Module 1-5 Study Guide

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Which command on the Home tab applies a shadow, glow, or reflection to selected text or paragraphs? A. Text Effects B. Text Highlight Color C. Shading D. Color


In a Microsoft Word template, which item indicates the location where information should be typed? A. field B. placeholder C. container D. marker


In the Print dialog box, which area provides a user with a list of available printers? A. Settings B. Printer C. Printer List D. Printer Selector List


What is the name of the list of frequently used commands that appears when one right-clicks an object? A. Mini toolbar B. Shortcut menu C. Quick Access Toolbar D. Status bar


What is the process of changing the appearance of a paragraph of text called? A. text formatting B. paragraph formatting C. character formatting D. document formatting


What type of template is most appropriate for an FBLA Secretary to use to inform FBLA members of monthly club activities? A. chart B. newsletter C. letter D. fax


Which automatically appears based on tasks one performs, and contains commands related to changing the appearance of text in a document? A. Dialog box B. Mini toolbar C. Shortcut menu D. Ribbon


Which command on the Home tab allows a user to change the case of selected text to all uppercase, lowercase, sentence case, toggle case, or capitalize each word? A. Modify Case B. Change Case C. Superscript D. Increase Font


Which dialog box allows a user to create a new folder in the desired storage location? A. Options B. Save As C. Close D. Print


Which group on the Home tab contains commands to control the alignment of text in a document? A. Font B. Paragraph C. Editing D. Modify


Which group within the Insert tab contains the commands that enable a user to insert common mathematical symbols or equations? A. Format B. Symbols C. Text D. Pages


Which term defines the appearance and shape of the letters, numbers, and special characters in a document? A. print B. font C. scheme D. format


Which tool on the Home tab lets a user search for text in a document by keying the word into a search box? A. Select B. Find C. Search D. Locate


Mark created a three-column newsletter. He wants to end the first column early to insert a picture below it. What should Mark do? A. adjust column width B. adjust column spacing C. insert a column break D. insert a vertical line between columns


Mrs. Perry has assigned the class to type a report. To view how the report will look as a hard copy, which view should she use? A. Read Mode B. Outline C. Print Layout D. Web Layout


Nathan is using a business letter template he created earlier and wants to save it with all the customer information in place. What file type should he select? A. template B. macro C. document D. building block


On the View tab, which command allows the document to be viewed as it would appear in a multilevel outline? A. Print Layout B. Draft C. Outline D. Web Layout


On the title bar, which item enables a user to minimize, maximize, or close the Microsoft Word window? A.File Tab Buttons B.Zoom slider C.Window Control Buttons D. Ribbon Tabs


The principal wants to send out a monthly update of school activities. Which type of document is the most appropriate to use? A. memo B. business letter C. newsletter D. agenda


Alexis formatted a dot leader in a Table of Contents document. Which tab stop should she use to align page numbers so that it will result in an even right edge? A. Bar tab B. Decimal tab C. Left tab D. Right tab


What is the process of creating a duplicate of an item while leaving the original item in place in the document called? A. cut B. move C. paste D. copy


2. Ann wants to use the Insert key to control the overtype mode. Which Backstage view option should she choose? A. Advanced B. Display C. Proofing D. Save


Alyse uses Word frequently to write memos at her job. She wants all of her documents to show formatting marks by default. Which area in Backstage view should she use? A. Change Display Options B. Change Save Options C. Personalize Word D. Customize the Quick Access Toolbar


How are different Underline styles selected when applying the Underline font format to selected text? A. Choose the Underline drop-down arrow on the Home tab to select various Underline styles. B. Right-click underlined text and choose Underline styles from the Shortcut Menu. C. Select the underlined text, then choose Underline styles from the Insert tab. D. Double-click underlined text and choose Underline styles from the Shortcut Menu.


How does one access Microsoft Word Help from the Word window? A. Click the Microsoft Office Word Help button in the upper-right corner of the Word window. B. Press the F2 key. C. Choose the Help command on the View tab. D. Click the Microsoft Office Word Help button in the lower left-corner of the Word window.


In a Microsoft Word document, what is the amount of space that appears between paragraphs called? A. paragraph spacing B. document spacing C. character spacing D. line spacing


Mark created a three-column newsletter. He wants to increase the words per line in each column. What should Mark do? A. adjust column width B. adjust column spacing C. insert a column break D. insert a vertical line between columns


Mrs. Perry has assigned the class to type a report. To maximize space, which option would one choose to display the content? A. Read Mode B. Outline C. Print Layout D. Web Layout


Nathan has created a new business letter and wants to use it repeatedly. What file type does he need to select when saving to protect his original letter? A. template B. macro C. document D. building block


Shameka is a yearbook staff member. Every semester she has to create a newsletter. Instead of recreating it each time, what should she create for future use? A. template B. new document C. macro D. mail merge


The principal e-mailed the staff to inform them about new policy changes for cell phone use. Which type of document is the most appropriate to use? A. memo B. business letter C. newsletter D. agenda


To increase or decrease the size of the content in a Microsoft Word window, which item on the status bar should be used? A. Zoom slider B. View picker C. Next page control D. Previous page control


To save a new file or an existing file in its same storage location, which commonly used shortcut key or keyboard key combination is used? A. Ctrl+S B. Alt+S C. Ctrl+V D. Shift+S


Trey wants to create his own template from scratch. Which icon would he select to begin this process? A. Blank document B. Sample templates C. My templates D. Recent templates


What area in Microsoft Word enables users to view document properties and update the properties information at any time while creating a document? A. Document Properties Panel B. Advanced Properties C. Word Options dialog box D. File Save As Options Screen


What area is used to provide information about the author, title, subject, keywords, category, and comments that describe the document? A. Document Properties panel B. Advanced Properties C. Word Options dialog box D. File Save as Options screen


What is the method for changing the bullet symbol within a list? A. Select the list and choose the drop-down arrow next to the Bullets button to select from the Bullet Library. B. Choose a new bullet from the Bullet Library in the Font dialog box. C. Choose a new bullet from the Bullet Library in the Format Paragraph dialog box. D. Select the list and choose the drop-down arrow next to the Bullets button to change from the list level.


What is the name of the view that provides data about documents and contains a set of commands to help a user manage documents? A. Backstage B. Properties C. Document D. Normal


Which Microsoft Word tab contains the Print command? A. File B. Home C. Print Layout D. View


Which action(s) cannot be undone in Microsoft Word? A. saving a document B. adding borders and shading C. changing font color and font size D. adding paragraph alignment and page orientations


Which feature of Microsoft Word automatically corrects typing, spelling, capitalization, or grammar errors as they are typed? A. AutoCorrect B. Spell & Grammar Check C. AutoSpell D. AutoCheck


Which group on the Home tab in Microsoft Word contains predefined sets of character and paragraph formatting? A. Styles B. Clipboard C. Font D. Editing


Which hidden formatting symbol represents a single space in a document? A. a small black dot B. a small dash C. a black arrow pointing right D. a single quotation mark


Which is the shortcut key for accessing Microsoft Office Word Help from the Word window? A. F1 B. F4 C. F5 D. F9


Which option is selected in the Columns dialog box to create multiple columns in only one paragraph of text in a document? A. Apply to: drop-down list B. Line Between C. Column Width D. Create Column


Alexis is creating a table with numbers. She would like the numbers to be displayed as currency. Which tab stop should she use? A. Bar tab B. Decimal tab C. Left tab D. Right tab


How are columns removed from a document? A. Select One Column in the Page Setup dialog box. B. Select the One option from the Columns drop-down list on the Layout tab. C. Select No Column in the Paragraph dialog box. D. Select the column text and choose the No Column command in the Arrange group on the Layout tab.


Jana wants to navigate to page 35 of her report. What is the quickest way to navigate? A. Find B. Go To C. Replace All D. Replace


Linda is creating a custom template for a flyer. If using the template will be quicker than recreating the flyer from scratch each time, which important question is she answering? A. Who is the intended audience? B. Is the template easy to use? C. Will the template have correct calculations and functional macros? D. Will the template have correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics?


On the title bar, which button may be selected to display only tab names rather than entire ribbon in the Microsoft Word window? A. Shrink ribbon B. Collapse ribbon C. Decrease ribbon D. Minimize ribbon


Sally wants to select the entire document that she is currently editing. What is the quickest way to select the document? A. Double-click B. Select All C. Single-click D. Click and drag the mouse


What is a series of paragraphs, each beginning with a bullet character, called? A. organized list B. bulleted list C. unorganized list D. symbol list


What is the default paragraph alignment for the Normal style in Microsoft Word? A. right B. left C. center D. justified


What is the keyboard shortcut for inserting a manual page break? A. Ctrl+Insert B. Ctrl+Enter C. Shift+Enter D. Shift+Pause/Break


Coleman uses Word frequently to create newsletters at her job. She wants to make sure that her name is shown as the author for all of her documents. Which area in Backstage view should she use? A. Change Display Options B. Change Save Options C. Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office D. Customize the Quick Access Toolbar


How do users switch from one part of the ribbon to another in Microsoft Word? A. by using any arrow key on the keyboard B. by using the Page Up or Page Down keys on the keyboard C. by clicking the tab they wish to access D. by pressing Shift+Tab to move to the next tab


To specify the size of the viewable area and allow users to reduce or enlarge the size of a document window, which command is used? A. Scale B. Resize C. Zoom D. Scope


What are the built-in or predefined styles used for formatting text called? A. Auto Styles B. Instant Styles C. Quick Styles D. Normal Styles


What does Microsoft Word automatically insert when it determines the text has filled one complete page allowed by the page size, margin settings, line spacing, and other settings? A. line change B. soft line change C. page break D. soft page change


What is the control center located below the title bar at the top of the Microsoft Word window called? A. Task pane B. Tab C. Ribbon D. Groups


What is the default space between columns? A. 1.25 inches B. 1 inch C. 0.5 inch D. 0.25 inch


What is the name assigned to a file when it is saved? A. document name B. document title C. file name D. file title


What is the process of changing the way letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols appear, both on screen and in print, to improve document readability? A. text formatting B. paragraph formatting C. character formatting D. document formatting


What type of break is used to create a new section on the same page as the previous section? A. text B. line C. continuous D. page


What type of paragraph indentation forces the first line into a position to the left of the rest of the paragraph? A. left indent B. right indent C. hanging indent D. forced indent


Where are column width and spacing controlled in a Microsoft Word document? A. Page Setup dialog box on the Layout tab B. Paragraph dialog box on the Home tab C. Columns dialog box on the Layout tab D. Font dialog box on the Home tab


Which Editing group command is used to search for and change specific text in a document? A. Select B. Find C. Replace D. Locate


Which character formatting effect makes text appear in a smaller font size below the midpoint of a line of text? A. superscript B. strikethrough C. subscript D. italic


Which command is used to close the current document without exiting Microsoft Word? A. File tab, choose Exit button B. Close button in upper right corner of the program window C. File tab, choose Close button D. File tab, choose Quit button


Which hidden formatting symbol represents a tab stop in a document? A. a small black dot B. a small dash C. a black arrow pointing right D. a single quotation mark


Which option on the Apply Styles dialog box changes the settings for a selected style? A. Change Styles B. Edit C. Modify D. New Style


Which software program is a full-featured word processing program that allows users to create professional-looking documents and revise them easily? A. Microsoft Office B. Windows C. Word D. WordPad


Which tab contains the command to change the preset margin settings in a Microsoft Word document? A.Home B.Insert C.Layout D.Review


Which window allows a user to see document pages exactly as they will print? A. Print Outline B. Document C. Print D. Review


Linda is creating a custom template. If she uses the tools found on the Review tab and proofreads her document, which important question is she answering? A. Who is the intended audience? B. Is the template easy to use? C. Will the template have correct calculations and functional macros? D. Will the template have correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation?


Mrs. Perry has assigned the class to type a report. To display the report as it would appear online, which view should she use? A. Read Mode B. Outline C. Print Layout D. Web Layout


Sally wants to select an entire paragraph in her word processing document. If she is currently editing the paragraph, what is the quickest way to select all of it? A. select all B. single-click C. double-click D. triple-click


To save an existing document with a new file name or to save an existing document in a new location, which command is used? A. Save B. Close C. Exit D. Save As


To store a new or existing file with the same name, which button is used? A. Exit B. Close C. Save As D. Save


What command on the Insert tab creates a preformatted placeholder for text in a document? A. WordArt B. Bookmark C. Hyperlink D. Text box


What is the amount of vertical space between the lines of text in a paragraph called? A. paragraph spacing B. document spacing C. character spacing D. line spacing


What is the correct file format of a normal Microsoft Word template? A. DOCX B. DOT C. TMP D. DOTX


Where is the command to divide a Microsoft Word document into multiple columns located? A. Home tab, Paragraph group B. Home tab, Styles group C. Insert tab, Text group D. Layout tab, Page Setup group


Which bar presents information about a document, the progress of current tasks, and the status of certain commands and keys, and also provides controls for viewing the document? A. task B. scroll C. tool D. status


Which command cancels a recent command or action? A. File tab, Close button B. Shortcut Menu, Cancel command C. Home tab, Clear Formatting button D. Quick Access Toolbar, Undo button


Which dialog box provides the user with the ability to replace text as it is typed? A. AutoFormat B. Find & Replace C. AutoCheck D. AutoCorrect


Which option indicates that text in a document is aligned to both the left and right margins? A. Align Left B. Align Right C. Center D. Justify


Which refers to how the left and right edges of a paragraph are arranged on a page? A. indent B. flow C. position D. alignment


Which shortcut keys or keyboard combination is used to apply bold formatting to selected text? A. Tab+B B. Shift+B C. Alt+B D. Ctrl+B


Which term refers to the portrait or landscape layout positions of a document? A. direction B. alignment C. configuration D. orientation


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