MIS Test #1

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Which of the following occupations would not be categorized as an "interaction" job? A. sales representative B. business manager C. engineer D. operations manager


Which of the following roles in a firm would be least affected by using mobile devices to access firm information systems? A. senior executives B. sales executives C. production workers D. operational managers


The costs incurred when a firm buys on the marketplace what it cannot make itself are referred to as A. switching costs B. transaction costs C. procurement D. agency costs


Operational management is responsible for directing the day-to-day operations of the business and therefore needs transaction-level information


The competitive forces model can be used to analyze today's digital firm as well as traditional firms.


The effect of the Internet has been to raise bargaining power over suppliers.


A managerial element in the UPS tracking system described in the chapter is A. taking inventory B. providing package status reports to customers C. the decision to use automation D. in-house package tracking software


All of the following are advantages, for a firm, or cloud computing except A. ability to support mobile computing B. ability to support remote work C. ability to improve communication D. ability to rely on markets to build value


All of the following are major features of organizations that impact the use of information systems except for A. business processes B. environments C. goals D. agency costs


An example of divisionalized bureaucracy is a A. startup firm B. university C. Fortune 500 firm D. midsize manufacturer


An example of raw data from a national chain of automobile stores would be A. an average of 13 Toyotas are sold daily in Kentucky B. 30 percent increase in Toyota RAV4 sales during September in Kentucky C. 1 Toyota RAV4 sold March 3, 2008 in Louisville, Kentucky D. All of the above


As discussed in the chapter opening case, which of the four generic strategies did Sears employ to combat the competition offered by Target, Walmart, and Macy's? A. low-cost leadership B. focus on market niche C. customer and supplier intimacy D. product differentiation


Business processes are collections of A. informal practices and behaviors B. formalized and documented practices C. routines D. rights and privileges


A hotel reservation system is a typical example of a management information system


A transparent marketplace means that there is high product differentiation.


An adhocracy is a knowledge-based organization where goods and services depend on the expertise and knowledge of professionals.


Information technology (IT) consists of all the hardware that a firm needs to use in order to achieve its business objectives, whereas information systems consist of all the software and business processes needed


Intranets allow firms to work easily with third-party suppliers and vendors


Most MISs use sophisticated mathematical models or statistical techniques


Strong linkages to customers and suppliers decrease switching costs.


Studies have consistently shown that firms that invest greater amounts in information technology receive greater benefits tan firms that invest less


The use of Internet technologies allows companies to more easily sustain competitive advantage.


There are four major business functions: sales and marketing; manufacturing and production; finance and accounting; and information technology.


Transaction processing systems are most commonly used by the senior management level of an organization


You would use an MIS to help decide whether to introduce a new product line


All organizations have bedrock, unassailable assumptions that define their goals and products.


Business processes are collections of standard operating procedures


Customers are one of the competitive forces that affect an organization's ability to compete.


Decision- support systems use internal information as well as information from external sources


Decision-support systems help managers make decision that are unique, rapidly changing and not easily specified in advance


Developing a new product, fulfilling an order, and hiring a new employee are examples of business processes.


ESSs draw summarized inforamtion from internal MIS and DSS


Enterprise systems often include transactions with customers and vendors


From the point of view of economics, information systems technology can be viewed as a factor of production that can be substituted for traditional capital and labor.


In order to understand how a specific business firm uses information systems, you need to know something about the hierarchy and culture of the company.


In the strategy of product differentiation, information systems are used to enable new products and services.


Investment in IT is over 50% of all invested capital


MIS job growth is projected to be 50% greater than other jobs in the next five years


Mass customization is a form of mass production


The behavioral approach to information systems leaves aside technical solutions to instead analyze the psychological, social, and economic impacts of systems.


The idea driving synergies is that when the output of some units can be used as inputs to other units, the relationship can lower cost and generate profits.


The use of information systems because of necessity describes the business objective of A. survival B. improved business practices C. competitive advantage D. improved flexibility


Which of the following would not be used as an input for an information system? A. digital dashboard B. handheld computer C. bar code scanner D. cell phone


Which systems are typically a major source of data for other systems? A. transaction processing systems B. management information systems C. executive support systems D. decision-support systems


What significant competitive force is challenging the publishing industry? A. positioning and rivalry among competitors B. low cost of entry C. substitute products or services D. customer's bargaining power


Which main business function is responsible for maintaining employee records? A. sales and marketing B. human resources C. financial and accounting D. manufacturing and production


A firm can exercise greater control over its suppliers by having A. more suppliers B. fewer suppliers C. global suppliers D. local suppliers


A substitute product of most concern for a cable TV distributor is A. satellite TV B. broadcast TV C. satellite radio D. the Internet


Functional systems that support business processes within a single functional group, such as human resources, are being phased out in favor of cross-functional systems


Government and private sector standards are examples of complementary social assets required to optimize returns from IT investments.


In a demonstration of network economics, the more people that use Adobe software and related products, the greater the value of the software


The dimensions of information systems are management, organizations, and information technology.


The value chain model classifies all company activities as either primary or support


UPS's use of Web-based tools that allow customers to embed UPS functions such as tracking and cost calculations into their own Web sites was an information systems solution used to achieve customer intimacy.


Which of the following is not one of the primary environmental actors that interacts with an organization and its information systems? A. sales force B. regulatory agencies C. customers D. suppliers


Which of the following objectives best describes the business strategy behind the technologies implemented in Disney's Operational Command Center, as discussed in the chapter case? A. operational excellence B. new products and services C. competitive advantage D. customer support


Which type of system would you use to determine what trends in your supplier's industry will affect your firm the most in five years? A. ESS B. TPS C. MIS D. DSS


In a business hierarchy, the level that is responsible for monitoring the daily activities of the business is A. middle management B. service workers C. production management D. operational management


Non-typical business problems with causes and effects that are rapidly changing are typically handled by which type of information system? A. MIS B. TPS C. ESS D. DSS


The average number of tickets sold daily online is an example of A. input B. raw data C. meaningful information D. feedback


The four major enterprise applications are A. SCMs, CRMs, DSSs, and KMSs B. SCMs, CRMs, ESSs, and KMSs C. enterprise systems, SCMs, DSSs, and CRMs D. enterprise systems, SCMs, CRMs, and KMSs


Which of the following roles falls into the duties of an information systems manager? A. writing software instructions for computers B. acting as liaison between the information systems group and the rest of the organization C. translating business problems into information requirements D. managing data entry staff


Business processes are logically related tasks for accomplishing tasks that have been formally encoded by an organization.


ESSs are designed primarily to solve specific problems


Enrolling employees in benefits plans is a business process handled by the finance and accounting function.


In an efficient customer response system, digital answering systems are used to monitor and respond to customer inquiries.


In social business, firms use social networks for coordinating production tasks


Information systems literacy describes the behavioral approach to information systems, whereas computer literacy describes the technical approach.


The term business ecosystem describes the interplay between the various organizational forces within a firm


A Skype conference call using VOIP and webcams is an example of a remote, synchronous collaboration tool


Computers are only part of an information system


In the value chain model, primary activities are most directly related to the production and distribution of the firm's products and services that create value for the customer.


Internet advertising is growing at approx. 10 percent a year.


Research has shown that only 25% of firms are able to align their information technology with their business goals.


Shipping a product to a customer is an example of a business process


Supply chain management systems are more externally oriented than enterprise systems


Synchronous collaboration tools allow global firms to collaborate from different locations at the same time


Apple Computer dominates the online legal music sales industry primarily because of a failure of recording label companies to A. invest in technology B. adopt a new business model C. invest in complementary assets D. modernize their information value chain


Buying or selling goods over the Internet is called A. e-commerce B. e-business C. an intranet D. an extranet


A fully digital firm produces only digital goods or services.


You work for a highly successful advertiser that is just about to expand nationally. Of utmost importance will be finding a way to store and disseminate their clients' continually updated branding guides, which include multiple image files and text documents, to all of the firm's branches. What system will best serve these needs? A. an intranet with KMS capabilities B. and extranet with KMS capabilities C. a TPS with KMS capabilities D. a CRM


_______ systems integrate supplier, manufacturer, distributor, and customer logistics processes. A. Collaborative distribution B. Supply-chain management C. Reverse logistics D. Enterprise planning


A _______ is a senior manager who oversees the use of IT in the firm. A. CEO B. CFO C. CIO D. CTO


A collection of independent firms that use information technology to come coordinate their value chains to produce a product or service for a market collectively is called a(n) A. industry value chain B. business ecosystem C. value web D. consortia


A corporation that funds a political action committee, which in turn promotes and funds a political candidate who agrees with the values of that corporation, could be seen as investing in which main category of complementary assets? A. managerial B. governmental C. social D. organizational


A firm that must invest in new information systems capabilities in order to comply with federal legislation can be said to be investing to achieve which business objective? A. customer intimacy B. operational excellence C. survival D. improved reporting


Which of the following statements about collaboration is not true A. In business, a collaboration can last as little as a few minutes B. Business collaboration relies on the formation of teams that are assigned a specific task or goal C. Successful collaboration can be achieved through technology regardless of the organization's culture or structure D. One business benefit of collaboration is improved innovation


Which of the following would not be a complementary asset for a solar panel manufacturer? A. international solar equipment certification standards B. government funding for green technology C. centralized hierarchical decision making D. innovation-driven management team


Which type of system would you use to determine the five suppliers with the worst record in delivering goods on time? A. ESS B. TPS C. MIS D. DSS


Which types of systems consolidate the relevant knowledge and experience in the firm to make it available to improve business processes and management decision making? A. TPS B. extranets C. KMS D. CRM


You are consulting for a beverage distributor who is interested in determining the benefits it could achieve from implementing new information systems. What will you advise as the first step? A. Identify the business ecosystem the distributor is in. B. Implement a strategic transition to the new system. C. Perform a strategic systems analysis. D. Benchmark existing systems.


You have been hired by a worldwide non-profit agency to implement a system to handle their donations. The system must be able to handle and record telephone, sms, and Internet donations, provide up-to-the-minute reports, and create highly customizable mailing lists. In addition, event fundraisers need to be able to quickly access a donor's information and history. Which of the following systems will best meet these needs? A. TPS B. TPS with DSS capabilities C. TPS with MIS capabilities D. TPS with ESS capabilities


You manage the IT department at a small startup Internet advertiser. You need to set up an inexpensive system that allows customers to see real-time statistics such as views and clickthroughs about their current banner ads. Which type of system will most efficiently provide a solution? A. CRM B. enterprise system C. extranet D. intranet


A manufacturer of deep-sea oil rigs may be least concerned about this marketplace force. A. product differentiation B. traditional competitors C. low number of suppliers D. new market entrants


A relocation control system that reports summaries on the total moving, house-hunting, and home financing costs for employees in all company divisions would fall into the category of A. knowledge management systems B. transaction processing systems C. executive support systems D. management information systems


According to Leavitt's model of organizational resistance, the four components that must be changed in an organization in order to successfully implement a new information system are A. environment, organization, structure, and tasks B. technology, people, culture, and structure C. organization, culture, management, and environment D. tasks, technology, people, and structure


All of the following are direct business benefits of collaboration except for A. improved quality B. improved financial performance C. improved customer service D. improved compliance with government regulations


An organization is a A. stable, formal social structure that takes resources from the environment and processes them to produce outputs B. formal, legal entity with internal rules and procedures that must abide by laws C. collection of social elements D. B and C E. A, B, and C


Sociologists study information systems with an eye to understanding A. how systems affect individuals, groups, and organizations B. how human decision makers perceive and use formal information C. how new information systems change the control and cost structures within the firm D. the production of digital goods


You have been hired by Inspiration Inc. to help improve their profit margin. Inspiration Inc. is a business communications consultancy that services many clients in different industries throughout the United States. The end products of the company are customized recommendations for the best use of a client's existing resources for improving internal communications, typically delivered via documentation in different media. The company has approximately 100 consultants, all of whom are located in their central headquarters in Chicago. What system do you recommend to improve the company's business processes and increase their profit margin? A. extranet, to enable quick collaboration over the Internet, minimize the time spent communicating with the client, and minimize the amount of paperwork needed B. CRM, to maintain easily accessible customer records to minimize the time spent looking for client data C. KMS, for minimizing redundant work on similar clients D. marketing system, for improving sales levels


A(n) ________ system collects data from various key business processes and stores the data in a single, comprehensive data repository, usable by other parts of the business A. transaction B. enterprise C. automatic reporting D. management information


The _______ model is used to describe the interaction of external forces that affect an organization's strategy and ability to compete. A. network economics B. competitive forces C. competitive advantage D. demand control


Which of the following best describes the primary reason for implementing a new information system, from a business perspective? A. The system enables the firm to create new products and services B. The system will create new value for the firm, beyond its costs C. The system will automate key business processes D. The system is in use by our primary competitors


Which of the following decisions requires knowledge based on collaborations and interaction? A. How long will it take to manufacture this product? B. Should we work with outside vendors on new products and services? C. In which geographical locations are our products garnering the most sales? D. Which product design is the most efficient for the user in terms of energy use?


Which of the following is an example of a cross-functional business process? A. identifying customers B. creating a new product C. assembling a product D. paying creditors


Which of the following types of system helps coordinate the flow of information between the firm and its suppliers and customers? A. intranet B. extranet C. KMS D. TPS


Which systems often deliver information to senior executives through a portal, which uses a Web interface to present integrated personalized business content? A. transaction processing systems B. executive support systems C. management information systems D. decision-support systems


Which type of system would you use to change a production schedule if a key supplier if a key supplier was late in delivering goods? A. ESS B. TPS C. MIS D. DSS


Knowledge workers assist with paperwork at all levels of the firm.


Management information systems typically support non routine decision making


Output A. is feedback that has been processed to create meaningful information B. is information that is returned to appropriate members of the organization to help them evaluate the input stage C. transfers data to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be used D. transfers processed information to the people who will use it or to the activities for which it will be used.


The most successful solutions or methods for achieving a business objective are called A. value activities B. best processes C. core competencies D. best practices


The term "management information systems" designates a specific category of information systems serving A. integrated data processing throughout the firm B. transaction process reporting C. employees with online access to historical records D. middle management functions


The value chain model A. categorizes five related advantages for adding value to a firm's products or services B. sees the supply chain as the primary activity for adding value C. categorizes four basic strategies a firm can use to enhance its value chain D. helps a firm identify points at which information technology can most effectively enhance its competitive position


Which field of study focuses on both a behavioral and technical understanding of information systems? A. sociology B. operations research C. economics D. management information systems


Which of the following best illustrates the use of information systems to focus on market niche? A. A car manufacturer's Web site that lets you customize the features on the car you are purchasing. B. A restaurant chain analyzing local sales figures to determine which menu items to serve C. A bookseller selling an e-book reader that reads only the bookseller's books D. A department store creating specialized products for small groups of customers


A large bureaucracy existing in a slowly changing environment that produces standard products and is dominated by centralized management making is classified by Mintzberg as a _______ bureaucracy A. machine B. professional C. divisionalized D. multi divisional


A virtual company A. uses the capabilities of other companies without being physically tied to those companies B. uses Internet technology to maintain a virtual storefront C. uses Internet technology to maintain a networked community of users D. provides entirely Internet-driven services, or virtual products


According to the _______ definition of organizations, an organization is seen as a means by which primary production factors are transformed into outputs consumed by the environment. A. microeconomic B. macroeconomic C. sociotechnical D. behavioral


All of the following statements regarding Lotus Notes are true except which one? A. It began as an e-mail and messaging client B. It is a widely used collaboration tool at larger firms C. It provides capabilities for wikis and microblogging D. It provides tools for full version control of all company documentation


Amazon's use of the Internet as a platform to sell books more efficiently than traditional bookstores illustrates use of information service for A. low-cost leadership B. marketing effectiveness C. focusing on market niche D. strengthening supplier intimacy


An example of a business using information systems to attain operational excellence is A. Wal-Mart's RetailLink system B. the Mandarin Oriental hotel's customer preference tracking system C. Verizon's Web based digital dashboard D. Apple Inc's iPod


An example of a collaboration tool that supports collocated, asynchronous collaboration is A. a team room B. e-mail C. a MUD D. a wall display


An example of a keystone firm within a business ecosystem is A. Apple and software application writers in the mobile platform ecosystem B. GUESS and the fashion ecosystem C. Citibank and the ATM ecosystem D. American Airlines and the computerized reservation ecosystem


An example of a social complementary asset is A. technology and service firms in adjacent markets B. training programs C. distributed decision-making rights D. all of the above


An example of an organizational complementary asset is A. using the appropriate business model B. a collaborative work environment C. laws and regulations D. all of the above


As described in the chapter case, the competitive force of ________ resulted in Starbucks downturn in 2008, and it employed information systems in a strategy of _______ to combat this force A. traditional competitors; product differentiation B. new market entrants; product specialization C. substitute products; market niche D. customers; customer intimacy


Barnes & Noble's apps for its e-reader, the Nook, is an example of a firm using information system to A. strengthen ties to its customers B. remove publishers from the industry value chain C. develop synergies with publishers D. focus on market niche


E-government refers to the application of _______ to digitally enable government and public sector agencies' relationships with citizens, business, and other arms of government. A. the Internet and networking technologies B. e-commerce C. e-business D. any computerized technology


Enabling management to make better decisions regarding organizing and scheduling sourcing, production, and distribution is a central feature of A. SCMs B. TPSs C. KMSs D. ERPs


Executive support systems are information systems that support the A. long-range planning activities of senior management B. knowledge and data workers in an organization C. decision making and administrative activities of middle managers D. day-to-day processes of production


How are information systems used at the industry level to achieve strategic advantage? A. by building industry-wide, IT-supported consortia and symposia B. by raising the bargaining power of suppliers C. by encouraging the entry of new competitors D. by enforcing standards that reduce the differences between competitors


Order data for baseball tickets and bar code data are examples of A. raw input B. raw output C. customer and product data D. sales information


Telus's use of SharePoint for team sites is an example of using information systems to achieve which business objective? A. customer and supplier intimacy B. survival C. improved decision making D. operational excellence


The CPO is responsible for A. ensuring that the company complies with existing data privacy laws B. making better use of existing knowledge in organizational and management processes C. enforcing the firm's information security policy D. overseeing the use of information technology in the firm


The fundamental set of assumptions, values, and ways of doing things that has been accepted by most of a company's members is called its A. culture B. environment C. atmosphere D. values


The primary activities of a firm include A. inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, sales and marketing, and service B. inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, technology, and service C. procurement, inbound logistics, operations, technology, and outbound logistics D. procurement, operations, technology, sales and marketing, and services.


Thomas Friedman's declaration that the world was now "flat" meant that A. the Internet has reduced the economic advantages of developed countries B. globalization is starting to offer less advantage to large corporations C. the global economy is increasingly commanded by fewer and larger corporations D. global capitalism is homogenizing culture and business practices throughout the world


Which of the following activities would you perform to measures and compare your business processes to similar processes of other companies within your industry? A. benchmarking B. best practices C. value chain analysis D. strategic systems analysis


Which of the following are key corporate assets? A. intellectual property, core competencies, and financial and human assets B. production technologies and business processes for sales, marketing, and finance C. knowledge and the firm's tangible assets, such as goods or services D. time and knowledge


Which of the following constitutes and organizational element in the UPS tracking system described in the chapter? A. the specification of procedures for identifying packages with sender and recipient information B. monitoring service levels C. promoting the company strategy of low-cost, superior service D. the use o handheld computers and networks for managing package delivery


A transaction processing system is a computerized system that performs and records the daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business


Which of the following statements is not true about information technology's impacts on business firms? A. It helps firms expand in size B. It helps firms lower the cost of market participation C. It helps reduce internal management costs D. It helps reduce transaction costs


Which of the following types of collaboration tools allows you to communicate with avatars using text messaging? A. virtual worlds B. screen sharing C. collaborative writing D. large audience Webinars


Which of the following would not be considered a disruptive technology? A. instant messaging B. e-mail C. Internet telephony D. PCs


______ systems are designed to help firms manage their relationships with their customers A. CRM B. MIS C. CLE D. CLU


________ is the ability to offer individually tailored products or services using the same production resources as bulk production A. Mass customization B. Size customization C. Magnitude customization D. Dimensions customization


An example of a business using information systems for customer and supplier intimacy is A. Wal-Mart's RetailLink system B. the Mandarin Oriental hotel's customer preference tracking system C. Verizon's Web based digital dashboard D. Apple Inc's iPod


Converting raw data into a more meaningful form is called A. capturing B. processing C. organizing D. Feedback


Disciplines that contribute to the technical approach to information systems are A. computer science, engineering, and networking B. operations research, management science, and computer science C. engineering, utilization management, and computer science D. management science, computer science, and engineering


Enterprise systems are also known as ________ systems A. resource planning B. enterprise resource planning C. enterprise support D. management information


In a hierarchical organization, the upper levels consist of A. managerial and professional employees B. managerial, professional, and technical employees C. professional and operational employees D. managerial, professional, and operational employees


Maintaining the organization's financial records is a central purpose of which main business function? A. manufacturing and accounting B. finance and accounting C. sales and manufacturing D. finance and sales


Psychologists study information systems with an eye to understanding A. how systems affect individuals, groups, and organizations B. how human decision makers perceive and use formal information C. how new information systems change the control and cost structures within the firm D. the production of digital goods


The emergence, for Amazon.com, of new competitors int eh sphere of online shopping illustrates what disadvantage posed by the use of information systems to achieve competitive advantage? A. E-commerce is affected by the law of diminishing returns B. Internet technologies are universal, and therefore usable by all companies C. Internet shopping produces cost transparency D. The Internet enables the production or sales of substitute products or services


When a firm provides a specialized product or service for a narrow target market better than competitors, they are using a ______ strategy A. product differentiation B. market niche C. mass customization D. process efficiency


The four major types of competitive strategy are A. low-cost leadership; substitute products and services; customers; and suppliers. B. low-cost leadership; product differentiation; focus on market niche; and customer and supplier intimacy C. new market entrants; substitute products and services; customers; and suppliers. D.low-cost leadership; new market entrants; product differentiation; and focus on market niche.


The interaction between information systems and organizations is influenced A. primarily by the decision making of middle and senior managers B. by many factors, including structure, politics, culture, and environment C. by two main microeconomic forces: capital and labor D. primarily by the organization's business processes and culture


The more any given resource is applied to production, the lower the marginal gain in output, until a point is reached where the additional inputs produce no additional output. This is referred to as A. the point of no return B. the law of diminishing returns C. supply and demand D. network inelasticity


The six important business objectives of information technology are new products, services, and business models; customer and supplier intimacy; survival; competitive advantage; operational excellence; and A. improved flexibility B. improved decision making C. improved business practices D. improved efficiency


The temp agency that you own is having serious difficulties placing temps because few of them are familiar with Internet research. Investing in training software to enhance your workers' skills is an example of using technology to achieve which business objective? A. customer and supplier intimacy B. survival C. competitive advantage D. improved decision making


The three principle levels within a business organization hierarchy are A. senior management, operational management, and service workers B. senior management, middle management, and operational management C. senior management, operational management, and information systems D. senior management, middle management, and service workers


The use of digital technology and the Internet to execute the major business processes in the enterprise is called A. e-commerce B. e-business C. enterprise applications D. MIS


Verizon's implementation of a Web-based digital dashboard to provide managers with real time information such as customer complaints is an example of A. improved flexibility B. improved decision making C. improved efficiency D. customer and supplier intimacy


Walmart's continuous replenishment system allows it to A. provide mass customization B. provide an efficient customer response system C. strengthen customer intimacy D. achieve economy of scale


What is the most important function of an enterprise application? A. increasing speed of communicating B. enabling business functions and departments to share information C. enabling a company to work collaboratively with customers and suppliers D. enabling cost-effective e-business processes


Data management technology consists of the A. physical hardware and media used by an organization for storing data B. detailed, preprogrammed instructions that control and coordinate the computer hardware components in an information systems C. software governing the organization of data on physical storage media D. hardware and software used to transfer data


Dell Computer's use of information systems to improve efficiency and implement "mass customization" techniques to maintain consistent profitability and an industry lead illustrates which business objective? A. improved flexibility B. improved business practices C. competitive advantage D. survival


Engineers, scientists, or architects, who design new products or services for a firm, belong to which level or a business hierarchy? A. middle management B. production workers C. knowledge workers D. data workers


From a business perspective, raw data is transformed systematically during various stages, transforming it into valuable information, in a process called A. the information value chain B. the IT value chain C. information processing D. feedback


How does the technical view of organizations fall short of understanding the full impacts of information systems in a firm? A. It sees information systems as a way to rearrange the inputs and outputs of the organization B. It sees capital and labor as primary production factors C. It sees the inputs and outputs, labor and capital, as being infinitely malleable. D. It sees the organization as a social structure similar to a machine


If two organizations pool markets and expertise that result in lower costs and generate profits it is often referred to as creating A. a value web B. a value chain C. synergies D. core competencies


In environmental scanning, a firm may use information systems to A. utilize sensors that track products through the value chain B. analyze external Internet traffic to its Web sites C. identify external events that may affect it D. understand its carbon footprint and energy impacts on the environment


Mintzberg's classification of organizational structure categorizes the knowledge-based organization where goods and services depend on the expertise and knowledge of professionalism as a(n) A. entrepreneurial structure B. divisonalized bureaucracy C. professional bureaucracy D. adhocracy


Network economics A. applies the law of diminishing returns to communities of users B. applies traditional economics to networked users C. sees the cost of adding new members as inconsequential D. balances the high cost of adding new members to a community against the lower cost of using network infrastructure


Networking and telecommunications technologies, along with computer hardware, software, data management technology, and the people required to run and manage them, constitute an organization's A. data management environment B. networked environment C. IT infrastructure D. information system


Producing bills of materials is a business process within the _______ function. A. finance and accounting B. human resources C. manufacturing and production D. sales and marketing


The Internet raises the bargaining power of customers by A. creating new opportunities B. making more products available C. making information available to everyone D. lowering transaction costs


The ______ helps design programs and systems to find new sources of knowledge or to make better use of existing knowledge in organizational and management processes. A. CTO B. CSO C. CKO D. CPO


The discipline that focuses on mathematical techniques for optimizing parameters of organizations, such as transportation and inventory control, is A. management science B. MIS C. operations research D. utilization management


The field that deals with behavioral issues as well as technical issues surrounding the development, use, and impact of information systems used by managers and employees in the firm is called A. information systems literacy B. information systems architecture C. management information systems D. information technology infrastructure


The move of retail banking to use ATMs after Citibank unveiled its first ATMs illustrates the use of information systems to achieve which business objective? A. improved efficiency B. customer and supplier intimacy C. survival D. competitive advantage


The principal liaison between the information systems groups and the rest of the organization is a(n) A. programmer B. information systems manager C. systems analyst D. CTO


The three activities in an information system that produce the information organizations use to control operations are A. information retrieval, research, and analysis B. input, output, and feedback C. input, processing, and output D. data analysis, processing, and feedback


To monitor the status of internal operations and the firm's relations with the external environment, managers need ________ systems. A. decision support B. knowledge C. transaction processing D. management information


Which of the following industries has a low barrier to entry? A. automotive B. computer chip C. restaurant D. airline


Which of the following industries has not been disrupted by the Internet? A. encyclopedias B. newspapers C. clothing D. air travel


Which of the following is not one of the competitive forces? A. suppliers B. other competitors C. external environment D. customers


Which of the following is not one of the current changes taking place in information systems technology? A. growing business use of "big data" B. growth in cloud computing C. development of videopresence software D. emerging mobile platform


________ systems are especially suited to situations in which the procedure for arriving at a solution may not be fully defined in advance. A. Management information B. Transaction processing C. Decision-support D. Knowledge management


According to agency theory, the firm is viewed as a(n) A. unified, profit-maximizing entity B. task force organization that must respond to rapidly changing environments C. entrepreneurial endeavor D. "nexus of contracts" among self-interested individuals


An example of a business using information systems to create new products and services is A. Wal-Mart's RetailLink system B. the Mandarin Oriental hotel's customer preference tracking system C. Verizon's Web based digital dashboard D. Apple Inc's iPod


An example of a highly structured decision is A. creating a new product B. estimating the effect of changing costs of supply materials C. calculating the best trucking routes for product delivery D. granting credit to a customer


An example of synergy in business is A. Amazon's use of the Internet to sell books B. JP Morgan Chase's mergers with other banks that provided JP Morgan with a network of retail branches in new regions C. Blockbuster combining traditional video rental with online video rental D. Walmart's order entry and inventory management system to coordinate with suppliers


An information system can enable a company to focus on a market niche through A. complex trend forecasting B. tailoring products to the client C. intensive product trend analysis D. intensive customer data analysis


An information system can enhance core competencies by A. providing better reporting facilities B. creating educational opportunities for management C. allowing operational employees to interact with management D. encouraging the sharing of knowledge across business units


ESS are specifically designed to serve which level of the organization? A. operational B. end-user C. middle management D. senior management


Identifying customers is a responsibility of the ______ function A. finance and accounting B. human resources C. manufacturing and production D. sales and marketing


Organizational culture is best described by which of the following statements? A. It encompasses the sum of beliefs and assumptions by all members B. It enables the organization to transcend the different levels and specialties of its employees C. It reflects the senior management's perspective on the organization and goals D. It is a set of assumptions and values accepted by most members


Which of the following choices may lead to competitive advantage: 1. new products, services, and business models; 2. charging less for superior products; 3. responding to customers in real time? A. 1 only B. 1 and 2 C. 2 and 3 D. 1, 2, and 3


Which of the following is not one of the four main classifications for collaboration tools identified by the space/time matrix? A. synchronous/collocated B. same time/remote C. different time/remote D. remote/collocated


Which of the following is not one of the reasons for the increased business focus on collaboration and teamwork? A. the need for creating innovative products and services B. growth of "interaction" jobs C. greater global presence D. the need for more efficient work hierarchies


Which of the following is one of the support activities in a firm's value chain? A. inbound logistics B. operations C. sales and marketing D. technology


Which type of system would you use to forecast the return on investment if you used new suppliers with better delivery track records? A. ESS B. TPS C. MIS D. DSS


You are planning the launch of your new company, an application service provider that provides an online timesheet and project tracking application. To best communicate with and manage your relationship with your users, you would want to implement a(n) A. extranet B. intranet C. KMS D. CMS


_______ are designed to support organization-wide process coordination and integration A. Decision-support systems B. Management information systems C. CRM systems D. Enterprise applications


A business model describes how a company produces, delivers, and sells a product or service to create wealth.


A firm can be said to have competitive advantage when they have higher stock market valuations than their competitors.


A firm that invests in efficient business processes is making an investment in organizational complementary assets.


A substantial part of management responsibility is creative work driven by new knowledge and information


संबंधित स्टडी सेट्स

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