Muscle List - Upper Extremity

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What is the group function of the triceps brachii and anconeus?

Extend the arm at glenohumeral joint and extend the forearm at the elbow joint.

Muscles of the posterior triangle of the neck are more commonly known as the x muscles

scalene muscles

T/F - A balance between eccentric and concentric muscle actions is necessary for coordinated activities such as walking, running, setting objects down, ascending and descending stairs, getting into and out of chairs, etc.


Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the latissimus dorsi

1. origin = Spinous processes of T6-T12, crest of the ilium, Inferior 3 or 4 ribs, thoracolumbar fascia, scapula (variable) 2. insertion = Floor of the intertubercular (bicipital) groove of the humerus 3. Adducts, medially rotates, and extends the arm at the glenohumeral joint 4. innervation = Thoracodorsal nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the subscapularis

1. origin = anterior surface of the scapula 2. insertion = lesser tubercle of the humerus 3. fxn = medially rotates/adducts the arm at the glenohumeral joint 4. innervation = upper and lower subscapular nerves

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the teres major

1. origin = inferior angle of the scapula 2. insertion = bicipital groove of the humerus (medial lip) 3. fxn = adducts, medially rotates, and extends the arm at the glenohumeral joint 4. innervation = lower subscapular nerve

. If we think of muscle groups in pairs, (e.g. biceps and triceps or quadriceps and hamstrings) during most activities one muscle of the pair is acting x while the other is acting x. This allows for smooth coordinated movements.

. If we think of muscle groups in pairs, (e.g. biceps and triceps or quadriceps and hamstrings) during most activities one muscle of the pair is acting concentrically while the other is acting eccentrically. This allows for smooth coordinated movements.

Name the 3 muscles of the thenar compartment of the hand

1. Abductor pollicis brevis 2. Flexor pollicis brevis 3. Opponens pollicis

Name the 11 muscles of the posterior compartment of the forearm! What are their two main group functions?

1. Brachioradialis 2. Extensor carpi radialis longus 3. Extensor carpi radialis brevis 4. Extensor digitorum 5. Extensor digiti minimi 6. Extensor carpi ulnaris 7. Supinator 8. Abductor pollicis longus 9. Extensor pollicis longus 10. Extensor pollicis brevis 11. Extensor indicis Group function = extend the wrist and digits, supinate forearm at proximal radio-ulnar joint

Name the 5 major sets of muscles of the intermediate hand compartment

1. Lumbricals 1/2 2. Lumbricals 3/4 3. Dorsal interossei 4. Palmar interossei 5. Adductor pollicis

Name the 3 muscles of the hypothenar compartment

1. abductor digiti minimi 2. flexor digiti minimi brevis 3. opponens digiti minimi

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the trapezius

1. origin = Posterior aspects of the skull, spinous processes of C7-T12 vertebrae, ligamentum nuchae 2. insertion = Lateral third of the clavicle; acromion and spine of the scapula 3. • Upper: elevates and retracts scapula • Middle: retracts scapula • Lower: depresses and retracts scapula • Lower and upper: upwardly rotate scapula 4. innervation = accessory nerve and cervical nerves 3 and 4

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the infraspinatus

1. origin = infraspinous fossa of the scapula 2. insertion = greater tubercle of the humerus 3. fxn = laterally rotates arm at the glenohumeral joint 4. fxn = suprascapular nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the deltoid.

1. origin = lateral 1/3 of the clavicle, spine and acromion of the scapula 2. insertion = Lateral aspect of the proximal humerus (deltoid tuberosity) 3. Function = • Anterior - flexes and medially rotates arm at the glenohumeral joint • Middle - abducts arm at the glenohumeral joint • Posterior - extends and laterally rotates arm at the glenohumeral joint 4. Innervation = axillary nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the supraspinatus

1. origin = supraspinous fossa of the scapula 2. insertion = greater tubercle of the humerus 3. Function= abducts arms at the glenohumeral joint (first 15º). 4. Innervation = suprascapular nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the middle scalene muscle

1. origin = transverse process of cervical vertebrae 2. insertion = first rib 3. fxn = : laterally flex (side-bend) the neck to the same side and elevate the thoracic cage during respiration through rib attachment 4. innervation = ventral rami of cervical nerves

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the posterior scalene muscle

1. origin = transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 2. insertion = second rib 3. FXN = : laterally flex (side-bend) the neck to the same side and elevate the thoracic cage during respiration through rib attachment 4. innervation = ventral rami of cervical muscles

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the teres minor

1. origin = upper two thirds of lateral border of the scapula 2. insertion = greater tubercle of the humerus 3. Laterally rotates arm at the glenohumeral joint 4. axillary nerve

3 major muscles of the pectoral region

1. pectoralis major 2. pectoralis minor 3. Subclavius

Name the 8 major muscles of the anterior forearm and their two collective group functions

1. pronator teres 2. palmaris longus 3. flexor carpi radialis 4. flexor carpi ulnaris 5. flexor digitorum superficialis 6. flexor digitorum profundus 7. Flexor pollicis longus 8. Pronator quadratus Group fxn = flex the digits and wrist, pronate the forearm

***The four rotator cuff muscles and their collective function

1. supraspinatus 2. infraspinatus 3. teres minor 4. subscapularis All act together to hold the humeral head in the glenoid cavity during movements of the glenohumeral joint.

In addition to shortening via concentric contractions, muscles also function x-ly. X muscle actions occur when a muscle is resisting being lengthened. A force, typically, the force of gravity in combination with some other load (i.e. an external load or the weight of one's own body, acts to draw the two attachment sites of a muscle away from each other. The muscle undergoes a controlled relaxation and gradually lengthens while continuing to exert a force.

Eccentric muscle contraction

In the hand - the extensor hood Extensor hood: Is the expansion of the extensor tendon as it passes over the dorsal aspect of the proximal phalange. This hood is joined by tendinous fibers from the x and x muscles

Extensor hood: Is the expansion of the extensor tendon as it passes over the dorsal aspect of the proximal phalange. This hood is joined by tendinous fibers from the lumbrical and interosseous muscles

*Name the extrinsic shoulder muscles and their collective function and the intrinsic shoulder muscles with their collective function. What does extrinsic or intrinsic mean?

Extrinsic - (Span between the Axial and Appendicular skeletons). Group fxn - movements of the shoulder complex and arm via attachments to the scapula and/or humerus 1. Trapezius 2. Latissimus dorsi 3. Rhomboid major 4. Rhomboid minor 5. Serratus anterior 6. Levator scapulae Intrinsic - movements of the arm at the glenohumeral joint 1. Deltoid 2. Supraspinatus 3. Infraspinatus 4. Teres minor 5. Subscapularis 6. Teres major

What do the terms origin and insertion mean?

Muscles have proximal and distal attachment sites referred to as their origins and insertions, respectively.

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the brachialis

Origin = Anterior surface of the humerus Insertion = Anterior surface of the ulna Fxn = Flexes the elbow Innervation = musculocutaneous nerve C5, C6

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the adductor pollicus

Origin = Capitate; Base of metacarpals 2 and 3; Shaft of 3rd metacarpal Insertion = Base of proximal phalanx 1 Fxn = •Adduct the thumb Innervation = Ulnar nerve (deep branch)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the pectoralis major (differentiate between the two heads!)

Origin = Clavicular head - medial clavicle; Sternocostal head - sternum and costal cartilages of first 6 or 7 ribs Insertion = Intertubercular (bicipital) groove (sulcus) of humerus (lateral lip) FXN = Adducts and medially rotates the arm at the glenohumeral joint; draws shoulder girdle anteriorly and inferiorly; flexes the arm at the glenohumeral joint to 90°; extends the arm at the glenohumeral joint from a flexed position Innervation = Medial and lateral pectoral nerves

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the Subclavius

Origin = First rib Insertion = Inferior surface of clavicle FXN = Depresses the clavicle Innervation = Nerve to subclavius

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the opponens pollicis

Origin = Flexor retinaculum, scaphoid; trapezium Insertion = Lateral side of 1st metacarpal Fxn = Opposes thumb Innervation = median nerve - recurrent branch

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Abductor pollicis brevis

Origin = Flexor retinaculum, scaphoid; trapezium Insertion = Proximal phalanx of the thumb Fxn = Abducts thumb at MCP joint Innervation = median nerve, recurrent branch

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the opponent digiti minimi

Origin = Hamate and flexor retinaculum Insertion =Medial border of 5th metacarpal fxn = Opposes little finger innervation = ulnar nerve, deep branch

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Extensor carpi radialis brevis

Origin = Humerus - lateral epicondyle Insertion = Base of the 3rd metacarpal Fxn = Extends and abducts the wrist Innervation = Deep radial nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Extensor digiti minimi

Origin = Humerus - lateral epicondyle Insertion = Extensor hood of the 5th digit Fxn = Extends the 5th digit the wrist Innervation = Post. interosseous (off radial)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the extensor digitorum

Origin = Humerus - lateral epicondyle Insertion = Extensor hoods of digits 2-5 Fxn = Extends digits and the wrist Innervation = Post. Interosseous (off radial)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Extensor carpi ulnaris

Origin = Humerus - lateral epicondyle; Posterior ulna Insertion = 5th metacarpal Fxn = Extends and adducts the wrist innervation = Post. interosseous (off radial)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the supinator

Origin = Humerus - lateral epicondyle; Posterior ulna Insertion = Proximal radius Fxn = Supinates forearm Innervation = Deep radial nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Extensor carpi radialis longus

Origin = Humerus - lateral supracondylar ridge Insertion = Base of the 2nd metacarpal Fxn = Extends and abducts the wrist Innervation = Radial nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the flexor carpi ulnaris

Origin = Humerus - medial epicondyle; olecranon process of ulna Insertion=5th metacarpal, pisiform, and hamate fxn = Flexes and adducts the wrist Innervation = Ulnar nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the anconeus

Origin = Lateral epicondyle humerus Insertion = Olecranon process of the ulna Fxn = Extension of the forearm Innervation = radial nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the triceps brachii (differentiate between the three heads!)

Origin = Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of glenoid fossa Lateral and medial heads: Posterior surface of the humerus Insertion = Olecranon process of the ulna Fxns = Extends the arm (long head only) Extends the forearm (all heads) Innervation = radial nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the biceps brachii (differentiate between the heads!)

Origin = Long head: supraglenoid tubercle (on glenoid fossa of the scapula) Short head: coracoid process of scapula Insertion = Radial tuberosity; fascia of the forearm FXNs = Supinates forearm at proximal radio-ulnar joint and flexes the forearm at the elbow; flexes arm at the glenohumeral joint (long head) Innervation = musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the flexor digitorum profundus (innervation is pretty interesting!)

Origin = Medial and anterior surfaces of the ulna; interosseous membrane Insertion = Bases of the distal phalanx of digits 2-5 Fxn = Flexes MCP, PIP, and DIP joints; flexes the wrist innervation = Ulnar nerve (medial) Median nerve (lateral)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Extensor pollicis longus

Origin = Posterior ulna; Interosseous membrane Insertion = Base of distal phalanx of thumb Fxn = Extends thumb Innervation = Post. interosseous (off radial)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Abductor pollicis longus

Origin = Posterior ulna; radius; interosseous membrane Insertion = Base of 1st metacarpal Fxn = Abducts and extends thumb Innervation = Post. interosseous (off radial)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the flexor pollicis longus

Origin = Radius; interosseous membrane insertion = Base of the distal phalanx of the thumb fxn = Flexes thumb at distal phalanx innervation = Median nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the pectoralis minor

Origin = Ribs 3 to 5 near costal cartilages Insertion = Coracoid process of scapula FXN = Draws scapula anteriorly and inferiorly to allow for movements such as reaching to scratch the center of the back or putting arm in a shirt sleeve Innervation = Medial pectoral nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Lumbricals 3/4

Origin = Tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus Insertion=Extensor hood Fxn = • Flex MCP joints • Extend PIP and DIP joints Innervation = Ulnar nerve (deep branch)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the anterior scalene muscle

Origin = Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae Insertion = First rib FXN = : laterally flex (side-bend) the neck to the same side and elevate the thoracic cage during respiration through rib attachment Innervation = ventral rami of cervical nerves

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the pronator quadratus

Origin = Ulna Insertion =Radius fxn = Pronates forearm at distal radio-ulnar joint innervation = Median nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Extensor indicis

Origin = Ulna and interosseous membrane Insertion = Extensor hood of the 2nd digit Fxn = Extends index finger and the wrist innervation = Post. interosseous (off radial)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the flexor digiti minimi brevis

Origin =Hamate and flexor retinaculum Insertion = Proximal phalanx of 5th digit fxn = Flexes little finger at MCP joint innervation = ulnar nerve deep branch

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the brachioradialis

Origin =Humerus - lateral supracondylar ridge Insertion = Distal end of the radius Fxn = Flexes forearm at the elbow Innervation = Radial nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the abductor digiti minimi

Origin= Pisiform Insertion = Proximal phalanx of 5th digit fxn = Abducts little finger at MCP joint innervation = ulnar nerve deep branch

Typically when muscle functions are described, they are described in terms of the x site (or distal attachment site) moving towards the fixed x (or proximal attachment site). Is this always true?

Typically when muscle functions are described, they are described in terms of the insertion site (or distal attachment site) moving towards the fixed origin (or proximal attachment site). Not always, one should appreciate in life muscles can also contract (shorten) when the insertion point of the muscle is fixed and the origin becomes the moveable site. An example of this would be the action of the biceps during a chin-up on a bar or the action of the quadriceps to straighten the knees when rising from a chair. In both cases, the muscle is still shortening, but now the origin (proximal attachment site) is moving closer to a fixed insertion site

Name the 3 muscles of the anterior compartment of the arm and the two muscles of the posterior compartment of the arm

anterior 1. biceps brachii 2. coracobrachialis 3. brachialis posterior 1. triceps brachii 2. anconeus

When a muscle shortens, one attachment point of the muscle remains fixed and the other moves toward the fixed site, usually resulting in movement at a joint which the muscle crosses. This types of muscle contraction or shortening is called a x contraction


What type of contraction is gradually lowering a hand weight after performing a bicep curl? Or the descending phase of a squat?


Is the expansion of the extensor tendon as it passes over the dorsal aspect of the proximal phalange

extensor hood

The extensor hood is the expansion of the x as it passes over the dorsal aspect of the proximal phalange.

extensor tendon

Group function of the anterior arm muscles

flexion of the arm at the glenohumeral joint and/or flexion of the forearm at the elbow joint

This nerve innervates the hypothenar compartment muscles

hypothenar compartment

What are the major two group functions of the scalene muscles?

laterally flex (side-bend) the neck to the same side and elevate the thoracic cage during respiration through rib attachment.

What muscles of the intermediate compartment of the hand are NOT innervated by the ulnar nerve?

lumbricals 1/2

This nerve innervates the thenar compartment muscles

median nerve - recurrent branch

What do MCP, PIP, and DIP stand for?

metacarpophalangeal joint, proximal interphalangeal joint, distal interphalangeal joints

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Dorsal interossei (4)

origin = Adjacent side of two metacarpal bones insertion = Extensor hood; Base of proximal phalanges 2-4 fxn = • Abduct digits • Flex MCP joints • Extend PIP and DIP joints innervation = Ulnar nerve (deep branch)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Coracobrachialis

origin = Coracoid process of scapula insertion = Medial surface of the humerus FXN = Adducts the arm at the glenohumeral joint innervation = musculocutaneous nerve (C5, C6)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the flexor pollicis brevis

origin = Flexor retinaculum, scaphoid; trapezium insertion = Proximal phalanx of the thumb fxn = Flexes thumb at MCP joint innervation = median nerve, recurrent branch

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the flexor carpi radialis

origin = Humerus - medial epicondyle insertion = Base of 2nd metacarpal fxn = Flexes and abducts the wrist innervation =Median nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the palmaris longus

origin = Humerus - medial epicondyle insertion = Flexor retinaculum and palmar aponeurosis fxn = Flexes the wrist innervation = Median nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the flexor digitorum superficialis

origin = Humerus - medial epicondyle, proximal ulna and radius insertion = Shafts of the middle phalanx of digits 2-5 fxn = Flexes MCP and PIP joints of digits 2-4; flexes the wrist innervation = Median nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the pronator teres

origin = Medial epicondyle of humerus; ulna insertion = Lateral surface of radius fxn = Pronates forearm at the proximal radio-ulnar joint innervation = Median nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the palmar interossei (3)

origin = Palmar surfaces of metacarpals 2, 4, and 5 insertion = Extensor hood; Base of proximal phalanges 2-5 fxn = • Adduct digits • Flex MCP joints • Extend PIP and DIP joints innervation = Ulnar nerve (deep branch)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the Extensor pollicis brevis

origin = Posterior radius; interosseous membrane insertion = Base of proximal phalanx of thumb fxn = Extends thumb (does not extend DIP) innervation = Post. interosseous (off radial)

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the serratus anterior

origin = Ribs 1-8 (or 9) on anterolateral thoracic wall insertion = Medial border of the scapula on its anterior surface fxn = Protracts and upwardly rotates the scapula; fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall innervation = Long thoracic nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the rhomboid major and minor

origin = Spinous processes of C7-T5, ligamentum nuchae insertion = Medial border of the scapula fxn = Elevates, retracts, and downwardly rotates scapula innervation = Dorsal scapular nerve

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), function, and innervation of the levator scapulae

origin = Transverse processes of C1-C4 vertebrae insertion = Superior angle and upper part of medial border of scapula fxn = Elevates and downwardly rotates scapula innervation = Dorsal scapular and cervical nerves 3 & 4

Give the origin (proximal attachment, insertion (distal attachment), functions, and innervation of the lumbricals 1/2

origin =Tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus insertion =Extensor hood fxn • Flex MCP joints • Extend PIP and DIP joints innervation = Median nerve (digital branch)

The posterior interosseous nerve is a continuation of the deep branch of the x nerve


the x nerve is a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve

the posterior interosseous nerve is a continuation of the deep branch of the radial nerve

What innervates the triceps brachii and the anconeus?

the radial nerve

What innervates the scalene muscles?

ventral rami of cervical nerves

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