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If competing brands are comparable in terms of product features (central cues), then consistent with the elaboration likelihood model, under high involvement, peripheral cues like pleasant music will NEVER have influence on brand preferences.


In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, food, water, sleep, and to an extent, sex, are considered _____ motives A. safety B. self actualization C. physiological D. belongingness E. esteem


Janice and her mother were visiting an art gallery, and they were looking at modern art. When they came to one painting, Janice said, "I like that." When her mother asked her why she liked it, all she could say was, "I don't know, I just like it." Which component of attitude does this represent?


Maslow's hierarchy of needs includes all EXCEPT which of the following? A. cognition B. physiological C. safety D. belongingness E. esteem


Maslows Hierarchy of needs is based on which premise? A.All humans acquire a similar set of motives through genetic endowment and social interaction. B.Some motives are more basic or critical than others C.The more basic motives must be satisfied to a minimum level before other motives are activated. D. As the basic motives become satisfied, more advanced motives come into play E. all of the above


Nikki likes to attend the movies, but she is concerned with how expensive ticket prices are getting and the cost of concessions. She wants to have fun, but she also knows that she needs to save money for college. Which type of motivational conflict is Nikki experiencing? A. approach-approach B. approach-avoidance C. avoidance-avoidance D. acceptable-unacceptable E. unacceptable-acceptable

Consumer Ethnocentrism

Reflects an individual difference in consumers' propensity to be biased against the purchase of foreign products.

Need for Cognition

Reflects an individual difference in consumers' propensity to engage in and enjoy thinking

Consumers' Need for Uniqueness

Reflects an individual difference in consumers' propensity to pursue differentness relative to others through the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of consumer goods

Message Structure Characteristics

Represents "how" the message is presented

Source Characteristics

Represents "who" delivers the message


Strong, relatively uncontrollable feelings that affect our behavior are known as

central route and peripheral route

The elaboration likelihood model posits two routes to persuasion, which are the


The energizing force that activates behavior and provides purpose and direction to that behavior is known as

Approach Approach Motivational Conflict

A choice between two attractive alternatives

Avoidance Avoidance Motivational Conflict

A choice involving only undesirable outcomes

Approach Avoidance Motivational Conflict

A choice with both positive and negative consequences


A consumer's propensity to pursue differentness relative to others through the acquisition, utilization, and disposition of consumer goods is exhibiting

central route

Carissa is highly involved is a purchase decision for a new car. She has searched the Internet, visited car dealerships, talked to friends and family, and paid attention to advertisements. According to the elaboration likelihood model, by which route is Carissa likely to be persuaded?

single trait approach

Consumer Ethnocentrism Need for Cognition Consumers' Need for Uniqueness


Generally speaking, compared to attitudes formed under the peripheral route, attitudes formed under the central route tend to be... A. stronger B. more resistant to counter persuasion attempts C. more accessible from memory D. more predictive of behavior E. all of the above

esteem needs

prestige and feeling of accomplishment

safety needs

security, safety

dimensions of brand personality

sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, ruggedness


is an individual's characteristic response tendencies across similar situations.


is the identifiable specific feeling, and affect to refer to the liking/disliking aspect of the specific feeling


is the way one thinks/ feels/ acts towards some stimulus

brand image

is what people think of and feel when they hear or see a brand name


The owner of a local restaurant wants to enhance consumers' attitudes toward his restaurant by changing the affective component of their attitude. Which of the following is an appropriate approach to achieve this objective? A.Change consumers' beliefs about attributes of his restaurant B. Use positive music in their advertisements so that over time consumers will transfer the positive affect associated with the music to the restaurant C. Convince consumers that an attribute for which this restaurant is strong is more important than other attributes consumers consider for this product category D. Inform consumers that delivery is now available. E. Offer coupons to get consumers to visit the restaurant.

promotion and prevention

Two prominent sets of motives under regulatory focus theory are termed...


Which core trait in the Five-Factor Model of personality is manifested by an individual being moody, temperamental, and touchy?


Which of the following reflects the relatively stable behavioral tendencies that individuals display across a variety of situations? A. motivation B. personality C. emotion D. perception E. needs

consumer ethnocentrism

Which trait reflects an individual difference in consumers' propensity to be biased against the purchase of foreign products?

fear appeal

Which type of appeal uses the threat of negative (unpleasant) consequence if attitudes or behaviors are not altered?

Prevention Focused Ad

Worked best for last-minute shoppers

Promotion Focused Ad

Worked best for shoppers buying for future travel

self actualization

achieving one's full potential, including creative activities

attitude components

affective component (feelings), cognitive component (beliefs), behavioral component (response to tendencies)

Value-expressive appeal

attempt to build a personality for the product or create an image of the product user

five factor model

extroversion, instability, agreeableness, openness to experience, conscientiousness

appeal characteristics

fear appeals, humor appeals, comparative ads, emotional appeals, value expressive vs. utilitarian appeals

multi trait approach

five factor model most commonly used by marketers and identifies five basic traits that are formed by genetics and early learning

physiological needs

food, water, warmth, rest

belongingness and love needs

intimate relationships, friends

Utilitarian appeals

involve informing the consumer of one or more functional benefits that are important to the target market.


is a construct representing an unobservable inner force that stimulates and compels a behavioral response


is a motivational state caused by consumer perceptions that a product, brand, or advertisement is relevant or interesting

brand personality

is a set of human characteristics that become associated with a brand and are a particular type of image that some brands acquire

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