Motorcycle permit

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When being followed by a tailgater, you should:

Allow them to pass.

When riding behind a car, traveling in the center portion of the lane:

Allows you to be seen in its rearview mirror.

A DOT-compliant helmet:

Allows you to see as far to the sides as is necessary for safe riding.

To improve your chances of being seen, you should:

Always use your headlight.

When riding a motorcycle, you should:

Always wear a jacket.

When nearing a blind intersection, you should:

Change your lane position to become more visible to other drivers.

The safest part of the lane:

Changes depending on the situation.

If riding during the day, you should wear:

Clothing with reflective material.

Which of the following is not a potential problem?

Conditions that do not appear to change as you approach

In areas where dangers could be present, a motorcyclist should:

Cover the clutch and both brake levers to reduce their reaction time.

To reduce your reaction time, you should:

Cover the clutch and the brakes.

When riding, you should wear boots or shoes that:

Cover your ankles.

When parked on the road, a motorcycle should:

Create an angle with the curb that is between 45 and 90 degrees.

Helmet certification

DOT FMVSS no.218 certified

As you consume more alcohol, your ability to safely ride:


When making a U-turn:

Do not use the front brake because it could cause the bike to tip over.

Making eye contact with another driver:

Doesn't mean that they will properly yield to you.

What does a traffic signal displaying a solid red arrow mean?

Drivers must come to a complete stop.

If you must brake and swerve to avoid danger, you should:

Either brake then swerve or swerve then brake.

A good way to handle a tailgater is to:

Encourage the tailgater to pass by slowing down or changing lanes.

Smaller vehicles appear to be ________ and slower than they really are.

Farther away

When wearing a jacket for protection, the jacket should:

Fit snugly.

When choosing a jacket for protection, you should ensure that it:

Fits snugly enough that it does not flap in the wind.

Whichever style of helmet you choose, you will get the most protection by ensuring that your helmet:

Fits snugly.

Part of your normal scanning routine while riding should include:

Frequent rearview mirror checks.

If you borrow a motorcycle, you should:

Get familiar with it in a controlled area.

A difference between googles and a windshield is:

Goggles will protect you from the wind, but a windshield won't.

When choosing a helmet, you should ensure that it:

Has no cracks or defects.

Mirrors on motorcycles:

Have blind spots, just like cars.

While riding, you should wear:

Hearing protection to prevent damage from long-term exposure to engine and wind noise.

Your lane position should do all of the following, except:

Help you receive wind blasts.

A plastic, shatter-resistant face shield:

Helps protect your whole face.

Pick a lane position that:

Helps you avoid road hazards.

Passengers should:

Hold onto the rider's hips, waist, or belt.

If you get a flat tire while riding, you should:

Hold the handle grips firmly and stay off the brakes.

Which of the following is not a factor in determining a person's blood alcohol content (BAC)?

How often the person consumes alcohol

Which of the following materials provides the best protection for motorcycle riders?


What type of footwear is the best for motorcycle riders?

Leather boots

Which material provides the best protection in the case of a crash?

Leather or synthetic materials

Riding gloves should be made of:


If vehicles or other potential hazards are to your right, you should ride on which side of your lane?


Handlebars should be ______ the rider's seat.

No more than 25 inches higher than

In the passenger area of any vehicle:

No one may have an open container of alcohol.

When passing a truck on a two-lane road, you should:

Not return to your original lane until you can see the front of the truck in your rearview mirror.

When riding with a passenger on your motorcycle, you should instruct the passenger to:

Not talk or move unnecessarily.

__________ can be a cause of collisions involving motorcycles.


The best way to avoid fatigue when riding your motorcycle on a long trip is to:

Take frequent breaks to rest.

When riding a motorcycle, you should:

Wear full-fingered gloves.

Who is required to wear a helmet on a moving motorcycle?

All motorcycle riders and passengers

When riding in a group, riders should:

All maintain safe following distances.

Hand Signals

-Left hand straight out: Left Turn -Left hand bent up: Right Turn -Left hand bent down: Stop

A person under age 21 will receive a DUI for riding with a minimum blood alcohol content (BAC) of:

0.02 percent.

Riders under the age of 21 are considered legally impaired with a minimum blood alcohol content (BAC) of:

0.02 percent.

A person with a minimum blood alcohol content (BAC) of ____ is considered intoxicated.

0.08 percent

It is illegal to operate a motorcycle with a minimum blood alcohol content (BAC) of:

0.08 percent.

Usually a good way to handle tailgaters is to:

Change lanes and let them pass.

You have an improved chance of surviving a crash if you wear:

A DOT-compliant helmet.

Which of the following is an example of a potentially slippery surface?

A gravel road

An engine will seize due to:

A lack of oil.

When other vehicles are slowed or stopped:

A motorcyclist should not weave between lanes of traffic.

A pre-ride inspection should include all of the following, except:

A paint inspection.

When taking a curve while riding in a group, you should be in:

A single-file formation.

When riding in a group, the best formation for keeping riders together while maintaining adequate space cushions is generally:

A staggered formation.

You have an improved chance of avoiding serious injury in a crash if you wear all of the following, except:

A sweatshirt.

The human body removes alcohol at a rate of:

About one drink per hour.

The front brake supplies about how much of a motorcycle's potential stopping power?

About three-quarters

Which of the following is not a method used to maintain control of a motorcycle in a turn?

Accelerate through the turn.

Which factor does not play a major role in affecting your blood alcohol content (BAC)?


When a motorcyclist needs to stop quickly, they should:

Apply both brakes at the same time.


Are required for the driver and passenger

Where is the greatest potential for conflict between you and other vehicles?

At intersections

There is the greatest potential for conflict between a motorcycle and other traffic:

At intersections.

If you need to react to a hazard in the road, do not:

Avoid communicating with other drivers.

When riding on a slippery surface, you should:

Avoid making sudden moves, as doing so could cause a skid.

In the center of a traffic lane, there is usually an oily strip. Motorcyclists should:

Avoid riding on the oil and grease buildup.

A motorized scooter can:

Be operated with any class of driver license.

When sitting on a motorcycle, your arms should:

Be slightly bent when holding the handle grips.

When riding, jackets and pants should:

Be snug enough to keep from flapping in the wind.

A passenger should sit:

Behind the operator.

As a rider, you can lessen your chances of being involved in an accident by:

Being visible to other drivers.

Wearing which of the following colors will make you less visible to other motorists?


Having only one alcoholic drink before riding:

Can affect your ability to operate a motorcycle.

When consumed together, the effects of alcohol and drugs:

Can be more pronounced than when either is consumed alone.

Long-term exposure to wind noise:

Can cause irreversible hearing damage.

The best lane position for a motorcycle:

Can vary depending on road and traffic conditions.

Locking your brakes can:

Cause control problems.

If vehicles are present on both sides of you motorcycle, which lane position is usually the best option?


When being passed from behind, which portion of the lane should you ride in?


When entering a turn, it is best to:

Change gears before the turn.

You should maintain an increased following distance:

If the pavement is slippery.

When traveling in a group, riders should generally be:

In a staggered formation.

Most motorcycle crashes occur:

In broad daylight.

If you are passing a row of parked vehicles to your right and there is no oncoming traffic to your left, you should ride:

In the left portion of your lane.

A "wobble," or a sudden shaking of the front wheel and handle bars, can usually be traced to:

Incorrect tire pressure or uneven loading.

If you will be carrying a passenger on your motorcycle, you will likely have to:

Increase the tire pressure.

If a motorcycle is towing a trailer, the motorcyclist's following distance should:


When motorcyclists ride in a group:

Inexperienced riders should be near the front of the group.

Unlike other beverages, alcohol:

Is absorbed into the bloodstream right away.

When being passed, moving to the part of your lane that is farthest from the passing vehicle:

Is not recommended because it invites the other driver to move back into your lane too early.

When riding a motorcycle, your lane position:

Is very important because it may affect whether or not other drivers can see you.

If you have only one drink before riding:

It can affect your ability to operate a motorcycle.

If another driver makes eye contact with you:

It doesn't always mean they've actually seen you.

Increase your following distance if:

It is raining.

What does an integrated braking system do?

It links the front and rear brakes together when the rear brake is applied.

When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should be:

Just behind the lead rider.

If wearing a jacket for protection while riding in hot weather, you should:

Keep the jacket on to protect you from the heat.

If your rear wheel locks up while you are stopping on a surface with good traction, you should:

Keep the wheel locked until you have stopped completely.

When riding over scored pavement in a work zone, you should:

Keep your head and eyes up.

To properly control a motorcycle, you should:

Keep your knees against the gas tank.

To execute a turn safely, a motorcycle rider should always:

Lean in the direction of the curve.

If using saddlebags to carry a load, you should:

Load the bags as evenly as possible.

The best way to stay out of trouble while riding a motorcycle is to:

Look well ahead of your motorcycle.

You will get the most protection from a helmet if it is all of the following, except:


If your motorcycle begins to weave while you are riding over rain grooves or bridge gratings, you should:

Maintain a steady speed and ride straight across the grooves or gratings.

To reduce the chances of a collision, a motorcycle rider should:

Maintain an adequate space cushion.

Before every ride, you should:

Make sure your bike's brake lights work properly.

Noise created by wind:

May cause irreversible hearing damage.

You approach an emergency vehicle that is stopped on the side of the road while using its flashing lights. You should:

Merge into a lane away from the emergency vehicle.

When traveling at night, it is:

More difficult to judge distances than it is during the day.

Compared to a car, a motorcycle needs _____ attention.

More frequent

When wearing a helmet at the time of a crash, a rider is:

More likely to survive than a person not wearing helmet.

_________ of all collisions involving a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle are caused by the driver failing to yield the right-of-way to the motorcyclist.

More than half

When carrying a passenger, a motorcycle takes:

More time than usual to stop and speed up.

When riding behind a car, traveling in the left third of the lane allows the driver to see you in their side mirror. What is a downside to this?

Most people don't use their side mirrors as often as they use their rearview mirror.

A motorcyclist should not rely only on their mirrors because:

Motorcycles have blind spots.

A primary cause of single-vehicle motorcycle collisions is:

Motorcyclists turning too wide in a curve or turn.

When approaching a blind intersection, you should:

Move into the portion of the lane that will bring you into another driver's field of vision at the earliest possible moment.

When passing a vehicle, you:

Must not exceed the speed limit.

When riding ________, you are facing the greatest potential for conflict between you and other vehicles.

Near an intersection

As your motorcycle increases speed, you will:

Need to shift up through the gears.

When starting your motorcycle, the engine should be in:


When riding a motorcycle, your feet should be:

On the footrests for balance.

When riding, your feet should be:

On the footrests.

How many alcoholic drinks need to be consumed before the drinker's riding ability is affected?


Before starting out, you should make sure the fuel valve is:


Which colors are the best colors for motorcycle riders to wear?

Orange, red, yellow, and green

Riding on ______ may provide poor traction.

Pavement markings

It can be difficult to ride right after it starts raining because:

Pavement will be especially slippery.

Friction Zone

Point on the clutch where the engines power begins to transmit to the rear wheel.

To swerve correctly, you should:

Press the handgrip in the direction of the turn.

Before starting a turn, a motorcyclist should change gears to:

Prevent a change in power in the middle of the turn.

When buying a motorcycle helmet, you should be most concerned about the helmet's:


Convex mirrors:

Provide a wide view of the road behind you.

After riding over an object on the road, you should:

Pull to the side of the road and check your tires and rims for damage.

Hearing protection is:

Recommended for all rides.

When riding at night, you should:

Reduce your speed and increase your following distance.

When riding at night:

Reduce your speed to increase your chances of avoiding an unexpected hazard.

If your front wheel locks while you are braking, you should:

Release the front brake and immediately re-apply it.

Eye protection is:

Required for all riders.

Helmets are:

Required for all riders.

For motorcycle operators, eye protection is:


For motorcycle operators, helmets are:


If you are being passed, you should:

Ride in the center portion of the lane.

When you are being passed on the left, you should:

Ride in the center portion of the lane.

When it starts to rain, it is usually best to:

Ride in the tire tracks left by cars.

When it starts raining, it is best to:

Ride in the tire tracks left by other vehicles.

When riding in the rain, you should:

Ride in tire tracks left by other cars.

When passing a row of parked cars, you should:

Ride on the left side of the lane.

When carrying a load, it should be:

Secured as low as possible.

When slowing or stopping a motorcycle, you should:

Shift down through the gears.

As your motorcycle accelerates, you will need to:

Shift to a higher gear.

When riding in a group, mirrors:

Should be checked frequently by all riders.

Blind spots on motorcycles:

Should be consistently checked by riders.

Hearing protection:

Should be used on all rides.

The front brake:

Should be used with the rear brake.

Reflective clothing:

Should be worn both day and night.

When riding with a group of motorcyclists, a staggered formation:

Should not be used when entering or exiting a highway.

Upshifting or downshifting in a curve:

Should only be done if it can be done smoothly.

A passenger on a motorcycle should:

Sit as far forward as possible without crowding the operator.

What should you do if you must ride on a slippery surface?

Slow down

When entering a turn, you should:

Slow down.

Before a ride, a motorcycle operator should check the throttle. The throttle should:

Snap back when released.

When approaching an intersection, a motorcyclist should not:

Speed up to cross the intersection quickly.

When riding in a group on a straight road, motorcyclists should:

Stagger their formation.

When stopping your motorcycle while carrying a passenger, you should:

Start slowing earlier than you normally would.

When the lights on this sign are flashing, what should you do?

Stop and wait until the train passes.

When approaching a blind intersection, riders should:

Stop at the stop line before moving forward to improve their view of cross traffic.

The best footwear for motorcyclists are:

Sturdy boots.

A sign that your rear tire has suddenly gone flat is that:

The back of your motorcycle is swaying from side to side.

A motorcyclist is usually most easily seen by other drivers when they are riding in which lane position?

The center

When being passed, it is usually best for motorcyclists to be in which part of the lane?

The center

Which lane position is usually best for minimizing the risk of other vehicles sharing your lane?

The center portion of the lane

When braking on a motorcycle:

The front and rear brakes should be applied at the same time.

On a motorcycle, which brake provides the most stopping power?

The front brake

Which brake is more powerful on a motorcycle?

The front brake

Which of the following statements is true?

The front brake is more powerful than the rear brake.

A flat front tire is especially dangerous because:

The front tire affects your steering, which also affects your balance.

Oil drippings and debris often collect in ______ of a lane.

The middle portion

During normal turns:

The motorcycle and rider should lean in the same direction.

When passing a row of parked vehicles, a motorcycle rider has an advantage over an automobile driver because:

The motorcyclist can ride in the left part of the lane to avoid people and cars to their right.

One problem with a motorcyclist riding directly next to another vehicle is that:

The other vehicle may block the motorcyclist's escape route.

The normal recommended following distance should be extended if:

The pavement is slippery.

A solid white line on the side of the road indicates:

The right edge of a traffic lane.

If you approach an uncontrolled intersection at the same time as another vehicle:

The vehicle on the left should yield to the vehicle on the right.

Stopping in a turn can be difficult because:

There is decreased traction available for stopping while the bike is leaning.

In general, which position within a lane is the best to ride in?

There is no single best lane position.

How do convex mirrors differ from regular mirrors?

They provide a wider view of the road.

When riding at night, maintain a minimum following distance of:

Three seconds.

What can remove alcohol from a person's system?


When riding behind another vehicle, you should position yourself:

To be seen in the vehicle's rearview mirror.

Use your mirrors when stopping at an intersection:

To determine if drivers behind you are aware that you are stopping.

A motorcyclist should attempt to avoid obstacles on the roadway. If avoiding an obstacle is not possible, the motorcyclist should:

Try to approach the obstacle at as close to a 90-degree angle as possible.

When turning, you should:

Turn just your head, not your shoulders, to look through the turn.

When looking through a turn, you should:

Turn just your head.

To avoid confusing other drivers, you should:

Turn off your turn signal after you complete a turn or lane change.

To lessen your chances of being involved in a crash, you should do all of the following, except:

Turn your headlight off during the day.

Under normal conditions, a motorcyclist should maintain a following distance of at least:

Two seconds.

The best way to stop quickly is to:

Use both brakes at the same time.

When stopping, you should:

Use both brakes.

To lessen the chances of a crash occurring, you should:

Use proper lane positions.

If you must stop quickly, you should:

Use the front brake at the same time as the rear brake.

The best way to help others see your motorcycle is to:

Use your headlight.

To help others see your motorcycle, you should:

Use your headlight.

When changing lanes, you should:

Use your mirrors and look over your shoulder.

The center portion of a lane contains an oily strip. This strip:

Usually provides adequate traction for riding, unless it is raining.

The oily strip down the center of a lane:

Usually provides adequate traction for riding, unless it is raining.

How can you get sober after drinking alcohol?


When riding during the day, you should:

Wear bright clothes so other motorists can see you better.

To make it easier to be seen by other motorists, you should:

Wear brightly-colored clothing while riding.

When entering a curve, you should position your motorcycle:

Where you can most safely handle road and traffic conditions.

Where should you position your motorcycle when entering a curve?

Wherever traffic and road conditions require

Lanes of traffic moving in the same direction are separated by:

White lines.

Using all three lane positions is:

Wise if you are adapting to changing conditions.

How should you brake?

With both brakes

The proper action to take when riding an unfamiliar motorcycle for the first time is to:

Work the throttle, clutch, and brakes before riding to learn the bike's gear pattern.

Should you wear gloves while riding a motorcycle?

Yes. They provide an improved grip and help protect your hands.

If your rear wheel locks up while you are stopping on a straightaway:

You can usually maintain control of the motorcycle.

Which of the following is not a benefit of maintaining a cushion of space between your motorcycle and other vehicles?

You have limited escape route options.

If possible, do not ride directly next to another vehicle because:

You may be in the vehicle's blind spot.

If passing another vehicle:

You must observe the posted speed limit.

A benefit of keeping a cushion of space between you and surrounding vehicles is that:

You will have more time to react to the movements of other drivers.

When positioning your body on the motorcycle:

Your arms should be used to steer the motorcycle.

Your motorcycle should fit you, meaning:

Your feet should comfortably reach the ground when you are seated on the motorcycle.

How can you tell if your motorcycle fits you?

Your feet should reach the ground while you are seated on the motorcycle.

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