Midterm Review Questions- Chapter 4- AP Government

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The only leadership position in the House of Representatives is the -majority whip. -House majority leader. -House minority leader. -Speaker of the House.

-Speaker of the House.

he Agriculture Committee in the House is a permanent committee that develops legislation regarding agriculture, food, and rural development. The Agriculture Committee is an example of which type of committee? -Standing committee -Conference committee -Select committee -Joint committee

-Standing committee

Which body of government has the authority to introduce bills? -The Supreme Court -A convention of states -The House of Representatives -The executive branch

-The House of Representatives

The house of representatives . . . can make no law which will not have its full operation on themselves and their friends, as well as the great mass of society. This has always been deemed one of the strongest bonds by which human policy can connect the rulers and the people together . . . but without which every government degenerates into tyranny. —James Madison, Federalist No. 57 Which of the following statements best describes the viewpoint in the quote? -The Constitution creates rule of law, and elected officials are not above the law. -Congress is bicameral, which means the House of Representatives cannot make laws independently. -The House of Representatives was created to directly represent the citizens. -Congress must rely on other branches of government to carry out the laws.

-The House of Representatives was created to directly represent the citizens.

Suppose a new bill has been introduced that would make changes to existing education policies and roll back the federal government's involvement in public education. Which type of committee should be established to work out the different versions of the bill from the House and Senate? -A joint committee -A select committee -A conference committee -A standing committee

-A conference committee

What happens after articles of impeachment have been successfully passed in the House of Representatives? -The trial takes place in a joint session of the House of Representatives and the Senate. -A trial is held in the Senate to convict or acquit the accused official. -The case moves to the Supreme Court, where a criminal trial is held. -A vote is held at the national level for the people to decide to convict.

-A trial is held in the Senate to convict or acquit the accused official.

Why are entitlement programs classified as mandatory spending and are locked into the federal budget year after year? -Americans depend upon the receipt of such benefits, and as such, the programs cannot be cut. -The Constitution requires that the government promote for the general welfare of its people. -The amount of benefits would fluctuate too greatly if they were classified as discretionary. -Each year there is strong opposition to cutting entitlement programs and no change is made.

-Americans depend upon the receipt of such benefits, and as such, the programs cannot be cut.

Which statement reflects the difference between an incumbent congressional campaign and the campaign of a new congressional candidate? -An incumbent candidate usually spends less time campaigning due to confidence that they will be reelected, whereas a new candidate spends considerable time campaigning. -An incumbent campaign will generally focus on connecting more with individual constituents, whereas a new candidate would spend more time generating name recognition and fundraising. -An incumbent candidate will often make use of a variety of advertising mediums, whereas a new candidate will usually focus on television advertising to gain name recognition. -An incumbent campaign would likely spend more money on negative advertising, whereas a new candidate would likely spend time discussing their experience.

-An incumbent campaign will generally focus on connecting more with individual constituents, whereas a new candidate would spend more time generating name recognition and fundraising.

How would an average American citizen get a bill introduced in Congress that would require public schools to provide before- and after-school daycare? -By contacting their representatives and pressuring them to introduce such legislation -By appealing to Congress directly and introducing the bill themselves -By calling for a convention of the states to vote on the legislation You Answered -By utilizing social media to bring attention to the issue

-By contacting their representatives and pressuring them to introduce such legislation

Why would efforts to improve substantive representation be more beneficial than efforts to improve descriptive representation? -By increasing substantive representation, Congress would better reflect the minority groups in America. -By focusing on substantive representation, Congress would better reflect the interests of American citizens as a whole. -By increasing substantive representation, Congress would better reflect the voting-age population in America. -By focusing on substantive representation, Congress would be focused more on the appearance and identities of Americans than their interests.

-By focusing on substantive representation, Congress would better reflect the interests of American citizens as a whole.

According to some political scientists, how might a focus on substantive representation help alleviate the negative effects of partisan polarization? -By focusing solely on the outward appearance and identities of Americans, members of Congress can sympathize with those who are different. -By focusing on the interests and policy preferences of Americans, members of Congress can get a better idea of how to better represent certain minority groups. -By focusing on the outward appearance and identities of Americans, members of Congress can better identify with their constituents. -By focusing on the interests and policy preferences of Americans, members of Congress are better able to represent their constituents instead of political parties as a whole.

-By focusing on the interests and policy preferences of Americans, members of Congress are better able to represent their constituents instead of political parties as a whole.

Which statement might a congressperson make to argue that Social Security benefits should remain classified as mandatory spending? -Americans have a better idea of their retirement needs and should save on their own. -National security and military are far more important than Social Security benefits. -Social Security benefits are negatively impacting the economy in the 21st century. -Changing benefits or the taxes to pay for them would produce a political backlash against lawmakers.

-Changing benefits or the taxes to pay for them would produce a political backlash against lawmakers.

Assume you are part of the Congressional Budget Office and are responsible for finding areas of the federal budget to cut back on to reduce federal spending. Which area of the budget can you reasonably suggest? -Social Security spending -Medicare spending -Food stamps spending -Defense spending

-Defense spending

The following question(s) refer to these two graphs: Graph 1 nar001-1.jpg Graph 2 nar001-2.jpg In examining the data found in Graphs 1 and 2, what pattern or trend would you most likely predict for the anticipated budget for fiscal year 2035? -The percentage of America's GDP devoted to federal spending will continue its downward trend. -The United States will devote a larger share of the budget to the military. -Discretionary expenditures will consume a decreasing share of the federal budget. -Payments for new interest on the debt will be eliminated.

-Discretionary expenditures will consume a decreasing share of the federal budget.

Which argument would you make to defend the reinstatement of earmarks in Congress? -Earmarks do not harm other districts in the long run. -Earmarks allow Congress to better advocate for their constituency. -Earmarks are an important check on the power of the executive branch. -Earmarks will eventually benefit the United States as a whole.

-Earmarks allow Congress to better advocate for their constituency.

A Republican member of the House of Representatives who is responsible for the opposition strategy and coordinating party activity in a Democrat-controlled House would be known as the -House majority leader. -House minority leader. -Speaker of the House. -minority whip.

-House minority leader.

How does the process of a bill becoming a law differ if it is introduced in the House compared to if it is introduced in the Senate? -The Senate majority leader is the only one who can introduce a bill in the Senate, but any member of the House can introduce a bill. -A bill that is introduced in the Senate does not need to be referred to a committee or subcommittee before it can be sent to the floor. -A bill that is introduced in the House may not be altered by a member of the Senate, but a bill introduced by the Senate is subject to alteration by any member of the House. -If a bill is introduced in the House, it must be presented to the Rules committee before it can move to the floor for consideration.

-If a bill is introduced in the House, it must be presented to the Rules committee before it can move to the floor for consideration.

Which of the following best explains the trend shown in the graph? -Increased partisanship makes it more difficult for Congress to pass spending bills. -During periods of divided government, the president and Congress are forced to compromise. -Discharge petitions cannot be used on spending bills, making it difficult to appropriate funds. -Budgetary bills must start in the House of Representatives, and the House Rules Committee places limitations on spending bills.

-Increased partisanship makes it more difficult for Congress to pass spending bills.

After a bill has been introduced in either the House or the Senate, what is the next step for the bill? -It will be vetoed outright. -It will be presented to the president. -It will be sent to the floor to be voted on. -It will be referred to a committee.

-It will be referred to a committee.

Two conservative Republicans booted from House budget panel By David Lawder Two of the most conservative Republicans in the House of Representatives have been kicked off the House Budget Committee, a rare move that could make it easier for the panel to advance a deal with Democrats to cut fiscal deficits. Representatives Tim Heulskamp of Kansas and Justin Amash of Michigan—both favorites of the anti-tax Tea Party movement—are among those Republicans voting most often against House Speaker John Boehner. . . . Heulskamp and Amash cast the only House Budget Committee votes against [Chairman Paul] Ryan's budget plan earlier this year. Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the excerpt? -Members of Congress usually support the policies favored by their party. -Members of Congress who defy their party's leadership face political consequences. -The Tea Party movement seeks to advance deal making with the Democratic Party. -Conservative members of Congress are unwelcome on the Budget Committee.

-Members of Congress who defy their party's leadership face political consequences.

Which measure has been proposed as a way to alleviate the shortfall in paying out Social Security benefits? -Reducing the benefits paid to current recipients -Decreasing payroll taxes on current workers -Increasing the benefits paid to current recipients -Implementing income-based requirements

-Reducing the benefits paid to current recipients

A citizen of California might be frustrated that the citizens of Nebraska have an equal number of representatives in the -apportionment committee. -constituency. -Senate. -House of Representatives.


Which is a responsibility of Congress? -Enforcing existing legislation -Setting the federal budget -Determining the constitutionality of laws -Appointing federal judges

-Setting the federal budget

Suppose you are part of the president's cabinet and advise him on setting the priorities for national spending. Which group are you a part of? -The Congressional Budget Office -The Office of Management and Budget -The Senate Appropriations Committee -The House Appropriations Committee

-The Office of Management and Budget

How does the position of the Speaker of the House compare to the Senate majority leader? -The Speaker of the House is often part of the opposite party as the Senate majority leader. -The Senate majority leader is chosen by the president of the United States, whereas the Speaker of the House is chosen by the Vice President. -The Speaker of the House has more power than the Senate majority leader. -The Senate majority leader is a largely symbolic role, while the Speaker of the House is a functional and powerful role.

-The Speaker of the House has more power than the Senate majority leader.

Why might the citizens of a certain state choose to elect a new senator in an upcoming election? -Americans have been increasingly dissatisfied with their representatives in recent years. -The citizens may feel that the senator has served in the Senate far too long. -The political leanings of the constituents may have shifted away from that of the current senator. -The constituents may feel that the senator no longer represents their values or interests.

-The constituents may feel that the senator no longer represents their values or interests.

Suppose the state of Idaho has just elected a senator who has, so far, demonstrated that she is willing to go above and beyond to advocate for her constituents by proposing legislation that benefits their interests. Which type of role is this senator playing? -The politico role -The congressional role -The delegate role -The trustee role

-The delegate role

Which process acts as a check by the legislative branch on the executive branch? -The process of nominating federal judges -The process of granting earmarks -The process of determining if a law is constitutional -The process of impeachment

-The process of impeachment

How does the style of representation in the House of Representatives differ from representation in the Senate? -The representation in the Senate is the same for each state regardless of population, while the number of representatives in the House of Representatives depends on a state's population. -Those who serve in the House of Representatives have less power to influence legislation that benefits their state compared to those in the Senate. -Each state is granted an equal number of representatives in the House of Representatives, while representation in the Senate is proportional to a state's population. -Representatives serving in the Senate are often subject to the whims of their constituents more so than those who are serving in the House of Representatives.

-The representation in the Senate is the same for each state regardless of population, while the number of representatives in the House of Representatives depends on a state's population.

What is national debt? -The total amount of money owed by the federal government. -The shortfall when a government spends more than it takes in. -The amount of money left over when the government takes more than it spends. -The total amount of debt in the entire world.

-The total amount of money owed by the federal government.

Most of the bills that are introduced in Congress fail. Why did the framers of the Constitution make the legislative process considerably complicated? -They did not want laws to be passed based on the populace's fleeting desires. -They did not want it to be easy to make changes to the Constitution. -They did not trust those in power to make laws in good faith. -They did not believe Congress would feel the need to add any more laws.

-They did not want laws to be passed based on the populace's fleeting desires.

What is the main function of a select committee? -To gather information for Congress and assist leaders with the legislative process. -To investigate specifics related to a scandal or to handle a crisis within the federal government. -To resolve the differences between various versions of a bill from the House and Senate. -To exercise oversight over various agencies and determine funding for those agencies.

-To investigate specifics related to a scandal or to handle a crisis within the federal government.

What was the primary purpose of the 1842 Apportionment Act? -To require that members of Congress are not involved in the apportionment process -To mandate single-member districts in the House of Representatives -To ensure that all districts had roughly an equal number of constituents in it -To establish congressional districts that do not change over time

-To mandate single-member districts in the House of Representatives

What is the main function of a political action committee? -To raise money for candidates running for the House of Representatives. -To inspire the minority party in the House of Representatives to take action against legislation. -To convince members of the House of Representatives to vote a certain way on legislation. -To lead the majority party in the House of Representatives.

-To raise money for candidates running for the House of Representatives.

An incumbent candidate running for Senate, who has a generally positive track record with her constituents and loyal donors contributing to her campaign, has a challenger who is new to politics altogether. How would this incumbent candidate likely fare in the election? -Poorly, since the senator has not been in the Senate for that long. -Well, since the senator has more money to campaign than the new candidate. -Poorly, since Americans are often looking for better candidates than career politicians. -Well, since the senator has the advantage of name recognition and experience.

-Well, since the senator has the advantage of name recognition and experience.

Suppose in the year 2018, the United States generated $21.5 trillion and spent $19.5 trillion. In that year, the United States would have -a budget surplus. -a budget deficit. -an average national debt. -a significant national debt.

-a budget surplus.

In 2013, Texas Senator Ted Cruz gave a 21-hour speech that interfered with a planned vote on healthcare reforms, which would be considered -a filibuster. -cloture. -a hold. -a discharge petition.

-a filibuster.

Partisan polarization manifests itself during the end of a president's term in the form of -bipartisanship. -descriptive representation. -divided government. -a lame duck period.

-a lame duck period.

Suppose a state's legislature has enlisted a commission to redraw its congressional district boundaries, but upon review notices that the districts each have significantly uneven numbers of constituents. Such redistricting would be -a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment. -in compliance with the decision in Baker v. Carr. -considered legitimate redistricting. -considered partisan gerrymandering.

-a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.

The process of deciding on the number of representatives each state gets based on most recent census data is known as -apportionment. -partisan gerrymandering. -gerrymandering. -redistricting.


A push by activist groups to encourage ethnic minorities, women, and the less-wealthy to run for political office would likely be an effort in favor of -bipartisanship. -descriptive representation. -increased partisan polarization. -substantive representation.

-descriptive representation.

Suppose Congress presents a bill to the president that would limit the rights of Americans to speak freely. The president vetoes the bill and upon reconsideration, the bill fails in a vote to override the veto. In this case, the bill -dies and does not become law. -is referred to the Supreme Court to be decided upon. -becomes law and must be enforced by the president. -is sent back to a subcommittee to be updated.

-dies and does not become law.

A motion that is filed by a member of Congress for a bill to be moved out of a committee and onto the floor for consideration is called a -filibuster. -hold. -discharge petition. -veto.

-discharge petition.

Defense spending is considered -discretionary spending. -an entitlement program. -deficit spending. -mandatory spending.

-discretionary spending.

Which of the following is most likely to lead to the situation shown in the cartoon? -legislative deliberation -bipartisanship -substantive representation -divided government

-divided government

Suppose a senator has proposed a budget measure that would direct money to his district for the purpose of improving parks. This would be an example of -apportionment. -earmarks. -logrolling. -oversight.


Suppose that a Midwestern state has recently redrawn its districts in a way that benefits the interests of agricultural farmers. Such redistricting is known as -apportionment. -partisan gerrymandering. -special interest redistricting. -gerrymandering.


A political scientist who is studying the effects of increased partisan polarization might focus on -lame duck representatives. -divided government. -gridlock. -bipartisanship.


In order for someone to be considered a candidate for the United States Senate, he or she must -have lived in the state they are representing for at least one year. -be at least thirty-five years old. -pass a literacy test. -have at least nine years of citizenship.

-have at least nine years of citizenship.

The following question(s) refer to this excerpt of proposed House Resolution 184 introduced by Representative Hakeem Jeffries in the House Judiciary Committee on March 9, 2017. RESOLVED: That the President is requested, and the Attorney General of the United States is directed, to transmit, respectively (in a manner appropriate to classified information, if the President or Attorney General determines appropriate), to the House of Representatives, not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution, copies of any document, record, memo, correspondence, or other communication in their possession, or any portion of any such communication, that refers or relates to the following: (1) Any meeting or communication that occurred between Senator Jeff Sessions and any representative of the Russian government, including his meetings with the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey I. Kislyak, on July 18, 2016, and September 8, 2016. (2) Senator Sessions' testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on January 10, 2017, including but not limited to his statement that he "did not have communications with the Russians." What congressional power was used in passing this resolution? -law making -legislative oversight -treaty ratification -appropriations

-legislative oversight

Suppose a member of the House of Representatives has spent the past week discussing upcoming legislation with other members of the House and has been working hard to convince members to vote in favor of the legislation. This person would be considered the -majority whip. -House minority leader. -Speaker of the House. -House majority leader.

-majority whip.

Attempts to increase descriptive representation in Congress might include trying to increase the -number of wealthy elites. -membership of women or minorities. -proportion of small business owners. -interests of a specific policy preference.

-membership of women or minorities.

Suppose a member of Congress is part of a committee that ensures funds are being spent efficiently and elected officials are acting in accordance with the law. This member of Congress is participating in -pork barrel spending. -securing earmarks. -oversight. -logrolling.


What do the maps illustrate? -demographic shifts within a congressional district -the process of reapportionment -increase in electoral support for the Republican Party -partisan gerrymandering

-partisan gerrymandering

The Supreme Court's decision in Baker v. Carr -outlawed the practice of partisan gerrymandering. -required congressional districts to have roughly the same number of constituents. -established the principle of "one person, one vote." -set the cap to the number of members of the House of Representatives at 435.

-required congressional districts to have roughly the same number of constituents.

The following question(s) refer to these two graphs: Graph 1 nar001-1.jpg Graph 2 nar001-2.jpg What is the most likely explanation for the pattern or trend described in your answer to Question 7? -additional pork barrel spending -renewed fiscal discipline -the increasing diversity of the American population -the aging of the Baby Boomer generation

-the aging of the Baby Boomer generation

Suppose evidence has come to light that the president has provided financial assistance to violent non-state actors in foreign countries to assist in a plot to harm the American people. The House of Representatives may issue articles of impeachment on the grounds that the president has committed -a felony. -bribery. -treason. -a misdemeanor.


Suppose the state of California has elected an incumbent representative to the House of Representatives who has suggested that he knows what is best for the citizens of California in his district and will use his experience and knowledge to achieve his goals. This representative is playing the -trustee role. -delegate role. -representative role. -politico role.

-trustee role.

The following question(s) refer to this excerpt of proposed House Resolution 184 introduced by Representative Hakeem Jeffries in the House Judiciary Committee on March 9, 2017. RESOLVED: That the President is requested, and the Attorney General of the United States is directed, to transmit, respectively (in a manner appropriate to classified information, if the President or Attorney General determines appropriate), to the House of Representatives, not later than 14 days after the date of the adoption of this resolution, copies of any document, record, memo, correspondence, or other communication in their possession, or any portion of any such communication, that refers or relates to the following: (1) Any meeting or communication that occurred between Senator Jeff Sessions and any representative of the Russian government, including his meetings with the Russian Ambassador to the United States, Sergey I. Kislyak, on July 18, 2016, and September 8, 2016. (2) Senator Sessions' testimony before the Senate Committee on the Judiciary on January 10, 2017, including but not limited to his statement that he "did not have communications with the Russians." Select the response that matches the most likely motivation of the resolution's sponsor and the most likely outcome of the resolution, given the fact of a Republican majority on the House Judiciary Committee. Motivation Outcome a. To learn embarrassing information about the president and attorney general for partisan purposes Defeat of the resolution along strict party lines b. To gain further insight into how best to negotiate with the Russian government Request to the president and the attorney general for additional information c. To waive the protections given to classified information Request of the Supreme Court for guidance as to how best to proceed d. To begin impeachment proceedings against the president and his top aides Support for the resolution to require the president and attorney general to testify before Congress B C A D


Select the pair of answers that best explains why the incumbency advantage is higher in the House of Representatives than it is in the Senate. House of Representatives Senate a. Frequent reelection Ability to filibuster bills b. Partisan districts Exclusive use of franking privileges c. More name recognition Fewer opportunities for media coverage d. Smaller districts Represents entire state B D A C


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