MKTG 305 Final

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Which type of consumer decision making only includes the stages of problem recognition, limited internal information search, purchase, and limited postpurchase behavior?

nominal decision making

In the television advertising world, exposure to commercials is measured by:

Nielsen's people meters

latent motives

are either unknown to the consumer or are such that he/she is reluctant to admit them.


can be both positive or negative

The Single I HLC stage

can be meaningful divided into those less than 25 and those 25 or older

Which of the following is not a type of consumer decision making discussed in your text?

complex decision making

Which of the following is not a type of group influence?


A __________ has at least two members related by birth, marriage, or adoption, one of whom is the householder (i.e., the one who owns or rents the residence).

family household

generational cohort

A group of people of the same generation—typically have similar purchase behaviors because they have shared experiences and are in the same stage of life.

upward pull strategy

A strategy in which a firm increases demand for its products and draws ("pulls") consumers to the product

__________ is the process managers use to manipulate the physical retail environment to create specific mood responses in shoppers.


Which of the following in not a general conclusion about household decision making?

Different household members may be involved at different stages of the process, different household members may evaluate different attributes, and "taking into account" the desires of others may be more common than agreement

Americans over the age of 75 are more likely than ever to live alone. They just prefer the privacy and independence.


Cable and satellite companies like Comcast and Dish Network welcome the recent increases in U.S. household size.


The latent problem is one of which the consumer is not aware.


The level of one's desire to resolve a particular problem depends on two factors: the actual state and the desired state.


Which stage of the family life cycle in characterized by middle-aged married with children over six living at home>

Full Nest II


Individuals use thinking to restructure and recombine existing information to form new associations and concepts (most complex)

__________ advertising is perhaps the fastest growing alternative media, allowing for exposure to __________ who tend to avoid traditional media, such as TV.

Video game, young males age 18-24

According to Simmons Research, skateboarding activities are the highest in the ____, and people in the _____ are more likely to be college football fans.

West; Midwest and South

central route to attitude change

When people are invested in a topic and have the time and energy to think over an issue, they're more likely to be persuaded through the central route.

Which of the following statements adequately reflects the concept of attitude component consistency?

a change in one attitude component tends to produce related changes in the other components

Which of the following is NOT a reason for the decline in traditional families?

a change in the way the Census Bureau has defined "traditional family"

A distinctive subgroup of society that self-selects based on the basis of a shared commitment to a particular product class, brand, or consumption activity is

a consumption subculture

Zipping, zapping, and muting are simply mechanical ways for consumers to selectively avoid exposure to advertising messages, often referred to as _____.

ad avoidance

When Joan sees an ad with a kitten or puppy, she always pays attention because seeing them makes her feel so happy. This emotional or feeling response triggered by the ads is known as

affective interpretation

Which of the following is not a key situational dimension or characteristic that influences consumer behavior?

alternative evaluation

ad on right side of page

anchor position

__________ refers to the schematic memory of a brand.

brand image

Which type of nominal decision is characterized by a fairly high degree of product involvement but a low degree of purchase involvement?

brand loyal decision

Carissa is highly involved is a purchase decision for a new car. She has searched the Internet, visited car dealerships, talked to friends and family, and paid attention to advertisements. According to the elaboration likelihood model, by which route is Carissa likely to be persuaded?

central route

Which factor affecting the spread of innovations refers to the consistency with the individual's and group's values or beliefs?


A growth in single-parent families would imply a strong demand for

convenience items

Which of the following can influence how family members interact in a purchase decision?

culture of subculture in which the family exists, role specialization of different family members, degree of involvement each has in the product area of concern, and personal characteristics of the family members

Attention generally _____ across repeated exposures, and repetition often _____ recall.

decreases; increases

Potential obstacles to rapid market acceptance of an innovation are known as

diffusion inhibitors

selective problem recognition

discrepancy that only one brand can solve

Gertrude is very environmentally-conscious, so she only uses paper bags at the grocery store and tries to purchase items in packages that are recyclable. Her behavior concerns which type of situation?

disposition situation

Bob is somewhat of a loner in high school. He really despises the school "jocks" that seem to be involved in every sport. He doesn't want anything to do with them or be like them in any way. To Bob, the group of students who represent the school athletes is a(n)

dissociative reference group

That group whose presumed perspectives or values are being used by an individual as a basis for current behavior is a

dynamic group primary group contact group preference group none of the above

Brands in the schematic memory that come to mind (are recalled) for a specific problem or situation are known as the

evoked set

Arm & Hammer baking soda has been very successful promoting other uses for this product. Advertisements provide several uses other than baking, such as removing odors from carpeting, the laundry, and kitty litter boxes. Finding more uses for a product is known as

expanded usage situation

Carl is doing his homework and has the television on in the background. While it is on, several commercials aired. What stage of the information-processing model does this represent?


The time it takes an innovation to spread through a group is a function of all of the following except

fulfillment of felt need, marketing effort, complexity, and observability

Crowding generally produces which outcome for the retail outlet and the consumer?

generally negative outcomes for both

In which situation is the likelihood of an individual seeking an opinion leader high?

high product/purchase involvement and low product knowledge

Pat is purchasing new tires for his car. Since he expected to spend $400 or more for these tires, he started researching on the Internet. He spent several days learning about this product and studied several consumer magazines (e.g., Consumer Reports). He decided to purchase Yokohama tires because they were rated the best tire value. Which type of learning situation does this illustrate?

high-involvement learning

Sarah and her three roommates share an apartment. According to the Census Bureau, Sarah and her roommates constitute a


Many Muslims are reluctant to eat in American restaurants due to concerns with

how the food is prepared

Carla and John are both children, but they use their family's electronic equipment such as TVs, DVD players, and stereo equipment. They did not play much of a role in the purchase decision on which brands to buy, but their parents did consider their needs when deciding on which products and brands to purchase. In terms of family purchase roles, what role do these children play?

influencer and user

When consumers are confronted with so much information that they cannot or will not process it, _______ has occurred.

information overload

Which adopter group represents the first 2.5 percent to adopt an innovation?


Perception is a process that begins with consumer exposure and attention to marketing stimuli and ends with consumer _____.


operant conditioning

involved rewarding desirable behaviors such as brand purchases with a positive outcome that serves to reinforce the behavior positive reinforcement: adding something positive after the wanted action is done in hopes to keep the action happening negative reinforcement: increase behaviors by taking away something negative

Generic Problem Recognition

involves a discrepancy that a variety of brands within a product category can reduce

The group most reluctant to adopt a new product is the


Single Parent II households are often characterized by all of the following except

large purchasers of luxury vacations

Mike is the owner of a restaurant that also has a bar. Based on research that studied the impact of background music on restaurant patrons, what can Mike expect if he uses slow music in his establishment?

larger amount of bar purchases

James begged his mother to buy him some high-top Converse shoes. When asked why he wanted these shoes, he said that he wanted them because they are comfortable. He really wanted them because his two best friends have them, and if he had them, he would be considered "cool," but he didn't want to tell his mother that. Wanting to appear "cool" to his friends represents which type of motive?


iconic rote

learning a concept or the association between two or more concepts in the absence of conditioning

Vicarious Learning/Modeling

learning by observing the outcomes of others' behaviors and adjusting your own behavior accordingly

Which type of decision making covers the middle ground between nominal and extended decision making?

limited decision making

Blake doesn't much care about cars but is engaging in a substantial amount of information search about cars since he is about to buy a new car. In terms of involvement, Blake is

low in product involvement; high in purchase involvement

When asked why he bought a specific automobile, Jeremy replied that is has good gas mileage, is rated one the best cars in terms of safety, and was in a moderate price range. These reasons reflect Jeremy's __________ motives.


Which of the following statements is false regarding ritual situations?

marketers cannot change or create consumption patterns associated with ritual situations

Which group needs to understand how situational influences affect consumers' disposition decisions?

marketers, government, and environmental organizations

Simply presenting a brand to an individual on a large number of occasions to make the individual's attitude toward the brand more positive is known as

mere exposure

The growth in number of multigenerational households can be attributed to which of the following factors?

more adult children are living at home, an increase in ethnic diversity, the Great Recession, and more adult children are living at home and an increase in ethnic diversity

James is interested in just about any type of electronic equipment, such as digital video recorders, computers, smart TVs, and digital cameras. He subscribes to several magazines devoted to these types of products, and he visits several different websites to learn more about these products. Which individual factor affecting attention is influencing James to attend to information about these products?


Which of the following statements is false regarding situational factors affecting attention?

motivation and ability are two major situational factors affecting attention

manifest motives

motives that are known and freely admitted

Duane is attempting to determine consumers' attitudes toward his restaurant by asking them their beliefs about how his restaurant performs on several attributes, such as price, ambience, quality of the food, and friendliness of service. Consumers can rate his restaurant with a score of 1 to 7 for each of these attributes, with 7 being the highest. Duane adds up the scores to see how he performs, using the assumption that a higher total is better. At a basic level, which type of model is Duane using?

multiattribute attitude model

Aspiration reference groups are

nonmembership groups with a positive attraction

The more often a response is reinforced, the more likely it will be repeated in the future as consumers learn that the response is associated with a positive outcome is the basic premise of which type of learning?

operant conditioning

Mitch seems to know everything about cars—at least that's what his friends and family think. He has been involved with cars since he was a child and even took an engine apart and put it back together again by the time he was 16 years old. He reads several publications related to cars, visits websites, and hangs out with others who are interested in cars as well. Due to his enduring involvement with this product category, Mitch would be considered a(n)

opinion leader

The situation interacts with the marketing activity and the individual to determine behavior. Which of the following is a marketing activity?


Which is not an external influence on consumer behavior?


Melanie lives in a small city that does not have a lot of the interesting retail stores. She and her two best friends take a trip twice a year to places such as Atlanta, Dallas, and Chicago to go shopping. It's so exciting for them to go in some of the stores because they are so unique, and they have only seen them online or in catalogs. Also, several cities now have lifestyle centers or town centers that are reminiscent of downtown in bygone days. All of the factors such as décor, sounds, aromas, lighting, weather, and configurations of merchandise or other materials surrounding the merchandise that Melanie and her friends make a special trip to experience comprise which situation characteristic?

physical surroundings

situational influences

physical surroundings, social surroundings, temporal perspectives, task definition, and antecedent states

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs

physiological, safety, social, esteem, self-actualization

Tess noticed that she was almost out of shampoo. Which stage of the decision process will this observation activate?

problem recognition

What is the first stage of the consumer decision process?

problem recognition

Consumer Decision Making Process

problem recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, product choice, post purchase evaluation

Attempts to develop quantitative measures of lifestyle were initially referred to as _____, and is a term that is frequently used interchangeably with lifestyle.


When a teenager says, "It's cool," his friends understand that he's not talking about the temperature. In this case, the meaning of the word, "cool," is based on its __________ meaning.


What are the two important long-term memory structures?

schema and scripts

The HLC presents marketers with

relatively homogenous household segments with respect to household needs

American Values

religious v secular sensual gratification v abstinence postponed gratification v immediate gratification material v nonmaterial hard work v leisure active v passive max cleanliness v min cleanliness tradition v change risk taking v security problem solving v fatalistic admire nature v overcome nature performance v status individual v collective diversity v collective diversity v uniformity limited family v extended family youth v age competition v cooperation masculine v feminine

Every year around the 4th of July, families get together and celebrate a family reunion as well as Independence Day. The Normans, one such family, does this every year, and the party is pretty much the same every year. A cookout is held at one family member's home, and games for the children are played, such as a three-legged race and an egg toss competition. The family that wins the overall competition gets to take home a hideous, but meaningful trophy for that year. This is an example of a

ritual situation

Samantha and Greg have owned an MG for several years and enjoy taking road trips through the Rockies with other MG owners every year. Which characteristic of brand communities does this illustrate?

rituals and traditions

For which product category would a reference group's influence be strongest?

running shoes

Atmosphere is referred to as _____ when describing a service business such as a hospital, bank, or restaurant.


Procter & Gamble, the maker of Crest brand toothpaste, has modified this brand to include whiteners. To encourage consumers to adopt this brand, P&G gave away free samples along with a high value coupon on the purchase of a tube. The hope was that consumers would try the brand, purchase it at a discount, and finally buy it at full price. This is an example of


Mike is a 23-year-old recent college graduate and is starting his career as a pharmaceutical sales representative. He will be living in an extended-stay hotel in the city where he will undergo training, but once he finishes that, he plans on renting a nice apartment with a friend of his from college. He also wants to purchase a sports car and save money for a ski vacation next year. To which stage of the household life cycle does Mike belong?

single I

perception principles

size, intensity, attractive visuals, color and movement, position, isolation, format, contrats and expectations, interestingness, information quantity,

Richard is reassessing his life and asking himself, "How am I seen by others?" He is also asking himself, "How would I like to be seen by others?" Richard is seeking his _____.

social self-concept

The sum of all the physical features of a retail environment is referred to as the

store atmosphere

Many companies develop special marketing mixes for a segment of a larger culture whose members share distinguishing values and patterns of behavior. Those segments are known as


Which of the following is NOT a common role that household members play in household decisions?


Born-again Christians are characterized by all of the following except

support for Disney products and shows.

A person who shops at a nicer store than normal because he or she is buying a gift is influenced by the _________ characteristic of the situation.

task definition

Sharon has to purchase a gift for her mother and only has this afternoon to do so because her birthday party is that evening. She's wondering how she will be able get to the mall in time to pick out the perfect gift. This is an illustration of which situation characteristic?

temporal perspective

Interpretation occurs when

the individual assigns meaning to the stimulus

A family purchase decision differs from an organizational purchase decision in

the level of emotion involved

classical conditioning

the process of using an established relationship between one stimulus and response to bring about the learning of the same response uncontrolled stimulus: unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response

Young Couples-No Children spend heavily on all of the following except

theatre tickets luxury vacations new cars restaurant meals all of the above items they spend heavily on

appeals used to form positive attitudes

value-expressive (products to enhance one's image), utilitarian (functional products), one-sided, two-sided, nonverbals, fear, comparative, emotional, and positive or negative framing

For years, L'Oreal hair color would say in their ad that L'Oreal is "expensive, but you're worth it." This is an example of which type of advertisement?

two-sided message

When orange juice attempted to expand the various times of day when consumers would see orange juice as an appropriate beverage to consume, they were trying to influence which situation?


peripheral route to attitude change

used when the message recipient has little or no interest in the subject and/or has a lesser ability to process the message

In which of the following consumption situations will a reference group's influence be strongest?

when the use of the product or brand is visible to the group

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