Mid Term 3 AP Comparative

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Why was the year 2000 considered a turning point in Mexican political history?

A non-PRI President was elected.

What is Economic Community of West African States?

A regional free trade zone that acts as a supranational organization similar to the European Union

Define Mexico's sexenio rule:

The president is limited to a single 6-year term in office.

Distinguish empirical statements from normative statements.

There are many major ethnic groups in Nigeria vs. Shari'ah law ought to be imposed nationwide.

Which of the following is the biggest obstacle for new political parties seeking to win British Commons seats?

single-member district, plurality electoral system

What is Boko Haram?

Islamist separatist group that uses violence in northern Nigeria

Compare the ethnic diversity and regionalism in Great Britain and Nigeria

Both countries have ethnic diversity and strong regional identities.

Compare institutional features in both Mexico and Russia:

Both have presidents and federalism with a central government more powerful than regional governments

Compare democratization in Mexico and China:

China outlaws all opposition parties while multiple parties get elected in Mexico.

How did the PRI regime in Mexico maintained a firm grip on power?

Co-opting rivals and use of clientelism

Describe the powers of Iran's Supreme Leader

Commander in Chief, appoints the power ministries and media directors, has the power to appoint 1/2 the Guardian Council.

How did Mexican corporatism provide opportunities for corruption?

Corporatism kept most political participation within PRI control

Differentiate between authoritarian and democratic regimes:

Democratic regimes feature competitive elections while authoritarian regimes do not.

Contrast population problems in developed and developing countries:

Developed = aging; Developing = overpopulation

What did President Ahmadinejad emphasize during his presidency?

Development of Iran's nuclear programs and promotion of traditional moral codes

How did PRI choose presidential nominees prior to 2000?

El Dedazo = Nomination by the sitting president

What is the criticism of Nigerian federalism?

Ethnic cleavages have been reinforced by Nigerian federalism.

Why does the Nigeria have difficulty providing social services throughout the country?

Even with oil revenue, corruption limits government aid helping citizens.

Describe aspects of Nigeria's fourth republic

Federalism, separation of powers, growing free press

Why is political efficacy low in rentier systems?

Government gets revenue from natural resources rather than internal taxation = citizens less active.

Evaluate press freedoms in AP CompGoPo countries:

Great Britain = most free; Nigeria + Mexico = free; Russia = restricted; Iran and China = greatly restricted.

Describe Iran's presidential powers.

Helps shape foreign policy; Signs treaties

Describe Mexico's import substitution policies

High tariffs on foreign goods; Government subsidized parastatals; Restrictions against direct foreign investment.

Which of the following is an example of democratization implemented in Mexico in the last 20 years?

Holding a national primary to nominate a PRI presidential candidate.

Describe Iran's form of government and structure of governmental

Iran is a unitary government with a dual executive and a constitution that creates a theocracy.

What does the Gini coefficient measure?

Income inequality

Why is Iran described as a theocratic state?

Iran guarantees that its leaders must be Shia Muslims.

What are the two largest ethnic groups in Mexico?

Mestizos and indigenous

Compare the role of the military in Mexico and Nigeria in the past 50 years:

Mexico = civilian control of the military, minor role in governing. Nigeria = common military coups.

ID the comparative governments with a federal structure

Mexico, Russia, and Nigeria

Describe China's current economic and political systems:

Mixed = Economic System; Authoritarian = Political System

What has resulted from strict term limits in Mexico?

More power in the executive branch and party leaders.

How are the judicial systems in Nigeria and Iran similar?

Nigeria has Shari'ah law in northern Nigeria and Iran has Shari'ah throughout its national judicial system.

Where is Shari'ah law in place in Nigeria?

Northern Region

Describe National Action Party (PAN) base voters:

Northern, Catholic + supporters of free trade

What issues caused Nigeria's National Assembly to check President Obasanjo's power?

Obasanjo's attempt to gain a third term in office.

Contrast parliamentary and presidential systems:

Parliamentary systems have an indirectly elected head of government, fused legislative and executive branches. Presidential systems have a directly elected head of state and the branches are separate.

Describe the Basij:

Patrolling moral violations like illegal satellite dishes and public displays of affection.

Who is Nigeria's head of state?

President Goodluck Jonathan

Differentiate between industrial privatization in Britain and Russia:

Privatization in Russia resulted in a higher concentration of wealth among the elites as compared with Britain.

Describe Iranian population policy

Shari'ah law was interpreted to allow the use of birth control to control its population growth, but the government is now encouraging larger families.

Where are gender rights more equitable in Nigeria?

Southern Nigeria

What best describes the Guardian Council's role in elections?

The Guardian Council filters the Majilis ballot for acceptable candidates.

Describe the International Monetary Fund (IMF):

The IMF insists on structural adjustment policies and other free market reforms.

What institution had responsibility for organizing federal elections in Mexico?

The Institute of Federal Elections (IFE)

Which of the following best describes Iranian political culture?

The Iranian government prioritizes an Islamic society above individual rights.

What are the most powerful policy-making institutions in Iran?

The Supreme Leader, the President and the Guardian Council

What is dependency theory?

The economic progress of developing nations is hampered by developed nations.

How did Iran's 1979 revolution resemble China's 1949 revolution?

The leaders of both revolutions held charismatic authority

Describe the role of competitive elections in Chinese villages?

They were initiated by the state to control local corruption and incompetent leaders.

What characterizes political life in the Nigerian Fourth Republic?

Threats of a military coups; corruption; multiple political parties; strong executive branch.

What is Putin's party in Russia?

United Russia

Differentiate between the Russian and British prime ministers:

Unlike British prime ministers, Russian prime ministers do not have to be a party leader.

How has growth of civil society in Mexico reduced the effectiveness of PRI-sponsored corporatism?

Volunteerism helps people become less dependent on the government.

Define the best description of the resource curse:

When a country's economic growth is diminished due to an over reliance on natural resources.

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