Mis 309 ch8 1-50

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11) The number of second- and third-tier community members on a social media site reduces exponentially.


17) Define social media and social media information systems. Name the three SMIS organizational roles. Answer: Social media (SM) is the use of information technology to support the sharing of content among networks of users. A social media information system (SMIS) is an information system that supports the sharing of content among networks of users. The three fundamental SMIS organizational roles are: • Social media providers • Users • Communities

17) 소셜 미디어 및 소셜 미디어 정보 시스템 정의 세 개의 SMIS 조직 역할 이름을 지정하십시오. 답변: 소셜 미디어(Social Media, SM)는 사용자 네트워크 간의 콘텐츠 공유를 지원하기 위한 정보 기술의 이용이다. SMIS(Social Media Information System)는 이용자 네트워크 간의 콘텐츠 공유를 지원하는 정보 시스템이다. 세 가지 기본 SMIS 조직 역할은 다음과 같다. • 소셜 미디어 공급자 • 사용자 • 커뮤니티

18) Describe the roles of social media application providers. Answer: Social media application providers are companies that operate SM sites. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google are all SM application providers. These providers create the features and functions of the site and compete with one another for the attention of user communities and SM sponsors. On Facebook, for example, creating a company page is free, but Facebook charges a fee to advertise to communities that "Like" that page. Most SM applications earn revenue through some type of advertising model.

18) 소셜 미디어 애플리케이션 제공자의 역할에 대해 설명하십시오. 답변: 소셜 미디어 애플리케이션 제공업체는 SM 사이트를 운영하는 기업이다. 페이스북, 트위터, 링크드인, 구글은 모두 SM 애플리케이션 제공업체들이다. 이들 제공자들은 사이트의 특징과 기능을 만들고 사용자 커뮤니티와 SM 후원자들의 관심을 끌기 위해 서로 경쟁한다. 예를 들어, 페이스북에서는 회사 페이지를 만드는 것은 무료지만, 페이스북은 그 페이지를 "좋아"하는 지역사회에 광고하기 위해 수수료를 부과한다. 대부분의 SM 애플리케이션은 어떤 종류의 광고 모델을 통해 수익을 얻는다.

19) Explain the types of data in social media. Answer: SM data falls into two categories: content and connections. Content data is data and responses to data that are contributed by users. Connection data is data about relationships. Connection data differentiates SMIS from Web site applications. Both Web sites and social networking sites present user and responder content, but only social networking applications store and process connection data. SM providers store and retrieve SM data on behalf of users. They must do so in the presence of network and server failures, and they must do so rapidly. The problem is made somewhat easier, however, because SM content and connection data have a relatively simple structure.

19) 소셜 미디어의 데이터 유형 설명 답변: SM 데이터는 콘텐츠와 연결의 두 가지 범주로 나뉜다. 콘텐츠 데이터는 사용자가 기여하는 데이터에 대한 데이터 및 응답이다. 연결 데이터는 관계에 대한 데이터다. 연결 데이터는 SMIS를 웹 사이트 애플리케이션과 차별화한다. 웹 사이트와 소셜 네트워킹 사이트 모두 사용자와 응답자 콘텐츠를 제공하지만, 오직 소셜 네트워킹 애플리케이션만이 연결 데이터를 저장하고 처리한다. SM 제공자는 사용자를 대신하여 SM 데이터를 저장하고 검색한다. 그들은 네트워크와 서버 장애가 있는 상황에서 그렇게 해야 하며, 그들은 그렇게 빨리 해야 한다. 그러나 SM 콘텐츠와 연결 데이터는 비교적 단순한 구조를 가지고 있기 때문에 문제는 다소 더 쉬워진다.

36) Explain the use of social CRM in sales and marketing activities. Answer: Social CRM is a dynamic, SM-based CRM process. The relationships between organizations and customers emerge in a dynamic process as both parties create and process content. In addition to the traditional forms of promotion, employees in the organization create wikis, blogs, discussion lists, frequently asked questions, sites for user reviews and commentary, and other dynamic content. Customers search this content, contribute reviews and commentary, ask more questions, create user groups, and so forth. With social CRM, each customer crafts his or her own relationship with the company.

36) 판매 및 마케팅 활동에서 소셜 CRM의 활용에 대해 설명하십시오. 답변: 소셜 CRM은 역동적인 SM 기반 CRM 프로세스 입니다. 조직과 고객 사이의 관계는 쌍방이 컨텐츠를 만들고 처리하는 과정에서 역동적으로 나타난다. 조직 내 직원들은 전통적인 형태의 승진 외에도 위키, 블로그, 토론 목록, 자주 묻는 질문, 사용자 리뷰 및 논평 사이트, 기타 동적 콘텐츠를 만든다. 고객은 이 콘텐츠를 검색하고, 리뷰와 코멘트를 제공하며, 더 많은 질문을 하고, 사용자 그룹을 만드는 등의 작업을 수행한다. 소셜 CRM을 통해 각 고객은 회사와의 관계를 직접 제작한다.

37) Explain how social media (SM) can aid inbound and outbound logistics. Answer: SM communities may provide better and faster problem solutions to complex supply chain problems. Social media is designed to foster content creation and feedback among networks of users, and that characteristic facilitates the iteration and feedback needed for problem solving. Companies whose profitability depends on the efficiency of their supply chain have long used information systems to improve both the effectiveness and efficiency of structured supply chain processes. Because supply chains are tightly integrated into structured manufacturing processes, there is less tolerance for the unpredictability of dynamic, adaptive processes. Solving problems is an exception; social media can be used to provide numerous solution ideas and rapid evaluation of them.

37) 소셜 미디어(SM)가 인바운드 및 아웃바운드 물류를 어떻게 지원할 수 있는지 설명 답변: SM 커뮤니티는 복잡한 공급망 문제에 대해 더 나은, 더 빠른 문제 해결책을 제공할 수 있다. 소셜 미디어는 사용자 네트워크 간의 콘텐츠 생성과 피드백을 촉진하기 위해 설계되었으며, 그러한 특성은 문제 해결에 필요한 반복과 피드백을 촉진한다. 수익성이 공급망의 효율성에 좌우되는 기업은 구조화된 공급망 프로세스의 효율성과 효율성을 모두 개선하기 위해 정보 시스템을 오랫동안 사용해 왔다. 공급 체인은 구조화된 제조 공정에 밀접하게 통합되어 있기 때문에 동적 적응 공정의 예측 불가능성에 대한 내성이 적다. 문제 해결은 예외다; 소셜 미디어는 수많은 해결 아이디어와 그것들을 신속하게 평가하는 데 사용될 수 있다.

47) To an organization, the ________ is the likelihood that an entity in a relationship will do something that benefits the organization. A) metric of a relationship B) strength of a relationship C) value of human capital D) customer lifetime value E) preemptive occurrence

B) strength of a relationship

38) Explain the role of social media (SM) in human resources. Answer: Social media is used for finding employee prospects, for recruiting candidates, and—in some organizations—for candidate evaluation. Organizations use social media sites like LinkedIn to hire the best people more quickly and at a lower cost. For about $750 a month, recruiters can search through 350 million LinkedIn members to find the perfect candidate. Social media is also used for employee communications, using internal personnel sites such as MySite and MyProfile in SharePoint or other similar enterprise systems. When employees are looking for an internal expert, they can search SharePoint for people who have posted the desired expertise.

38) 인사에서 소셜 미디어(SM)의 역할 설명 답변: 소셜 미디어는 직원의 잠재력을 찾고, 후보를 모집하고, 일부 조직에서 후보 평가를 위해 사용된다. 조직은 LinkedIn과 같은 소셜 미디어 사이트를 사용하여 더 빠르고 저렴한 비용으로 최고의 인재를 고용한다. 한 달에 약 750달러에, 모집자들은 완벽한 후보를 찾기 위해 3억 5천만 명의 LinkedIn 회원들을 검색할 수 있다. 소셜 미디어는 쉐어포인트의 MySite 및 MyProfile과 같은 내부 인사 사이트를 사용하거나 다른 유사한 엔터프라이즈 시스템을 사용하는 직원 커뮤니케이션에도 사용된다. 직원들이 내부 전문가를 물색할 때 원하는 전문지식을 올린 사람을 쉐어포인트에서 검색할 수 있다.

48) Which of the following best represents the value of social capital? A) Number of Relationships × Relationship Strength × Entity Resources B) Entity Resources - (Number of Relationships + Relationship Strength) C) Number of Relationships - Relationship Strength - Entity Resources D) (Number of Relationships × Relationship Strength) / Entity Resources E) Number of Relationships + Relationship Strength + Entity Resources

A) Number of Relationships × Relationship Strength × Entity Resources

22) ________ activities are supported by structured process. A) Operations and manufacturing B) Sales and marketing C) Media and human resource D) Media and customer service E) Human resource and customer service

A) Operations and manufacturing

40) ________ is the investment in social relations with the expectation of returns in the marketplace. A) Social capital B) Social stock C) Market stock D) Media capital E) Free social flow

A) Social capital

1) ________ is the use of information technology to support the sharing of content among networks of users. A) Social media B) Content publishing C) Multimedia D) Programming E) Interactive publishing

A) Social media

39) Which of the following terms refers to the investment of resources for future profit? A) capital B) interest C) loan D) cash flow E) EBITDA

A) capital

26) Worn-In Shoes is planning to launch its new range of trekking shoes. It has invited customers and trekking enthusiasts on its Facebook page to give suggestions about the features of the new product. The suggested features would then be used to manufacture customized trekking shoes. In this scenario, Worn-In Shoes is practicing ________. A) crowdsourcing B) outsourcing C) homesourcing D) showrooming E) groupthink 26) 마모인 신발은 신품종 트레킹화를 출시할 예정이다. 페이스북에 고객들과 트레킹 애호가들을 초청해 신제품의 특징에 대한 제안을 해왔다. 제안된 기능들은 맞춤형 트레킹 신발을 제조하는 데 사용될 것이다. 이 시나리오에서 Worn-In Shoes는 _________을 연습하고 있다.

A) crowdsourcing

6) Social media (SM) providers host the SM presence using ________ in the cloud. A) elastic servers B) proxy servers C) vanity metrics D) viral hooks E) fiber networks

A) elastic servers

41) Sasha spends considerable time and money getting a project management certification. In this example, Sasha invests in ________. A) human capital B) social capital C) structural capital D) process capital E) projected capital

A) human capital

24) Marco recently bought a smartphone from Bluetex, a leading electronics company. He was very disappointed with the low battery backup of the phone and posted his reviews on Facebook. Steve, one of Marco's friends, had a similar experience with Bluetex, and he added to Marco's negative comments about the product. The primary risk Bluetex faces in this situation is the ________. A) loss of control B) loss of credibility C) lack of privacy D) lack of investment E) lack of secrecy 24) 마르코는 최근 선두 전자회사인 블루텍스에서 스마트폰을 구입했다. 그는 전화기의 배터리 부족 백업에 매우 실망했고 페이스북에 자신의 리뷰를 올렸다. 마르코의 친구 중 한 명인 스티브는 블루텍스와 비슷한 경험을 했고, 제품에 대한 마르코의 부정적인 논평도 덧붙였다. 이 상황에서 블루텍스가 직면하는 1차적인 위험은 _______이다.

A) loss of control

5) Social ________ provide platforms that enable the creation of social networks, or social relationships among people with common interests. A) media providers B) media sponsors C) welfare organizers D) application providers E) web sponsors

A) media providers

20) Which of the following is a dynamic, social media-based CRM process? A) social CRM B) human resource CRM C) media CRM D) traditional CRM E) vibrant CRM

A) social CRM

43) According to Nan Lin, which of the following types of capital adds value through information, influence, and personal reinforcement? A) social capital B) human capital C) structural capital D) process capital E) experiential capital 43) 난린에 따르면, 다음 중 정보, 영향력, 개인보강을 통해 가치를 부가하는 자본은?

A) social capital

7) Which of the following social media (SM) providers has the largest number of users? A) Instagram B) Facebook C) Pinterest D) LinkedIn E) Adobe

B) Facebook

8) Alisha's startup has another record month. She posts pictures of her best selling handbag to Facebook and Instagram. Her friends and customers leave her positive comments. Alisha's post and her friends' comments are an example of ________. A) secondary data B) content data C) connection data D) continuous data E) intermittent data

B) content data

2) A ________ is an information system that supports the sharing of content among networks of users. A) human resource information system (HRIS) B) social media information system (SMIS) C) database management system (DBMS) D) transaction processing system (TPS) E) networked user system (NUS)

B) social media information system (SMIS)

46) According to Henk Flap, the ________ is determined by the number of relationships in a social network, by the strength of those relationships, and by the resources controlled by those related. A) strength of a viral hook B) value of social capital C) strength of dimensionality D) value of human capital E) value of predictive capital 46) Henk Flap에 따르면 ________는 소셜 네트워크에서의 관계 수, 그러한 관계의 강도에 의해, 그리고 관련자들에 의해 제어되는 자원에 의해 결정된다.

B) value of social capital

4) A(n) ________ is an inducement to social media users for passing communications along through different tiers of communities in social media. A) network motif B) viral hook C) folksonomy D) internet site E) network promotion 4) A(n)____________은 소셜 미디어에서 서로 다른 계층의 커뮤니티를 통해 커뮤니케이션을 전달하도록 소셜 미디어 사용자에게 유도하는 것이다.

B) viral hook

23) Which of the following statements is TRUE about social CRM? A) Customers likely to generate the most business get the most attention from the organization. B) All the customer relationship processes in social CRM are structured and controlled. C) Each customer crafts his or her own relationship with the company. D) Though relationships emerge from joint activity, companies control the customers. E) Relationships emerge in a controlled manner driven by the company.

C) Each customer crafts his or her own relationship with the company.

49) Which of the following observations regarding the value of social capital is TRUE? A) A huge network of relationships with people who have few resources is of greater value than a smaller network of people with substantial resources. B) People should ideally ignore entity assets and try to connect to more people with stronger relationships. C) Social capital depreciates and such depreciation can be ameliorated by adding something of value to interactions. D) The value of social capital is best expressed as the summation of the number of relationships in a social network and the resources controlled by those related. E) A small network of really strong relationships is of less value than a larger network of people with weaker relationships.

C) Social capital depreciates and such depreciation can be ameliorated by adding something of value to interactions.

9) The storage of ________ differentiates social media information systems (SMIS) from Web site applications. A) secondary data B) content data C) connection data D) continuous data E) intermittent data

C) connection data

3) Social media (SM) communities differ from communities in the past because SM communities are ________. A) formed based on family relationships B) limited by geographic location C) formed based on mutual interests D) limited by organizational boundaries E) limited by temporal and spatial factors

C) formed based on mutual interests

44) According to Nan Lin, social networks provide four forms of value: information, social credentials, personal reinforcement, and ________. A) monetary benefit B) popularity C) influence D) security E) courage

C) influence

25) Which of the following is a significant risk of using social media for inbound and outbound logistics? A) loss of control B) loss of credibility C) loss of privacy D) loss of effectiveness E) loss of data fidelity

C) loss of privacy

42) Anthony is in his senior year of college. He spends time creating a LinkedIn page so recruiters can more easily find him. He also goes to the university sponsored "meet the firms" nights to become more acquainted with people in the corporate world. In this scenario, Anthony is investing in his ________. A) human capital B) process capital C) social capital D) structural capital E) experiential capital 42) 앤서니는 대학 4학년이다. 그는 모집자들이 그를 더 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 LinkedIn 페이지를 만드는 데 시간을 보낸다. 그는 또한 기업 세계에서 사람들과 더 친해지기 위해 "회사들을 만나자"는 밤을 후원하는 대학에 간다. 이 시나리오에서 앤소니는 그의 __________에 투자하고 있다.

C) social capital

16) Social networking procedures are more informal for social media (SM) sponsors than they are for social networking users.


27) Which of the following is a risk associated with using social media in human resources to form conclusions about employees? A) loss of privacy of the employees B) loss of control over the employees C) decrease in efficiency of the evaluation process D) possibility of error on the site E) possibility of bad public relations

D) possibility of error on the site

21) Social CRM is a(n) ________ process. A) structured and controlled B) uncontrolled but structured C) unstructured but controlled D) unstructured and uncontrolled E) structured and known

D) unstructured and uncontrolled

45) Being linked to a network of highly regarded contacts is a form of ________. A) network influence B) viral marketing C) crowdsourcing D) human capital E) social credential

E) social credential

28) Social media is static in nature, and its process flow can be designed initially by the organizations. 28) 소셜 미디어는 본질적으로 정적이며, 그 프로세스 흐름은 조직에서 초기에 설계할 수 있다.


30) Social CRM is more structured and controlled than traditional CRM.


31) Social CRM supports those customers who are likely to generate the most business.


35) The primary risk of peer-to-peer support in social media and customer service is loss of privacy. 35) 소셜 미디어 및 고객 서비스에서 피어 투 피어 지원의 1차적 위험은 개인 정보 보호의 상실이다.


10) Social media communities are formed based on mutual interests and transcend familial, geographic, and organizational boundaries.


12) Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google are all social media providers.


13) The three roles of organizational units in social media information systems are social media providers, users, and communities.


14) Social media (SM) providers mostly host their SM presence using elastic servers in the cloud.


15) Connection data is data about relationships.


29) In social CRM, the relationships between organizations and customers emerge in a dynamic process as both parties create and process content.


32) The primary risk of peer-to-peer support is loss of control.


33) Social media has been widely used in businesses-to-consumer (B2C) relationships to market product to end users.


34) Social media (SM) communities may provide better and faster problem solutions to complex supply chain problems. 34) 소셜 미디어(SM) 커뮤니티는 복잡한 공급망 문제에 대한 더 나은, 더 빠른 문제 해결책을 제공할 수 있다.


50) When a person attends a business function for the purpose of meeting people and reinforcing relationships, he or she is investing in his or her social capital. 50) 사람을 만나고 관계를 강화하기 위한 목적으로 사업 행사에 참석할 때, 그 사람의 사회적 자본에 투자하고 있다.


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