Music Symbols
Key signature
It occurs at the beginning of a piece and indicates which notes are flat and sharp.
Loud volume
Lowers the pitch of a note by one-half step
Mezzo forte
Medium loud volume
Mezzo piano
Medium soft
Perform or sound the note with more emphasis
Perform the notes short and detached
Raises the pitch of a note by one-half step
Double bar
Represents the end of a piece of music
Soft volume
Bass clef line names
The spaces are All Cows Eat Grass and the lines are Good Boys Do Fine Always
Treble clef line names
The spaces are FACE and the lines are Every Good Boy Does Fine
How many beats are in 4 4? Which note receives the beat? REMEMBER: The top four represents the number of beats per measure. The bottom number represents the note that receives the beat.
There are four beats in a measure. The quarter note receives the beat.
Two (2) or more notes of the same pitch, connected with a curved line, adds the time values together and play as one note
Treble clef
Used for the higher sounding voices (altos and sopranos). It's also known as the G clef.
Bass clef
Used for the lower voices (baritones, basses and sometimes the tenor). It's also known as the F clef.
Very loud
Very soft
Repeat signs
What type of sign means: perform the selected section again?
Grand staff
When music on two staves is joined by a brace, or is intended to be played at once by a single performer (usually a keyboard instrument), a great stave or _______ staff is created.
A _______is the space (distance) between two bar lines
Bar line
A ______divides the staff into measures
Gradually decreasing in volume
Ritardando or rit.
Gradually slowing down
Hold the note or rest longer than its time value
A moderate walking tempo
A slow and graceful tempo
Time signatures
A time signature reveals how the music is to be counted. The time signature is written at the beginning of the staff after the clef and key signature. Time signatures consist of two numbers written like a fraction. The top number represents how many beats are in each measure and the bottom number represents what kind of note gets the beat.
Cancels the effect of a flat or sharp
Fast tempo
Five lines and four spaces
Gradually decreasing in volume