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Answer - Though th multitrack output feeds the Large fader, the normal output path feeds the direct out AND multitrack busses as well as 2-Mix Assignment

1. What is the difference between Large Fader Path and the "monitor path"? -

A. With the EQ before the reverb aux send out to eq, eq into device B. With the EQ after the reverb device to eq, eq to console or device to console large channel input and engage eq.

All of the drums in a kit are recorded on one track. I want to use reverb, but it will sound too muddy because of the strong low frequencies of the kick drum. Give a detailed signal path for two ways (without effecting the sound of the original drum track in the mix) that can make the reverb not sound muddy.

A parametric EQ has fully adjustable bandwidth, frequency select and boost/cut A graphic EQ only has "selectable" center frequencies and adjustable boost/cut but a fixed bandwidth.

Describe the difference between a parametric EQ and a Graphic EQ

above the threshold.

Do compressors and gates work on signal passing over the threshold or below it?

No, it is only a Mute Group.

Does the Mute Group button/Mute A button allow you to group faders for level control?

send an oscillator to a gate then back into the console. Send a copy of the kick drum into the gate that the oscillator is going through. Set the gate for external or key input so kick drum opens the gate.

How could you create an 808 kick sound?

mult vocal track and send one copy to an EQ to boost the high frequencies. Then, patch the output of that EQ into the side chain input of a compressor. Take another copy of the vocal and patch into that compressor with the EQ in the side chain. Select external or side chain on the compressor.

How do you build a de-esser?

send a reverb into a gate and back to the console. Use an aux send to feed that reverb from the snare drum. Patch a copy of the snare drum into the side chain/external input of the gate that the reverb is going through. Select external/side chain on the gate.

How do you create a gated reverb for a snare drum?

Patch output of device to large/small channel in or large/small fader in and assign to stereo mix bus.

How does signal from any of the reverb units get into the mix bus?

Patch Aux Send 5 out to the PCM 42 or the Eventide 500 series delay. Then patch out of either of those delays into Aux Device In 5.

How would you add pre-delay to the REAL plate in studio F?

patch direct out of the vocal channel into an open large channel or large fader input. Do not assign this new fader to the mix bus. Turn on and turn up the auxiliary send that feeds the reverb that you want on this new fader. Turn up the large fader on the new fader or unmute this fader when you want to send signal to the reverb.

How would you build a post fader reverb throw for a vocal track using an aux send?

patch insert send out of any fader into the small channel in or small fader in of any small fader. Engage the "24" button to send small fader to the bus assignment network. Select and odd and even bus and engage the small fader pan. Patch selected bus outputs to Bricasti.

How would you build a pre fader send to the Bricasti reverb using a small fader?

check Lrg VU for level from multitrack first. Engage the INS button for the large fader. Select VU Direct to check if signal level matches the Lrg VU level. If not, adjust the output gain of the compressor accordingly.

How would you check for unity gain with a compressor patched across the insert of the large fader?

Patch aux sends 3 & 4 out to Tape 1 in Left and Right. Then patch 2 track playback outputs Left and Right for Tape 1 back into Aux Device In 3 and 4.

How would you patch the Otari MTR 10 (¼ inch tape machine) as a pre-delay to the springs?

the bus trims located in the center section of the console.

If you're using the Bus outputs as sends to an effect, what would act as a "master" for the busses?

1. Turn on aux send 6, and turn up send levels on module 1. 2. Hit the "PF" or pre fader button for aux 5/6 on Module 1. 2. Turn on aux send masters 6 3. Patch Aux Send 6 Output to PCM 42 input. 3. Patch PCM 42 Outputs to Small Fader Inputs on modules 17. 4. Assign Small Faders 17 & 18 to Stereo A Mix Bus

List all the settings needed to feed signal from Channel 1 pre fader to the PCm 41 and return it to Small Fader In on Modules 17. (use the RETURN key to make as many entries as necessary)

1. Turn on aux send 5, and turn up send levels on module 10. 2. Hit the "PF" or pre fader button for aux 5/6 on Module 10. 3. Turn on aux send masters 5 (No patching needed as aux masters 5 is to REV 3) 4. Patch Reverb Out 3 L/R to Small Channel on modules 21 & 22. 4. Assign Small Faders 21 & 22 to Stereo A Mix Bus

List all the settings needed to feed signal from channel 10 pre fader to REV-3 for Snare and returning on Small Channel In on Modules 21 and 22 . (use the RETURN key to make as many entries as necessary)

1. Patch from Aux Sends/Cue Send out 7 and 8 to inputs of Bricasti M7. 2. Turn on aux sends 7/8 and turn up send levels on modules 11 & 12. 3. Engage the PF or Pre-Fader button on Aux 7/8 on module 11 & 12 4. Turn on Master sends for left and right for Cue 1. 5. Patch Outputs of Bracasti M7 to Lower 200 inputs on modules 1 & 2 6. Assign Small faders 1 & 2 to Stereo A Mix Bus

List all the settings needed to feed signal from channel 11/12 pre fader to the Bricasti M7 for Stereo BG Vox (tracks 11/12) and return them through the filters (lower 200 filters NOT large channel filters) on Modules 1 & 2, then onto the mix bus. (use the RETURN key to make as many entries as necessary)

1. Turn on aux send 3 and 4 and turn up send levels on module 14. 2. Turn on aux send masters 3 and 4. (No patching needed as aux masters 3 & 4 are normaled to REV 2) 3. Patch Reverb Out 2 L/R to Large Fader Inputs on modules 19 & 20. 4. Assign Large Channels 19 & 20 to Stereo A Mix Bus 5. Turn up large fader 14

List all the settings needed to feed signal from channel 14 post fader to REV-2 for Guitar and returning on Large Fader In 19 and 20. (use the RETURN key to make as many entries as necessary)

1. Turn on aux send 1 and 2 and turn up send levels on module 16. 2. Turn on aux send masters 1 and 2. (No patching needed as aux masters 1 and 2 are normaled to REV 1) 3. Patch Reverb Out 1 L/R to Large Channel Inputs on modules 17 & 18. 4. Assign Large Channels 17 & 18 to Stereo A Mix Bus 5. Turn up large fader 16

List all the settings needed to feed signal from channel 16 post fader to REV-1 for Vocals (and returning on Large Channel In on modules 17 and 18. (use the RETURN key to make as many entries as necessary)

Feeds the output of the mic pre to the large fader path

Pressing the MIC switch on the large fader will do what?

Feeds the output of the multi-track into the small fader path.

Pressing the TAPE switch on the small fader will do what?

2 mix output and speakers.

The Grand Master fader affects levels to what?


True or False: The Booster outputs of any master fader is Post Fader?


True or False: The Inputs of the Otari MTR 10 cannot be accessed from the patchbay?


True or False: The Outputs of all Pro Tools interfaces in studio F are Normaled to the master section of the API Legacy Console?


True or False: The Stereo A, B or C master faders feed directly to all of the 2 track recorders from the API Legacy Console?

Auxes 9-12

What Aux Send(s) can be sourced from the SMALL FADER path?

TC Electronics M3000 inputs left and right

What are Aux Sends 1/2 normaled to?

Auxes 11/12 are connected/normaled to nothing

What are Aux Sends 11/12 normaled to?

Spring reverb inputs left and right

What are Aux Sends 3/4 normaled to?

Aux 5 normaled to input of plate. Aux 6 is open/connected to nothing

What are Aux Sends 5/6 normaled to?

Auxes 7/8 are connected/normaled to Stereo Cue 1

What are Aux Sends 7/8 normaled to?

Auxes 9/10 are connected/normaled to Stereo Cue 2

What are Aux Sends 9/10 normaled to?

Solo Safe

What button on the large faders will keep a fader from muting when in SIP Solo Mode?


What control is found on a noise gate but not on a compressor?

output or make up gain.

What control on a compressor is not found on a noise gate?

threshold attack release and ratio.

What controls our similar on both a compressor and noise gate?

you may not hear as much low end boost as the compressor would be working on the extra gain going over the threshold.

What could happen if you patched a compressor across the insert send and return of a large fader and you boosted a lot of low end?

Unity gain is when no signal is gained or lost when it passes through a system. We need to set Unity Gain between the console and our master recorder to avoid clipping our master mix.

What is "Unity Gain" and why do we need it?

The Fletcher/Munson curves or equal loudness curves show how our ears perceive the frequency spectrum at different listening levels. If we listen a low volume we will perceive less low frequencies.

What is the Fletcher/Munson curve, and what are its implications for mixing?

Both inputs and outputs break the normaled connection in a FULLY NORMALED patch pair. Only INPUTS can break the normal in a Half Normaled Patch Pair.

What is the difference between a "fully normaled" patch pair and a "half normaled" patch pair?

Although the small fader path is fed by mic pre it's "normal" output is the small fader 2-Mix assignment network.

What is the difference between small fader path and the "channel path"?

Large Channel input is before the VU meter, EQ and Insert patchpoint. Large Fader Input is after VU meter, EQ and Insert Patchpoint.

What is the differences between the Large Channel In patch point and the Large Fader In patch point?

regeneration or feedback

What parameter other than delay time and modulation is used in creating a flanging effect?


What parameter other than delay time is used in creating phasing or chorusing effects?

GM ACA out to GM Fader In because even though you could patch STA, STB or STC ACA outputs to fader in, the GM sums all of those faders to a single stereo bus.

What patch points would be best to use for patching a compressor across the ENTIRE mix and why?

The Channel Path

What path on an analog console starts at the mic preamp and ends at the multitrack bus outputs?

The Monitor Path

What path on an analog console starts at the multitrack and ends at the Mix bus?

A mono aux send has one channel level and one master level. A stereo send has one channel level, one pan pot and 2 master levels.

What physical components (controls) make up a MONO aux send and a STEREO aux send on the API Legacy console?

1. VU Large - signal present at the large fader input 2. VU Small - signal present at the small fader input 3. VU Direct - post fader level at the direct output 4. VU to Bus - post fader level at the multi-track assignment network

What to the VU Meters on each channel I/O show?


What would be considered to be a doubling delay time?

1ms- 10ms

What would be considered to be a good delay time to create a phasing effect?


What would be considered to be a good delay time to use to create a chorusing effect?

DBX 160

Which compressor in Studio F has a fixed attack and release time but variable ratios?


Which compressor in Studio F has a fixed threshold, adjustable attack/release and selectable ratios?

DBX 1066 and or API 2500

Which compressor in Studio F has a hard knee/soft knee function?

DBX 1066

Which compressor in Studio F has a side chain function?


Which compressor in Studio F has fixed attack/release times and "program dependent" ratio?

DBX 1066 and or API 2500

Which compressor in studio F has a filter before the detection circuit?

Eventide 500 series delay.

Which delay unit in Studio F does NOT have a modulation function

an aux send because you have more control over the wet/dry mix between the original signal and the effect via the aux send control and the pre fader switch

Which is better to use as a send from a large fader to a reverb or delay; an aux send or a bus?

TC Electronics M3000

Which reverb in Studio F can be used as a mono in/stereo out reverb unit?

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