Mod 5 human behavior

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Conventional antipsychotic drugs are referred to as _____________ drugs because of their undesirable movement-related side effects. A) dangerous B) controlled C) neuroleptic D) neuropsychotic

Token economy

In (a) ___________ patients are rewarded when they behave acceptably and are not rewarded when they behave unacceptably. A) community mental health clinic B) state hospital C) milieu therapy D) token economy


In one study of patients who had been receiving antipsychotic medication for at least five years, _____ percent of them relapsed within a year when they were switched to a placebo. A) 75 B) 68 C) 40 D) 27


Many people who are recovering from schizophrenia and other severe mental disorders receive occupational training in a(n) __________ workshop, which is a supervised workplace for individuals who are not ready to work independently in competitive or complicated jobs. A) assisted B) sheltered C) halfway D) probationary

Government disability payments

Most people with schizophrenia who live in poorly supervised or unsupervised settings survive on: A) family support. B) community support. C) support from religious institutions. D) government disability payments.

Antipsychotic drugs

The discovery of ___________ revolutionized treatment for schizophrenia. A) milieu therapy B) antipsychotic drugs C) token economies D) leucotomy


The milieu therapy approach to treating schizophrenia is based on ___________ principles. A) sociocultural B) psychodynamic C) behavioral D) humanistic


The use of antipsychotic medication dates back to the 1940s, when ___________ drugs were used to calm patients about to undergo surgery. A) beta blocking B) antihistamine C) anticholinergenic D) opioid

Operant conditioning

Token economy programs relied on the systematic application of __________ techniques. A) operant conditioning B) classical conditioning C) social modeling D) cognitive restructuring

Case managers

A growing number of community therapists have become __________ for people with schizophrenia and other severe mental disorders. A) social workers B) court advocates C) case managers D) psychologists

Dopamine D-2

Antipsychotic drugs reduce psychotic symptoms, at least in part, because they block excessive activity of neurotransmitters at the brain's __________ receptors. A) dopamine D-2 B) GABA C) dopamine D-4 D) serotonin

Unsupervised living

Of the following living circumstances, __________ describes approximately one-third of those who suffer from schizophrenia and other severe mental disorders. A) unsupervised living B) living with a family member C) jail or prison D) living in a hospital


Posthospitalization follow-up care and treatment in the community is known as: A) acute care. B) aftercare. C) day care. D) halfway care.

Antipsychotic drugs reduce symptoms in the majority of patients with schizophrenia

Research has repeatedly shown that: A) antipsychotic drugs reduce symptoms in the majority of patients with schizophrenia. B) drugs are not as effective as milieu therapy. C) electroconvulsive therapy is more effective than drugs in treating schizophrenia. D) milieu therapy and token economies are more effective than drugs in treating schizophrenia.


The FDA required that people who take ____________ undergo periodic drug testing to monitor for agranulocytosis. A) Haldol B) Clozaril C) Prolixin D) Mellaril

substantia nigra

The Parkinsonian and movement-related side effects of certain antipsychotic medications seem to be caused by reductions of specific transmitters in the basal ganglia and __________ regions of the brain. A) pia mater meninx B) corpus callosum C) substantia nigra D) putamen

Community Mental Health Act

The ______________ requires that people with mental disorders receive treatment in their communities rather than being transported to institutions far from home. A) Civil Rights Act B) Mental Health Insurance Parity Act C) Community Mental Health Act D) Deinstitutionalization Act of 1963

Family members meet with others in the same situation to share thoughts and emotions, provide mutual support, and learn about schizophrenia

What do family support groups and family psychoeducational programs have in common? A) Family members of patients with schizophrenia are subjected to the same treatments as the patient so that they can understand what it is like to have the illness. B) Family members meet with others in the same situation to share thoughts and emotions, provide mutual support, and learn about schizophrenia. C) Family members are instructed to keep quiet while the patient with schizophrenia gives a presentation on their plan for recovery. D) Family members work collaboratively with therapists on ways to convince the patient with schizophrenia to voluntarily agree to long-term hospitalization.

There is no evidence of improvement as a result of these programs

Which criticism has not been made about token economy programs in the treatment of the mentally ill? A) The programs raise legal and ethical concerns. B) The quality of the improvement is questioned. C) There is no evidence of improvement as a result of these programs. D) Some of the studies used to laud the effectiveness of these programs were uncontrolled.

huntingtons-type symptoms

Which is not an extra-pyramidal effect of using anti-psychotic medications to treat schizophrenia? A) Parkinsonian-type symptoms B) Huntington's-type symptoms C) neuroleptic malignant syndrome D) tardive dyskinesia

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

Which is not mentioned as being a useful form of psychotherapy for people suffering from schizophrenia? A) insight therapy B) cognitive-behavioral therapy C) family therapy D) social therapy

African American patients are more likely to be noncompliant with the directions on how often to take their medication than white Americans.

Which of the following trends with regard to the treatment of schizophrenia in people of different racial backgrounds is not true? A) African Americans with schizophrenia are less likely than white Americans to be prescribed atypical antipsychotic drugs. B) African Americans are more likely to experience tardive dyskinesia and extrapyramidal effects than white Americans. C) African American patients are more likely to have a family physician rather than a psychiatrist prescribe their psychotropic drugs. D) African American patients are more likely to be noncompliant with the directions on how often to take their medication than white Americans.

Egas Moniz

Who received the Nobel Prize for research that led to the development of the lobotomy procedure? A) Walter Freeman B) Egas Moniz C) Phillipe Pinel D) Elliot Valenstein


________ percent of people with schizophrenia are homeless. A) Five B) Ten C) 20 D) 16

Neuroleptic malignant syndrome

___________ is a severe, potentially fatal reaction to antipsychotic drugs consisting of muscle rigidity, fever, altered consciousness, and improper functioning of the autonomic nervous system. A) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome B) Tardive dyskinesia C) Neurogenesis imperfecta D) Huntington's chorea

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