midterm 2 intro to psych

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you roommate wakes up and reports that she was dreaming about a large insect chasing her around your dorm room. she was likely in _____ sleep

rapid eye movement

categorization is the process of

recognizing similarities and differences among concepts

chunking information facilities encoding because it

reduces the absolute number of items to be encoded

behaviorists were particularly skeptical of Edward Tolman's research because it seemed to indicate that learning could take place even in the absence of


the hypothesis of linguistic ____ holds that the properties of a given language ____ the way speakers of that language think

relativism, influence

which of the following describes the downside of savant level memory ability

savants are often victims of brain damage or abnormality

which of the following is most consistently correlated with IQ scores

school performance

supposed you have been conditioned to blink your eyes each time an experimenter sounds a buzzer. at some point, the experimenter says the word buzz before sounding the buzzer. eventually you will learn to blink your eyes when the experimenter simply says the word buzz even if the buzzer is not sounded. this is an example of

second order conditioning

psychologists use the term sensory modality to refer to a

specific stimulation of a sensory receptor

In rare cases of severe epilepsy, people can undergo _______ surgery, which severs the _______, the large band of neural fibers connecting the cerebral hemispheres.

split brain, corpus callous

which statement correctly distinguishes between standardization and normalization of intelligence tests

standardization allows for uniform administration of tests; normalization establishes the performance average and variability

Your friend insists that cigarette smoking calms his nerves, but you are skeptical because in reality, nicotine is a(n)


a reinforcer is a consequence that ____ a behavior


psychologists have clinically defined drug addiction as substance use disorder, which is essentially the

strong desire to self administer a drug of abuse

The key aspect of the hard problem of consciousness is the _______ of each individual's conscious experience.


the retina is the

surface at the back of the eye where the image is focused

Linguists like Noam Chomsky distinguish between the specific words that are put together in a sentence, called the _______, and the meaning underlying those words, called the _______.

surface structure, deep structure

long term potentiation is the term neuroscientists use to describe long lasting enhancement of

synaptic transmission

in the popular where's Waldo viewers search for a character in a red and white striped shirt and hat this character Waldo is hidden among numerous people and objects many of which are also colored red and white making Waldo very difficult to locate in this cartoon the red and white stripe theme is the


the collections of 50-150 cells on the surface of the tongue, back of the mouth, and roof of the mouth are called

taste buds

our two chemosensory systems are the ____ system and the ____ system

taste, olfactory

a chemical that encounters a taste receptor cell and excites it is called a


imagine if you have a sibling, Henry who is two years old. when he is thirsty he says Henry milk this is an example of

telegraphic speech

some of the free nerve endings in your skin are specialized to detect information about


opioid receptors are responsible for the pain killing effects of morphine. one area of the brain in which opioids are found is the


what is intelligence

the ability to acquire, retain, and apply knowledge

Memory, as a general construct, is best defined as

the ability to store and retrieve learned information

which statement is consistent with the conclusion from sperling's study of sensory memory

the duration of sensory memory is brief

In psychology, the word "noise" is defined as

the firing of a sensory cell without a stimulus or in response to an irrelevant stimulus.

believing that a coin is more likely to land on tails because it has landed on heads for the last four tosses is an example of

the gambler's fallacy

the fact that people with Williams syndrome have normal verbal abilities but severe deficits in spatial reasoning suggests that

the human brain may be specialized to pick up languages in a way that is distinct from solving other tasks

the first widely used intelligence tests for adults were developed by American psychologists to determine

which draftees should be officers versus ordinary soldiers in World War 1

your friend is cutting back severely on her coffee intake. she is experiencing headaches, fatigue, and irritability as a result of


which of the following best illustrates the concept of confirmation bias

you are a proponent of gun control. you out new sources and stories that firm your beliefs about gun control

the cocktail party effect describes a phenomenon in which

you can selectively attend to a particular conversation out of the many conversations taking place

which scenario represents the concept of rehearsal

you keep repeating a new friend's phone number while looking for your phone

which scenario best captures the concept of context dependent retrieval

you perform better on a driving test when you are in the car in which you learned to drive

according to the activation- synthesis hypothesis about dreaming, the content of dreams results from

your brain attempting to make meaning out of random bursts of neural activity

you do not act out your vivid dreams because

your brain inhibits motor neurons, and you cannot move

based on the original definition of IG a student with an IQ score of 120 is likely to answer IQ questions like someone who is age ____ even though the students chronological age is _____

12, 10

which statement describes information likely stored in episodic memory

George recalls the first time he saw his girlfriend

while you are changing a light bulb in the kitchen it breaks leaving the broken end stuck in the socket first you turn off the power then to avoid getting cut you use half a potato to remove the broken build according to Sternberg's views you have displayed ____ intelligence


phonemes are

basic speech sounds that make up languages

which of the following is the best summary of behaviorism

behaviorism tends to explain learning in terms of observable behavior, generally avoiding reference to mental events and entities

which of the following best demonstrates observational learning

ben watched a skateboarder do a trick many times and now ben can perform the trick himself

as you and a friend throw a softball back and forth, you depend on ____ to help you determine how close the ball is getting to you and when and where to catch it

binocular cues

the observation that animals tend to readily form associations between certain stimuli and responses, such as taste and nausea, due to the survival value of the learning is called

biological constraints on learning

researchers have suggested that insight occurs

both humans and animals

contestant who do well on the game show jeopardy which involves using the store of facts that they have learned are displaying ____ intelligence


the symptoms of a stroke can be recalled with the acronym FAST which means you should examine the person's face

cued recall

which pair of words would be most closely related in a semantic web

dog and wolf

Though some people use the term short-term memory to refer to memory for recent events, like weekend plans, psychologists use the term to refer to memory that is limited in

duration, but not capacity

the ability of a language to produce an infinite number of sentences is called ____ capacity


research on memory consolidation and interference suggests that if you are studying for an exam, you should

get a good night's sleep to facilitate consolidation

which of the following situation represents an effect of hindsight bias

jerry rode his bike instead of taking his car to work then told a coworker that he had biked in because he knew there would be a car accident holding up traffic along his route

the hypothesis that the language we speak influences the way we think is called

linguistic relativism

scientists who study language are called


a ____ is a primary reinforcer, whereas a _____ is a secondary reinforcer

lollipop, diploma

an absolute threshold is the

lowest intensity of a stimulus that a person can detect half the time

the _____ at one end of the cochlea is sensitive to the vibrations of the bones of the middle ear

oval window

learned behavior is less prone to extinction if it is conditioned by ____ reinforcement


dana is very shy and awkward in social situations consequently, she tends not to go to parties or attend other social gatherings. dana is engaging in

passive avoidance

to learn anything through observation, the learner must

pay attention to the model

the ____ houses the cochlea and other organs that are important for balance

inner ear

Babies string meaningless sounds—like "da"—together over and over again. Linguists call this


Chang is an 8-year-old boy who can do all the tasks a typical 10-year-old can do. His chronological age is


imagine you are caring for a patient who in the past abused alcohol. you find that the patient's memory is heavily impaired. it is very likely that the patient has

Korsakoff's syndrome

which task is an example of non declarative skill learning

Rhonda improves her speed in assembling toys in the factory after 100 hours of work

what makes motherese appealing to babies

The singsong qualities of motherese communicate positive emotion and reward.

during an experiment in which participants press a button whenever they have the urge to do so, when would expect their motor cortices become active

a few hundred milliseconds before they press the button

the experience of flow is best exemplified by

a jazz musician absorbed in playing without a conscious effort in the experience of soloing

in the word rebuilt re is

a morpheme but not a phoneme

psychologists and philosophers use the word quaila to refer to

a person's specific, subjective perceptual experiences

sensory adaption is the

a progressive loss of responsiveness in sensory cells exposed to a constant stimulus

George sperling was able to differentiate between the amount of information that could be stored in sensory memory

a row of letters in a visual array

The concept of labeled lines refers to the fact that

a separate set of nerves transmits information from each sensory receptor organ to the brain

which is an example of positive punishment

a student is caught texting in class and then professor reprimands him in front of his classmates

retrieval is the process of

accessing information from long term memory

you accidentally break off that pull tab when attempting to open a can of soup. you are about to reach for another can when it occurs to you that you can use a regular can opener. you have just demonstrated


Some psychoactive drugs work as _______, meaning that they artificially stimulate receptors in a neurotransmitter system. Others work as _______, meaning that they block activity at particular receptors.

agonists, antagonistsxanax

You want to earn a decent salary at a potential job. You know that there is room for negotiation, so you ask for a slightly higher hourly rate than you think the employer will accept. If the employer ends up giving you an hourly rate close to your initial asking rate, he or she has likely been influenced by the

anchoring effect

a stimulus is

any sensory event that an individual can detect

an elderly man has had a stroke and his language is now impaired as a result by definition, he has


monozygotic twins

are genetically identical

which of following scenarios best illustrates size constancy

as you approach a monument, you perceive that the monument remains the same size

if tuan wanted to use the method of loci to help him remember a list of items to get at the grocery story, he should

associate each item on the grocery list with a physical location in his house

about half of the individuals with savant syndrome also display


the theory of learned helplessness has been used to explain

clinical depression

a child with fetal alcohol syndrome often has

close-set eyes and an absence of the typical folds between the nose and upper lip.

according to the work of fitts and pioneer the associative phase of an individual's progress in learning to drive is best represented when she is

comfortable with driving but makes errors if she plays the radio or talks to a passenger

attention is best defined as

concentration of the mind on a particular object or process

your friend tom lacks the ability to feel pain. tom's condition is called

congenital insensitivity to pain

psychologists call the process by which encoded information is transferred from short term to long term memory


whenever a rat pushes a red button, it is rewarded with a piece of food. this is an example of a ____ reinforcement schedule


the bending of light by the ____ and ____ focuses a sharp image onto the retina

cornea, lens

a circadian rhythm is a

cycle of sleeping and waking that occurs approximately every 24 hours

The surgery that H.M. underwent impaired his _______ memory but left his _______ memory largely intact, meaning he could still learn to perform procedural tasks like mirror drawing.

declarative, nondeclarative declarative

The easy problem of consciousness can be solved by

defining different conscious experiences in terms of different brain states.

damage to Broca's area leads to an aphasia characterized by

difficulty in speech production but not in speech comprehension

hypnosis can be effective in reducing pain, if the hypnotist trains the patient to

disconnect from the unpleasant emotions attached to the pain

in the process of forming memories when perception ends, ____ begins


another name for the physical memory trace in the brain is the


infants who are breast fed grow up to have higher IQ's than those whoa re bottle fed this suggests a ____ influence on IQ


a kindergartener receives a gold star on a classroom chart for every three books he reads. this is an example of a ____ reinforcement schedule

fixed ration

Many people report vivid recollections of high-impact events such as the Kennedy assassination, the September 11, 2001, attacks, and the 2012 Newtown school shooting. These memories are referred to as

flashbulb memories

damage to wernicke's area in the brain leads to an aphasia characterized by

fluent speech, which may be garbled

most of the Flynn effect appears to be due to increases in ____ intelligence


a potential consequence of convergence is that you will be unable to

focus on an object that is very close to your face without your eyes becoming "crossed"

information stores in the sensory buffer is retained

for a few seconds

anterograde amnesia involves a loss of the ability to

form new memories

the primary function of the outer ear, or pinna, is to

gather sounds and direct them to the middle ear

which situation involves the concept of priming

grace read an article about her favorite actor, and later when choosing a movie she unknowingly chose to watch a movie with that actor

what statement correctly differentiates between habituation and sensitization

habituation is a decreased response to a stimulus, whereas sensitization is an increased response to a stimulus

your friend comes home from a party in an altered state and mistakes your housecat for a lion. your friend may have taken a


the Stanford Binet test and the weschler intelligence scale for children report similar IQ scores for children indicating that the two tests

have cross test reliability

the Flynn effect refers to the finding that the average scores on IQ tests

have substantially increased since the first IQ tests were developed

the ____ appears to be especially important in the formation of cognitive maps


which statement about the capacity of long term memory is most accurate

human memory has a nearly limitless capacity that is difficult to quantity

The social theory of hypnosis states that

hypnosis is likely a function of a person accommodating the hypnotist.

from the following, identify the best summary of the law of effect

if a response is followed by a pleasant consequence it will tend to be repeated if a response is followed by an unpleasant consequence it will tend not to be repeatedx

The tendency of baby birds to recognize, bond with, and follow the first moving object they see is called


which of the following examples best illustrates an application of the gestalt rule of continuity

in the movie theater you perceive that an actor is moving rather than just appearing first in one place and then in

people who in the past would have been referred as mentally retarded are not generally said to have

intellectual disabilities

according to the duplex theory, we use both ____ differences and ____ differences to localize sounds

intensity; latency

the main distinction between sensation and perception is that only perception involves

interpreting what the stimulus is

a team of psychologists has devised a new intelligence test some versions of the test have 20 questions and some have 50 questions. some allow the test takers one hour to complete the test others give the test takers as much time as they need from this information you know that this new intelligence test

is not standardized

one of the best sources of evidence that there is a sensitive period for human language development is that

it can be very difficult for adults who are learning a second language to become proficient in the grammar of that language

saying that language is lateralized in the brain means that

language function is primarily associated with one hemisphere of the brain

when a subject has learned something that is not immediately demonstrated, ____ learning has occurred


the acquisition of knowledge, skills, attitudes, or understanding brought about by experience is called


which example best represents memorization by hierarchy

learning flower names by arranging the flowers by color

dyslexia is defined as difficulty in

learning to read

the flexible, transparent structure in the eye that helps focus an image on the back of the eye's interior is called the


all of the following have been shown to correlate with high IQ scores except

life satisfaction

photoreceptors are the

light sensitive receptor cells in the retina

Last night Enrico dreamt that he was walking through a strange city and was surrounded by tall buildings. According to Freud, the buildings themselves are the _______ content of Enrico's dream


an electroencephalogram is a brain imaging technique that

measures rapid changes in voltage throughout the brain

the binet-simon scale was meant to reveal whether a child's ____ age matched his or her ____ age

mental, chronological

the overwhelming majority of people who are classified as having an intellectual disability have a ____ disability


You associate each line of a poem that you need to memorize with a particular object in your dorm room. This is an example of aiding your memory via

mnemonic devices

in which of the following scenarios would you be most likely to succumb to a false alarm in signal detection

monitoring for the vibration of your phone in your pocket while you are sitting

the ____ is an example of a decision making error in which someone fails to properly estimate the probability of a particular outcome after being given additional information

monty hall problem

one major consequence of psychologists James Flynn's findings is that

more and more tests have been developed to measure analytical intelligence

the basic units of meaning in a language are called


The singsong, high-pitched speech with slow, exaggerated pronunciation that parents use with babies is called


you would expect your pupil to be largest when you are

navigating through a dark forest at night

in a ____ test, a subject is presented with a sample stimulus. after a short delay the sample stimulus is shown again along with a novel alternative. the subject is rewarded for selecting the novel stimulus

non matching to sample

our memory for carrying out motor and perceptual procedures is referred to as ____ memory


when psychologists say that intelligence test scores are ____ distributed they mean that the distribution of scores ____

normally, follows a bell shaped curve

A prominent part of the reward pathway of the brain is the _______, located at the base of the frontal lobe.

nucleus accumbent

a group of parents are discussing whether music videos featuring scantily clad women are encoring teens to become sexually active. which of the following processes is being considered by the parents are the reason that music videos influence sexual activity in teens

observational learning

psychologists describe consciousness as one's

perception of his or her own mental processes.

in a sense, phantom limb pain is purely


When a split-brain patient tries to describe in words why her left hand selected a stimulus card corresponding to an image presented in her left visual field, she engages in _______ to have her unconscious recognition make sense.

point to an object with his or her left hand

heritability estimates for IQ to apply to ____ but tell us nothing about ____

populations, individuals

Geno was just an average student in school, but he operates a very successful auto repair shop. According to Sternberg's views, Geno most likely has a reasonable amount of _______ intelligence.


when you enter an old password to retrieve your email, rather than entering your new password, you are demonstrating ____ interference. on the other hand, not being able to recall your old phone number is an example of ____ interference

proactive, retroactive

apes have demonstrated the most compelling evidence of their ability to use language by

producing novel combinations of words

fatal familial insomnia is a rare genetic disorder afflicting adults in middle age. sufferers

progressively sleep less and less until they stop sleeping and ultimately die

why does a punishment tend to be an ineffective way to change a child's behavior

punishment causes the child to become resentful leading to disobedient behavior

Kim Peek was described as a savant mainly because he was able to

remember all of the details of every book he had ever read

early studies of short term memory by brown and Peterson showed that information in short term memory vanishes in about 20 seconds unless you

repeat the information to yourself

imagine that you were in a car accident in which you hit your head on the steering wheel. the next day you could not remember anything that had occurred in the week before the accident. you were suffering from

retrograde amnesia

the term heuristic is a scientific term for a

rule of thumb or an educated guess

howard Gardner would argue that a successful ____ is most likely to be high in interpersonal intelligence


Jamal has multiple intellectual disabilities. Yet, he has an extraordinary ability in mathematics and is able to solve complex mathematical problems within seconds. On this basis, Jamal would most likely be characterized as displaying

savant syndrome

Our knowledge of facts, such as the year that President Kennedy was shot or the fact that Paris is a city in France, is collectively called _______ memory.


the study of the meanings of words is known as


Detection of the sound of a bell ringing is referred to as a _______. Once you interpret the stimulus as the sound of your alarm clock, it is referred to as a _______.

sensation, perception

_____ memory gives us a very brief impression of what we feel when we first detect a stimulus


the brief impressions formed as a result of neural activity in and around sensory receptors are called ______ memories


a specialized sensory cell that detects stimuli is called a

sensory receptor cell

jan's husband calls her while she is at the grocery store to ask her to pick up six varieties of chips for a party. he tells her the varieties he wants and hangs up. while walking to the chip aisle she repeats the list to herself, then begins to pick up the chips. which varieties will she most likely remember

she will remember a few varieties in no particular order

who coined the phrase nature versus nurture to convey the question of whether genes or upbringing has the most significant effect on developing humans

sir Francis galton

Your friend sometimes falls asleep during short car rides, meals, and even conversations. He also seems to have sudden bouts of muscle weakness and severe fatigue whenever he gets excited or stressed. He is likely suffering from

sleep debt

your roommate walks into the kitchen rather shaken and tells you that, upon waking, she was unable to move or speak for about thirty seconds. this phenomenon is called

sleep paralysis

research suggests that racial differences in average IQ among Americans is most likely due to

socioeconomic factors

your cat comes running as soon as she hears you open a can of food. In this example, the _____ is the conditioned stimulus

sound of the can being opened

most ____ tastes, like that of vinegar are chemically acidic


which of the following is a prototype of bird


a receptive field is

the region of space where stimuli affect the activity of a cell in a sensory system

Ashley was telling her friend about a movie she saw last night when she realized she could not remember the lead actor's name. she could only remember that it began with a B. this is an example of

the tip of the tongue phenomenon

the main idea behind gestalt psychology is that

the whole perception is more than just the sum of our separate sensations

the case of the patient tan is significant to the history of psychology and neurology because the case provides evidence that

there may be a direct correspondence between a specific part of the brain and specific language skills

monozygotic twins raised together have a higher correlation in IQ scores than monozygotic twins raised apart. this offers proof that

there may be an environmental influence on intelligence

Ivy is told that men far outperform women on standardized math tests. Which of the following reflects stereotype threat?

though ivy is a gifted mathematician she performs poorly on the SAT math section

researchers have studied problem solving by examining the course of people's solutions to the ____ problem, which involves transferring a series of different sized disks form one spindle to another following a specific set of rules

tower of Hanoi

the classic theory about hypnosis being a uniquely altered state of consciousness is known as the _____ theory of hypnosis


if your doctor prescribes Xanax to alleviate anxiety, she is prescribing


throndike believed the most learning occurred by

trial and error

in classical conditioning, the ____ and the _____ are usually the same

unconditioned stimulus, conditioned stimulus

which of the following best demonstrates sensory adaptation

unless they think about it, long time workers at a bakery do not notice the aroma of bread baking in the oven

the concept of the availability heuristic is illustrated when you

vow to never drive again because of the horrible accident you witnessed in front of your house

cognitive psychologists focus on studying how

we acquire and process information to gain knowledge

the greatest adaptive, perceptual advantage to having two ears rather than one is that

we are more easily able to localize sounds with two ears

the visual field is

what we can see without moving our eyes

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