Module 6

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Core exercises focus on:

-Lumbar Spine -abdominal region -LPHC

What is level twos programming?

-Repetitions Range 8 to 12 over 2 to 3 sets with a medium tempo. -rest range will be up to 60 seconds between sets.

What are 3 low volume high intensity training adaptations?

1. Increased rate of force production; 2. increased motor-unit recruitment; 3. increased motor-unit synchronization

What are 3 regressions for performing a prone iso-abs exercise?

1. Perform in standard push-up position; 2. perform in push-up position with knees on floor; 3. perform with hands on bench and feet on floor

Allows for freedom of movement in multiple planes of motion without the need for a spotter

Cable machines

Is level 3, phase 5 required?


Exercise selections for Stabilization exercises

Total body, multi-joint or single joint, controlled unstable

In phase five, the strength exercises

are used as part of the superset.

How often do you increase your training during phase 3: hypertrophy?

up to three to six times per week utilizing two to four strength level exercises per body part.

Core Power Exercises

* improve rate force production * stabilize and generate force at functionally applicable speeds * rotation chest pass * soccer throw * front medicine ball oblique throw * ball medicine ball pullover throw

What are 4 primary focuses of Phase 1, Stabilization Endurance Training?

*Increase stability; *increasing muscular endurance; i*ncreasing neuromuscular efficiency of the core musculature; *improving intermuscular and intramuscular coordination

What type of balance exercises should be included in level two of programming? Why?

- more dynamic movements through a full range of motion. More movement will be seen on the stance leg Exercises examples: -single leg squat -single leg Romanian dead lift.

What is phase ones programming?

-12-20 -1 to 3 sets -3/2/1 (SLOW TEMPO) -Little to no rest

What are the benefits of suspension body-weight training?

-Increased muscle activation; -low compressive loads to the spine; -increased performance; -potential increase in caloric expenditure; -improvements in cardiovascular fitness

When should someone use the stabilization level of the OPT model?

-Starting off a new program -If sedentary -Good to cycle back through periodically to give the body a break

What does the stabilization level of the OPT model focus on?

-improving muscle imbalances -improving stabilization of the core musculature -Preventing tissue overload by preparing muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints for the upcoming imposed demands of training -improving overall cardiorespiratory and neuromusclar condition -Establishing proper movement patterns and exercise technique **essentially it improves overall conditioning, establishing proper movement patterns and exercise technique

What is the focus of level 2: Strength Level?

-increase the ability of the core musculature to stabilize the pelvis and spine under heavier loads, through more-complete ranges of motion -increase the load-bearing capabilities of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints -increase the volume of training -increase metabolic demand by taxing the ATP-PC and glycolysis energy systems to induce cellular changes in muscle (weight loss or hypertrophy) -increase motor unit recruitment, frequency or motor unit recruitment, and motor unit synchronization (maximal strength)

Main focus of Stabilization Endurance training

-increasing stability -increasing muscular endurance -increasing neuromusclar efficiency of the core musculature -improving intramuscular and intramuscular coordination ** its how our muscles work together individually, as well as within groups

Whats a simple way to find a clients intensity?

. If the individual can perform the desired number of repetitions, but the last few reps are a struggle, it's likely the exerciser is using the correct intensity.

What is the recommended rest interval for resistance training in the Hypertrophy Phase of the OPT Model?

0-60 Seconds

How long is the rest interval in Phase 1: stabilization endurance training?

0-90 seconds

If your clients goal is body fat reduction, what cycles should they go through?

1 and 2

What are the acute variables for dynamic stretching?

1 set; 10 repetitions; 3-10 exercises

Exercise selection for supersets in Power Phase

1 strength followed by 1 power

If a clients goal is to increase lean body mass, what phases should they cycle through?

1 through 4

What is the repetition range for resistance training in Phase 4 of the OPT Model?

1 to 5

if a client's goal is to improve general sports performance, what phase should they cycle through?

1,2, and 5

What is the recommended rest period in between pairs in the Power Phase of the OPT Model (with reference to resistance training)?

1-2 minutes

What are the acute variables for active-isolated stretching?

1-2 sets; hold 1-2 seconds; 5-10 repetitions

How many core exercises should be included in Phase 2 of the OPT Model?


for the adaptation of muscular endurance stabilization of the OPT model, how many sets should be performed?

1-3 sets

What are the recommended repetitions for resistance training in Phase 5 of the OPT Model?

1-5 reps strength and 8-10 reps power

What are 2 primary objectives of periodization?

1. Divide the training program into distinct periods of training 2. and train different forms of strength with each period to control the volume of training and prevent injury

What are 6 benefits of vibration training?

1. Improving circulation and cardiovascular function; 2. alleviation of muscle soreness; 3. weight reduction and increased metabolism; 4. increasing bone density; 5.increasing flexibility and range of motion; 6.improving overall well-being

What are three goals of Phase 4 of the OPT Model?

1. Increase motor unit recruitment; 2. increase frequency of motor unit recruitment; 3. improve peak performance

Periodization main purposes:

1. divides the training program into phases of training 2. allows for the use of different forms of strength training to vary the volume of training and prevent injury

What are the two ways power exercises can be done?

1. use up to 10% of your client's body weight, if we're using something like a medicine ball. 2. second way is use 30% to 45% of their maximal effort, if you're using a weight.

What are the active variables? What ones go together?

1: Repetitions, sets, training intensity, repetition temp, rest interval 2. Training volume, training frequency, training duration 3. exercise selection

For the strength endurance training phase of the OPT model, how many sets should be performed

2-4 sets

How many times should a client perform phase 1 stabilization endurance training? & for how long?

2-4 times a week for 4-6 weeks

What are the recommended tempos for resistance training exercises in Phase 2 of the OPT Model?

2/0/2 strength exercise and 4/2/1 stabilization exercise

What is the recommended rest period between circuits in the Power Phase of the OPT Model (with reference to resistance training)?

3-5 minutes

What is the tempo for stabilization-plyometric exercises?

3-5 second hold on landing

What is the recommended percentage of intensity for power exercises performed in Phase 5?


How long should each phase of level 2 be carried out for? Does your client need to go through each phase?

4 weeks & no your clients goals may not require it

Phase 1 considerations

4-6 weeks Linear periodization Used for active recovery -Always return to for a break from intense periods of training

What is the resistance training tempo used in Phase 1, Stabilization Endurance Training?


What tempo do you use to train the core during phase 1: stabilization endurance training?


With what percent of 1RM is muscular endurance and stabilization best developed?


What is the repetition range for resistance training in Phase 3 of the OPT Model?

6 to 12

How much maximal effort and what is the rest period during phase 2: strength endurance exercise?

70% to 80% of their maximal effort with zero to 60 seconds rest.

What is the percentage of intensity for resistance training in the second Phase of the OPT Model?


What is the repetition range for resistance training in the phase of Strength Endurance Training?

8 to 12

Repetition tempos

A/B/C - ALWAYS this order A= eccentric B= isometric C= Concentric

How is active stretching performed?

Active stretching teaches the client to use that length through a full range of motion. So clients will perform repetitions of 5 to 10, and hold each stretch for a brief 1 to 2 seconds.

What happens after 5?

After Phase 5, the client can then be cycled back to Level 1 for another linear progression through the OPT Model. Or better yet, multiple phases of the OPT Model can now be trained using undulating periodization.

What are 2 progressions for ball dumbbell row?

Alternating-arm and single-arm

What are 3 progressions for a ball squat, curl to press exercise?

Alternating-arm, one-arm, single-leg

The long term macrocycle of a training regimen over one year's time

Annual plan

What are 2 chest exercises used in the stabilization-level of the OPT Model?

Ball dumbbell chest press and push-up

What are 2 different leg stabilization exercises?

Ball squat and multiplanar step-up to balance

clients looking to either train maximum, prime mover strength or acutely target specific muscles, such as the case with bodybuilders should use what?

Barbells or dumbbells

Repetitions muscle action spectrum

Concentric, Isometic, eccentric

Balance exercises focus on

Development of equilibrium in the body

What type of core exercises should be included in phase 5 of programming? Why?

Does not need to be included, if so the focus is to develop more force and speed at the lumbo pelvic hip complex. -Performed explosively at 35-45% intensity (due to the focus being on SPEED) Exercises include: -Soccer throws -Overhead throws -Rotations and Medicine ball throws Perform 8-12 reps

Which modality can be progressed or regressed by changing the line of pull?

Elastic resistance

What is the primary means of increasing intensity (progressing) clients in Phase 1 of the OPT Model?

Enhancing proprioceptive demand of the exercise

What type of Reactive training (PLYO) exercises should be included in level two of programming? Why?

Focuses on eccentric and concentric contractions with a full range of motion with repetitive speeds -example, a client can perform 8 to 12 repetitions of squat jumps for 2 to 4 sets.

Challenges core stability and can increase athletic performance, but may require a spotter. Barbells and dumbbells

Free weights

What are 2 shoulder power exercises?

Front medicine ball oblique throw and overhead medicine ball throw

Core Stabilization exercises

Have little movement throughout the spine -prone iso-abs, floor bridges, and cobras

In a phase one workout, if a client is using higher reps...what happens to the sets and intensity?

Higher reps=fewer sets & lower intensity

What type of exercises does phase 2: strength endurance use?

Hybrid training, using strength and stabilization

Uses high levels of volume with minimal rest periods to elicit muscle growth adaptations


What adaptation is yielded from 3-5 sets of 6-12 repetitions at 75-85% intensity?


Balance stabilization exercises

Involves little joint motion. Improves joint stabilization contraction. The body should be placed in unstable environments in order for the body to learn to react by contracting the correct muscles to maintain balance. Single leg balance Single leg Abduction Single leg hip rotation Single leg woodchopper Single leg med. ball pass Single leg throw and catch

Differs from a dumbbell or medicine ball in that the center of mass is away from the handle, requiring more strength and coordination


What are 1 regression for ball dumbbell row?

Kneeling over ball

What are 2 different leg strength exercises?

Leg press and barbell squat

What are 2 total-body strength exercises?

Lunge to two-arm dumbbell press and squat, curl, to two-arm press

Weighted balls that come in a variety of weights and sizes

Medicine balls

What is the recommended tempo for core exercises in Phase 2 of the OPT Model?


Details the specific weeks and days of each workout for a mesocycle

Monthly plan

Core Strength exercises

More dynamic movement of the spine through a full range of motion -Ball crunches, cable rotations, and back extensions

Balance strength exercises

Move through all planes of motion Single-leg squat Single-leg squat touchdown Single-leg Romanian deadlift Multiplanar step-up to balance Multiplanar lunge to balance

Does a client have to progress into phase 4: maximal streangth?

No, its optional

What type of Polymetric exercises should be included in Phase one of programming? Why? Reps? Rest?

OPTIONAL! Focus is on good landing mechanics. All exercises should pause once landed. -Hop up with stabilization -Squat jump with stabilization Only needs to do 5-8 repetitions with a 3-5 second pause during the landing

What type of SAQ exercises should be included in level two of programming?

OPTIONAL, if used there will be more changes in their directions but still maintaining some predictability in their patterns


Only usful for one plane of movement and don't require the user to stabilize their load -best used for deconditioned clients due to them not having stabilization and strength yet developed

Fitness training that varies the focus of a training program at regularly planned period of time to produce optimal adaptation


What is training volume based on?

Phase Goals Age Work Capacity Recoverability Nutrtional Status Injury History Life Stress

Rest Intervals for Phase 1-3 vs. 4-5?

Phase 1-3: shorter rest intervals Phase 4-5: Longer Rest Intervals

What phases make up the Level 1: Stabilization? List

Phase 1: Stabilization Endurance training

In which phase would one superset a strength exercise with a similar stability exercise?

Phase 2

At which OPT phase may heavier loads require longer rest periods?

Phase 4

What type of core exercises should be included in level two of programming? Why?

Phase two is focused on increasing strength, therefore more dynamic movement of the spine will be needed Exercises include: -crunches -back extensions -cable rotations

Reactive power exercises

Reactive power exercises involve the entire muscle action spectrum with powerful functional movements. Exercises in this classification include -ice skaters, -single-leg power step-ups, -proprioceptive plyometric exercises.

What is the recommended tempo for plyometric exercises in Phase 2 of the OPT Model?


What are the acute variables of training?

Repetitions sets training intensity repetition tempo training volume rest interval training frequency training duration exercise selection

Good for beginner clients, moves primarily in only one plane of motion, does little to challenge LPHC stabilization

Resistance machines

What activities should be included in a proper warm-up before athletic activity?

SMR (self-myofascial release) and dynamic stretching

How does a client in Phase 5 warm up?

SMR and dynamic stretching Performed 10-15 seconds each with one to two sets

What modalities are easily transportable?

Sandbags, Battling Robes, Medicine balls

What type of SAQ exercises should be included in Phase one of programming?

Should involve little horizontal movement and be predictable patterns in nature

What are 2 methods of progression in the Power Level of the OPT model?

Speed and load

What are 2 exercises for legs in the Power Phase?

Squat jump and tuck jump

What are 2 progressions for step-up to balance?

Step in frontal plane and step in transverse plane

What type of training does phase 2: strength endurance use?

Supersets consisting of one strength exercise, immediately followed by the stabilization exercise for the same muscle group -increase the volume and load on first exercise and add an increase preoperative demand on the second stabilization exercise

Suspension training

The combined use of straps and body weight to place a stress load on the neuromuscular system. -requires stabilization of the body in all three planes of motion

Rolling Active Resistance

The implements look the same as a standard exercise bar, but they're filled with ball bearings or water, allowing the center of gravity to continuously move within the bar. This causes the body to constantly work to stabilize and balance the bar.

Battling Ropes

They work core stability, arm and shoulder strength endurance, and are suitable for stage two or three cardio, due to the high intensity of working them.

What type of Balance exercises should be included in phase 5 of programming? Why?

Trains in all planes of motion Exercise include varies type of prospective hops

Upper body progressions examples

Two-arm - alternating arms - single-arm

What are 2 total body power exercises?

Two-arm push press and barbell clean

What are two methods of progression in Maximal Strength Training level of the OPT Model?

Volume and load

What type of balance exercises should be included in Phase one of programming? Why?

We want NO movement of the stance leg. -Single leg balance -Single leg reach -Single let hip rotations

What type of core exercises should be included in Phase one of programming? Why?

We want the core to have NO movement in the core @ this stage. -Planks -Bridges

Microcycle training can best be described as what type of plan?

Weekly Planning

How do I find the intensity?

When training in phases 4 & 5, Utilize strength assignments, such as upper extremity bench press and the lower extremity squat -once weight is found where they can do 3 to five reps: use the maximum conversion chart to estimate one rep max -This works well for compound exercises, like squats and bench presses, pulldowns, shoulder press, and deadlifts. It is not recommended for single-joint exercises, like biceps curls.

What type of Resistance training should be included in level two of programming? Describe each phase

Will depend on what phase the client is in: Phase 2: continue development of stabilization muscles with developing prime mover strength -Uses supersets of 2 exercises @ 70-80% intensity -1st set is stable or strength exercise @ 2/0/2 -2nd unstable exercise @ 4/2/1 EX: barbell bench press immediately followed by a ball chest press Phase 3: Hypertrophy -6 to 12 reps at 75-85% intensity -3 to five sets at a 2/0/2 tempo Phase 4: increase the maximal strength of prime mover muscles. -1 to 5 reps at 100% intensity -3 to 5 min rest periods

What is the recommended tempo for core-power exercises?


What is the recommended tempo for resistance training exercises in Phase 4 of the OPT Model?


How long should a client stay in phase 2: Strength endurance exercise ?

about four weeks


adds resistance helpful in the stabilization phase of a client's program, as the flexibility of the sandbag will require the body to additionally stabilize the implement while working. A sandbag can be balanced on the body or held in a variety of ways to additionally challenge a workout.

What does a client need to demonstrate to enter phase 5?

adequate stability, control, and strength

Whole Body Vibration

allow the user to stand on an oscillating plate, creating a less stable base of support and activating head-to-toe joint stabilization mechanisms.


are held individually, they require much more neuromuscular control over barbells to perform similar exercises correctly, because of the additional need to stabilize the joints. Using dumbbells leads to greater activation of multiple muscle groups associated with the three phases of muscle action. This also increases the metabolic demand for an exercise for a client.

How do we set up a program for the resistance training portion for phase 2: strength endurance exercise?

eight to 12 reps, two to four sets of each exercise. The tempo will be a little different when your client performs a strength exercise in a superset. They will use a 2/0/2 tempo. And when they perform the stabilization exercise immediately after the strength exercise, they will use that slower tempo of a 4/2/1.

Reactive Exercises focus on

explosive moment patterns

What type of Resistance training should be included in Phase one of programming? Intensity?

focus on increasing proprioceptive demand, instead of external resistance or weight. the intensity is only 50% to 70% of the clients one rep max. Exercises often include -one arm -one leg -balance -tubing or cable equipment EXAMPLE: ALT Single arm chest press

Reactive stabilization exercises focus on

focus on proper landing mechanics -squat jump up with stabilization -Squat jump down with stabilization

SAQ stabilization exercises

have very limited side-to-side movement and predictable patterns.

What type of resistance training exercises should be included in phase 5 of programming? Why?

heart of phase five performed explosively in supersets, utilizes 1-5 reps at 85-100% intensity Immediately followed by 35-45% intensity, high velocity power exercises for 8-10 reps each superset is performed as quicly as controlled with extended rest between sets

Resistance and Stabilization Training

incorporate exercises that increase proprioceptive demand, like cable rows or lunges to balance

What is the main form of progression in phase 1: stabilization endurance training?

increasing stabilization demand for the exercise

How should a client progress through phase 4: maximal strength?

increasing the load and also the volume. As the load increases, the rest periods should also increase.

balance power exercises

is to develop proper deceleration -as seen in multiplanar hop with stabilization, multiplanar single-leg box hop up with stabilization, and multiplanar single-leg box hop down.

Why is Active isolated stretching after SMR is used for movement prep not static?

it is assumed that the client has the length needed already established


kettlebells have a center of gravity hung below the handle, like holding a bucket of water. -This makes them particularly useful for swinging type exercises to improve stability and train power generation in the hips, the core, and the back. You can also substitute them with traditional dumbbell exercises to add greater challenges for joint stabilization.

SAQ power exercises

maximize the requirements for change of direction and increase the unpredictable nature of the patterns

What the tempo when training core musculature in phase 2: strength endurance exercise?

medium tempo

What type of tempo do you want to use on training the core musculature for phase 3: hypertrophy?

medium tempo

What is the tempo for the core musculature in phase 4: maximal strength?

medium tempo of 1/1/1

The more frequency we train with, the____ volume we can use.

more frequency = Less volume

Resistance and Strength Training

more solid base of support, like a bench press or a stationary lunge

Does a client have to move to phase 3:hypertrophy ?

no, it optional, exercises are progressively increasing volume and intensity of the weight used

What is the rest time in phase 5: power exercises?

one to two minutes of rest between each of the supersets, and three to five minutes between these circuits.

What type of SAQ exercises should be included in phase 5 of programming? Why?

performed at maximal speeds and contain little predictability in changes of direction for neuromusclar control and reaction to stimuli

how often a week should a client perform phase 5: power exercises?

performed two to four times per week.

Power exercises are reserved for..what phase?

phase five alone.

What phase should you use if you have a client that is resistant to doing phase 1 traning?

phase two because we give them the strength exercises they like to due, while including stabilization exercises they really need

Stabilization exercises will be used during

phases one and two of the OPT model. -In two, you just use them as part of the superset.

Resistance and Power Training

re explosive and often involve a medicine ball. So things like a medicine ball overhead throw or squat jumps would be used.

dynamic strength movements

require strength include squat jumps, tuck jumps, and butt kicks


require two hands to hold a solid bar, exercise is performed with a more relatively stable and mostly used for developing prime mover strength.

Bodyweight training

s the most convenient, least expensive, and perhaps the most versatile modality available. Why? Because the only equipment a client needs is themself. Bodyweight exercise is highly utilized in stabilization phase of the OPT model. But it can be used as the base for fitness activities, from yoga, to high-intensity, interval workouts.

What is dynamic stretching?

simply low intensity body weight exercises, such as multiplanar lunges and push ups.

In level 3: Phase 5: Power Training, what type of exercise is it?

supersets- completing a strength exercise immediately followed by a power exercise for the same muscle group.

SAQ exercises focus on...

the development of speed, agility, or quickness.

Phases two, three, four, and five will require

the use of strength exercises.

What type of reactive training exercises should be included in phase 5 of programming? Why?

trains the eccentric, isometic, and concentric development of muscular power Exercises include varies forms of boxed jumps

Exercise selection

using the appropriate exercises to for each phase level and adaptations

Do you use vertical or horizontal loading for phase 1: stabilization endurance training?

vertical loading

Describe how you design a resistance program for a client in phase one: stabilization endurance training?

we'll have our clients complete 12 to 20 reps for one to three sets at a slow tempo also, using 50% to 70% of their maximal effort

What type of training would you want for the resistance training potion for phase 3: hypertrophy?

when completing the resistance training portion of the workout, you will have your client complete six to 12 repetitions for three to five sets of each exercise using a 2/0/2 tempo with 75% to 85% of their maximal effort. -give your client zero to 60 seconds of rest.

SAQ strength exercises

will require change in direction and still maintain some predictability.

Medicine Balls

you can add easy resistance to standing, lower body exercises. They will also allow you to add rotational and reactive throw-and-catch style exercises to a program.

Describe the training concept for Phase 5: Power Training

your client perform one to five repetitions of a strength exercise immediately followed by eight to 10 reps of a power exercise. They will do this for three to five sets with that X/X/X or as fast as can be controlled tempo. The strength exercise should be done with 85% to 100% of maximal effort.

How is the resistance training completed for phase 4: maximal strength?

your client should complete one to five reps for four to six sets using an X/X/X tempo, which means as fast as can be controlled. What's important to remember is that since you're using 85% to 100% of the maximal effort, this will not appear to be a fast movement, just as fast as they can move that weight safely.This should be done two to four times per week using one to three strength level exercises per body part.

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