Module 3 and 4 Quizzes biology

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Identify the organism pictured in Figure 1. (reference quiz)


Which of the following is autotrophic? paramecium sporozoan euglena amoeba


What is stored in the gills of a mushroom?


Why are algae considered one of the most important groups of organisms on our planet?

they produce much of the Earth's oxygen through photosynthesis

Puffballs and club fungus are members of what phylum?


Sac fungi are from the phylum ______


List one fungal disease that can affect humans.

Athlete's Foot Yeast infection Thrush Ringworm

Malaria infects the human liver after the person is bitten by a mosquito and _________ is what is produced in the liver.


What other name does "Ergot of Rye" go by?

St. Anthony's Fire Egotism

A wildlife pathologist is examining some skin tissue from a dead frog. She notes the presence of a fungus. She cultures some of the fungal cells and notices that some of the cells are flagellated. She concludes that the frog has a fungal disease caused by what phylum?


Which of these groups is characterized by cells that have more than one nucleus?


Both plant and animal cells contain

a nucleus

What is a lichen?

A symbiotic relationship between algae and fungus. The algae can live without the fungus but, the fungus cannot live without the algae. Lichen break down rock.

What small single-celled protists are shapeless and eat by engulfing their food with their bodies?


Which of the following is unicellular and heterotrophic? Amoeba Paramecium Algae Both Amoeba and Paramecium

Both Amoeba and Paramecium

The Giant Kelp Forrest is made up of

Brown Algae

What is present in bread to allow it to rise? What chemical reaction takes place? *

Carbon Dioxide allows the bread to rise. The Chemical Reaction is Fermentation.The yeast feed on the sugar and convert it to alcohol and co2.

What type of slime mold joins together with others during stressful conditions to move to a new location?


The following image shows _________. See Figure 2


Explain how penicillin was discovered.

Dr Alexander Flemming left a petri dish out growing some bacteria. When heobserved the culture a few days later he discovered mold growing on it. Where themold grew, the bacteria died.

A family goes hiking and forgets to bring their water bottles. They find a stream that looks clean and clear. They drink water from the stream and later develop terrible diarrhea and other intestinal symptoms. What have the ingested? *


Which of the following human diseases are caused by a protist? I. Amoebic dysentery II. Malaria III. Athletes foot IV. Giardia

I, II, and IV

What is the study of Fungus called? * 1/1


The paramecium belongs to the Kingdom ____ and the Phylum _____

Protist, Ciliophora

Which kingdom is made up of single-celled organisms that have a nucleus


What is the most important and most common function of fungi? Explain how this function is beneficial to plants.

Recycle, plants benefit from the breakdown of organic material which enriches the soil. The plants get the nutrition from the soil.

Unicellular protists use asexual reproduction most of the time. However, in times of environmental stress, these same protists use sexual reproduction. Explain how using sexual reproduction is beneficial for the survival of these protists

Sexual reproduction is beneficial (conjugation) because specific traits, such as lack of light sensitivity, can be mutually exchanged between both protists, allowing them both to thrive. .

How would you describe a dinoflagellate to someone trying to identify one under the microscope?

Single celled organisms that have a shell and 2 flagella

What is a saprophyte?

Something that feeds on things that were once alive. (dead or decomposingmatter)

How are fungus and humans similar?

They are heterotrophs

How are plant cells and fungal cells similar?

They both have cell walls

How do fungi feed?

They feed as a parasite of saprobe and digest externally.

You are walking in the woods and see a fungus that is unfamiliar to you. You remove a reproductive structure, and take it home to examine further. When you look at it under the microscope, you find a zygosporangium. Based on this information alone, this fungus is from the phylum _____.


Plant-like protists are collectively called


A protists may be: unicellular and heterotrophic unicellular and autotrophic multicellular and autotrophic all of the above

all of the above

Which of the following moves using pseudopodia?


Amoeba primarily reproduce by

binary fission

How do yeasts reproduce?


Protozoa are called animal-like protists because they

cannot make their own food

Which substances allow algae to harvest and use the energy from sunlight?


How does genetic variation result in ciliates?


Which organelle functions to remove excess water?

contactile vacuole

What kind of environment does a fungus thrive in?

damp, dark, wet, warm

_______ are used in toothpaste as an abrasive


_________ cause a condition called red tide.


A Euglena is unable to locate sunlight. Which organelle is not functioning properly?

eye spot

What distinguishing feature does a water mold have?


In an amoeba, a small cavity within the cytoplasm that stores food is called a

food vacoule

Protists that break down organic material include the

fungus like protists

Explain the reproductive cycle of Basidiomycota.

ife cycle of a mushroom The gills hold the spores/basidia which are released to the ground. The spores grow into basidiaspores that eventually grow into mycelia that fuse together forming a new mycelia that will grow into a button stage and eventually an adult mushroom with gills.

Where would you find a paramecium?

in a quiet pond

Genetic information in a paramecium is found in the


What is the stringy substance of a mushroom that is located under the ground called?


What type of fungus did Dr. Flemming discover, which killed bacteria?


A protist is any organism that is not a plant, an animal, a fungus, or a(an)


African Trypanosomiasis, also known as "sleeping sickness", is caused by microscopic parasites of the species Trypanosoma brucei. It is transmitted by the

tse tse fly

Caleb is looking under the microscope and observes a colony of very round, green organisms with many daughter cells inside of them moving around. What is the name of the organism he is observing? (see Figure 3 for assistance


The great potato famine of Ireland was caused by _______. *

water mold

What type of protist should you be concerned about if you have an aquarium? Why?

water mold, it can be parasitic to the aquatic life.

What is an example of single celled fungi? *

yeast, chytridomycota

This phylum of fungus form a zygote


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