Middle Childhood: Psychosocial Development (Chapter 8)

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What is Resilience? What date?

Capacity to adapt well to significant adversity and to overcome serious stress - 1965 to present day.

What is a Nuclear Family?

A family that consists of a father, a mother, and their biological children under age 18

What are the effects of bullying?

*It happens a lot more than some people think *It can mess up a kid's future *It scares some people so much that they skip school *It can lead to huge problems later in life

What is a Single-Parent family?

A family that consists of only one parent and his or her children

Gender differences in friendships and social acceptance ?

-Girls talk more and share secrets. -Boys play more active games.

Can Bullying Be Stopped? What has to be done? When is intervention more effective? What is critical?

*The whole school must be involved, not just the identified bullies. * Intervention is more effective in the earlier grades. -this is why they show videos about bullying and talk about it in schools *Evaluation is critical.

Signs of psychosocial maturation between Ages 6 and 11 :

-Children are likely to have specific chores to perform at home. -Children are likely to have a weekly allowance -Children are expected to tell time, and they have set times for various activities -Children have more homework , some assignments over several days. -Children are less often punished physically, more often verbally or with loss of privileges.

Signs of psychosocial maturation between Ages 6 and 11 :

-Children try to conform to peers in clothes, language, and so on. -Children voice preferences about their after - school care, lessons, and activities. -Children use media (Tv, computer, video games) without adult supervision. -Children are responsible for younger children, pets, and, in some places, work. -Children strive for independence from parents.

More Than Two Adults

-Extended family -Polygamous family

What are some Characteristics of Popular children?

-Frequently nominated as a best friend -Rarely disliked by peers -Give out reinforcements -Listen carefully; maintain open lines of communication with peers -Are happy -Control their negative emotions -Act like themselves -Show enthusiasm and concern for others -Are self confident without being conceited

What is the peer status for Popular Children?

-Frequently nominated as a best friend -Rarely disliked by peers -These children tend to listen carefully and maintain open lines of communication with peers

What is the peer status for Controversial Children?

-Frequently nominated both as someone's best friend & as being disliked

What are Effects of Social comparison on Self-Concept?

-Helps children value themselves and abandon the imaginary, rosy self-evaluation of preschoolers. -Materialism increases - Children value the abilities they have and become more realistic. - Recognition of prejudice and affirming pride in gender and background increases. -Self-concept becomes influenced by opinions of others, materialism, and superficial attributes

What is the peer status for Rejected Children?

-Infrequently nominated as a best friend -Actively disliked by peers

What is the peer status for Neglected Children?

-Infrequently nominated as a best friend -Not disliked by peers -Often described as shy; limited interaction with peers *Engage in low rates of peer interaction Often described as shy

How does rejection increase aggressive behavior over time?

-More impulsive -More emotionally reactive -Fewer social skills

How do Rejected children have more serious adjustment problems later in life than neglected children? They have more and less of What?

-More: delinquent behavior, likely to drop out of HS -Less: social interaction, school performance, vocational competence

Two-Parent Families

-Nuclear family -Stepparent family -Adoptive family -Grandparents alone -Two same-sex parents

Resilience is ?

-Resilience is DYNAMIC - a person may be resilient at some periods but not at others. -Resilience is a POSITIVE adaptation to stress - if rejection by a parent leads a child to establish a closer relationship with another adult, that child is resilient. -Resilience must be significant

Single-Parent Families

-Single mother or father (never married) -Single mother or father (divorced, separated, or widowed) -Grandparent alone

How do supportive parents help? How do demanding or disengaged parents affect the child?

-Supportive parenting helps children reflect on their experiences and learn from both their success and failures, helps promote industry -Children with over demanding or disengaged parents have troubles seeing their failures in perspective and feel a sense of inferiority.

What is Family Structure?

-The legal and genetic relationships among relatives living in the same home; includes nuclear family, extended family, stepfamily, and so on.

Why do children in middle childhood prefer continuity?

-Upsetting changes include moving to a new home, being sent to a new school, and changes in the family structure -Adults might not realize that these transitions AFFECT schoolchildren

What does not work and what does work when it comes to bullying being stopped?

-increasing student awareness, instituting zero tolerance for fighting, and putting troubled students together in a therapy room do NOT work. -Cooperative learning, friendship encouragement and school pride would work

Factors contributing to resilience This is part of ?

1) Child's interpretation of events -Child's interpretation of a family situation (poverty, divorce, etc.) impacts how that situation affects him or her. 2) Support of family and community 3) Personal strengths such as creativity and intelligence 4) Avoidance of parentification *Cognitive coping

What are the outcomes of a single parent family?

1) Children in single-mother families fare worse in school and in adult life than most other children. 2) Single-mother households are often low-income and unstable, move more often and add new adults more often

Friendship and Social Acceptance in older children:

1) Demand more of their friends 2) Change friends less often 3) Become more upset when a friendship ends 4) Find it harder to make new friends 5) Seek friends who share their interests and values

What is Polygamous family?

A family consisting of one man, more than one wife, and their children

What is an Extended family?

A family of three or more generations living in one household

What are the effects of bullying- facts What percentage of student are bullied and are being the bully?

1) It happens a lot more than some people think - Studies show that between 15-25% of U.S. students are bullied with some frequency, while 15-20% report they bully others with some frequency (Melton et al, 1988; Nansel et al, 2001). 2) It can mess up a kid's future. Young people who bully are more likely than those who don't bully to skip school and drop out of school. They are also more likely to smoke, drink alcohol and get into fights (Nansel et al, 2003; Olweus, 1993).

What are the 4 types of bullying and what do they mean?

1) Physical- hitting pinching and kicking 2) Verbal- teasing, taunting, or name calling 3) Relational- destroying peer acceptance and friendships 4) Cyber bullying- using electronic means to harm another

What should we remember about families and children?

1) Recent findings reassert parent power. 2) Children raised in the same households by the same parents do not necessarily share the same home environment. 3) Changes in the family affect every family member differently, depending on age and/or gender. -Age of sibling really is a factor. Example, infants/toddlers won't be as affected by a sudden change in comparison to a child in middle childhood. 4) Most parents respond to each of their children differently.

What are the outcomes of a nuclear family?

1) Tend to be wealthier, better educated, healthier, more flexible, and less hostile 2) Biological parents tend to be very dedicated to their offspring 3) Similar advantages occur for children who are adopted

Children need families to?

1) provide basic material necessities -Families furnish the food, clothing and shelter 2) encourage learning -Prime learning years, so families choose schools, help with homework, encourage education. 3) help them develop self-respect - Families give their child a way to stand out and be unique such as academic success, opportunities in sports, arts, etc. 4) nurture friendships - Peer relationships are important to establish during middle childhood. Parents help foster this relationship by setting up play dates, group activities, school choice, classroom support. 5) foster harmony and stability. -Families provide protective, predictable routines within the home.

What are the effects of bullying - Facts How many people stay home from school because of bullying on a given day? What percent of boys had at least one criminal conviction by the age of 24?

3) It scares some people so much that they skip school. As many as 160,000 students may stay home on any given day because they're afraid of being bullied (Pollack, 1998). 4) It can lead to huge problems later in life. Children who bully are more likely to get into fights, vandalize property, and drop out of school. And 60% of boys who were bullies in middle school had at least one criminal conviction by the age of 24 (Olweus, 1993).

self criticism and self consciousness rise from what ages?

6 to 11

What age is middle childhood?

6-11 yrs old

Which stresses are more devastating?

Accumulated stresses over time, including minor ones, are more devastating than an isolated major stress.

Industry versus inferiority (Who?)


Children in middle childhood prefer What?

Children in middle childhood prefer CONTINUITY *children value safety and stability

What is Social comparison? When do they become concerned with the opinions of their peers?

Comparing one's attributes to those of other people -"Other people have things that I want" -become more concerned with the opinions of their peers as they age from 6 to 11 - Involves tendency to assess one's abilities, achievements, social status, and other attributes by measuring them against those of other people, especially one's peers Ex: clothes, school supplies, etc.

Which bullying is most common among adolescence?

Cyberbullying is most common among adolescence.

What is a bully-victim? What can it also be called?

Definition: Someone who attacks others and who is attacked as well *Also called a provocative victim because he or she does things that elicit bullying, such as stealing a bully's pencil

What is the Nature of the Child during middle childhood?

Drive for independence from parents expands the social world. -They start to realize that they are not good at everything. - Children want to do things themselves.

How are friendships beneficial?

Friendships lead to psychosocial growth and provide a buffer against psychopathology.

What is Self-concept? When is it higher?

Ideas about self that include intelligence, personality, abilities, gender, and ethnic background -Self-concept is not as high as in early childhood.

Who often has more serious social adjustment problems, Rejected or neglected children?

Rejected children Often have more serious social adjustment problems than neglected children

What is bullying?

Repeated, systematic efforts to inflict harm through physical, verbal, or social attack on a weaker person.

Why must Resilience be significant?

Resilient children overcome conditions that overwhelm many of their peers.

What do school-age children value more when it comes to personal friendship and peer acceptance?

School-age children value personal friendship more than peer acceptance. *personal friendship is more important to school age children than is acceptance by the peer group

What is Family Function? What does it refer to?

The way a family works to meet the needs of its members. -Family function refers to how well the family nurtures its children to develop their full potential

What is parentification?

parentification: when a child acts more like a parent than a child. This may occur if the actual parents do not act as caregivers, making a child feel responsible for the family

What study shows that children prefer continuity?

study by Tanaka and Nakazawa 2005 looked at families in Japan in where fathers would frequently move for employment. Originally it was thought that children benefit from living with their fathers and that the absence of fathers in the household related to poverty and divorce. So they looked at families in where children would stay with their moms and have dad out of house, and also children who moved with dads to new location. It was hypothesized that children who moved with their fathers would have high self esteem and school achievement. However, they found the opposite in that although mom were happier when they moved with their husbands, the school children who moved were actually more depressed and their school achievement suffered

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