Module 8 319
What is the insertion of the highlighted muscle?
Angle and ramus of mandible
What is the insertion of the highlighted muscle?
Coronoid process and ramus of mandible
Identify the highlighted muscle, which is involved in lateral and medial rotation of the arm.
Name the muscle that originates on the body of the mandible and inserts on the skin at the inferior corner of the mouth.
Depressor anguli oris
What is the action of the temporalis muscle?
Elevation and retraction of mandible
What is the action of the extensor digitorum muscle?
Extension of fingers 2-5
What is the origin of the highlighted muscle?
Fossa of temporal bone
What is the origin of the highlighted muscle?
Lateral aspect of maxilla and lateral body of mandible
Identify the muscles Q, R, S, & T.
Q= Pharyngeal constrictor muscle R= Levator scapulae S= Thyrohyoid T= Sternothyroid
Determine which muscular structure separates the oropharynx from the nasopharynx.
Soft palate
The tendon of the ______ muscle makes an acute turn through a fibrous loop at the anterior orbit and then inserts on the sclera.
Superior oblique