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direct debit

A withdrawal of cash directly from a bank account if you have to pay money to the same person or company on a regular basis you can pay by _______.


a disadvantage of a situation, plan, product etc It's a great city - the only __________ is the weather. !__________ of/to (doing) something The main _________ to these products is that they tend to be too salty.


a machine, usually in a wall outside a bank, that you can get money from using a plastic card ATM i need some cash . is there a ________ near here?

pay through the nose (for)

pay much more than a fair price if you want designer clothes you will _____^____^___^___ for them. if you want to eat well in this city you have to _____^____^___^_____.


payment demanded for the release of a person or property, выкуп


payment for messages sent from post to post how much does the _______ cost?


payments made regularly to an ex-spouse after divorce


property or money brought by a bride to her husband on their marriage, приданное

to pay in arrears

refers to making a payment to a supplier later than the terms of the arrangement under which goods or services were purchased from the supplier.

pay back

return money don't worry i'll ___ you ___^.

money doesn't grow on trees

said to warn someone that they have to be careful how much money they spend, because there is only a limited amount

pay for itself

saves the money it cost, окупаться. the advertising should _____^___^_____.

break the bank (to)

spend all of one's savings the holiday is out of question this year; it would _______^______.

to tighten one's belt

spend less money we need to _______our ___.


the amount of money you owe to a bank when you have spent more money than you had in your account превышение кредита, задалженность банку


the extra money that you must pay back when you borrow money _______ on The __________ on the loan is 16% per year. How much are the monthly _______ payments? b) money paid to you by a bank or financial institution when you keep money in an account. there an account that pays higher ________. The more you save, the more _________ you'll earn.

not have a penny to one's name

to be extremely poor she hasn't got ,____^___^__^_^___.

to be in the red

to be in debt, poor

cost a fortune

to be very expensive

take out a loan

to borrow money from a bank


to buy

buy on impulse

to buy without thinking carefully

buy on impulse

to buy without thinking carefully mua sắm bừa bãi

raise money for charity

to collect money for people who are in need in the last month we have ________ over 2000$ for charity-most of it from public donation.

hold the purse strings

to control the way in which money is spent by a group or organization контролировать расходы it is a lical council that has to decide whether to build a new school or now. it _____^___^____^____

write a cheque

to fill in one of the pieces of printed paper that your bank gives you so you can pay for things without using money

sell oneself

to give a good impression, e.g. in a job interview ic you went for a job interview , how would try to ______ _______?

live from hand to mouth

to have just enough money to live on and nothing extra my father earned very little and there were 4 kids. so we ________^___^_____^__^____.

make ends meet

to have just enough money to pay for the things that you need

to be in black

to have money in your bank account, rich

save up for sth

to keep money so that you can buy something with it in the future you are working long hours. are you _____ ___ for something?

foot the bill for

to pay for/ cover the expenses especially when the bill is considered large/ unreasonable оплачивать, покрыть расходы

cater for sth

to provide what is needed, угождать, обеспечивать shops make sure to ________ _____ young people's tastes.

be paid peanuts

to receive very little money

spend money like water

to spend too much money in a careless way

in stock

в наличии

contribute, donate

вносить деньги

put your money where your mouth is

действовать, вместо того, чтобы просто говорить they said they want to help the disabled but they should ____^___^____^___^___^____^__.


денежная компенсация, пособие

hard cash

наличные деньги

hoard/ save/set aside money

откладывать деньги

applied to the bank for a loan

попросить у банка заем

fall into one's lap

с неба свалиться, приходить на блюдечке с голубой комоечной you can't expect the ideal jo just ____^_____^____^_____, you have to start looking for it.

loan company

ссудно-кредитное обществп

Money is a bit tight at the moment

туго с деньгами

quick buck

шальные деньги

pay one's way

contribute your share of the cost i want to ____my ___, so let's split the bill

worth a fortune

costly, expensive стрящий состояние

split the bill

each person will pay for him/herself

pay the price for sth

experience a bad result from doing smth if you regularly eat too much you'll ___^___^_____ by putting on weight

at no cost

for free you can borrow all the books you need from the college library - ___^__^___.


having a negative balance in your account i'll have to stop spending so much money. i am already ________ by over$100

to have money to burn

idiom NOUN - to have very much money, to have more money than is needed // My aunt has _________ _________ __________ and she is always travelling somewhere.

pay dividends

is getting good results, приносить плоды all that extra training for the race is really_____^______

on the breadline

line of people waiting for food handouts from charities or public agencies на краю бедности he is ____^___^____.

short of money

little money i am a bit ______^___^______.

in the lap of luxury

living in very comfortable conditions because you have a lot of money they live ____^__^____^__^__.

make a quick buck

make money quickly and easily срубить денег what would you do if u want to ____^__^____^____

get by (on)

manage to survive / live how an he ___^__ on so little money.


money or a gift that you illegally give someone to persuade them to do something for you The officials said that they had been offered _____ before an important game. accept/take a _______ A Supreme Court judge was charged with taking _________

hard up

not having enough money to pay for necessities i lent my brother some money ladt week. He is a bit ___^___ at the moment.


(adj.) lower in rank or position, secondary; (n.) one who is in a lower position or under the orders of someone else; подчиненный • The prospect of being judged by ____________ made some managers very uneasy


1. to give something to someone or allow them to use something that belongs to you, which they have to return to you later 2. (formal) to give a particular quality to a person or a situation could you ______ me..... ?


A business deal or action; exchange of money, goods, or services операции с деньгами a statement shows all the ________ you have made

break even

A point at which revenue equals expenses. mot making a profit or a loss the company only just managed to _______^______ this year.


To receive for temporary use can I borrow...... ?

next to nothing

almost nothing thety are paid ____^____^___.

pay packet

an envelope containing an employee's wages

a rip-off

charge someone too much for something. paying 5 $ for a coffee in the main square is definitely a ________

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