mkt quiz 2 ch 5-8

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the make me group

aren't interested in doing the behavior, and most likely won't unless we pass and enforce laws and fines.

which variable does not belong with psychographic? lifestyle values personality attitude toward product religion

attitude toward product (this a behavioral variable)

What is 1 question you could ask your target audience to understand their desired benefits?

benefits are something your priority audience wants or values and that the behavior you are promoting as the potential to provide. social marketers need to address any doubts there audience will have/


can the behavior be measured, either through observation, record keeping, or self-reporting?you should be able to picture your priority audience performing the behavior. your priority audience should be able to determine that they have performed the behavior

What is an example of a downstream target audience?

Focused on deploying tactical interventions, projects and campaigns aimed at influencing specific behaviours related to social challenges such as smoking, over eating, poor energy use etc. Examples of interventions would include informational programmes, design solutions such as traffic calming and service provision such as smoking cessation clinics.

smart goal

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time bound

action stage

Stage of change in which people are actively changing a negative behavior or adopting a new, healthy behavior

Which one should social marketers concentrate on? The Show Me Group The Help Me Group The Make Me Group

The Help Me Group is the largest

What are 2 questions you could ask your target audience to identify the competition?

competition is primarily the behavior your audience is doing instead of the one you're promoting. -behaviors the priority audience would prefer -behaviors they have been doing forever -organizations and individuals who send messages that counter or oppose the desired behavior

Market supply

does the behavior need more support? if some other organization is already " doing all that can be done" to promote this behavior perhaps a different behavior would be more beneficial to the social issue

(physical activity) Describe the Make Me group.

need laws/fines enforced before they do the behavior (physical activity)

Where might you explore to find a prior/similar effort

the cdc! when reviewing past efforts, you are looking for examples of priority audiences, behaviors selected, intervention strategies employed, and lessons learned..what worked well? what didn't? what did evaluators think should have been done differently? you van find these resources by searching the website for social marketing journals

termination stage

the ultimate goal for all changers. former addiction is no longer a problem or a threat.

the purpose

the ultimate impact that will be realized if your priority audience performs the desired behaviors at intended levels. -increase the number of vaccinated children and caregivers

consider an effort to influence parents to have their infants and toddlers immunized according to the recommended schedule. What is one potential perceived benefit?

their child will not get sick

Describe the Show Me group. (physical activity)

they just need to be shown the benefits of physical activity

considered effort to influence gardeners to replace existing nonnative plants with native plants? What is one potential perceived or real barrier?

they like their nonnative plants

(physical activity) Describe the Help Me group.

they need to be informed and provided the opportunity and places for physical activity

What is one potential perceived benefit? high school students to use protection when having sex.

they will not get pregnant

Give an example of a belief objective for a physical activity effort prioritizing seniors.

they will personally experience benefits from exerting and have better balance to prevent them from falling..

The help me group

typically the largest group- have some interest in doin the behavior or at best are not opposed to it. but they have barriers to action and may not be convinced the benefits outweigh the costs. they need goods and services to stop smoking, like tobacco quit lines. they need incentives. and they need more convenient times and places to recycle. they should receive most of our attention, as we can expect the greatest return on our investment of resources.

What are 3 questions you could ask your target audience to understand their barriers to a behavior you want to influence them to do?

what are some of the reasons that you haven't done this behavior in the past? what are some reasons you may not want to do this in the future? what do you think you will have to give up to do this behavior? do you think you can do it? why, perhaps did they quit doing it?

What are 3 questions you could ask your target audience that would help understand what might motivate them?

what could someone say to you that would make it more likely that you would consider adopting this behavior? what could someone show you that would make it more likely that you would adopt this behavior? is there anything someone could give you that would help you adopt this behavior? is there anything someone could do for you that would help you adopt this behavior?

What is a belief objective?

what you want your audience to believe or feel. related to attitudes, opinions, feelings, or values held by the priority audience.

What is a knowledge objective?

what you want your audience to know. related to statistics, facts, and other information and skills your priority audience would find motivating or important.

The Show Me Group

when a new behavior is introduced people in this group usually need someone to show them what to do to be heathy, protect the environment, and contribute to their communities

organizational strength to maximize

which priority audiences you can best reach and serve, what products you have the resources to support to develop, prices you need to charge, incentives you will be able to offer, and existing alliances you might be able to tap for delivery of products, support, promotional materials, and messages..

What is 1 question you could ask your target audience to identify influential others?

who your priority audience listens to, watches, and/or looks up to, especially related to the desired behavior you have in mind.

(physical activity) What is one potential geographic segment you might prioritize?

world, region, or country country or region city or metro size density climate ex- massachusetts

priority group strengths

-doesn't imply that other segments are disregarded -implies co-creation and engagement with the chosen segment

What was mentioned as one of the major distinctions between organizational factors and external forces?


Provide one hypothetical piece of background information/data that led to the development of the plan.

136 children died from the flu last year

(physical activity) What stage of change would you prioritize?

I would prioritize preparation stage

For the Stages of Change Segments, assume they were all equal in size. Which one would you target to increase the numbers of people who have adopted the recommended behavior? Why?

I would target the preparation stage

What is one example of something someone could give them that would make it more likely? high school students to use protection when having sex.

a condom

high school students to use protection when having sex. What is one example of something someone could say that might make it more likely?

a fact about stds

consider an effort to influence parents to have their infants and toddlers immunized according to the recommended schedule. What is one example of something someone could give them that would make it more likely?

a flu shot clinic. pamphlets

(physical activity) What is one potential geographic segment you might target?

a state that has high rates of childhood obesity

What is a behavior objective?

a very specific behavior you want to influence your audience to accept, modify, abandon, reject, switch, or Continue.

(physical activity). What is one potential demographic segment you might prioritize?

age gender family size family life cycle income occupation education religion ethnicity generation nationality ex- elementary school aged kids

(physical activity) What is one potential demographic segment you might target?

age- children between 7-10

What are the major benefits of selecting a priority audience for your effort?

doesn't imply that other segments are disregarded.. -views the segment as one the social marketer is "performing for", working for them to create and then present to them the offer

What is one example of something someone could do for them that would make it more likely? high school students to use protection when having sex.

educate them

consider an effort to influence parents to have their infants and toddlers immunized according to the recommended schedule. What is one example of something someone could do for them that would make it more likely?

educate them, provide them with healthcare

external threat to prepare for

ex autism and vaccination. some forces will represent a potential threat to your project and you will want your plan to address or plan for them

(physical activity) What is a potential behavior-related segment you might target?

exercise habits

What are two potential midstream audiences?

family members, friends, neighbors, church leaders, health care providers, teachers, law enforcement, retail clerks, entertainers, media, facebook friends, and others closer to your priority audience, especially ones they listen to, observe or look up too.

which variable does not belong with geographic? country generation density climate

generation (a demographic variable)

gardeners to replace existing nonnative plants with native plants? What is one example of something someone could do for them that would make it more likely?

get them a plant idk

Give an example of a behavior objective with the purpose of decreasing senior falls with a focus on strength and balance exercises.

go to exercise classes..


has your priority audience heard of doing this before? how willing or interested are they in doing this behavior? do they perceive it will solve some problem or concern they have, or will it satisfy some unfulfilled need?

Of the three groups (Show Me, Help Me, Make Me), which group is typically the largest for behaviors social marketers promote? . Which of the three groups should social marketers concentrate on?

help me group!

advantages of choosing a focus for your plan?

high potential for behavior change

Market opportunity

how many in the priority audience are not currently doing the behavior? what, in other terminology, is the current penetration of this behavior in the priority audience segment? a behavior that few have adopted would garner a high score in terms of market opportunity

social issue and background

identify the social issue you will be addressing then identify organizations involved in developing and implementing the plan. Ex. vaccination, the CDC


if your audience adopts the behavior, will it make a difference relative, to the purpose of your campaign? how does this compare with other behaviors being considered?

target audience strengths

implies a very focused, laser-like attention to one segment

What are two potential upstream audiences?

include policymakers, school districts, corporations, foundations, and other groups with decision making power and/or resources for creating infrastructures, business practices, and environments that support behavior change

the focus

is selected from the vast number of potential options that could contribute to the plans purpose. ex: flu shots flu nasal spray

(physical activity) What is one potential psychographic segment you might target?

lifestyle- eating and exercise habits

which variable does not belong with stage of change? precontemplation contemplation preparation action loyalty status maintenance termination

loyalty status

gardeners to replace existing nonnative plants with native plants? What is one example of something someone could give them that would make it more likely?

native plant

gardeners to replace existing nonnative plants with native plants? What is one potential perceived benefit?

new plants. something about the environment idk

consider an effort to influence parents to have their infants and toddlers immunized according to the recommended schedule. What is one potential perceived or real barrier?

no health care resources

(physical activity) What is a potential behavior-related segment you might prioritize?

occasions benefits user status usage rate loyalty status readiness stage attitude toward product ex- exercises on special occasions

what are major benefits of selecting a target audience in your effort?

our objectives for the effort impact the target audience, which makes it important to segment before determining the specific behavior we will plan to promote.

Give an example of a knowledge objective for a physical activity effort prioritizing seniors.

percentage of seniors who fall and do not exercise

gardeners to replace existing nonnative plants with native plants? What is one example of something someone could show them that would make it more likely?


(physical activity) What Stage of Change would you target?


organizational weakness to minimize

reviewing each of the internal factors, noting ones that stand out as potential concerns in developing and implementing a successful plan.

What is one example of something someone could show them that would make it more likely? high school students to use protection when having sex.

sexual transmitted infections. children.

(physical activity) What is one potential psychographic segment you might prioritize?

social class lifestyle personality peer crowds ex- lifestyle unhealthy eating habits. strugglers

which variable does not belong with Demographic? age nationality social class gender religion

social class (a psychographic variable)

gardeners to replace existing nonnative plants with native plants? What is one example of something someone could say that might make it more likely?

something about plants

contemplation stage

stage of change in which people are considering changing behavior in the next 6 months

preparation stage

stage of change in which people are getting ready to make a change within the coming month

precontemplation stage

stage of change in which people are unwilling to change their behavior

consider an effort to influence parents to have their infants and toddlers immunized according to the recommended schedule. What is one example of something someone could show them that would make it more likely?


consider an effort to influence parents to have their infants and toddlers immunized according to the recommended schedule. What is one example of something someone could say that might make it more likely?

statistics on communicable diseases

maintenance stage

sustained change over time; begins 6 months after action has started and continues indefinitely

external opportunity to take advantage of

your activities can be leveraged by benefiting from the visibility and resources that other groups may be bringing to your issue or the increased awareness and concern that you find is already out there in the general public

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