Muscular System (App D)

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Psoas (Iliapsoas) Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

(+Iliacus) Origin - transverse process and lateral bodies of the last thorasic and all lumbar vertbrae include intervetebral disk Insertion - lesser trochanter of the femur Isolat funct concen accel hip flex and exter rotat/ extends and rotates lumbar spine o Integrate funct- eccentric decel hip intern rotation, hip extension, isometric stabil LPHC

Vastus (meaning) Lateralis Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

(Top of femur to patella) Origin - anterior and inferior border of the greater trochanter, lateral region of of the gluteal tuberosity, lateral lip of the linea aspera of the femur Insertion - base of the patella and tibial tuberosity Isolated function - concentric acceler knee extension Integrated funct - eccentric deceler knee flexion, adduction, internal rotation/ isometric stabilize knee

Hip musculature

Adductor Longus Adductor Magnus anterior fibers Adductor magnus posterior fibers Adductor Brevius Gracilis Pectineus Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Gluteus Maximus Tensor Fascia Latae (includes illiotibial band) Psoas Illiacus Sarortius Piriformis

Lower leg musculature

Anterior tibialis Posterior tibialis Soleus Gastrocnemius Pereoneus Longus

Arm musculature

Bicep brachii (anterior) Triceps branchii (posterior) Brachiroradialis Brachialis

Hamstring compiex (Lateral hamstring) (Medial hamstring - where)

Bicep femoris - long head Bicep femoris short head (Both short and long head) Semimembranosus Semitendinosus (Both semimem and ten - posterior pelvis to tibia)


Knee to tibia Stabil post portion of the knee Internal rotation of the tibia

Neck musculature

Levator scapulae(posterior) Sternocleidomastoid (SCM - anterior) Scalenes Longus coli Longis capitis

Deep cervical flexors

Longus coli and capitis

Adductor Longus Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Ongin - anterior surface of the inferior pubic ramus of the pelvis Insertion - proximal one third of the linea aspera of femur Isolated function - concenaccel hip adduction, flexion, internal rotation Integrated funct - eccen deceler hip abduction, exten, external rotation/ isometric stabiliz LPHC

Diaphragm Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin costal part inner surface of cartilages and adjacent bony regions of the ribs 6-12 Sternal part; posterior side of the xiphoid process Crural (lumbar) part: two aponeurotic arches covering the external surface of quadratus lumborum and psoas major/right and left crus oriinating from bodies of L1-3 and their intervertebral disks Insertion - central tendom Isolated function- concen pull the central tendon inferorialy, inc the volume of the thoriac cavity Integration - stabil the LPHC

Pectineus Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - Pectineal line on superior pubic ramus of pelvis Insertion - pectineal line on the posterior surface of upper femur Isolated funct- concen accel hip addục flex and int rotat Integraed funct - eccen decel hip abduct, exten, ext rotat/ isometric stabilz LPHC

Lower trapezius Origins Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - Spinous process t6-t12 (most superficial is all traps, spine scap) pulls shoulders down Insertion - spine of the scapula Isolate funct- concen accel scapula depression Integrate funct- eccel decele scapula elevl isometric stabil sdapular

Medial deltoid Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - acromion process of the sacp (scap to Humerus) Insertion - deltoid tuberosity of the humerus Isolated funct - concen accel shoulder abduction Integrated funct - eccent decel shoulder adduction /isometr stabil the shoulder girdle

Internal oblique Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - ant % of the iliac crest the pelvis and thoracolumbar fascia (on top of trans ab) Insertion - ribs 9-12, linea alba, contralateral rectus sheath Isolat funct - conce accel spinal flex later flex and ipsilateral rotat Integrate funct - eccen decel spinal exten, rotat laeral flex, isome stabil LPHC


Origin - ant aspect of lower body pubis Insertion - proximal medial surface of tibia Isolate funct - concen acceler hip adduct, flex, int rotation Integrated - eccentric decelr hip abduc, exten, exter rotat/isometric stabiliz knee and LPHC

Piriformis Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - ant side of the sacrum Insertion greater trochanter of femur Isolated funct - concen accel hip extern rotat abduction and extenion Integrated funct - eccentric decel hip int rotat adduct and flexion/isomet sabiliz hip and sacroiliac joints

Sartorius Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - ant sup illiac spine of the pelvis (longest muscle in the human body, pelvis to tibia hip and knee function) Insertion - proximal medial surface of the tibia Isolate - concen accel hip flex, ext rotat, abduct/knee flex int rotat Integrate - eccentric decel hip exten and int rotat, knee exten and ext rotat, isomet stabilz of LPHC

Rectus femoris Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - anterior inferior iliac spine of the pelvis (Hip to patella, only Muscle that crosses hip commonly grouped with hip flexor) Insertion - base of patella/tibial tuberosity Isolated funct - concentric accelerate knee exten, hip flex Interated funct - eccentric decel knee flexion, adduction, interal rotation/decel hip exten/isometric LPHCn knee

Vastus intermedius

Origin - anterior lateral regions of the upper % of femur Insertion - base of the patella tibial tuberosity Isolated function - concentric accel knee exten Integrated function- eccentric deceler knee flex, adduction, interal rotat/isometric knee stabiliz

Adductor Brevius Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - anterior surface of the inferior pubic ramus Insertion- proximal % of linea aspea o Isolated funct- concen aCc er hip adduct, flex, int rotat Integrated funct - eccet devceler hip abduc, exten n exter rotat/ isometr stabiliz the LPHC

Anterior deltoid Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - anterior: lateral third of the clavicle (Collar bone to humerus) Insert - deltoid tuberosity of the hummerus Isolate funct - concentric accel shoulder flex and int rotation Integrate funct - eccen decel shoulder exten and ext rotat/ isometric stabiliz the should girdle

Pectoralis major Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - clavicular: ant of the clavicle / sternocostal; ant surface of the sternum, cartilae of ribs 1-7 (prime mover for pushing) Insertion - greater tubercle of the humerus Isolated function - concen acceler shoulder flexion (clavicular fibers) horizontal adduct and internal rotation Intgrate funct - eccentr decel should ext, horizontal abduction, external rotation/isometric stabil and sholder girdle

Upper trapezius Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - extern Occintal protuberance of the skull, spinous process of c7 (spine to scap and clavicle and skull, elevate scaps, flex and rotate neck) deltoid Insertion - lateral third of the clavicle/acromion process of the scap Isolated funct - concen accel cervical exten, lat flex, and .rotation Integrate funct- eccent decel cervical flex, later fex, rotation, scap depress/ isometric stabil the cervical spine and scap

External oblique Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - external surface of ribs 4-12 Insertion - anter iliac crest of pelvis, linea alba, controlateral rectus sheath Isolated - concen accel spinal flex lateral flex and contralateral rotation Integrate funct - eccen decel spinal exten, lateral flexion, rotation/isom stabilx LPHC

Superficial erector spinae: Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - iliac crest of pelvis/sacrum/spinous and transverse process T11-L5 insertion Iliocostalis: L- inf border ribs 7-12/ T sup border ribs 1-6/ C transverse process c4-6 1 longissimus: T- transverse porcess T1-12 ribs 2-12/ Cer transverse process of c6-2/ Cap mastoid process of the skull Spinalis: T- spinae process t7-4/ Cer spinous process C3-2/ Cap between the super and infer nuchal lines on the occiptal bone (teansversospinalis division) Isolate function - conce acceler spinal exten rotation and lateral flexion Integr funct- eccen delcer spinal flexion rotation and lateral flex/ dynamical stabilz the spine durin function movements

Quadratus lumborum Origins Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - iliac crest of the pelvis Insertion 12th rib, transverse L2-L5 Isolated funct - spinal lateral flexion Integrated function eccent decel contralateral spinal flexion/isomet stabil the LPHC

Gluteus Minimus Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - illium of the pelvis between the ant and inf gluteal line Insertion - greater trochanter of the femur Isolated funct - concn acceler hip abd and int rotation Intgrate funct-eccen decel hip add and ext rot/ isome stab LPHC

Teres major Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - inferior angle of the scap Insertion - lesser tubercle of the humerus Isolated funct - concen accel shoulder int rotat adduct and extension Integration funct - ecent decel shoulder exten rotat abduct and flex / isom stabil shoulder girdle

Adductor Magnus anterior fibers Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - ischial ramus of pelvis Insertion - linea aspera femur Isolated function - concen accler hip adduction flex n inter rotation Integrated function - eccentric deceler hip abduction exten and extern rotation

Adductor magnus posterior fibers Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - ischial tuberosity of pelvis Insertion - adductor tubercle on femur Isolated funct - concen accel hip adduct flex and int rotation Integrated funct - eccen decel hip abduct flex intern rotati/isometric stabili LPHC

Semimembranosus Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - ischial tuberosity of pelvis Insertion posterior medial tibial condyle Isolated funct - concentric acceler knee flex, hip exten, tibia interal rotation Integrated - eccentric deceler knee exten, hip flex, tibial external rotati/ isometric stabiliz LPHC and knee

Semitendinosus Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - ischial tuberosity of pelvis and part sacrotuberous ligament Insertion - proximal aspect of medial tibial condyle Isolate funct - concentric acceler knee flexion, hip exten, tibial internal rotation Integrate funct -eccentric decel knee flex, hip flex, tibial external rotation/isometric stabilz LPHC and knee

Bicep femoris long head Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - ischial tuberosity of the pelvis n sacrotuberous ligament Insertion - head of the fibia Isolate funct - conentric accelerate of knee flex and hip exten/tibial external rotiation o Integration function - eccentric deceler knee exten, hip flex, tibial interal rotat (mid gate stance)/ isometric stabiliz LPHC and knee

Anterior tibialis Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - lateral condyle and proximal two thirds of the lateral surface of the tibia (knee to ankle/big toe) Insertion - medial and plantar aspects of the medial cuneiform and the base of the first metatarsal Isolation function - concentrically accelerate dorisflexsion and inversion Integrated function - eccentrically decelerate plantar flexion and eversion / isometrically stabilize the arch of the foot

Peroneus longus Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - lateral condyle of tibia, proximal % of lateral surface of fibula (knee to foot) Insertion - lateal surface of medial cuneform and lateral side of base of the first metatarsal Isolated funct - concetric plantarflex and everts of foot Integrated decelerate ankle dorsi flexion/ isometric stabilz foot ankle complex

Bicep femoris short head Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - lower % of posterior femur Insertion - head of fibula Isolated funct - concentric acceler knee flex and tibia extern rotation Integrated funct - eccentric deceler knee extension, tibial Internal rotat/isometric stabiliz knee

Vastus medialis Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - lower region of intertrochanteric line, medial lip of linea aspera, proximal medial supracondylar line of the femur Insertion - base of the patella and tibial tuberosity Isolated function - concentric accler knee extension Integrated function eccentric decelerate knee flexion, adduction, interal rotation / isometric stabiliz knee

Tensor fascia latae (including the illiotibial band) Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - outer surface of the iliac crest just posterior to the anterior superior iliac spine of the pelvis (lateral hip to knee/can cause adduction or internal rotation of femur If over active/tight) Insertion - proximal % of the iliotibial band Isolated funct - concen acceler hip flex abduct and int rotat Integrate funct- eccentric decel hip exten, adduc, and exten rotat/ isome stabiliz the LPHC

Gatrocnemius Origin Insertion Isolation - prime mover/lateral/medial Integrate

Origin - posterior aspect of lateral and medial femoral condyles (calf above the knee Connect) Insertion - calcaneus via achilles tendon Isolated funct- concentric acceleration plantarflexion - prime mover for plantar flex and eversion - lateral - External rotation of tibia - medial - internal rotation of tibia Interated function decelerate ankle dorsiflex/isometric stabilza foot ankle complex

Multifidus Origins Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - posterior aspect of sacrum, processes of the L, T, C Insertion - spinous processes 1-4 segments above origin Isolated - concent acceler spinal exten and contral rotat Integrated funct- eccent decel spinal flex and rotat/ isometr stabil the spine

Soleus Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - posterior surface of the fibular head and proxial one third of its shaft and from the posterior side of the tibia (calf below the knee connection) Insertion - calcaneus via achilles tendon o Isolation function - concentric accelate of plantar flexion Integrated function decelerate ankle dorsi flexion, isometric stabilza of foot ankle complex

Posterior deltoid Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - posterior. spine of the scap Insertion - deltoid tuberoisty of the humerus Isolated funct- concen accel shoulder exten and ext rotat Interate funct - eccen decel should flex and int rotatio/ iso met stabil shoulder girdle

Posterior tibialis Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin - proximal two thirds of posterior surface of tibia and fibula Insertion - every tarsal bone (naviular, cuneiform, cuboid) but the talus and plus the base of the second through the fourth metatarsel bones, main one is navicular tuberosity and medial cuneiform Isolated function concentric acceleration plantar flexion and inversion of the foot Integrated function eccentric deceleration dorsi flexion and eversion/ isometric stabiliza of the arch

Transverse abdominis

Origin - rib 7-12 ant % of the iliac crest of the pelvis and thoracolumbar fascia (support interna organs and provide intraabdominal pressure, help stabilize core) Insertion - lineae abla and contralateral rectus sheath Isolate funct - increase intrabdominal presure, support abdominal viscera Integrate funct - iso stabilz the LPHC

Serratus Anterior Origins Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - ribs 4-12 (side of ribs that get sore) Insertion - medial border of scapula Isolate funct - concen accel scapular protraction Integrate funct - eccen decel dynamic scapula retract/isomet stabil the scapula

Rhomboid major Origins Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - spinous process C7-T5 Insertion - medial border of the scapula Isolated funct - concen produces scapula retract and downward Intera funct - eccent decel scapula protract and upward rotat/isomet stabil scapula

Rhomboid minor Origins Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - spinous process c7-t1 Insertion medial border of the scapula retraction and downward Isolati funct - eccen decel scapula retraction and downward rotation Integrate funct- eccent decel scapula protraction and upward rotat/isometric stabilz scap

Middle trapezius Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - spinous process t1-t5 (retracts shoulders) Insertion - acromion process of the scap, sup aspect of the spine of the scap Isolate concen accel scap retraction Integrate funct- eccen decel scap elevat and isometr stabilz the scap

lliacus Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin - superior % of the iliac fossa inner lip of the iliac crest (pelvis to femur) Insertion- lesser trochanter of femur Isolate funct - concen accel hip flex, exter rotat Integrate funct - eccentric decel hip exten and in rotation/ isomet LPHC

Levator scapulae Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin Progin transver process c1-c4 Insertion superior vertebral border of the scapulee Isolat funct concen accel cervical extension / lat flex/ and ipsilater roation when scapular are anchored / assit in elvation and downard rotat of the scaps Integrate function eccen decel cervical flex/ contralateral cervical rotat/ lateral flexx/ scap depression/upward roation when neck is stabilz/ stabilz cervical spine and scapulaee

Pectoralis minoR Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin Ribs 3-5 Insertion - coracoid process of the scapula Isolated funct - Concentrically protracts the scapula Integrated funct - eccent decel scap retract/ isomet stabili and shoulder girdle

Longus capitis Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin Transverse c3-c6 Insertion inferior occipital bone Isol funct - concen accel cervial flex and lat flex Integra funct ecce decel cervical exten and iso stabil cervical spine

Longus coli Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin anterior portion of t1-t3 Insertion anterior and lateral c1 Isolated funct concen accel cervical flex , lat flex, and ipsilateral rotat Integra funct decel eccentric exten, lat flex, and ontra laer rotatio/ isom stabilz cervical spine

Infraspinatus Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin infraspinous fossa of the scapula Insertio middle facet of the greater tubercle of the hummerus Isol funct concen accel shoulder external rotat Integrat funct ecc decel should intern rotat / isom stabili should girdle

Teres Minor Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin lateral border of scapula Insertion greater tubercule of humerous Isol funct cooncen accl shoulder external rotat Integrate funct - eccen decel should inter rotat/ isome stabilz should girldle

Brachioradialis Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus Insertion lateral surgace of the distal radius superior of styloid process Isolat funct - conc accel elbow flex Integra funct - eccen decel elbow exten / isome stabilz of elbow

Brachialis Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin lower % of the anterior surgace ofhte humerus Insertion tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna Isola funct concen accel elbow flex Integra funct - ecc decel of elbow exten/ isom stabil elbow

Gluteus Medius Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

Origin outer surface of the ilium of the pelvis Insertion - lateral surface of the greater trochanter of the femur Isolated funct - concen accel hip abduct and int rotat (anterior fibers)/ and ext rotation (posterior fibers) Integrated funct - eccent decel hip adduction and exte rotation(anterior) and internal rotation (posterior)/isometric stabilz LPHC

Rectus abdominis Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin pubic symphysis of pelvis Insertion - ribs 5-7, xiphoid process of the sternum Isolate funct- concen accel spinal flex, lateral flex, rotat Integrate funct - eccent dcel spinal exten, lat flex, rotat/ isome stabilz LPHC

Latissimus Dorsi Origins Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin spinous process t7-t12, iliac crest of pelvis, thoracolumbar fascia, ribs9-12 Insertion - inf angle of scapula, intertubercular grooves of the humerus Isolated funct - concen accel should extens adduc and inte rotat Integrate funct - eccentric decel shoulder flexion abduct and exte rotation/ spinal flexion/ isomet stabil LPHC

Sternocleidomastoid Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin sternal top of manubrium of sternum, clavicle head: medial % of clavicle Insertion - mastoid process, lateral superior nuchal line o the occiput of the skull Isol funct concen accel cervicl flex rotat and later flex Integr funct eccel decel cervical exten rotat laterl flex/ isom stabilz cervical spine and acromioclavicular joint

subscapularis Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin subscap fossa of the scap Insertion lesser tubercle of the humerus Isolate funct - concen accel shoulder int rotat Integrate funct- eccen decel shoulder ext rotat/ isom stabiliz shoulder girdle

Supraspinatus Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin supraspinous foss of scap Insertion sup facet greater tubercle of humerus Isolate funct - conce accel abduct of the arm Integrate funct - eccen decel adduct of the arm and isom stabilz the should girdle

Scalenes Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin transvere process c3-c7 Insertion first and second rib Isol funct concen accel cervical flexion roation and lat flex Integra funct eccen decel cervical exten rotat and laterl flexion/ stabil iso me cervical spine

Bicep brachii Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

Origin: short head - coracoid process of the scap/ long head - tubercle above glenoid cavity of humerus Insertion - radial tuberosity of the radius Isolat funct - concn accel elbow flexi, supination of radioulnar oint, shoulder flex Integrat funct - eccel decel elbow extension, pronation of the radioulnar joint, should exten/ isome stabilz elbow and shoulder girdle

Superficial abdominal muscles

Outer unit, rectus abs, external oblique

Abdominal Musculature

Rectus abdominis External oblique Internal oblique Transverse abdominis Diaphragm

Shoulder Musculature

Serratus Anterior Rhomboid major Rhomboid minor Lower trapezius Middle trapezius Upper trapezius Pectoralis major Pectoralis minor Anterior deltoid Medial deltoid Posterior deltoid Teres major

Back Musulature

Superficial erector spinae Quadratys lumborum Multifidus Latissimus Dorsi

Rotator Cuff

Teres Minor (outside) Infraspinatus (outside) subscapularis (inside) Supraspinatus (inside)


Vastus Lateralis Vastus medialis Vastus intermedius Rectus femoris

pelvic floor muscles

a web like structure muscular sling for the inferior region of the core that underlies and supports the pelvic organs bladder bowel and female organs


aka fibularis breviary and Fersis

Triceps branchii Origin Insertion Isolation Integration

origin Long head - infraglenoid tubercle of the scap Short head - posterior hummerus Medial head - posterior hummerus Insertion - olecranon process of the ulna Isola funct - conce accel elbow and exten and should Integrat funct - eccel decel elbow flex and should felx / isom stabil the elbow and shoulder girdle

Gluteus Maximus Origin Insertion Isolated Integrated

origin - outer ilium of the pelvis, posterior side of sacrum and coccyx, and part of the sacrotuberous and posterior sacroiliac ligament (largest n most powerful Muscl) Insertion - gluteal tuberosity of the femur and iliotibital tract Isolated funct - concentric accel hip exten and ext rotation Integrated funct - eccent deel hip flex and int rotat, decel tibial internal rotat via ITB, isomeytric stabiliz the LPHC

Origin Insertion Isolation Integrate

proximal attachemnt site that remains fixed durin cóntraction - medial connection point to the center of the body refers to the distal muscle attachment site to a moveable bone - distal connection point farthest from the center of the body concentric eccentric and isometric

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