Module 3 Quiz

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How many Amendments were added to the Constitution by the efforts of the anti-Federalists?


What best defines federalism?

The form of government in which power is divided between the national government an the states.

What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution known as?

Bill of Rights

Which selection is best described as the freedom to think and act without government interference or fear of unfair treatment?

Civil liberty

What powers are held by both state and federal governments?

Concurrent Powers

Who practiced nonviolent resistance and peacefully protested unfair laws?

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Which amendment protects Americans from "unreasonable searches and seizures"?


Who did delegates unanimously agree should preside over the Constitutional Convention?

George Washington

What did Roger Sherman of Connecticut and his committee propose as a solution to the question of determining how states were to be represented in Congress?

Great Compromise

Which measure called for Congress to have a Senate and a House of Representatives?

Great Compromise

What did the Nineteenth Amendment do?

It extended suffrage to women

Under the current Constitution, which branch of government has the power to tax?

Legislative Branch

Which Amendment protected the right of women to vote in all national and state elections?


Separation of Powers

Only Congress has the power to declare war


Powers are divided between Federal and State Governments

What is the single sentence that introduces the Constitution and states the six purposes of the government called?


Why did Rhode Island refuse to attend the Constitutional Convention?

Rhode Island did not believe the nation should have a strong central government

Limited government

Rule of law

Which term best describes the social separation of the races practiced by many Southern states?


Which amendment states that a person is entitled to have a lawyer?


How did the 15th, 19th, 23rd, 24th, and 26th Amendments change the Constitution?

The Amendments allowed for more people to vote

Which was not a weakness of the Articles of Confederation?

The Articles included a national legislature

Amendments 16-19 are called Progressive Amendments and do the following: 16th: creates a federal income tax 17th: direct election of senators 18th: Prohibition 19th: women's suffrage


Checks and balances are what keeps one branch from becoming too powerful.


Popular sovereignty is the notion that the power lies with the people.


The 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment on Prohibition.


The Establishment Clause allows for citizens to freely choose their own religion without fear and can be found in the First Amendment.


The original purpose of the Constitutional Convention was to revise the Articles.


To solve the discrepency between large states and small states with voting, the Constitution created a House of Representatives whose number of votes and membership is based off of population and the Senate whose number of votes and members is the same for each state.


Under the Articles of Confederation, the government had no way of enforcing laws that were passed.


Which selection is best defined as the principle that governmental power lies with the people?

popular sovereignty

What term refers to the practice of police officers singling out people as suspects because of the way they look?

racial profiling

What refers to powers given to state governments but not to the national government?

reserved powers

US citizens have the liberty to request that their government correct a problem or injustice without fear of reprisal. What is this right called?

right to petition

The principle that laws applies to eeryone, even those who govern, is best defined by which term?

rule of law

What term is best described as a court order allowing police to search a suspect's home or business and take specific items as evidence?

search warrant

What selection best represents the group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president?

the Electoral College

What plan proposed that every five enslaved persons would count as three free persons?

the Three-Fifths Compromise

Who does the 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendment protect?

the accused

Popular Sovereignty

the people are the source of all governmental authority

How did the early state constitutions create equality among the three branches of government?

the state governments instituted a checks and balances system

What did the second amendment state was "necessary to the security of a free state"?

well regulated militia

Checkes and balances

Two thirds vote in each house of Congress is needed to override a veto

What policy encourages the hiring and promoting of minorities and women in field traditionally closed to them?

affirmative action

What is needed before a citizen can be put on trial for a serious federal crime?

an indictment

Which term is best defined as the sum of money used as a security deposit to allow an accused person to remain free until trial?


How did the twenty-fourth Amendment prevent Southern states from violating African American voting rights?

by eliminating poll taxes

What term is best described as a crime that involves harming a person's reputation by printing lies about him or her?


A person's right to privacy would be included in the 9th Amendment.


Economically, the states suffered because the national government was placing too many taxes on trade.


Following the American Revolution, the First Continental Congress drew up the Articles of Confederation as the new form of government.


Under the Articles of Confederation, all states needed to support a law before it could be passed.


The Articles of Confederation created a unified army for the new nation.


Which idea could most likely be found in the fifth amendment to the Constitution?

A person judged not guilty cannot be placed in double jeopardy or put on trial again for the same crime.

Which group believed the Constitution should provide protection for certain basic liberties?


Why were the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution?

Anti-Federalists wanted to protect citizens' rights under the new government

Which part of the Constitution deals with how the legislative branch will work?

Article I

Why was Rhode Island not represented at the Constitutional Convention?

Because its leaders opposed the creation of a stronger central government

Which term is best defined as the branch of government that administers and enforces the laws?

Executive branch

Amendments 13-15 are called "Civil War Amendments" and are listed as follows: 13th: abolishes slavery 14th: gives African American men the right to vote 15th: grants citizenship to African Americans


Federalism refers to powers given only to state governments


Freedom of speech does not include artwork.


The 22nd Amendment limits the president to 4 terms, following the tradition set by Franklin Roosevelt.


The Articles of Confederation did not have the ability to work with foreign nations on the behalf of the states.


The president and vice president do not need to follow the law.


To solve the lack of trading between states, which led to economic distress for the new nation; the framers of the Constitution gave the executive branch the ability to regulate trade between states.


Why are the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments known as the Civil War Amendments?

The amendments gave African Americans more rights under the Constitution

How did the Constitution calm the fear of one branch of government becoming too powerful?

The delegates of the Constitutional Convention created a checks and balances system within the national government.

What term best describes the process of banning printed materials or films merely because ethey contain alarming or offensive ideas?


What keeps one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

checks and balances

The U.S. government has the right to take away private property for public use. What is this called?

eminent domain

What powers can Congress exercise due to the necessary and proper clause?

implied powers

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