MUSIC 201 Test #2

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Who is the Greco-Roman author that serves as Dante's guide through the Inferno? -Beatriz de Dia -Virgil -Hildegarde -Homer


a term applied to the entrance facades of early Carolingian churches


The greatest Italian composer of the 1300s was -Perotin. -Del Dia. -Landini. -Sammartini.


a courtly poem by Marie de France


composers who worked at the Notre Dame Cathedral

Leonin and Perotin

the evil monster fought by Beowulf


one of the great early popes, the last church father, who converted many in the British Isles

Gregory I

a series of decorated compartments that surround a tympanum


Which of the following is not true about Chaucer's General Prologue? -The author overcomes a built-in problem of stasis by creating tensions between ideal types and real-life behavior. -It presents in character sketches a wide cross-section of medieval English society. -It chooses as its frame the idea of thirty pilgrims gathered at a tavern. -At first it defends the principle of courtly love, and then satirizes it in the last third of the prologue. -The author chooses the strategy of an unreliable narrator.

-At first it defends the principle of courtly love, and then satirizes it in the last third of the prologue.

Which of the following is not true of the famed Arena Chapel Frescos? -They present a narrative scheme based on Old and New Testament themes. -They embrace genuine human drama of a type that transcends static symbols. -The figures are given personalized gestures and body postures. -The altarpiece contains a brilliant, gold-leafed illustration of the Annunciation. -The main figures appear in Italo-Byzantine style. -Both D and E. -Both A and C.

-Both D and E.

Which of the following is not true about the Western European culture in the years 1000-1300? -Population was expanding dramatically. -The West re-learned Aristotle. -Gregory II established an all-encompassing Holy Roman Empire that bound all nations under him. -Urbanization was becoming a central feature. -The threats from Muslims, Vikings, and Magyars had stopped. -Christian self-confidence gave rise to crusades to the Holy Land. -Paris became a major city intellectually and artistically.

-Gregory II established an all-encompassing Holy Roman Empire that bound all nations under him.

Which is not true of Beowulf? -It is about events happening in Denmark and Sweden in the 500s-700s. -The narrator mixes past and future viewpoints. -Hrothgar was made chief by defeating the Huns. -It was written by an unknown Anglo-Saxon Christian poet. -The dead in this story are commemorated in a pagan manner.

-Hrothgar was made chief by defeating the Huns.

Read the following excerpt and answer the question: And almost where the hillside starts to rise— look there!—a leopard, very quick and lithe, a leopard covered with a spotted hide. What is true about the passage quoted above? -It appears in Marie de France's Laüstic and is an allegory about courtly love. -It appears in Canto V of Dante's Inferno and has to do with Ugolino's lust. -It appears in Everyman, as a warning about hedonist behavior. -It appears in Canto I of Dante's Inferno and has to do with the pilgrim being prevented from escaping his spiritual morass.

-It appears in Canto I of Dante's Inferno and has to do with the pilgrim being prevented from escaping his spiritual morass.

Read the following excerpt and answer the question: Just as he asked, I clasped him round the neck; and he watched for the chance of time and place, and when the wings were open wide enough, he took fast hold upon the shaggy flanks and then descended, down from tuft to tuft, between the tangled hair and icy crusts. Which of the following is true about the passage quoted above? -It appears in canto 34 of the Inferno and involves a main character climbing down the body of Satan. -It appears in the Decameron. -It was written by Thomas Aquinas. -It involves King Arthur struggling with a dragon.

-It appears in canto 34 of the Inferno and involves a main character climbing down the body of Satan.

Which of the following is not true of Machaut's Puis Qu'en oubli? -The focus of the texture is given to the top voice, which stands as a primary melody. -It contains two sections that present the following scheme: AB AAAB AB. -It features a complex repeating rhythmic pattern in the lowest voice. -It is designed for one solo singer with instruments accompanying underneath.

-It features a complex repeating rhythmic pattern in the lowest voice.

What is not true about Gothic architecture? -It was created by the Abbott Suger. -It features extraordinarily thick stone walls and windowless interiors. -It evokes a seemingly weightless, floating atmosphere bathed in light. -It features point arches and ribbed vaulting. -It features flying buttresses. -It features abundant stained glass.

-It features extraordinarily thick stone walls and windowless interiors.

Which of the following is not true about Romanesque architecture? -It features prominent stained glass. -It features extraordinarily thick stone walls. -It features few windows, making light dim. -It features barrel vaulting (in stone). -It came before Gothic architecture chronologically.

-It features prominent stained glass.

Which of the following is not true about musical polyphony? -It focused exclusively on single melodies performed in unison. -The earliest kinds presented strict parallel motion between two melodies. -The style blossomed in connection with a growth spurt in the church, when artists began to decorate and make more complex all sorts of church things: manuscripts, buildings, music, etc. -It began being notated at least by the 800s.

-It focused exclusively on single melodies performed in unison.

Which of the following is not true about the Decameron, first story of the fourth day? -The main character embraces a form of love that is more physical and natural than the one offered by her religion. -It involves a wife who talks about her seven husbands. -The main character takes a love, against the wishes of her father. -The main female character is presented as an intelligent, rounded individual, not as a stereotyped, formulaic princess. -It focuses on the daughter of Prince Tancred.

-It involves a wife who talks about her seven husbands.

Which of the following is not true about Cluny III? -It remains one of the great tourist sites in all of Europe. -This was the greatest Romanesque church every built. -The building contained many "compound" piers and "engaged" columns. -The building was extraordinarily big, high, and long.

-It remains one of the great tourist sites in all of Europe.

Which of the following is not true about the art from Sutton Hoo? -It was found on the bottom of the ocean in a ship that was wrecked in 1100. -It was found in a ship that was buried in c. 625. -It was found among a complex of objects associated with St. Patrick. -It contains artwork associated with the so-called "animal style."

-It was found on the bottom of the ocean in a ship that was wrecked in 1100.

Which of the following is not true of de Vitry's Garrit Gallus? -It's an isorhythmic motet. -It presents two different poems simultaneously. -It's written in the style of a melismatic Gregorian chant. -It contains two upper voice parts and one lower instrumental part.

-It's written in the style of a melismatic Gregorian chant

Which of the following were not German tribes in the early medieval era? -Visigoths -Lombards -Angles and Saxons -Vandals -Franks -Sheafsons


Which of the following contains an eyewitness account of the effects of the Plague in the 1300s? -The Decameron -The Divine Comedy -Canterbury Tales

-The Decameron

Which of the following is not true about Gregorian chant? -It began being written down by the Franks, probably in the 700s. -It was used to decorate the worship ceremonies of the Christian church. -Gregory I composed almost all of the original melodies. -The Franks began replacing their own chants with Roman ones to form a bond with old Roman Empire.

-The Franks began replacing their own chants with Roman ones to form a bond with old Roman Empire.

Which of the following is not a feature of Cimabue's Madonna Enthroned? -The Madonna and flanking angels have the same formulaic smile and oval head shape with the same tilt. -The angels in the sky writhe with genuine grief. -The Virgin wears imperial blue. -The structure of the throne is lavish but spatially ambiguous.

-The angels in the sky writhe with genuine grief.

What is not true about the High Gothic style at Chartres? -The narthex was expanded to become a large monastery. -The stained-glass walls feature more glass than masonry. -The exterior sculpture on the portals show a trend toward naturalism (with characters looking more lively and three-dimensional). -This building is rare in that it contains most of its original glass windows.

-The narthex was expanded to become a large monastery.

Which is not one of the features of Gregorian chant? -They contained several melodies and chords sounding simultaneously. -They were sung in unison by men. -The rhythms followed the Latin text rhythms. -They were monophonic. -They were typically performed with solo passages alternation with choral ones.

-They contained several melodies and chords sounding simultaneously.

Which of the following is not true about sacred literature of the High Middle Ages? -Writers didn't write much of it. -Miracle plays were popular. -It was often didactic (teaching morality and doctrine). -It often came in the form of allegorical dramas.

-Writers didn't write much of it.

Which of the following are not features of Dante's Divine Comedy? -the quest to synthesize Christian ideals with Greco-Roman achievements -a preoccupation with hierarchical structures -a preoccupation with the principle of Christian mercy (instead of justice) -a terza rima rhyme scheme (aba bcb, cdc, etc.)

-a preoccupation with the principle of Christian mercy (instead of justice)

Which of the following is not associated with Petrarch? -a fervent interest in the great writers of antiquity -a body of sonnets that express the poet's obsession with love and what it did to him psychologically -an expert analysis of courtly love songs from the perspective of an amateur musician -a muse named Laura

-an expert analysis of courtly love songs from the perspective of an amateur musician

Read the following excerpt and answer the question: The story saith, Man, in the beginning, Look well, and take good heed to the ending, Be you never so gay! Ye think sin in the beginning full sweet, Which in the end causeth thy soul to weep, When the body lieth in clay. Here shall you see how Fellowship and Jollity, Both Strength, Pleasure, and Beauty, Will fade from thee as flower in May. Which of the following is no true about the passage quoted above? -appears just before the character of God, who describes His disappointment with humans -appears in a work called Laüstic -belongs to a genre called a "morality play"

-appears in a work called Laüstic

Read the following excerpt and answer the question: The Emperor commanded the horns to sound, the French dismount, and they put on their armor: their hauberks, their helmets, their gold-dressed swords, their handsome shields; and take up their great lances, the gonfalons of white and red and blue. The barons of that host mount their war horses and spur them hard the whole length of the pass; Which of the following does not apply to the passage quoted above? -here as elsewhere in this work, the author celebrates the values of a warrior culture -in this passage referred to the actions of Charlemagne -was likely performed by a jongleur -represents the genre called courtly chanson -represents the genre called Chanson de geste

-represents the genre called courtly chanson

Which of the following is not true of the Lindisfarne Gospels? -contain a page that juxtapositions the form of a cross against a chaotic background of fighting beasts -shaped around the letters XPI -Irish produced, but show a Mediterranean influence -contain a sequence of portraits, carpet pages, and decorated letters

-shaped around the letters XPI

Read the following excerpt and answer the question: The deceptions of the Devil lie in the path humans take in this world. And before that multitude, as if in a road, there lies on its back a monster shaped like a worm, wondrously large and long. This means that the ancient serpent is well-known to humanity in the course of the pilgrimage of the good and the bad through the world, not in that visible form but in its inner meaning. Which of the following does not apply to the passage quoted above? -spoken by a character called Beatriz -written by Hildegard -appears in a book devoted to the description and analysis of visions

-spoken by a character called Beatriz

Which of the following was not a general historical feature of the 1300s? -religious strife, leading to the "Babylonian Captivity" -the Black Death -the Ottonian cataclysm -severe cold weather -religious strife, leading to the "Great Schism" -the 100 Years' War

-the Ottonian cataclysm

Which of the following is not a medievalism in Chaucer's General Prologue? -its use of a systematic catalogue -its arrangement of society types into hierarchical classes -the use of social stereotypes -the reliance (mostly) on two-dimension characters -the continued references to Greco-Roman philosophical ideals

-the continued references to Greco-Roman philosophical ideals

Which of the following does not apply to Marcovaldo's Last Judgment? -a preference for the two-dimensional and symbolic -the preference for flat, decorative surfaces -its appearance on the ceiling of the Florence Baptistery -its representation of a visual style known as Italo-Byzantine -the creation of naturally flowing drapery -the preference for dangling, weightless bodies -the defining of figures with sharp lines instead of soft modeling

-the creation of naturally flowing drapery

Which of the following is not true about Giotto's Madonna Enthroned? -the inclusion of a realistic background scene (with mountains and fields) rather than the traditional flat gold sheet -the suggestion of three-dimension modeling for the Virgin that creates the illusion of a real body underneath her robe -a growing naturalism, with attention to a light source and a more realistic presentation of the interior space within the throne -the injection of genuine human emotion -the use of a medieval hierarchical scale -a symmetrical arrangement of the Virgin and angels

-the inclusion of a realistic background scene (with mountains and fields) rather than the traditional flat gold sheet

In Dante's Inferno, which sinners are the more lightly punished? -the traitors and the fraudulent -the lustful, the gluttons, and hoarders

-the lustful, the gluttons, and hoarders

a major scholar who helped Charlemagne develop an educational system

Alcuin of York

Which of the following is not true of Dante's muse? -Her name was Catherine of Aragon. -Her name was Beatrice. -She was Dante's second wife. -She appears in the Divine Comedy. -Both A and C.

Both A and C.

the liturgical ceremonies performed at monasteries


the name given to the earliest polyphony used in church


use of formulas in music associated with the Notre Dame Cathedral

Rhythmic modes

a new highly systematic form of education


a set of guidelines established for monasteries in the 500s

The Rule of Benedict

It is possible to see the Wife of Bath and her crudity and avariciousness as a portrait not of a stereotypical woman but rather as a portrait of a stereotypical man's attitude toward women. -True -False


itinerant performers that juggle, do animal acts, and sing such works as The Song of Roland


poet-composers from the south of France


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