consists of roundworms.

conidiospore; ascospore

_____ formation is a sexual and _____ formation s sexual

Identify two beneficial and two harmful effects of fungi

benificial: pest control, can kill termites produce citric acid for food and beverages harmful: Mycosis ( fungal infection either subcutaneous,cutaneous,superficial, or opportunistic) Spoilage of fruits, vegetables, and grains

domoic acid

cause neurological disease can be harmful or even fatal to humans if contaminated shellfish is consumed.


causes waterborne illness

Cylindrical; complete digestive system Dioecious; males contain spicules Free-living and parasitic

characteristics of parasitic nematodes

Strongyloides Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale Dirofilaria immitis

ineffective larvae of parasitic nematodes for humans


is a distinct juvenile form many animals undergo before metamorphosis into adults. Animals with indirect development such as insects, amphibians, or cnidarians typically have a larval phase of their life cycle.

ascospore formation

is a spore contained in an ascus or that was produced inside an ascus. This kind of spore is specific to fungi classified as ascomycetes (Ascomycota). are formed in ascus under optimal conditions.


the active immature form of an insect, especially one that differs greatly from the adult and forms the stage between egg and pupa, e.g., a caterpillar or grub.


the only known host of a pork tapeworm is a/an __________. a. cow b. coyote c. human d. squirrel e. fungus

Toxoplasma gondii (trophozoites)

transmitted by cats; causes fetal infections (congenital infections in utero)


transmitted via feces cows, dogs and cats


transmitted via feces cows, dogs and cats; causes waterborne illness

Toxoplasma gondii (trophozoites)

trophozoites reproduce sexually and asexually in infected cats and oocytes are excreted with feces transmitted by cats; causes fetal infections (congenital infections in utero)

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