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What is the recommended number of SAQ sessions per week for weight-loss clients?

1 or 2 sessions per week

What are the recommended training variables for dynamic stretching?

1 set, 10 to 15 repetitions, 3 to 10 exercises

What are the current physical activity recommendations for youth?

60 minutes per day

What is the recommendation of minutes per week for cardiorespiratory training, if participating in vigorous-intensity exercise (e.g., jogging or running)?

75 minutes per week

What step cadence is used during the YMCA 3-minute step test?

A cadence of 96 steps per minute

Why are children at a disadvantage when participating in short-duration (10 to 90 second) high-intensity anaerobic activities?

Children produce less of the glycolytic enzymes that are required to support sustained anaerobic power.

Inadequate hydration and mild dehydration can have several negative effects on athletic performance, including which of the following?

Decreased blood flow

Which of the following is a limiting factor for how long anaerobic glycolysis can proceed?

Free Hydrogen Ions

Which hip muscle helps maintain a level pelvis in the frontal plane?

Gluteus medius

Which mechanoreceptor is sensitive to changes in muscular tension and rate of that tension change, causing the muscle to relax, which prevents the muscle from excessive stress and possible injury?

Golgi-Tendon Organs

Excessive anterior pelvic tilt would lead to this posture of the lumbar spine.

Increased lordosis

Proper abdominal crunches on a stability ball allows for:

Increased spinal extension due to the curvature of the ball

The center of gravity moves in which direction when the knees and hips are equally flexed bilaterally?


Which of the following would be the appropriate progression for a core training program to optimize function?

Lumbopelvic stability, intervertebral stability, movement efficiency

Which of the following modality/exercise combinations provides the most demands on explosive power?

Medicine ball chest pass

What principle describes the nervous system's ability to recruit the correct muscles to perform movement?

Neuromuscular efficiency

Which term describes the movement of bones, such as flexion and extension?


Which movement assessment is a global observation of the entire kinetic chain and recommended as the first movement assessment to use with all clients?

Overhead squat

Which type of training would most likely lead to increased levels of testosterone, insulin-like growth factors, and growth hormone?

Overload training that is of a high intensity with limited rest periods

Which system puts the body into a relaxed state, termed rest and digest?

Parasympathetic nervous system

The TRX Rip Trainer should be most beneficial to which of the following phases of the OPT model?

Phase 1 , 2 , and 5

Heavy battle rope training is an ideal training modality for which of the following phases?

Phases 4 and 5

When ADP is converted to ATP, what is this process called?


Which of these is one of the major curvatures of the spine?

Posterior Lumbar Curve

Which of the following is a component of total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)?

Resting Metabolic Rate

What are the three movement performed during the ball combo II exercise?

Row, shoulder abduction, and shoulder press.

Which statement accurately describes the physical benefits of SAQ training?

SAQ training decreases the risk of osteopenia.

What are the three movements performed during the ball combo I exercise?

Scaption, Shoulder abduction, and cobra

What type of movements should be used before progressing to single-foot plyometric exercises?

Small jumps

Asking a client to balance on an unstable surface while barefoot would challenge which system?

Somatosensory system

What is the primary function of the local muscles of the core?

Stabilize vertebral segments

The standard Jackson and Pollock 3-Site protocol for women requires skinfold measurements at which of the following sites?

Suprailiac, thigh, and triceps.

What mechanism is responsible for increasing the rate of heart conduction?

Sympathetic nervous system

How is osteopenia best described?

The loss of bone density related to the aging process.

If pyruvate is being created via glycolysis faster than oxygen can be delivered to the muscle, what will happen to the pyruvate?

The pyruvate will be converted to lactate

Which of the following is iron considered to be?

Trace Mineral

What variable of plyometric training is determined by the client's fitness level, current training program, training history, injury history, and training goals?

Training Frequency

What component of breathing improves blood flow back to the heart?

inspiration with a decrease in intrathoracic pressure.

You have a youth client. What training frequency is most recommended for a young athlete performing SAQ?

1-3 times a week

Starting at what percentage of bone density loss does the risk of hip fracture increase by 2.5 times?


What is a normal respiratory rate for an adult during rest?

15 breathes

What is the weekly total of time recommended for cardiorespiratory training if participating in moderate-intensity exercise like brisk walking?

150 minutes

You are training a youth client. What is the best choice for number of SAQ drills per workout for this athlete?


Which of the following would be the recommended stability ball size for someone under 5 feet tall?

45 cm

You are working with an intermediate client on SAQ drills. From the choices provided, what would be the best choice for drills per session?

6 - 8

What is the high-energy compound used by the body to do work?


What are the two components of a sarcomere?

Actin and myosin

Which of the following would occur during intermittent exercise?

All three energy systems would be used at some point during the activity.

Which of the following statements would be accurate with regard to muscle force and velocity during an eccentric muscle action?

As the contraction velocity increases, the ability to develop force also increases.

What is considered to be the mechanism of action with self-myofascial rolling?

Autogenic inhibition

What is the process in which neural impulses that sense tension are greater than the impulses that cause muscles to contract, providing an inhibitory effect to the muscle spindles?

Autogenic inhibition

Which of the following vitamins or groups of vitamins plays a key role in energy metabolism?

B vitamins

Which of the following is an example of an exercise that targets the global muscles of the core?

Back extension

What is the process called that prepares fatty acid substrates to enter the citric acid cycle?


Which skinfold sites are measured if determining body composition via the Durnin-Womersley protocol?

Biceps, Triceps, Sucscapular, and suprailiac

The water-soluble vitamins include which vitamins?

C & B

Which of these is considered the most advanced plyometric exercise?

Depth Jump

Which muscle would be considered underactive, leading to the excessive forward trunk lean during the overhead squat assessment?

Gluteus maximus

Which muscles are typically underactive with knee valgus during the single-leg squat?

Gluteus maximus and medius

Implementing exercise concepts like core, balance, and agility training with resistance training methods indicates what style of training?

Integrated training

Which of the following force couples is accurately linked to the movement created by their combined action?

Internal and external obliques functioning to create trunk rotation

What is one advantage of using the Karvonen method (heart rate reserve or HRR) to calculate training heart rates, versus percentage of maximal heart rate (HRmax)?

It accommodates for discrepancies in resting heart rate.

Proper extensibility of which of these global core muscles is important prior to performing the medicine ball pullover throw?

Latissimus dorsi

Which muscle would be considered overactive, leading to arms falling forward during the overhead squat assessment?

Latissimus dorsi

What is a progression for the box jump-down with stabilization?

Multi - planar jump with stabilization

Which muscle is classified as a local muscle involved in stabilizing the spine?


When glucose is broken down via glycolysis, what molecule is created that could also be oxidized under aerobic conditions?


What is defined as the ability to react and change body position with maximal force production, in all planes of motion, and from all body positions?


Which of the following is not a skill-related concept that would enhance core training?


In an integrated training program, what would the last portion of the training session involve as the main exercise or movement component?

Resistance Training

What is a joint disease in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks its own tissue, causing an inflammatory response?

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Which of the following workout stages can include steady-state exercise?

Stage 2

What is the most appropriate gluteal strengthening exercise for a client with hypertension?

Standing cable hip extension

If a muscle is stretched too quickly, the muscle responds with an immediate contraction to stop the stretch. What is this specific action called?

Stretch reflex

The hamstring complex compensating for weakened hip extensors, which cannot produce force effectively, is an example of what key term?

Synergistic dominance

Which of the following blood pressure values would be classified as normal according to the American Heart Association?

Systolic < 120 and Diastolic < 80

What is end-diastolic volume?

The amount of blood in the ventricle before contraction

What is end-systolic volume?

The amount of blood remaining in the ventricle after contraction

Which of the following defines the center of gravity of the body?

The approximate midpoint of the body

What is reached when a talk test during exercise reveals a client to be working at ventilatory threshold 2?

The level at which the body can work at its highest sustainable steady-state intensity for more than a few minutes

Which of the following statements regarding true Tabata training is considered accurate?

The total duration of the workout is 4 minutes long and performed at 170% of VO2max.

Rotational movement of the torso should primarily occur where?

Thoracic spine

What are common physical characteristics of those with emphysema?

Those with emphysema are frequently underweight and may exhibit hypertrophied neck muscles.

Which disease is caused by specific medical conditions or medications, including alcohol abuse, smoking, specific diseases, or particular medications, that disrupt normal bone reformation?

Type 2 Osteoporosis

Which sense provides information to the central nervous system about where the body is in space?

Visual System

Which vitamin is the most transient?

Vitamin C

What is the minimum weekly goal of energy expenditure from combined physical activity and exercise for obese clients?

1,200 Calories

What rate of oxygen utilization defines one metabolic equivalent (MET), a value representing the amount of oxygen utilized at true rest?

3.5 mL/kg/min

What is the most appropriate SAQ program design for a beginner adult who is apparently healthy?

4 to 6 drills with limited inertia and unpredictability, such as cone shuffles and agility ladder drills

What is Acidosis in muscle?

A decrease in pH, which can lead to feelings of fatigue

What is the peripheral heart action system?

A variation of Circuit training that alternates upper body and lower body exercises throughout the circuit

Which of the following statements describes the abdominal skinfold location?

A vertical skinfold taken 1 inch lateral to the umbilicus (belly button)

What are the fat-soluble Vitamins?

A, D, E, and K

Which of the following modality/exercise combinations provides the most freedom of movement in the transverse plane?

Elastic band woodchop

Pronation of the foot describes what multiplanar movements?

Eversion, dorsiflexion, and ankle abduction

Why are proper frontside mechanics in sprinting important?

Frontside mechanics align the lead leg to optimally apply force into the ground to help propel the body forward

What are two medical precautions for self - myofascial techniques?

Joint Hypermobility and Scoliosis

Which of the following exercises provides the most challenge for the antirotational stabilizing muscles?

Kettlebell RDL

What is the primary limiting factor for exercise in the client with PAD?


Contraction of the hamstring and rectus abdominis muscles create what motion of the pelvis in the sagittal plane?

Posterior pelvic tilt

What stage of change is a person in if they are planning on exercising within the next 6 months?


Which of the following statements most accurately reflects ventilatory threshold one (VT1)?

An intensity where continuous talking becomes challenging

Which muscles are typically underactive when the feet turn out?

Anterior and posterior tibialis

Which of the following is a potential benefit of omega-3 fatty acids?

Anti - inflammatory properties

Which of the following statements would be accurate with regard to muscle force and velocity during a concentric contraction?

As the velocity of the muscle action increases, its ability to produce force decreases.

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