Music App. Ch.1-5

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What is tonality?

A system of musical organization that depends on a network of harmonic relationships all centered on constant triads

What is the pattern of whole steps and half steps used to make up the minor scale

Distinguishing feature: the scales 3rd pitch which is always 1/2 step lower than the corresponding 3rd pitch of the major scale.

What are some common dynamic markings, and what do they mean?

Forte- loud mezzo piano (half soft) Mezzo forte (half loud) Fortissimo (very loud) Piano (soft)

Which time signature is also known as Common Time?

4/4 (because it's the most common... get it!?)

What is a triad?

A 3 note chord, constructed by stacking 2/3rds together ex.) C-E and E-G, to C-E-G

What is a beat?

A basic pulse in tempo marking

How is a chamber orchestra different from an orchestra?

A chamber orchestra has less members and less of an audience compared to a orchestra

What is the function of a conductor?

A conductor directs, usually with a baton marking off the beats of the music

What is meant by the term harmonic progression?

A dissonant harmony progresses to a consonant harmony that "revolves" the tension of the dissonance

How is a downbeat different from an upbeat?

A downbeat is the natural accent that falls on the first beat while an upbeat is relatively unaccounted, it prepares us for the next measure

quarter notes

A half note equals 2 quarter notes ♪♪

How can the piano be classified?

A piano could be classified as either a string or a percussion instrument

eighth notes

A quarter note equals 2 eighth notes ♪♪=♫

Half note

A whole note equals 2 half notes 𝄫

A stress or emphasis on a beat is called


What is the function of a musical measure?

Allows rhythms to be organized into equal segments of time

How is binary form different from ternary form?

Binary form- using repeat marks A>A>B>B Ternary form- 3 sections, the 3rd is a repetition either exact or modified, of the 1st. A>B>A'

What is a mixed ensemble?

Both vocal and instrumental musisians

What are some types of vocal ensembles?

Choir, chorus ex.) duos, trios, quartets, etc.

Harmony is the art of using combinations of three or more simultaneously sounding pitches called ___________


What is the difference between a conjunct melody and a disjunct melody?

Conjunct is descending and disjunct is descending to ascending

What can one do if one needs to indicate pitches that are too high or too low to fit on the lines and spaces?

Create ledger lines- accommodates pitches outside its range

A gradual change from a soft to loud dynamic is known as a(n) ___________


A gradual change from a loud to soft dynamic is known as a(n) ___________


What are the 3 basic types of a meter?

Duple meter, triple meter, and compound meter

How is an imitative counterpoint different from a non-imitative counterpoint?

For an imitative counterpoint, the texture gradually increases in complexity from one to two and then more parts. For a non-imitative counterpoint, the different parts are relatively independent; the second part shares no material with the first.

Sound is produced through vibrations. The rates of vibrations are called _________


What is the difference between a fundamental pitch and partials or overtones

Fundamental Pitch- the determination by length of a variety column of string or other material. Partials/ Overtones- A vibrating medium that emits fainter sounds.

What is the pattern of whole steps and half steps used to make up the major scale

Half steps- occur between the 3rd and 4th pitches and between 7th and 8th. Whole steps- contains 2 half-steps, and occurs elsewhere in the scale.

What was Benjamin Britten best known for?

He wrote The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra in 1946, the showcased the instruments of the modern orchestra

Which musical texture uses harmony?


What is meant by range

How high or low they play

tempo refers to ___________

How long a note is heled

What are the 5 groups of musical instruments based on how they produce sound

Idiophones, membranophones, Aerophones, chordophones, and electrophones

Notes that are raised or lowered throughout a large part of composition are indicated using a(n) ____________.

Key signature

What are the two types of scales used in western music

Major scale and Minor scale

What are some alternative scales, and how are they constructed

Major scales- defined by their combination of whole and half steps Minor scales- Also have 7 notes like the major scale, but the are defined by having a flattened 3rd.

What is chamber music?

Music that is not meant for a big crowds and was often played in intimate circumstances sometimes without any audience at all

What is the vocal style of this song


how is the rhythm emphasized?


what effect does the repeating bass line have?


What does it mean to say that sounds are in unison

When 2 musicians play or sing the exact same pitch

What does adding a dot do to notes' rhythmic values?

When planning a dot, the notes are divided into groups of 3

what are the four types of notes that indicates rhythmic values

Whole note, half note, quarter note, eighth notes

What is the pattern of whole steps and half steps used to make up the chromatic scale

Whole steps and half steps are divided into 12 steps. Each are defined as a half step, 2 half steps make up a whole step.

What are the 4 groups of Western instruments that are often used to define orchestral families

Woodwinds, brass instruments, string instruments, and percussion

What is an accidental

a sharp, flat, or natural that indicates a momentary departure from the key signature raising or lowering a note

what does adding a tie do to notes' rhythmic values?

adding a tie, this joins 2 notes to produce a rhythmic value equal to the sum of the individual values. ♩♪=♪♪♪

how does the chromatic scale sound?

consists of an ascending or descending sequence of semitones.


drum-type instruments that are sounded from tightly stretched membranes

In compound meter, the division is equivalent to an ____ note





instruments that generate sound from electricity ex.) electric organ, synthesizers, computer programs

polyphonic texture

performance of two or more melodic lines of relatively equal interest at the same time

What is timbre in music?

quality of sound that differentiates one instrument from another

homophonic texture

single line of melody supported by a harmonic accompaniment

monophonic texture

single line of unaccompanied melody

Pitches are notated on a series of lines and spaces called a(n) ___________


What is syncopation?

stressed beats thus divide musical time into repeating patterns. The stress falls on the second and fourth beat of each measure instead of on the first beat: 1 *2* 3 *4*

what is meant by musical form

the components needed to create art such as music, it has its own certain form


tone color

The oval shaped symbols on the lines and spaces that indicate pitch and rhythm are called __________


A melody is made up of melodic portions called __________ that end in a pause known as a(n) ______________

Phrases, Cadence

What are the four properties of sound

Pitch, Frequencies, Fundamental Pitch, and Partials/ Overtones

A canon is also known as a(n) _____________


What are the 3 common female vocal ranges? from highest to lowest

Soprano, mezzo soprano, and alto (contralto)

How does the major scale sound?

Sounds bright and cheerful

How does the minor scale sound

Sounds dark and somewhat melancholy

Scales are made up of half-steps and whole steps (T or F)

T, ex.) C-minor scale

What are the 3 common male vocal ranges? from highest to lowest

Tenor, baritone, and bass

What is counterpoint?

The art of fitting one line of music against another

What is the context of Hamilton?

The historical era- the period of the revolutionary war, nearly 250 years ago

Whole note

The longest value, normally used: ♭

what is the form or "my shot" from hamilton

The music follows a clear form, altering between the fixed refrain and the more freely concieved variations

How does a dissonant interval compare to a consonant interval

The number of steps between consecutive pitches determines the size of an interval

Define dynamics

The relative loudness or softness of a pitch

How is the top number different from the bottom number

The upper number indicates how many beats each measure has, the lower number indicates the rhythmic value assigned to each beat.

What are two main kinds of clefs?

Treble clef: 𝄞 Bass clef 𝄢

what is a triplet?

Triplets groups of 3 notes marked by the numeral 3, indicating that they have duration as 2 notes have the same value

How is theme and variations form constructed?

Unifying element is the theme. The variations provide the variety by altering details or some aspect of the theme. ex.) melodic shape, rhythm meter, or harmonic accompaniment

The voice

Vocal ranges are classified by pitch range

How can we define music

We define music as sounds heard over time in succession

What is an interval

The distance between only 2 pitcches



Who was Benjamin Britten?

An English composer


Instruments that produce sound by being struck. ex.) xylophone


Instruments that sound by means of vibrating air


Instruments with strings that can be plucked or bowed ex.) violin, harp, guitar

what what is the style of hamilton?

It takes a different approach and draws a variety of different styles. ex.) rap, pop, blues rhythm

What was the purpose of listening to The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra as part of this chapter?

Its a string composition. Inspired by British composer of the 17th century: Henry Purcell. This piece was composed toward the end of WWII. It was a tribute to the endurance of British culture.

What does a time signature show?

Meters are specified in a show with this and its form with 2 numbers

Which note occupies the first ledger line below the treble staff and above the bass staff

Middle C- The 40th of the 88 keys

What are the 3 basic musical textures

Monophonic, polyphonic, and homophonic.

What are the symbols or signs that are used to indicate if a pitch is slightly higher or lower than a basic pitch? How are these signs canceled out?

Sharp: ♯ Flat: . A natural sign cancels a preceding flat or sharp, cancel out= the same as ♮

what are rests?

Silence in measured quantities

How is measure defined?

Through measure lines, vertical lines mark off metrical divisions.

The beginning of each beat pattern in a measure is marked by a naturally felt ________________

Time signature

What is the function of a metronome?

To precisely indicate tempo

What is the difference between a tone and a noise

Tone- A musical sound that is "pure", that has no partials Noise- a sound that is rich, it overlaps particles that the fundamental pitch is obscured

The home note a piece is called the ______________


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