Morning AP Human Total Final

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b) a city government operating separately from those of its suburbs

"Local government fragmentation" refers to the phenomenon of a) smart growth to control urban sprawl b) a city government operating separately from those of its suburbs c) consolidation of local governments into one so that no differences exist between country and city governments d) members of councils of governments disagreeing with one another e) cooperation among local governments in order to solve regional problems

b. acculturation

(Bellaire sign in Chinese) found in Houston, TX, the above sign best demonstrates a. assimilation b. acculturation c. pidgin d. linguistic fragmentation e. cultural relativism

b. Image A is smaller in scale than B

(Image A: Miami, FL Scale 1:500,000; Image B: subway map of Miami) Image A is located on the left, Image B is located on the right. Which of the following is true based on the above images: a. image B is a cartogram b. Image A is smaller in scale than B c. absolute location can be determined from Image B d. Image A is a Mercator Projection and Image B is a Robinson Projection e. Image A is a Dot density map

c. thematic map

(MAP OF AVERAGE ANNUAL AFRICA PRECIPITATION) the above image represents a. symbol map b. GIS projection c. thematic map d. reference map e. contour map

c. famine

(T is labeled as the intersection of the two lines) according to Malthus, what happens after T in the above image a. innovation b. increased food production c. famine d. birth control/abstinence e. enlightment

d. Shiite

(X is Saudi Arabia, Y is Iran, Z is Yemen) The dominate religious followership of country Y is a. Roman Catholic b. Hindu c. Sunni d. Shiite E. Jewish

d. Shiite

(X is Saudi Arabia, Z is Yemen, Y is Iran) the dominate religious followership of country X is a. Sunni b. Roman Catholic c. Protestant d. Shiite e. Jewish

e. greater familiarity with Green

(ancient map of Europe and Asia from above) the map shown above indicates a. a greater familiarity with Iraq b. emphasis on navigation c. greater familiarize with Asia d. Azmuthal projection e. greater familiarity with Green

d. map distortion

(diagram showing projection plane, Earth's curved surface and "this much earth surface must fit into this much map surface") the above image represents the concept of: a. space b. Robinson Projection c. location d. map distortion e. pattern

e. migrants leave their homelands because of push factors and move to places with pull factors, but they often face barriers as they migrate

(diagram showing two particles, the first one, mostly made of negative signs, with an arrow to the second, mostly made of positive signs) which best summarizes the migration process represented by the diagram? a. with European colonization and migration, positive aspects of European culture spread across the globe in spite of obstacles b. in the process known as step migration, migrants move from rural to urban areas through a series of smaller moves, or steps c. each migration produces a counter migration of people returning to their country of origin d. the gravity model predicts that most migrants will move to the closest large metropolitan area in search of economic opportunities e. migrants leave their homelands because of push factors and move to places with pull factors, but they often face barriers as they migrate

e. pattern

(dot map of radio stations in the US) viewing the radio stations in relation to one another, it best shows a. point b. scale c. location d. space e. pattern

a. it decreased it by making communications easier

(fingers typing on a laptop) which best describes the effects on time-space compression of the technology shown above a. it decreased it by making communications easier b. it increased it by making writing more easier c. it decreased it by shortening the time writing took d. it increased it by speeding up communications e. it decreased it by using less space than older machines

c. it is a part of the landscape made by humans

(image of barbed wire) which best explains why the above image is considered part of the built environment a. it is designed to regulate the movement of animals b. it is found primarily in rural areas c. it is a part of the landscape made by humans d. it is a product that was invented to solve a problem e. it is often used as part of boundaries

b. perceptual region

(map of Appalachian mountains) the above map has been drawn from asking people in the US where Appalachia is located. It is a a. space b. perceptual region c. point d. functional region e. formal region

b. formal region

(map of Appalachian mountains) the above map shows the mountain ranges of Appalachia. It is a a. distribution b. formal region c. functional region d. perceptual region e. point

e. 49 degrees N, 2 degrees E

(map of France and Spain) which statement best describes the absolute location of Paris, France a. in the Northern Hemisphere and Eastern Hemisphere b. capital of France c. 127 miles away from the English Channel d. heart of France e. 49 degrees N, 2 degrees E

e. core area

(map of highways in Columbus, Ohio) Within Ohio, Columbus is best described as a. a perceptual region b. multi-national corporation c. periphery region d. space e. core area

e. centralized

(map of railroads running through Chicago) the pattern of railroads shwon in the image above is a. random b. rectilinear c. linear d. absolute e. centralized

e. name of a specific location

(map of spain and france) the word Madrid is a toponym because it designates a. community in a plain region b. center of political power c. largest city of a country d. Madrid is part of a region called the Iberian Peninsula e. name of a specific location

d. 386 miles west of madrid and 644 miles South of Paris

(map of spain and france) which satement describes the relative location of Barcelona, Spain a. in the northern hemisphere and eastern hemisphere b. 41 degrees north, 2 degrees east c. one of the largest cities in spain d. 386 miles west of madrid and 644 miles South of Paris e. capital of the catalonia region

d. linear scale

(map scale) the above is a: a. representative fraction b. tissot indicatrix c. conformal scale d. linear scale e. verbal scale

d. place

(shape drawn on grid with arrow pointing to an X on a point) in the image above, X is pointing to a. pattern b. scale c. space d. place e. distribution

c. reference

(subway map of New York) the primary use of this map is a. patterion b. regionalization c. reference d. absolute distances e. thematic

c. african-american rural migration to northern cities for manufacturing jobs in defense industries

(table showing US rural to urban population change) the trends shown above from 1940 to 1960 are most likely the result of a. concerns regarding natural disasters such as huricanes, fire and drought b. asian migrants arriving on the west coast and heading eastward c. african-american rural migration to northern cities for manufacturing jobs in defense industries d. internal migration of agricultural workers due to redundancy of their job and textile (clothing) factory opportunities e. forced migration of native americans to urban areas for assimilation

b. Sikhs

(the top left region of India) the above region is home to the largest number of this religious population a. Zainism b. Sikhs c. Christians d. Baha'i e. Sunni

a. space time compression

(travel timeline of world) the above image best represents the concept of a. space time compression b. multi national corporations c. perceptual regions d. globalization e. local-global continuum


-REVIEW 6/7-


-Review Unit 1-


-Review Unit 2-


-Review Unit 5-


-Unit 3-

b. fractional

1:100,000 is an example of what type of scale a. line statement b. fractional c. small scale d. large scale e. word

a) an organism that has had the DNA altered for improved productivity

A GMO is a) an organism that has had the DNA altered for improved productivity b) an organism that is naturally created c) a space designed for gender specific practices d) a plant species that is only raised in the United States e) a dangerous organism that kills off healthy species

a) agglomeration

A cluttering of doctor's office and pharmacies near hospitals is BEST explained by the benefits of a) agglomeration b) intervening opportunity c) enfranchisement d) decentralization e) balkanization

c) natural stone with no mortar

A distinctive building style in the Andes Mountains makes use of a) sun-dried bricks b) oven-baked bricks c) natural stone with no mortar d) wattle e) wood and straw

b) A feedlot

A type of animal feeding operation (AFO) that prepares an animal for slaughter by increasing the weight of the animal is called a) A livestock yard b) A feedlot c) A cattle drive d) Dairying e) A grazing farm

d) the United States

About half of all corn and about one quarter of wheat exports come from a) India b) Africa c) China d) the United States e) Europe

e) they are in the center of like-sized market areas

According to Christaller's model of central place theory, towns of the same size are evenly spaced because a) goods with low thresholds are more basic to trade than those with high thresholds b) their markets overlap and place them in competition with one another c) towns are usually independent from one another d) they serve people with with different life styles and income levels e) they are in the center of like-sized market areas

c) specialized jobs

According to Louis Wirth, an important characteristic that allows a large number of people live in one place is the existence of a) social heterogeneity b) good access to water transportation c) specialized jobs d) a large land space area e) cultural attractions

e) all countries will eventually pass through each of the five stages of economic development

According to Rostow's stages of development, which of the following is true? a) countries might not pass through each of the stages in a linear manner b) foreign investment is a necessary precondition for economic development in the second stage c) deindustrialization is account for in the fifth and final stage d) the colonial legacy will impede a country's economic growth e) all countries will eventually pass through each of the five stages of economic development

b) a metropolitan area in the Northeast

According to data from the US Census Bureau, which of the following is likely to be the MOST segregated between black and white residents? a) a metropolitan area in the West b) a metropolitan area in the Northeast c) a metropolitan are in the South d) a small town in the South e) a small town in the West

b) linear residential areas radiating from the center city outward

According to the sector model of North American city structure, members of low-income groups tend to live in which of the following places? a) the suburbs and rural areas only b) linear residential areas radiating from the center city outward c) the inner city only d) peripheral temporary settlements e) evenly dispersed throughout the urban area

a) the ability of business owners to juggle expenses

Alfred Weber's model for the location of industry has been criticized for not considering a) the ability of business owners to juggle expenses b) the impact of degglomeration c) labor costs d) transportation costs e) the impact of agglomeration

c) Wheat

All of the following are plantation crops EXCEPT: a) Cotton b) Sugarcane c) Wheat d) Rubber e) Tea

e) Crops are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers

All of the following are true of the Green Revolution EXCEPT a) Farmers must buy new seeds each year b) Some countries have instituted bans on genetically modified foods c) Crops are grown from genetically modified seeds to increase yields d) The high price of seeds and fertilizers perpetuates socioeconomic divides e) Crops are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers

c) economic enterprise zones

All of the following have helped create ghettos in North American cities EXCEPT: a) redlining by financial districts b) fixed school district boundaries c) economic enterprise zones d) concentration of public housing and social services e) blockbusting and racial steering

a) Montana

All of the following states are located in the Corn Belt EXCEPT a) Montana b) Indiana c) Kansas d) Illinois e) Nebraska

d) sail- wagon

Boston, New York, and Philadelphia are best situated in which epoch of Borchert's model of Urban Growth? a) steel rail b) space and technology c) iron horse d) sail- wagon e) auto-air-amenity

d) young people leave their home country for education and do not return

Brain drain occurs when a) a workforce is under educated and can only perform low-skill jobs b) girls and women do not have the same access to education as boys and men c) teachers are underpaid and leave education to work in other industries d) young people leave their home country for education and do not return e) educational facilities close due to lack of funding and support from the government

a) extensive agriculture

Cash-cropping is a form of a) extensive agriculture b) aquaculture c) pastoral nomadism d) mixed farming e) subsistence farming

d. perceptual region

Chinatown is an example of a a. uniform region b. functional region c. formal region d. perceptual region e. nodal region

c) multi-function cities

Christaller's model of central place is least likely applicable to a) regions where people have similar life styles and income b) regions with multiple towns c) multi-function cities d) special-function cities e) rural areas

d) Mississippi River Valley

Cities appeared during the formative era 4000-2000 B.C.E.. In all of the following areas EXCEPT: a) Nile River Valley b) Indus River Valley c) Aegean Sea d) Mississippi River Valley e) Mesopotamia

c) raise livestock primarily for export

Compared to North American ranchers, commercial ranchers in the Pampas of Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil are more likely to: a) raise mostly sheep c) raise livestock primarily for export c) rely on feedlots d) use practices developed by indigenous people e) lease their grazing land

b) an increase in the use of energy and technology

Dramatic increases in global grain production since 1950 have been made possible by: a) substantial increases in the amount of land under cultivation b) an increase in the use of energy and technology c) an increase in the urban workforce d) global warming e) an increase in the agricultural workforce

a) railroads

During the 19th century cities like St. Louis, Missouri, Omaha, Nebraska, and Topeka, Kansas, grew rapidly largely because of the development of a) railroads b) steamships c) new smelting processes d) new banking techniques e) transcontinental highways

b) refrigerated ships

During the first half of the twentieth century, which of the following facilitated the transportation of beef over long distances to global markets? a) Commercial farming b) refrigerated ships c) airplanes d) irradiation of food e) high-speed railroads

e) oil and natural gas

During the mid-20th century, many countries gained economic clout based on their possession of the natural resource of a) wood and coal b) silver and gold c) diamonds and gold d) coal and iron e) oil and natural gas

a) literacy rate

Economic development is often accompanied by social development. Which of the following is an index to measure social development? a) literacy rate b) GNP per capita c) GDP per capita d) worker productivity e) purchasing power parity

c) periphery and semi-periphery regions of developing nations

Export-processing zones are most often located in a) areas with high taxes b) residential areas of developed nations c) periphery and semi-periphery regions of developing nations d) countries with low rates of unemployment e) regions inaccessible by mass transit

c) Pastoral nomadism

Herders who move herds constantly in order to find food sources as old sources are depleted engage in a) Shifting cultivation b) Agropastoralism c) Pastoral nomadism d) Commercial farming e) sedentarization

c. who lives where, how they live, and why they live there

Human geography is the study of a. the psychology of the human race using maps b. how humans evolved through time c. who lives where, how they live, and why they live there d. the physical process of the Earth e. the culture of the human race minus environmental influences

c) be forced to join a union as a condition of employment

In a right-to-work state, workers cannot a) be fired without proof of cause b) negotiate a contract with an employer without a union c) be forced to join a union as a condition of employment d) join a union if their employer forbids it e) be paid overtime for more than 40 hours of work a week

b) more equality between urban and rural living standards

In contrast to a country with a primate city, a country whose cities follow the rank-size rule is more likely to have: a) unequal living standards between larger and smaller cities b) more equality between urban and rural living standards c) a smaller overall population d) fewer cultural centers e) wealth concentrated in urban areas

b) olives and grapes

In the Mediterranean area, the most important cash crops are a) cotton and sugarcane b) olives and grapes c) tomatoes and lettuce d) rubber and tobacco e) citrus fruits and tree nuts

b) at least two different ethnic and religious populations

In the city of Jerusalem, the concentric zone model can be modified to account for the presence of at least two central business districts for a) at least two different government administrations b) at least two different ethnic and religious populations c) at least two different residential suburbs d) at least two similar banking center e) at least two similar homeless populations

e) find employment and buy property

In the past, many urban areas were viewed as "male spaces" because women had comparatively few opportunities to a) use public transportation systems b) produce children and help raise families c) maintain a network of female friends d) barter and sell goods e) find employment and buy property

b) Market gardening

In what zone of Von Thunen's model would the fruit production method of farming best fit? a) Dairy b) Market gardening c) Livestock ranching d) Commercial grain e) Livestock fattening

a) Southern Turkey

In which of the following areas was wheat most probably domesticated earliest? a) Southern Turkey b) Eastern China c) Southern Italy d) The plateau of central Mexico e) Northern Libya

c) Southeast Asia

Labor-intensive intertillage is often practices in: a) the English countryside b) the Turkish highlands c) Southeast Asia d) the Canadian wheat belt e) New Zealand

c) the federal survey system adopted in the late eighteenth century imposed a geometric pattern on the landscape

Land parcels in the American Midwest tend to be rectilinear because: a) Spanish colonists laid out settlements in a rigid geometric pattern b) Native American settlements patterns were rectangular c) the federal survey system adopted in the late eighteenth century imposed a geometric pattern on the landscape d) English-speaking settlers replicated the landscape patterns of England e) there were no mountains or rivers to use as boundaries

e) avoid demolishing deteriorated inner-city houses

Many cities have encouraged gentrification in order to a) promote the construction of mega stores b) support affordability of inner city housing for the poor c) enforce zoning ordinances d) promote suburban growth e) avoid demolishing deteriorated inner-city houses

a) Still provide raw materials for consumption by people in richer countries

Modern global agricultural patterns still follow colonial patterns because poor countries a) Still provide raw materials for consumption by people in richer countries b) Provide more support for industrial economic activities c) rely more heavily than rich nations on machinery and fertilizer d) trade mainly with one another e) do not participate in the international market

c) North America

NAFTA is an organization that binds countries within which of the following trading blocs? a) Europe b) East Asia c) North America d) Latin America e) Oceania

d) desertification

One of the most important factors in the creation of the food supply crisis in Sub- Saharan Africa is a) the overuse of technology b) excessive specialization of crops c) too few people to raise crops d) desertification e) under-planting of crops

b) economic dependency

Rostow's modernization model is concerned with which of the following concepts? a) structuralism b) economic dependency c) dependency d) neocolonialism e) core-periphery relations

e. dialects

Southern British English, Northern British English, and Scottish English are examples of a. standard languages b. isoglosses c. language families d. language sub-families e. dialects

e) E.W. Burgess

The "zone in transition" was identified as one area of urban land use in the model designed by a) Homer Hoyt b) Harris and Ullman c) Walter Christaller d) Louis Wirth e) E.W. Burgess

d) Sub-Saharan Africa

The Green Revolution has had the least impact on people who live in a) Southeast Asia b) the Philippines c) India d) Sub-Saharan Africa e) China

b) It was one of the first areas of sedentary farming and urban society

The Middle East is known as the Fertile Crescent because a) It developed new farming techniques that revolutionized modern agriculture b) It was one of the first areas of sedentary farming and urban society c) It offered biodiversity in a complex marshland ecosystem d) It has the largest modern exporter of cereal crops e) Historically it has had a high birth rate

e) Jakarta, Indonesia

The best application of the above model is to: a) Chicago, USA b) Lagos, Nigeria c) Rio de Janerio, Brazil d) Mexico City, Mexico e) Jakarta, Indonesia

d) loss of jobs to countries where wages are even lower

The biggest threat to the continuing economic development of the maquiladora district in Mexico currently is a) the weakening bonds among the countries of NAFTA b) over-regulation by the Mexican government c) depletion of natural resources in the district d) loss of jobs to countries where wages are even lower e) growing protests among female workers

a) to migrate progressively away from the central business district

The concentric zone model demonstrates a way that urban residents were able to gradually move up economically and socially by allowing them a) to migrate progressively away from the central business district b) to migrate progressively away from the commuter zone c) to migrate progressively away the transition zone d) to migrate progressively away from the working class zone e) to migrate progressively away from the residential zone

a) commuter zone

The concentric zone model is portrayed as a series of rings, with the outermost ring being the a) commuter zone b) zone of transition c) working-class zone d) factory zone e) central business district

b) number of residents and houses

The density gradient describes a change as distance increases from the center of the city in the a) average income of residents b) number of residents and houses c) amount of open space d) number of businesses e) size of houses

d) relationship of power and transfer of resources from less developed to more developed areas

The early stages of the core-periphery model describe the a) ways that suburban workers commute to urban workplaces b) relationship between the underlying structure of a society and its outward expressions c) social and cultural differences between urban and rural people d) relationship of power and transfer of resources from less developed to more developed areas e) relationship between the outward appearance of a place and its internal functioning

d) aquaculture

The farming of oysters is an example of a) Polyculture b) waterlogging c) hydroponics d) aquaculture e) aeroponics

c) Second Agricultural Revolution

The farming practice of enclosure and crop rotation were important innovations of the a) Third Agricultural Revolution b) Green Revolution c) Second Agricultural Revolution d) Neolithic Revolution e) Industrial Revolution

d) deindustrialization

The fear that workers in the developing world are displacing workers from jobs in the advanced economics is most directly supported by the phenomenon of a) space-time-compression b) compressed modernity c) agglomeration d) deindustrialization e) deglomeration

d) the growers have not established an integrated commodity chain

The growth potential of alternative practice such as the growing of amaranth grain and the raising of deer, elk, emus, and buffalo for meat is limited because a) it is impossible to domestic new plants and animals b) the animals and grain are difficult to use c) the high protein content of these meats and grains are thought to be unhealthy d) the growers have not established an integrated commodity chain e) the dietary laws in the United States are restrictive

b) per capita income

The literacy rate of any country correlates most closely with which of the following? a) general level of intelligence b) per capita income c) annual precipitation rates d) population density e) petroleum production

c) manufacturing outsourcing plants

The maquiladoras of Northern Mexico are a) commercial produce farms b) organic agricultural cooperatives c) manufacturing outsourcing plants d) border squatter settlements e) illegal migrant-labor camps

d) Desertification

The overgrazing of pasture areas in arid climates has caused which problem? a) Mass starvation b) Soil erosion c) Global warming d) Desertification e) Soil loss

b) buildings in the CBD of Western Europe are not usually over five stories tall

The primary difference in height and design of buildings in the central business district of Western Europe and North American cities is: a) the CBD of North America tends to be surrounded by green belts b) buildings in the CBD of Western Europe are not usually over five stories tall c) the CBD of North America tends to have a much larger middle class than that of Western Europe d) buildings in Western Europe CBD tend to be more reflective of modern designs e) buildings in the North American CBD tend to pre-date those of Western Europe

e) hamlet

The smallest clustered settlements on the urban hierarchy a) town b) village c) city d) suburb e) hamlet

b) Tragedy of the commons

The theory that people will do what is in their own best interest even when it is not int he best interest of the common good is called the a) Theory of the common good b) Tragedy of the commons c) Comedy of the anti-commons d) Theory of the non-sustainability e) Theory of best self-interest

a) Japan

This country industrialized during the late 19th century during the Meiji Restoration, and during the late 20th century developed an important industrial center in the Kanto Plain. This country is a) Japan b) Australia c) China d) India e) South Korea

e) Transportation cost

Von Thunen emphasized which of the following factors in his model of agricultural land use? a) Fertilizer cost b) Labor cost c) Machinery cost d) Seasonal fluctuations in prices of farm products e) Transportation cost

a) zone 1

Von Thunen's pattern of rings that explains the spatial layout of farming emphasizes the need to apply intensive agriculture in a) zone 1 b) the market center c) zone 3 d) zone 2 e) zone 4

b) Food production exceeds population growth

What is the relationship of global food production and population growth? a) Food production is well below population growth b) Food production exceeds population growth c) Food production is about even with population growth d) Food production can not keep up with population growth e) None of the above

c) Township and range system

When flying across the United States, the view consists of patches of land about one square mile in size. This is evidence of which type of land-use pattern? a) Long lots system b) Homestead system c) Township and range system d) Sectional system e) Metes and bounds

e) Shanghai

Which Chinese city is the home to one of the world's largest industrial parks? a) Yenchuan b) Beijing c) Wuhan d) Chengdu e) Shanghai

e) Ukraine or Eastern Europe

Which area of the world would most likely lead the others in the production of wheat? a) Interior Australia b) Central Brazil c) Central Africa d) Southeast Asia e) Ukraine or Eastern Europe

b) plantations and tropical climates

Which climate and agricultural regions are found between 20N and 20S latitude a) grain farming and continental climates b) plantations and tropical climates c) Mediterranean and marine west coast d) mixed crop and humid continental e) pastoral nomadism

c) Wheat

Which crop started the Third Agricultural Revolution? a) Rice b) Corn c) Wheat d) Sorghum e) Manioc

a) maize, beans, cotton, potatoes

Which crops are thought to have originated in Latin America? a) maize, beans, cotton, potatoes b) rice, millet, soybeans, corn, walnuts c) sorghum, yams, rice, coffee d) barley, cattle, wheat, oats e) coconut, mango, taro, peas

c) organic farming

Which if the following methods of farming has become more popular in response to the widespread use of pesticides in farming? a) slash-and-burn agriculture b) crop rotation c) organic farming d) shifting cultivation e) agricultural industrialization

c) rice

Which of the following crops is grown on the side of terraced hills to allow flowing water to run over the plants? a) millet b) soybeans c) rice d) wheat e) taro

e) mining/secondary sector

Which of the following economic activity is mismatched with an economic sector? a) selling real estate/tertiary sector b) refining petroleum/secondary sector c) constructing buildings/ tertiary sector d) raising animals/primary sector e) mining/secondary sector

e) iron smelting

Which of the following industries will most likely locate closest to its raw material source? a) brewing b) baking c) soft-drink bottling d) automobile assembly e) iron smelting

b) slash-and-burn farming

Which of the following is NOT a form of commercial farming? a) livestock ranching b) slash-and-burn farming c) fruit farming d) Mediterranean agriculture e) Grain farming

c) a significant increase in the amount of cultivated land

Which of the following is NOT a significant factor in the dramatic increase in global food production since the mid-20th century? a) the growing of specialized crops based on profitability b) the spread of agribusiness to some developing countries c) a significant increase in the amount of cultivated land d) the expanded use of fertilizers e) the development of higher-yielding varieties of crops

d) it gives consumers more access to food

Which of the following is a benefit of industrial agriculture? a) it conserves water through irrigation b) it increases the number of farming jobs c) it uses less fossil fuels d) it gives consumers more access to food e) it decreases the amount of chemical fertilizers running off farm fields

d) Mining for copper

Which of the following is a practice of an extractive industry? a) Growing soybeans b) Horse breeding c) Fishing for salmon d) Mining for copper e) Cutting timber and forest regeneration

b) No till agriculture

Which of the following is a sustainable agricultural practice? a) Using GMO's b) No till agriculture c) Increase animal production for protein d) Irrigation of marginal lands e) Desertification

e) processing crops into canned food

Which of the following is an example of agribusiness? a) mining coal for energy b) manufacturing clothing from cotton c) cutting trees for lumber d) selling handwoven wool rugs e) processing crops into canned food

e) Harris' peripheral model

Which of the following is most useful in describing a large urban area consisting of an inner city surrounded by suburban edge cities? a) Burgess's concentric model b) Hoyt's sector model c) Harris and Ullman's multiple- nuclei model d) Christaller's central place theory e) Harris' peripheral model

c) Almost all farmers still practice intensive subsistence agriculture

Which of the following is the BEST description of farming practices today in developing countries? a) Small- size farmers are now linking with foreign sources for supplies and markets b) Almost all farmers still practice extensive subsistence agriculture c) Almost all farmers still practice intensive subsistence agriculture d) Few people practice farming, especially since large farms in developed countries now feed the world e) Farmers are now earning large profits because market prices have gone up

c) textiles

Which of the following is the best example of a labor-intensive industry a) copper b) bottling c) textiles d) manufacture of computers e) automobile assembly

a) ships

Which of the following is the most energy efficient method of transportation per mile of travel? a) ships b) airplanes c) personal vehicles d) trains e) diesel trucks

d) it has a large amount of recently developed retail and office space

Which of the following is true of an edge city? a) It is an outlet for a region's trade b) it is increasingly used for heavy industry c) it is close to bankruptcy d) it has a large amount of recently developed retail and office space e) it is located on the edge of a lake, river, or other physical feature

b) Organic farming has a positive environmental impact because organic farming helps to sustain diverse ecosystems due to the lack of synthetic pesticides

Which of the following is true of the environmental impact of organic farming? a) Organic farms are very beneficial to the environment because they do not use tractors or other internal combustion farm equipment b) Organic farming has a positive environmental impact because organic farming helps to sustain diverse ecosystems due to the lack of synthetic pesticides c) Organic farms are harmful to the environment because they produce far more waste than conventional farms d) The positive effect of organic farming on the environment is negligible because it is far less energy than conventional farming e) The overall effect of organic farming on the environment is negative because very few crops can be effectively produced with organic farming

a) Rostow's model of economic development

Which of the following is useful for describing a settlement node whose primary function is to provide support for the population in its hinterland? a) Rostow's model of economic development b) core-periphery model c) Von Thunen's model of land use d) Christaller's model of central place e) Concentric zone model

a) The Second Agricultural Revolution brought mechanization into the farming process

Which of the following phrases would best fit in the Second Agricultural Revolution? a) The Second Agricultural Revolution brought mechanization into the farming process b) The Second Agricultural Revolution allowed farmers to develop new crops c) The Second Agricultural Revolution saw the beginning of seed agriculture d) The Second Agricultural Revolution allowed farmers to redesign crops to grow in nonnative climates e) The Second Agricultural Revolution meant more profits for farmers due to less human capital being needed

b) automobile sales centers

Which of the following structures is LEAST likely to be built in or close to the central city? a) public libraries b) automobile sales centers c) public parks d) schools e) government building

e) W.W. Rostow's modernization theory

Which of the following theories is supported by Max Weber's arguments that the cultural environment of Western Europe favored early industrial development? a) Von Thunen model b) Wallerstein's capitalist world economy c) locational interdependence theory d) Alfred Weber's least cost theory e) W.W. Rostow's modernization theory

e) intensive subsistence

Which of the following types of farming is most often used to raise wet or lowland rice? a) pastoral nomadism b) shifting cultivation c) plantation farming d) commercial gardening e) intensive subsistence

e) stabilization of population growth

Which of the following was NOT a change brought on by the Neolithic Revolution? a) increase in reliable food supplies b) job specialization c) widening of gender differences d) development of distinctions between settled people and nomads e) stabilization of population growth

d) reduction in long distance commuting

Which of the following was NOT a reason for rapid suburbanization in the United States after the Second World War? a) expansion of home construction b) availability of low down payments terms and long-term mortgages c) expansion of the interstate highway system d) reduction in long distance commuting e) mass production of the automobile

e) the printing press

Which of the following was NOT an early invention that the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution in Britain? a) new smelting processes b) steam-powered locomotives c) machines for weaving textiles d) steam-powered ships e) the printing press

c) the colonial economies were export-oriented

Why are cities such as Sao Paolo, Rio de Janerio, Buenos Aires, and Callao located at or near the coast? a) The climate is generally warmer on the coast and cooler in the highlands b) few Amerindian population centers were located on the coast c) the colonial economies were export-oriented d) the wars of independence damaged many inland cities e) Latin American armed forces have extensive plans for the defense of coast sites

e) it allows farmers to meet the demands of ever-increasing populations

Why is double-cropping or even triple-cropping important? a) it allows subsistence farmers to produce more income from selling their products b) it gives producers the profit margins to meet demands of investors c) it allows farmers the freedom to rotate crops without harming the soil d) it provides consumers with more choices of foods to eat e) it allows farmers to meet the demands of ever-increasing populations

b. cultural trait

a dialect is classified as which of the following? a. language branch b. cultural trait c. cultural complex d. language family e. language group

c. under 14 years old and over 65 years old

a high dependency ratio suggests that a large percentage of the population is a. between 1 and 64 years old b. between 14 and 64 years old c. under 14 years old and over 65 years old d. 65 years or older e. under 14 years old

e. chain migration

a husband migrates from Mexico to US and earns money to allow for his family to allow him to the US. this is an example of a. internal migration b. forced migration c. distance decay d. interregional migration e. chain migration

e. northern and equatorial africa

a major source of discord in french society is the division between native french and immigrants from a. southern and eastern europe b. southeast asia c. middle east d. east asia e. northern and equatorial africa

e. hierarchical

a new fashion trend originating in NYC that diffuses to LA, Paris, and Tokyo before reaching rural areas of NY state would be an example of which of the following kinds of diffusion? a. relocation b. contagious c. stimulus d. uniform e. hierarchical

d. formal region

a region in which people share one or more cultural traits a. perceptual region b. cultural region c. functional region d. formal region e. political region

a. taboo

a restriction on a behavior imposed by a religious law or social custom is a a. taboo b. tolerant c. prohibition d. constitutional law e. civil law

b. globalization

a set of processes that are increasing interactions and interdependence without regard to country borders a. distance decay b. globalization c. spatial diffusion d. accessibility e. pandemics

c. gender longevity gap

a significant imbalance in the ratio of males to females in age cohorts under 30 in China, a result of the country's one-child policy could be cited as evidence of all of the following EXCEPT a. authoritarian family planning b. maladaptive behavior c. gender longevity gap d. gender discrimination e. female infanticide

e. the alteration to the landscape caused by natural and human processes

a topographic map shows a. the different types of crops raised in an area b. the size of landmasses in relation to other c. the type of climate d. the natural landscape as caused by natural and human processes e. the alteration to the landscape caused by natural and human processes

a. name given to a place on Earth

a toponym is a. name given to a place on Earth b. physical characteristic of a place c. mathematical grid used to find a place d. location of a place in relationship to another place e. characteristics that make a place distinct

b. economic reasons

according to Ravenstein, the most common reason people migrate is for a. political reasons b. economic reasons c. environmental reasons d. authoritarian reasons e. war

b. Texas and LA

according to gravity model of migration, in which state and city of the US would Mexican migrants be most likely to live? a. Georgia and Memphis b. Texas and LA c. Alabama and Washington D.C. d. Florida and Philadelphia e. North Carolina and Chicago

e. spatial distribution

all geographers, human or physical, are interested in the ___ of a phenomenon a. absolute location b. temporal patterns c. origin d. diffusion e. spatial distribution

e. they try to represent a 3D object on a 2D surface

all map projections distort reality mainly because a. they all represent ethnocentrism of mapmakers b. maps can only show absolute locations, not relative locations c. physical site characteristics are impossible to show on a map d. miscalculations are inevitable since mapmaking is so complex e. they try to represent a 3D object on a 2D surface

d. koreans to japan

all of the following are recent examples of population movements by refugees forced to move from their homelands except a. muslims from india to pakistan b. afghanis from afghanistan to neighboring countries c. tutsis from rwanda to surrounding areas d. Koreans to japan e. Palestinians from israel

e. total population divided by total land area

arithmetic population density can be calculated by a. total population multiplied by total land area b. total land area minus total population c. total population minus total population d. total land area multiplied by total population e. total population divided by total land area

c. cultural complex

combination of cultural traits is a a. cultural hearth b. barrier to diffusion c. cultural complex d. complex culture e. culture region

a. more homogenous

compared to popular culture, folk cultures are a. more homogenous b. more contagious c. more transitory d. more cosmopolitan e. more diffse

c. intra-religious discussion

dialogue about differences in belifs that occured between the Greek Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarch and the Roman Catholic Pope is an example of a. inter-religious discussion b. animism c. intra-religious discussion d. shamanism e. folk culture

c. Christianity

faith that is most widely dispersed over the world is a. Buddhism b. Islam c. Christianity d. Shamanism e. Judaism

b. push factor

for an emigrant, war in his or her homeland is an example of a. pull factor b. push factor c. driving factor d. draw factor e. force factor

e. isogloss

geographic boundary within which a particular linguistic feature occurs is called a/an a. sound shift b. international border c. isotherm d. cultural border e. isogloss

b. American culture

globalization of popular culture has been most directly encouraged by the diffusion of a. Chinese culture b. American culture c. British culture d. folk culture e. Latin culture

c. South

houses built on raised platforms of stilts reflect a building style that originated in the US in a. Midwest b. West coast area c. South d. Southwest e. New England

a. ethnicity is something to which we choose to belong; race is assigned

how does ethnicity differ from race a. ethnicity is something to which we choose to belong; race is assigned b. ethnicity implies a religious affiliation, race does not c. there is no difference in common usage d. race is something to which we chose to belong, ethnicity is assigned e. race is a concept, ethnicity is not linked to genetics

d. gravity model

if a geographer reasons that spatial interaction is directly related to the size of the populations and inversely related to the distance between them, she is making use of a. migration selectivity b. space time prism c. epidemiological transition d. gravity model e. zero population growth

b. 10:30 AM

if greenwich mean time (GMT) is 4:30 PM, central standard time (CST) in US would be a. 2:30 PM b. 10:30 AM c. 7:30 PM d. 10:30 PM e. 4:30 AM

c. awareness spaces

if indiviudals do not travel outside a very small area because they are unaware of opportunity locations beyond their activity spaces, they would have limited a. migration selectivity b. spatial interactions c. awareness spaces d. intervening opportunities e. populations concentrations

e. assimilation

if, over time, immigrants lose their native customs, including religion and language, the process that has taken place is called a. syncretism b. acculturation c. cultural transmission d. transculturation e. assimilation

e. nationality

in the US, which is shared by all Americans a. language b. ethnicity c. DNA d. race e. nationality

e. Lichtenstein

in the first decade of the 21st century, which of the following countries had the lowest fertility rate? a. Brazil b. Iran c. Bangladesh d. Chad e. Lichtenstein

c. food

in what area are fold culture habits and the environment most linked together? a. occupations b. dress c. food d. religious practice e. music

c. country with a centralized government and a growing industrial base

in which of the following scenarios would a country be most likely to succeed in limiting population grwoth within its borders? a. an industrialized country with strong regional governments b. small country where most people farm for a living c. country with a centralized government and a growing industrial base d. country with large illegal net in-migration e. country with a decreasing mortality rate

d. 4

in which stage of the DTM is total population of a country going to be much higher, even though birth and death rates are low? a. 1 b. 5 c. 2 d. 4 e. 3

d. Roman Catholic

largest branch of Christianity is a. Baptist b. Protestant c. Eastern Orthodox d. Roman Catholic e. Lutheran

a. absolute

latitude and longitude will give you the ___ location of a place a. absolute b. reference c. relative d. cultural e. situation

b. equator

longitude is to the primer meridian as latitude is to a. south pole b. equator c. tropic of cancer d. tropic of Capricorn e. north pole

b. Amish

members of this group have farmhouses readily identifiable by the lack of electrical lines, buggies and horses, outside, and people who dress in traditional styles. they are found in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. Members of this group are the a. People of the Ozarks b. Amish c. Shakers d. Scotch-Irish of the Appalachians e. Southern African Americans

c. largely developed from first hand experiences in a place

mental (or cognitive) maps are largely a. accurate analysis of accessible data b. accurate and reflect actual information on printed maps c. largely developed from first hand experiences in a place d. made up of cartographic and physiological information e. based on the imagined experiences of an individual

a. cultural symbols

monuments. flags, slogans, and religious icons are all examples of a. cultural symbols b. toponyms c. non-material culture d. cultural landscapes e. independent inventions

c. larger in the middle than at young ages, with a relatively large number of older poeple

most population pyramids for western European countries reflect an age structure that is a. evenly balanced, with almost as many people 80 and older as 15 or younger b. very young, with most citizens at young ages, and very few at middle and older ages c. larger in the middle than at young ages, with a relatively large number of older poeple d. middle aged, with very few citizens at young or old ages e. very old, with most citizens falling n age groups above 50

c. scale

of four possible areas of distortion on a map, which of the following is NOT one of the types of distortion a. area b. direction c. scale d. distance e. shape

a. functional regions

one method of organizing earth's surface into regions emphasizes core and peripheral areas. this method identifies a. functional regions b. vernacular regions c. uniform regions d. formal regions e. perceptual regions

e. how central or isolated it is in relation to other places

relative location defines a place in terms of a. place in arrangement of objects on earth's surface b. its distance east and west of the prime meridian c. similarity to other places d. its distance north and south of the equator e. how central or isolated it is in relation to other places

d. bodies of water

since the beginning of human history, people have tended to live around a. areas least susceptible to flooding b. area between tropic of Cancer and tropic of Capricorn c. cooler mountain areas d. bodies of water e. high flat land long distances from coastal areas

e. secularism

social decline in religious adherence is reffered to a. partisanship b. mysticism c. fundamentalism d. syncretism e. secularism

c. low CBR, increasing CDR resulting in negative NIR

stage 5 of demographic transition would be characterized by a. low CBR and low CDR resulting in unchanging NIR b. high TFR and high CDR resulting in negative NIR c. low CBR, increasing CDR resulting in negative NIR d. high CDR and high CBR resulting in unchanging NIR

a. sense of place

state of mind derived through the infusion of a place with meaning and emotion a. sense of place b. ethnic space c. ethnicity d. barrioization e. queer theory

e. satellite imagery

taking photos of the Earth from space is also called a. remote photography b. geographic positioning system c. aerial photography d. geographic information system e. satellite imagery

b. Europe and North America

the Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th century moved cultural hearths to a. Southwest Asia b. Europe and North America c. Latin America d. East and Southeast Asia e. area around Mediterranean Sea

e. Utah

the Mormon cultural region surrounds which of the following states a. Pennsylvania b. Iowa c. Oklahoma d. Kansas e. Utah

d. city w large university

the above pyramid is most likely found in a a. city w large native american population b. city with a large military base c. city w large retired population d. city w large university e. city w large refugee population

e. for every 1000 people in the population

the crude birth rate is based on the number of live births in a given year a. for every 1000 women of childbearing age b. minus the number of deaths among infants under one year of age c. plus, the migration rate d. minus the number of deaths e. for every 1000 people in the population

a. Greeks

the democratic practice of gathering assemblies to discuss and vote on issues is often seen as an independent invention of the ancient a. Greeks b. Hebrews c. Egyptians d. Phoenicians e. Romans

a. environmental push

the dust bowl in the great plains is the best example of which push or pull factor a. environmental push b. economic push c. environmental pull d. economic pull e. political pull

e. acculturation of Spanish speaking immigrants

the fact that Spanish often appears on signs, phone recordings, and government forms in US reflects a change created in dominant country as a result of a. migrant diffusion b. assimilation of Spanish speaking immigrants c. transculturation between US and Latin American countries d. syncretism e. acculturation of Spanish speaking immigrants

a. ethnocentrism

the habit of evaluating other cultures' customs, beliefs, and practices according to the limited perspective of one's own culture is known as a. ethnocentrism b. assimilation c. anthropocentrism d. ethnography e. acculturation

e. lingua franca

the large number of students learning English as a second language in schools in many countries around the world is an indication that English has become a a. standard language b. pidgin c. source of fragmentation d. significant dialect e. lingua franca

e. GIS

the layering of geographic data by computer into datasets is known as a. GNI b. GPS c. ENSO d. RSS e. GIS

c. pidgin is a second language; a creole is a first language

the major difference between a pidgin and a creole is that a a. pidgin is spoken in Eastern Hemisphere; a creole is spoken in the Western Hemisphere b. pidgin is a language subfamily; a creole is a dialect c. pidgin is a second language; a creole is a first language d. pidgin is a standard language; a creole is not e. pidgin is a lingua franca; a creole is not

c. political restrictions

the major obstacle faced by most immigrants comes from a. transportation and access b. terrorist actions c. political restrictions d. global recession and depression e. nationalist movement

c. interregional

the movement of persons from the Rust Belt to the Sun Belt is an example of which type of migration? a. interurban b. international c. interregional d. intercostal e. intercontinental

e. ethnic cleansing

the policy to deliberately remove one ethnic group or religious group by violence or terror is a. genocide b. balkanization c. nation building d. civil war e. ethnic cleansing

d. 0 degrees

the prime meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England, is equivalent to which of the following lines of longitude a. 90 degrees b. 180 degrees c. 270 degrees d. 0 degrees e. 45 degrees

d. time-space compression

the rapid diffusion of innovations through modern technology that quickly links distant locations is known as a. placelessness b. authenticity transmission c. distance decay d. time-space compression e. rereterritorialization

b. sub saharan africa

the region with the highest TFR is a. north africa b. sub saharan africa c. china d. europe e. india

d. possibilism

the school of thought that says that physical environment may limit some actions but people can adjust to their environment is a. sustainable geography b. environmental determinism c. gaia hypothesis d. possibilism e. cultural ecology

a. transhumance

the seasonsal migration of livestock between lowlands and mountains is termed a. transhumance b. step migration c. interregional migration d. periodic movement e. transmigration

c. demography

the study of populations is a. physiography b. democracy c. demography d. ethnography e. biology

d. amount of land that is built on and amount of land not developed yet

the term ecumene refers to a. amount of time it takes a population to double in size b. number of farmers per unit of farmland c. regions under environmental stress due to over population d. amount of land that is built on and amount of land not developed yet e. distribution of goods and services within a population

b. arithmetic density

the total number of people divided by total land area gives us a measure known as a. carrying capacity b. arithmetic density c. population concentration d. physiological population density e. sustainability

b. Islam

the youngest major religion is a. Buddhism b. Islam c. Christianity d. Hinduism e. Judaism

e. Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism

three major religions with the largest number of adherents worldwide are a. Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism b. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam c. Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism d. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam e. Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism

b. conformal

what are maps called that keep shapes intact but distort area a. azimuthal b. conformal c. relative d. equal area e. mollewide

e. to keep other cultures out and keep their own culture in

what are the two goals of local cultures? a. to appreciate the customs of other cultures and make them automatically their own b. to escape persecution and find a place to practice their religion c. to commodify their material and non material culture d. to preserve tradition and assimilate with local residents e. to keep other cultures out and keep their own culture in

a. crude density

what can be determined from the above image? a. crude density b. population total c. physiological density d. over population e. carrying capacity

c. maps

what is a geographer's most important tool for thinking spatially? a. GPS b. mashups c. maps d. globes e. remote sensing

e. it forces illegal immigrants to cross in hostile terrain, such as deserts, leading to higher number of deaths

what is one consequences of the fences the US builds along the border with Mexico, especially those separating cities on both sides of the border? a. since the fences are designed to be attractive and friendly, relations between the two countries have improved b. US companies are investing more in maquiladoras c. desperate migrants have started carrying guns and confronting the Border Patrol d. remittances from US to Mexico have been sharply reduced e. it forces illegal immigrants to cross in hostile terrain, such as deserts, leading to higher number of deaths

d. when carrying capacity is exceeded

what is overpopulation a. relationship between population and a region's level of resources b. over-crowded populated area c. when poverty and hunger result from economic inequality d. when carrying capacity is exceeded e. when resources are depleted

d. English

what is the global lingua franca of technology and the internet? a. Chinese b. French c. Hindi d. English e. Swahili

d. In Europe, most people live in the urban areas

what is the main difference between population clusters in Asia and Europe a. in Europe, most people make their living in the primary sector of the economy b. in Asia, most people live in urban areas c. In asia, most people make their living in the secondary sector of the economy d. In Europe, most people live in the urban areas e. In asia the tertiary sector of the economy is stagnant

b. second agricultural revlution

what revolution coincided with the world's population explosion? a. first agricultural revolution b. second agricultural revlution c. third agricultural revolution d. scientific revolution e. demographic revolution

d. assimilation

what was the policy by which the US government tried to make Native Americas more like Americans of European descent? a. commodification b. cultural appropriation c. neo-localism d. assimilation e. ethnic reformation

e. change the names of places that had been named after colonial figures

when African colonies became independent countries, one of the first acts of many of the new governments was to a. seek international aid b. build new road systems c. build a new capital city d. conduct a census e. change the names of places that had been named after colonial figures

d. average age of the population grows older

when birth rates decline, what happens? a. population shifts towards females b. number of producers in the ecosystem decreases c. average age of the population grows younger d. average age of the population grows older e. infant mortality rates rise

b. Italians migrating to France at the same time some French are migrating to Italy

which best illustrates counter migration a. chinese farmers migrating from a village to a small city and then to Beijing b. Italians migrating to France at the same time some French are migrating to Italy c. Ethiopians migrating to Turkey and then to germany d. enslaved africans being taken by force to Brazil and then voluntarily migrating to Argentina e. Nigerians migrating to Ghana and then migrating back to Nigera

d. providing more education for girls

which change most reduced fertility rates in less developed countries? a. implementing pro-natalist policies b. discouraging the use of birth control c. building hospital and healthcare facilities d. providing more education for girls e. promoting fundamental religious values

e. Japan

which country would be considered a "graying" population? a. US b. Peru c. Saudi Arabia d. India e. Japan

c. neomalthusians

which group belives that the world is ripe for a population explosion a. demographers b. bressnarians c. neomalthusians d. neo bressnerians e. malthusians

c. loss of working age population to another country

which is the most common negative impact of emigration on the country of origin? a. an increase in the number of abandoned and homeless children b. decline in the crowded conditions of urban areas c. loss of working age population to another country d. loss of farmers resulting in smaller food supply e. increase in unemployment rates

a. latitude

which of the following cartographic terms describes the location of a place in terms of its angular distance north or south of the equator? a. latitude b. legend c. meridian d. azimuthal e. longitude

d. Tanzania: 40 birth rate and 9 death rate

which of the following countries can you assume has the greatest demographic momentum based on its crude birth rate and crude death rate? a. Mozambique: 44 birth rate and 15 death rate b. Reunion: 17 birth rate and 5 death rate c. Ethiopia: 34 birth rate and 11 death rate d. Tanzania: 40 birth rate and 9 death rate e. Zimbabwe: 33 birth rate and 11 death rate

b. Belgium

which of the following countries has a rather sharp division between Flemish speakers in north and Walloon speakers in the south? a. Netherlands b. Belgium c. Denmark d. Andorra e. Switzerland

e. Iran

which of the following countries has the largest percentage of Shiites in its population? a. Saudi Arabia b. Iraq c. Turkey d. Lebanon e. Iran

c. Upper Midwest

which of the following cultural regions of the US has the strongest historical connections to Lutheran Christian traditions a. Rocky Mountains b. New Enland c. Upper Midwest d. South e. Pacific Northwest

b. life expectancy

which of the following is NOT directly indicated on a population pyramid a. age cohorts in 5-year increments b. life expectancy c. % of population d. females e. males

e. people

which of the following is NOT one of the five themes of geography a. movement b. human environment c. region d. location e. people

d. Germany, Japan, Hong Kong

which of the following is a group of countries w steady or declining birth rates? a. Niger, Mali, Uganda b. Benin, Haiti, Cameroon c. Yemen, Chad, Dijibouti d. Germany, Japan, Hong Kong e. Madagascar, Bhutan, Iraq

c. pandemics

which of the following is a modern example of one of Malthus' "negative checks"? a. abstinence b. out-migration c. pandemics d. birth control policies e. in-migration

d. rectilinear

which of the following is a pattern common in the US because of land survey techniques adopted under the ordinance of 1785? a. centralized b. formal c. linear d. rectilinear e. random

e. Sikhism

which of the following is a universalizing religion? a. Hinduism b. Judaism c. Daoism d. Confucianism e. Sikhism

d. balkanization

which of the following is an example of irredentism a. segregation b. shatterbelt c. genocide d. balkanization e. nationalism

d. Gothic

which of the following is an extinct language a. Quechua b. Celtic c. Welsh d. Gothic e. Punjabi

b. other cultures must be judged by the standards of one's own culture

which of the following is most likely to be the point of view of a cultural relativist? a. diffusion occurs through the movement of people, goods, and ideas b. other cultures must be judged by the standards of one's own culture c. broad cultural differences between culture complexes and regions lead to homogenous cultural identities d. acculturation is a natural process, but people must vigilantly protect their cultural identities or they will be lost e. in the modern world where people come into increased contact, the importance of understanding other cultures becomes greater

e. housing styles

which of the following is not an example of the spatial impact of religion a. cemeteries b. Bodhi trees c. shrines d. pagodas e. housing styles

d. globalization

which of the following is responsible for time-space compression? a. modification b. accommodation c. syncretization d. globalization e. regionalization

e. it distorts the familiar shape of the continents and other large landmasses

which of the following is the best reason why the Peters Projection is controversial? a. it exaggerates the size of landmasses the farthest away from the equator b. it makes all bodies of water, including oceans, appear to be larger than they are c. it does not accurately compare landmasses in terms of area d. it favors North America and Europe by making them appear larger than they really are e. it distorts the familiar shape of the continents and other large landmasses

e. I, II, and III

which of the following map projections distort shapes, distances, relative size, and/or direction from one place to another on earth? I. Robinson projection II. Mercator projection III. Peters projection a. I and II only b. II and III only c. II only d. I only e. I, II, and III

e. upper class utlizing moral restraint to limit family size

which of the following population control examples did Malthus support a. widening city streets in low income neighborhoods to reduce over crowding and spread of disease b. equiably distributing food among all citizens regardless of wealth during times of famine c. upper class paying additional taxes to fund family planning and cleanliness education for the lower classes d. relocating cities and tons away from stagnant pools and marshy lands to promote better health among all citizens e. upper class utlizing moral restraint to limit family size

c. population w approximately equal number of indiviudals who are elderly and who are of pre-reproductive and reproductive age

which of the following populations will most likely be stable over time? a. population w greater percentage of individuals who are at pre-reproductive or reproductive age than the elderly b. population w many more males than females c. population w approximately equal number of indiviudals who are elderly and who are of pre-reproductive and reproductive age d. population w greater percentage of elderly individuals than those of pre-reproductive and reproductive age e. population w large number of pre-reproductive individuals and smaller numbers of elderly and reproductive age

b. New Zealand, US, and Germany

which of the following sets of countries currently have net in-migrations a. Canada, South Korea and Saudi Arabia b. New Zealand, US, and Germany c. Brazil, South Africa, and Britain d. Japan, Indonesia, and Mexico e. China, India, and Australia

b. east asia

which region of the world has the largest population density a. south asia b. east asia c. eastern north america d. europe e. eastern coastal south america

b. Hinduism

which religion supports the caste system but is illegal under the law? a. Islam b. Hinduism c. Buddhism d. Catholicism e. Judaism

d. Buddhism and Islam

which religious diffused in a hierarchical pattern? a. Shintoism and Daoism b. Hinduism and Christianity c. Zoroastrianism and Sikhism d. Buddhism and Islam e. Judaism and Sikhism

a. at TFR of 2.1, population will be fairly stable

which statement accurately describes a total fertility rate TFR of 2.1 a. at TFR of 2.1, population will be fairly stable b. value means that population is growing slowly because 2.1-2= +0.1 c. value is less accurate than CBR d. value represents number of children born per person in population e. at TFR of 2.1, population is shrinking

a. George Perkins Marsh

which theorist used the idea of desertification in his theory a. George Perkins Marsh b. Ptolemy c. Eratosthenes d. Idrisi e. Carl Sauer

d. Neolithic Revolution and Industrial Revolution

which two historical events most dramatically shortened the doubling rate of world population growth? a. Columbian Exchange and Second Agricultural Revolution b. Industrial Revolution and Green Revolution c. Neolithic Revolution and Second Agricultural Revolution d. Neolithic Revolution and Industrial Revolution e. Columbian Exchange and Green Revolution

d. city map

which type of map would have the largest scale? a. continent map b. regional map c. world map d. city map e. country map

d. most of the people are Hindus who generally do not eat beef

why are you not likely to find an all-beef Big Mac at the McDonald's restaurants in India? a. after the last outbreak of mad cow disease, all the cows were slaughtered b. lamb is the preferred red meat in South Asia c. all the people of India are vegetarians d. most of the people are Hindus who generally do not eat beef e. chicken is cheaper to raise in India

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