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Cement-Lime Mortar

A cement mortar to which lime is added to increase its plasticity and water retentivity.

Lime Mortar

A mixture of lime, sand and water that is rarely used because of its slow rate of hardening and low compressive strength.

Epoxy Mortar

A mortar consisting of epoxy resin, a catalyst, and fine aggregate.

Cement Mortar

A mortar made by mixing portland cement, sand and water.


A plastic mixture of lime or cement, or a combination of both, with sand and water, used as a bonding agent in masonry construction.

Masonry Cement

A proprietary mix of portland cement and other ingredients, such as hydrated lime, plasticizers, air-entraining agents and gypsum requiring only the addition of sand and water to make cement mortar.


A white or grayish white, caustic, odorless solid obtained by heating forms of calcium carbonate, as shells or limestone, at a high temperature.


An admixture for making a concrete or mortar mix workable with little water.

Lean Mix

A concrete or mortar mix that is difficult to work or spread because of a shortness of cement or lime.

Fat Mix

A concrete or mortar mix that is easy to work or spread because of relatively high cement or lime content. Also called RICH MIX.

Nonstaining Mortar

A mortar having a low free alkali content to minimize efflorescence or the staining adjacent masonry by the migration of soluble materials.

Hydrated Lime

A soft, crystalline power obtained by the action of water on lime and used in making mortar, plaster and cement. Also called calcium hydroxide, slaked lime.


Of or pertaining to concrete or mortar that is freshly set but not completely hardened.

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