NCE Set #7

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In demonstrating the ABCs of feeling and behaving, what does each letter stand for?

"A" stands for Activating Event "B" stands for Irrational Belief "C" stands for Consequences

Taking Responsiblity

"I take responsibility for it" GT pg 226

Watson (american behaviorist)

"Little Albert"- Classical conditioning

GT Oranismic self-regulation

"The process of bieng in touch with one's experience pg 207

Which of the following is an example of a question that a reality therapist is likely to ask a client?

"What will happen if you continue doing what you have been doing up until now?"

Perls' view of Gestalt psychology

"a branch of perceptual psychology that explored how humans create meaning out of perceptual stimuli." pg 201

PC Actualizing Tendency

"inherent tendency of the organism to develop all its capacities in ways which serve to maintain or enhance the organism." (156)

GT Organism

"to convey the inseparable psychological and physical aspects of human nature" pg 207

What does "Gestalt" mean in german?

"whole" or "pattern" pg 209

goals must be stated positively. what does this mean?

(got wrong but I feel like it's right) the helper must be able to positively reframe the goal


(radical behaviorism) "Walden Two" operational conditioning

building a bridge in the reframing techniques means

** NOT ** changing the viewing of the problem so that is seen as more solvable

a helper explains the reason for the client's problem. this is called

** NOT transactional analysis **

The target behavior "I will call my wife from work four times per week, talk with her at least five minutes, maintain my anger no higher than a level 5 on a ten-point scale and not yell or curse" is stated in terms of

** NOT** frequency, duration, intensity

what is a therapeutic factor?

** Not all of the above **

the skills for helping a client who is culturally different include

*** not *** all of the above

5 main needs outlined in Glasser's theory -Glasser said these inherent, general and universal

**Belonging -Power -Fun -Freedom -Survival

the rules for brainstorming include all of the following except

**NOT ** it's okay to interrupt others

What is the definition of the Hebrew word hebel?

- Breath, vapor, or breeze - Without substance - Unable to be grasped

What imagery describes the Holy Spirit, according to Neff and McMinn?

- He is an advocate/guide/helper/counselor - He is a flickering flame - God's Spirit cannot be reduced to ideas, words, theologies, and theories - He is a sustainer, companion, and intercessor in all suffering - God's Spirit is steady/constant companion - He is a midwife to new life - Creative, expansive energy of God's Spirit (ruach)

GT Basic Philosophy

- The notion that humas are growth-oriented. -Humans can't be separated from their enviornments, nor can they be divided into parts (such as body and mind). -Physical and psychological functioning are inherently related; thoughts, feelings, and physcial sensations are all a part of a unified being. pg 207

The lectures tried to build a case for integrating psychology and theology for the betterment of the client. What is an argument that was emphasized in the lectures?

- We do not have a choice not to integrate multiple sources of truth - Christian counselors should be intentional about finding connecting points of truth in both psychology and theology - In spite of a largely naturalistic philosophy, psychology still has many resources to help hurting clients (aka the answer is:) All of these are valid points

What are the implications of Jesus being a redeemer?

- We don't have to be pain- and weakness-free to reconcile with God - Instead, we can invite Him into our pain - Christ is with us when we are confused - He chose to be humble rather than exerting His right to superiority - We should do the same with clients

CT dysfunction

- caused by many innate, biological, developmental and environmental factors... no single cause

BT Health

-"all behavior is learned" -adaptive behavior, promotes survival

GT Dysfunctional Clients

-"dis-ease" -not in harmony with the environment -all distupations are due to a falilur to be aware of a need -broader view associated with the contemporary GT theorists -need or goal is in awarness and the person acts, but fails to satisfy the need -unfinished business pg 214

REBT: Philosophy

-"its never the events that happen that make us disturbed, but our view of them." - people can control their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. -constructivist- individual's creation of reality -soft determinist- have some choice to their lives but innate exerts influence -humans are biologically programmed -personally responsible for their behavior

REBT: Central constructs

-ABCs -Antecedent event or activating experience or adversity or anything -Belief, our belief about an event -consequence (emotional events or behaviors -emotions, beliefs, and behaviors, interact

What are the mechanisms identified by Ellis which cause us to cognitively distort events which we used to indoctrinate ourselves into thinking irrationally?

-Absolutistic musts and shoulds -Awfulizing -Demands -I can't stand-it-itis

ET Role of Client

-Active participant -Struggling with choices -Recognizing one's freedom Clients may use evasion or self-protection stemming from not accepting therapist's agenda, or a desire to stay with the safe and familiar. (pp 6)

ET Nature of Therapy

-Assessment: do NOT use any form -Therapeutic Atmosphere --Focused on immediate subjective experience --Very active in challenging and encouraging clients, but not providing solutions --Long-term model -Roles: consultant, fellow traveler, being as authentic and genuine as possible -Goals: "set people free" (pp 6)

GT Goals

-Awareness -Awareness of a moment, process, or aspect of content and awareness of one's own awarness. -Awareness will ultimatly resutl in the growth of the individual, for increased awarness will result in better harmony with the enviornment and enhancement of the organism through assimilation of needed things. pg 219

Relative to the efficacy of behavior therapy, what three things are true?

-Compared to other forms of therapy, behavior therapy has had some of the most productive research -Behavior therapy is one of the easiest approaches to research -Cognitive-behavioral outcome studies have shown success with a wide range of disorders


-Counselor deirects the client to act the reverse pg 225


-Counselor guides her through the process of exaggerationg the movement pg 224

GT Playing the Projection

-Counsleors might ask the client to play the role of the projection -Ask her to act out an angry and hateful person pg 224

ET Process of Therapy

-Establish a clear contract -Early focus on building strong, trusting therapeutic relationship -Working phase assessing client's material in terms of 4 ways of being --Umwelt --Mitwelt --Eigenwelt --Uberwelt -Relationship, understanding, and flexibility (Fischer et al. 2000) -Existential encounter based in trust and authenticity -Three stages (Schneider & Krug (2010) 1. Client anxious - build a solid relationship 2. Client willingness - deeper exploration of self experiencing and responsibility 3. Creativity - client realizes stronger sense of meaning and purpose, engages with world, aware of givens in life. -Resonances (transference and countertransference) (pp 6)

GT counselors

-Expected to be authentic and trasnparent in their relationship with their clients. -dialogic or relational GT -Admonished to stay in touch with their own experiences in cousnling, using such awareness as diagnostic tools. pg 219

PC Central Constructs

-Experience -Actualizing tendency -Organismic valuing process -Self -Self-actualizing tendency -Need for positive regard and self-regard -conditions of worth (pp 5)

Suggestions for Adaptation of PC for Traditional Males

-Gillion (2008) -Educating male clients at the beginning of therapy -Using language that is characteristic of masculine tendencies (e.g. distancing or objectifying) in pinpointing clients' meanings -Empathasizing with any difficulties in expressing and experiencing (pp 5)

ET Summary

-Grounded more in philosophy -Seek meaning to life -Death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness are four ultimate concerns of life -Health is authentic living, awareness, and acceptance -Therapy is an encounter focused on the present -Few techniques -Difficult to read and test -Flexible in approach thus helpful to a wide range of clients -Reaching your fullest potential (pp 6)

GT Healthy Functioning Clients

-Healty people are thsoe who live in harmony with the enviornment. -The process of self-regulation guides the individual to be aware of shifting needs of the organism, which then organize behavior. -Interconnection with the enviornment, so although seh is self-supporting, she strikes a balance between taking care of ehrself and attending to the eneds of toher people and her community. -Health can also be described as living an authentic existence. pg 214

GT Human Motivation

-Human behavior is motivated by the drive to satisfy needs. -Both biological and psychological needs are important. pg 208

ET Basic Philosophy

-Human beings are free, responsible, and have potential -Human capacity for creativity and love (pp 6)

PC Basic Philosophy

-Human beings are inherently good -Innate need to grow and develop -Destructive or anti-social is a product of experience in the environment -Self-directing and accept full responsibility -Humanistic and phenomenological (pp 5)

GT Central Constructs

-It is defined as meeting the environment, which can be either external to the person or aspects of the self. -Effective contact is essential to life becasue it is necessary for the satisfaction of needs. pg 208

PC Theory of Person of Development

-Life is an active process -Infant motivated by actualizing tendency -Differentiation of self --Conditions of worth are established (pp 5)

ET Central Contructs

-Modes of Being --Umwelt - being in the physical world --Mitwelt - being in the relation to others --Eigenwelt - inner psychological world --Uberwelt - being in the spiritual world -Anxiety: arises from survival, preservation, and assertiveness --Normal: fits events and makes sense -Ultimate Concerns: death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness -Defenses: result of anxiety --Specialness and ultimate rescuer (pp 6)

Existential Philosophy of Counseling with an Attitude

-More philosophy than pragmatics; more attitude than specific orientation -The study of being and phenomenology (our own experiences) -"...looking for correctives to determinism, materialism, and realism" -"rooted in the individual's existence" by Yalom, 1980 (pp 6)

GT Assessment

-No formal assessment is used in GT -The Gestalt counselor is the assessment tool, using his powers of observation to assess how the client functions in real life. -The counselor looks most specifically at the individual's patterns of contact with the enviornment, her level of awareness, and the amount of environmental and personal support she has. -Traditional diagnosis is also viewed with suspicion by hard-line GT advocates pg 216

PC Techniques

-No techniques -Recently, innovations --"experientialists" - focusing approach and Process-Experiential Therapy --Information processing --Aimed at intensifying client experiencing -Pre-therapy (Prouty, 1998) --Reality, affective, and communicative contacts -Motivational Interviewing (Miller, 1983) - Socratic questioning (pp 55)

ET Evaluation

-Not a cohesive theory -Often difficult to read -Too relativistic -Qualities of theory --Not testable --Reductionistic and deterministic are contrary to Existential -Outcome Research --Elliott (2001): significant change --Research mainly positive however with research flaws -Theory-Testing --Case study or qualitative approaches --Grahm, et. al. (2010) found perfectionism resulting from struggle to find meaning and accept past experiences, and as a predictor for depression. --Batthyanay & Guttman (2006) found many studies supportive of logotherapy. (pp 6)

ET Theory of Person and Development

-Not interested in theories of personality -Interested in client's present experience rather than past -Some recognize developmental sequence of attachment to separation (pp 6)

Whare are some commonly used techniques in SFBT?

-Noting pre-session change -Listening -Being tentative -Amplification

PC Experience

-Noun = refers to everything that is going on in the individual at a given moment -Verb = the process of the person receiving what is going on around and within him/her (pp 5)

Summary of PC

-Optimistic view of people - meaning growthful beings -Actualization is the development of self -Do NOT diagnose or assess -Too simplistic and ignores human nature -Individualistic -To accept the freedom of being (pp 5)

PC Self (pp 5)

-Positive Self-concept: perceived recognition of "me" and the attached values -Negative Self-concept: inconsistent self-concept -Ideal Self: would like to be (pp 5)

What are some characteristics of solution-focused therapy?

-Pragmatic -Anti-deterministic -Future-oriented

PC Process of Therapy

-Provide optimum environment -Congruence (genuineness, transparence, or realness) - free flowing awareness -Immediacy: "here and now" -Unconditional Positive Regard - "prizing" -Empathy - perceives the internal experience of another as if he/she were that person -4th condition? Transcendental state -Resistance to therapy ---Avoidance to painful experience ---Counselor becomes inhibitive to the process by their biases (pp 5)

ET Human Motivation

-Search for meaning (Frankl, 1984) --Work or doing a deed --Experiencing or encountering --Attitude we take toward unavoidable suffering -Unconscious is true nature of existence (pp 6)

GT Theory of the person and development of the individual

-Shifing the focus from the seuxal instinct to the hunger instinct -GT has relatively little developmetnal or personality theory -GT acknowlege the importance of childhood events -To grow healthfully, children need support from the enviornment as well as love and respect pg 213

ET Techniques

-Some believe no techniques -Any interventions that helps gain awareness --Attention to nonverbal behavior --Self disclosure --Paradoxical intentions --Dereflection: attention out to the world --Dream analysis: manifestation of client's issues --Bracketing: suspend beliefs and biases --Guided Fantasy: visual imagery (pp 6)

REBT: goals

-Survive and be happy -to be loved -to be comfortable and successful -unconditional self-acceptance

REBT; Human Motivation

-Surviving and being responsibly happy -Obtain pleasure and avoid pain

GT Self-Disclosure

-The Gestalt counselor authentically discloses an experience, and then the client and counselro discuss it in the immediacy of the relationship pg 223

Conditions of Worth

-To seek love from important others -Initially externalized, then internalized (pp 5)

PC Diversity & Culture

-Too much individualism, emotional expression, nondirective, and self-disclosure -The client determines the goals of counseling -Egalitarian relationship aligns with the feminist approach to counseling, however, ignores cultural context (pp 5) -PC theory can be criticized for placing too much emphasis on the individual and paying relatively little attention to family and cultural effects on people's lives and behaviors. -The stress on individualism in PC theory can lead to an attitude that the person must change, not the environment, organization, or society in which he exists. (174)

ET Diversity & Culture

-Useful for wide range of clients, particularly for women and different cultures -ET emphasis on uniqueness may make it particularly suitable for those who have been marginalized -Emphasis on individualism can be problematic -Client from oppressed group may find emphasis on free will and choice to be counter to their views of the world. (pp 6)

PC Evaluation

-Wearing "rose-colored glasses" -Methodology of Person-Centered -Research --Theory is imprecise and difficult to standardize/operationalize --In general, has supported Person-Centered --Rogers' core conditions are considered necessary but not sufficient -Outcome Research -Theory-Testing (pp 5)

Glasser speaks of Total Behavior, which is comprised of... -all behaviors contain these 4 elements although one element or another is more obvious at a given time

-action, thinking, feelings, physiology

BT Nature of Therapy

-assessment -therapeutic atmosphere -roles -goals

BT Process of therapy

-assessment: functional analysis -psycho-education about behavior therapy- teaches the client the behavioral model -client is never wrong

Theory of Person and Development

-attend to past only to construct a learning history -others focus on current conditions of behavior to be changed

BT Central constructs

-classical: association (stimulant- response) - unconditional becomes conditional as a result of pairing/associate with a reflex -operant: reinforcement -positive and negative reinforcement (increase behavior) or punishment (decrease behavior) - Observational: modeling -enhance operant and classical


-continuous (given after every response) -intermittent (after some responses and not others) -fixed or variable -ratio (response) or interval (time)

Brief intervention strategies:

-create a positive environment -suspend judgement -do the unexpected -use humor -be yourself -share yourself -listen for metaphors -listen for themes -summarize and focus -Allow or Impose Consequences. -allow silence -be ethical -Be Redundant or Repetitious Create Suspense and Anticipation. Establish Boundaries. WDEP system -Getting a Commitment to Counseling

REBT: therapy goals

-eliminate irrational thinking -change irrational to rational beliefs -expect not just to feel better, but to get better

CT constructs

-emotions and behavior are products of our perceptions of situations -cognition means both process and content of thinking (how you think about what you think) -schemas: cognitive structures that organize information

CT philosophy

-humans simply adapting to the environment -constructivist- no single object of reality

CT healthy

-information processing that allows the individual to meet his/her goals of survival, reproduction, and sociability

Classical Conditioning

-involuntary, reflexive process becomes associated with a non-involuntary/reflexive process -reciprocal inhibition: -anxiety (ucs) gets conditioned -Extinction: association weakens or eliminated

GT client

-is expected to engage actively in the process of self-discovery - the last thing that the counselor wants is for the client to introject the values or opinion of the therapist. pg 219

Observational Learning

-learn by viewing the behavior of others -acquisition of new behaviors- learn vicariously -modeling combines with operant

BT Dysfunction

-maladaptive behavior -neurosis: established by either simple classical or vicariously conditioned -operant: contingencies of reinforcement -social learning: not exposed to the right models

BT Philosophy

-neutral view of human nature, non-evaluative -early modes were based on the "medical model" or disease model- symptom substitution -focuses on overt behavior that deviates from social norms -radical behaviorism: environment as determinants of behavior

GT Therapeutic Atmosphere

-observed in the therapist's emphasis on the immediate experience of the client. -it means that these are examined as they are experienced in the present pg 217

Proactive countertransference

-occures when the counselor's unfinished business is activeated while in a relationship with the client. -be alert to this event and be able to set these responses aside. pg 221

Reactive countertransference

-occures when the cousnlro responds to the clients transference behaviors pg 221

REBT: dysfunctional

-operating on irrational beliefs -self-downing -hostility and rage -low frustration tolerance

major principles in the process of change:

-present orientation -emphasis on choice -control of action -importance of relationship -

REBT: healthy

-rely mostly on rational beliefs in their daily lives - flexibility and open-mindedness

Operant conditioning

-skinner: behavior maintained by its consequences -behavior "operates" (contingent) on the environment to produce consequences - Reinforcement: increases probability of behavior - Punishment: decreases probability of behavior - satiation: too much of reinforcer

According to PC, human behavior is the result of...

... an innate need to grow and develop common to all living organisms. (154)

The PC therapist recognizes that humans sometimes act in...

... destructive or antisocial ways, but maintains that these tendencies are a product of experience in the environment, not built into the human psyche. (154)

Self regulation involves the process of ...

... determining what is good and bad for the organism, which should lead toward acceptance of the good and rejection of the bad. pg 208

The goal of the process of self-regulation is...

... harmony with the enviornment, maturity, or actualization. pg 208

PC theory is the basic premise that human beings are ...

... inherently good. (153)

Early experiences led Rogers to conclude that...

... it was really the client who knew what the problem was and where to go to solve it. (146)

interactionist view

0concepts specific to the thinking, feeling, and behaving dimensions of human experience and accounts for contextual environmental factors

Realiy therapy is recognized as a scientific and valid system due to 1) _________ validation 2) the existence of 6 european reality therapy _______

1) empirical 2) organizations

2 things Glasser emphasized:

1) people are responsible for their own behavior and 2) they cannot blame the past, or outside forces, and at the same time achieve a high degree of mental health.

Principles of feminist therapy

1) the person is political, 2) commitment to social change, 3) women's and girls' voices and ways of knowing are valued and their experiences are honored, 3) the counseling relationship is egalitarian, 4) a focus on strengths and a reformulated definition of psychological distress, and 5) all types of oppression are recognized

5 levels of commitment (Wubbolding)

1. "I don't want to be here." 2. "I want the outcome, but not the effort." 3. "I'll try; I might." 4. "I will do my best." 5. "I will do whatever it takes."

According to Entwistle, what is a worldview?

1. A window through which the world is seen, framed by the assumptions and beliefs that color what a person sees 2. Shapes how we understand our experience in the world and reflect our expectations about life 3. A set of presuppositions (assumptions that may be true, partially or inconsistently) that we hold (consciously or unconsciously) about the basic make-up of the world

GT Dialogues

1. Among parts of the self 2. with the therapist 3. with other individual in the client's life, past or present pg 223

According to Entwistle, the neutral parties model views psychology and theology as distinct, not interacting, and able to be carried out through psychological neutrality and Christian neutrality. Who is included in the Christian neutrality group?

1. Carter 2. Naramore 3. Clement 4. David Myers 5. Malcom Jeeves of the Sacred Parallel Approach 6. Fraser Watts

Where are five basic assumptions of solution-focused therapy?

1. Change is constant and inevitable 2. The client is the expert on his or her experience 3. Clients come to us with resources and strengths 4. If it ain't broke, don't fix it 5. If it works, do more of it; if it's not working, do something different

According to Entwistle, what does the Allies model assert?

1. Christ is the Creator of all things 2. Human purpose is expressed when we see ourselves in proper relationship with God 3. We should be faithful in studying the books of God's works and Word 4. God is sovereign

What are the three major theories of atonement?

1. Christus Victor/ransom theory: Christ's sacrifice provided victory over sin, Satan, and death 2. Moralistic theory: Christ's obedience to the Cross is used as a model to move us towards repentance and moral transformation 3. Satisfaction/penal substitution: Christ's death is viewed within a legal and penal framework. This view is the dominant one in American Christianity where His death is viewed as substitutionary payment for our sins.

What are the three types of clients DeJong, Berg and deShazer describe which address their level of readiness for change?

1. Customers 2. Complainants 3. Visitors

Three historical stages in the evolution of PC theory

1. Emphasized the non directive nature of the counseling interaction. 2. The attitude of the therapist 3. It is critical to be honest in the therapy relationship (163)

What are the eight points in the "Reasons for Forgiveness Scale"?

1. Forgiveness helps me get on with my life. 2. I want to keep peace in our relationship. 3. I understand why s/he did it. 4. I've done bad things too and have been forgiven. 5. I love this person. 6. It is not that big of a deal. 7. If I had behaved differently it wouldn't have happened. 8. Forgiveness is the right thing to do.

What are the three major views of the Imago Dei?

1. Functional - humans image God with how we function in the world 2. Substantive - the likeness of God (human reasoning, ethical nature, the ability to be relational) is located within humankind 3. Relational - our capacity to have relationships and our thriving in them is what makes us image God

What are the implications for God's missional nature for us as counselors?

1. God is already at work in clients' lives when we enter them 2. Our mission is less about doing something to our patients and more about being oriented to them in a way that bears witness to God.

What does postmodernism mean?

1. Increased comfort with multiple perspectives 2. New and complex problems are being discussed

Two kinds of client resistance to the therapy process

1. Natural reluctance to undergo the painful experience of divulging to one's self and to the counselor feelings previously denied. 2. Resistance created by the counselor and arises as a result of "offering interpretations, making diagnoses and other judgement" (pp 5)

Problems with PC

1. PC approach has weaker effects with clients who display severe levels of psychopathology compared to those who present with milder dysfunctions. 2. PC therapists neglect the important educational role of the counselor because it is inconsistent with PC ideology. (170)

According to Entwistle, what is an epistemological assumption made by the Enemies model (Christian Combatants version)?

1. Psychology and religion (Christianity) are fundamentally incompatible 2. Rejection and eradication 3. Nouthetic counseling—people are not sick but sinful, the use of psychology is idolatrous, the care of the soul belongs solely to the church, Scripture is sufficient for all psychological needs

According to Entwistle, what does the Enemies model of integration (Secular Combatants subtype) assert?

1. Scientific thinking is incompatible with religious belief 2. Believes in psychology and science but rejects Christianity. Example: Freud, Ellis, famous atheists. Freud: religion is neurosis, Mechanistic physiology, human rationality, scientific method 3. Religion is an infantile need that can be supplanted by science and truth

What are some important considerations when treating someone with depression from a Christian worldview?

1. Some depression contains a longing for connection and desire to be cared for by others - This type of depression can include a tendency to turn anger inward - Taken together, this can produce a feeling of existential loneliness 2. When Christians feel this way, they may feel abandoned by God 3. Therapeutic missteps (encouragement to ignore spiritual dimensions of depression; encouragement to abandon God and faith, etc.) are typical in these cases 4. Encouraging this type of lament to be expressed to God can be helpful

Two tasks of the PC therapist

1. Struggling to understand the experience of the client 2. While at the same time being open to his own experience in the therapeutic relationship- are critical. (161)

What is included in the idea of lament?

1. Suffering 2. Giving voice to our suffering 3. Resistance to the way things are 4. Trust in the person receiving our lament

According to Entwistle, what are the five keys to a Christian Theocentric worldview?

1. The essential unity of truth is recognized as grounded in a transcendent God who created an orderly world. 2. Human capacities are seen as God-given, to be guided by intellectual and moral virtues and resulting in adoration of God. 3. Reality is seen as a holistic unity composed of physical, social, psychological, and transcendent phenomena. 4. Human finitude, frailty, and the individual and corporate (communal) effects of sin are recognized as limiting factors in the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge. 5. Various means of epistemic (relating to knowledge or to the degree of its validation) inquiry (e.g., rational discourse, empirical investigation, etc.) are recognized as means of evaluating truth claims though each has unique strengths, limitations, and areas of application that make them relevant to different forms of epistemic application.

PC development of the individual

1. The infant, motivated by the actualizing tendency, evaluates experience based on the organismic valuing process. 2. As the child grows, part of the experience becomes defied as the self. 3. Gradually, the child becomes aware that certain self-experiences are valued positively or negatively by others around him. 4. In the perfect world, individuals could develop in an atmosphere of unconditional positive regard. (159)

The major portions of PC theory were developed mostly in reaction to two influences:

1. The psychoanalytic model that dominated the atmosphere at Rogers' job 2. The positivistic, behaviorist tradition that was becoming prominent in psychology in the 60's (154)

Citing Walsh and Middleton, Entwistle points out that worldviews ask four basic questions. What are they?

1. What does it mean to be human/a person? 2. What is the nature of the world? 3. What is wrong with the world and why did things go wrong? 4. How can the wrong in the world and my life be fixed?

Field Theory

1. awwareness of the sujective nature of therapy and the therapist's participation in the relationship 2. attention to and exploration of the experiential field of the client, or the ways in which she organizes her experience pg 207-208

when practicing new behaviors, which is the recommended sequence?

1. explaining the theory and rationale for learning the new skill. 2. exposing the learner to a model for correct demonstration of the skill 3. in session practice 4. Use of homework

Rules of GT

1. staying in the now 2. maintaining I and thou, or the empasis on aware and authentic communicaiton 3. using "I" , not "it" language, or taking responsiblity for all statments 4. asking no quesitons-because they are seen as asking somthing of the cousnolro and therefore as aspects of the client's passivity or laziness pg 220

Glasser felt that 3 gradual but important changes facilitated the arrival of the identity society:

1. the passage of laws that guaranteed human rights 2. increased affluence that satisfied the basic need of survival 3. the advent of instant communication via electronic media

Human beings can discern how many facial expressions?


new learning experiences can include

A and B

which of the following does the author identify as types of effective encouraging behaviors?

A and B p. 274 - 14 types of encouraging behaviors

Clients often initially responds to confrontation by

A and C

catharsis involes

A and C

which are therapeutic factors mentioned in the text?

A and C

Goal alignment

A congruence between the client's and the counselor's goals and the collaborative effort of two persons working equally toward specific, agreed-on goals.

If we are trying to distinguish what "Christian" counseling is (vs. secular counseling), what statement is true from the lecture?

A counselor thinking "Christianly" would look beyond just helping a client solve an immediate problem

All of the following are true about planning and commitment in reality therapy, except: Clients make a commitment to carry out their plans. Commitment is not an all-or-nothing matter. A great deal of time is spent on this step of reality therapy. It is up to clients to determine how to take their plans from therapy into their everyday world.

A great deal of time is spent on this step of reality therapy.

Brief intervention strategies: Use Humor

A healthy and democratic sense of humor is a curative factor for the mental health specialist. Victor Borge once remarked that laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

How does a client's view of atonement impact their personal relationship with God

A person's belief about atonement can often affect his or her view of God, which in turn, can provide both protective and/or risk factors.

Social interest

A sense of identification with humanity; a feeling of belonging; an interest in the common good.

Your lectures for the course talked about worldview. A worldview is

A set of presuppositions which we hold about the basic make-up of the world

Striving for superiority

A strong inclination toward becoming competent, toward mastering the environment, and toward self-improvement. The striving for perfection (and superiority) is a movement toward enhancement of self.

Which one of the following is not associated with behavior therapy?


Birth order

Adler identified five psychological positions from which children tend to view life: oldest, second of only two, middle, youngest, and only. Actual birth order itself is less important than a person's interpretation of his or her place in the family.

Individual psychology

Adler's original name for his approach that stressed understanding the whole person, how all dimensions of a person are interconnected, and how all these dimensions are unified by the person's movement toward a life goal.

Objective interview

Adlerians seek basic information about the client's life as a part of the lifestyle assessment process.

PC Self

All experiences that the person recognizes as "me" and the values that are attached to them become the self-concept. (156)

The lectures tried to build a case of integrating psychology and theology for the betterment of the client. What is an argument that was emphasized in the lectures?

All of these are valid points

According to Entwistle, in the ____________________ model "psychological and theological methods are utilized to gain a more holistic and unified understanding of Truth."


Consider the following: Psychology highlights the awareness of multiple determinants of behavior (genetics, social environment, reinforcement history, etc.). This might help us understand why one individual struggles with certain sins while the same sins are not tempting for another individual. Then too, theology reminds us of the pervasiveness of sin and that while each individual may struggle with different types of sin, we all struggle with sin in some form. This example of the interaction between psychology and theology interaction illustrates which model in Entwistle's book?


Consider this definition: The integration of psychology and Christianity is a multifaceted attempt to discern the underlying truths about the nature and functioning of human beings from the unique vantage points of psychology (in its various sub-disciplines, utilizing diverse methodologies) and Christianity (in theology, faith, and practice). Which of Entwistle's models best fits this definition?


Which of Entwistle's models best describes the approach of Liberty University's graduate counseling program?


From the family systems perspective, symptoms are often viewed as: An expression of a set of habits and patterns within a family. Evidence of psychopathology. A sign of weakness. A result of cognitive distortions.

An expression of a set of habits and patterns within a family.

Fictional finalism

An imagined central goal that gives direction to behavior and unity to the personality; an image of what people would be like if they were perfect and perfectly secure.

Community feeling

An individual's awareness of being part of the human community. Community feeling embodies the sense of being connected to all humanity and to being committed to making the world a better place.

Style of life

An individual's way of thinking, feeling, and acting; a conceptual framework by which the world is perceived and by which people are able to cope with life tasks; the person's personality.

Alderian brief therapy

An intervention that is concise, deliberate, direct, efficient, focused, short-term, and purposeful.

Feelings of hostility, destructiveness, anger, rage, and hatred are associated with the:

Anal Stage

Carl Jung is associated with which therapy?

Analytical Therapy

Guiding self-ideal

Another term for fictional finalism, which represents an individual's image of a goal of perfection.

According to Entwistle, when a Christian counselor is seeking to integrate psychology and theology in order to help a couple deal with marital conflict in a counseling session, the Christian counselor is practicing ________________ integration.


The Adlerian approach is well suited to multicultural counseling because the: Approach encourages clients to define themselves within their social context. Approach has few rigid techniques. Focus on early recollections allows clients to explore their past. Focus on a lifestyle assessment is appealing to most cultures.

Approach encourages clients to define themselves within their social context.

The lectures explain that ways of knowing (epistemologies) can be limited. What is a true statement based on that discussion?

As we search for truth, we need to realize that our thinking can be flawed and be willing to allow others to challenge our thinking and conclusions

The lectures explain that ways of knowing (epistemologies) can be limited. What is a true statement based on that discussion?

As we search for truth, we need to realize that our thinking can be flawed and be willing to allow others to challenge our thinking and conclusions We can never claim to know any truth for sure

__________ is based on the subjective descriptions that family members use to define themselves and the interactions that occur in everyday life. Problem solution Family directive Assessment Reframing



Association for Women in Psychology

Private logic

Basic convictions and assumptions of the individual that underlie the lifestyle pattern and explain how behaviors fit together to provide consistency.

therapeutic goals

Become aware of the gender-role socialization process, identify internalized messages and replace them with more self-enhancing beliefs, understand how sexist societal beliefs and practices influence them in negative ways, acquire skills to bring about change in the environment, restructure institutions to rid them of discriminatory practices, develop a wide range of behaviors that are freely chosen, evaluate the impact of social factors on their lives, develop a sense of personal and social power, recognize the power of relationships and connectedness, and to trust their own experience and intuition

BT's target of change


B.F. Skinner is associated with which therapy?

Behavioral Therapy

DeJong and Berg identify holding a "not knowing posture" as what?

Being tentative

GT Dream Work

Benefit from interventions such as 1. telling the drem in present tense 2. creating different endings for their dreams 3. nonverbally telling the story of the dream 4. devising dialogues between dream elements, among others pg 225

Which approach assumes that a family can best be understood when it is analyzed from at least a three-generational perspective? Bowenian family therapy Human validation process model Social constructionism Strategic family therapy

Bowenian family therapy

What does Brene Brown say about selective emotional numbing?

Brown says, "There's no such thing as selective emotional numbing. There is a full spectrum of emotions, and when we numb the dark, we numb the light."

Creator of Person-Centered Theray

Carl Ransom Rogers (146)

___________ may be described as reinforcing the last response or behavior in a series of responses so that each previous response gets associated with the final reinforcer.


Early recollections

Childhood memories (before the age of 9) of one-time events. People retain these memories as capsule summaries of their present philosophy of life. From a series of early recollections, it is possible to understand mistaken notions, present attitudes, social interests, and possible future behavior.

Theory that human beings act on the world around them for a purpose, to satisfy their needs and wants.

Choice Theory

The basis of reality therapy is what?

Choice theory

According to Entwistle, Jay Adams and John MacArthur are antagonistic toward psychology. As such, they are examples of which subset of Entwistle's Enemies model?

Christian Combatants

According to Entwistle, what does the Enemies model of integration (Christian Combatants subtype) assert?

Christians opposed to any integration of scientific and philosophical psychology with Christian counseling. Scripture stands above Creation as an area for exploration and learning. Any use of psychotherapy or psychotropic medication is not needed for victorious Christians.

The process of an unconditioned stimulus being repeatedly paired with a neural stimulus, and then becoming a conditioned stimulus, is called what?

Classical Conditioning


Classical conditioning

Client's experience

Clients are active participants. Appropriate self-disclosure is affirmed, acquire self-confidence, joy, and authenticity.

Aaron Beck is associated with which therapy?

Cognitive Therapy

According to Entwistle, the ____________________ model filters "isolated psychological findings through proof-texts or worldview; accepts or rejects findings without engaging discipline or methods of psychology."


Which of Entwistle's models emphasizes God's Word over God's Works?

Colonialists place the book of God's Word over the book of God's Works and theology over psychology. This type of thinking often results in psychological findings being accepted or rejected based on scattered Scriptural proof-texting with inadequate exegesis and insufficient attention to psychological data or methods.

What is one difference between Entwistle's Spies model and his Colonialists model?

Colonialists typically adhere to conservative Christian theological systems rather than liberal or neo-orthodox positions. While Colonialists belong to conservative systems, they borrow selective findings from psychology. Spies, on the other hand, extract psychological content from a religious system for mental health purposes.

There are three kinds of solution-focused therapeutic relationships. The client describes a problem but is not able or willing to assume a role in constructing a solution, believing that a solution is dependent on someone else's actions describes which relationship? Customer Complaint Visitor Shopper


To the radical behaviorist, ___________ and __________ are the only relevant factors in determining one's behaviors.

Conditioning history and present environment

choice is the ______ element. -Because people have the most control over the action element, helping them change their actions is more efficacious than helping them think differently or helping them feel better.

Control of Action -action

Many who subscribe to the Enemies model (Christian Combatants version) believe what?

Counseling is the church's responsibility and should not be done by psychiatrists or psychologists

Brief intervention strategies: Create a Positive _______. - the basis for the WDEP system, is built not only on avoiding the uncongenial behaviors of arguing, criticizing, or giving up. Rather, it rests on "tonic" behaviors such as the global admonition to "be friends" in a professional manner.

Create a Positive Environment

According to Adlerians, inferiority feelings: Are pathological. Lead to depression. Keep us from achieving our life goals. Create motivation to achieve mastery.

Create motivation to achieve mastery.

Dean's wife Jean is constantly reminding Dean to pick up after himself at home. Jean also gets upset because Dean frequently volunteers his time and sometimes their money to their friends and other people in the community who are in need. The result of Dean's generosity is that Dean spends less time at home and often they do not have enough money to cover their monthly expenses. According to Freud:

Dean's parents offered extreme amounts of praise for his success in toilet training.

From a social constructionist perspective, change begins with: Deconstructing the power of cultural narratives. Understanding the roots of a problem. The therapist's skill in using confrontational techniques. Understanding and accepting objective reality.

Deconstructing the power of cultural narratives.

PC Dysfunctional Person

Defined as incongruence between self and experience. (160) -Incongruence (the roots) inconsistent between self and experience --"subceived" - dimly perceived --Neurotic: Defensive and rigid --Disorganized: self-structure is damaged (pp 5)

A person who manages his or her anxiety by distorting reality and failing to acknowledge painful events is most likely using:


Desi is a 35-year-old Hispanic male who moved to the US from Mexico approximately 4 years ago. Desi is married to Julie, a 32-year-old Caucasian female, who is an assistant professor in the counselor education program of a well-known university. Desi and Julie have 3 children and the couple decided after their first child was born that Desi would care for the children due to Julie's full time teaching and research activities. Desi was referred to counseling by his primary care physician due to Desi's complaint of anxiety. Desi's therapist, Pat, is a practicing Gestalt therapist. Pat will MOST likely assess Desi to determine

Desi's current status of awareness

When Adler spoke of individuality, he referred to the unique way we: Rewrite our own life script. Deal with the crises of our development. Confront our unfinished business. Develop our own style of striving for competence.

Develop our own style of striving for competence.

How was BT developed?

Developed as a result of psychoanalytic models. Product of biological and environmental.

Self psychology and object relations theory does not emphasize:

Different cultures maintain similar values.

Christian counseling is a form of __________ designed to help free people to experience God's pardon, purpose, and power so that they become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ


D in WDEP Doing

Discussing Behavioral Direction and Doing (Total Behavior). -The counselor or therapist helps the client review his or her overall direction by using inquiries.

What does the writer of Ecclesiastes say that a recipe for living well is?

Don't look for perfection or certainty. Instead, when times are good, be happy. When times are bad, understand that God made both. "Who can speak it and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come?" (Lamentations 3:37-38)

ET Dysfunctional Person

Dysfunction - major source is awareness of death -Result of living an unexamined life -Defense of specialness links to paranoia, narcissism -Emptiness (Bugental and Bracke, 1987) -Meaninglessness (Maddi, 2005): vegetativeness, nihilism and adventurousness -Noogenic neurosis (Frankl, 1980): lack of life meaning -Spinelli (2001): frightened by mental turmoil and adopts experiences as truth (pp 6)

Invitational skills are most useful when?

Early in the helping relationship

In order for quality time to serve as a solid support for effective growth and development, it must be characterized by the following traits...

Effort Awareness of the other person Repetition Free of Criticism and Complaint Need-Fulfilling for all Persons Performed for a Limited Time

PC Empathy

Empathy is achieved when one individual perceives the internal experience of another as if he were that person. However, Roger warned against trying to make the client aware of totally unconscious feelings because that would be too threatening. (165)

idea that it is useful to see behavior as a result of one's choices, to treat it as such, and to talk to clients as if they have choices. -The work of the counselor is to reveal more choices to clients and to help clients see that better choices are possible.

Emphasis on Choice

cultural feminists

Emphasize differences between and women, but believe oppression stems from society's devaluation of women's strengths, values, and goals. Believe that the solution to oppression lies in feminization of the culture, so the culture will become more nurturing, intuitive, subjective, cooperativel, and relational

strengths from a diversity perspective

Emphasize the need to promote social, political, and environmental changes within the counseling context.

The person-centered approach's view of human nature: Views people as basically competitive. States that humans are driven by irrational forces. Emphasizes clients' abilities to engage their own resources to act in their world with others. Assumes that, while humans have the potential for growth, we tend to remain stagnant.

Emphasizes clients' abilities to engage their own resources to act in their world with others.

GT techniques

Empty Chair pg 222

During the reorientation and reeducation phase the most important intervention is: Change. Encouragement. Making a difference. The push¬button technique.


According to Entwistle, the ______________ model is based on the belief that psychology and theology/Christianity are mutually exclusive and incompatible with each other.


According to the lecture, the term "spirituality" denotes primarily

Equivalence to "life in the Spirit of Christ"

According to the lecture, the term "spirituality" denotes primarily

Equivalence to "life in the Spirit of Christ."

Viktor Frankl is associated with which therapy?

Existential Therapy

PC experience as a noun

Experience as a noun refers to everything that is going on in the individual at a given moment. (155)

Glasser suggests that the language a person uses is reflective of how a person makes choices in an attempt to meet his or her needs. Language that is blaming, critical, and threatening of others is referred to as what?

External control language

Believing we are __________ human beings who have the potential for rational or irrational thinking is the basis for the REBTs view of human nature.


Basic mistakes

Faulty, self-defeating perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs that may have been appropriate at one time but are no longer useful. These are myths that are influential in shaping personality.

Assessment and diagnosis

Feminist therapists are critical of the DSM classification system because gender, culture, and race influence assessment of clients' symptoms.

I take a client who is afraid of elevators to the Empire State Building and ride up and down in elevators with him all day long. This approach is called what?


All are true of solution-focused brief therapists except that they: Have little interest in a client exploring past problems. Focus on the client's early childhood experiences. Believe that the cause of a problem is not necessarily related to its solution. Expect that two clients may have different solutions to the same problem.

Focus on the client's early childhood experiences.

Phenomenological approach

Focus on the way people perceive their world. For Adlerians, objective reality is less important than how people interpret reality and the meanings they attach to what they experience.

According to Entwistle, there are two types of Spies: _________________ (psychologists who seek to identify religious elements that have psychological benefits) and _____________ (those who practice a watered-down religion and are interested in proclaiming its psychological benefits).

Foreigners; domestic residents

Rogers saw _____ as an important element of the counseling relationship.

Freedom (154) He believed that the client (and the counselor as well) should be free to explore every aspect of the self within the therapeutic environment.

What does GT emphasize?

GT is a humanistic/existential approach, and as such, it emphasizes individual choice and responsiblity. An important aspect of the GT mentality is an emphasis on being creative, spontaneous, and resisting conformity to convention. Emphasis on the inherent relatedness of the human condition, indentifying a relational approach to GT pg 207

Adlerians view the use of techniques in counseling as: Geared to the phase of therapy and the needs of the client. More important than paying attention to the subjective experiences of the client. Against their basic philosophy. Unethical.

Geared to the phase of therapy and the needs of the client.

Fritz Perls is associated with which therapy?

Gestalt Therapy

Which of the following statements best describes research that has tested the quality of Gestalt theory?

Gestalt therapy theory is difficult to test because of constructs that are difficult to operationalize

The purpose of examining a client's family constellation is to: Get a picture of the individual's early social world. Bring unconscious factors to the surface. Discover hereditary aspects of the client's behavior. Determine who else in the family needs help.

Get a picture of the individual's early social world.

Personal Centered Therapy and Traditional Males

Gillion (2008) argues PC emphasis on vulnerability, experiencing and relationship may create difficulty for full engagement in therapy for men strongly socialized into traditional masculine roles. (pp 5)

___________ dictates that clients be given information in writing regarding the confidentiality of information they give to therapists.


PC A fourth condition?

He believed that he entered a "slightly altered state of consciousness... full of healing." This transcendent state leads to behaviors that are impulsive, but they almost magically fit with the clients experience. (165)

Which of the following is not true about Carl Rogers? He was raised with strict religious standards in his home. He developed cognitive therapy. At one point in his life, he was preparing to enter the ministry. He made a contribution toward achieving world peace.

He developed cognitive therapy.

Which term did Rogers first introduce to the field?

He was the first to use the term client to refer to someone seeking psychotherapy.(149)

ET Healthy Person

Health = Authentic (courage and determination) -Adjust to anxieties in our lives -Genuine to oneself (pp 6)

In the assessment process, questions a family therapist might ask include all of the following, except: What does each family member bring to the session? How can I give voice to my own impulses and fantasies? Who makes decisions? How are conflicts resolved or problems handled? Are the parents effective leaders of the family, and is the process of leadership balanced or imbalanced?

How can I give voice to my own impulses and fantasies?

which of these is a self-involving statement?

I am a litter wary about bringing up your father, because you seem to get angry when I do

CT conclusion

I feel and I do as a result of thinking

If I am following the "earmarks" of integration laid out in the lectures, which of the following would I demonstrate?

I would actively seek to find truth in theology, in principles of spiritual formation, and in the theories and empirical discoveries of psychology

Narrative therapists pay attention to "sparkling moments." These are: Moments when the client feels exhilarated. Identifying instances when the problem did not completely dominate the client's life. Times when significant others give the client unconditional love. Events characterized by a striving to overcome barriers.

Identifying instances when the problem did not completely dominate the client's life.

A solution-oriented therapist might ask her client, a compulsive shopper, which of the following questions? Who has the best shoe sale this week, Macy's or Nordstrom's? If a miracle happened and your shopping compulsion was solved overnight, how would you know it was solved, and what would be different? Who in your family is most affected when you go on a spending spree? At what point in your life did you develop this fixation on shopping?

If a miracle happened and your shopping compulsion was solved overnight, how would you know it was solved, and what would be different?

The specific procedures of the WDEP system are based on the establishment of an empathic relationship. -As is abundantly clear from research, the relationship between the client and the counselor is critical in effecting change.

Importance of Relationship.

Figure and Ground GT

In GT theory, a need is an incomplete Gestalt that emerges into the organism's awareness; it become figure, and the rest of experience becomes ground. pg 210

The lecture emphasized the importance of understand OUR worldview as a counselor in choosing the model of counseling we use. What can we say from the lecture?

In asking "who am I" as a worldview question, psychology would emphasize that we are largely products of our experiences

Alfred Adler is associated with which therapy?

Individual Psychology

From a person-centered perspective, the best source of knowledge about the client is the: Individual client. Therapist. Client's family. Therapeutic relationship.

Individual client.

The founder(s) of solution-focused brief therapy is (are): Michael White and David Epston. Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer. Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck. Donald Meichenbaum.

Insoo Kim Berg and Steve de Shazer.

What is the implicit tension that Neff and McMinn describe?

Instead of (a) minimizing pain and maximizing a loving, powerful God, (b) maximizing pain and minimizing a loving, powerful God, it may be best to (c) hold onto the dissonance and paradox of pain that co-exists with a loving, powerful God.

therapist's function and role

Integrate feminism into therapy and into their lives, monitor one's own biases, understand oppression in all forms, consider the impact of oppression on well-being, being emotionally present, being willing to share themselves, modeling proactive behaviors, being committed to their own consciousness raising process

The young adult who adopts his parent's outdated political beliefs to avoid unpleasant feelings of anxiety is an example of:


Jung's theory of personality is comprised of dimensions that are opposite concepts that balance each other. The dimension that allows people to understand themselves and others is:


REBT therapists view ____________ as the root of negative emotions.

Irrational beliefs

The concept of resistance CANNOT best be described as

It is not valuable from a theoretical and clinical perspective.


Law of effect- Operant conditioning

BT conclusion

Learn by association and consequences.

Need for Positive regard and Self-regard

Learned through experiencing (pp 5)

_____________ accurately to the client is a central counseling skill



Losing contact with both the enviornment and the self pg 213

Which of the statements below regarding Motivational Interviewing is not accurate? MI was initially designed as a brief intervention for problem drinking. MI stresses client self-responsibility and promotes an invitational style for working cooperatively with clients to generate alternative solutions to behavioral problems. MI was developed by Maslow in the late 70s after he created his theory on self-actualization. MI therapists avoid arguing with clients and reframe resistance as a healthy response.

MI was developed by Maslow in the late 70s after he created his theory on self-actualization.

Jane is a 42-year-old married mother of 4 children who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis - a neurological disorder that often leads to motor weakness, speech disturbance, and other cognitive symptoms. She presented for counseling to Mark, who is currently involved in a solution-focused training program. As Mark conducted his intake assessment of Jane, he determined that Jane was experiencing symptoms of depression that were particularly related to her loss of sensation in her feet and lack of coordination. Jane further reported that as her symptoms have progressed, she is aware that when she goes out to run errands or do activities with her children, people generally treat her "differently" than before she became ill.Mark spends many sessions gathering further information about Jane and ends up attributing Jane's depression and hopelessness to a traumatic event that happened during Jane's first marriage. Mark presents his conceptualization to his supervisor, who is likely to conclude that:

Mark has become "bogged down" in the problem

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) was conceived by _______.

Marsha Linehan

Evidence suggesting the concept of the unconscious does not includes:

Material derived from introspective techniques.

PC Human Motivation

Maximize the organism - Tendency to grow to full potential in constructive, positive ways (pp 5)

the role of men

Men can be feminist therapists, and feminist therapy can be practiced with male clients. Can work with males from diverse racial backgrounds, social mandates about masculinity, and increasing capacity for intimacy, expressing emotions, self-disclosure, and accepting vulnerabilities

GT Issues of Individual and Cultural Diversity

My claim is that the contemporary form of GT made in the U.S.A. is not univerally valid and needs theoretical and methodological revisions in order to be truly cross-culturally valid and meaningful. pg 230

Michael White posits that the client's problem must be extricated in order to avoid having the client view their problem as inherent in self. This technique is referred to as what?

Naming and externalizing the problem

Michael White is associated with which therapy?

Narrative Therapy

The manner in which each one of us learns to meet our ___________ is said to be a reflection of our personality.

Need-strength profile

In the New Testament, Paul reveals three crucial antidotes to fear-drenched anxiety. Which answer below is NOT one of them

New Purpose

This type of theory focuses on the mother-child relationship.

Object relations (OR)

The lectures provided a brief intro to the models of integration (based on Niebuhr's Christ and Culture). What did we learn from that intro?

One criticism of the colonialists position is that adherents would use certain psychological principles or theories but would not admit the necessity for empirical verification of the psychology "findings"

The lectures provided a brief introduction to the models of integration (based on Niebuhr's Christ and Culture). What did we learn from that introduction?

One criticism of the colonialists position is that adherents would use certain psychological principles or theories but would not admit the necessity for empirical verification of the psychology "findings"

In the discussion on worldview, the lecture contrasted the "modern" and the "post-modern" worldview. If one held that post-modern worldview, which would be true?

One should use personal experiences as a guide to what is right/wrong

In the discussion on worldview, the lecture contrasted the "modern" and the "post-modern" worldview. If one held the post-modern worldview, which would be true?

One should use personal experiences as a guide to what is right/wrong

Alfred Adler and Rudolf Dreikurs and their associates were the first known practitioners of family therapy, often using a model now called: Closed-forum family counseling. Closed-forum individual counseling. Open-forum family counseling. Open-forum individual counseling.

Open-forum family counseling.

_______________ occurs when a behavior increases or decreases as the result of consequences to the emission of a behavior.

Operant Conditioning

Our total behavior includes what?

Our actions, thinking process, our feelings, and our physiological responses

What is neuroscience discovering about human beings?

Our nervous systems interact with one another. When we are around another person, our nervous systems are not buffered one from another but instead interact and become porous. The result means a reduction of the perception of pain and the ability to regulate difficult emotions.

PC Assessment

PC counselors do not use any form of assessment. (161)

PC Therapeutic Atmosphere

PC counselors emphasize the freedom and autonomy of the client in counseling. (161) Counselor is non-expert (pp 5)

When reality therapists explore a client's past, they tend to focus on: Relationships within the family. Early traumatic events. Problems in school performance. Past successes.

Past successes.

According to Entwistle, what does the Neutral Parties model (also known as the Levels of Explanation model) assert?

Pastors handle spiritual problems, and mental health professionals handle emotional problems. Psychology and theology are different topics and are to be handled differently.

Carl Rogers is associated with which therapy?

Person-Centered Counseling

Resolution of sexual conflicts and sex-role identity is a critical function of the:

Phallic Stage

Adler introduced __________ to our understanding of the family system (or family constellation). The power structure Cultural context Balance of leadership Phenomenology


P in WDEP Planning

Plans that are truly efficacious have at least eight qualities, which can be summarized by the acronym SAMI2C3: S = Simple A = Attainable M = Measurable I = Immediate I = Involved C = Controlled by the client C = Committed to C = Consistent

The ______________________that recently has come into prominence shares many concepts on the healthy side of human existence with the humanistic approach. Positive psychology movement Object relations approach Dialectical behavior therapy approach Applied behavior analysis movement

Positive psychology movement

______________ is any stimulus that what presented, increases the likelihood of a response, while ___________ is any stimulus that when removed, increases the likelihood of a response.

Positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement

The counselor's job in PC theory is to provide the climate that will release the client's ____________.

Potential (161)

Patrick has been confronted by family members and friends about his excessive gambling. Despite their attempts to help him, he insists that they are overreacting and that he has everything under control. He does not feel the need to alter his behaviors. Patrick is at which stage of change? Precontemplation Contemplation Preparation Action


A main task of the narrative therapist is to help clients construct a: Negative story line. Preferred story line. New facade. Second personality.

Preferred story line.

idea that human behavior springs from current inner motivation and is neither an attempt to resolve past conflicts nor a mere response to an external stimulus.

Present Orientation

What do behaviorists stress?

Problem identification

PC humanistic

Proponents of humanistic approaches trust the individual, viewing people as oriented toward growth ad harmony with others. (154)

Sigmund Freud is associated with which therapy?


The use of _____________ is one of the most critical tools for the narrative therapist, as it/they may help set the tone for the direction the relationship will take.


Albert Ellis is associated with which therapy?

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy

Psychology and theology both use what methodology in their disciplines?

Rational inquiry

Stephen is in therapy with Bob, and they decide that Stephen should, over the next week, meet one new person every day. When Stephen comes to his next session, he has met only 3 new people. Bob asks what Stephen will do over the next week to meet 7 new people. Bob is MOST likely to be a

Reality Therapist

William Glasser is associated with which therapy?

Reality Therapy

__________ provides a delivery system for helping individuals take more effective control of their lives. Group counseling The WDEP system Assessment theory Reality therapy

Reality therapy

Limitations: Many clients believe that in order to make changes in their lives or to feel better, they need to gain insight into their past, resolve early conflicts, describe the negative aspects of their lives, or tell how they arrived at their present state.

Reality therapy doesn't provide for this.

The lecture emphasized that different generations typically have different worldviews. If we are counseling someone just coming into adulthood in the 21st century, what should we emphasize?

Realize that the client may have a very relativistic outlook on life

What do reality therapists believe about the use of questions? They should rarely be used. Relevant questions help clients gain insights and arrive at plans and solutions. There is no such thing as excessive questioning; the more the better! Closed questions are more helpful than open-ended questions.

Relevant questions help clients gain insights and arrive at plans and solutions.

Which of the following procedures would a reality therapist be least likely to employ? Skillful questioning Encouraging clients to look at what they are doing Making action plans Reliving an early childhood event

Reliving an early childhood event

Finish this comparative key phases with the correct sets of words: theology is to psychology as _____ is to _____.

Revelation/ reason or observation

PC Organismic Valuing Process

Rogers thought that humans engage in an ongoing process of evaluating experiences, measuring it event by event to determine if it contributes to one's growth or detracts from it. (156)

PC phenomenological

Rogers' approach is phenomenological in that he argued that the most important factor in understanding a given individual is his (the individual's) perceptions of reality because for the person, perception is reality. (154)

Who is primarily credited with popularizing and extending Adler's work by applying Adlerian principles to group work? Don Dinkmeyer Erik Erikson H. L. Ansbacher Rudolph Dreikurs

Rudolph Dreikurs

Which of the following theorists emphasized the development of a nurturing triad? Minuchin Haley Satir Bowen


The therapy goals self-esteem and connection, and helping family members achieve congruent communication and interaction are most associated with which theory of family therapy? Bowen's multigenerational family therapy Satir's human validation process model Dreikurs's experiential/symbolic family therapy Minuchin's structural family therapy

Satir's human validation process model

Weaving together tasks that slowly move a client away from the problem-saturated story is called what?


According to Entwistle, an integration problem for both scientists and theologians is what?

Scientists have only marginal knowledge of theology, and theologians have minimal knowledge of science, so there is a need for integration enthusiasts to develop a dual-disciplinary expertise.

Freud, Ellis, and Maslow were antagonistic toward religion. As such, they are examples of which subset of Entwistle's Enemies model?

Secular Combatants

According to Entwistle, there are two versions of the Enemies model. The ____________ combatants are antagonistic toward religious belief, whereas the ________________ combatants see psychology as the enemy.

Secular; Christian

At the beginning of narrative therapy, questions are focused on what?

Showing respectful curiosity, mystery, and awe over the client's concerns

DeJong, Berg, and deShazer are associated with which therapy?

Solution Focused Brief Therapy

What would Neff and McMinn would say about working with clients facing difficulties?

Sometimes it is best to understand many problems do not have solutions, and many times the best practice is to sit with the client and witness his or her pain.

PC Stages of Therapy

Stage 1: resistant to therapy Stage 2: problems are external Stage 3: cautious approach to self experiences and feelings Stage 4: express intense past experiences Stage 5: free expression of own feelings Stage 6: awareness and insight to incongruence (irreversible) Stage 7: generalization to living (pp 5)

In structural¬ strategic family therapy, __________ must occur in a family before an individual's symptoms can be reduced or eliminated. Solution-oriented changes Therapist directions Focus on the present Structural changes

Structural changes

In the 1960s and 1970s Rogers did a great deal to spearhead the development of: Organizational management seminars. Private colleges aimed at training person-centered therapists. Student-centered teaching and encounter groups. The National Training Laboratories and T-groups.

Student-centered teaching and encounter groups.

Brief intervention strategies: Suspend ______ -all behavior is a person's best effort at any given time to fulfill his or her needs. Consequently, a counselor who keeps this principle in mind can more easily see quite harmful choices from a low level of perception, without approval or disapproval.

Suspend Judgement

Shanelle is seeing Betty F (the feminist therapist) because she is having panic attacks. In one session, Shanelle talks about her anger because Betty has so much power over her. Which of the following techniques is Betty LEAST likely to use with Shanelle?

Systematic desensitization


Taking in of experiences or food without digesting it. pg 212

According to Neff and McMinn, Randall Sorenson famously noted what?

That integration is "caught" more than it is "taught."

What are the Creation narratives of the Ancient Near East?

The Creation narratives of the ancient near East are not as concerned with factual accuracy as much of the Western protestant world is. Instead, it focuses more on relational aspects. For example, the Creation narrative of the ancient near East emphasizes that - God is distinct from Creation yet chooses to be bound to it by moving toward it - God is both above and beyond Creation while also invested in and present to it - Humans are image-bearers, representatives of God on earth to do His good work

Jacqueline feels guilty whenever she considers taking a day off from work for personal reasons. Which of the psychic structures postulated by Freud is fueling her guilty feelings?

The Superego

What happens in 2nd Order Change?

The behavior is changed, and the structure is also changed

What happens in 1st Order Change?

The behavior is changed, while the structure is unchanged

In arguing for the value of integration, the lectures suggested the following:

The church should recognize that God can reveal truth through psychology, and secular psychologist should accept that spirituality is an important part of the solution to human problems

Which of the following statements is true about the relationship a client has with his or her analyst?

The client is free to express any idea or feeling, no matter how irresponsible, scandalous, politically incorrect, selfish, or infantile.

Awareness Trainging or Bodywork

The client might be asked to attend closely to any obdy sensation that the counslro thinks is important-breathin, tone of voice, phsyical gesture, and so on. pg 226

Carl Rogers drew heavily from existential concepts, especially as they apply to: The transference relationship. Countertransference, or unfinished business of the counselor. The client/therapist relationship. Guilt and anxiety.

The client/therapist relationship.

Family atmosphere

The climate of relationships among family members.


The core beliefs and assumptions through which the person organizes his or her reality and finds meaning in life events. Our perceptions of self, others, and the world. Our characteristic way of thinking, acting, feeling, living, and striving toward long-term goals.

PC Role of Client and Counselor

The counselor and client are equals, with the therapist serving as a companion in the client's search for himself. (161) - Provide a climate for self-actualizing -Client is to be genuine (pp 5)

PC Unconditional Positive Regard

The counselor approaches the client with complete acceptance and caring (164)

How does a counselor's view of him or herself in relation to God impact the way they interact with clients?

The counselor's ability to relate to God while in their sinful state will affect their ability to be present with distressed patients. The hustle for worth paradigm will often cause counselors to short circuit the crucial relational aspect of counseling.

PC Congruence

The counselor's freely flowing awareness of his experience in the therapeutic moment. (163)

Inferiority feelings

The early determining force in behavior; the source of human striving and the wellspring of creativity. Humans attempt to compensate for both imagined and real inferiorities, which helps them overcome handicaps.

Which of the following is not a key concept of the person-centered approach? The focus is on experiencing the immediate moment. In a climate of safety in the therapeutic session, the client comes to realize that there are more authentic ways of being. The client is primarily responsible for the direction of therapy. The focus is on exploration of a client's past.

The focus is on exploration of a client's past.

PC Goals

The goal of PC therapy is to facilitate the client's journey toward full potential. (162) -Facilitate the client's journey toward full potential- congruence (pp 5)

PC Healthy Person

The healthy person is a congruent person; put simply, his perception of self is consistent with what he experiences. (159) -Congruent person perception of self is consistent with what he experiences -Creative and take risks in life (pp 5)

Epistemology, according to the lecture is

The idea that truth can be discovered through logic, rational discourse, empirical methods, and/or special revelation found in Scripture.

Epistemology, according to the lecture is

The idea that truth can be discovered through logic, rational discourse, empirical methods, and/or special revelation found in scripture


The implse is blunted or dampened pg 213

Which of the following statements about creating alternative stories is not true? Constructing new stories goes hand in hand with deconstructing problem-saturated narratives. The narrative therapist analyzes and interprets the meaning of a client's story. The therapist works with clients collaboratively by helping them construct more coherent and comprehensive stories that they live by. The development of alternative stories is an enactment of ultimate hope.

The narrative therapist analyzes and interprets the meaning of a client's story.

What do Neff and McMinn say about the power of story?

The narratives of our lives are often not created - nor do they exist - in a vacuum. The narratives we and others tell about us influence how we view ourselves.

PC Conditions of Worth

The need for positive regard motivates individuals to seek love from important others around them. The need for love is so intense that we will deny parts of our experience that are deemed unacceptable (unlovable) by significant others. (157) Initially, conditions of worth are external, that is, they are the reactions of others, who value behaviors deferentially, often based on societal norms. However, that individuals are reinforced for behaviors that are consistent with conditions of worth, and after a while, the conditions are internalized as parts of the self. (158)

Imagine that Albert Ellis has a recent conversion experience which radically changes his outlook on religion. Even though he now believes that religion is a valuable area of study, he also thinks that both psychology and religion need to remain separate fields of academic discipline. His position now is that clients who enter counseling talking about spiritual issues need to be referred to pastors or religious counselors, while clients that are talking about emotional issues need to be seen by secular counselors. Ellis is now embracing which position of Entwistle's models of integration?

The neutral parties model

PC Human Motivation

The only motivation of human behavior is the tendency to grow to full potential in constructive, positive ways. (155)


The phase of the counseling process in which clients are helped to discover a new and more functional perspective and are encouraged to take risks and make changes in their lives.

Our quality world represents what?

The pictures of the people, things, and beliefs most important to us

What is the Problem of Evil?

The problem of evil is an attempt to solve the question: if God is all-loving and all-powerful, why do so many bad things happen in the world? The text offers three theodicies: (1) free will theodicy (God allows free will, which can cause pain), (2) growth (Creation is a work in progress, and pain spurs growth), and (3) suffering God (we know no logical [left-brained] reason for suffering, but we know God walks with us through it).

Lifestyle assessment

The process of gathering early memories, which involves learning to understand the goals and motivations of the client.


The process of increasing one's courage to face life tasks; used throughout therapy as a way to counter discouragement and to help people set realistic goals.

PC experience as a verb

The process of the person receiving what is going on around and within him. In order to grown, humans must experience accurately, discriminating between events that contribute to the organism's well-being and those that are harmful. (155)

Subjective interview

The process whereby the counselor helps clients tell their life story as completely as possible.

"Imago Dei" is an important concept in the study of integration, and was mentioned by Entwistle and the lectures. The term refers to

The quality that allows human beings to resemble God the Creator

"Imago Dei" is an important concept in the study of integration, and was mentioned by Entwistle and the lectures. This term refers to

The quality that allows human beings to resemble God the Creator.

Freud and Jung had a major falling out about what?

The role of sexuality in regard to human behavior

All of the following are true about a therapist's countertransference reactions except:

The should be avoided

Family constellation

The social and psychological structure of the family system; includes birth order, the individual's perception of self, sibling characteristics and ratings, and parental relationships. Each person forms his or her unique view of self, others, and life through the family constellation.

Which statement(s) is (are) true of the person-centered approach? Therapists should give advice when clients need it. The techniques a therapist uses are less important than his or her attitudes. Therapists should function largely as teachers. Therapy is primarily the therapist's responsibility.

The techniques a therapist uses are less important than his or her attitudes.

What does Neff and McMinn say about a theological and anthropology of goodness?

The theologically grounded view of goodness is that humanity is fundamentally good if not entirely good.


The unacceptable impulse is turned toward the self pg 212

According to Entwistle, what is the most significant principle that allows for dialogue and interaction between psychology and theology?

The unity of truth or underlying unity

Glasser challenges the traditionally accepted views of mental illness and treatment by the use of medication, especially: The widespread use of psychiatric drugs that often results in negative side effects both physically and psychologically. The lack of use of psychiatric drugs. The use of any psychiatric drugs whether or not they result in negative side effects. Because medications are never needed.

The widespread use of psychiatric drugs that often results in negative side effects both physically and psychologically.

The lecture emphasized that the way we interpret behavior has a lot to do with our worldview, and a lot to do with our expectations of our clients. What is true based on the lecture discussion?

The worldview is most secular psychologists would suggest that a primary reason for personal problems is a lack of coping skills

The lecture emphasized that the way we interpret behavior has a lot to do with our worldview, and a lot to do with our expectations of our clients. What is true based on the lecture discussion?

The worldview of most secular psychologists would suggest that a primary reason for personal problems is a lack of coping skills

The __________ sets forth the goals of the therapeutic process and specifies the responsibilities of both therapist and client. Early recollections Private logic Therapeutic contract Therapeutic goal

Therapeutic contract

What are the two levels at which acceptance occur?

Therapist's acceptance of the client and the teaching of the client to accept self

A limitation of the family systems model is: Therapists all too often get lost in their consideration of the "system." The systemic perspective can be overwhelming for the therapist. Family therapy is not well-suited to working with diverse clients. An emphasis on family systems precludes a focus on emotions.

Therapists all too often get lost in their consideration of the "system."

From the lecture discussion on ways of knowing truth, what can we say?

There is a link between our worldview and what ways of knowing (epistemological methods) that we accept and reject


These are activities that help the client increase awareness pg 220

During the beginning phases of narrative therapy, the client's description of their story is usually presented in the form of a what?

Thin description

How does the penal substitution theory relate to the contemporary Protestant Church?

This is the view that has been most widely adopted by the present-day Protestant portion of the Church. But holding tightly to this view brings these problems: (1) It impedes us from exploring other options that may also be true, and (2) it impacts our view of God, which affects how we treat clients.

What is "integration as conversation"?

This means that the counselor embodies integration, becoming an integrator of both theology and psychology. This means we as counselors have conversations about integration and what it looks like in a postmodern world.

What is the nonviolent theory of atonement?

This view states that God allowed Jesus to be drawn into a sinful world, and the sinful world confronted Him with death. Jesus, in His commitment to be with the poor and oppressed, chooses to confront violence with nonviolence and, thus, He chooses to die on the Cross. His Resurrection demonstrates that violence does not have the final word.

Brief intervention strategies: Be Yourself.

Though it is to be expected that students learning counseling skills will adopt the style of their teachers, or that of the leaders in each theory, they also need to adapt the skills that fit their own personality and core beliefs.


To a complete loss of self in which the individual cannot eparate herself from the envioronment-most importantly, from other people pg 212

What are some things that a Christian counselor can do to develop deep empathy

Tolerate existential disillusionment; understand that unpredictable pain is especially difficult because we crave control even if it is an illusion. Acknowledge the existential terror that comes with being human.

__________ teaches that all behavior is made up of four inseparable but distinct components - acting, thinking, feeling, and physiology. Total behavior Quality world Picture album Birth and death

Total behavior

Christian counseling is a dynamic, collaborative process involving at least three persons—the counselor, the client, and the triune God of the Bible—aimed at transformational change for the purpose of producing higher levels of emotional, psychological, and spiritual health in persons seeking help.


The goals and processes of counseling-trusting God to change thoughts, behaviors, and emotions-are thoroughly grounded in the Bible


The ultimate task of a Christian counselor is to be Christ's partner in the process of redemption and restoration


True or False? Generalization is the process of generalizing a response to similar situations.


REBT therapists believe that rational thinking leads to healthy ways of living, and results in people who show _______________ of self, of others, and of the way things are.

Unconditional acceptance

Central concept of feminist therapy

Understanding and acknowledging the psychological oppression of women and constraints imposed by the sociopolitical status to which women have been rejected


Understanding clients' underlying motives for behaving the way they do in the here and now.

Life tasks

Universal problems in human life, including the tasks of friendship (community), work (a division of labor), and intimacy (love and marriage).


Unwanted part of the self is expelled into the enviornment. pg 212

The question

Used in an initial assessment to gain understanding of the purpose that symptoms or actions have in a person's life. The question is, "How would your life be different, and what would you do differently, if you did not have this symptom or problem?"

Which of the following is false as it applies to the practice of solution-focused brief therapy? Individuals who come to therapy have the capability of behaving effectively. There are advantages to a positive focus on solutions and on the future. Clients want to change, have the capacity to change, and are doing their best to make change happen. Using techniques in therapy is a way of discounting a client's capacity to find his or her own way.

Using techniques in therapy is a way of discounting a client's capacity to find his or her own way.

W= implies that the counselor helps clients explore their... D= means that clients describe the direction of their lives as well as what they are currently... E= indicates that the counselor helps in the client's self-_______ by asking such questions as "are your current actions effective?" P= clients are then helped to make simple and attainable action...


the _____ formulation described by Robert Wubbolding provides a pedagogical tool for learning and practicing the process of reality therapy


Holistic concept

We cannot be understood in parts; all aspects of ourselves must be understood in relation to each other.

Reality therapy rests on the central idea that: Thinking largely determines how we feel and behave. We choose our behavior and are responsible for what we do, think, and feel. Environmental factors largely control what we are doing. The way to change dysfunctional behavior is to reexperience a situation in which we originally became psychologically stuck.

We choose our behavior and are responsible for what we do, think, and feel.

Why do Neff and McMinn say that Ecclesiastes is a good book of the Bible to refer to when encountering issues of integration today?

We live in circumstances similar to those described in Ecclesiastes. - Economic instability - We live in hebel - Religious disillusionment - Empathy emphasized

PC Need for Positive Regard and Self-Regard

We value the love of others and also have a need to positively value ourselves. (157)

What is generally true about lamenting in the midst of the Western Church (p. 32) - staying present in the midst of suffering?

Western Christians often struggle to stay present in the midst of suffering. We tend to want to move quickly to solutions and what we perceive as health.

What is a foundational question for a counselor considering their mission from God while operating from a Christian worldview?

What is God up to in the world?

GT Contact Disturbance

When the cycle of awareness is disrupted -or boundary problems -aka resistance (to awareness) pg 211

Who developed reality therapy?

Wiliam Glasser


Work on the development of a morality of care in women

In contrast to a biblical worldview of counseling, a psychological worldview of counseling

Would suggest that psychology can always find reasons/causes for human problems

A unique outcome is

a and b

For Adler, human behavior is determined by

a and b

The name(s) most associated with narrative therapy is/are

a and b

Hoglend and colleagues (2007) found that transference interpretation in psychodynamic therapy was:

a and c

Which is true regarding the goal(s) of OR therapy?

a and c

A solution-focused therapist will MOST often provide the client with ______ during their first session:

a homework assignment

Resistance in individual psychology counseling is

a lack of courage

"The question" tells the Adlerian counselor

a or b


a special form of awareness that facilitates a meaningful understanding within the therapeutic relationship and acts as a foundation for change

warmth is not a skill, it is:

a synthesis of nonverbal communications

A client's willingness to go deeper into his/her story depends partly upon

a trusting therapeutic relationship

According to Entwistle, the neutral party's model views psychology and theology as distinct, not interacting, and able to be carried out through psychological neutrality and Christian neutrality. Who adheres to this?

a. Allport b. M. Scott Peck, author of The Road Less Traveled c. Thomas Moore, a Jungian psychotherapist

Jennie tells her Adlerian counselor that she would love be a party girl but she is just too shy. Andy the Adlerian instructs Jennie to spend the next two weeks pretending that she is outgoing and sociable. Andy is using the individual psychology technique known as:

acting as if

One's level of social interest, according to Adler, is

affected by problems in development

Feminist therapists share a common ground with _____

alderian therapists and existential therapists, because they emphasize social equality and social interests, and therapy as a shared journey.

A good counseling theory is

all of the above

A good counseling theory is:

all of the above

Assessment in a narrative therapy model is

all of the above

Baird et al. (2007) found that men who identified themselves as feminist therapists

all of the above

Feminists therapists are attentive to problems such as

all of the above

Fouad and Arredondo say that personal identity has which of the following dimensions?

all of the above

Telephone consultations with clients serve what purpose in DBT?

all of the above

a client's ability to be aware of emotions and express them is often influenced by

all of the above

summarizing can be used to

all of the above

which of the following are considered rationale for spending time to go through assessment?

all of the above

why should a helper use confrontation?

all of the above

which of the following are components of appropriate advice?

all of the above (p.286)

according to Albert Ellis (1973) which of the following are irrational beliefs?

all of the above necessity to be loved or approved of by everyone; you should be competent, adequate, and capable of achieving in all areas; certain people are bad/wicked and should be blamed/punished; it's catastrophic when things are not the way you'd want; human unhappiness is externally cause and ppl have little or no ability to control them; it's easier to avoid life's difficulties and self-responsibilities than to face them; your past history is all-important determinant of your present behavior

meditation is best used to treat


feedback and self-disclosure

are the twin processes for promoting personal growth

how did feminist therapists view therapy?

as a partnership between equals, and built mutuality into the therapeutic process. Focused on focusing on the forces in society that damage and constrain women

What can you do to improve your ability to reflect meaning?

ask questions like, "what did this mean to you?"

Using SP theory, if the grandiose-exhibitionistic aspects are strongest, the individual will be:

assertive and ambitious

The most important point of Project MATCH was to

assess the effects of client characteristics on treatment outcome

Healthy contact with the environment, according to Gestalt theory, results in:


what is the aim of the counselor?

assisting clients to make more effective and responsible choices related to their wants and needs

lifespan perspective

assumes that human development is a lifelong process, and that personality and behavioral changes can occur at any time rather than being fixed during early childhood


assuming behavior are fixed at an early stage of development

intrapsychic orientation

attributing behavior to internal causes, which often results in victim blaming

Practitioners using the principles of reality therapy are ________ of their own beliefs and attitudes, about their own culture, and the cultures of their clients.


Early recollections are used to

b and c

Which of the following is/are true about defense mechanisms?

b and c

besides being able to be empathetic with a client the helper must also

be able to communicate empathy to the client

External locus of evaluation

because his values are not self-generated (158)

______ = output to satisfy needs


women of color feminists

believe that feminist theory must be made more inclusive. Believe that white feminists overgeneralize the experiences of white women to fit the experiences of all women. Include analysis of the intersections of multiple oppressions, access to privilege and power, and importance of spiritual dimension, and emphasize activism.

According to Glasser, _______ is the main motivator of behavior bc of belief in Identity Society


becoming more culturally aware is:

both A and B

in order to manage transference a helper may

both A and C: - help the client gain more awareness - to nondefensively explore the source of these feelings

homework assignments are most beneficial because

both B and C

In feminist therapy, the roles of client and counselor are

both b and c are true

______ is the skill of continually discussing obvious cultural, racial, or ethnic differences with the client


the feelings of the helper in assessment

can be important clue to the client's social interactions

shortcomings from a diversity perspective

can pose problems for women who do not support feminist beliefs.

Glasser asserted that behavior involves _______ and that there are always options open to most people.


PC counselors are committed to the notion that...

clients are self-directing and able to accept full responsibility for their actions. (154)

change occurs when...

clients decide to change

helpers encourage clients to develop new and creative ways of thinking because

clients may apply creativity to other situations

The premise of Adlerian group work is that: Clients' problems are usually of a social nature. Early childhood disturbances are at the root of the client's current problems. Individuals are encouraged to become fully independent. Insight, not action, is needed for change.

clients' problems are usually of a social nature.

which of these are NOT a characteristic of facilitative office environment ?

clinical appearance like a doctor's office to help the client see the helper as credible

A non-hierarchical stance means


on the roadmap of the helping process, assessment

comes after the establishment of the relationship

Limitations: The ______ language of reality therapy may be another limitation. It contains little jargon or technical terminology.


For Freud, the MOST important motivator of human behavior is:


interventions which point out inconsistencies/incongruity and invite resolution are called


Solution-focused therapists tend to view resistance as a:

construct that is not relevant to Solution-focused therapy

Postmodernism is MOST similar to


Susan, the analyst, looks forward to her 10:00am client on Fridays. She spends a lot of time reading about issues relevant to this client's presentation, and views this client as being special. Susan is probably experiencing


George is your client who is coming to counseling because he is depressed about his father's recent death. He has told you that he has great difficulty dealing with authority figures, and after some discussion, you find out that George did not get along well with his father when he was young As a Gestalt therapist, you are authentic in your interaction with George, but not terribly invested in helping him change. You are displaying:

creative indifference

Reality therapy is an eminently ___-______ method.

cross cultural -Based on universal psychological principles, the method has been applied to cultures as diverse as Asian, Middle Eastern, South American, African, European, as well as those represented in North America.

The term that refers to culturally-based "truths" is called

cultural discourse

______ is the system of shared beliefs, values, taboos, customs, behaviors, and artistic products of a group of people transmitted from generation to generation


choices are seen as motivated by _____ needs and wants -NOT by past traumas, unresolved conflicts, peer pressure, or previous training.


BT cause of behavior

current not the past

The ____ __ ______ is a design for understanding reality therapy and an outline for knowing how to apply it. -The WDEP formulation is not a system that is intended to be followed in a mechanical manner, but rather a system from which the proper intervention is selected at a given time because of its apparent appropriateness.

cycle of counseling

The methodology employed in reality therapy consists of establishing an appropriate environment or psychological atmosphere and then applying the procedures that lead to change. Together these constitute the "_____ of _______"

cycle of counseling

feedback to the client about progress

decreases dropping out

This defense occurs when a client's impulse is blunted or dampened (i.e., a person smiles to soften the expression of his/her anger)



developed the self-in-relation model (now called the relational-cultural model)

The skilled reality counselor or therapist spends little time discussing _______ symptoms such as hallucinations, compulsions, psychoses, or depression.


The focus of reality therapy on personal choice makes it a:

difficult theory to use with clients who are from minority and disadvantaged cultures

Jane is a 30-year-old who has been in therapy with Theo, a well-known Gestalt therapist. During their sessions, Jane speaks openly about her feelings of not belonging in her school age years with her peers or her family. Jane also talks about her feelings of anxiety that are related to memories of her father, who was an alcoholic and routinely was physically abusive to Jane Jane has been having difficulty "allowing herself to get close" to a man that she has been dating for the last six months. Each time that Theo attempts to inquire about Jane's feelings about increased intimacy in the relationship, she reverts to talking about her lack of belonging with her peers. Theo may be feeling frustration with Jane's:

difficulty staying in the here and now

Christian counseling is a form of ______________________ designed to help free people to experience God's pardon, purpose, and power so that they become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.


nonverbal messages have three functions beyond conveying information and emotions. which of these is not one of them? what are they?

disclosure isn't one 1. Regulation 2. Intimacy 3. Persuasion

Drew is working with one of his impulsive clients to use distraction and thinking of pros and cons before he lashes out at others. He is also teaching him some self-soothing skills. These _________ techniques are very important in DBT.

distress tolerance skills

"Go on" and "tell me more about that" are examples of what?

door openers

Dialectical behavior therapists believe which of the following regarding health and dysfunction?

dysfunction is related to emotional dysregulation

Because the language of reality therapy is _____ understood, its practice can appear to be ______ implemented. Nevertheless, the effective use of reality therapy requires practice, supervision, and continuous learning.

easily; easily

While researchers continue to conduct studies validating the use of reality therapy, the widespread interest in the theory indicates that many practitioners have confidence in its _____


relational-cultural theory

elaborates on the vital role that relationships and connectedness with others play in the lives of women. Suggest that a woman's sense of identity and self-concept develop in the context of the relationships

third wave feminism

embraces diversity with its inclusion of women of color, lesbians, and the postmodern and constructivist viewpoints. Also includes global and international perspectives

Grasping the feelings, facts and meaning of another person's disclosure, and then showing them understanding is


The core of therapy in the SP model is


empathy is

essential throughout the counseling relationship

Organismic Valuing Process

evaluating experiences (pp 5)

Narrative therapists see life as a process of_________


Narrative therapists may be like any of the following except:


gender-fair approaches

explain differences in the behavior of men and women in terms of socialization processes

I believe I know what is right for my sister, and tell her very often that she should be more responsible and make better choices. According to reality therapy, I am acting on the basis of:

external control theory

When a client is allowed to make a response repeatedly, and the therapist simply ignores it, the behavioral technique being used is:


when you ask the client, "How do you feel?", you are

failing to communicate that you understand

New research has shown that personality, the way the brain works, and other aspects of motivation and relationships as not really changed very much.


T/F client nonverbal communications are easily understood



feature that stands out pg 209

giving a client information about what you see, feel, or suspect is


Feminist therapists typically use what type of assessment tools when gathering information?

feminist therapists are unlikely to use formal assessment methods

A common criticism of the findings of reality therapy outcome research is that the:

findings are not typically published in journals other than the International Journal of Choice Theory and Reality Therapy

Clients are encouraged to take action in an effort to satisfy their ____ ____ regardless of their history, insight, or even whether they feel good about taking action.

five needs (belonging, power, fun, freedom, survival)

liberal feminists

focus on helping individual women overcome the limits and constraints of traditional gender-role socialization patterns. Tend to believe that the differences between men and women will become less problematic as environments become more bias free.

socialist feminists

focus on multiple oppressions, and believe solutions to society's problems must include consideration of class, race, sexual orientation, economics, nationality, and history. Pay close attention to the ways work, education, and family roles affect women's lives

radical feminists

focus on the oppression of women as being embedded in the patriarchy and seek to change society through activism and equalizing power.

Changes in psychotherapy by female therapists

formed feminist therapy groups that focused on non-heirarchical structures, equal sharing of resources, and empowerment of women.

The goal of reality therapy is to help clients...

fulfill their needs

According to GT theory, all organisms have an innate tendency to grow toward _____ & _______.

fulfillment and actualization. pg 207

in working with people, _____ refers to the roles that each sex is taught


engendered lives

gender is the organizing principle in people's lives

View of human nature (feminist therapists)

gender-fair, flexible (multicultural), interactionist, and life-span oriented.

E in WDEP Evaluation

helping Clients Conduct Evaluations. -clients look inward and examine the effectiveness of their lifestyle and its specific aspects.

Basic Value of GT

holism pg 207

The reality counselor or therapist treats all behaviors as if some element of choice is present. - In this way, clients feel both _____ and _________

hope; empowerment

PC is characterized as ___________ & _____________.

humanistic & phenomenological (154)

Glasser believed that we are an ______ _______, a world in which people are more focused on their identity needs than on their survival needs

identity society


if something exists, the opposite must as well pg 211

Christian counseling, based in theology, would identify sin as ultimately behind human problems. In contrast, psychology would emphasize

illness or psychopathology

one primary purpose of self-disclosure is to

increase trust and make the helper more attractive

The most frequently practiced form of feminist therapy in the 1980s

individual therapy

Powers described the brain as an _____ _____ ______, similar to a thermostat that controls the temperature of a room.

input control system

Feminist therapy is an ______ approach

integrative. Stresses tailoring interventions to meet clients with their strengths. Feminist therapists also draw upon strategies from many other therapy models.

Reality therapy rests on the principle that human behavior springs from _____ ________, producing behavior from moment to moment.

internal motivation

gender schemas

internalizations of the gender roles perpetuated in a sexist society

Wubbolding emphasizes the necessity of _______ ____ ______ as a facilitative component of healthy development.

interpersonal quality time

exposure is a technique that

involves identifying a hierarchy of feared situations to begin with

cultural competency

is a high standard


is an important informal method of assessment

which of the following is not a benefit of reflecting feelings?

it allows a helper to model emotional intelligence

why use an i-message when giving feedback?

it emphasizes that this is the helper's personal perspective

which of the following statements describe the REPLAN system?

it is a way of planning treatment by thinking about what the client is trying to achieve and finding a technique to promote that goal

Behavior therapy has been criticized for all of the following EXCEPT

it is not very operationalizable

The relationship in SP therapy differs from traditional psychoanalysis in that:

it is warmer and more informal


just like transference but for the helper

Second wave feminism

liberal, cultural, radical, and socialist feminism

Jane is a 42-year-old married mother of 4 children who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis - a neurological disorder that often leads to motor weakness, speech disturbance, and other cognitive symptoms. She presented for counseling to Mark, who is currently involved in a solution-focused training program. As Mark conducted his intake assessment of Jane, he determined that Jane was experiencing symptoms of depression that were particularly related to her loss of sensation in her feet and lack of coordination. Jane further reported that as her symptoms have progressed, she is aware that when she goes out to run errands or do activities with her children, people generally treat her "differently" than before she became ill. In addition to empathic listening, Mark would most likely:

look for evidence of Jane's competence and strength

the basic or primary emotions include all of the following except

love - primary emotions: joy, sadness, anger, guilt/self-hostility, shame, fear, disgust, contempt, surprise, and interest/excitement

Doan (1998) suggested that the two central narratives that are common to all people are:

love and fear

which of the following is considered to be the main outcome of praise

maintaining a specific behavior

major goals of socialist feminists

major goal of therapy is to transform social relationships and institutions


means assigning readings to clients associated with their goals

Though not greeted enthusiastically by the ______ profession (1965), Glasser's theory was well received by many, including corrections personnel, youth workers, counselors, therapists, and educators.


objectives compared to goals are

more specific

PC actualizing tendency (pp 5)

most basic human process "to develop all its capacities..."

the current term for individuals or clients who identify with more than one culture is

multiple heritage

During parent consultatinos, helpers:

must recognize that children do not have the right to confidentitality

human _____ are the source of all human behavior


Glasser (1984) extended Powers' control theory (or control system theory) by incorporating a system of _______ to explain human ______ and then molded the theory to the clinical setting and the practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Choice theory = brain an input control system Human needs are the source of all human behavior Behavior = output to satisfy needs

needs; motivation

When the removal of a negative stimulus results in an increase in behavior, _____ has occurred.

negative reinforcement

In the New Testament, Paul reveals three crucial antidotes to fear-drenched anxiety. Which answer below is NOT one of them.

new purpose (the 3 antidotes are: prayer, refocused thinking, and imitative learning)

achieving credibility as a helper can be assured when

non of the above

The "diagnosis" in reality therapy is:

none of the above

A major influence of the evolution of narrative therapy was due to the fact that the founder(s) was/were

not intensively trained in the psychoanalytic tradition

From the point of view of reality therapy, the diagnostic labels described in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual are..

not static conditions

BT scientific approach


In order to uncover meaning in a client's story, a helper generally uses which two methods?

open questions and reflection of meaning

Feminist therapists assert that psychological dysfunction results from

oppression by the dominant culture

According to PC, living beings strive to maximize the ________ and avoid ___________ that are detrimental to it.

organism & avoid experiences (155)

when the helper reflects a feeling that is more intense than the client expressed


the "mum effect" refers to

people withhold feedback so as to not deliver bad news

Human beings see the world through a __________ system that functions as a set of lenses. -At a _____ level of perception, the person simply recognizes the world, giving names to objects and events, but does not make judgments about them. -At a ____ level of perception, the person puts a positive or negative value on the perception.

perceptual -low -high

major goals of liberal feminist therapy

personal empowerment of individual women, dignity, self-fulfillment, shared power in decision making in relationships, and equality. Seek to eliminate psychotherapy practices that support traditional socialization and are based on biased views about women and men.

Some feminist therapists share with _______ therapists

postmodern, because they emphasize politics and power relationships. Clients must take an active and equal role as the therapist

The GT therapist strives to create an authentic relationship with the client, which is referred to as the therapist's _______.

presence pg 218

One of the core strategies of dialectical behavior therapy is validation. The other core strategy is _____________.

problem solving

"Good life", according to Rogers, is a _______, not a ___________.

process, not a destination (159)

Self-actualizing tendency

propensity of the self to grow and maximize (pp 5)


proposing two separate developmental paths for women and men

postmodern feminists

provide a model for critiquing other traditional and feminist approaches, questioning what constitutes reality and proposing multiple truths as opposed to a single truth. Based on the assumption that reality is embedded in social relationships and historical contexts, and is socially created. Polarities such as masculine and feminine are deconstructed

the second step of reflecting feelings is

putting the emotions into words

The precise wants related to each need are examined so as to help clients fulfill their specific objectives or their ____ ____ _____

quality world wants.

what does the book say about asking questions at this point in your training?

questioning is not listening


reciprocal inhibition-classical

how can you avoid the common problem of waiting too long to relfect?

reflect even if you are uncertain

One of the difficulties of the use of aversive techniques, such as nausea-inducing drugs, is that

relapse is more common when the aversive consequences are no longer in place

ACT is based on the theoretical foundation of ___________.

relational frame theory

client/therapist relationship

relationship is based on mutuality, equality, and empowerment. Models how to use power responsibly. Therapist clearly states values, allowing client to choose whether or not to work with the therapist. Demystify counseling relationship by sharing the therapist's own perceptions of what is going on in the relationship, by making client an active partner in determining a diagnosis. Most importantly, the relationship is egalitarian

GT has three central elements:

relationship, awareness, and experiment pg 220

Wubbolding & Brickell (2009) suggest that in the perceptual system a middle level filter exists whereby human beings see _______ between people, things, ideas, etc., a necessary pre-requisite for placing a value on the perception.


Each person, in PC, has within him the _________ & _________ to grow and become a better person.

resources & strengths (154)

Wubbholding (2011a) describes three stages of healthy and unhealthy behaviors. Positive symptoms tend to appear in the ____________ of healthy, or growth progression.

second stage

Shanelle is seeing Betty F (the feminist therapist) because she is having panic attacks. In one session, Shanelle talks about her anger because Betty has so much power over her. Betty is likely to

see Shanelle's reaction as transference

what are the key components of self-esteem?

self-worth and efficacy

the WDEP system should not be seen as steps to be used __________ or mechanically; may be difficult to implement


Which of the following is NOT one of Reality Therapy's basic needs?


lesbian feminists

share commonalities with radical feminism. Calls for feminist theory to include analysis of intersections of a person's multiple identities and their relationship to oppression, and recognize diversity among lesbians.

which of these is not a type of summary mentioned in the text?

shifting topic summaries

Reality therapy had been criticized as merely a ____ ____ problem-solving method.


when a client consistently looks at the floor, arms folded, and seems disinterested, a helper should what?

should recognize that there are many possible reasons for this behavior


social learning- Bobo doll and learn through observations

major goals of cultural feminist therapy

social transformation through the infusion of feminine values into the culture

perspective on early development

societal gender-role expectations profoundly influence a person's identity from the moment of birth, and become deeply ingrained in adult personality

The counselor and client search for specific _______ related to effective need and want satisfaction especially directed toward a better sense of belonging and healthier relationships.


the first step in boiling down the problem is

summarizing the session content and issues

what is the last skill in the NLC?


CT human motivations

survival basic needs of humans are preservation, reproduction, dominance and sociability

BT human motivation

survival adaption to the environment: obtaining things or away from things

Mental disorders are seen as negative ________ (i.e., behaviors generated for a purpose—to fulfill wants and needs). -As goal-directed behaviors, negative symptoms can be replaced by more effective behaviors (i.e., positive symptoms).


techniques and strategies

tailor interventions to clients' strengths with the goal of empowering the client while evoking their feminist consciousness. Empowerment, self-disclosure, gender role analysis, gender role intervention, power analysis, bibliotherapy (self-help materials), assertiveness training, reframing and relabeling (shifting blame from the victim, and changing labels attached to a characteristic), social action (activism), and group work are all prominent techniques.

Global international feminists

take a worldwide perspective and seek to understand the ways in which racism, sexism, economics, and classism affect women in different countries. Women are challenged to recognize their ethnocentrism and stereotyping of women in different parts of the world. Recognize that each woman lives under a unique system of oppression.

Dwight is a well-trained Adlerian therapist. Richard has begun treatment with Dwight to relieve his feelings of anxiety that he experiences when giving presentations at work. During last week's session Dwight instructed Richard to visualize being at the ocean, a scene that brings pleasant feelings to Richard. Dwight then instructed Richard to visualize giving a presentation and focus on his feelings of anxiety. When Dwight reported to Richard that he felt substantially anxious, Richard instructed Dwight to again visualize being at the ocean and focus on the calm feelings that he experienced. The purpose of the intervention that Richard used was to:

teach Dwight that he has control over the feelings that he experiences.

Idea that human choices are not aimless or random, they are goal-oriented -they serve a purpose, which is to close the gap between the perception of what a person is getting and what he or she wants at any given moment


a signal summary

tells the client that you have understood thus far and can move on

Unique characteristics of a therapeutic relationship (compared to a friendship) include all of the following EXCEPT:

that both parties agree on a similar worldview.

reflecting meaning helps the client recognize

that this viewpoint is uniquely the client's, not the Truth

In solution-focused therapy, the counselor is most interested in

the absence of the problem

Mismatch between client and helper can result in

the client dropping out

In a narrative therapy session, whose language is used?

the clients

Dave has a shoe phobia. It has gotten so bad that he can't go to work because he works construction and his boss will not allow him to come to work barefoot. Dave consults with Phil the behavior therapist. Phil discovers that when Dave was young, his dad would beat Dave with his wingtips when he did something wrong. For Dave, shoes are:

the conditioned stimulus

what is the major problem with this reflection, "Your boss doesn't really support or have confidence in you"?

the focus is not on the client but on the other person

Jane is a 42-year-old married mother of 4 children who was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis - a neurological disorder that often leads to motor weakness, speech disturbance, and other cognitive symptoms. She presented for counseling to Mark, who is currently involved in a solution-focused training program. As Mark conducted his intake assessment of Jane, he determined that Jane was experiencing symptoms of depression that were particularly related to her loss of sensation in her feet and lack of coordination. Jane further reported that as her symptoms have progressed, she is aware that when she goes out to run errands or do activities with her children, people generally treat her "differently" than before she became ill. Marks asks Jane the question, "If while you were sleeping something happened to make everything better, how would you know that things were better in the morning?" Mark's question is an example of which of the following solution-focused interventions?

the miracle question

Internal locus of evaluation

the organismic valuing process (158)


the point that she is stuck pg 215

PC Self-Actualizing Tendency

the propensity of the self to grow and maximize (157)

According to reality therapy theory, personality is

the relative strengths of a person's basic needs

________________ is/are the key resource for knowing God and pursuing His plan for our lives.

the scriptures

Ideal Self

the self the person would like to be (157)

One of the biggest challenges in using exposure techniques is

the therapist tolerating the client's distress

In the process of therapy, an object relations therapist might be more likely to explore _______.

the therapists reaction to the client

The MOST powerful source of human behavior, according to Freud, is

the unconscious

What movement laid the foundation for feminist therapy?

the women's movement of the 1960s. Women began to express dissatisfaction with traditional roles. Came together to share their experiences and perceptions

which of the following is not a characteristic of constructive goals?

they are important to the helper

why are open questions favored

they do not limit a client's answer

friends and family tend to withhold accurate feedback because

they don't want to risk losing the relationship


things not already a part of the organism pg 208

Creative Adjustment

to describe this balance between changing the enviornment to meet the nees of the organism and changing the organism to fit the enviornment. pg 214

The end result of SP therapy is

to rebuild the self rather than gain insight or expansion of the ego's capacities

CT goal

to survive, to reproduce and be sociable

which is a purpose of feedback for helpers?

to tell clients how their behavior affects the helper and possibly others

major goals of radical feminist therapy

transform gender relationships, transform societal institutions, and increase women's sexual and procreative self-determination

The ultimate task of a Christian counselor is to be Christ's partner in the process of redemption and restoration.


What is usually the first step to take if you observe a peer or colleague acting in an unethical way?

try to informally resolve the issue by talking to the transgressor

the miracle question is one way to

turn a problem into a goal

Brief intervention strategies: Do the ________ -unpredictability is a quality that facilitates a helpful counseling or psychotherapy environment. Focusing on a strength, a success, or a time when the client felt good often generates the type of discussion that clients do not expect.


flexible-multicultural perspective

uses concepts and strategies that apply equally to individuals and groups


using male oriented constructs to draw conclusions about human, including female nature

Not only is the therapist aware of his own experience, but also this awareness is apparent in both _______ & __________ expression; feelings and reactions can be communicated to the client if this seems helpful.

verbal & nonverbal (163)

worldview includes

view of others, self, and the world


viewing heterosexual orientation as normative and desirable, devaluing lesbian, gay male, and bisexual orientations.

According to Adler, what children see in their parents' relationship will influence their:

views of partnership and the nature of the other sex

Susan is an analyst who is working with her client Chloe. Susan asks Chloe to "free associate" and tell her everything that comes into her mind. Chloe does not disclose everything that she is thinking because she does not feel that it is relevant to the session. Chloe has:

violated the Fundamental Rule of Psychoanalysis

As people grow, they develop specific _____ unique to themselves. -Though the behavior of all human beings is designed to fulfill inner _______, it differs according to ___ and _____

wants -needs; age; culture

W in WDEP Wants

wants, needs, perceptions

Along with _____, which are specific and unique for each person, ______ serve as the motivators or sources of all behavior.

wants; needs

"why?" questions are often asked when... ?

when a helper feels stuck


which is the rest of the experience pg 209

What led Glasser to develop Reality Therapy?

while working in a correctional institution and psychiatric hospital

Because behavior originates from _______, human beings are responsible for their behavior. In other words, we are all capable of ______. This change is brought about by choosing more _______ behaviors, especially the ______ component which is more easily controlled than the other components.

within; change -effective; action

According to Adler, which of the following basic tasks do most people succeed in?


which of these is a reflection of meaning?

you feel ashamed because you let someone down

which of these is a reflection of feeling?

you feel embarrassed about your behavior

which of these is not a reflection of feeling?

you felt as if you were never going to see them again

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