NASM Stretching and Flexibility

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How long should the client hold an active stretch?

1 to 2 seconds

What is the recommended minimum number of reps for each stretch during a recovery and maintenance self-stretching program?


How many repetitions of an active stretch should be completed by the client?

5 to 10

When can the fitness professional possibly modify the assisted stretching protocol?

A client is experiencing pain, discomfort or poor results.

Which of the following is the first definition of fascia according to the Fascial Research Society?

A fascia is a sheath, a sheet, or any other dissectible aggregations of connective tissue that forms beneath the skin to attach, enclose, and separate muscles and other internal organs.

Which of the following breathing and movement patterns are used to upregulate and activate underactive muscle groups?

A faster breathing tempo and quicker movement.

Which of the following defines the somatovisceral system?

A part of the sensory system that responds to changes in internal body systems and organs.

What is the best description of the term 'stretch awareness'?

A pleasant and gentle awareness of stretching only.

Which of the following is an example of a potential lower body compensation pattern that could result in more proximal faulty positions?

A pronated foot-ankle complex, internally rotated knee and hip with anteriorly rotated pelvis

Which of the following best describes the human movement system (HMS)?

A synergistic complex of myofascial, neuromuscular, and articular components

Which of the following is the second definition of fascia according to the Fascial Research Society?

A three-dimensional continuum of soft, collagen-containing, loose, and dense fibrous connective tissues that permeate the body.

Which type of exercise would be beneficial for client who works at a desk for 6-8 hours daily, in addition to corrective exercise?

Active extension

What is the difference between static stretching technique and active (isolated) stretching techniques?

Active stretching uses contractions followed by relaxation.

How can the client create traction during a self-stretching program?

Actively lifting to expand the joint involved in the stretch.

Which cell type enables fascial tissue to glide?


Which of the following can cause an impairment in elastic recoil?


Which of the following best explains the myofascial network?

All muscles in the body are connected to each other structurally and functionally through the fascial system.

Which of the following is a common error made by the fitness professional during lateral net stretch?

Allowing the hips to rotate

What is the first step completed by the fitness professional when beginning a comprehensive stretch program with a new client?

An assessment that observes both mobility and flexibility of a client.

Which of the following describes the fascial system (FS) model?

An expansion of the idea that a complaint is affected by dysfunction in remote musculoskeletal regions and connective tissues.

What happens when a mechanical load is released?

An influx of fresh fluids enters to flush out metabolic waste, rehydrate, and bring fresh nutrients to the area.

What topics should not be discussed with clients in order to maintain an intellectual boundary?

Anything agitating or controversial.

Which of the following terms could the fitness professional use marketing that they offer stretching techniques?

Assisted-stretching session

Which fascial net could be shifted upward with an excessive forward lean during the overhead squat?

Back net

Which fascial net may cause a restriction in ROM during a stiff legged deadlift?

Back net

When is it recommended that a client perform self-myofascial techniques?

Before stretching

When should a conversation about client expectations occur?

Before stretching sessions begin.

What can cause soreness after a stretching session?

Being too aggressive or exceeding the limits of the tissue.

What updated models have been used to create an integrated stretching approach?


What concept is described as the collection of parts that work together to create movement patterns?

Biomechanical model

Which of the following describes the type of resistance that stops motion of the muscle as soon as a stretch begins?


What structures may provide the least amount of stored and released kinetic energy for an activity such as running?


Which of the following describes the fitness professional's hand placement on the client when completing the double-leg traction?

Both heels in the palms of the hands with fingers gently wrapped around heels.

Which of the following is the liquid crystalline form of water found throughout connective tissue?

Bound water

What state should be fitness professional be in to best help the client?

Calm and focused

What system is responsible for motor control and primary foundational movement in the human movement system (HMS)?

Central nervous system

Which of the following would cause visceral motility?

Cesarean section (C-section) scar

What should the fitness professional do before each stretching session in order to best support their client throughout the session?

Choose an act of self-care to help reset their mood and intention.

Which of the following describes underactive myofascia?

Chronically elongated tissues with a decreased neural drive, preventing normal movement.

Which of the following actions should be taken when beginning a new client-professional relationship?

Clarifying and maintaining all professional boundaries.

What should be the primary focus of the fitness professional during each assisted stretching session?


Which of the following terms defines organizationally established professional guidelines for practitioner behavior?

Code of Ethics

Which side of the curve is considered under excessive compression in a client with scoliosis?


What type of tissue can both bound and bulk water be found in?

Connective tissue

What should the fitness professional obtain from the client before an assisted-stretching session?

Consent to touch.

Which of the following is the best way for a fitness professional to build client confidence during a stretching session?

Consistent practice and feedback with like-minded professionals.

How can the fitness professional ensure they are up-to-date on all legal changes regarding licensing laws?

Consult with an attorney

Which of the following areas can help make exercises more effective once mobility in that area has been balanced?


Which hormone is reduced, in tandem with stress levels, when mindfulness-based stretching and breathing exercises are incorporated during stretching sessions?


Which of the following structures are found in the Back Net (BN)?

Cranial fascia, sacrolumbar fascia, sacrotuberous ligament, plantar fascia

How often should self-stretching techniques be performed for the best results?


What frequency should restoration and correction self-stretching be completed?

Daily until function mobility goals are met.

Which of the following weekend hobbies would the fitness professional be most likely to find less restrictions in movement and mobility during an initial assessment?


Which of the following is not a result of localized dehydration?

Decreased trigger points

Which fascial net may be shifted when the arms fall forward during the overhead squat?

Deep back net

Which fascial net may cause a restriction in ROM during an overhead triceps extension?

Deep front net

Which fascial net typically makes it difficult to take a deep breath while being stretched?

Deep front net

Utilizing the sponge metaphor, what type of human tissue could be described as a dry, stiff sponge?

Dehydrated, immobile, inflamed tissue

Which of the following is a common error made by the fitness professional during double-leg traction?

Dropping into a squat

Which of the following muscles are present within the back net (BN)?

Erector spinae

What is one way the SFC can show respect to the client?

Exhibiting the upmost privacy and confidentiality.

Which of the following describes the process of external stimulation that can be detected by the five senses?


Which of the following explains why there are many varying types of manual and movement therapies to address fascial dysfunctions?

Fascia is vulnerable to many types of dysfunction because it is widespread and has an integrative function.

What are the five kinetic chain checkpoints which must be observed to determine proper alignment of the HMS?

Feet/ankles, knees, LPHC, shoulders, head and neck.

What cell types construct fascial tissue?

Fibroblasts, fasciacytes, adipocytes

Which of the following muscles are within the spiral net (SN)?

Fibularis longus

Which of the following are essential to a well-rounded fitness program?

Flexibility and stretching

Which of the following helps the fitness professional to address a client who is hypomobile after an assessment?

Flexibility and stretching

How should the fitness professional guide the client in moving from stretch to stretch throughout the self-stretching program?

Fluidly with wave like motions and in constant motion from stretch to stretch.

What are the five kinetic chain checkpoints?

Foot & Ankle, Knee, LPHC, thoracic spine & shoulder, and cervical spine (head & neck)

Which function of the fascial system supports that ground reaction forces are transmitted through the entire myofascial and skeletal system?

Force transmission

Which of the following is recommended that the fitness professional do in addition to gaining consent from a client?

Formally documenting all sessions in writing.

Dysfunction in which fascial net causes the back net to compensate by pulling upwards on the back of the body?

Front net

Which of the following terms defines the neuromuscular system's capacity to activate muscle synergies at the correct time with appropriate force to complete functional tasks with the least amount of stress and energy to the HMS?

Functional efficiency

Which of the following describes the perpetual movements used to assist the fitness professional in stretching their clients?

Gentle, graceful, "wave" movements that are ever-changing during the session.

Which essential mechanical property of fascia diminishes with insufficient hydration?


Which of the following enables the fascial and muscle layers to move smoothly and safely over each other to create optimal mobility?

Glide movement

Which of the following lists the objectives of each stretch as completed by the fitness professional?

Goal, Client Position, Fitness professional position, ROM, Traction, Stretch

Why is it important to stay within scope of practice as a fitness professional?

Going outside of scope of practice could result in legal ramifications.

Which of the following receptors causes autogenic inhibition in skeletal muscles as a result of tensed collagen?

Golgi tendon organs

What should be done if a client appears to need help that is out of their professional scope of practice?

Have a list of appropriate healthcare providers handy for referral.

Which of the following is a benefit of applying traction to a client during a session?

Helps to create mobility in the tissues of the joint capsule and other connective tissues

Which muscle can cause decreased flexibility in the superficial and deep front fascial nets in a client who predominantly sits during the day?

Hip flexor

Which of the following conditions could cause excessive tension in the central nervous system (CNS), leading to a referral to a medical professional?

History of stroke

Which of the following issues would be indicated by a gooey, nondescript feel during passive range of motion, often beyond the expected end of ROM?


Which of the following issues would be indicated by a wiry, guitar string feel or acute block in movement occurring at the beginning of ROM during PROM?


If a client is not experiencing the results they want with a self-care program, what should they consider?

If they are relaxing or holding tension during the session

What should be the primary intent of assisted-stretching during a session with a client?

Improve flexibility

What is a primary goal of the superficial back arm net stretch?

Improve range of motion in the rhomboids.

Which of the following are benefits of stretching experienced by clients?

Improvement in stability and balance.

Which of the following is a neurophysiological effect of rolling myofascia?

Improvement of tissue relaxation.

What is the goal of the lateral net stretch?

Increasing ROM in lateral lumbopelvic hip region.

Which of the following describes the fitness professional's hand placement on the client when completing the glute stretch?

Inside hand on outside of knee and outside hand on lateral aspect of the ankle.

Which of the following terms describes self-myofascial techniques combined with assisted- and self-stretching techniques?

Integrated stretching

Which of the following describes the process of internal stimuli relaying information throughout the body about visceral and metabolic processes?


Which system indicates whether or not a client is being honest with the fitness professional about how they are feeling during a session?


What is one of the best ways a fitness professional can create a referral network while promoting their business and services offered?

Invite the prospect to receive a free assisted stretching session.

Which of the following is an advantage of matching your client's breath during fascial stretching sessions?

It allows the fitness professional to understand the client's responses and develop trust.

What is the benefit of having an open dialogue based on productive feedback?

It builds a deeper connection with the client

Why should a client be careful not to hold their breath during a stretch?

It can activate the stretch reflex.

Which of the following may be true regarding stretching for a client?

It can be a precursor into other types of fitness programs.

Which of the following is a benefit of a 'power' posture?

It can increase testosterone and decrease cortisol.

Why is it an excellent idea to check in on a client on the following day after beginning assisted stretching?

It can make the client feel cared for and that will add to the beneficial experiences from the new stretching program.

How does the fascial system (FS) model add to functional efficiency within the human movement system (HMS)?

It intertwines the nervous system and muscular system, creating a mechanically sensitive and responsive communication network.

Why is motivating a client to complete a stretch session often easier than other forms of exercise?

It involves relaxation and breathing

What is the sympathetic nervous system known to do?

It is used for preparation for activity.

What happens to bulk water during chronic inflammation?

It shifts towards a higher percentage of polluted bulk water zones within the ground substance of fascia.

What are important aspects of a clients homework?

It should be easy to remember and customized

Which of the following best defines mobility?

Joint motion

Which type of movements engage the Power nets?


How should the fitness professional respond when a client begins sharing their feelings?

Kindly listening and being supportive.

Which fascial net provides the most stability during walking?

Lateral Net (LN)

Which fascial net dysfunction may cause hip hiking?

Lateral net

What is a potential hurdle for clients with demanding careers or those that attempt to control every aspect of their lives?

Learning to relax

What does the fitness professional risk if they go beyond their scope of practice?

Legal ramifications and client injury

Which of the following is a common error made by the fitness professional during side-lying latissimus dorsi stretch?

Letting the shoulder pinch.

Which of the following terms explains how direct pressure from rolling influences the viscoelastic properties of the myofascia?

Local mechanical effect

Which myofascial fibers help to support standing?


Which of the following best describes a change in property seen in unhealthy fascia?

Loss of springiness and elastic recoil

What postural dysfunction is often present in tandem with the upper crossed syndrome due to SFN postural dysfunction?

Lower crossed syndrome

What is the position of the client during the side-lying pectorals stretch?

Lying on side, arm reaching up overhead.

Why is myofascial movement restriction common in the Superficial Front Net (SFN)?

Many people spend the majority of their day in flexion, such as sitting.

How does the stretch reflex prevent injury?

Mechanoreceptors detect quick and powerful changes in tissue length and cause a contraction in the muscle.

Which of the following discomforts may be eased with stretching?

Mental stress, tension, and poor sleep quality

What tempo should be used during pre-training stretching?

Moderately fast

Why should the fitness professional take caution and make sure they understand the scope of practice in their location before stretching clients?

Most states and countries umbrella the professional-client touch relationship under the massage therapy license.

Which of the following must be present in foundational movements before advanced movements can be performed safely?

Motor control

Which of the following best describes functional movement?

Movement that improves the client's activities of daily living.

What tissue compartmentalizes each level of the muscular system so that movement can occur within the human body?


Which term describes the muscular and fascial chains located throughout the body?

Myofascial nets

What other body systems may be simultaneously involved if a client has a history of chronic dysfunction according to the Regional Interdependence (RI) model?

Neurophysiological and somatovisceral

When should the client exhale when performing any stretch?

On the stretch.

When does the client perform perpetual movement self-stretching techniques?

Once they are comfortable with static and active stretching techniques

What is the best way to establish trust in any relationship?

Open communication.

What type of movements are completed during fascial stretching that assist in stimulating connective tissue remodeling?

Oscillating and traction

Which of the following documents is used to screen for precautions and contraindications of stretching before beginning an integrated stretching and training program?

PAR-Q+ Questionnaire

Which of the following are not in the Spiral Net (SN)?

Pectoralis major

Which of the following muscles are included in the Superficial Front Arm Net (SFAN)?

Pectoralis major

Which of the following is an aspect of becoming a Stretching and Flexibility Coach that differs from traditional concepts of stretching techniques?

Performing global assessments, including the assessment of fascial nets.

What type of fascia encases all bones in the body?


Why does the fitness professional and client develop a close relationship during stretching sessions?

Personal hands-on contact

What are the four most common personal boundaries?

Physical, emotional, intellectual and sexual.

Which of the following topics is it suggested to avoid during an assisted stretching session?

Political affiliations

Which of the following is true about postural misalignments when considering the influence of fascial net planes?

Postural dysfunctions can be related to the shifting of fascial nets.

Which of the following can assist a client in getting started with their self-stretching program?

Pre-planning with the fitness professional.

What self-stretching program utilizes perpetual movement at a moderately fast tempo?


What receptors within the muscle ensure that adjustments in posture and quick reactions are possible?


Which specialized receptors help monitor, regulate, and maintain optimal movement patterns?


What types of movement should be used to engage the sympathetic nervous system?

Quick and strong movements

Which of the following is decreased as a result of excessive tension within the muscular and fascial systems?

Range of motion

What is one way in which the fitness professional can observe and maintain the physical boundaries of a client during a stretching session?

Reading body language.

Which of the following occupations may cause a compression and shortening of both the SFN and DFN?

Receptionist at a doctor's office

What self-stretching program utilizes perpetual movement at a moderately slow tempo?

Recovery and maintenance

What should the fitness professional do if a client displays symptoms of a medical condition during an assessment?

Refer out to the appropriately licensed professional.

Which of the following is the correct follow-up for a client that has low-back pain after completing a toe-touch during the back net assessment?

Referral out for medical evaluation.

Which of the following is recommended for a client that demonstrates extreme hyper- or hypomobility?

Referral to a medical professional

Which of the following terms defines the concept that a client's primary complaint is affected by dysfunction in remote musculoskeletal regions?

Regional interdependence model

What is often the missing link in a fitness program?

Regular flexibility training

Which of the following describes the first response of resistance to passive range of motion when completing an assessment with a client?

Resistance 1

What fascial organ dynamically stabilizes tendons and provide joint proprioception?


Which of the following fascial net dysfunctions may be found by a shift in the spiral net (SN)?

Right rotation of the trunk

Which of the following can be used with self-stretching to continue improvements in flexibility and range of motion?

Self-myofascial techniques

Which of the following may be included in an individualized integrated stretching program?

Self-myofascial techniques, specific corrective stretches, dynamic stretches for warm-ups and recovery stretches for cool downs.

Which of the following should be the next step in a client's stretching program once their goals for optimal mobility have been reached?


What is the best way to manage client expectations?

Setting clear and reasonable goals.

Which of the following are common physical indications of a post-stretching session healing crisis?

Shaking, cold or warm, uncomfortable

When impaired, which exercise may uncover a shift in the lateral net (LN)?

Side bends

What is the position of the client during the side-lying latissimus dorsi stretch?

Side-lying with legs stacked and arm in shoulder flexion.

What types of movement should be used to engage the parasympathetic nervous system?

Slow and gentle movements

Which of the following ways could the fitness professional target the parasympathetic nervous system and encourage the client to relax?

Slowing down the rate of breathing.

Why is it important to be prepared for an emotional response during an assisted stretching session?

So the fitness professional can explain the limits of scope of practice and offer a referral.

Why is an individualized stretching program more advantageous for a client?

Specifically designed programs have better compliance.

Which fascial net may cause a restriction in ROM during a lunge with twist?

Spiral net

What is the position of the client during the standing rhomboids stretch?

Standing, feet hip-width apart and bent through the knee.

What defines the scope of practice for allied-health professionals as opposed to fitness professionals?

State licensure

Which of the following stretching techniques should be used first by a client?


Which of the following muscles do not compose the front power net?

Sternocleidomastoid (upper part)

Which of the following stretching techniques does the client use a tool for support and leverage to assist in increasing range of motion?

Stick mobility training

When impaired, which exercise may uncover a shift in the back net (BN)?

Stiff legged deadlift

How does stress reduction effect a client's integrated stretching program outcomes?

Stress reduction aids in decreasing fascial net tension, which helps to increase flexibility.

Which of the following best helps maintain fascial elasticity?


Why is it important to assess a client's breathing when constructing a stretching program?

Stretching sessions have more desirable outcomes when breathing techniques are optimized.

Which term describes the alignment of each component of the human movement system (HMS) allowing posture to be balanced in correlation to the center of gravity?

Structural efficiency

Which of the following nets could cause a restriction in shoulder flexion?

Superficial Front Arm

Which fascial net may cause a restriction in ROM during a standing lateral deltoid raise?

Superficial front arm net

What is the position of the client during the single-leg traction?

Supine and relaxed with arms at sides.

Which of the following ways can the fitness professional avoid potentially harmful or hurtful conversations?

Taking the time to think before speaking.

Which term defines the baseline force on the fascial network that allows it to accommodate, adapt and respond to varied forces generated by the human movement system (HMS)?


Which type of force helps the body adapt and respond to the multiple, varied forces generated by the human movement system (HMS)?


Which mechanical properties work with the fascial system to mediate forces that the body encounters in life?

Tension and compression

Which of the following is not a part of this program?

The "no pain, no gain" philosophy

Which of the following best defines professionalism?

The actions and behaviors that characterize a person as professional.

Which of the following best defines scope of practice?

The boundaries within which a professional is legally, professionally and ethically bound in order to practice their profession.

Which of the following is not a reason for asking the client if they have been stretched by a professional before?

The client can describe where the last professional left off with the previous stretching program to save time.

Which of the following physical manifestations may be observed in a client due to DFN?

The client cannot inhale deeply.

In which situation would it be most appropriate to refer a client to a practitioner with more expertise?

The client does not continue to improve after making good initial progress.

What is a recommendation for performing all stretches in the lower-body program?

The client should complete all the stretches on one side before moving to the other side.

What should be done if a client completes a self-assessment and finds one side that is more restricted in movement?

The client should contract the antagonist muscle to inhibit and lengthen the stretching muscle.

What should the fitness professional do to cause reciprocal inhibition in a client that is pushing back during a stretch?

The client should contract the antagonist muscle to inhibit and lengthen the stretching muscle.

What is the role of the aponeuroses-tendon complex within the human movement system (HMS)?

The complex transfers force from muscle to bone to create movement.

Which system within the body is addressed with integrated stretching?

The connective tissue system

Which of the following factors are improved with the use of the fascial system (FS) model?

The correct answer is: Assessments and programs bodywork, physical therapy, regenerative medicine, fitness, and stretch therapy.

What is the focus of the lower-body self-stretching program?

The correct answer is: Improvement of mobility in the lower body as the foundation for movement.

Why is pain during assisted stretching not only unnecessary but can even be detrimental?

The correct answer is: It could disrupt trust between client and SFC.

How does stress cause a dysfunction in the human movement system (HMS)?

The correct answer is: Stress causes an upregulation of the CNS that can negatively impact functional mobility and flexibility.

What is the goal of assisted stretching during a dynamic warm-up for fitness training?

The correct answer is: To increase nervous system activity without pre-exhaustion

Which of the following describes upregulation of the nervous system?

The increase in rate of physiological responses or biochemical processes in the body.

Which of the following describes the term glide?

The movement that allows fascia and muscle to slide over each other, allowing optimal HMS mobility.

Which of the following defines fascial nets?

The network of interconnected chains of muscle and fascia and their relationship to functional movement patterns.

Who should receive a detailed description of assisted-stretching before performing stretching sessions on clients?

The organization manager or facility director.

Which of the following defines biotensegrity?

The relationship between tension and compression elements that describe force vector concepts applied to biology and the human body.

How may the fitness professional be an allied health participant in improving fascial dysfunction?

They can impact a client's ability to participate in a comprehensive fitness program.

What should the fitness professional keep in mind when working with an athlete that appears to be able to stabilize the pelvis and complete core training without issues during a session?

They could be compensating to accommodate for imbalances.

How can a client ensure that movement is efficient in all planes?

They should maintain a variation of movement in all planes.

Why is it important to have structural efficiency and the alignment of each component of the human movement system (HMS)?

This enables an individual to maintain their center of gravity over a constantly changing base of support during all functional movements.

Why would there be a need for the fitness professional to step away from the client during a session due to clothing?

This may be necessary so they can adjust their clothing.

Which of the following postural dysfunctions is caused by a shift of the front arm net?

Thoracic Kyphosis

How should the traction during the pull for the side-lying latissimus dorsi stretch be completed?

Through shoulder, leaning back with hips.

How should the traction during the adductor stretch be completed?

Through the hip leaning away

Which term describes the push back of tissues felt by the fitness professional when passively moving client during assessment or assisted stretching?

Tissue resistance

What is a potential result of being dehydrated?

Tissues may be less receptive to stretching and unable to glide appropriately.

What is the goal of the single-leg traction?

To add movement to the hip joint

What is a primary reason to avoid pain?

To avoid the chance of injury.

What should be the goal of the client during a self-stretching program?

To come to the feeling of stretch awareness with no pain

What is a common goal of the back power and lateral net stretches?

To improve the range of motion in the latissimus dorsi and lateral abdominal tissues.

What is a common goal of the superficial front, deep front and lateral net stretches?

To improve the range of motion of the hip flexors.

Which of the following statements best describes the Golden Rule?

To never cause pain to the client or to the fitness professional during the session for any reason.

What is the goal of the double-leg traction?

To relax the client and ease tension throughout the whole fascial net

Which of the following can disrupt the balance of tension and compression which help to optimize and maintain movement?

Traumatic injury

Which of the following cannot be performed by a fitness professional?

Treat myofascial and musculoskeletal dysfunctions and conditions.

What are the two things that are the most important to develop for a solid relationship between the fitness professional and the client?

Trust and open communication.

Which of the following emotional characteristics are most important for the fitness professional to have during an assisted-stretching session?

Understanding, compassion and empathy

Which postural dysfunction is caused by a lateral net shift?

Unilateral tilting of the pelvis

What tempo should be used during daily stretching when there are restrictions until mobility goals are met?

Very slow

What biophysical properties does ground substance provide to fascial tissue?

Viscosity and plasticity

What are the components of ground substance?

Water and glycosaminoglycans

If a client had a previous experience with assisted stretching, what additional question could be beneficial to ask?

What they did and did not like about it.

Where do muscle tears occur most often?

White collagenous fibers

What type of clothing is best suited for an assisted stretching session?

Workout clothes that have a tighter fit and have a stretch to the material.

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