NASM 7th edition chapter 15

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What is the weekly total of time recommended for cardiorespiratory training if participating in moderate - intensity exercise like brisk walking?

150 minutes per week

If a client is exercising for 150 minutes per week ( 30 minutes, 5 days per week), then a 10% increase in volume would result in how many minutes total per week?

165 minutes per week

What is the Tanaka formula, which is used to estimate an individuals maximal heart rate?

208- (0.7 x age)

What is a sufficient amount of time for a cardiorespiratory cool down?

5 to 10 minutes

What ideally should follow a day of high intensity training in stage 3?

A stage 1 day (recovery day)

How is steady state aerobic exercise best defined?

Aerobic exercise that remains at a relatively constant instensity, including a stable heart rate and oxygen consumption

What is the recommended frequency for cardiorespiratory training, if participating in vigorous-intensity exercise (jogging or running)?

At least 3 times a week

What duration does the National academy of sports medicine typically recommend for the cardiorespiratory portion of the warm up?

Between 5 and 10 minutes

When designing a 4 zone model for cardiorespiratory training, what range of intensity defines zone 2?

From VT1 to the midpoint between VT1 and VT2

What phase does not reflect the traditional components of cardiorespiratory training?

Interval phase

What is one advantage of using the karvonen method (heart rate reserve or HRR) to calculate training heart rates, versus percentage of maximal heart rate (HRmax)?

It accommodates for discripencues in resting heart rate

What marker of exercise intensity is considered the most subjective?

Ratings of perceived exertion

What postural deviation is most likely to negatively impact ventilation?

Rounded shoulders and a forward head posture

What workout stage can include steady state exercise?

Stage 2

In which training stage would you utilize work intervals performed just above VT1 and recovery intervals performed below VT1?

Stage 2 training

What statements regarding true tabata training is considered accurate?

The total duration of the workout is 4 minutes king and performed at 170% of VO2max

What is considered the gold standard measurement for cardiorespiratory fitness?


What is considered a component of NEAT?


In what training zone are you exercising at a challenging to hard intensity, where continual talking would become challenging?

Zone 2

What is the corresponding heart rate for an intensity scored as 14 on the original Borg 6 to 20 scale of exertion?

140 beats per minute

For an individual training in stage 1, what training volume and frequency would qualify that person to progress to stage 2?

Ability to maintain zone 1 intensity for at least 30 minutes, 3 times per week

What reflects the characteristics of morderate intensity exercise?

Ability to talk comfortably during exercise without breathlessness in the average untrained individual

What RPE range (on a scale of 1 to 10) aligns with training in zone 2?

An RPE of 5 to 6

How is VT1 identified when using the talk test during a cardio workout?

Continuous talking becomes challenging

How is nonexercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) best defined?

Energy expenditure through daily activities outside of structured exercise, such as walking, completing household chores, and taking the stairs

How is Fartlek training best described?

Fartlek training targets many different physiological systems by combining different formats into one workout

What does FITTE-VP represent?

Frequency, intensity, type, time, enjoyment, volume, progression

What compensation is most likely considered a predictive factor for developing a knee injury?

Knee valgus

How is a general warm up best defined?

Low intensity exercise consisting of movements that do not necessarily relate to the more intense exercise immediately following

What does not meet the criteria for exercise or activity to be considered aerobic?

The exercise is intense

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