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(1304-1374) Father of the Renaissance. He believed the first two centuries of the Roman Empire to represent the peak in the development of human civilization.

Avignon and the Great Schism

3 popes with different capitals for Catholicism led to chaos in the Christian world, with people not knowing which to believe in, the three all resigned and a single new pope was chosen


An artist who led the way into realism; his treatment of the human body and face replaced the formal stiffness and artificiality that had long characterized the representation of the human body


Conciliarism: The great schism led large numbers of churchmen to take up this theory. It is the belief that only a general council of the church would end the schism, and bring reform to the church in its "head and members"


Especially after the Black Death, money payments called Scutage were increasingly substituted for military service. it was Money a vassal could pay instead of serving in the military, "Sheild Money". Monarchs welcomes this development because they could now hire professional soldiers, who were more reliable anyways.

What major problems did European states face in the fourteenth century?

European states faced famine, plague, economic turmoil, social upheaval, violence, as well as much political instability. The battle over territory between the French and English led to the Hundred Yrs. War. There was also much conflict in Germany and Italy as they tried to find peaceful balance between the many city states that lie in them. There was also increased corruption as nobles tried to take over as well as money problems. A parliament was created and factionalism led to the war of roses and other disputes.Overall there were many problems for the European States.

battle of crecy

First major battle of the Hundred Years War. •Showed that England had established a worthy army •Showed a decline in the use of the cavalry (because of the longbow)

joan of arc

French heroine and military leader inspired by religious visions to organize French resistance to the English and to have Charles VII crowned king

black death

In the mid fourteenth century , the disaster known as the Black Death struck Asia, North Africa, and Europe. Although there were several types of plague, the most common and most important form in the diffusion of the Black Death was bubonic plague, which was spread by black rats infested with fleas who were most to the deadly bacterium Yersinia Pestis.


People who believed that the plague was God's punishment for sin and sought to do penance by flagellating (whipping) themselves.


Pogroms: massacres that took place in Germany against the jewish minority . More than sixty major jewish communities in Germany had been exterminated by 1351. Many jews fled eastward to russia and especially to Poland, where the kind offered them protection, Eastern Europe became home to large jewish communities.

How did the adversities of the fourteenth century affect urban life and medical practices?

The adversities of the 14th century greatly affected urban life and medical practices as people tried to ward off against the plague. To help stop the plague, authorities in the urban towns tried to keep the cities cleaner and organized prostitution. The shorter life spans made men not wait so long to marry. People lived their lives as fully as possible. Women were considered to be the servants of men, few actually worked. Children were educated earlier in their lives and was put in schools. People wanted to stop the plague so they invested in better medicine. Surgeons became more important and went to school to get more educated. All this trying to be cleaner and improving medical skills still proved to be insufficient against the Black Death but great strides were taken to better understand the disease.

How and why did the authority and prestige of the papacy decline in the 14th century?

The authority and prestige of the papacy greatly declined in the 14th century when there was a power struggle between the pope and the monarchies. When King Philip IV tried to tax the clergy, a feud started. Pope Boniface VIII believed the papacy should have spiritual influence and taxation privileges. The feud ended with the pope excommunicating the king, forcing him to strike back through kidnapping the pope. The pope eventually died and to be sure nothing like this would happen again the king made sure the french made up the majority of the cardinals. The papacy moved to Avignon which angered the people and made them worry as the French influence over the papacy was growing. The people wanted an Italian pope so Pope Urban Vi was chosen but the french voided the election saying they were forced by the mob to do so. The French chose their pope making 2 popes and thus causing the great schism. This caused chaos for catholics. They searched for stability through new reform such as conciliarism. The instability of the papacy as the Great schism went on as well as the unsure changing of the church made the authority and prestige of the papacy to decline.


The immediate experience of oneness with god. It is an experience that characterized the teaching go Meister Eckhart, who sparked a mystical movement inn western Germany. The mysticism of the 14th century was certainly not new, for Christians throughout the Middle Ages had claimed to have mystical experiences.

What were the major developments in literature and art in the fourteenth century?

There were many developments in art and literature as the culture throughout the lands also progressed. Vernacular literature was developed as more and more recognized authors such as Date Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca, and Giovanni Boccaccio used common Tustean dialect. Art also greatly changed. Due to the Black Death, artwork became more morbid and concentrated on pain and death. Francesco Traini gives a good example of violent artwork. During this time there was also and artist named Giotto that released a new realism style that would affect the art styles in the the centuries to come.

golden bull of 1356

This was an edict by Charles IV, the Holy Roman Emperor, specifying the process of how Holy Roman Emperors were to be elected by German princes. It took some power from the Pope and codified the process in a definite way.

What impact did the Black Death have on the society and economy of Europe?

`The population decline caused by the bubonic plague that struck Europe during the 1300s ironically had a positive effect on the workers of Europe, who prospered because of the shortage of labor. Before the plague, the population was high, peasants' wages were low and rents and prices highAs workers died, it became more difficult to find people to till the land and work on feudal manors. Peasants became able to move from place to place to find higher wages.Wages rose 12-28 percent after the Black Death.Land rents and prices became lower as more land became available because of all the deaths.In England, the government tried to keep wages from rising by enacting a law that tried to force workers to accept the same pay they had been given before the plague; however, employers desperate for workers evaded the law by giving their farm laborers more food and provisions and by giving them better conditions. The workers were then able to negotiate for the highest pay and the best working conditions and could move to wherever the best conditions were offered. Landowners also shifted to less labor intensive farming endeavors like sheep farming instead of crop farming.

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