MR Chapter 4

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What ultimately determines whether online or face-to-face focus groups are the most relevant to use for a focus group study?

The objective of the focus group

Which of the following is true of cluster sampling?

The homogeneous nature of clusters leads to less precise sample estimates.

Identify a feature of devices used for technology-mediated observation.

They decrease the cost of data collection.

In the context of questionnaire design, arrange the steps that researchers should complete before implementing a survey in the order of occurrence. (Place the first step at the top.) Position 1 of 6 Confirming research objectives and information requirements correct toggle button unavailable Confirming research objectives and information requirements

1. confirming 2.selecting 3.developing 4.determining 5.obtaining 6.pretesting

Arrange the types of questions used to select participants for a focus group in the order in which they are asked. (Place the first type at the top.)

1. questions that eliminate 2. Questions that ensure criteria 3. open-ended questins

Arrange the steps a researcher has to take when selecting the observation method in their order of occurrence. (Place the first step at the top.)

1.comprhend 2.evaluate 3.determine the ability 4.determine and eval costs 5.consider potenial ethical issues

In the context of questionnaire design, arrange the sections typically included in a good questionnaire in the order of occurrence. (Place the first section at the top.) Position 1 of 3 Introductory section correct toggle button unavailable Introductory section

1.inro media 3.research

Arrange the steps researchers must take to successfully use netnography in the order of occurrence. (Place the first step at the top.)

1.obtain admission 2.collectect and examine 3.commit to trustworthy intepretation 4.giive opportunities for feedback

Match the numbers of participants in a focus group (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column).

10 to 12 matches Choice, Ideal number of participants in a face-to-face focus group Ideal number of participants in a face-to-face focus group 5 to 7 matches Choice, Unlikely to create synergy between group members Unlikely to create synergy between group members 14 to 16 matches Choice, Limited opportunity for individuals to contribute their opinions Limited opportunity for individuals to contribute their opinions

Which of the following is selected so that various target group members, such as low-income and high-income consumers, are included or to compare groups?

A stratified purposive sample

Match the characteristics of observation methods used in research (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column).

Awareness matches Choice, Observation can be disguised or undisguised. Observation can be disguised or undisguised. Observing mechanism matches Choice, Observation can be done using technological devices or human observers. Observation can be done using technological devices or human observers.

involves systematic observation and recording of behavioral trends of objects, people, events, and other phenomena.

Blank 1: Observational Blank 2: research

are an indirect method of questioning that enables a participant to project beliefs and feelings onto a third party, into a task situation, or onto an inanimate object.

Blank 1: Projective Blank 2: techniques

are online social networks that may be specific to marketing research, or they may be broader brand communities, the primary objective of which is marketing.

Blank 1: Purposed Blank 2: communities

Integrated telephone and computer system in which the interviewer reads the questions from a computer screen and enters respondents' answers directly into the computer program is known as - interview (CATI).

Blank 1: computer Blank 2: assisted Blank 3: telephone

An interactive procedure in which the researcher and moderator discuss the subjects' responses to the topics that outlined a focus group session is called

Blank 1: debriefing Blank 2: analysis

A(n) is a person who is well trained in the interpersonal communication skills and professional manners required for a focus group.

Blank 1: focus Blank 2: group Blank 3: moderator

A qualitative data collection method in which responses to open-ended questions are collected from a small group of participants who interactively and spontaneously discuss topics of interest to the researcher is called

Blank 1: focus or group Blank 2: group or depth Blank 3: research or interview

or post is an integrated approach to monitoring and analyzing social media sources to provide insights that will support marketing decision making.

Blank 1: listening Blank 2: platform

A detailed outline of the topics, questions, and subquestions used by a moderator to lead focus group sessions is called a(n)

Blank 1: moderator's Blank 2: guide

An observational research technique that requires deep engagement with one or more online communities is called

Blank 1: netnography

The term "_ _" refers to a group of individuals with common interests who communicate via the Internet and interact together for a common purpose.

Blank 1: online or purposed Blank 2: community

An ethnographic research technique that involves comprehensive observation of behavior in natural settings in order to completely experience cultural or subcultural contexts is called

Blank 1: participant Blank 2: observation

Purposed communities whose primary purpose is research are called

Blank 1: private Blank 2: communities

Research that involves the collection of data in the form of text or images using open-ended questions, observation, or "found" data is known as

Blank 1: qualitative Blank 2: research

Research that places heavy emphasis on using formal standard questions and predetermined response options in questionnaires or surveys administered to large numbers of respondents is known as

Blank 1: quantitative Blank 2: research

Scales that allow respondents to compare their own responses by indicating their first, second, third, and fourth preferences, and so forth are called

Blank 1: rank Blank 2: order Blank 3: scales

A bias that occurs when the order of the questions, or of the closed-end responses to a particular question, influences the answer given is called

Blank 1: response Blank 2: order Blank 3: bias

Projective techniques where participants are provided with a set of partial sentences and asked to complete them in their own words are called

Blank 1: sentence Blank 2: completion Blank 3: tests

Observational research based on analyzing conversations in social media is called

Blank 1: social Blank 2: media Blank 3: monitoring

Jenny, a researcher, focuses on only a few people for her research. She conducts in-depth research on them by tracking their thoughts using multiple interviews conducted over several weeks. Which data collection method is Jenny using?

Case study research

Which of the following must a researcher do before determining layout and evaluating the questionnaire to be used in a survey? (Check all that apply.)

Confirm research objectives and information requirements Develop questions and scaling Choose appropriate data collection method

Match the characteristics of observation methods used in research (in the left column) with their definitions (in the right column). Instructions

Directness matches Choice, It refers to the degree to which a trained observer or researcher actually observes the event or behavior as it occurs. It refers to the degree to which a trained observer or researcher actually observes the event or behavior as it occurs. Awareness matches Choice, It refers to the degree to which people consciously know their behavior is being observed and recorded. It refers to the degree to which people consciously know their behavior is being observed and recorded. Structure matches Choice, It refers to the degree to which the activities, behavior, or events to be observed are known to the researcher before doing the observations. It refers to the degree to which the activities, behavior, or events to be observed are known to the researcher before doing the observations. Observing mechanism matches Choice, It refers to how the activities, behavior, or events are observed and recorded. It refers to how the activities, behavior, or events are observed and recorded.

Match the following approaches used to measure scale validity (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column). Instructions

Face validity matches Choice, It is determined using researchers' expert judgment. It is determined using researchers' expert judgment. Content validity matches Choice, It is a measure of the degree to which all the relevant dimensions of a construct are represented. It is a measure of the degree to which all the relevant dimensions of a construct are represented. Convergent validity matches Choice, It is assessed with multi-item scales and represents a condition in which the multiple items assessing one construct share a high proportion of variance. It is assessed with multi-item scales and represents a condition in which the multiple items assessing one construct share a high proportion of variance. Discriminant validity matches Choice, It is the extent to which one construct differs from other constructs and represents a unique construct. It is the extent to which one construct differs from other constructs and represents a unique construct.

True or false: The difference between private communities and social media monitoring is that in private communities, the information is already available and is not created by interaction with researchers.


True or false: Typically, researchers prefer to collect data from lower traffic forums with smaller numbers of discrete message posters and lower between-member interactions.


Forced-choice scale Free-choice scale

Forced-choice scale matches Choice, A scale that lacks a neutral descriptor to divide positive and negative answers A scale that lacks a neutral descriptor to divide positive and negative answers Free-choice scale matches Choice, A scale that has a center neutral response A scale that has a center neutral response

What are the advantages of focus group interviews? (Check all that apply.)

Hard-to-reach informants are brought together in focus group interviews. They allow the participation of clients. They stimulate new thoughts, feelings, and ideas about a topic. They bring out wide-ranging participant responses.

What are the roles of a focus group moderator? (Check all that apply.)

He or she must be able to ask the right questions. He or she must be able to activate and manage the direction of the group members' discussions over predetermined topics. He or she is responsible for generating positive group dynamics.

Identify the true statements about qualitative research. (Check all that apply.)

In most cases, data are gathered in relatively short periods of time. It helps researchers and clients get closer to their existing and potential customers than does quantitative research.

Which of the following approaches is particularly good to use with projective techniques?

In-depth interviewing

Identify the true statements about projective techniques. (Check all that apply.)

Interpretation is very complex in projective techniques. Projective techniques were developed by clinical psychologists and can be used in conjunction with focus groups and in-depth interviews.

Identify the disadvantages of observation methods. (Check all that apply.)

It is difficult to set up and record behaviors using observation methods. Behaviors cannot be explained unless observation methods are combined with another method.

Identify a true statement about cluster sampling.

It is easy to implement and is cost-effective.

Which of the following are features of an in-home interview? (Check all that apply.)

It is expensive and time consuming when compared to other survey methods. Confusing or complex questions can be clarified by an interviewer.

Identify the true statements about focus group research. (Check all that apply.)

It is rooted in the behavioral sciences. It is the most widely used qualitative research method in marketing.

Which of the following are true of qualitative research? (Check all that apply.)

It is used to explore more deeply into areas that quantitative research may be too superficial to access. It is used to obtain preliminary insights into research problems.

Identify the major advantages of in-depth interviewing over focus groups. (Check all that apply.)

Less cross talk that may restrict some people from participating in a focus group Rich detail that can be uncovered when concentrating on one participant at a time Lower likelihood of participants responding in a manner that is socially desirable

Identify the technologically enhanced version of a service that was paid for by large companies for reading and clipping articles from newspapers and magazines.

Listening platforms

Match the types of scales (in the left column) with their definitions (in the right column).

Noncomparative rating scale matches Choice, It is a scale format that requires a judgment without reference to another object, person, or concept. It is a scale format that requires a judgment without reference to another object, person, or concept. Comparative rating scale matches Choice, It is a scale format that requires a judgment contrasting one object, person, or concept against another on the scale. It is a scale format that requires a judgment contrasting one object, person, or concept against another on the scale.

What are the advantages of using social media monitoring? (Check all that apply.)

People who may not agree to focus groups or fill out surveys may share their experiences on social media platforms. Researchers can observe interactions between people unprompted by the potential bias of interviewers.

Which of the following involves choosing sample members because they possess specific characteristics?

Purposive sampling

Which of the following are advantages of qualitative research? (Check all that apply.)

Qualitative techniques allow decision makers to obtain firsthand experiences with customers. Qualitative research methods often provide preliminary insights that are useful in developing ideas about how variables are related.

Identify a true statement about computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) systems.

Questions that are irrelevant to a particular respondent is automatically skipped by the CATI program.

Identify a disadvantage of focus group interviews.

The findings are not generalizable to the target population.

Identify an advantage of qualitative research methods.

Researchers can complete investigations quicker and at a significantly lower cost than is true with quantitative methods.

Identify the advantages of conducting telephone interviews to collect data. (Check all that apply.)

Respondents across a wide geographic area can be interviewed. The selection of a random sample is possible through random digit dialing. Data collection is quicker than in face-to-face interviews.

In the context of qualitative data collection methods, identify the features of online focus groups. (Check all that apply.)

Responses tend to be more candid as there is less social pressure when participants are not face to face. Software can be used to slow down the responses of dominant group members and thus ensure that everyone gets a chance to participate. Low incidence populations are easier to reach online.

Match the social media monitoring tools (in the left column) with their descriptions (in the right column).

Social mention matches Choice, This tool enables a business to easily monitor and measure in real time what people are saying about it. This tool enables a business to easily monitor and measure in real time what people are saying about it. Photovoice matches Choice, This tool enables participant discussions that aim to develop effective solutions to deal with company issues. This tool enables participant discussions that aim to develop effective solutions to deal with company issues.

What are the disadvantages of focus group interviews? (Check all that apply.)

The results could be contaminated by group dynamics. The trustworthiness of the interpretation of the data is dependent on the insightfulness and care of researchers. The data has limited reliability.

Identify the weaknesses of social media monitoring. (Check all that apply.)

The sample of people interacting about a brand may not be representative of consumer reactions in the target market because the sample is usually self-selected. The accuracy of data is unknown because most automated techniques for classifying textual data are unproven. Some social media sites are not publicly available for researchers to mine.

Which of the following is a benefit of observation methods?

They allow collection of actual activities or behavior rather than reported activities.

An advantage of using a computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) system to collect data is that _____.

They allow participants to pause an interview and resume and finish it at another time. They eliminate the need for separate data entry and editing tasks associated with manual systems.

What are the advantages of using computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) systems for a survey? (Check all that apply.)

They allow participants to pause an interview and resume and finish it at another time. They eliminate the need for separate data entry and editing tasks associated with manual systems.

In the context of qualitative data collection methods, identify a true statement about online focus groups.

They are especially suitable for web-based advertising of products and services.

Identify a true statement about focus groups.

They are managed by a qualified moderator through a semistructured discussion.

Identify the true statements about quantitative research methods. (Check all that apply.)

They are often statistically projectible to the target population of interest. They are most often used with descriptive and causal research designs. Research problems are precise and well defined.

Identify an advantage of using focus group interviews.

They promote understanding of why consumers behave or act in certain market situations.

Identify the benefits of observation methods. (Check all that apply.)

They reduce interviewer errors, recall error, and response bias. They enable data collection at a low cost and in relatively less time than other types of procedures.

Which of the following are true of mail panel surveys? (Check all that apply.)

This method allows the same people to be questioned multiple times over an extended period. Members of the mail panel are often not representative of the target population at large.

Identify the issues a researcher should consider when evaluating various methods of observing behaviors.

To what extent are the events or behaviors repetitious and frequently exhibited? Is a setting available to observe the events or behaviors?

True or false: The fundamental idea behind the focus group approach is that one individual's response will set off comments from other participants, thus creating synergy among group members.


True or false: When selecting and recruiting participants for a focus group, researchers should ensure that the participants typify the general makeup of the target population.


An advantage of telephone interviews is that they _____.

are more affordable, quicker, and better suited for collecting data from a large sample than face-to-face interviews

An exploratory research technique that comprehensively investigates one or several existing situations that are similar to the current problem/opportunity situation is called _____.

case study

After conducting a focus group session, Jacob, a researcher, compares notes with Melissa, the moderator of the session, to discuss the responses of the participants to the session's topics. This procedure is called _____.

debriefing analysis

A form of qualitative data collection that records behavior in natural settings to understand how social and cultural influences affect individuals' behaviors and experiences is called _____.


In the planning phase of a focus group study, researchers must _____.

have a distinct understanding of the objective of the study, a definition of the problem, and particular data requirements

In the context of emerging qualitative data collection methods, which of the following are true of online communities? (Check all that apply.)

hey are the most frequently used emerging data collection method. They are virtual.

A data-collection method in which a well-trained interviewer asks a participant a set of semistructured questions in a face-to-face setting is called a(n) _____.

in-depth interview


is a tool that enables participants to document and reflect their perceptions of reality about photographs and digital videos related to a particular topic.

An advantage of using a computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) system to collect data is that _____.

it allows the tabulation of results in real time at any point of the study

Opinion mining, or sentiment analysis, depends on the growing field of _____ that enables automatic categorization of online comments into positive or negative categories.

natural language processing (NLP)

Which of the following is unique due to its extensive contact and analysis of social media communities and the use of participant observation?


Laura, a researcher, is using a projective technique to collect qualitative data. She gives the participants of the study a set of partial statements and asks them to fill the remainder of the statements in their own words. In this scenario, Laura uses _____.

sentence completion tests

The application of technological tools to identify, extract, and quantify participant information in textual data is called _____.

sentiment analysis

Collection of data using mechanical devices to capture human behavior, events, or marketing phenomena is called _____.

technology-mediated observation

A drawback of mobile phone surveys is that _____.

the capacity of mobile phones to handle graphics is somewhat limited

A true statement about focus groups is that _____.

the ideal number of group members in face-to-face focus group interviews is from 10 to 12

Jill is conducting a study on the decision-making skills of middle managers of an organization. For this purpose, her initial focus group included middle managers of that organization. During her study, she found out that many decisions are influenced by lower level managers. She then decided to create a focus group with lower level managers, who were not initially considered for that study. In this scenario, Jill is using _____ to collect data.

theoretical sampling

Selecting sample members based on earlier interviews that indicate that specific types of participants will assist researchers better understand a research topic is called _____.

theoretical sampling

A limitation of observation methods is that _____.

they lead to findings that are difficult to generalize

True or false: Observation methods require an observable behavior or event and a system of recording it.


True or false: Probes or follow-up questions should be included in a moderator's guide to assist the moderator elicit additional information.


A true statement about qualitative researchers is that they _____.

try to understand research participants instead of fitting their answers into set categories

A projective technique in which a participant is given a list of terms or short phrases, one at a time, and requested to respond with the first thought that comes to mind is called _____.

word association test

Rachel, a researcher, is using projective techniques to collect qualitative data. She gives the subjects a list of terms: tree, river, house, knife, garden, and keys. She asks them to respond with the first thought that comes to their minds. Rachel is using _____ to collect data.

word association tests

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