Microbiology chapter 1

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What is the quote of Dr. Jacques Monod and why is it significant?

"What is true of elephants is also true of bacteria, and bacteria are much easier to study"

What led to the outbreak of measles, mumps, and whooping cough within the last few years?

An irrational fear of vaccines, leading to lax views on vaccinations

Why did it take over 200 years to disprove the theory of Spontaneous generation following the findings from Francesco Redi's experiment?

Conflicting results between laboratories.

How have micro-organisms made the lives of humans comfortable?

Microorganisms have helped in food production (using yeast to ferment beer, yogurt, cheese, adding probiotics to food.) biodegradation (through bioremediation). and biotechnology (using bacteria to synthesize insulin, ethanol, antibiotics.)

What are emerging, re-emerging diseases; give examples & factors contributing to these phenomenon's?

New or unidentified diseases, accounted for by lifestyle changes or first-time exposure (moving to the country) (ex. multi-drug resistant malaria, Lyme disease, Hep C). Re-emerging diseases are diseases that were under control but have come back because of relaxed view on vaccination, multi-drug resistant diseases, and changes in the characteristics of a population (ex. measles, mumps).

Bacteria present on our skin, mouth, digestive tract & urinary tract are vital for what reasons?

Nitrogen fixation, cellulose breakdown, oxygen production.

What is the difference between nomenclature and binomial?

Nomenclature is the naming of an object. Binomial nomenclature is a two-part naming system that consists of a genus and species name.

Algae and Protozoa combined are called?


What was the theory of Spontaneous Generation?

the idea that life forms can arise from non-living material (e.g. worms from meat)

What is the ratio of human to bacterial cells?

1 to 10,000

Cell types that have membrane bound organelles belong to which group or domain?


Archaea are very similar to Bacteria and have rigid cell walls made of peptidoglycan.


Domain Bacteria and Eucarya both contain membrane-bound organelles.


The human body only contains bacteria during illness.


Viruses simultaneously contain DNA, RNA and protein.


Which are the microbial members of the domain Eucarya?

Fungi, algae, protozoa

How are the names of organism's written base on the Binomial System?

Genus (capitalized) then species not capitalized. Ex. Escherichia coli.

What were the contributions of the following: Francesco Redi, Rev. John Needham, Louis Pasteur, Father Spallanzani, & John Tyndall in ending the theory of spontaneous generation of microbes?

Radi disproved spontaneous generation with his experiment of meat and flies. Need ham demonstrated spoiled broths still produced microorganisms. Pasteur disproved the "vital force" claim by conducting experiments to analyze air-borne microorganisms by filtering air through cotton and exposing it to broth and experiments involving bacteria growing in a swan-neck flask. Spallanzani concluded that broths could be contaminated by air-borne microorganisms. Tyndall discovered that different broths require specific boiling times and that are heat resistant and regular bacteria

What are the hypothesis of Francesco Redi & John Tyndall; what makes each significant?

Redi's hypothesis involved flies laying eggs on a piece of meat & Tyndall's hypothesis involved showing food did not decay in germ-free air. Redi disproved spontaneous generation and Tyndall affirmed the "germ theory" which disproves spontaneous generation.

What is the Germ Theory of disease and who formulated it?

Robert Koch developed the Germ Theory of disease, which states that specific diseases are cause by specific micro-organisms

What is Rubeola, Epidemic parotitis, and Pertussis; to what disease condition do they belong?

Rubeola: virus; measles. Epidemic parotitis: virus; mumps. Pertussis: bacteria; whooping cough. They are all re-emerging diseases

Worldwide vaccination has almost eliminated which disease?

Smallpox, no reported cases since 1977.

What is important about the period 1875 to 1918 in terms of infections and treatment of infections?

The Golden Age of Microbiology; when most pathogenic organisms were identified. This identification prompted the development of antibacterial and vaccines.

During John Needham's time, what type of boiling was thought to kill animalcules?

brief boiling

Describe the unique characteristics of Bacteria, Archaea & Eucarya.

Bacteria: prokaryotic, have a nucleoid region with no membrane-bound organelles, cell walls contain peptidoglycan, Archaea: prokaryotic, have no peptidoglycan, and have no membrane-bound organelles. Usually found in extreme conditions. Eukarya: eukaryotic, have membrane-bound organelles, contain no peptidoglycan, and have nuclear membranes and a nucleus.

Why were some scientists not successful in duplicating Pasteur's work?

Because the broth was not the same; different broths yielded different results.

What are: biogenesis, genetic engineering, biotechnology, bioremediation, and vital force?

Biogenesis describes the production of living things from other living things. Genetic engineering is manipulating organisms for medical, industrial, and research uses. Biotechnology is the use of microbiological and biochemical techniques to solve practical problems. Bioremediation is using microorganisms to degrade harmful chemicals. Vital force is a hypothetical force and was regarded as being the factor of evolution and development of living organisms.

What is the Bubonic plague & smallpox virus; what is their impact on human history.

Bubonic plague: killed 1/3 of population in Europe. Smallpox virus: 10 million deaths over 4,000 years.

All living organisms can be classified into what? Give examples.

Domains: Bacteria, Archaea, Eukarya.

What was the prevailing argument following Father Spallanzani's experiment to end the controversy of Spontaneous generation?

Heat destroyed "vital force".

Recently, chronic conditions like ulcers & cardiovascular disease are cause by what microbes?

Helicobacter pylori

Why was Pasteur's work important in ending the theory of Spontaneous Generation?

His experiments with the swan-necked flask showed concept of air-borne micro-organism contamination. This disproved the thought that un-heated air or broths contained a "vital force"

What is important about the period 1918 to 1919 in relation to a viral infection?

Influenza killed more Americans than WWI, WWII, Korean, and Vietnam war.

What is the "old Friends" hypothesis?

Lack of exposure during youth includes allergic reaction.

What percent of microbial species can be grown in the laboratory?

Less than 1%

Give synonym for Cell wall as well as disease causing organisms?

Peptidoglycan; pathogens.

39) What are the normal microbiotas (flora) and how do they contribute to keep us healthy?

Prevent diseases by competing with pathogens. Development of immune system. Aid in digestion.

Which group or domain has cells that lack membrane bound organelles?

Prokaryotes are single celled organisms of the domains Bacteria and Archaea. All prokaryotes lack membrane bound organelles

How are the activities of microorganisms vital to all life forms on planet earth?

They convert N2 to forms other organisms can use. Plants produce O2 during photosynthesis, digesting cellulose to prevent organic "pile-up" and digesting cellulose in ruminant animals, and degrading sewage and wastewater.

Viroid's are naked pieces of DNA that infect plants.


Viruses, viroids, and prions are obligate intracellular agents.


Explain the work of John Tyndall, Ferdinand Cohn & Robert Koch in relationship to endospores?

Tyndall and Cohn discovered that different broths need different boiling times to be sterilized. Tyndall discovered that bacteria exists in two forms, ones that are killed by heat, and heat resistant bacteria. Cohn discovered endospores, and Koch discovered anthrax. This is important because it taught scientists that reproducing experiments must be as close as possible to the original, "trivial" differences are important

Which are the non-living members of the microbial world?

Viruses, viroids, and prions.

What are viruses, viroids, prions; their compositions & what diseases do they cause?

viruses-nucleic acid (either DNA or RNA) packaged in a protein coating, they kill the cells they multiply in (ex. Flu) Viroids-short, single pieced of RNA with no protein coating. They are responsible for plant diseases Prions- infectious protein, misfolded versions of normal cellular proteins found in the brain which are responsible for chains of misfolded proteins called fibrils, which inhibit normal brain function

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