muscles of the lips
-laughter muscle -superficial to buccinator -origin: fascia of the masseter -insertion: corner of the mouth - action: retraction of teh corner of the mouth (smiling, laughing)
Depressor Labii Inferioris
-origin: lower mandible, front surface insertion: lower lip, near the midline action: pulls lip downward
Orbicularis Oris
-ring of muscle -no specific origin or insertion -fibers are arranged in concentric circles around the lips (many different configurationso f the lips, pucking, pursing, narwwing oral orfice, rounding, movements of the corners of the lips
Levator Labii superioris
origin: below orbit of eye insertion: upper lip Action: Elevatino and eversion of the upper lip
origin: ches; fascia over pectoralis major Insertion: Corner of the mouth, midline and lower margins of the mandible Action: Mandibular depression; pulls corners down, lower lip out??
zygomatic minor
origin: facial surface of the zygomatic bone insertion: upper lip, near the midline action: elevation of the upper lip
origin: fornt of lower mandible insertion: lower orbicularis oris action: wrinkles chin; pulls lower lip out
levator anguli oris
origin: nasomaxillary region insertion: corner of the mouth action: elevation of the corner of the mouth
Levator Labii Superioris Aleque Nasi
origin: nasomaxillary region on the maxilla insertion: upper lip action: elevation of the upper lip
Depressor Anguli Oris
origin: outer surface of the lateral portion of the mandible insertion: corner of teh mouth into the orbicularis oris action: depresses corner of the mouth, compress upper lip against lower lip, frowning
Buccinator (bugler's muscle
origin: pterygomandibular ligmanet, maxillary alveolar process, superior pharyngeal constrictor insertion: corner of the mouth into OO action: corners of teh mouth are pulled backward; mastication
zygomatic major
origin: side of zygomatic bone insertion: corner of the mouth action: pulls corner of the mouth backward and upward