music exam

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What is the term for music that is performed with exchanges between a soloist and chorus?

Responsorial Singing.

Which terms represent functions of music and which do not?

Correct Answer(s) sacred secular Incorrect Answer(s) song symphony

Which type of scale is commonly used in African, Far Eastern, and Native American music?

Pentatonic scale

Match the terms to their correct descriptions of text setting.

small groups of notes sung to a syllable of text - Neumatic- many notes sung to a syllable of text -Melismatic- One note sung to a syllable of text -Syllabic-

Which of the following is the most common form in vocal music?

strophic form

Music that is made up spontaneously in performance is called improvisation.


the direct opposite of strophic form is through-composed form.


Homophony consists of two or more lines set in counterpoint against each other.


If a major scale is transposed to a different starting pitch, the pattern of half steps and whole steps changes.


Monophonic texture is the simplest musical texture.


Match the pieces to the terms that describe them.

(Battle Hymn of the Republic): Major scale and diatonic (Bach, Toccata): Minor scale and diatonic (Bhimpalasi; North India): Microtones and pentatonic scale

Hildegard of Bingen was of ____ descent


Which of the following describe homorhythm and which do not?

Correct Answers: - All the melodic lines move together in the same rhythm - All the words in the text are sounded together Incorrect Answers: - It is only part of instrumental music - The harmony does not move in synchronization with the melody

Which of the following describe polyphony and which do not?

Correct Answers: - It combines of two or more different melodic lines - The melodic lines are set in counterpoint to each other Incorrect Answers: - A single voice takes the melody while the accompanying voices are subordinate - It is a single voice alone

Which of the following describe this musical excerpt and which do not?

Correct Answers: - It is polyphonic - It has two independent melodic lines. Incorrect Answers: - It is homorhythmic - It is monophonic

___ is a texture common to non-Western cultures in which several musicians play or sing the same melody but each musician varies ___ for individual expression

Heterophony/ Rhythm and/or pitch

In chant from the Middle Ages, the style that features many notes per syllable is called ____


Put the following historical style periods in chronological order.

Middle -Ages -Renaissance -Baroque -Classical -Romantic

You may hear similarities between Hildegard's modal melodies and the melodies and scales used by which sacred traditions?

Middle Eastern

Culture in the Middle Ages was largely defined by the rise of religious communities housed in _____.


The simplest texture is ___ , which is ___ melodic line without accompaniment

Monophony/ One

Match the descriptions of musical form to the correct excerpts from Simple Gifts.

Musical excerpt: Correct label: initial musical statement (A) 0-43 Musical excerpt: Correct label: departure from the initial musical statement (B) 44-1:03

Match the descriptions to the textures.

One main melody: Homophonic Multiple melodies: Polyphonic One lone melody: Monophonic

"Medium" refers the specific group that performs a piece.


Genre is a general term, while form is more specific.


Oral transmission is the process of preserving music without written notation.


Match the following forms with their formal patterns.

Ternary :A-B-A Binary: A-B

A homorhythmic texture is one in which all of the lines move in the same rhythm.


Changing between keys within a single piece is called modulation, while changing the key of an entire piece is called transposition.


In Western music, an octave is divided into twelve half steps.


When a melodic idea is used as a building block in the construction of a larger work, what is it called?

a theme

A theme can be developed by using which?

all of these

One of the basic structures in music is -, which begins with a statement and ends with a departure, without a return to the opening section.

binary form

Which term refers to a general category of music?


Which term describes the characteristic way a musical piece is presented and the creator's personal manner of expression?


_____ refers to the work's overall character and function, while form refers to the work's ____.

- Genre - Structure

Chant melodies are described as syllabic, neumatic, or _____, based on how many notes are set to each _____ of the text.

- Melismatic - Syllable

The Western art music tradition—particularly before 1950- is most often _____, giving the _____ full control over the melodic, harmonic, rhythmic, and textural aspects of the music.

- Notated - Composer

The pre-tonal scale patterns utilized in Gregorian chant are referred to as _____.

- modes

The Arabic mode, or scale type called _____ defines not only pitches in the melody but also patterns of ______.

-Maqam - embellishments

To help singers remember chant, ascending and descending symbols called _____ were added above the text to suggest melodic _____.

-Neumes -Contour

Listen to the musical examples and match.

Beethoven: Moonlight Sonata -Secular- Handel: "Hallelujah Chorus" from Messiah - Sacred-

The chants of the church only used the major and minor scale patterns found in later music


The octave is divided the same way in the musical systems of all cultures.


The text setting in Alleluia, O virga mediatrix is mostly syllabic.


Drag the syllables to their corresponding notes on the keyboard below to create a C major scale.

From left to right: do; re; mi; fa; sol; la; ti; do

Which of the following characterize heterophony and which do not?

Correct Answers: - It is similar to, but different from monophony. - It features one melodic line - It features subtle variation Incorrect Answers: - It is a term used interchangeably with monophony - It features two independent melodic lines

Which terms describe the scale used in the third movement of Mozart's Symphony No. 40 and which do not?

Correct Answers: - Minor - Diatonic Incorrect Answers: - Major - Chromatic

Which of the following describe the texture of Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring and which do not?

Correct Answers: - Polyphony - Two independent melodic lines combined Incorrect Answers: - Homophony - One melody with subordinate accompaniment

Which of the following are true about music systems in non-Western cultures?

Correct Answers: - Some non-western scales consist of intervals smaller than half steps - They have scales with different numbers of pitches Incorrect Answers: - They all divide the octave into twelve half steps

Which of the following describe this musical excerpt and which do not?

Correct Answers: - There is only one melodic line - It is monophonic Incorrect Answers: - It is homophonic - It is contrapuntal

Which of the following describe the major-minor harmonic system?

Correct Answers: - The rest cord is the tonic chord - It contains active and rest chords Incorrect Answers: - The dominant chord is a rest chord

Which of the following describe the chromatic scale and which do not?

Correct Answers: -12 half steps of the octave - All white and black keys on a keyboard Incorrect Answers: - Patterns of whole steps and half steps - Every other black key on a keyboard - 7 whole steps

Which of the following describe plainchant of the Middle Ages and which do not?

Correct: Latin text, monophonic, organized according to liturgy Incorrect: polyphonic, Favored wipe leaps

What traits does early Christian chant hold in common with the Islamic Adhan and which does it not?

Correct: Parts can be melismatic, monophonic Incorrect: sung in Latin, sung by a four-part chorus

Which of the following describe the Kyrie and which do not?

Correct: it includes neumatic and melismatic text setting, it is sung antiphonally, it is sung a capella Incorrect: It is primarily syllabic, it is a major key

Which of the following musical style periods is a subset of the Middle Ages?

Gregorian chant

Listen to the musical examples and match them to their historical style period.

Haydn: Symphony No. 94 (Surprise) - Classical- Josquin: Inviolata, integra et casta es Maria - Renaissance- Chopin: Prelude in E Minor - Romantic -

Listen to the musical examples and match them to their historical style period.

Hildegard: Kyrie - Medieval Stravinsky: Rite of Spring - Twentieth century Bach: Minuet in D Minor - Baroque

A knowledge of ____ styles helps place a musical work in the context of its creation.


___ occurs when one melodic voice is prominent over the accompanying harmony


A texture in which all words are clearly sung together in the same rhythm is ___


At the opening, the chorus sings the word "Hallelujah" in a(n) ___ texture


What is the first prayer of the Mass Ordinary?


Which of the following historical styles lasted for a period of less than 100 years and which lasted for more than 100 years?

Lasted for less than 100 years -Classical - Romantic Lasted for more than 100 years -Middle Ages -Renaissance -Baroque

Match the services central to the Roman Catholic Church to their correct descriptions.

Primary ritual of the reenactment of Christ's Last supper generally attended by public worshippers: -Mass- -Offices-

The interweaving of melody and harmony produces _____ in music


The musical element that describes the way in which the melodic lines interweave with the harmony is ___


A large-scale work, like a symphony, is often broken up into smaller sections called


Most cultures employ sacred music for religious functions


The basic elements of form are repetition, variation, and contrast.


The liturgy refers to the set order of services and structure of each service.


In through-composed songs, music from previous stanzas is repeated


n this excerpt, how does the second section (00:24-00:51) compare to the first section (00:00 - 00:23)?

its different

he opening section sounds marchlike, with accented beats and alternations between instrumental groups. Eventually, a total change of character marks a short, new section. At approximately which time interval from the beginning does this new section appear?

just after 1 minute

Which of the following terms describes a specific performing group or medium?


What is music composed for religious purposes called?


What is the term for music that is used for religious or spiritual purposes?


A motive, when restated at a different pitch, results in a


Which form features a statement of an idea, a contrasting idea, and then the return of the first idea (A-B-A)?


Match the prayers central to the Roman Catholic Mass to their correct descriptions.

texts that vary from day to day depending on the church calendar -Proper- Texts that remain the same -ordinary-

When a melodic idea is used as a building block in the construction of a larger work it is called a


Which term describes the scale used in this excerpt?

(Haydn, Symphony No. 94): Major

Match the terms to the pieces that they describe.

(Mozart, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, III): Sounds like it is in major (happier, more cheery) (Mozart, Symphony No. 40, III): Sounds like it is in minor (sadder, more dramatic)

Match the phrases to the pieces that they describe.

(Schumann, In the Lovely Month of May): Does not resolve to a rest chord at the end (Brahms, Lullaby): Clearly resolves to a rest chord at the end

In this example, the entire excerpt is in a major key.

(Tavener, Hymns to the Mother of God): False

In this excerpt from the English folk song, Greensleeves, where does a new section (B) with contrast begin?

21 secs

Which of the following terms may be applied to the opening of Beethoven's first movement, Symphony No. 5 and which may not?

CA: Motive sequence

Which of the following are the basic elements of form and which are not?

CA: repetition contrast variation

Which of the following periods of musical style happened during the years 1750-1825?


A polyphonic texture has a single melodic line.


Match the scale type to its corresponding description

Five note scale: Pentatonic Seven whole and half step patterns: Diatonic Consists of all twelve half steps: Chromatic

Monophonic sacred music of the early Christian church is called _____


When two ideas are combined ("Hallelujah" and "For the Lord Omnipotent"), the texture becomes ___


Which of the following textures is based on counterpoint?


A short, repeated musical pattern used as a structural device is known as a(n)


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