MIS-180 exam 4

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13. Privacy policies and privacy seals are considered ________________ mechanisms for information privacy. a. self-regulation b. legal c. guideline d. protection e. security


16. With regards to PAPA, what reflects the confidentiality of the data collected? a. Privacy b. Accuracy c. Property d. Accessibility e. Reliability


17. An online email account that you have prompts you to verify that your personal information is correct. This organization is practicing which aspect of PAPA? a. Accuracy b. Privacy c. Property d. Accessibility e. Reliability


18. Often times when signing up for a new account, there is a statement that includes who has access to the information you are sharing. What aspect of PAPA is being implemented? a. Accessibility b. Privacy c. Accuracy d. Property e. Reliability


21. What government privacy act regulates the use of private information by financial institutions? a. GLBA b. CIPA c. COPPA d. FERPA e. HIPAA


22. Which of the following is not part of the Fair Information Practices principles? a. Use/Repudiation b. Notice/Awareness c. Choice/Consent d. Access/Participation e. Integrity/Security


29. Websites often request information about you. You have a choice as to whether or not you provide this to them. What aspect of PAPA is being implemented? a. Privacy b. Accuracy c. Property d. Accessibility e. Reliability


35. What is the term for the framework for planning, structuring, and controlling software projects? a. Software development methodologies b. Requirements c. Documentation d. Development e. Research and design


95. Which of the following can be used to gain insights into the preferences of customers? a. ERP b. CRM c. CMS d. SCM e. BI


97. What aspect of the Customer Service Life Cycle creates customer awareness of the product or service? a. Transact b. Engage c. Fulfill d. Service e. Dismiss


25. When installing the latest version of Internet Explorer, a dialogue box pops up with a box checked telling you that Bing will be your automatic search provider. You have the opportunity to change this selection before continuing. This checkbox allows you to do what? a. Opt-in b. Create account c. Opt-out d. Enable cookie manager e. Identify data collection threat


27. With regards to PAPA, what reflects the ownership of the data about you? a. Privacy b. Accuracy c. Property d. Accessibility e. Reliability


28. With regards to PAPA, what reflects the access to the information systems and the data they hold about you? a. Privacy b. Accuracy c. Accessibility d. Property e. Reliability


30. Which of the following represents the "P" in the PLUS ethical decision-making process? a. Privacy b. Public c. Policies d. Personal e. Probable


38. Which phase of SDLC begins the process? a. Requirements b. Development c. Planning d. Implementation e. Maintenance


4. _______________ refers to data being used for other functions beyond those purposes for which they were collected. a. Scope creep b. Opt-out c. Function creep d. Privacy e. Cookies


3. What type of hidden collection approach tracks online browsing behavior? a. Cookies b. Key logger c. Spyware d. Trojan Horse e. Clickstream data


31. Which of the following represents the "L" in the PLUS ethical decision-making process? a. Losses b. Looseness c. Latency d. Literal e. Laws


93. Which of the following produces or delivers goods or services right when they are needed? a. Just-in-time inventory b. Direct sales c. Knowledge d. Custom off the shelf e. Sales tracking


37. Which of the following best describes the systems development life cycle (SDLC)? a. A disciplined approach to systems development b. A process to test new applications c. The documentation an end user follows to operate a system d. An approach to risk management of developing new software e. An analysis of industry systems


41. What describes a series of actions that result in an outcome for an actor? a. Use case b. Outsourcing c. Requirements d. Planning e. Development


60. What is the human-readable form of a software program? a. Source code b. Executable code c. Custom-built software d. Open source software e. Compiled code


65. Processes often extend across many ______________ boundaries. a. organizational b. integrated c. virtual d. partnered e. practice


68. A process model does not have to be used for descriptive purposes, it can also be ______________. a. explanatory b. derogatory c. imaginative d. helpful e. simple


73. While Patricia is listening to discussions about assembling the widgets at her factory management meeting, she identifies a few key points that would allow for a quicker finished product. What type of BPR goal is she working towards? a. Efficiency b. Effectiveness c. Internal control d. Compliance e. Legal


79. One way to categorize impacts of change is whether they represent changes that __________, __________ or _____________ organizations. a. automate, informate, transform b. automate, create, transform c. change, recreate, redirect d. add, modify, delete e. update, reorganize, streamline


81. A new system at your university is able to give details on a course registration in real time on your PC, Laptop, and phone. What level of change is this? a. Informate b. Automate c. Transform d. Recreate e. Abandon


83. What are the tasks that make up every business process called? a. Sub-processes b. Steps c. Processes d. Phases e. Models


84. Software that helps analysts describe business processes and create business process models are known as what? a. Process modeling tools b. Data flow diagram tools c. Entity relationship tools d. Data modeling tools e. Role Activity Diagrams


86. What is an older, large application that may be mission critical? a. Legacy system b. Archaic system c. Antiquated system d. COBOL e. Mainframe system


88. What type of information system would executives typically be interested in using for decision making? a. Strategic b. Tactical c. Operational d. Functional e. Web-based


10. What tools and techniques, rather than technologies, are available to protect you online? a. Cookie managers b. Privacy policy and seals c. Cookies d. Spyware e. Surveillance


15. A faculty member receives a phone call from the parent of a student. The parent inquires about the grade of the student on the last exam. If the instructor discloses any information, that instructor would violate what privacy act? a. CIPA b. FERPA c. COPPA d. HIPAA e. GLBA


2. What are cookies? a. Review IP address to track online browsing b. Small text files that store information c. Hidden application to record keystrokes d. Malware designed to slow down your PC e. Program offered by an organization which post rules


34. Which dimension of software development is related to user requirements? a. Time b. Quality c. Development d. Cost e. Methodologies


39. What documents the scope of the project, identifies major tasks and resources and describes any interrelationships with other projects? a. Feasibility analysis b. Project management c. Project initiation d. User documentation e. State of Work


43. If the integration plan is to implement a new system while the existing system is still running, what type of integration plan would you be following? a. Direct Changeover b. Parallel Operation c. Phased implementation d. Pilot Operation e. Use Case


46. What is the focus of Rapid Application Development (RAD)? a. Creating technically perfect systems b. Filling organizational needs c. Bypassing stakeholder input d. Creating bug free software e. Using a direct changeover integration


47. _______________ software is built from scratch using few commercially-obtained components. a. COTS b. Custom-built c. Developed d. Open source e. Hybrid


5. You are asked to provide your location and email address when downloading iTunes from the Apple site. You are also prompted to check a box if you would like any Apple News updates. This checkbox allows you to do what? a. Create account b. Opt-in c. Opt-out d. Enable cookie manager e. Identify data collection threat


52. Which type of outsourcing is less likely to bring about public backlash? a. Offshore outsourcing b. Onshore outsourcing c. Nearshore outsourcing d. Alien outsourcing e. International outsourcing


67. The bottom line of process modeling is to : a. use front office systems to track processes b. understand the various processes that occur at different organizational levels c. develop network infrastructure d. identify file management systems e. connect to influential people that can advise strategic plans


77. What does Business Process reengineering begin with? a. Analysis of the organization's strategic goals b. Clear vision of the goal of the redesign c. Identification of organizational cost centers d. Hiring of an outside consulting firm e. An immediate spending freeze


82. After working at the same firm for 3 years, your senior leadership has developed a process that completely reworks how your job is done. What level of change is this? a. Automate b. Informate c. Recreate d. Abandon e. Transform


40. The sales department has a requirement that the e-commerce site remains up 99% of the time. What type of requirement is this? a. Functional b. Required c. Non-functional d. Initiation e. Analysis


45. Which phase of SDLC involves fixing any problems that are uncovered and may involve modifying the program to meet new needs? a. Planning b. Requirements c. Maintenance d. Development e. Implementation


48. What type of outsourcing allows organizations to meet staffing needs without the longterm costs? a. Selective outsourcing b. Project-based outsourcing c. Personnel outsourcing d. Application outsourcing e. Complete outsourcing4-0E


49. Which of the following is not an advantage of outsourcing? a. Potential cost savings b. Focus on core activities c. Loss of internal competencies d. Potential for 24 hour productivity e. Shifting fixed costs to variable costs


51. Using a vendor that provides services from a location outside a client's region is known as: a. Onshore outsourcing b. Nearshore outsourcing c. Offshore outsourcing d. Alien outsourcing e. International outsourcing


55. What type of requirements describe the constraints on the system? a. Functional b. Documented c. Non-functional d. Use Case e. Input


59. ___________ software is a complete or nearly complete solution obtained from a third party. a. Custom-built b. Developed c. COTS d. Open source e. Hybrid


62. A local business decided it was worthwhile to outsource their payroll and human resources to ADP. This is an example of what type of outsourcing? a. Application b. Personnel c. Process-based d. Project-based e. Consultant


69. Which of the following is not one of the tools process modeling languages? a. Traditional process modeling languages b. Object-oriented languages c. Hypertext markup languages d. Dynamic process modeling languages e. Process integration languages


7. What is identity theft? a. One uses another person's account to communicate. b. Attempt by industry leaders to self-police themselves. c. One uses another person's personal information for fraudulent activities. d. Inaccuracy in personal data. e. Restricted access to personal information


71. It is important to realize that BPR often involves ______________ the way tasks are performed instead of ________________ tasks. a. changing, limiting b. developing, eradicating c. changing, automating d. organizing, automating e. identifying, creating


74. While working in the Accounts Payable Department you have noticed that the Assistant Director has been paying some bills without an invoice. You voice your concerns to a newly created BPR team and the process is tweaked to require a proper invoice for payment. What type of reengineering goal did you help achieve? a. Effectiveness b. Efficiency c. Internal control d. Compliance e. Legal


78. The result of a redesigned business process often means _______________ ways of doing business. a. performance based b. redesigned c. streamlined d. managed e. cumbersome


9. A privacy policy on a website is more about the __________ than the technology. a. policy b. content c. protection d. law e. ethics


94. What is a primary focus of supply chain management (SCM)? a. Increased level of customer support b. Sales tracking c. Inventory cost reduction d. Outsourcing manufacturing e. Unified communication


99. The CRM that has been implemented for your organization is also integrated with the Supply Chain Management system. This means that as soon as an item is ordered from your ecommerce site, the supply chain is notified and production is notified. What phase of the Customer Service Life Cycle is being served in this example? a. Engage b. Transact c. Fulfill d. Service e. Dismiss


*56. The university has a requirement that students must be allowed to view course offerings and register for classes that have empty seats. What type of requirement is this? a. Non-functional b. Required c. Functional d. Initiation e. Analysis

c *

85. Which of the following is not a process modeling software product? a. AnalystView b. Visio Modeling Software c. Business Process Support d. Business Process Management e. Business Process Excellence

c *

12. What does an industry generally create in an attempt to avoid government regulations? a. Laws b. Guidelines c. Ethical d. Self-regulation e. Protection


14. What government privacy act protects your medical records from others? a. CIPA b. COPPA c. FERPA d. HIPAA e. GLBA


20. What government privacy act prevents websites from collecting personally identifiable information from children without parental consent? a. CIPA b. FERPA c. HIPAA d. COPPA e. GLBA


23. Which of the following is not a cost of privacy breaches upon an organization? a. Loss of customers b. Cost of repairing the breach c. Compensate customers for ID theft d. Loss of goodwill e. Loss of intellectual property


24. Who is responsible for ensuring that privacy policies are respected? a. The customer b. The company c. The FEC d. The FTC e. The FIP


26. With regards to PAPA, what reflects that the data about you is what it is supposed to be? a. Privacy b. Property c. Accessibility d. Accuracy e. Reliability


32. Which of the following is NOT a step in the ethical decision-making process described in the text? a. Identify alternatives b. Define the problem c. Evaluate the decision d. Minimize the impact of the decision e. Make the decision


33. What search engine allows you to anonymously search the Internet? a. Google b. Bing c. Yahoo! d. DuckDuckGo e. PrivateSearch


50. Which of the following is an advantage of outsourcing? a. Becoming dependent on service provider b. Lower morale of remaining workers c. Confidentiality compromised d. Effective way to manage capacity e. Loss of internal competencies


54. When planning a project, it is determined that the proposed project does not line up with existing strategies and practices. Which feasibility issue is this related to? a. Technical b. Economic c. Legal d. Organizational e. Ethical


57. During which phase of the SDLC are the outputs of the design phase converted into the actual information system? a. Requirements b. Design c. Implementation d. Development e. Maintenance


58. During which phase of the SDLC is the system made operational in a production environment? a. Requirements b. Design c. Development d. Implementation e. Maintenance


6. A study published in 2009 shows that ____________ methods for stealing personal information are more popular than _______________ methods. a. technology driven, low-tech b. high-tech, social c. advanced, remedial d. low-tech, technology-driven e. natural, fake


64. What concept is a key characteristic of processes? a. Production b. Customer relationships c. Enterprise resource d. "All or nothing" e. Process mode


66. Sara just began working for a new company and her boss has given her a flow chart to study so that she can better understand the processes of the organization. What function has the organization completed to have such a chart? a. SDLC b. Registration c. Gantt chart d. Process modeling e. Contracting


72. John has been working on a BPR team to examine some processes within his organization. New laws have required some changes in his industry. What type of goal is this team working toward? a. Effectiveness b. Efficiency c. Internal control d. Compliance e. Legal


75. A very important part of the redesign process is ensuring that there are __________ and ____________ to ensure that improvements are indeed being made. a. goals, thresholds b. designs, documentation c. opportunities, strengths d. metrics, measurements e. none of the above


8. The best way for someone to protect themselves from identity theft is to follow basic security guidelines and __________________. a. laws b. ethics c. rules d. common sense e. definitions


80. A new process has been adopted at your university where a student can electronically submit a drop request for a particular class. After the drop request is submitted, the instructor and department head are notified via email. After they approve the drop request, notification is sent to the registrar. What level of change is this? a. Informate b. Transform c. Recreate d. Automate e. Abandon


92. What is the largest benefit of a successfully implemented ERP system? a. Customer support b. Cost c. Virtualization d. Efficiency e. Return on investment


96. Which of the following best describes a system that helps an organization manage multiple interactions with its customers? a. Customer Intelligence b. Customer Management System c. Customer order Management d. Customer Relationship Management e. Customer enterprise warehouse


1. Everyone has to be concerned not only about their own information privacy, but also about the information privacy of which of the following? a. Customers b. Employees c. Business partners d. Students e. All of the above


100. Many software organizations offer limited support at no charge for a period of time after purchase. What phase of the Customer Service Life Cycle is being served in this example? a. Engage b. Transact c. Fulfill d. Dismiss e. Service


11. What type of information can be stored in cookies? a. IP address b. Domain c. Length of time spent on a webpage d. Password e. All of the above


19. Often times there are questions about using online services when conducting research or proprietary business. Those involved are often concerned about who owns the actual data that resides in the cloud. What aspect of PAPA would be called upon to ease these concerns? a. Privacy b. Accuracy c. Accessibility d. Reliability e. Property


36. The outputs of one step in the traditional SDLC flow as inputs into the next step. Because of this it is said to follow what type of method? a. Step b. Flow c. Design d. Absolute e. Waterfall


42. What is the main focus of the design phase of the SDLC? a. Desired level of performance b. Construction of the system c. Placing the system in production d. Integration e. How the system will satisfy requirements


44. The systems development committee has chosen to implement the new system in a limited number of sites based on location. What type of integration plan is being implemented here? a. Direct Changeover b. Parallel Operation c. Pilot Operation d. Use Case e. Phased implementation


53. When planning a project, it is determined that the investment in the proposed project will not result in any profit. Which feasibility issue is this related to? a. Technical b. Organizational c. Legal d. Ethical e. Economic


61. A local university contracted with IBM to implement a new database system, which the university would then administer and run. This is an example of what type of outsourcing? a. Application b. Personnel c. Process-based d. Consultant e. Project-based


63. What is a series of steps or tasks required to achieve a specific goal? a. Rules b. Guidelines c. Law d. Ethics e. Process


70. During process improvement, once business processes are properly modeled, they can be ______________. a. visible b. shared c. defined d. reviewed e. analyzed


76. The Business Process Redesign effort is a(n) ______________ process where what is done or found in later stages may result in the need to revisit earlier stages. a. comprehensive b. creative c. direct d. total e. iterative


87. Which of the following is not a question that managers performing Business Process Redesign efforts should ask? a. What are our key business processes? b. Do we have to execute each process? c. How can we use information technologies to perform these processes in better ways? d. What are the likely impacts of the business process redesign? e. What can we do to make this process less expensive?


89. The Human Resources department has an information system that helps them gather information on employees. What type of perspective is represented in this example? a. Hierarchical b. Process c. Redundant d. Strategic e. Functional


90. In contrast to ________, ERP applications make accessing information easier by providing a central information repository. a. custom applications b. off the shelf applications c. data warehouses d. database management systems e. legacy systems


91. What is the biggest challenge with ERP systems? a. Efficiency of the system b. Cost of the implementation c. Customer support d. Production time lost e. Customizing it to the needs of the organization


98. The marketing department is attempting to determine the price of a new product the company is developing. What aspect of the Customer Service Life Cycle is the department working on? a. Engage b. Fulfill c. Service d. Dismiss e. Transact


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