Mold Questions

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What is the desired pressure to achieve and maintain inside the containment chamber that is being maintained at a lower partial pressure differential.

-5 or -0.02 inches of water colum

If the ERH is determined to be 89% on a surface, what is the water activity?


What size of mold spores should a good secondary filter remove?

1 Micron in size

List 2 examples of Xerophilic molds

1) Aspergillus 2)Penicillium

What are the 4 common viruses found in sewage?

1) E.Coli 2)Pseudomonaa 3)asalmonella 4)Shigella

Name 3 secondary sewage biohazards

1) Endotoxins and exotoxins 2)Fungi 3)Mycotoxins

What are the immunizations that restoration technicians are recommended to have?

1) Hepatitis A&B 2)Tetanus

What are the 4 common sewage viruses?

1) Rotavirus 2)Hepatitus 3)Adenovirus 4)G.I Virus

What are the 3 types of containment?

1) Source 2)Local 3)Full

What are the precautions that must be taken when packing out contents for mold remediation project?

1)Area where they are stores shouls be under negative air 2)Transport vehicle should be cleared after move 3)Complete and accurate inventory that includes the condition 4)Description,quanitity,condition and location within the structure

What are 4 hazards of negative pressure?

1)Backdraft 2)Bringing the outside air and moisture into the structure 3)collapse 4)Cross containmination

What are the types of antimicrobials?

1)Bacteriostat 2)Fungistat

What are the maintenance steps that shall be done to a half or full face respirator?

1)Clean after each Use 2)Store in a dry cool place 3)Replace cartridges when needed

What are the 3 types of sewage?

1)Commercial 2)Industrial 3)Non point

Name 8 limitations of all antimicrobial biocides

1)Concentration 2)Temperure 3)PH 4)Inactivated by organic matter 5)contact time 6)Dwell time 7)Is the product compatible with the surface 8)Application

What is the typical 3 step removal procedure for removing moldy building materials?

1)Contain 2)Remove 3)Discard

What are 4 engineering controls that should be used for mold remediation?

1)Contain source before removal 2)Maintain air flow 3)Maintain negative air 4)controlled demolition techniques

Why should the air flow move across the work area?

1)Decrease clean up time 2)Carry contaiminates into the NAM for capture 3)Prevent the PPE from being overloaded

Which respirators offer NO protection against oxygen deficient environments?

1)Disposable mask 2)half and full face 3)Gas 4)PAPR

What are the 4 populations of individuals that are considered to be at a higher risk for exposure to mold and bacteria?

1)Elderly 2)Pregnant woman 3)Immune-Compromised 4)Children

In a full containment, what should be included to ensure a safe work environment?

1)Fire extinguisher 2)Escape routes and emergency contact info 3)carbon monoxide meter

What is the water activity Xerophilic molds prefer?

1)Histoplasna Capsulatum 2)Cryptococcus

What is the general 6 step sequence that a typical mold remediation will moisture follow?

1)I.D and correct sourcce of mositure 2)Containment 3)Negative air 4)Remove contaminates building material 5)Clean all remaining surfaced 6)Post sampling

What does OSHA require for a respirator program?

1)Medical evaluation/Survey 2)Training 3)Fit test 4)Written reapirtory program

What are the 5 principles of mold remediation states in the S520?

1)Provide for the health and safety of workers and occupants 2)Document conditions and work practices 3)Contamination control 4)Contamination removal 5)Contamination prevention

Identify 3 other sources that contribute to odors in buildings other than mold?

1)Re-activated Pet urine 2)Bacteria 3)Off-Gassing from wet

What are three types of antimicrobial biocides?

1)Sanitizer 2)Disinfectants 3)Sterilzer

where are the appropriate places to dispose of category 3 water

1)Shall be disposed of in a sanitary sewer system 2)Shall be hauled away by bulk waste haulage

What 4 factors determine the maximum pressure that a containment chamber can be placed under?

1)Size of containment chamber 2)Strength of enclosure 3)Make-up air 4)Types of materials usea for constructing the containment

What are 3 ways to evaluate negative pressure?

1)Smoke tubes/pencils 2)visual 3)Manometer

What are the factors that affect mold growth?

1)Temperature 2)oxygen 3) Ph 4)Nutrients 5)Moisture 6)Lighty

What are the 3 factors that should be considered when choosing an Antimicrobial biocide?

1)consider type and extent of microbial contamination 2) limitations 3)Hazards

When are air supplied respirators required?

1)when there is insufficient oxygen 2)extreme tempetures 3)high concentrations 4)oxygen enriched

The protection factor for a half-face respirator is


The protection factor for a PAPR that is operating properly is


What is the average size of mold spores that are present in water damaged environments?

2-20 micron's

When the oxygen exceeds __________% it creates an oxygen-Enriched enviornent.


What is the flame spread rating for the 6mil f/r polyethylene?


What is the minimum number of air changes that should be achieved inside of containment?


The protection factor for a PAPR in which the battery is shut off has a protection factor of


The protection factor for a full-face respirator is


What is the average time it takes for Stachybotrys chartarum to grow?

7-12 days

What is the water activity Xerophilic molds prefer?


What is the water activity that hydrophilic molds prefer?

>0.80 <0.90

What is the goal for mold remediation?

Achieve mold concetrations that are lower inside containment than outside or unaffected areas woth sumilar mold types present.

What category of water damage can support mold and bacterial growth?


What product is referred to as a "bound product"?


Name the 3 primary sewage biohazards.

Backeria, Pacasites ,Viruses

What is one cost effective method for remediating a sewage contaminated crawl space?

Bioremediation mat

What is the definition of viable?

Can germinate givin the optimum conditions

What should the remediation contractor provide on every remediation job rather than relying on the homeowner to provide them?

Carbon monoxide & Smoke detectors

Define the term Pathogenic?

Causes disease in humans

What is the nutrient that mold grows best on?


Why are nitrile gloves recommended for mold remediation?

Chemical resistant

How should moldy carpet be removed?

Cover with 6-mil polythylene and remove under negative pressure

What is the definition of a critical barrier?

Double 6 mil poly placed over access points that are not meant to be entered or passed through and prevents cross containmination

What can happen to wood materials when the moisture content exceeds 20%?


For a protection of 50, this means that for:

Every 50 micrograms of particulate in the air, 1 particle can enter the respirator

An _____________ should be constructed for entry into and exit from a remediation area.

Exit chamber

What are the risks of using spray adhesive?

Extremly flammable and toxix to breath

What is FIFRA and what does the acronym stand for?

Federal insecticide fungicide rodentcide act

When is full containment used?

For moderate amounts of mold growth (10 SF to 100 SF aw guidance)

When is source containment used?

For small, Controlled areas of contamination (>10 SF as guidance)

Air flow alwyas moves :

From a higher to a lower pressure

What PPE should technicians don when performing a sewage remediation?

Full-face respirator with P100/OV respirator cartridges, moisture resistant disposable coveralls or rubber boots, rubber suit or hip waders, and double layer nitrile gloves

What are options for cleaning mold from wood materials?

Hand sandinf media blasting wire brushing or equivlent

What immunizations are commonly recommended for water damage technicians?

Hepa A &B and tetnis

What should the technician do in the containment chamber at the beginning of each work day and why?

Hepa vaccum and surfaces because spores can settle over night.

What is the definition of HEPA and what do the letters stand for?

High efficiency particulate air/ Arrest filtrations that removes 99.97% of dry particulate at a 0.3 mocrons in diameter

Define Stack Effect

Hot air rises and particles , moisture etc, will travel with it

Spores do not like water and are referred to as


How should respirator cartridges be stored and why?

In tight bags ro prevent them from filtering air

What is the common route of entry for exposure to Category 3 water?


What is the common route of entry for mold exposure?


Why is misting not a preferred method for dust/spore control when removing moldy building materials?

Introduces moisture and disperses spores

What is the definition of mycotoxins?

It gives rhe mold a competitive advantage over the orhwe mocroorganisims competinf for the enviorment.

What must the worker do each time they don their respirator?

It shall be cleaned after each use,Inspected for cracks, stored in a clean cool dry place to protect from damage and contamination

Why should a technician use a fire retardant polyethylene for containment?

It will melt ans not burn. Ir will lower the overall fore rating of the buildings

A________ Air pressure differential between the work area and the surrounding spce must be created to prevent contaminants from leaving the work zone.


What does the organic vapor cartridges remove?


What is the slip factor recommended for 6 mil poly and why?

Medium (No oil or talic)

What does mVOC stand for?

Microbial volatile organic compounds

What is back drafting?

Negative pressure that pulls carbon monoxide or other toxic gasses into the containment chamber

Why does mold need to be removed instead of using antimicrobial biocides to inactivate or kill it?

Non-Viable spores can still contain the samw toxic and allergenic properties

What federal agency governs indoor air quality?


What is rhe definition of condition 1 contents?

Normal, typical spore types and counts

What shluld a technician do if he return to the job site and finds that the negative air pressure has been compromised?

Notify the supervisor or consultant and document all actions

What is the recommended procedure for changing the filters on a HEPA filtration device?

One at a time with unit on

What does the P100 of the respirator cartridge remove?


How should contents be stored after they are packed out for a mold remediation project?

Place in a clean storage container ans put into a clean enviormenrally controlled enviorment

How do you determine the number of decontamination chambers for a mold remediation project?

Project or Protocal specific

What is the definition of sporulation?

Relesing Spores inta the enviorment

What is the condition the technician is trying to achieve when remediating sewage loss? L


What is the definition of Condition 2 Contents?

Settled spores usually cleanable

When is an antimicrobial product applied on sewage contaminated building materials?

Should be used after demo and theough cleaning but before the final rinse or final testing

What is the most durable part of mold that contains the allergens and mycotoxins?


What is the definition of settled spores?

Spores present on a surface but not actively growing.

What should the technician do if asbestos or lead is suspected or found on a remediation project?

Stop work and allow the licensed appropriate contractor to remove it

What are the disposal restrictions for disposing of mold contaminated building materials?

There are none treat as compost

What are MVOCS?

They are gaseous waster by-products released by actively in growing fungi and bacteria

How do viruses replicate?

They turn a host cell in a virus factory that produces millions of the organisms

What is the procedure used for cleaning contamination from hard to reach areas such as under sill plate installed concrete slab?

Use a low pressure flush of 20-60 psi

Not all mold spores in the air are ______ but they still may be ______ and ___________.

Viable , Toxic,allergenic

What is the definition of Condition 3 Contents?

Visable and acrive mold growth - Usually discarded

1. The amount of moisture available on a surface that mold can use to support growth is known as the ________?

Water activity

What is the definition of ERH?

What is Te relati ve humidity taten at the Surface

What is the last piece of PPE that should be removed last and why?

Your respirator & to protech the breathing zone while removing other pieces of PPE.

Sanitary What is the clearance criteria for sewage verification samples?

Zero pathogens

What is the definition of a micron?

one millonth of a meter

Which respirator offers a positive pressure inside the mask via a battery pack? Pawe

powered air purifying respirators

What is the definition of Category 3 water damage and provide 4 examples.

water Contaias pathogenic agents and is grossly unsainitary. 1)Seawater 2)Groundwater 3)Backflow from beyond the trap 4)Sewage

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