Music ЁЯО╢.
What is <?
Crescendo, gradually getting louder.
What is >?
Decrescendo or Diminuendo, gradually getting softer.
What if f?
Forte, loud.
What is ff?
Fortissimo, extremely loud.
What is mf?
Mezzoforte, moderately loud.
What is mp?
Mezzopiano, moderately soft.
What is pp?
Pianissimo, extremely soft.
What is p?
Piano, soft.
What is sfz?
Sforzando, sudden accent.
What is an interval?
The distance between two notes or two pitches. They have a numeric value and are determined by counting the lines and spaces between the two notes.
Changing Dynamics
This is where the music isn't staying at one volume but is gradually increasing or decreasing.