Module 7 Biology

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What do we look at when using a dichotomous key to identify organisms?

physical features

Which protists are the base of the marine food chain?


Gram-negative bacteria

pink stained: thinner and less compact peptidoglycan makes up for only 20% of cell wall more apt to develop resistance to antibiotics

What type of cell is unicellular and lacks a nucleus?


Gram-positive bacteria

purple stained: thick and compact structure primarily composed of peptidoglycan-makes up nearly 90% of the cell wall


sphere shaped bacteria


spiral shaped bacteria


survive in alkaline (basic) environments


the information within a virus is in the form of RNA

What are the two main methods of viral replication?

the lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle.

At any time during the lysogenic cycle, what can happen?

the lytic cycle can be activated

What is the main difference between the lytic cycle and the lysogenic cycle.

the lytic cycle- destroys the DNA of the host cell. the lysogenic cycle- merges with the DNA of the host cell


the most fundamental level of classification (contains only one type of organism).

Why are viruses considered non-living?

they are unable to perform functions such as: growth, metabolism, and reproduction.

How can bacteria be classified?

they can be classified by shape, method of movement, and the way they obtain energy.

Since viruses are non-living, how do they function?

they rely on the aid of a host cell or in other words, a virus essentially "hijacks" the cell of a living organism, injects its genetic information into the cell, and begins the process of replication.


thrive in acidic environments

Antiviral medications that are taken after infection can prevent which of the following?

uptake of the virus

Does either archaea or bacteria have many classified extremophiles?



"salt-loving" archaea that live in environments that have very high salt concentrations


-group below kingdom but above class -classification based on broad similarities like body plan or genetic similarities


-the second highest taxonomic rank (broad) -categorized in all six kingdoms: archea, bacteria, protista, fungi, plantae, and animalia


Archaea and Bacteria (include relatively simple prokaryotic single celled organisms), Eukarya (protists, fungi, animals, and plants).

What are the six basic stages in the lytic cycle?

1. Absorbtion/ attachment- occurs when the bacteriophage binds to specific receptors that are on the surface of the host's cell. 2. Penetration/ uncoating- virions enter the hosts cell. uncoating occurs simultaneously with penetration. 3. Replication- once in host cell, its genome is replicated. 4. Assembly- cell assembles replicated parts of the virus into progeny, newly created viruses. 5. Lysis/ release- final stage, when cell bursts open and releases replicated viruses.

Where are the two forms of genetic information in a bacterial cell found and what are they called?

1. a circular chromosome in the nucleoid region at the center of the cell. 2. small pieces of circular DNA called plasmids

Bacteria play important roles in the environment and are necessary for maintaining ecological balance. Match the beneficial bacteria with the correct description. 1. Decomposers 2. Producers 3. Nitrogen Fixers

1. break down or decompose dead organisms 2. account for 50% of primary production in the ocean 3. convert nitrogen gas into useful forms

Match the kingdom with the correct description Eubacteria Archaebacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia

1. cellulose and contains chloroplasts unicellular prokaryote that has a cell wall of peptidoglycan and includes E. coli 2. unicellular prokaryote that has a cell wall without peptidoglycan and includes halophiles 3. unicellular, colonial, and multicellular eukaryote that has a cell wall of cellulose and contains the amoeba 4. unicellular and multicellular eukaryote that has a cell wall of chitin and contains the mushrooms 5. unicellular and multicellular photosynthetic eukaryote that has a cell wall of 6. multicellular eukaryotes that lacks a cell wall and contains membrane bound organelles

Match the term with the correct description 1. Mutualistic fungus 2. Parasitic fungus 3. Saprophytic fungus

1. fungus that lives on or within another organism; both organisms benefit 2. fungus that lives on or within a host to obtain nutrients at the expense of the host 3. fungus that that feeds off dead, decaying materials

Match the method of fungi reproduction with the correct description. 1. Budding 2. Fragmentation 3. Zygopore

1. involves the "pinching-off" of an offspring from the parent cell 2. involves a parent breaking into pieces that develop into new organism 3. sexual reproduction between two opposite fungi whose nuclei fuse together

Match the domain with the correct description. Bacteria Archaea Eukarya

1. microscopic, single-celled organisms that do not have a nucleus 2. microscopic, single-celled organisms without a nucleus that live in extreme environments 3. organisms that have a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles

Match the type of protist locomotion with the correct description. 1. Cilia 2. Flagella 3. Pseudopod

1. small hair-like projections that extend outward from the cell and vibrate 2. whip-like tail that rotates in a propeller-like fashion 3. temporary foot-like extensions that extend from the cell membrane

Match the term with the correct description. 1. Domain 2. Kingdom 3. Phylum 4. Class 5. Order 6. Family 7. Genus 8. Species

1. taxon that is larger than a Kingdom 2. the largest and most inclusive traditional taxon 3. Includes Classes that are grouped by important shared characteristics 4. includes groups of similar Orders 5. includes closely-related Families 6. includes Genera that share many similarities 7. first part of the scientific name 8. name that is unique only to a single organism

Match the term with the correct description. 1. Phototroph 2. Lithotroph 3. Organotroph

1. use light as their main source of energy for carrying out cellular processes 2. convert chemicals into energy by breaking down inorganic compounds 3. break down organic materials to obtain hydrogen needed for respiration

How many kingdoms exist in the Linnaean classification system?


About how many viruses contain RNA instead of DNA?


What are the main differences between archaea and bacteria?

Archaea have a unique type of lipid present in their plasma membrane not found in bacteria. The cell walls of archaea are not composed of peptidoglycan as they are in bacteria. Archaea have genetically and morphologically (shape) different ribosomes from bacteria. The enzyme RNA polymerase is more complex in structure and is found in three different types in archaea.

Match the terms about bacterial reproduction and methods of gaining genetic diversity with the correct description. Binary fission Conjugation Transduction Transformation

After the replication A pilus DNA is tansfered A plasmid

Toothpaste, ice cream, fertilizer, and cosmetics are all made of _____.


The early known differences among living things resulted in the creation of what two kingdoms initially?

Animalia and Plantae


Archaea that thrive in hot environments

Match the viral disease with the correct description. AIDS Common Cold Hepatitis B Influenza

Causes destruction of Helper T Causes sneezing Causes fatigue Causes headache

Which characteristic separates archaebacteria from bacteria?

Cell wall is not made of peptidoglycan.

Arrange the taxa from most general to most specific.

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species

Linnaean classification

Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species created by Carl Linnaeus

Organisms in the Kingdom Fungi have what type of cells?


Which of the following is the correct way to write a scientific name for humans?

Homo sapiens

How does a bacteria colony typically grow?

It typically grows from one individual that undergoes asexual reproduction over and over again, resulting in a cluster of genetically identical bacteria.

A botanist finds an unfamiliar plant in the Amazon rainforest. Which of the following observations would be most useful in determining its identity using a dichotomous key?

Its leaves are variegated and curl at the edges.

The following animals (camel, bear, rattlesnake, angelfish) are grouped together in the same _____.


What are the three ways a bacteria can release energy?

Obligate Aerobe-"requiring oxygen" Obligate Anaerobe-"requiring lack of oxygen" Facultative Aerobe-"facilitated by oxygen"

_____ are polymers that combine amino acids with sugar chains to form the structure of the bacteria cell wall.


Which four of the six kingdoms are grouped into Domain Eukarya?

Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia

Which kingdoms have photosynthetic organisms?

Protists and Plants


Rod shaped bacteria

What criteria do scientists use to classify organisms?

Scientists use structural features, the DNA of the organism, and many other characteristics to classify organisms.

What are peptidoglycans?

are polymers (structures that are made up of smaller, repeating units) that combine amino acids with sugar chains to form the cell wall structure, giving the cell the ability to maintain its size and shape and providing protection.

What term is used to identify a system of naming and classifying organisms based on shared characteristics and universal rules?


How is the current classification system similar to Linnaeus's original system? How is it different? Please answer in complete sentences.

The current classification is similar to Linnaeus's original system because it still classifies organisms based on similarities. However they have added more groups to help classify organisms in the most productive way.

What is the purpose of using a dichotomous key in science?

The purpose of a dichotomous key in science is to help organize and identify different organisms based on traits. It helps scientists share and use this information mutually.

Which of the following characteristics will be most helpful in identifying a butterfly species using a dichotomous key?

Their wings have false eye spots.

Which of the following characteristics differentiate fungi from plants?

They are heterotorphic.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of fungi?

They are prokaryotic cells.

How are vaccines used to prevent viral infections?

They create an immune response in the host.

How do viruses reproduce?

They reproduce by infecting living cells

During the 1990s, scientists decided to expand the classification scheme to six kingdoms. Which discovery supported this decision?

Two groups of monerans, eubacteria, and archaebacteria differed from each other

What strategy would you use to classify samples of bacteria as bacilli, cocci, or spirilla?

Use a microscope to observe shapes of the bacteria.

Match the term with the correct description. Capsid Bacteriophage Lytic cycle Lysogenic cycle

Virus's protein coat Virus that infects bacteria The virus destroys the cell's DNA The virus does not destroy the cell

How do viruses cause disease? Please answer with complete sentences.

Viruses can cause diseases by disrupting the body's homeostasis.

How do viruses differ in structure? Please answer with complete sentences.

Viruses can differ in structure in many ways. Viruses can have a capsid made of either DNA or RNA and they can also either have a viral envelope or not.

A biologist discovers an arachnid with a segmented abdomen and a tail without a stinger. Use the dichotomous key below to identify the organism. 1. a. Abdomen segmented..............................Go to 2 b. Abdomen not segmented......................Go to 4 2. a. Abdomen with tail...................................Go to 3 b. Abdomen without tail............................Go to 5 3. a. Tail with stinger.........................................Scorpion b. Tail without stinger...................................Whip scorpion 4. a. Legs longer than body...............................Daddy Long Legs b. Legs not longer than body.......................Wind scorpion 5. a. Covered with spines.................................Mite b. Few spines..................................................Tick

Whip scorpion

What are bacterial cells enclosed by?

a cell wall made of peptidoglycans

What is a bacteriophage?

a virus that uses a bacterium as its host and infects the bacterial cell (phage is another term for virus).

What are the three different shapes a bacteria can be?

bacilli, cocci, and spirilli

Which of the following is NOT one of the three general types that protists can be organized into?


What is the system of giving each species a two-part scientific name composed of the genus and species called?

binomial nomenclature

Which method of capturing energy uses energy released by a chemical reaction?


Which type of bacteria uses energy that is released by chemical reactions?



cold-loving microbes

What are some common examples of viral diseases?

common cold, influenza, AIDS, hepatitis B, west nile virus, and zika

Which of the following is an example of asexual reproduction in protists that also allows for genetic variation?


What are the three ways bacteria can acquire genetic diversity?

conjugation- has a direct connection between two cells transduction- transferred via a virus transformation- horizontal gene transfer

What are five beneficial reasons for bacteria in the environment?

decomposers producers nitrogen fixers human uses of bacteria microbiome

What did Hans Christian Gram develop?

developed a simple method for distinguishing between two forms of bacteria. (The process involves the staining of peptidoglycan (protein) found in the cell walls of bacteria).

binomial nomenclature

each type of organism is assigned a two-part scientific name composed of the genus and species names. Scientific names are written in italics. The first word, the name of the genus, starts with a capital letter, and the second word, the name of the species, is all lower case created by Carl Linnaeus

Which of the following is a characteristic of protists?

eukaryotes reproduce asexually or sexually contain one tissue type

Which type of bacteria can use either cellular respiration or fermentation to release energy?

facultative anaerobe

Kingdom _______ contains microorganisms such as yeast, mold, and mushrooms.


What are the two ways bacteria can be classified?

gram staining- composition of cell wall morphology- cell shape

Peptidoglycan makes up 20% of the cell wall and stains pink in which type of bacteria?


Gram staining is a process that can classify bacteria by analyzing the composition of the cell wall. Bacteria that show as stained purple and possess cell walls made of peptidoglycan are called what?


What are the three ways a bacteria can capture food?

heterotroph- other feeder photoautograph- light-self feeder chemoautotroph- chemical-self feeder

Match the type of protist with the correct description. 1. Animal-like 2. Fungus-like 3. Plant-like

heterotrophic reproduce by forming spores autotrophic

What can cause the lysogenic cycle to turn into a lytic cycle?

immune signals, chemical gradients, and certain levels of radiation.

Some disease-causing agents called pathogens are caused by bacteria. Which is NOT an example of a bacterial disease?



is the system of naming and classifying organisms based on their shared characteristics/ is the science of classifying organisms and refers to sorting all known living organisms based on their various features and genetic composition

What is a virus?

it is a nonliving particle made of proteins, nucleic acids, and sometimes lipids.

what is bacterias cell wall made of and called

it is made of polysaccharide and is called peptidoglycan

A virus infects a cell by injecting its DNA into the host cell. Then the cell produces mRNA, which creates proteins that destroy the host cell's DNA. The cell begins making viral DNA and capsids. What is this process called?

lytic cycle

viral envelope

membrane-like covers enclosing the capsid and serve as an additional layer of protection

Mushrooms belong to Kingdom Fungi. What is the name of the main portion of the mushroom which grows underground?


Which cell structure distinguishes members of Domain Eukarya from other organisms?


Organotrophic (heterotrophs)

organisms break down organic materials to obtain hydrogen or electrons needed for respiration.

Lithotrophic (chemoautotrophs)

organisms convert chemicals into energy by breaking down inorganic compounds, such as sulfur. They create methane gases in the process, giving them the alternative name of "methanogens." These microscopic organisms can be anaerobic, meaning that they do not require oxygen.

Phototrophic (photoautotroph)

organisms use light as their main source of energy for carrying out various cellular metabolic processes. However, these archaebacteria are not true plants and do not necessarily perform the process of photosynthesis to make energy.

Bacterial cells have a plasma membrane and a cell wall. What is the cell wall made of?


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